

Our Frugal Summer in Charente: An Expat's Kitchen Garden Journal
Our Frugal Summer in Charente: An Expat's Kitchen Garden Journal
Sarah Jane Butfield, Martin Papworth
Our Frugal Summer in Charente: An Expat's Kitchen Garden Journal
Glass Half Full: Our Australian Adventure
Glass Half Full: Our Australian Adventure
Sarah Jane Butfield
Glass Half Full: Our Australian Adventure
A szegén ember meg a t?z: Bukovinai székely népmesék II.
A szegén ember meg a t?z: Bukovinai székely népmesék II.
Asztalos Ágnes
Pentru c? jurnalul de scriitor al Aurei Christi – o parte a acestuia ap?rut ini?ial ?n dou? volume (Trei mii de semne ?i Foamea de a fi) – are circa o mie de pagini, la sugestia editorului, acestea au fost redistribuite ?n volume. Titlul Trei mii de semne (Editura Ideea European?, 2007) – edi?ie rev?zut? ?i ad?ugit? – a r?mas intact, pe c?nd Foamea de a fi (ed. I-a: Editura Contemporanul, 2010) apare cu titlul Coasta lui Apollo. Publicistica polemic? a fost organizat? ?ntr-un volum separat.?Am trecut pe l?ng? Academie, ?n a c?rei gr?din? am admirat ni?te castani b?tr?ni ?i at?t de m?ndri, Doamne, ?n solitudinea lor, dezvelit? ?n plin? urbe. Am urm?rit felul ?n care – ezit?nd parc? sau nu e dec?t o prejudecat? – c?deau ni?te castane; auzind pocnetul acela copil?ros ?i grav, care m-a dus cu g?ndul la o ?mplinire, apoi la un sf?r?it de drum, m-am oprit locului. Era o zi senin?; sufla un v?nt u?or ?i greu, de septembrie t?rziu, cu ochi ?ntuneca?i. Un septembrie cu cearc?ne de b?tr?n ?nsingurat. Dup? ce c?dea, straniu, nici o castan? parc? nu mai mi?ca; fiecare fruct r?m?nea pe locul desemnat parc? ?n timpul c?derii; da, fiecare castan? avea locul ei, ?tiut parc? ?nainte de a fi slobozit? pe asfaltul aleilor asimetrice sau pe p?m?ntul ?mp?nzit de frunze de un galben putred, uitat, ruginit. Privind acele castane, mi-am dorit ca poemele, eseurile ?i prozele mele s? se bucure de aceea?i, minunat?, ?nt?mplare: fiecare cuv?nt s? cad? ?n pagin? ca un fruct greu, copt, imposibil de urnit, fiecare cuv?nt s? r?m?n? ?n textura frazei, ca ?i cum ar fi acolo dintotdeauna.Prin urmare, rolul meu const? ?n dexteritatea r?bd?toare de a asista cuvintele, a?a cum Iosif – copilul f?nt?nii ?i al norocului – ajuta v?ntul ?n gr?dina de palmieri a prietenului faraonului, Putifar. (Aura Christi)
Care for Your Hamster (RSPCA Pet Guide)
Care for Your Hamster (RSPCA Pet Guide)
Published in association with the RSPCA, the UK’s leading animal welfare charity, this practical family guide is full of expert advice on how to choose a hamster and how best to look after it. If you already own or are planning to buy a hamster this easy-to-use introductory guide is a must. Clearly illustrated with colour photographs throughout, it covers all aspects of daily care including housing, feeding, handling, hygiene, exercise and first aid. Published in association with the experts at the RSPCA, this book will help you ensure that you are giving your hamster the best possible care.
A Short History of the Short Story:Western and Asian Traditions
A Short History of the Short Story:Western and Asian Traditions
Gulnaz Fatma
Worldwide Appreciation of the Short Story Form Spans Cultures and Centuries! In this concise volume, Gulnaz Fatma traces the short story from its origins in fables, ancient poetry, and tales such as The Arabian Nights, to its modern form in the early American stories of Irving, Poe, and Hawthorne, and then through the twentieth century and throughout the world. The elements of what makes a short story are presented along with a discussion of the difficulties in defining the genre. The short story's relation to the novel as well as its uniqueness as its own form are deftly presented. While the American and European traditions of the short story take up much of this book, the final chapter is a thorough presentation of the short story's development in India. Anyone interested in the short story--teachers, students, writers, and readers--will find this volume informative, thoughtful, and a welcome addition to our understanding of one of literature's most dynamic forms. Gulnaz Fatma is an Indian writer and author. She is a research scholar in the Department of English at Aligarh Muslim University in Aligarh, India. "As a fiction writer who has also taught the short story form, I was impressed by the thoroughness and insight presented in this concise book. Fatma's broad exploration of the short story form is backed by numerous supporting examples and her chapter on the short story in India will introduce many readers to that country's own literary gems." --Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D. and author of the award-winning Narrow Lives From the World Voices Series www.ModernHistoryPress.com Literary Criticism: Short Stories Literary Criticism: Asian - General
Zanna Bianca
Zanna Bianca
Jack London
Astfel de dic?ionare care s? te edifice asupra autorului, a operelor ?i a personajelor principale ale acestora n-au mai ap?rut p?n? acum la noi (desigur, ?n ce prive?te literatura universal?). Aici g?se?ti nu numai cuno?tin?ele necesare la orele rezervate lecturii obligatorii sau suplimentare din literatura universal?, ci ?i suficiente informa?ii care s? te incite la noi ?aventuri“ ale lecturii ?i, firesc, la l?rgirea universului intelectual.
Il libro della giungla
Il libro della giungla
Rudyard Kipling
Cosmoza, demonstrat? aproape matematic ?ntr-o construc?ie original?, este drumul sacru al ?mplinirii. Iubirea cosmic? e ideea de raport ?ntre Dumnezeu ?i lume, un raport ?ntemeiat pe compatibilitate ?i justificat prin deosebire. F?r? ea, crea?ia s-ar destr?ma. Cu ea, cele dep?rtate se apropie, se unesc, se ?nal?? ?i devin asemenea. Un parcurs temerar al g?ndului ?ntre generarea, degenerarea ?i regenerarea noastr?.Un demers care une?te prin metafizic? ?i metafor? trecutul cu viitorul, Orientul cu Occidentul, credin?a cu ?tiin?a, matematica cu teologia. Un eseu holistic profund ?i liric pres?rat cu sentin?e ingenue ?i disec?ii nemiloase. O carte despre cunoa?tere, care se cite?te cu creionul ?n m?n?...
Save The Last Breath
Save The Last Breath
Tolulope Williams
Save The Last Breath
The Chicken Field and Other Stories
The Chicken Field and Other Stories
Brandy Rose
The Chicken Field and Other Stories
45 DIY Natural Homemade Liquid Soap Recipes
45 DIY Natural Homemade Liquid Soap Recipes
Rachael Miller
45 DIY Natural Homemade Liquid Soap Recipes
Artillery of the Warsaw Pact
Artillery of the Warsaw Pact
Russell Phillips
Artillery of the Warsaw Pact
Recht skurril: Die kuriosesten F?lle vor Gericht
Recht skurril: Die kuriosesten F?lle vor Gericht
Walter Schlegel
Recht skurril: Die kuriosesten F?lle vor Gericht
What I Learned at Dartmouth, The $300,000 Education
What I Learned at Dartmouth, The $300,000 Education
Bill the Geek
What I Learned at Dartmouth, The $300,000 Education
Tharos: The Origin
Tharos: The Origin
Joshua Okoromodeke
Tharos: The Origin
The Functional Microfinance Bank: Strategies for Survival
The Functional Microfinance Bank: Strategies for Survival
Henry Oster Onyemah
The Functional Microfinance Bank: Strategies for Survival
Cryptocurrency Mining: A Comprehensive Introduction To Master Mining Cryptocurre
Cryptocurrency Mining: A Comprehensive Introduction To Master Mining Cryptocurre
Jeffrey Miller
Cryptocurrency Mining: A Comprehensive Introduction To Master Mining Cryptocurrencies in 2018
Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing
Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing
Sean Bennett
Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing
American Living Large in Mexico
American Living Large in Mexico
Bill the Geek
American Living Large in Mexico
Animals from North Africa, North America and Eurasia
Animals from North Africa, North America and Eurasia
My Ebook Publishing House
Animals from North Africa, North America and Eurasia
Chakras & intelligences multiples
Chakras & intelligences multiples
Patricia Chaibriant
Chakras & intelligences multiples
Buying Real Estate
Buying Real Estate
Liam S. Parker
Buying Real Estate