

Coping with Crisis:A Counsellor's Guide to the Restabilization Process
Coping with Crisis:A Counsellor's Guide to the Restabilization Process
Jim Burtles
In the wake of a catastrophic event, the witness may discover or experience unsettling emotions which can trigger subsequent behaviors. These reactions can lead to a number of consequences, some of which are unproductive. Restabilization is a practical means of addressing these reactions and the resultant issues. It is a four-step process of self-discovery guided, but not led, by a counselor; aimed at restoring someone's confidence and improving their capability to deal with life's problems. The person is encouraged, and enabled, to view the event as a learning experience with an opportunity to improve their performance in relation to unexpected problems. The four stages of the process are described in detail, together with examples of model sessions and rules of engagement which serve to ensure the effectiveness of the process. There are also some Communication Exercises designed to ensure unemotional but sympathetic communication between the counselor and their client. In addition, the Dark Serpent Dilemma and Technique offers a pragmatic way of approaching and solving the problems which life throws at all of us from time to time. Once the concept is understood it can be applied as a way of ensuring the optimum reaction to any significant event or situation. About the Author For several years, Jim Burtles was Principal Consultant with Safetynet PLC, where he taught business executives how to cope with, and plan for, minor emergencies, disasters and absolute catastrophes. Safetynet was a pioneering disaster recovery and business continuity company which specialized in dealing with business emergencies. Such events might range in scale from a faulty air-conditioning system to the aftermath of major earthquakes or terrorist attacks. The original concept of Safetynet was centered on the complex computer-based operations of the modern business. However, experience soon taught Safetynet's founders that the whole of the business environment had to be taken into account. Therefore, personnel problems and many other aspects needed to be taken into consideration. Jim acquired his expertise in disaster recovery and emergency management through direct exposure to dozens of real-life disasters, almost a hundred emergencies and countless problem situations. He also benefited from the indirect experience of many more, gained from talking to, and working with, victims of various crises. In his current role, as a Director of Total Continuity Management, he is now working with senior executives of international corporations and government departments to help them develop complete emergency response plans and processes which include appropriate counseling and training programs to cope with emergency Coping with Crisis is book #5 in the Explorations in Metapsychology Series from Loving Healing Press (www.LovingHealing.com)
Lost in My Mind:Recovering From Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Lost in My Mind:Recovering From Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Kelly Bouldin Darmofal
Lost in My Mind is a stunning memoir describing Kelly Bouldin Darmofal's journey from adolescent girl to special education teacher, wife and mother -- despite severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Spanning three decades, Kelly's journey is unique in its focus on TBI education in America (or lack thereof). Kelly also abridges her mother's journals to describe forgotten experiences. She continues the narrative in her own humorous, poetic voice, describing a victim's relentless search for success, love, and acceptance -- while combating bureaucratic red tape, aphasia, bilateral hand impairment, and loss of memory. Readers will: · Learn why TBI is a "silent illness" for students as well as soldiers and athletes. · Discover coping strategies which enable TBI survivors to hope and achieve. · Experience what it's like to be a caregiver for someone with TBI. · Realize that the majority of teachers are sadly unprepared to teach victims of TBI. · Find out how relearning ordinary tasks, like walking, writing, and driving require intense determination. "This peek into the real-life trials and triumphs of a young woman who survives a horrific car crash and struggles to regain academic excellence and meaningful social relationships is a worthwhile read for anyone who needs information, inspiration or escape from the isolation so common after traumatic brain injury." -- Susan H. Connors, President/CEO, Brain Injury Association of America "Kelly Bouldin Darmofal's account is unique, yet widely applicable: she teaches any who have suffered TBI--and all who love, care for, and teach them--insights that are not only novel but revolutionary. The book is not simply worth reading; it is necessary reading for patients, poets, professors, preachers, and teachers." -- Dr. Frank Balch Wood, Professor Emeritus of Neurology-Neuropsychology, Wake Forest School of Medicine Learn more at www.ImLostInMyMind.com From the Reflections of America Series at Modern History Press www.ModernHistoryPress.com
Essentials of Pre-Marital Counseling:Creating Compatible Couples
Essentials of Pre-Marital Counseling:Creating Compatible Couples
Sandra L. Ceren
Expand Your Clinical Practice with this Practical Hands-on Guide ·Teach conflict resolution skills to your couples ·Introspective quizzes expose more of couples' inner lives and past history to each other ·Real-life exercises let couples practice cooperative decision- making and compromise before a crisis happens. ·Couples will discover and have the opportunity to change bad habits which threaten the viability of the relationship.Therapists Acclaim for Essentials of Pre-Marital Counseling"An invaluable ten-week program of specific steps to evaluate a relationship, detect warning signs and avoid disastrous pitfalls before committing to marriage."--Holly A. Hunt, PhD, author of Essentials of Private Practice "What I find most rewarding about this book is what Dr. Ceren refers to as 'The art of gracious compromise'-or what may be called-how to get along in your relationship. Therapists take heed, this book is for you and your clients! You will benefit greatly."--Michael J. Salamon, Ph.D., FICPP, Senior Psychologist/Director, Adult Developmental Center, Author of The Shidduch Crisis"A remarkable roadmap to a healthy relationship and insight into self, written by a therapist who combines experience and skill in improving the lives of others." --Rosalee G. Weiss, PhD Diplomate, American Board of Psychological Specialties Learn more about the author at www.DrSandraLevyCeren.comBook #7 in the New Horizons in Therapy Seriesfrom Loving Healing Press www.LHPress.com
From Crisis to Recovery
From Crisis to Recovery
George W. Doherty
Events around the world continue to present challenges for first responders and mental health professionals. Natural and man-made disasters continue. Evidence mounts concerning potential events such as global warming and the effects this may have worldwide. Avian Flu remains a concern as do forms of biological terrorism and natural hazards such as tsunamis, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes. The 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka and Thailand continues to have a significant impact on that area of the world. Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq continue to impact those countries, the Middle East and the United States. Preparing our communities and families not only for deployments and support of those deployed and their families, but also for the aftermath and return of our military and National Guard personnel into our communities is important for all. What can we expect from all of these? How do communities and first responders handle these? What role does mental health play? How do first responders and mental health professionals plan together for responding to future events and learning from past ones. Using a strategic planning approach, how do we identity potential threats and identify target populations and groups? What resources are available for which identified threats? How do we do such planning, how often, and how do we exercise such plans prior to events? What can we learn from such events and how do we incorporate what we learn into future planning? It is crucial that response, resilience, recovery and follow-up be included in our planning. Additional variables important in responding include cultural knowledge and sensitivity. We need to prepare to respond appropriately within a culture not our own, whether locally, nationally, or internationally. November 8-10, 2007, the Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Institute held their Annual Disaster Mental Health Conference in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The theme of this conference was: From Crisis To Recovery: Resilience and Strategic Planning for the Future.RM DMH Institute PressPO Box 786Laramie, WY 82073-0786Phone: 307-399-4818www.rmrinstitute.org"Learning from the past and planning for the future"An Imprint of Loving Healing Press www.LHPress.com
Breaking Through Betrayal:And Recovering the Peace Within
Breaking Through Betrayal:And Recovering the Peace Within
Holli Kenley
Are you ready to heal? Breaking Through Betrayal: And Recovering the Peace Within is for any individual who has experienced betrayal and is struggling to break through its bonds. Through a proven process tailored for recovery from betrayal injury, readers are invited to: ·Explore and connect with the different kinds of betrayal: rejection or abandonment; a violation of trust; a shattered truth or belief. ·Identify and move through betrayal's three States of Being - confusion, worthlessness, and powerlessness - while uncovering contributors of symptom intensity and duration. ·Revive and restore mind, body, and spirit with a 5-part recovering process for "righting oneself" and attend to re-occurrence or re-injury. New in this Second Edition of Breaking Through Betrayal, readers are offered a unique perspective on a timeless topic -- relapse. By reframing relapse as a familiar experience and redefining it as an issue of self-betrayal, readers are: ·Drawn into a safe conversation while breaking through the stigma, secrecy, and shame of returning to any kind of unhealthy pattern of thinking, behaving, or feeling. ·Invited to partake in an empowering 6-part recovering process in moving from self-betrayal to self-discovery. Therapists Praise Breaking Through Betrayal "Useful for anyone caught in self-blame, shame or repeated victimization...this empowering 'in-control' approach can help readers take charge, assess injury, gauge healing and find excellent strategies to protect themselves from future trauma when relating to one's betrayer." --Beth Hedva, Ph.D. author of award-winning Betrayal, Trust and Forgiveness "Holli Kenley shares her comprehensive approach to a situation most of us experience at least once in our lifetimes - betrayal. As a former therapist, I appreciate the author's ability to take a complex topic and turn it into an uncomplicated and well-organized read, including easy-to-follow exercises at the end of each chapter. This book is an important resource for anyone experiencing grief and loss as the result of betrayal. Read it and 'recover the peace within.'" --Janet A. Hopkins, Editor-in-Chief, In Recovery Magazine About the Author Holli Kenley, M.A., is a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Specializing in the areas of sexual trauma, abuse, addiction, codependency, betrayal and cyber bullying, Holli currently works in the field of psychology as an author, speaker, and workshop presenter. Learn more at www.HolliKenley.com Self-Help : Abuse - Psychological
Why Good People Make Bad Choices:How You Can Develop Peace of Mind Through Integ
Why Good People Make Bad Choices:How You Can Develop Peace of Mind Through Integ
Charles L. Allen
Suppose that four simple instinctual directives helped to bring about the survival of the human species. While good for survival purposes, those directives have also been at the heart of most human problems. Why Good People Make Bad Choices takes you on a journey of self-discovery by way of new insights about the human condition. The instinctual directives we follow are described as--the ego's agenda. Due to this agenda, we experience problematic feelings, maintain maladaptive thoughts, and engage in behaviors that we know are not in our best interest--indeed, we make bad choices. The solution is integrity. With this book you can learn how to: ·Create integrity, and recognize it in others. ·Create peace of mind. ·Resolve problematic feelings that may interfere with sustaining integrity. ·Create a self-image you can be proud of. ·Transform any unwanted behavior or thoughts into new valued behavior. ·Understand and manage anger, worry, guilt, bad habits, anxiety, and depression.Why Good People Make Bad Choices is for the individual who wants to experience a more harmonious inner nature, or establish a new direction for their life. "As you begin to consistently live out your belief system, one choice at a time, your trust in the outcome of integrity will be the incentive to continue. Positive results will prevail, and you will be evolving." What People Are Saying About Why Good People Make Bad Choices "I find this to be a very valuable framework for therapy, and for living a good life generally. It is a challenging book that can lead one to a new, more satisfying life." --Robert Rich, PhD, author Cancer: A Personal Challenge. "Why Good People Make Bad Choices is an incredible tool to aid in the transcendence of the ego and to initiate the establishment of a personal belief system in order to live life with integrity." --Richard A. Singer Jr., psychotherapist, author Your Daily Walk with the Great Minds "Thought-provoking and well worth the time, this book should be read once throughout and then repeatedly and in small doses. It is bound to trigger a lot of introspection, something we sorely lack in modern life." --Sam Vaknin, author Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited More information at www.CharlesLawrenceAllen.com From the New Horizons in Therapy Series Series Editor: Robert Rich, Ph.D. Published by Loving Healing Press (www.LovingHealing.com)
Beyond Schizophrenia:Michael's Journey
Beyond Schizophrenia:Michael's Journey
Susan Frances Dunham
What would you do if your child suffered with something so severe it affected every aspect of his life? Susie Dunham, Midwestern mom and former nurse, never suspected her son Michael was anything but a typical college student with big dreams until he developed schizophrenia shortly after his 21st birthday. The Dunham family quickly becomes immersed in the nightmare world of mental illness in America: psychiatric wards, a seemingly indifferent nursing staff, and the trial-and-error world of psychotropic meds. Michael's ultimate recovery and remission comes with plenty of traumatic incidents involving both ignorance and stigma, but his courage and quest for dignity will inspire all readers. "Susie Dunham's heroic, heart-rending story is a beacon of light in the darkness of insanity. It shows that recovery is hard-won but possible for people who develop schizophrenia, despite a media that sensationalizes them, a society that shuns them, and a dysfunctional mental healthcare system that fails them miserably." --Patrick Tracey, author of Stalking Irish Madness: Searching for the Roots of My Family's Schizophrenia "Every person in a leadership position needs to take the time to read this moving story of triumph over adversity." --State Representative John Adams, Ohio House Minority Whip "The fact that Michael bravely fought this disease, picked up the pieces and moved beyond it, should give others hope that one day schizophrenia will be seen as a treatable disease with no stigma attached." --Sharon Goldberg, News & Reviews Editor,"NYC Voices": A Journal for Mental Health Advocacy "Beyond Schizophrenia: Michael's Journey is a book that I couldn't put down. The story of Michael's parents Susie and Mark who support their son both in good times and bad really touched me. I really like the way the symptoms of schizophrenia are explained clearly." --Bill MacPhee, Founder/CEO of SZ Magazine Also available in trade paperback and eBook editions Learn more at www.SusieDunham.org From the Reflections of America Series at Modern History Press www.ModernHistoryPress.com PSY022050 Psychology : Psychopathology - Schizophrenia BIO026000 Biography & Autobiography / Personal Memoirs MED105000 Medical / Psychiatry / General
Beyond Trauma:Conversations on Traumatic Incident Reduction
Beyond Trauma:Conversations on Traumatic Incident Reduction
Victor R. Volkman
TIR, or Traumatic Incident Reduction, is a unique regressive, repetitive, desensitization procedure--highly focused, directive, and controlled, yet at the same time wholly person-centered, non-interpretive, and non-judgmental. Developed by Frank A. Gerbode, M.D., Gerald French, and others, TIR is best known for its use as an extremely effective tool in the rapid resolution of virtually all trauma-related conditions, including PTSD. TIR can also address many other DSM-IV diagnoses beyond trauma including: adjustment disorders, acute stress, traumatic bereavement, dysthymic disorders, major depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, somatization disorders, sexual abuse, and phobias.Acclaim for Beyond Trauma: Conversations on Traumatic Incident Reduction"Beyond Trauma is an excellent resource to begin one's mastery in this area of practice."--MICHAEL G. TANCYUS, LCSW, DCSW, Augusta Behavioral Health"I have found Beyond Trauma to be exceptionally helpful in understanding and practicing TIR in broad and diverse areas of practice, not just in traditional trauma work. The information from various points of view is really priceless."--GERRY BOCK, Registered Clinical Counselor, B.C. Canada"Beyond Trauma offers PTSD sufferers a glimpse at a light at the end of the tunnel, while providing mental health workers with a revolutionary technique that could increase their success rate with traumatized clients."--JENI MAYER, Body Mind Spirit MagazineLearn more at www.BeyondTrauma.com
Dimensional Ascension:MultiDimensional Living for Light Workers
Dimensional Ascension:MultiDimensional Living for Light Workers
Jules Kennedy
Dimensional Ascension: Multi-Dimensional Living for Light Workers delivers a powerful message that will help anyone speculating the deeper meaning of life here upon this planet. "What is my purpose?" "Why am I here on earth at this time?" "Will I ever be happy?" These are questions that many people today are asking themselves. Dimensional Ascension: Multi-Dimensional Living for Light Workers can help you answer some of the most pressing, intimate concerns in your life. By understanding and utilizing the multi-dimensional information given in Dimensional Ascension, and via answering the self-reflective workbook questions at the back of the book, anyone with even just a bit of curiosity may be able to enhance life experience. Begin to attain healthy relationships, explore vocational options, and manifest prosperity and happiness.Make your dreams come true by comprehending what is at the core of this existence, by knowing what your soul wants. Through Dimensional Ascension learn to tap into the power of your own mind, use imagination to create reality, and access the full capacity of love to transform every relationship in your life.You will recognize the workings of your psyche; the spirit of life beyond this world but also that which is inside of you.About the authorJules Kennedy began her profession as a clairvoyant reader in 1987, but has been receiving channeled messages since childhood. She reads for clients worldwide and also facilitates weekend retreats. Jules holds degrees in Human Development, Counseling, and Psychic Studies.See also www.juleskennedy.com and www.utopianvision.com. Book #1 From the Utopian Vision Ascension
Gifts From The Child Within:A Recovery Workbook
Gifts From The Child Within:A Recovery Workbook
Barbara Sinor
Gifts From the Child Within brings a refreshing approach to guiding its reader to understanding the initial or underlying basis to their emotional suffering due to past childhood trauma. This recovery book is geared toward both professional and layperson. Its pages are filled with offerings from psychological, physiological, and spiritual perspectives which takes the reader on a journey into the soul. It is written with sensitivity and clarity inviting the reader to search within for healing. As the author shares her own journey of childhood abuse, the reader is asked to address issues surrounding physical, mental, spiritual, and sexual abuse. Instructions are captured to guide one toward reaching for their own child within; releasing negative emotions; re-creating outdated childhood beliefs; and, to recognize the gifts the inner child has for us. The process of Re-Creation Therapy(tm) is introduced by the author allowing the reader who follows its guidance to reap the effects of gradual changes in self-awareness which lead to a greater understanding of the psychodynamics the child within plays in the adult life. Included are a series of healing visualizations and autohypnosis suggestions; blank journal pages; and sample affirmations following each chapter.What Experts Say About Gifts From The Child Within "This is indeed a valuable self-help book and a tool for the Counselor, Hypnotherapist, Minister, Psychotherapist, or Clinician. I assure you, the world will look much brighter after you read this book." --Lavona Stillman, PhD, CC, HT "Barbara Sinor has written a book that will help the violated and traumatized child within to heal. Gifts From The Child Within helps guide survivors with repressed memories of trauma, as well as those with current memories of incest, through the healing process." Marilyn Van Derbur, Miss America 1958, Founder: Survivor's United Network "Barbara Sinor has bridged the gap for clients and therapists alike between the mere discovery of the inner child and the building of a true relationship with this most important being within. Gifts From The Child Within is an important and highly readable work." Rick Boyes, M. Coun, CHT, Author A Body To Die For "Gifts From The Child Within is a wonderful book that takes the reader on a journey into the soul. Flowing and readable, this book is filled with stories, myths, information, and revelation." Marilyn Gordon, CHT, Author, Healing is Remembering Who You Are For more information: see www.DrSinor.com
100 Simple Secrets of Healthy People
100 Simple Secrets of Healthy People
Niven, David, PhD
The Simple Science of a Healthy Life From fitness to diets to emotional health and longevity, what do people who feel and look healthy do differently than those who are overtired, depressed, or out of shapeEvery day we face an avalanche of studies and statistics that tell us what we should or shouldn't eat, how long we need to exercise, or how to protect ourselves from secondhand smoke and the harmful rays from the sun. Not only are these studies often contradictory, but the actual scientific information is usually inaccessible. Moving beyond the myths and misinformation, the advice in these pages is not based on one person's opinions or one expert's study. For the first time the research available on the health of average Americans has been distilled into one hundred essential ways that we can become healthier and happier. Each of the core findings is accompanied by a real life example showing these results in action. ?Eat more often. Oxford University researchers found that people who ate five or six times a day had a 5 percent lower total cholesterol than average and were 45 percent more likely to be able to sustain their target weight than people who ate once or twice a day. ?Who says caffeine is bad for youThe majority of scientific evidence shows that, for a healthy adult, moderate quantities of caffeine (about three cups of coffee per day) pose no significant health risks. ?Home sweet home. People who described their home lives as satisfying were 24 percent more likely to live beyond normal life expectancy, according to a UCLA study.
Where’s Your Caravan?: My Life on Football’s B-Roads
Where’s Your Caravan?: My Life on Football’s B-Roads
Chris Hargreaves
Forget Torres, Rooney, Beckham and the like. This is what football is really about. One man’s story of a career in the lower leagues. Chris Hargreaves has been a professional footballer for twenty years. Having started out as a youth team player at Everton he made his debut for Grimsby Town in 1989 and was earmarked as their first million pound sale. It never happened. Instead he went on to play for Scarborough, Hull City, West Brom, Hereford United, Plymouth Argyle, Northampton Town, Brentford, Oxford United and Torquay United. Where's Your Caravan? is the sort of football memoir we don't see enough of these days - an account of life in the lower leagues. It takes us from his wild youth - lots of sex and drugs and drink - through to domesticated family man - school runs and flatpack furniture with plenty of football in between.
Dad You Suck: And other things my children tell me
Dad You Suck: And other things my children tell me
Tim Dowling
Tim Dowling is the author of several books including the Sunday Times Humour Book of the Year, How to be a Husband. His popular weekly Guardian column charts the ups and downs of his family life.
Stop Thinking, Start Living: Discover Lifelong Happiness
Stop Thinking, Start Living: Discover Lifelong Happiness
Richard Carlson
Richard Carlson PhD is a stress consultant in private practice and the best-selling author of numerous books, including Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and Slowing Down to the Speed of Life. He is also the co-author of Handbook for the Soul.
Escape the Diet Trap
Escape the Diet Trap
Dr. John Briffa
This revolutionary book reveals: ?Ten reasons why eating a low-fat, calorie controlled diet makes sustained weight loss virtually impossible. ?Why the less hungry you are, the more weight you’ll lose. ?How different types of calories have different fattening potential. ?Why weight is not just about calories, but the impact our diet has on key hormones including insulin and leptin. ?Why you should ignore foods labelled ‘low fat’ or ‘light’. ?Why aerobic exercise has little impact on weight, and the type of exercise that does. ?The simple and mental tricks to ensure permanent success.
Fat Chance: The bitter truth about sugar
Fat Chance: The bitter truth about sugar
Dr. Robert Lustig
Sugar is toxic, addictive and everywhere. So what chance do you have of living sugar-free? With busy lives and little time left for cooking we find ourselves relying on a diet of processed food. But this is what’s responsible for our chronically expanding waistlines, soaring levels of diabetes and a catalogue of diseases. Dr Robert Lustig reveals the truth about our sugar-laden food: ? Why conventional low-fat weight loss advice won’t work: not every calorie is the same, and skipping lunch doesn’t mean it’s ok to eat dessert ? Why too much sugar can cause serious illness even if you are not overweight ? How the food industry is filling our diets with hidden sugars – and which foods you must cut out to avoid them ?How governments are complacent about, and even complicit in, exacerbating our food debacle He will radically change the way you see your food and give you more than a fat chance of a healthier, happier and smarter life!
A Great Day at the Office
A Great Day at the Office
Dr. John Briffa
Dreading work? Tired of a 9 to 5 that’s more like an 8 to 10? Feeling overwhelmed by your job? A Great Day at the Office offers practical solutions to the challenges of modern-day business life for a healthier, happier and more productive time at the office and away. For almost two decades, Dr John Briffa has worked with a wide range of organisations, both in the UK and abroad, to inspire literally thousands of people to live and work more healthily, effectively and sustainably. His techniques have proven, time and again, that small changes to your lifestyle will recharge your batteries and boost your performance and productivity. Areas he will cover include: diet, hydration, the amount of alcohol you drink, and the relation these bear to your quantity and quality of sleep. Many of his solutions go against conventional wisdom, but are based on the most recent and cutting-edge studies.
Swallow This: Serving Up the Food Industry’s Darkest Secrets
Swallow This: Serving Up the Food Industry’s Darkest Secrets
Joanna Blythman
From the author of What to Eat and Shopped, a revelatory investigation into what really goes into the food we eat. Even with 25 years experience as a journalist and investigator of the food chain, Joanna Blythman still felt she had unanswered questions about the food we consume every day. How ‘natural’ is the process for making a ‘natural’ flavouring? What, exactly, is modified starch, and why is it an ingredient in so many foods? What is done to pitta bread to make it stay ‘fresh’ for six months? And why, when you eat a supermarket salad, does the taste linger in your mouth for several hours after? Swallow This is a fascinating exploration of the food processing industry and its products – not just the more obvious ready meals, chicken nuggets and tinned soups, but the less overtly industrial – washed salads, smoothies, yoghurts, cereal bars, bread, fruit juice, prepared vegetables. Forget illegal, horse-meat-scandal processes, every step in the production of these is legal, but practised by a strange and inaccessible industry, with methods a world-away from our idea of domestic food preparation, and obscured by technical speak, unintelligible ingredients manuals, and clever labelling practices. Determined to get to the bottom of the impact the industry has on our food, Joanna Blythman has gained unprecedented access to factories, suppliers and industry insiders, to give an utterly eye-opening account of what we’re really swallowing.
You: On a Diet
You: On a Diet
Michael F. Roizen,Mehmet C. Oz
Drs Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, authors of the million-copy bestseller ‘YOU: The Owner's Manual’, have devised a diet that is so effective you'll notice changes in your body immediately. Starting with a Two-Week Reboot that will help you lose up to two inches around your waist, you will shed your unwanted pounds forever. ‘YOU on a Diet’ is not another faddy crash-diet weight loss plan: you will lose weight – and a lot of it – but you will also gain the knowledge, insight and power to keep off the pounds you lose. Knowledge is the most powerful motivator when it comes to making the right food choices: know the ‘why’ and you'll successfully handle the ‘how’. ? Find out your ideal shape – and how to reach it ? Lose weight without hunger – you need only 100 calories less a day ? Enjoy flexibility – you can still indulge in treats ? Rebalance body chemicals and hormones – these, not willpower, dictate what you eat ? Stop worrying about what you weigh – it's your waist size that counts Roizen and Mehmet's clear plan combined with: ? Amazing YOU facts (e.g. 95% of your body's serotonin is found in your intestines – there's only 2-3% in your nervous system) ? Eating tips (e.g. eating a small handful of nuts before your meal tricks your body into thinking that you are fuller sooner) ? Interactive questionnaires (e.g. are your emotions affecting your food choices?) make this diet one of the most cutting-edge and easy-to-follow of our time. Successful long-term weight loss is only found in one place: YOU.
Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice
Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice
Matthew Syed
Everyone knows that David Beckham crosses the ball better than anyone else and that Tiger Woods never “chokes”. But what are the hidden factors which allow the most successful sports stars to rise above their competitors – and are they shared by virtuosos in other fields? In Bounce Matthew Syed - an award-winning Times columnist and three-time Commonwealth table-tennis champion - reveals what really lies behind world-beating achievement in sport, and other walks of life besides. The answers - taking in the latest in neuroscience, psychology and economics - will change the way we look at sports stars and revolutionise our ideas about what it takes to become the best. From the upbringing of Mozart to the mindset of Mohammed Ali - via the recruitment policies of Enron - Bounce weaves together fascinating stories and telling insights and statistics into a wonderfully thought-provoking read. Bounce looks at big questions - such as the real nature of talent, what kind of practice actually works, how to achieve motivation, drugs in both sport and life, and whether black people really are faster runners. Along the way Matthew talks to a Hungarian father whose educational theories saw his daughters become three of the best chess players of all time, meets a female East German athlete who became a man, and explains why one small street in Reading - his own - has produced more top table-tennis players than the rest of Britain put together. Fresh, ground-breaking and tackling subjects with broad appeal, Bounce is sure to be one of the most talked about books of the year.
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