

S?nge albastru
S?nge albastru
Dascălu Bogdan Mihai
Citindu-l, recitindu-l pe Nietzsche, citind i recitind nietzscheenii, dostoievskienii, m recream, m remodelam, strunjindu-m pe mine nsmi i, n acelai timp, m reapropiam altminteri, de fiecare dat, de continentul Nietzsche, iar n timp probabil, iari i iari, mai rapid – prin intermediul celui care l-a creat pe Zarathustra – de mine nsmi. Scrierile mele, romanele, poemele, eseurile se afl, volens nolens, sub auspiciile dionisiace ale acestui scriitor spre care m harponeaz, instinctiv, de bun seam, i voina de a deveni ceea ce sunt: poet. Un poet care propaga un soi de stranie religie a viului, n esen de neexprimat, o religie-mit de sorginte nietzschean, construit pe un exces de personalitate.(...) Boala, cu un pic de noroc, poate fi pintenul dat de un nesfrit zeu rutcios i perspicace n bolgiile luminoase ale destinului. ntlnirea mea cu acest spectacol de un dramatism randiose – care este Nietzsche – din ntmplare cred c s-a transformat n destin. Da. i totodat n voina de Destin“. – Aura Christi.Am terminat de citit cu nfrigurare Nietzsche i Marea Amiaz (oricum, verbul a citi nu sintetizeaz dect imperfect efortul sinestezic pe care-l necesit o carte att de complex i de bogat n idei). La un prim nivel, volumul poate fi lecturat ca un impresionant catalog al marilor teme“ din literatura european (german, francez, englez, rus, romn), aceea nrudit, direct sau indirect, cu suflul zarathustrian al fostului profesor de la Universitatea din Basel. La un nivel secund ns, mult mai profund i mai semnificativ, el este un elogiu excepional adus vitalismului injectat de solarul divin, reflectat magistral prin textele unor Berdiaev, Sestov, Kierkegaard i mai ales Nietzsche. Filiaia cea mai puternic i mai transparent care mi vine n minte dup parcurgerea paginilor tale este Rudolf Otto: dei nu are nevoie s-l citeze niciodat explicit, cartea este infuzat de conceptul de numinos, acel sacru inefabil intuit de teologul german n lucrarea sa capital, Das Heilige. Te felicit pentru acest volum, exemplar n toate sensurile, i sunt convins c oamenii crora li se adreseaz nu vor mai fi aceiai dup parcurgerea sa.“ – Ctlin Ghi.
Labirintul haosului meu
Labirintul haosului meu
Vestemean Ciprian
Ca orice construc?ie solid?, ?i un sistem de g?ndire se pl?smuie?te pe structura unor con?cepte fundamentale cu func?ii vitaminizante pentru ?ntreaga desf??urare a g?ndului ?i pen?tru ?nchegarea lui ?ntr?o viziune articulat? ?i complex?, marcat? de cele dou? condi?ii indis?pensabile unui sistem: completitudinea ?i non?contradic?ia. ?i mai preciz?m, chiar cu riscul suspiciunii de banal, c? un sistem de g?ndire articulat nu las? ?i nu trebuie s? lase r?m??i?e sau componente necuprinse ?n ansamblu. C?ci un sistem incomplet, cu resturi sau componen?te r?mase ?n afara ?ntregului ??i pierde carac?teristica de sistem. S? preciz?m totu?i c? vorbim despre sis?tem ?ntr?un loc unde, nu doar c? lipse?te, dar a ?i fost repudiat cu o insisten?? repetat? ?i ?n?d?rjit?. Nu spun c? furia lui Cioran ?mpotriva ideii de sistem filosofic nu??i are ra?iunile ei, spun doar c? chiar acolo unde este t?g?duit?, o anumit? viziune de ansamblu asupra lumii este totu?i implicit?. Nu se poate vorbi despre parte, despre fragment f?r? s? se aib? ?n vede?re imaginea totului ?i felul cum o diviziune este a?ezat? ?n p?ntecul exist?rii. Ionel Necula
Cehov Anton Pavlovici
Chipul cotropit pe partea dreapt de urmrile unei intervenii chirurgicale pstreaz, n mare, farmecul i drzenia. Prul strns n cretet i barba abundent te-ar trimite cu gndul la marii pontifi hiperboreeni sau la preoii taoiti, dac vioiciunea i gesticulaia nu te-ar opri la timp. tie multe, dar mrturisete puine. Viaa l-a fcut prudent. Cine i va dezvlui spiritul profund Poetul i savantul nu au fcut niciodat concesii. Nici omul nu are pe contiin fapte grandilocvent-regretabile, dei a stat sub vremi, iar ideologia marxist i-a fcut pe muli s-i ascund spiritul critic.“ – Gheorghe Postelnicu
45 DIY Natural Homemade Liquid Soap Recipes
45 DIY Natural Homemade Liquid Soap Recipes
Rachael Miller
45 DIY Natural Homemade Liquid Soap Recipes
Simple Exfoliating and Moisturizing Soap Bars: Naturally Gentle Homemade Soap Re
Simple Exfoliating and Moisturizing Soap Bars: Naturally Gentle Homemade Soap Re
Deborah Smith
Simple Exfoliating and Moisturizing Soap Bars: Naturally Gentle Homemade Soap Recipes
The Chicken Field and Other Stories
The Chicken Field and Other Stories
Brandy Rose
The Chicken Field and Other Stories
Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing
Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing
Sean Bennett
Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing
Cryptocurrency Mining: A Comprehensive Introduction To Master Mining Cryptocurre
Cryptocurrency Mining: A Comprehensive Introduction To Master Mining Cryptocurre
Jeffrey Miller
Cryptocurrency Mining: A Comprehensive Introduction To Master Mining Cryptocurrencies in 2018
Animals from North Africa, North America and Eurasia
Animals from North Africa, North America and Eurasia
My Ebook Publishing House
Animals from North Africa, North America and Eurasia
What I Learned at Dartmouth, The $300,000 Education
What I Learned at Dartmouth, The $300,000 Education
Bill the Geek
What I Learned at Dartmouth, The $300,000 Education
The Functional Microfinance Bank: Strategies for Survival
The Functional Microfinance Bank: Strategies for Survival
Henry Oster Onyemah
The Functional Microfinance Bank: Strategies for Survival
Artillery of the Warsaw Pact
Artillery of the Warsaw Pact
Russell Phillips
Artillery of the Warsaw Pact
Animals from Australia
Animals from Australia
My Ebook Publishing House
Animals from Australia
Buying Real Estate
Buying Real Estate
Liam S. Parker
Buying Real Estate
American Living Large in Mexico
American Living Large in Mexico
Bill the Geek
American Living Large in Mexico
Chakras & intelligences multiples
Chakras & intelligences multiples
Patricia Chaibriant
Chakras & intelligences multiples
Saris and a Single Malt
Saris and a Single Malt
Sweta Srivastava Vikram
Saris and a Single Malt is a moving collection of poems written by a daughter for and about her mother. The book spans the time from when the poet receives a phone call in New York City that her mother is in a hospital in New Delhi, to the time she carries out her mother's last rites. The poems chronicle the author's physical and emotional journey as she flies to India, tries to fight the inevitable, and succumbs to the grief of living in a motherless world. This collection will move you, astound you, and make you hug your loved ones. "There are few books like Saris and a Single Malt in which the loss of a mother, a homeland, and the self come together in a sustained elegy." --Justen Ahren, Director Noepe Center, Author of A Strange Catechism "In life, as in poetry, one must come from the heart. Sweta Vikram has done both with touching eloquence. Her work resonates deeply within one's deepest emotional sacristy." --Sharon Kapp, Owner & Founder, Houston Yoga & Ayurvedic Wellness Center "Saris and a Single Malt is a fitting and delightful tribute of a writer daughter to her affectionate mother which goes deep into the minds of all children who love their moms." --K. V. Dominic, English language poet, critic, short-story writer, and editor from Kerala, India Sweta Srivastava Vikram, featured by Asian Fusion as "one of the most influential Asians of our time," is an award-winning writer, Pushcart Prize nominee, author of ten books, and a wellness practitioner. A graduate of Columbia University, Sweta performs her work, teaches creative writing workshops, and gives talks at universities and schools across the globe. Learn more at www.swetavikram.com From the World Voices Series at Modern History Press www.ModernHistoryPress.com POE005060 POETRY / American / Asian American
U.P. Reader:Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World -- Issue #1
U.P. Reader:Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World -- Issue #1
Mikel B. Classen
Michigan's Upper Peninsula is blessed with a treasure chest of writers and poets, all seeking to capture the diverse experiences of Yooper Life. Now U.P. Reader offers a rich collection of their voices that embraces the U.P.'s natural beauty and way of life, along with a few surprises.The twenty-eight works in this first annual volume take readers on a U.P. road trip from the Mackinac Bridge to Menominee. Every page is rich with descriptions of the characters and culture that make the Upper Peninsula worth living in and writing about.Whether you're a native Yooper or just wish you were, you'll love U.P. Reader and want to share it with all your Yooper family and friends."U.P. Reader offers a wonderful mix of storytelling, poetry, and Yooper culture. Here's to many future volumes!" --Sonny Longtine, author of Murder in Michigan's Upper Peninsula"Share in the bounty of Michigan's Upper Peninsula with those who love it most. The U.P. Reader has something for everyone. Congratulations to my writer and poet peers for a job well done." --Gretchen Preston, Vice President,?Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association"As readers embark upon this storied landscape, they learn that the people of Michigan's Upper Peninsula offer a unique voice, a tribute to a timeless place too long silent." --Sue Harrison, international bestselling author of Mother Earth Father Sky"I was amazed by the variety of voices in this volume. U.P. Reader offers a little of everything, from short stories to nature poetry, fantasy to reality, Yooper lore to humor. I look forward to the next issue." --Jackie Stark, editor, Marquette Monthly"Like the best of U.P. blizzards, U.P. Reader covers all of Upper Michigan in the variety of its offerings. A fine mix of nature, engaging characters, the supernatural, poetry, and much more." --Karl Bohnak, TV 6 meteorologist and author of??So Cold a Sky: Upper Michigan Weather StoriesU.P. Reader is sponsored by the Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association (UPPAA) a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. ?A portion of proceeds from each copy sold will be donated to the UPPAA for its educational programming. Learn more at www.UPReader.org
Csüllög Ferenc
40 éves lettem. Bibliai értelemben – ha egy emberéletet 80 esztend?ben mérünk – eljutottam az élet felére. Ezért a cím: Félélet. 6 k?tet, kisregények sorozata után elgondolkodtam, miért is írok, hogyan jutottam el addig a pontig, amikor tollat vettem a kezembe. Végül ráj?ttem, és magam is meglep?dtem, hogy az els? nyomtatásban megjelent írásom 1996-ból való, ha innen indulok, akkor az életem felében írtam. Mindenfélét: verset, cikket, naplót, t?rténeteket. Ezekb?l állt ?ssze ez, az életem els? felét ?sszegz? k?tet. Nem változtattam a rég leírt szavakon, gondolatokon, akkor és ott jók voltak, ma is megfelelnek. Sokan kísértek az úton. K?sz?net jár mindazoknak, akiket illet, hogy eddig eljutottam. Indulok tovább. 2017. október 13. Csüll?g Ferenc
Been There, Noted That: Essays In Tribute To Life
Been There, Noted That: Essays In Tribute To Life
Stephen Geez
Been There, Noted That features 54 personal-experience essays by novelist Stephen Geez. Written from 1994 to 2010, all are based on true experiences, observations, and opinions. Each features original artwork or photography by contributor-members of Fresh Ink Group, including many fan favorites. The majority of the essays and the full-color versions of their images have appeared at StephenGeez.com. Some were published elsewhere—often in varying versions—including magazines, newspapers, journals, other websites, and a Chicken Soup book. Many of these essays and their art are have never been posted, appearing in this anthology for the first time. Some of the images used in earlier editions have been replaced with new ones for this 2018 re-issue and the new first-time hardcover edition. All 54 essays have been assembled in response to loyal readers asking for a collection in book form. Some essay topics may well resonate with you more than others. Some likely will remind you of people who might appreciate your thinking of them as you pass along these sentiments. Three essays convey direct messages you could bookmark and share: appreciation for friendship, birthday wishes, and graduation congratulations. Four offer remembrance, tributes to people Geez has lost, a way to share our search for meaning as we grieve. If you enjoy this collection, please visit the website and refer your friends and family. Look for the latest material and encores of older classics at the site. Discover Geez novels, heartfelt tales in a variety of genres, all crafted to make us think. Share your thoughts on these essays and other Geez projects via the Contact form through the site. Learn more about Fresh Ink Group’s writers, artists, photographers, experts, and more books at FreshInkGroup.com. Authors can find information and support at GeezWriter.com and GeezandWeeks.com. These narratives range from cautionary tales to poignant pokes at our uniquely human foibles, but all offer chances to celebrate who we are and how much we mean to each other.
Jeff Bezos: La Fuerza Detrás de la Marca
Jeff Bezos: La Fuerza Detrás de la Marca
JR MacGregor
Su historia es diferente a la de las otras personas exitosas en la historia. Su ética laboral es conocida, pero a la vez diferente. ?Qué hay en él que lo hace un súper triunfador? ?Qué lo hace conducir intensamente hacia sus objetivos? ?Por qué puede convertir una idea en un éxito sorprendente? Léelo, y descúbrelo. La necesidad de comprender a los que triunfan más allá de nuestra propia imaginación es inherente a todos nosotros. El deseo innato es impulsado por nuestra profunda y subyacente necesidad de encontrar mejores formas para lograr nuestros objetivos, comprender nuestros sue?os y elevarnos hasta lograr nuestros desafíos.?Este libro trata sobre los eventos subyacentes de Jeff Bezos y las formas en que influyeron en su vida, además de conocer la forma en que respondió y los usó para su beneficio. El libro no pretende conocer las fibras que componen el contenido de su corazón; ningún hombre puede saberlo. Pero lo que hace es encadenar múltiples eventos y ver las sombras que proyecta.Todo eso es descrito para que usted pueda encontrar los elementos que podrían ser su semilla, logro y grandeza. La historia de Bezos traza el camino desde que fue joven, observa sus acciones y logros, y descifra la existencia de su mayor logro, Amazon, de una manera que refleja su carácter, intelecto y educación.