

Neuron: A Tutorial Study Guide
Neuron: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Neuron: A Tutorial Study Guide
Digestive System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Digestive System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Digestive System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Reproductive System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Reproductive System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Reproductive System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Action Potential: A Tutorial Study Guide
Action Potential: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Action Potential: A Tutorial Study Guide
Scientific Methods: A Tutorial Study Guide
Scientific Methods: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Scientific Methods: A Tutorial Study Guide
Simfonia fr?nei
Simfonia fr?nei
Marius Ștefan Aldea
Volum coordonat de R?zvan Supuran Antologia de fa?? reune?te texte ap?rute ?n revista Me?eria?ii, publica?ie de circula?ie limitat?, fabricat? pe h?rtie me?te?ugit? ?i tip?rit? manual ?n cadrul Atelierului de Carte de la Muzeul ??ranului Rom?n.
San-Antonio. Sarabanda r?posa?ilor
San-Antonio. Sarabanda r?posa?ilor
Dard Frédéric
Un program simplu, rapid ?i… sexy PROGRAMUL REVOLU?IONAR PREZENTAT ?N ACEAST? CARTE AJUT? PE ORICINE S? AIB? O INIM? S?N?TOAS?. Mai ?nt?i, doctorul Masley ??i va ar?ta cum s?-?i determini starea de s?n?tate cardiac?, dup? care te va ?ndruma pas cu pas cum s?-?i optimizezi inima, energia, silueta ?i via?a sexual?. Identific?nd principala cauz? a bolilor cardiovasculare – apari?ia ?i cre?terea pl?cii de aterom – autorul prezint? cele mai noi analize ?i teste care pot depista dezvoltarea pl?cii arteriale ?n faze incipiente, preciz?nd ?i pa?ii care trebuie urma?i pentru a opri ?i inversa cursul acestui proces. Vestea bun? este c? oricine – indiferent de v?rst?, de factorii ereditari sau de c?t de supraponderal este – ??i poate trata placa arterial?, prevenind astfel atacurile de cord ?i accidentele vascular cerebrale cu ajutorul acestui program, care are urm?toarele elemente-cheie: ? Alimentele cu efecte benefice pentru inim? ? Activitatea fizic? pentru ?nt?rirea inimii ?i a arterelor ? Managementul stresului ? Un plan de suplimente alimentare personalizat, prietenos pentru inim?. Un capitol separat demonstreaz? c? o inim? s?n?toas? cre?te libidoul ?i ?mbun?t??e?te func?ia sexual? at?t la b?rba?i, c?t ?i la femei. Mul?i cred c? aspectele de preven?ie ?i terapeutice ale bolilor cardiace constituie un fel de ?tiin?? complicat?. Gre?it! Doctorul Masley a creat un plan strategic simplu ?i u?or de aplicat pentru ?mbun?t??irea procesului de vindecare cardiovascular?. Recomand c?lduros cartea de fa?? tuturor persoanelor vulnerabile la bolile de inim?. – Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra, cardiolog ?i autorul bestsellerului New York Times – Reversing Heart Disease ?n spiritul lui Hipocrat, programul doctorului Masley demonstreaz? cum schimb?ri specifice ale stilului de via?? pot fi la fel de eficiente ca medicamentele ?n ?mbun?t??irea st?rii de s?n?tate a inimii. – Dr. David Perlmutter, autorul c?r?ii Grain Brain.
Ebola Free World-Stopping The Killer Virus: How Nigeria Did It And How Other Cou
Ebola Free World-Stopping The Killer Virus: How Nigeria Did It And How Other Cou
Sabina Johnson
Ebola Free World-Stopping The Killer Virus: How Nigeria Did It And How Other Countries Can Too
Origin of Species: A Tutorial Study Guide
Origin of Species: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Origin of Species: A Tutorial Study Guide
Cytoplasmic Release of Neurotransmitters: A Tutorial Study Guide
Cytoplasmic Release of Neurotransmitters: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Cytoplasmic Release of Neurotransmitters: A Tutorial Study Guide
Biological System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Biological System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Biological System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Neurotransmitter Pathways: A Tutorial Study Guide
Neurotransmitter Pathways: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Neurotransmitter Pathways: A Tutorial Study Guide
Renal System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Renal System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Renal System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Schizophrenia: A Tutorial Study Guide
Schizophrenia: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Schizophrenia: A Tutorial Study Guide
Neuropsychopharmacology: An Introduction: A Tutorial Study Guide
Neuropsychopharmacology: An Introduction: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Neuropsychopharmacology: An Introduction: A Tutorial Study Guide
Pharmacology: An Introduction: A Tutorial Study Guide
Pharmacology: An Introduction: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Pharmacology: An Introduction: A Tutorial Study Guide
Pharmacokinetics: A Tutorial Study Guide
Pharmacokinetics: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Pharmacokinetics: A Tutorial Study Guide
A to Z Beer, Making Beer at Home for Total Beginners
A to Z Beer, Making Beer at Home for Total Beginners
Lisa Bond
So, you have decided to make your own beer? Aren't you clever, you little weasel? Yes, we know you need to have a lot of beer for your friends, family, and you of course, because you love beer, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this book. As you know, milk is for babies and when you grow up you drink beer. As some say beer is a proof God loves us and wants to make us happy. Beer brewing is not very easy, but not too difficult either. Beer brewing is very satisfying with only a few critical issues. As long as you follow the beer brewing steps, we are sure the success is guaranteed. Beer brewing is not limited only to only one type of the beer. As you continue to make your beer, you will feel more confident and be able to experiment with different flavors. You will notice we have made two types of beer brewing for the beginners in this book: One is for those who do not have enough space, or time and is with malt extract. Second is for those who want to make beer from a scratch – with real grains. Whatever you choose it will not influence your beer in a wrong way. They are just longer or shorter version, but the beer gained with any method will be simply amazing. With the first brew, you will see there is nothing too difficult in a beer brewing. Make sure you follow all the suggestions in this guide. If you have any doubts, at the end of each chapter we have described potential issue, and a solution for many. Before you start, make sure you have all the equipment, all the ingredients, and time needed to pull this off. We believe you are equipped with all the information, and that this guide will give answers to all your questions. Happy Beer Brewing!
George Bernard Shaw
Majoritatea deceselor cauzate de cancer ar putea fi evitate ?Marele c?l?u“ al secolului XXI, cancerul este ?n mod gre?it perceput ca o calamitate ce love?te la ?nt?mplare, o nenorocire ?mpotriva c?reia suntem neputincio?i. Cartea arat? c? exist? o leg?tur? ?ntre tabagism, surplusul de greutate, sedentarism, alimenta?ie, expunerea la razele ultraviolete, lipsa de somn ?i cancer, precum ?i c? majoritatea deceselor cauzate de aceast? boal? ar putea fi evitate prin modific?ri simple ale stilului de via??. Cele 10 reguli pentru reducerea riscurilor, izvor?te din analiza mai multor decenii de cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice, reprezint? o arm? puternic? ?mpotriva cancerului ?i le ofer? pentru prima dat? celor care au supravie?uit bolii un instrument concret de prevenire a recidivelor, ?n scopul cre?terii speran?ei de via??. ? excesul de zah?r ?i gr?simi din produsele alimentare industriale ar putea induce o dependen?? similar? celei asociate consumului de droguri ? dou? ore ?i jum?tate de activitate fizic? de intensitate moderat?, s?pt?m?nal, reduc riscul de mortalitate al bolnavilor de cancer ? cei care consum? trei por?ii de legume crucifere pe s?pt?m?n? prezint? un risc de recidiv? redus la jum?tate
Moreau’s Other Island (The Monster Trilogy)
Moreau’s Other Island (The Monster Trilogy)
Brian Aldiss
Welcome to Dr Moreau’s other island. Place of untold horros. Home of the Beast Men… Available for the first time in eBook. He stands very tall, long prosthetic limbs glistening in the harsh sun, withered body swaying, carbine and whip clasped in artificial hands. Man-beasts cower on the sand as he brandishes his gun in the air. He is Dr Moreau, ruler of the fabulous, grotesque island, where humans are as brutes and brutes as humans, where the future of the entire human race is being reprogrammed. The place of untold horrors. The place of the New Man.
TOTAL WAR: Attila kardja
TOTAL WAR: Attila kardja
David Gibbins
Not many years ago the group Insecta was held even by Zoologists to include numberless small creatures—centipedes, spiders, mites, etc.—which further study has shown to present essential differences of structure, and in popular language any fairly minute animal is still an insect, just as any insect is popularly a “fly”—or, in the United States, a “bug.” Scientifically the use of the term Insect is now much restricted, though still extensive enough in all conscience, since it includes many more than a quarter of a million known species. Zoologists recognise a large group of animals characterised by having no internal skeleton but a more or less firm external coating of a peculiar substance called chitin, often strengthened by calcareous deposits, which necessitates the presence of joints in their bodies, and especially in their limbs if they are to move freely, just as medieval suits of armour required to be jointed. These are the Arthropoda. One subdivision of this group consists of aquatic animals, breathing by gills, and known as Crustacea. Crabs, lobsters, shrimps and “water-fleas” are familiar examples, and with the exception of the so-called land-crabs the only Crustaceans habitually found on land are wood-lice. The other Arthropoda are air-breathing, and since their characteristic breathing organs are branching tubes known as tracheae, the term Tracheata is sometimes used to include them all. They fall naturally into three divisions, the Myriapoda, the Insecta and the Arachnida, and it is in this last-named division that we shall find the spiders. The Myriapoda are the centipedes and millipedes, and having said this we may dismiss them, for insects and arachnids are strictly limited as to legs; and no myriapod can ever be mistaken for a spider. The Arachnida are so varied in structure that it is not easy to give characteristics common to them all, and to any general statement there are bound to be exceptions, but for practical purposes it may be said that while an insect, when mature, has only six legs, and a pair of feelers or antennae of quite different structure, Arachnids have normally eight legs, and their feeling organs are not antennae but leg-like “pedipalps.”
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