Szívhang 550–551.
Szívhang 550–551.
Fáj még, de kezelhet?, Engedd be a napfényt!
Fáj még, de kezelhet?, Engedd be a napfényt!
Szívhang 546–547. - Kócos megment?, Baba a fiókban
Szívhang 546–547. - Kócos megment?, Baba a fiókban
Bálint-napi csók (Melbourne-i szülészn?k 1.)
Bálint-napi csók (Melbourne-i szülészn?k 1.)
Akinek a kedve dacos
Akinek a kedve dacos
Sour: My Story - Part 2 of 3
Sour can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3. They call me Sour. The opposite of sweet. Shanking, stabbing, steaming, robbing, I did it all, rolling with the Man Dem. I did it because I was bad. I did it because I had heart. And the reason I reckon I got away with it for so long? Because I was a girl. SOUR is the true story of a former Brixton gang girl, drug dealer and full-time criminal. A member of the Younger 28s, a notorious gang that terrorised the postcodes around Brixton in the 90s, Sour escapes a troubled family life to immerse herself in the street life of likking and linking. She never leaves her house without a knife. At the age of fifteen, she stabs an innocent man in the street, earning her unrivalled respect and ‘Top-Dog’ status amongst her crew. She believes she is invincible. But the consequences of her actions are soon to catch up with her. Waking for the second time in two weeks in a hospital bed, to the news that she is pregnant, she realises it’s time to turn her life around. Motherhood will be a rude awakening, but it may also be her saving grace. Told with raw emotions and ferocious honesty, this is the real, on-the-record, story of one woman’s descent down the rabbit hole of gangland, and her efforts, as a daughter, mother and girlfriend, to claw herself out.
Nowhere to Go: Part 2 of 3
Bestselling author and foster carer Casey Watson shares the shocking true story of Tyler, an abused eleven-year-old who, after stabbing his step-mother, had nowhere else to go. Knowing a little of Tyler’s past – his biological mother, a heroin addict, died of an overdose when he was three – Casey feels bound to do her best for him. It isn’t easy; Tyler continuously lashes out, even trying to attack Casey herself. Investigation into his earlier childhood reveals why: forced to watch his mother die he was found emaciated and traumatised two days later, then delivered to a father who didn’t want him and a step-mother who beat him. With the horrific events of his past now vividly affecting the course of his present, Casey and her husband Mike are determined to veer him away from the violence and drugs they fear he will come to depend on. Heartbreaking and profoundly moving, Nowhere to Go tells the story of a child forsaken by his family but fought for by his foster carers.
Daddy’s Little Princess: Part 2 of 3
The latest title from the internationally bestselling author and foster carer Cathy Glass. Beth is a sweet-natured child who appears to have been well looked after. But it isn’t long before Cathy begins to have concerns that the relationship between Beth and her father is not as it should be. Little Beth, aged 7, has been brought up by her father Derek after her mother left when she was a toddler. When Derek is suddenly admitted to hospital with psychiatric problems Beth is taken into care and arrives at Cathy’s. Beth and her father clearly love each other very much and Derek spoils his daughter, treating her like a princess, but there is something bothering Cathy, something she can’t quite put her finger on. Meanwhile Cathy’s husband is working away a lot and coming home less at weekends. Then, suddenly, everything changes. Events take a dramatic turn for both Beth and Cathy and her family; as Cathy strives to pick up the pieces all their lives are changed forever.
O inim? de Broscu??.Volumul XI.Fa?elele hazardului
Am nceput s scriu pentru c aa am simit chemarea. E la fel ca preoia: devii pstor de suflete pentru c ai trimitere de sus, de la Tata. Aa s-a croit i destinul meu. Probabil c obria mea flticenean e de vin. n acest loc binecuvntat am crescut i am primit educaie. colile, dasclii, istoria literar a oraului – nesat de nume mari i sonore, care au trecut i trit pe aici – mi-au creat creuzetul. Mai departe a trebuit s muncesc singur, ca un rob, pe aceast plantaie plin ochi de litere, cuvinte i fraze. Aa am fost, sunt i voi rmne: un ego ce intersecteaz anii pe orizontal i vertical, aducndu-mi i eu, la rndul meu, contribuia pe care un ora minunat, numit Flticeni, mi-o cere. Mark Twain spunea: Dou zile sunt importante n viaa unui om: ziua n care s-a nscut i ziua n care a aflat de ce. Tu, cititorule, ai aflat” (Romulus Andriescu)
Toszkán éjszakák/ Monte-carlói futam/ Melyik az igazi?
Toszkán éjszakák/ Monte-carlói futam/ Melyik az igazi?
Mindenjó, ha vége jó/ Szex az exszel/ Az elvarázsolt kastély
Mindenjó, ha vége jó/ Szex az exszel/ Az elvarázsolt kastély
Cselsz?vés Hollywoodban
Cselsz?vés Hollywoodban
The Secret Agent
A member of an anarchist cell and a secret agent Mr. Verloc is ordered to carry out a terrorist attack on Greenwich Observatory by a bomb explosion. The novel is set in London and follows lives of Verloc, who also owns a sex shop, and his friends, a group of anarchists, largely ineffectual as terrorists, yet well known to the police.
A sequel to Stevenson's previous novel Kidnapped. This time the central character is kidnapped again and confined on the Bass Rock, an island. David also meets and falls in love with Catriona MacGregor Drummond, the daughter of James MacGregor Drummond, known as James More, also held in prison, whose escape she engineers.
In the South Seas
For nearly ten years my health had been declining; and for some while before I set forth upon my voyage, I believed I was come to the afterpiece of life, and had only the nurse and undertaker to expect. It was suggested that I should try the South Seas; and I was not unwilling to visit like a ghost, and be carried like a bale, among scenes that had attracted me in youth and health. I chartered accordingly Dr. Merrit’s schooner yacht, the Casco, seventy-four tons register; sailed from San Francisco towards the end of June 1888, visited the eastern islands, and was left early the next year at Honolulu.
The Way of the World: A Comedy
Mirabell and Fainall have just finished playing cards. A footman comes and tells Mirabell that Waitwell and Foible were married that morning. Mirabell tells Fainall about his love of Millamant and is encouraged to marry her. Witwoud and Petulant appear and Mirabell is informed that should Lady Wishfort marry, he will lose ?6000 of Millamant's inheritance. He will only get this money if he can make Lady Wishfort consent to his and Millamant's marriage.
The Raja Yoga: A Series of Lessons
An introduction and a form of initiation into the science of Raja Yoga. The series of lessons designed to enlighten regarding the nature of the real self, and to instruct in the secret knowledge the consciousness and realization of the real self.
The Blue Cross
Farther Brown may be walking into a trap when he tries to save his soul as his precious Blue Cross is targeted by the notorious criminal Flambeau.
The Art Of War
The Art of War is written by Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is the definitive work on classic military strategy and tactics. The book influenced Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond.
The Scottish local community mobilises to uncover and thwart the conspiracy against a Russian woman, and to defend the neutrality of Scotland against the Russian Bolshevik agents.
The Lady of the Barge and Other Stories
An exciting collection of stories from W.W. Jacobs, a London based novelist famous for his horror and travel stories. This volume includes some of his iconic work: The Monkey's Paw, The Lady of the Barge, Bill's Paper Chase, The Well, Cupboard Love, In the Library, Captain Rogers, A Tiger's Skin, A Mixed Proposal, An Adulteration Act, A Golden Venture, and Three at Table.