
?n misiune cu Marian: Eu nu-s pitic, am ghiozdanul mare!
Monumentala monografie dedicat? unuia dintre cei mai mari romancieri ai lumii are avantajul de a sintetiza o bun? parte din bibliografia scris? pe marginea operei uria?ului care a semnat, ?ntre altele, capodopera Crima ?i pedeaps?. Ion Iano?i plaseaz? ?ac?iunea“, firul epic al cercet?rii ?ntreprinse ?n contextul secolului al XIX-lea, astfel ?nc?t eroii vie?ii literare de atunci se contureaz? pregnant, provoc?tor de viu.

Business Value in an Ocean of Data: Data Mining from a User Perspective
Business Value in an Ocean of Data: Data Mining from a User Perspective

Behind the Smile: Exceptional Poetic Renderings
Come, take a peek Behind the Smile; a world you’ve never known before awaits your pleasures for a while … there’s wonderment for you in store. ? From Free Verse poetry to Sonnets, Ballads, and many more poetic forms and styles, this incomparably amazing collection of 145 selected poems by master poet Richard W. Jenkins is not your everyday smattering of poetic jargon. They will captivate and embrace your senses, taking you on a metaphorical journey of inner exploration and sheer enthrallment that will entice you irresistibly back into their pages—time and again. Aficionados will appreciate the author’s breakdowns of the poems’ 52 forms, including some of his widely used originals. This treasure belongs within easy reach of every poetry lover. ? Whom could who feels what all we do not yearn a deeper bite, when each delicious taste we take flavors our world just right?

O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul 7. Intersectarea destinelor abandonate
Volumul reune?te c?teva studii ?i eseuri care interogheaz? rela?ia controversat? ?n ?tiin?a actual? dintre comparatism ?i germanistic?, respectiv noua paradigm? cu preten?ii salvatoare, ?germanistica intercultural?“, aduc?nd ?n scen? c?teva analize consacrate scriitorilor germani mai vechi ?i mai noi sau unor probleme de estetic? a crea?iei. Incitante sunt perspectivele deschise de investigarea fenomenologiei faustice ?n hermeneutica lui Ernst Bloch ?i Constantin Noica ?i nu mai pu?in interesante sunt spa?iile de cercetare asupra operei lui Lucian Blaga ?n context german ?i cele dedicate lui Heidegger ?i implica?iei sale politice.Reflex al dublei direc?ii pe care o reprezint? de fapt toate volumele lui Vasile Voia, cartea de fa?? este expresia unei dimensiuni de profunzime ?i, desigur, am putea spune, a unicit??ii ei ?n cultura noastr? actual?. Ea ?mbin? inspirat un comparatism al ideilor cu estetic? ?i filosofia, realiz?nd interferen?a ?i unitatea la nivelul superior al discursului critic.

Secretele celor mai s?n?to?i copii din lume.
Din ?nsemn?rile de scriitor al autorului (Vreme ?nchis?), realizate cu consecven?? ?ncep?nd cu anul 1979 (?i adus p?n? ?n actualitate ?i reprezent?nd ?n primul r?nd cronica unor campanii de geolog prospector care ?i-a desf??urat activitatea ?n cele mai diferite col?uri ale ??rii), nu puteau s? lipseasc? nota?iile privind aspecte din via?? literar? ca atare; ?n selec?ia Scene din via?a literar? sunt deci consemnate scene, portrete, dialoguri, ?nt?lniri cu scriitori, arti?ti plastici, actori, muzicieni, al?i oameni de cultur?. C?teva fragmente edificatoare privind aceast? tem? au ap?rut deja ?n revistele Arge? ?i Oglinda literar? (chiar sub titlul Scene din via?a literar?), dar ?i sub alte titluri: ?n Via?a Rom?neasc? (Medalion Mircea Ciobanu), ?n Luceaf?rul (Via?a cu num?rul 13), ?n Ziua literar? (Am fost ?mpin?i la margine...). Sunt de re?inut relat?rile cu privire la constr?ngerile impuse de cenzura necru??toare ?i la numeroasele stratageme prin care scriitorii c?utau s? ob?in? ?bunul de tipar“ ?i ?bunul de difuzare“, ?n condi?iile de nesiguran?? ?n care se desf??ura activitatea creatorilor de arta ?n comunism, dar ?i atelierul de crea?ie propriu-zis al autorului, care ?n perioada respectiv? lucra la romanele R?m??agul, Curtea Interioar?, Capcana de piatr?, ap?rute ?n acei ani, dar ?i texte de sertar; ?n jurnalul de scriitor vom ?nt?lni, cum ?i era de a?teptat, numeroase referiri la opera proprie, edit? sau inedit? ?n acel moment, dar ?i la operele colegilor de genera?ie sau ale clasicilor.

Supergenele. Desc?tu?eaz? puterea uluitoare a ADN-ului pentru o s?n?tate
Cartea este rezultatul unor studii aprofundate intreprinse de autoare ?n domeniul stilurilor de via?? contemporane, rom?ne?ti dar ?i din alte p?r?i ale lumii. Cercetarea acestora a fost f?cut? intensiv mai ales ?n ultimii zece ani. La baza acestor texte stau, ?n primul r?nd, interven?iile hebdomadare ale autoarei la emisiunea Tenta?ii culturale de la Radio Rom?nia Cultural. Evident, ?n transformarea unor ?pastile“ radiofonice ?ntr-un volum de eseuri ?nchegate, structurate tematic ?i revizuite stilistic a fost parcurs? o cale lung?. Din bogata tematic? a lucr?rii, men?ion?m: ?ocurile cotidianului; pierderile pe care le implica adaptarea; cum au schimbat telefoanele mobile fa?a lumii; civiliza?ia str?zii (ieri ?i azi); cultura ?n autobuz; la bibliotec?, prin biblioteci; ?n pia??, la coada, la doctor; ?n c?l?torie, din c?l?torii; prin ora?e mari ?i mici; despre comis-voiajori, despre bac?i?; nun?i, botezuri, funeralii... Cartea este scrisa ?ntr-un stil simplu, accesibil ?i ludic. Se adreseaz? speciali?tilor ?n istorie social?, antropologie, psihologie de mas?, reform? social?, dar ?i publicului cultivat, ?n general.

Dragoste n-are plural
Primul meu interviu cu Florian Lungu s-a consumat la sf?r?itul anului 1994, ?n c?m?ru?a sa de la cap?tul etajului IV din Radio, acolo unde cutiile cu benzile de magnetofon st?teau mai s? cad? peste el, printre ness-uri ?i ?ig?ri. Ideea era s? apar? ?n revista ?Panoramic Radio-TV” ?n jur de 5 ianuarie, c?nd e n?scut. ?i aceast? carte trebuia s? apar? pe 5 ianuarie 2016, dar n-a fost s? fie; ?ns? mai bine mai t?rziu… ?n fine, au trecut peste 20 de ani, eu am avut privilegiul – ca redactor TVR – s?-l intervievez ?nc? de multe ori, s? realizez chiar o emisiune la TVR Cultural, vreo doi ani, numit? ?Jazz Restitutio”, ?ntr-un studiou improvizat la Mo?u acas? – el antama invitatul, ?l aducea acolo, noi filmam dialogul dintre cei doi ?i ad?ugam imaginile de ilustra?ie, deopotriv? arhiv? ?i evenimente recente. Am tr?it momente inedite al?turi de candidul ?i glume?ul jazzman ?i jazzolog (de?i de c?nd se ?tie a luat aceast? muzic? ?n serios c?t i-a stat lui ?n putin??, ba ?i ?n exces, ceea ce i-a afectat s?n?tatea grav ?n mai multe r?nduri). Nu se pot uita bancurile lui Mo?u de la G?r?na, spuse pe marea scen?, ca ?i modul ?n care prezint? el sponsorii festivalului, martori sunt spectatorii (cu zecile de mii) de la fiecare edi?ie. ?n particular, eu p?strez mai multe amintiri: o tab?r? de jazz de la Jup?ne?ti, primul interviu filmat ?n care mi-a vorbit de Richard Oschanitzky, prima lui ?nt?lnire cu Alexander B?l?nescu (aranjat? de noi la un hotel, atunci c?nd muzicianul a lansat ?n concert discul ?Maria T”), dialogul s?u cu Johnny R?ducanu filmat ?n Club A pentru emisiunea ?Remix”, ori acela cu marele pianist Jancy Korossy, acas? la Mo?u, pentru ?Jazz Restitutio”… (Doru Ionescu)

Miasma. Tratat de rezisten?a materialelor
P?n? la biografia scris? de ?pek ?al??lar ?i v?ndut? ?n Turcia ?n peste o jum?tate de milion de exemplare, s-au ?tiut destul de pu?ine lucruri despre Latife Han?m, singura so?ie a generalul Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, ?ntemeietorul Republicii Turce care a r?mas ?n istorie ca unul dintre cei mai charismatici lideri politici din primele decenii ale secolului al XX-lea. ?ntr-o epoc? ?n care educarea femeilor era considerat? inutil? ?i chiar primejdioas?, Latife era o t?n?r? intelectual? care studiase dreptul la Sorbona, vorbea fluent opt limbi str?ine ?i era extrem de ?nzestrat? pentru arte, literatur? ?i muzic?. ?nc? dinainte de a se c?s?tori, a fost o militant? pasionat? pentru drepturile femeilor turce ?i visa ridicarea acestora la acela?i nivel de progres social ?i cultural ca al surorilor lor europene. Hot?r?t? s? pun? cap?t tradi?iilor care ?nrobiser? femeile timp de secole, doamna Atatürk a devenit simbolul noilor femei turce ?n eliberarea de restric?iile musulmane ale haremului ?i v?lului. ?O carte bogat?, surprinz?toare ?i profund?.“ Orhan Pamuk

Domain 360: The Fundamentals of Buying & Selling Domain Names
Domain 360: The Fundamentals of Buying & Selling Domain Names

The Witch Must Burn
There’s a new Wicked Witch in Oz—and her name is Dorothy. This digital original novella is the second installment in the prequel arc to the edgy and exciting New York Times bestseller Dorothy Must Die.Dorothy Gale is back . . . and she’s not the sweet little heroine of Oz anymore. She’s power-hungry and vicious, and she leaves a trail of destruction beneath her spike-heeled, magical shoes. But behind the scenes, there’s someone else pulling the strings. Someone who doesn’t want fame or glory—just control.Glinda of the North brought Dorothy back to Oz for a reason. And in The Witch Must Burn, a young maid is about to discover that a witch who says she’s Good might be the most dangerous kind of Wicked.The Witch Must Burn, by debut author Danielle Paige, is a dark and compelling reimagining of a beloved classic and is perfect for fans of Cinder by Marissa Meyer, Beastly by Alex Flinn, and Wicked by Gregory Maguire.

Queen Song
In this 55-page prequel novella set in the Red Queen world, Queen Coriane, first wife of King Tiberias, keeps a secret diary—how else can she ensure that no one at the palace will use her thoughts against herCoriane recounts her heady courtship with the crown prince, the birth of a new prince, Cal, and the potentially deadly challenges that lay ahead for her in royal life.

Endgame: The Training Diaries Volume 1: Origins
This thrilling digital prequel novella to Endgame: The Calling follows the lives of four of the twelve Players before they were chosen as the one to save their ancient bloodline—and win Endgame.Before the Calling . . .Marcus must choose between friendship and destiny. Chiyoko fights for what’s hers. Kala learns the price of love. And Alice finally understands what she’s Playing for.They must shed their normal lives and transform into the Players they were meant to be.They must train, learn, prepare.To Play, survive, and solve.To kill or be killed.Endgame is real.Endgame is coming.And only one can win.

This captivating digital original story set in the world of Lauren Oliver's New York Times bestselling Delirium series focuses on Alex, Lena's first love. When Alex sacrificed himself to save Lena, he thought he was committing himself to certain death, but what he got was almost worse. Imprisoned and tortured by the guards, his mind forces him to relive a past he would rather forget. But in the dark he grows stronger. Both hopeful and terrified, he fights to find his way back to her and the love he still clings to. In this digital story that will appeal to fans of Delirium and welcome new admirers to its world, readers will learn of Alex's time after the events of Delirium, as well as the dark past that he has tried to forget.

Survivors: Alpha's Tale
A sixty-page novella set in the world of the bestselling Survivors series by Erin Hunter! Since the first action-packed Survivors novel, readers have been clamoring for more of the dogs and the world they love. In this original prequel, readers will get a behind-the-scenes look at the story of Alpha, the fierce half-wolf who leads the Wild Pack.Long before the Big Growl struck, Alpha was born the only half-dog in a pack of wolves. The other wolves made him suffer for it—until he swore he would never be the runt of a Pack again. . . . Survivors: Alpha's Tale also includes a teaser chapter to Survivors #5: The Endless Lake.

The Wizard Returns
The Wizard left Oz in a hot air balloon—or did heThis digital original novella is the third installment in the prequel arc to the edgy and exciting New York Times bestseller Dorothy Must Die.Dorothy Gale is back . . . and she's not the sweet little heroine of Oz anymore. She's power-hungry and vicious, and she leaves a trail of destruction beneath her spike-heeled, magical shoes. But she wasn't always in charge. There used to be a different ruler of Oz. Someone who also came from the Other Place, and who stole power for himself. They called him the Wizard.The story goes that when a young Dorothy revealed the Wizard as a fraud, the man behind the curtain fled Oz in his hot air balloon. But in The Wizard Returns, he wakes in a field of poppies to find out that not only had he never left, but that he has no memory of who—or where—he is. As he undergoes a series of tests to uncover his memories, he finds that the very girl who threw him from the Emerald Palace is in control. And that Oz may be his destiny after all.The Wizard Returns by Danielle Paige is a dark and compelling reimagining of a beloved classic and is perfect for fans of Cinder by Marissa Meyer, Beastly by Alex Flinn, and Wicked by Gregory Maguire.

There's a new wicked witch in Oz—and her name is Dorothy. This 125-page digital novella is a fresh and edgy sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum and the prequel to the sassy new epic adventure Dorothy Must Die. No Place Like Oz, by debut author Danielle Paige, is a compellingly original reimagining of a beloved classic and is perfect for fans of Cinder by Marissa Meyer, Beastly by Alex Flinn, and Wicked by Gregory Maguire.Dorothy clicked her heels three times and returned to Kansas. The end . . . or was itAlthough she's happy to be home with Aunt Em, Dorothy has regretted her decision to leave Oz ever since. So when a mysterious gift arrives at her doorstep on her sixteenth birthday, Dorothy jumps at the chance to return to the glittering city that made her a star.Setting off for the Emerald City, Dorothy is eager to be reunited with her friends: the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion. But she soon discovers that in the time she's been gone, Oz has changed—and Dorothy has, too. This time, the yellow brick road leads her down a very different path. And before her journey is through, Dorothy will find that the line between wicked and good has become so blurred she's not sure which side of it she's on.

Four: The Initiate
Complete your Divergent library with the Four stories!Fans of the Divergent series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth will be delighted by "Four: The Initiate," the second of four stories, each between fifty and seventy-five pages long, set in the world of Divergent and told from Tobias's point of view."The Initiate" provides readers with a glimpse into Tobias's Dauntless initiation experience, including an epic game of late-night Dare; his first tattoo; the beginning of his passion for training new initiates; and his nascent understanding of the danger of being Divergent.

Ketten: A Szent Johanna gimi
Néha egyetlen pillanatban, egyetlen színben, egyetlen mondatban benne van a k?rül?ttünk zajló élet, minden ellentmondásosságával és szépségével együtt. ?rzéseket, gondolatokat, színeket ragad meg r?vid verseiben Garay Zsuzsanna, amit Rápolthy Ingrid illusztrációi tesznek még érzékletesebbeké. Néha egyetlen pillanatban, egyetlen színben, egyetlen mondatban benne van a k?rül?ttünk zajló élet, minden ellentmondásosságával és szépségével együtt. ?rzéseket, gondolatokat, színeket ragad meg r?vid verseiben Garay Zsuzsanna, amit Rápolthy Ingrid illusztrációi tesznek még érzékletesebbeké.

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Mi, állatok

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A számla

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Túl messzire mész