

Getting Darwin Wrong
Getting Darwin Wrong
Wallace, Brendan
Brendan Wallace, with a background in psychology, demonstrates that the key claims of Evolutionary Psychology (EP), popularised by Steven Pinker and others, are based on the 'brain is a digital computer' argument. He then argues that as we now know this model of the brain will not work, therefore EP won't work either, since it is based on a fallacious view of the mind/brain.The book, which is written in a reader friendly but rigorous style, is a timely assault on one of the most fashionable philosophies of mind currently 'out there'.
Faking the News
Faking the News
Skinnell, Ryan
Donald J. Trump's speaking and writing invite passionate reactions - maybe he's a bluecollar, billionaire hero who speaks the language of the common man or maybe he's a gleefully illiterate, tremendously unqualified idiot. Whatever the case, he was persuasive enough to get himself elected President of the United States and he's been persuasive enough to keep a majority of his supporters behind him. In Faking the News: What Rhetoric Can Teach Us About Donald J. Trump, eleven prominent rhetoric experts explain how Trump's persuasive language works. Specifically the authors explain Trump's persuasive uses of demagoguery, anti-Semitism, alternative facts, populism, charismatic leadership, social media, television, political slogans, visual identity/image, comedy and humor, and shame and humiliation. Faking the News is written for readers who may not know anything about rhetoric, so each chapter explains a feature of rhetoric and uses that lens to illuminate Trump's rhetorical accomplishments. Specifically, about how he has used and still uses language, symbols, and even style to appeal to the people in his various audiences.
InterWorld 2-Book Collection
InterWorld 2-Book Collection
Gaiman, Neil
Teens—and tweens and adults—who obsessively read the His Dark Materials and Harry Potter series will be riveted by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves's InterWorld and its sequel, The Silver Dream.InterWorld tells the story of Joey Harker, a very average kid who discovers that his world is only one of a trillion alternate earths. Some of these earths are ruled by magic. Some are ruled by science. All are at war. Joey teams up with alternate versions of himself from an array of these worlds. Together, the army of Joeys must battle evil magicians Lord Dogknife and Lady Indigo to keep the balance of power between all the earths stable.The Silver Dream: After mastering the ability to walk between dimensions, Joey Harker and his fellow InterWorld freedom fighters are now on a mission to maintain peace between the rival powers of magic and science who seek to control all worlds. When a stranger named Acacia somehow follows Joey back to InterWorld's base, things get complicated. No one knows who she is or where she's from—or how she knows so much about InterWorld.
Epic Reads Impulse
Epic Reads Impulse
Cypess, Leah
A short stand-alone digital novella set in the world of Leah Cypess's Nightspell, where ghosts exist alongside humans and nearly every lavish ball is part murder mystery.In the kingdom of Ghostland, every murdered soul comes back as a ghost, and every ghost has only one desire—vengeance. Emilie had everything she'd ever wanted—beautiful dresses, a perfectly decorated room, a party every night, and the eye of a nobleman. But then she's killed. And now she'll stop at nothing to find out who did it. No one in the palace of Ghostland is above suspicion—not even the people closest to her. This haunting fantasy novella is filled with supernatural thrills and surprising plot twists.Epic Reads Impulse is a digital imprint with new releases each month.
Epic Reads Impulse
Epic Reads Impulse
Paulson, Ingrid
The enticing world of Valkyrie Rising, Ingrid Paulson's debut teen novel, is introduced in Valkyrie Symptoms, a prequel short story.This twenty-page original story introduces the characters from the perspective of the ever-flippant, if undeniably alluring, Tucker Halloway. It also includes a teaser to Valkyrie Rising, a novel in which deadly legends, hidden identities, and tentative romance swirl together into an unexpectedly epic adventure when seventeen-year-old Ellie travels to Norway with her big brother and Tuck, his best friend, and encounters Valkyries: the legendary women warriors of Norse mythology.Epic Reads Impulse is a digital imprint with new releases each month.
Thanhha Lai Young Readers' Collection
Thanhha Lai Young Readers' Collection
Lai, Thanhha
Acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Thanhha Lai won the National Book Award for Young People's Literature and the Newbery Honor for her debut novel, Inside Out and Back Again. This collection includes Inside Out and Back Again along with her newest novel, Listen, Slowly. Inside Out and Back Again: Inspired by the author's childhood experience of fleeing Vietnam after the Fall of Saigon and immigrating to Alabama, this coming-of-age debut novel told in verse has been celebrated for its touching child's-eye view of family and immigration. For all the ten years of her life, Hà has only known Saigon: the thrills of its markets, the joy of its traditions, and the warmth of her friends close by. But now the Vietnam War has reached her home. Hà and her family are forced to flee as Saigon falls, and they board a ship headed toward hope. In America, Hà discovers the foreign world of Alabama: the coldness of its strangers, the dullness of its food . . . and the strength of her very own family.Listen, Slowly: Twelve-year-old Mia's parents are sending her, along with her father, on a trip to Vietnam so she can learn more about her roots—and also help her grandmother figure out what really happened to Mia's grandfather during the Vietnam War. Since Mia barely knows the language or customs, she is desperately counting down the days until she can go back home. But the next few weeks are a life-changing experience. As time passes, Mia begins to have a change of heart, growing closer to her family and developing an understanding of a culture and an entire world which that she never really knew about.
P?nd? ?i seduc?ie
P?nd? ?i seduc?ie
Breban Nicolae
Un roman al c?ut?rii de sine, al c?ut?rii eului, o spectaculoas? excavare ?n ad?ncurile fiin?ei, ne ofer? Irina Boca, revenind ?n aten?ia publicului rom?nesc cu un story fascinant, scris ?ntr-un stil alert, cu fraz? scurt?, ml?dioas?, casant?. O sondare ?n ad?ncurile ?eului profund“ (M. Proust), asupra experien?ei naratoarei l?s?ndu-?i amprenta, ?n chip cert, exilul, ?nstr?inarea, dorin?a vie, ascu?it?, de a se rea?eza ?n matca esen?elor. Aura Christi
Palini Philippe
La zece ani de la moartea lui Emil Cioran – un studiu aplicat ?i incitant despre viata ?i opera sa, rela?ia filosofului de la R??inari cu marii g?nditori ai lumii, dar ?i cu ?ara ce l-a d?ruit lumii, cu care parisianul nu ?nceteaz? niciodat? controversele. Un studiu de teorie ?i istorie literar? extrem de interesant ?i util ce se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Lazu Ion
Demontarea mecanismelor secrete ale universului real se face ?n aceste texte cu mult? economie a mijloacelor stilistice, folosite adecvat ?i riguros, cu o precizie aproape geometric?. Demonstra?ia recurge adeseori la artificiul visului, al vedeniei puse ?n contrast cu vederea – de unde ?i titlul volumului – dar f?r? a ceda tenta?iei surrealiste sau onirice, a absurdului gratuit sau a fantaz?rii de dragul fantaz?rii. Descrierea minu?ioas? a realit??ii, dublat? nu o dat? de un discret fior poetic, nu se consum? ?ns? nici ea ca scop ?n sine, ci serve?te drept certificat de autenticitate, confer? coeren?? ideilor c?rora ?ntreaga arhitectura le este subordonat?. Este o proz? dens?, care se cite?te totu?i cu u?urin??, destinat? unui public ?nclinat s? mai r?m?n? pe g?nduri ?i dup? ce a ?nchis o carte.
Epic Reads Impulse
Epic Reads Impulse
Wells, Robison
This 50-page digital original novella introduces readers to Blackout, a series by acclaimed author Robison Wells that combines the high-stakes intensity of television's Homeland with the lightning-fast action of Marie Lu's Legend.Something strange is happening to Krezi. She has a dangerously high fever her doctors can't explain, and objects keep bursting into flames around her—but the fire doesn't seem to hurt her at all. Krezi wants nothing more than to control her mysterious abilities. But what she doesn't know is that there are others like her out there . . . and in the wrong hands, this power could be deadly.Going Dark also features a teaser to Blackout.Epic Reads Impulse is a digital imprint with new releases each month.
50 Years of Golfing Wisdom
50 Years of Golfing Wisdom
John Jacobs
John Jacobs is one of golf's all-time great teachers, a true legend of the game who has passed on his words of wisdom to thousands of amateurs as well as to some of the world's greatest players over the last 50 years. Now, for the first time ever, the pick of his collective wisdom has been brought together in one seminal volume. When the likes of Butch Harmon and David Leadbetter heap praise on your methods and credit you with having helped shape the way they learnt their craft and how they applied those teachings, you know that you must be one of the most important and influential figures in the world of golf. Not only a great teacher, John Jacobs was also good enough to play in the Ryder Cup and beat the best in the game. Those who witnessed his memorable victory over Grand Slam winner Gary Player in the final of the South African Matchplay Championship knew they were in the presence of someone special – a talent that was able to use all his experience as a top-level player and move seamlessly into the world of golf teaching. 50 Years of Golfing Wisdom features all the lessons and advice that made Jacobs the original, and many say still the ultimate, golfing guru. Every department of the game receives the Jacobs treatment – from the fundamentals of grip and swing, to problem solving and curing your bad shots, to instruction on hitting every shot from the longest drive to the shortest putt, including everything in between. Simple, easy to understand, effective advice on how to maximize your potential and play your best golf – this may just be the only golf instruction book you'll ever need.
Poems, Letters and Memories of Philip Sidney Nairn
Poems, Letters and Memories of Philip Sidney Nairn
E. R. Eddison
A poignant memoir and tribute to the Oxford poet Nairn by the author who went on to create The Worm Ouroboros and the groundbreaking Zimiamvia fantasy trilogy. Eric Rucker Eddison’s first book, originally published privately in hardback during the First World War, is a poignant memoir and tribute to the Oxford poet Philip Sidney Fletcher Nairn, whose work was so inspired by his Scottish ancestry, life in the Lake District, and his subsequent travels across Asia. This first official paperback edition includes a poignant and evocative biography, a dozen photographs, and more than 50 of Nairn’s poems, and marks the centenary of his untimely death in Kuala Lumpur in May 1914, aged just 30 years old.
Peter Jackson: A Film-maker’s Journey
Peter Jackson: A Film-maker’s Journey
Brian Sibley
Authorised and fully illustrated insight into the life and career of the award-winning director, from his childhood film projects up to King Kong, together with Jackson's revealing personal account of his six-year quest to film The Lord of the Rings. Once, Peter Jackson was a name unknown to all but a small band of loyal fans and fellow film-makers. Now he is the newest member of Hollywood's elite fellowship, with his name on the most successful movie trilogy of all time. Written with Jackson's full participation, this extensive biography, illustrated with never-before-seen photos from Jackson's personal collection, tells the inside story of how a New Zealander became Hollywood's hottest property – from the early cult classics, through Academy Award?-winning success with Kate Winslet's Heavenly Creatures, the abandoned King Kong remake, and the filming of The Lord of the Rings, a project which was abandoned two years into pre-production, rejected by most of the other studios and then picked up by New Line Cinema in the biggest gamble in film history. Drawing upon interviews with fifty of Peter Jackson's colleagues and contemporaries, author Brian Sibley paints a portrait of a true auteur, a man gifted with single-minded determination and an artist's vision. Jackson himself is both revealing and insightful about his entire film-making life, from his first childhood steps filming in Super 8 to the grand realisation of his life’s dream: King Kong. Together, these joint narratives provide a truly unique and compelling insight into one of the finest cinematic minds at work today.
Sir Alf
Sir Alf
Leo McKinstry
Since England's famous 1966 World Cup victory, Alf Ramsey has been regarded as the greatest of all British football managers. By placing Ramsey in an historical context, award-winning author Leo McKinstry provides a thought-provoking insight into the world of professional football and the fabric of British society over the span of his life. Ramsey's life is a romantic story of heroism. Often derided by lesser men, he overcame the prejudice against his social background to reach the summit of world football. The son of a council dustman from Essex, Ramsey had been through a tough upbringing. After army service during the war, he became a professional footballer, enjoying a successful career with Southampton and Tottenham and winning 32 England caps. But it was as manager of Ipswich Town, and then the architect for England's 1966 World Cup triumph, that Ramsey will be most remembered. The tragedy was that his battles with the FA would ultimately lead to his downfall. He was sacked after England failed to qualify for the 1974 World Cup and was subsequently ostracised by the football establishment. He died a broken man in 1999 in the same modest Ipswich semi he'd lived in for most of his life. Drawing on extensive interviews with his closest friends and colleagues in the game, author Leo McKinstry will help unravel the true character of this fascinating and often complex football legend.
JLS: Our Story so Far
JLS: Our Story so Far
JLS and Dean Freeman
Hot new boy band JLS welcome you to their world ‘Brilliant’ Simon Cowell ‘The best band we’ve had on The X Factor by far’ Cheryl Cole Follow the hottest new pop act on their rollercoaster ride to fame… Since their huge success on The X Factor and The X Factor finalists tour, JLS are well on their way to becoming one of the biggest boy bands the UK has ever seen - The X Factor final last Christmas drew a record 15 million viewers. During the final stages of the show legions of teenage fans, dressed in the trademark JLS colours, flocked to see them perform in South London, resulting in the need for crowd control and massive national press attention. The JLS colours, Aston - blue, Oritsé - red, Marvin - green and JB - yellow, have been enthusiastically adopted by fans and a sea of JLS tops greeted the band when they travelled the country on the X Factor finalists tour. In their very first book, Aston, Oritsé, Marvin and JB each tell the story of their amazing journey from X Factor hopefuls to pop smashes. Beautifully designed, the book contains 125 exclusive never-before-seen photographs of the band including sexy portraits and captured private moments which can't fail to excite the thousands of loyal JLS fans. With their first single a massive number 1 seller and their first album due in October, 2009 looks set to be the year of JLS!
A Good Time to be a Girl: Don’t Lean In, Change the System
A Good Time to be a Girl: Don’t Lean In, Change the System
Helena Morrissey
Five years have passed since women were exhorted to ‘Lean In’. Over that time, the world has transformed beyond all expectations. But why should anyone ‘lean in’ to a patriarchal system that is out of date? Why not change it entirely for the good of us all? In A Good Time to be a Girl, Helena Morrissey sets out how we might achieve the next big breakthrough towards a truly inclusive modern society. Drawing on her experience as a City CEO, mother of nine, and founder of the influential 30% Club which campaigns for gender-balanced UK company boards, her manifesto for new ways of working, living, loving and raising families is for everyone, not just women. Making a powerful case for diversity and difference in any workplace, she shows how, together, we can develop smarter thinking and broader definitions of success. Gender balance, in her view, is an essential driver of economic prosperity and part of the solution to the many problems we face today. Her approach is not aimed merely at training a few more women in working practices that have outlived their usefulness. Instead, this book sets out a way to reinvent the game – not at the expense of men but in ways that are right and relevant for a digital age. It is a powerful guide to success for us all.
The Times Great Scottish Lives: Obituaries of Scotland’s Finest
The Times Great Scottish Lives: Obituaries of Scotland’s Finest
Magnus Linklater
Discover the fascinating lives of the iconic figures that have shaped Scotland from the early nineteenth century to the present day. Explore the rich history of Scotland’s cultural, social and political landscape, with more than 100 obituaries carefully curated from The Times archive. The Scots have contributed richly to the world, most notably in literature and science, but also in the arts, law, politics, religion, scholarship and sport. In this volume, The Times brings together a unique and fascinating collection of obituaries. The list includes people who have made the greatest impact in their fields, others who have led particularly interesting or influential lives, and a selection of notable Scottish figures in the history of The Times. This book features the major Scottish figures of influence from the last 200 years and includes a diverse range of people, including: Sir Walter Scott, Sir David Livingstone, Thomas Carlyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, Keir Hardie, Alexander Graham Bell, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Phoebe Traquair, James Ramsay MacDonald, John Logie Baird, Mary Somerville, Jim Clark, John Smith, Donald Dewar, Eugenie Fraser, Robin Cook, Jock Stein, R. D. Laing, Margo MacDonald, William McIlvanney, Tam Dalyell and Ronnie Corbett.
Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama
Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama
David J. Garrow
The definitive account of Barack Obama’s life before he became the 44th president of the United States – the formative years, confluence of forces, and influential figures who helped shaped an extraordinary leader and his rise – from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Bearing the Cross. ‘Impressive … deeply reported’ New York Times Book Review ‘Engages, absorbs and mesmerises’ Library Journal Barack Obama's keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention instantly catapulted the little-known state senator from Illinois into the national spotlight. Three months later, Obama would win election to the U.S. Senate; four years after that he would make history as America’s first black president. Moving around the globe, from Hawaii to Indonesia to the American Northeast and Midwest, Rising Star meticulously unpacks Obama’s life, from his tumultuous upbringing in Honolulu and Jakarta, to his formative time as a community organizer on Chicago’s South Side, working in some of the roughest neighborhoods, to Cambridge, where he excelled at Harvard Law School, and finally back to Chicago, where he pursued his political destiny. In voluminous detail, drawn from more than 1,000 interviews and encyclopedic documentary research, Garrow delivers the most authoritative account of the ambition, the dreams and the all-too-human struggles of an iconic president.
The Beechwood Airship Interviews
The Beechwood Airship Interviews
Dan Richards
A journey into the headspaces and workplaces of some of Britain’s most unique artists, from the co-author of the critically acclaimed Holloway. Bill Drummond. Richard Lawrence. Stanley Donwood. Jenny Saville. David Nash. Manic Street Preachers. Dame Judi Dench. Cally Callomon. Sheryl Garratt. Vaughan Oliver. Jane Bown. Steve Gullick. Stewart Lee. The Butcher of Common Sense. Robert Macfarlane. Artists. Writers. Photographers. Musicians. A comedian. An actor. A printer. An airship. The people interviewed in this book come from all corners of Britain’s cultural landscape but are united in their commitment to their craft. At the beginning of this extraordinary memoir, Dan Richards impulsively decides to build an airship in his art school bar, an act of opposition which leads him to meet and interview some of Britain’s most extraordinary artists, craftsmen and technicians in the spaces and environments in which they work. His search for what it is that compels both him and them to create becomes a profound examination of what it is to be an artist in 21st Century Britain, and an inspiring testament to the importance of making art for art’s sake.
AutoBioPhilosophy: An intimate story of what it means to be human
AutoBioPhilosophy: An intimate story of what it means to be human
Robert Rowland Smith
AutoBioPhilosophy is an astonishingly frank and original autobiography that explores the fundamental question of what it means to be human. Robert Rowland Smith’s life story involves a love triangle, office politics, police raids, illegal drugs, the academic elite and a near-death experience. It sees him grappling with the tragic fate of his father, going through a double divorce and encountering a living divinity. We witness him confronting his demons but also looking out for angels. A former Oxford don, Robert uses these deeply personal experiences to generate philosophical insights that will resonate with everybody. What are the recurring patterns, unconscious motives and social forces that govern our behaviour? Through his experiences, and referencing writers from Shakespeare to Freud, he offers new models and ways into human psychology. As we are led into Robert’s private world, we gain an understanding of what it means to be human that is relevant to all.
Allegiant Collector's Edition
Allegiant Collector's Edition
Roth, Veronica
The stunning conclusion to the #1 New York Times bestselling Divergent series is now available in a collector's edition featuring 48 pages of bonus content, including:Excerpts from Natalie Prior's journal Two deleted scenes with commentary from Veronica Roth Favorite quotes from Allegiant, illustrated by fellow Initiates Allegiant discussion questionsThe Allegiant Collector's Edition is perfect for established fans who want to expand their Divergent library as well as fans of the feature films starring Shailene Woodley, Theo James, and Kate Winslet. The third book in Veronica Roth's worldwide bestselling Divergent trilogy, Allegiant reveals the secrets of the dystopian world that captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent.