

Marlio, Louis
The exceptional circumstances of Lionel MosseIri's short but remarkable life and military career are described by his stepfather, Louis Marlio, in the Preface to letters which Lionel wrote home to his family.Highly-intelligent, articulate and revealing a disciplined, philosophical and visionary mind, Lionel's letters are sufficiently thought-provoking and well-written to justify publication. He had received an English public school education and was trained and served in both British and French armies. When he was killed on 25 November, 1944, Lionel MosseIri was leading a French detachment into Masevaux, the first city in Upper Alsace to be freed from the German Occupation. He was just twenty-three years old. Who knows the future there might have been for him in the peacetime Europe for which he fought so hard?This book is dedicated by his step-father and brothers in honour of his memory, and to his fallen comrades who are remembered with him.
How to Sparkle at Nursery Rhymes
How to Sparkle at Nursery Rhymes
Laurence, Jo
The rhythm of nursery rhymes helps children to remember the words which, in turn, helps to develop their auditory memory skills. When they have learned the words and then see them in print, they can 'read' them, Not only will this give them a greater understanding of how the written word represents the sung or spoken word, but it will also help to develop their visual memory. The worksheets contain a mixture of activities, including: putting pictures in the right sequence ;tracing letters and writing simple words; colouring pictures; attaching words to the right object; visual memory reinforcement; finding rhyming words.
How to Sparkle at Science Investigations
How to Sparkle at Science Investigations
Huns, Monica
Help to develop your pupils' investigation skills using the attractively laid out worksheets in How to Sparkle at Science Investigations. Using familiar contexts, the sheets provide opportunities for children to develop their observational skills, make measurements, plan and carry out investigations, and draw conclusions from their results. Worksheet themes include: Mr Happy and Healthy; what do plants need to grow?; is it see through?; which hat for Teddy?; we're going on a materials hunt; which magnet is the strongest?; making a circuit; and investigating sails.
Understanding Materials
Understanding Materials
Jones, Alan
The Brilliant Support Activities series contains photocopiable activities for use with slower learners or pupils with learning difficulties at Key Stage 2. The books introduce one concept per sheet, using simple language and clear, black line illustrations making them easy to read and understand. Understanding Materials contains 42 photocopiable sheets to help pupils understand the properties of materials through investigation. They reinforce the methods of scientific enquiry by requiring pupils to plan, carry out practical activities, consider evidence, and present ideas and conclusions. They focus on grouping and classifying materials, changing materials, and separating mixtures of materials. Other concepts such as forces, heat and magnetism are included within the context of understanding the properties of materials.
How to be Brilliant at Electricity, Light & Sound
How to be Brilliant at Electricity, Light & Sound
Hughes, Colin
How to be Brilliant at Electricity, Light and Sound contains practical activities will help children to acquire knowledge and understanding of electrical circuits, the everyday effects of light and how we see, and how sounds are made.
Rose regénye
Rose regénye
Fábián Janka
Rose regénye
?ngrijirea sugarului ?i a copilului.
?ngrijirea sugarului ?i a copilului.
Spock Dr. Benjamin, Needlman Dr. Robert
n lucrarea sa, care a ctigat premiul Pulitzer n 1981, Robert K. Massie prezint detaliat viaa acestui captivant personaj istoric i evideniaz evenimentele cruciale care au transformat un biat ntr-o legend, inclusiv cltoriile sale incognito prin Europa, curiozitatea sa de nepotolit fa de obiceiurile occidentale, obsesia pentru mare i constituirea mreei flote ruseti, modul n care a creat o armat de nenvins i relaiile sale cu cei pe care i-a iubit cel mai mult: Ecaterina, iubita sa tandr, i Menikov, prinul fermector i lipsit de scrupule care a ajuns la putere prin intermediul prieteniei cu Petru. Un loc special n carte l ocup relaia dificil a lui Petru cu fiul su Aleksei, care a fost judecat i condamnat la moarte n 1718. Autorul nu neglijeaz nici viaa politic, social, cultural i religioas din Rusia pe parcursul jumtii secunde a secolului al XVII-lea i primei pri a secolului al XVIII-lea. Astfel, Massie i conduce cititorii n lumea ruseasc medieval i premodern schimbat iremediabil, uneori n mod violent, de reformele iniiate de monarhul autocrat Petru cel Mare. Fie c sunt schimbri care au afectat n primul rnd individul, precum obligativitatea tierii brbilor, sau iniiative care au vizat consolidarea forei statului, de exemplu, nfiinarea marinei ruseti i a Sankt-Petersburgului, reorganizarea administrativ inspirat de modelul occidental, toate acestea au transformat Rusia medieval ntr-un stat modern. n acelai timp, multe dintre reformele din timpul lui Petru au avut o influen ndelungat asupra societii ruseti. Cartea lui Massie nu ofer doar o perspectiv intern a societii ruseti, ci urmrete i aciunile lui Petru n planul politicii externe, la nivel european sau chiar global. Astfel, dou dintre cele cinci seciuni ale lucrrii se ocup de relaiile Rusiei cu celelalte state europene. Poate cel mai important conflict din timpul domniei lui Petru a fost cel mpotriva Suediei. n urma Marelui Rzboi Nordic (1700-1721), Rusia a obinut o serie de teritorii (Estonia, Livonia i Ingria). Totodat, deznodmntul acestui lung rzboi a nsemnat i ascensiunea Rusiei la rangul de putere continental. Pe plan militar, ns, domnia lui Petru nu a fost scutit de eecuri. Campania arului din Moldova, pornit mpotriva Imperiului Otoman, s-a terminat prin nfrngerea de la Stnileti (1711). Nu de puine ori, autorul american i aduce n prim-plan pe actorii politici importani din Europa sfritului secolului al XVIII-lea i nceputului secolului al XVIII-lea. Regi, comandani militari, nobili, toi sunt prezentai cititorilor, care pot astfel nelege mai bine aciunile sau atitudinile lor. arul Aleksei, tatl lui Petru, Ludovic al XIV-lea, Wilhelm de Orania, Carol al XII-lea, Augustus de Saxonia, ducele de Marlborough, prinul Eugeniu de Savoia sau feldmarealul Rehnskild se numr printre figurile ilustre descrise de Massie. De regul, atunci cnd analizeaz anumite perioade, istoricii pun accentul pe rolul proceselor i al fenomenelor de lung durat, lsnd cumva n umbr personalitile excepionale. Tocmai pentru a sugera impactul lui Petru cel Mare asupra istoriei Rusiei, n special, putem face apel la istoria contrafactual i s ne ntrebm: Cum ar fi artat Rusia contemporan dac n-ar fi existat Petru cel Mare
The Pain and the Glory
The Pain and the Glory
Team Sky,Sir Dave Brailsford,Chris Froome
A glorious, fully illustrated insider account from Team Sky of the greatest summer in British road cycling history, as team-mates Sir Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome go head-to-head in the quest for glory The summer of 2013 will be the most significant moment yet in Team Sky’s short but wildly successful history and a landmark in the story of British cycling. After their glorious success in last year’s Tour de France, where Sir Bradley Wiggins reigned supreme and the team romped to glory, all eyes are on Team Sky as they vie to cement their position as the greatest force in road cycling. The Team Sky Diary of the Giro and Tour once more brings together first-hand accounts from team members including Wiggins, Froome, as well as the masterful Team Principle, Dave Brailsford, with the sumptuous award-winning photography of Scott Mitchell. As Wiggins and Froome lock horns, and the Team turn their formidable focus to the historic task of dominating both races, this is an essential book for all cycling fans.
Stanley Spencer (Text Only)
Stanley Spencer (Text Only)
Ken Pople
Stanley Spencer (1891 – 1959) has recently been recognised by a wide general public, as well as by art historians, as probably the greatest English painter of the twentieth century. His strange and thrilling settings of biblical and semi-biblical scenes, his grippingly realist portraits, his intense English landscapes, hang in pride of place in our national collections and fetch ever-escalating prices at auction. Although there have been many books about Spencer, Pople's biography is the first to give a thoroughly convincing and coherent account of the life and psyche of the man who produced these extraordinary pictures. Pople has not only had the co-operation of Spencer's daughters and remaining friends' he has had unrestricted access to the artist's letters, diaries and other writings, and has spent ten years unravelling the familiar but so often impenetrable mysteries we see on the canvas. His analysis demonstrates that there never was as artist for whom life and art were so much of a piece, and that without understanding Spencer's doings and circumstances, we have no hope of understanding his paintings.
Arta supravie?uirii
Arta supravie?uirii
Constantin Tătaru
Cartea de Poezii a poetei confirm? un stil, o atitudine estetic? ?i o capacitate de a dep??i ?ngr?dirile presupuse de reactualizare a vechilor formule poetice. Claudia Voiculescu ??i asum? riscul de a p?rea demodat?, abord?nd ceea ce majoritatea poe?ilor din diverse genera?ii ori promo?ii, a respins, cel mai adesea din neputin??.Cred c? poezia Claudiei Voiculescu merit? aten?ia criticii ?i o mediatizare corespunz?toare. (Liviu Gr?soiu)Claudia Voiculescu ridic? forma fix? a rondelului la ?n?l?imi demne de orice competi?ie.... Este o poet? ?n al c?rei talent cred. (C.D. Zeletin)Poet? de ?nalt? for?? r?scolitoare, talent viguros cu cizel?ri de art? adev?rat? ?n ad?ncul substrat al cuv?ntului, vers pasional ?i cotropitor... (Pan. M. Vizirescu)Claudia Ilie, preoteas? ?ntru poezie... (Tudor George)Delicata poet? Claudia Ilie Voiculescu este o voce liric? de mare sensibilitate... (Dumitru Radu Popa)
Mitul felin ?n literatura universal? este o lucrare ?n care s-a ?ncercat sintetizarea ?ntr-o form? accesibil?, ?ns? f?r? a fi superficial?, a unei cantit??i impresionante de material, material g?sit at?t ?n publicistica rom?n? c?t ?i cea str?in?. Subiectul lucr?rii a fost o alegere subiectiv?, fiind aproapiat de sufletul autoarei. Fiecare capitol ?n parte trateaz? un aspect al temei dezv?luite ?n titlu, respect?nd ?n acela?i timp o linie cronologic?, acest lucru facilit?nd ?n mod semnificativ ?n?elegerea ?i asimilarea informa?iei. ?ns? ?ntreaga lucrare are ca punct comun permanenta oscilare ?ntre planul real ?i cel fantastic, fabulos, ?ntre documente oficiale (precum cronicile) ?i m?rturiile oferite de supersti?iile populare. ?n primul capitol observam ?ara de origine a pisicii, Egiptul, ?i modul ?n care aceasta era tratat? ca o zeitate cu atribu?ii contradictorii (uneori benefice, alteori sinistre). De?i exportul lor a fost interzis de catre egipteni din motive religioase, acest lucru nu a ?mpiedicat r?sp?ndirea lor ?n toate culturile lumii. Sunt analizate de asemenea ?i diversele legende legate de na?terea pisicii la diferite popoare. Al doilea capitol trateaz? ?n detaliu o tr?s?tur? principal? a mitului felin ?i anume aspectul s?u, parc? implicit, feminin. Feminitatea, tandre?ea, instinctele materne, capriciile, viclenia, elegan?a, independen?a sunt doar c?teva dintre calit??ile comune ale femeii ?i pisicii, calit??i ?nf??i?ate de nenum?ra?i scriitori ?i arti?ti din toate timpurile ?i culturile.Capitolul al treilea ne ?nf??i?eaz? eternele conflicte dintre pisici ?i c?ini (lupt?ndu-se pentru ?ncrederea ?i afec?iunea omului), dintre pisici ?i ?oareci (o ?lupt?“ milenar? ?ntre Bine ?i R?u, unde binele, reprezentat de pisic?, nu ??i poate p?stra mereu puritatea). Aceste ?lupte“ au avut ca rezultat obsesia multor popoare pentru pisici. Dar cu toate acestea, pisicile au fost ?i vor r?m?ne fiin?e independente, niciodat? accept?nd un ?st?p?n“. Nu sunt pu?ini scriitori care ?n operele lor au ?nf??i?at pisicile asemenea unor oameni, capabile de absolut orice: a scrie, a citi, a c?nta, a juca teatru ba chiar ?i a vorbi. Ele au ?i unele dintre calit??ile omului (compasiune, abilitatea de a iubi) dar ?i c?teva dintre defectele acestuia (egoism, violen??, indiferen??). De asemenea li se atribuie puteri supranaturale cum ar fi clarviziunea.
Nicolae Steinhardt ?i libertatea ca destin
Nicolae Steinhardt ?i libertatea ca destin
Ciobotaru Irina
Un studiu provocator despre un altfel de Macedonski. Informa?ii inedite, aspecte mai pu?in cunoscute din via?a acestui important poet, ce face o incitant? paralela cu Eminescu, sunt menite s?-l repun? ?n luminile rampei pe un creator situat de exege?i ?n umbra literatilor mari. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Királyok vagy zsarnokok?: ?gyfélpanasz 2.0
Királyok vagy zsarnokok?: ?gyfélpanasz 2.0
Dora Vas
Végh Sándor életútja tbb mint teljes volt. Miután letette a vonót egy végtelenül gazdag hegeds pálya után, ahol univerzális egyéniségét a legnagyobb mértékben és a legsokoldalúbban tudta kifejezni, a Camerata Academica élén tapasztalatai sszegzése mellett olyan megújulásnak voltunk a tanúi, amely párját ritkítja.” - Várjon Dénes. Száz esztendeje született a 20. század egyik legkiemelkedbb, világszerte ismert és elismert magyar eladómvésze, Végh Sándor. A ktet a centenárium alkalmából állít emléket a muzsikusnak, aki egy személyben volt hegedmvész, kvartettprimárius, karmester és pedagógus. Lwenberg Dániel végigkíséri a trténelmi okokból viharos, mvészi szempontból roppant változatos és termékeny életutat. A ktet ismerteti a mvész életrajzát, de a legnagyobb súlyt szakmai tevékenységére és zenei rkségére helyezi.
Singielka. Od równowagi emocjonalnej do mi?o?ci
Singielka. Od równowagi emocjonalnej do mi?o?ci
Wioletta Klinicka
Singielka. Od równowagi emocjonalnej do mi?o?ci
The Songaminute Man: How music brought my father home again
The Songaminute Man: How music brought my father home again
Simon McDermott
The nostalgic memoir of a young man, eldest of fourteen, growing up in 40s Wednesbury. The heartbreaking true account of his son struggling to come to terms with his father’s dementia. A tribute to the unbreakable bond between father and son. When Simon McDermott first noticed his dad Ted’s sudden flares of temper and fits of forgetfulness, he couldn’t have guessed what lay ahead. Then came the devastating, inevitable diagnosis. As Ted retreated into his own world, Simon and his mum Linda desperately tried to reach him until at last: an idea. Turning the ignition in his mum’s little runaround, Simon hit play on Ted’s favourite song Quando Quando Quando. And like that, they were just two mates driving around Blackburn, singing at the top of their lungs. Simon filmed their adventure, uploaded the video to YouTube and woke up to messages, tweets and his phone ringing off the hook. Their carpool karaoke had gone viral all the way across the globe. But a record deal, Pride of Britain Awards, over ?130,000 raised for The Alzheimer’s Society and a Top 10 single later, Simon was still losing Ted. That’s when he made a decision. His Dad – the storyteller of his childhood and his best friend – couldn’t tell his own story, so Simon would tell it for him. This is that story. Set in the heart of the Black Country just before WWII, and written with the help of Ted’s friends and family, The Songaminute Man recalls a boy who became a gutsy and fiercely loyal man. It remembers a childhood of sleeping top-to-toe, rationing, adventure in the woods and making-do-and-mending, a close-knit community, and a life-long passion for music. Full of poignant moments, the ups and downs of family life and treasured memories, The Songaminute Man is a story of two halves: a celebration of the man Ted was, and a powerful and moving account of caring for a loved one.
True Blood Drinks & Bites
True Blood Drinks & Bites
Sobol, Gianna
For the ravenous fanbase of HBO's smash hit series, True Blood Drinks and Bites presents 45 quick and easy recipes for themed gatherings and weekly watch parties, all inspired by the series' most notorious vampires and victims. From the creator of True Blood and his writing team, these are deliciously &quote;in-world&quote; appetizers, cocktails, and nonalcoholic drinks to enjoy as the drama goes down in Bon Temps. Think Scorn Fritters and Hot Dates, washed down with an ice-cold Spirit Lifter. Entertaining and packed with noveltyincluding quotes and commentary from the characters themselves, plus original unpublished photography from seasons 1 through 5True Blood Drinks and Bites brings home a fun and tantalizing taste of the onscreen action.
Coen Brothers (Text-Only Edition) - This Book Really Ties the Films Together
Coen Brothers (Text-Only Edition) - This Book Really Ties the Films Together
Adam Nayman
From such cult hits as Raising Arizona (1987) and The Big Lebowski (1998) to major critical darlings Fargo (1996), No Country for Old Men (2007), and Inside Llewyn Davis (2013), Ethan and Joel Coen have cultivated a bleakly comical, instantly recognizable voice in modern American cinema. In The Coen Brothers: This Book Really Ties the Films Together, film critic Adam Nayman carefully sifts through their complex cinematic universe in an effort to plot, as he puts it, "e;some Grand Unified Theory of Coen-ness."e; The book combines critical text-biography, close film analysis, and enlightening interviews with key Coen collaborators-with a visual aesthetic that honors the Coens' singular mix of darkness and levity. Featuring film stills, beautiful and evocative illustrations, punchy infographics, and hard insight, this book will be the definitive exploration of the Coen brothers' oeuvre.
Romey's Order
Romey's Order
Atsuro Riley
Romey's Order is an indelible sequence of poems voiced by an invented (and inventive) boy-speaker called Romey, set alongside a river in the South Carolina lowcountry.As the word-furious eye and voice of these poems, Romey urgently records--and tries to order--the objects, inscape, injuries, and idiom of his "e;blood-home"e; and childhood world. Sounding out the nerves and nodes of language to transform "e;every burn-mark and blemish,"e; to "e;bind our river-wrack and leavings,"e; Romey seeks to forge finally (if even for a moment) a chord in which he might live. Intently visceral, aural, oral, Atsuro Riley's poems bristle with musical and imaginative pleasures, with story-telling and picture-making of a new and wholly unexpected kind.
Medicine Show
Medicine Show
Tom Yuill
In Medicine Show, inner conflict is wonderfully realized in the clash of down-home plain speech and European high culture utterances. Freely translating and adapting Catullus (Latin), Villon (Middle French), Corbiere (French), Hikmet (Turkish), and Orpheus (Greek), and placing them alongside Jagger and Richards, skinheads, and psalms, Tom Yuill's book mirrors an old-style hawking of wares, with all the charm and absurdity that results when high culture meets pop, when city meets small town, and when provincialism confronts urbanity. Here, the poems talk to one another, one poem nudging the cusps of many others, those poems touching still others' circumferences. Yuill, by invoking the Rolling Stones as muses and as background music, offers cover versions of Shakespeare, Keats, and Dylan Thomas, ultimately giving us a new kind of verse, funneled through the languages and rhythms of his masters' voices.
Jake Ransom Complete Collection
Jake Ransom Complete Collection
Rollins, James
Bestselling novelist James Rollins brings to life the adventures of Jake Ransom, who became an orphan when his archaeologist parents disappeared on a dig three years ago. They left behind tokens—half of an ancient coin for Jake, and the other half for his sister Kady—that fit perfectly into one of their famous discoveries. When everything falls into place, Jake and Kady find themselves in the mysterious, bizarre world of Pangea—home of vicious raptors, bloodthirsty plants, and dark Mayan and Egyptian rituals. And whatever caught their parents is still hungry.The books described as "Indiana Jones for tweens" are perfect for fans of Alex Rider, Percy Jackson, and National Treasure. Includes Jake Ransom and the Skull King's Shadow and Jake Ransom and the Howling Sphinx.
William Morrow Paperbacks
William Morrow Paperbacks
Largo, Michael
The world wildest collection of animal knowledge and lore! Lions, and tigers, and bears . . . and dinosaurs, dragons, and monsters. Oh my! For hundreds of years, the most popular books in the Western world next to the Bible were bestiaries, fanciful encyclopedias collecting all of human knowledge and mythology about the animal kingdom. In these pages, eagles and elephants lived next to griffins and sea monsters. Now, in The Big, Bad Book of Beasts , award-winning author Michael Largo has updated the medieval bestsellers for the twenty-first century, illuminating little-known facts, astonishing secrets, and bizarre superstitions about the beasts that inhabit our world and haunt our imaginations. You'll learn about the biggest bug ever, the smallest animal in the world, and the real creatures that inspired the fabled unicorns. You'll discover how birds learned to fly, why cats rub against your legs, and a thousand other facts that will make you look at nature in a wonderfully new way. Did you knowThe fastest animal in the world is the peregrine falcon, which reaches speeds of over 200 miles per hours. Circus ringmaster P.T. Barnum fooled many when he displayed a mermaid carcass that was later proved to be monkey bones sewed together with the body of a fish. Discovered in a remote volcanic crater in New Guinea, the Bosavi wolly rat grows to the size of a cat. President Andrew Jackson bought an African gray parrot to keep his wife company. The bird outlived them both and was removed from Jackson funeral for cussing in both English and Spanish. A to Z: From Aardvark to Zooplankton! For all ages! Includes 289 illustrations!