

Cseresznyés ábránd
Cseresznyés ábránd
Cathy Cassidy
RUINS OF ANCIENT CITIES, WITH GENERAL AND PARTICULAR ACCOUNTS OF THEIR RISE, FALL, AND PRESENT CONDITION. - BY CHARLES BUCKE This Volume contain these cities;Messene, Mycen?, Miletus, Nauplia, Nemea, Nineveh, The Destruction of Sennacherib, Numantia, Olympia, Puteoli, Palmyra (Tadmor), Patr?, Pella, Pergamus, Persepolis, Petra (Wady Mousa), Phigalia, Plat?a, P?stum, Pompeii, Rama, Rome, Saguntum, Hannibal’s Speech to His Soldiers, Sais, Samaria, Sapphura, Sardis, Seleucia, Selinus, Or Selinuntum, Sicyon, Sidon, Smyrna, Spalatro, Stratonice, Susa, Sybaris, Syene, Syracuse, Thebes, Troja, And Other Cities of the Troas, Tyre, Veii Fallen, fallen, a silent heap; their heroes allSunk in their urns:—Behold the pride of pomp,The throne of nations fallen; obscured in dustEven yet majestical.—The solemn sceneElates the soul! ? ?{DYER} The reader is requested to observe, that, though the plan of this work is entirely his own, the compiler of it does not put it forth as in any way original in respect to language or description. It is, in fact, a much better book, than if it had been what is strictly called original, (which, indeed, must have involved an utter impossibility:) for it is a selection of some of the best materials the British Museum could furnish; sometimes worked up in his own language; and sometimes—and, indeed, very frequently—in that of others: the compiler having, at an humble distance and with unequal steps, followed the plan which M. Rollin proposed to himself, when he composed his celebrated history of ancient times.—"To adorn and enrich my own," says that celebrated writer, "I will be so ingenuous as to confess, that I do not scruple, nor am ashamed, to rifle whereever I come; and that I often do not cite the authors from whom I transcribe, because of the liberty I take to make some slight alterations. I have made the best use in my power of the solid reflections that occur in the Bishop of Meaux's Universal History, which is one of the most beautiful and most useful books in our language. I have also received great assistance from the learned Dean Prideaux's 'Connexion of the Old and New Testament,' in which he has traced and cleared up, in an admirable manner, the particulars relating to ancient history. I shall take the same liberty with whatever comes in my way, that may suit my design, and contribute to its perfection. I am very sensible, that it is not so much for a person's reputation to make use of other men's labours, and that it is in a manner renouncing the name and quality of author. But I am not over-fond of that title, and shall be extremely well pleased, and think myself very happy, if I can but deserve the name of a good compiler; and supply my readers with a tolerable history, who will not be over-solicitous to inquire what hand it comes from, provided they are but pleased with it."Having followed this example,—the compiler wishes he could say with equal effect,—he will be fully satisfied, should judicious readers feel inclined to concede, that he has shown some judgment in selecting his materials, and some taste in binding "the beads of the chain," that connects them together. He disclaims, in fact, (as, in the present instance, he is bound to do), all the "divine honours" of authorship; satisfied with those of a selecter, adapter, and compiler; and happy in the hope that he has here, by means of the superior writers, whose labours he has used, furnished his readers with an useful, accurate, and amusing work.? ? ? ? ? C. B.
Landscapes in Watercolour (Collins 30-Minute Painting)
Landscapes in Watercolour (Collins 30-Minute Painting)
Paul Talbot-Greaves
This practical and inspirational guide, in a handy sketchbook format, is aimed at the practised beginner and shows how to achieve successful watercolour landscapes in just 30 minutes – ideal for the busy amateur artist who doesn't have much time to paint. Many people think they don't have enough time to paint, but in this attractive guide Paul Talbot-Greaves encourages quick and simple painting. By working with just a few materials and focusing on the key techniques it is possible to achieve successful, realistic landscape paintings in no more than half an hour. And for those artists who already have a little painting experience, learning to work more quickly enables them to free up their style and paint more spontaneously. All the key topics are covered, from watercolour techniques, colour and tone to learning about creating distance, composing pictures and selecting scenes.
Good Morning Nantwich: Adventures in Breakfast Radio
Good Morning Nantwich: Adventures in Breakfast Radio
Phill Jupitus
What possesses a right-minded comedian to quit the day job for life as a breakfast radio DJ? The opening DJ on the Beeb’s new alternative radio channel, 6Music, Phill Jupitus was a maverick on the flat landscape of inane commercial breakfast radio. Disregarding the pre*ive chart-led schedule and showing no fear in the face of BBC management, this ex-performance poet’s personal crusade against the bland, the predictable and the smug self-satisfaction ensured that he never had any trouble practising what he preached. Not one to pull punches, Phill recounts with acerbic wit, honesty and more affection than he would care to admit, his encounters with petulant band members, tedious showbusiness jargon, colossal salaries and four-letter firewalls. Inviting world-weary media cynics and radio enthusiasts to sit back and revel in a heady dose of painful banter ensuing from the absent interview technique, The Clash, the perils of idols as on-air guests, Black Umfolosi and The Coasters, Nantwich remorselessly dissects the limply beating heart of breakfast radio and reconstructs it one playlist, anecdote and tran* at a time.
Ortopedie ?i traumatologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Ortopedie ?i traumatologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Niculescu Marius, Moldoveanu Monica
Lucrarea inedit? a lui Nathan Belofsky se concentreaz? asupra ideilor ?i practicilor medicale acceptate de-a lungul veacurilor, pe scar? larg?, ale doctorilor reali, nu ale vracilor ?i aproape to?i doctorii men?iona?i erau figuri medicale importante ale acelor vremuri. Autorul prezint? c?teva dintre cele mai r?sp?ndite practici ?ocante sau ?ndoielnice din fiecare epoc?, ?ncep?nd cu Antichitatea ?i continu?nd cu Evul Mediu, Rena?terea, perioada modern? ?i secolul al XX-lea. Cartea se afl? sub semnul insolitului ?i readuce la via?a, ?ntr-o manier? narativ? ?i deseori umoristic?, momente mai pu?in cunoscute din istoria medicinei. ,,Cartea este o comoar? de fapte uluitoare.“Los Angeles Examiner
Pe contrasens cu favorita pre?edintelui. Cronica unei campanii
Pe contrasens cu favorita pre?edintelui. Cronica unei campanii
Brătescu Liviu
Lucrarea abordeaz? cele mai relevante manifest?ri ale modernismului literar interbelic, propun?nd spre analiz? reprezentan?i ai poeziei (George Bacovia, Ion Barbu, Lucian Blaga, Ion Vinea, Ilarie Voronca, Tudor Arghezi), ai prozei (Anton Holban, Camil Petrescu, Max Blecher, Mircea Eliade), tendin?ele ?i mi?c?rile coagulate ?n jurul marilor reviste interbelice (Sbur?torul, Contimporanul, 75 H.P., Integral). Volumul se adreseaz? elevilor de liceu care doresc s?-?i aprofundeze cuno?tin?ele referitoare la una dintre cele mai importante v?rste literare rom?ne?ti, miz?nd ?i pe redescoperirea cititorului avizat, dornic s?-?i sus?in? punctele de vedere, s?-?i modeleze gustul estetic ?i s? descopere modele, ierarhii, valori.
Tracks, Racing the Sun
Tracks, Racing the Sun
Sandro Martini
“EVERY FAN OF MOTOR RACING SHOULD READ THIS BOOK” MARIO ANDRETTI In this epic novel about the motor-racing heroes of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, legendary characters battle to win incredible races on switchback roads along the edges of ravines. Exploring the relationships between the champions as much as the sporting events themselves, this is a thrilling tale based on the true rivalries, triumphs and disasters during a fascinating period in European sporting history. “the splendour of the world has been enriched by a novel beauty; the beauty of speed” The Futurists "Martini writes about the dawn of motor racing, a violent and treacherous sport where men serviced their addiction to speed and etched their names in history. Enjoy riding with the greats, it's a rush.?Ben Collins, aka The Stig from BBC's? Top Gear "Every fan of motor racing should read?this book. How the legendary Italian drivers of the past forged the sport we love today with blood and bone. Mario Andretti, motor sport legend "A great read! An incredible tale of skill and courage based on true events". Alex Baldolini, 250cc/moto2 WSS rider "Meticulously researched, beautifully crafted, and a captivating read from beginning to end". The Historical Novel Society
Un c?ur de petite grenouille. Plume dorée, ange ou bourreau? Volume I
Un c?ur de petite grenouille. Plume dorée, ange ou bourreau? Volume I
Vîrtosu George
„Într-o pres? care nu prea mai pune pre? pe reportaje, Liliana Nicolae persevereaz? cu inteligen?? ?i har. La radio ?i în Dilema veche, subiectele ?i cuvintele ei bine m?surate reconstituie lumea din frînturi, în toat? normalitatea ei. Ascultate sau citite, reportajele sale ne pun pe gînduri în fa?a Vie?ii pe care, gr?bi?i, uit?m uneori s-o contempl?m ori s-o în?elegem.“ – Mircea Vasilescu (Dilema veche)
Paradisul r?t?ci?ilor
Paradisul r?t?ci?ilor
Davidsohn Madeleine
Despre Europa s-a vorbit mult, ?n special din perspectiva social? ?i economic?, ?ns? tema nu a fost dezb?tut?, a?a cum s-ar fi cuvenit, de pe pozi?ia culturii. Cartea Mituri ?i legende ale antichit??ii propune studii eseistice referitoare la baza culturii europene. Eseurile ne invit? s? g?ndim ?mpreun? Europa din perspectiva singurului factor care une?te – cultura.
The Clash of Images
The Clash of Images
Abdelfattah Kilito, Robyn Creswell
The Clash of Images is a sweet, Borgesian mix of bildungsroman memoir, family history, short-story collection, fable, and literary criticism. Written in a graceful and charming style, Kilito’s story takes place in an unnamed coastal city of memories where a child experiences first-hand the cultural clash of text and image in a changing, modern society. It is a time when the old Arabic world of texts and oral traditions is making way for something new: the era of the image, the comic book, photo IDs, and the cinema. The stories form a kaleidoscopic memoir of growing up in two worlds, a brilliant mixture of cultural and family history. Here are tales of first kisses and first reads, Tintin and the Prophet Muhammad, fantasies of the Wild West, the inferno of the bathhouse, and the lost paradises of childhood. The Clash of Images is a celebration of the pleasures of storytelling, a magic lantern that delicately reveals how the world of books intimately connects with the world outside their pages.
Jung & Reich. Trupul ca o umbr?
Jung & Reich. Trupul ca o umbr?
John P. Conger
L?sa?i atunci trufia la o parte, C?ci de b?rba?i trufia ne desparte. ?i m?inile, duioase ?i supuse, ?n slujba lor pe veci s? fie puse. ?i so?ul meu, de ?ndat? ce ar vrea, ?n m?na lui mi a? pune m?na mea. Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot,And place your hands below your husband’s foot: In token of which duty, if he please, My hand is ready; may it do him ease.
Peisaje interioare
Peisaje interioare
Corneliu Irimia
Volumul de fa?? reune?te portretele sclipitoare ale celor mai ilustre favorite. Apropiate puterii, exercit?ndu??i influen?a adesea ?ntr?o manier? clandestin?, ele alc?tuiesc un galant cortegiu de femei c?rora importan?i b?rba?i de stat le datoreaz? mult. Ce este o favorit?? Cuv?ntul, ne?ndoielnic originar din italian?, se refer? la o femeie care ?se bucur? de favorurile" unei persoane de rang foarte ?nalt. Spre deosebire de o amant?, favorita nu se mul?ume?te s? fie obiectul unei pasiuni amoroase, fie aceasta efemer? ori durabil?. Ea are putere, exercit? influen?? politic?, economic? sau artistic?; ob?ine rezultate, fericite sau dezastruoase. Fie c? e iubit? de popula?ie, tolerat? sau detestat?, nimic nu se face ?i nu se desface f?r? ea. Muzele prezentate de autor ?n acest periplu prin istoria Europei au jucat toate un rol propor?ional cu influen?a exercitat? asupra monarhului, prin?ului mo?tenitor, regelui sau ?mp?ratului l?ng? care s-au aflat, fie el c?s?torit, v?duv sau celibatar: Agnes Sorel, Diana de Poitiers, Gabrielle d’Estrées, Louise de La Valliere, marchiza de Montespan, doamna de Maintenon, surorile de Nesle, marchiza de Pompadour, doamna du Barry, Zoé du Cayla, Lol Montez, Miss Howard, Katia Dolgorukova, Blanche Delacroix, Magda Lupescu ?i Wallis Simpson. Optsprezece portrete de femei care au influen?at cursul istoriei. ?n bine ?i ?n r?u.?
The Eloquence of Desire
The Eloquence of Desire
Amanda Sington-Williams
"I have just stumbled onto the nicest surprise" - Susan Abraham "an atmospheric novel with thought provoking themes" - Bookish Magpie "A good read" - Book Pleasures "For those who know me, giving a book a 5 is something I don't do. My belief is if a book receives a 5 rating, it better be worthy of a Nobel Prize in literature. The Eloquence of Desire is one such book. Ms. Sington-Williams has written a book that flows rhythmically, lyrically, like poetry or a song, but touches on every facet of human nature. This is not an easy read. Filled with emotion and every facet of human nature laid bare before the reader, this story will grip your heart and bring your emotions to the foreground. I don't think anyone will come away from this story untouched." - Romance Writers United. "an engrossing and atmospheric novel... has the sharp edge, clarity and narrative drive of Somerset Maugham... Thoroughly recommended!" - Dr. Stephen Wyatt, Award-winning writer of Memorials to the Missing. Set in the 1950s, The Eloquence of Desire explores the conflicts in family relationships caused by obsessive love, the lost innocence of childhood and the terror of the Communist insurgency in Malaya. Richly descriptive and well-researched, the story told by Amanda Sington-Williams unfolds as George is posted to the tropics in punishment for an affair with the daughter of his boss. His wife, Dorothy, constrained by social norms, begrudgingly accompanies him while their twelve year old daughter Susan is packed off to boarding school. Desire and fantasy mix with furtive visits, lies and despair to turn the family inside out with Dorothy becoming a recluse, George taking a new lover, and Susan punishing herself through self-harm. The Eloquence of Desire is written in Sington-Williams' haunting and rhythmical prose.
Szoros emberfogás
Szoros emberfogás
Takács Tibor
"Ugyanabban az id?ben, és ugyanazon a napon, amelyen a nemzetek megszentégtelenítették, ugyanakkor szentelték fel a templomot énekszóvel, lantok, hárfák és cintányérok kíséretével. Az egész nép arcra borult, imádta és áldotta at Eget, hogy szerencséssé tette útjukat. Az oltár újraszentelését nyolc napig végezték, és ?r?mmel áldoztak ég?álozatokat és dícs?it? áldozatokat a szabadulásért. A templom homlokzatát aranykoszorúkkal és -pajzsocskákkal díszítették fel, megújították a kapukat és a papi kamrákat, és ajtókkal láttál el ?ket. Igen nagy ?r?m t?lt?tte le a népet, mivel sikerült elhárítaniuk magukról a nemzetek gyalázatát. Júdás és testvérei Izrael egész gyülekezetével együtt elhatározták, hogy évr?l évre megünnepilik az oltár újraszentelésének napjait a maga idején a Kiszlév hónap huszon?t?dik napjától kezdve nyolc napon át vidámsággal és ?r?mmel."? A Makkabeusok els? k?nyve Izrael népe t?rténelmének olyan fejezetét mutatja be, amikor az ?s?k hitéért való harc egyben a nemzeti ?nrendelkezésért való küzdelmet is jelentett a hellenizmus globális trendjével szemben.?
Csak a holttesteden át
Csak a holttesteden át
Dan Wells
In issuing this second treatise on Crayon Portraiture, Liquid Water Colors and French Crystals, for the use of photographers and amateur artists, I do so with the hope and assurance that all the requirements in the way of instruction for making crayon portraits on photographic enlargements and for finishing photographs in color will be fully met. To these I have added complete instructions for free-hand crayons. This book embodies the results of a studio experience of twenty-four years spent in practical work, in teaching, and in overcoming the everyday difficulties encountered, not alone in my own work, but in that of my pupils as well. Hence the book has been prepared with special reference to the needs of the student. It presents a brief course of precepts, and requires on the part of the pupil only perseverance in order that he may achieve excellence. The mechanical principles are few, and have been laid down in a few words; and, as nearly all students have felt, in the earlier period of their art work, the necessity of some general rules to guide them in the composition and arrangement of color, I have given, without entering into any profound discussion of the subject, a few of its practical precepts, which, it is hoped, will prove helpful. While this book does not treat of art in a very broad way, yet I am convinced that those who follow its teachings will, through the work they accomplish, be soon led to a higher appreciation of art. Although this kind of work does not create, yet who will say that it will not have accomplished much if it shall prove to be the first step that shall lead some student to devote his or her life to the sacred calling of art? It has been said that artists rarely, if ever, write on art, because they have the impression that the public is too ill-informed to understand them—that is, to understand their ordinarily somewhat technical method of expression. If, therefore, in the following pages I may sometimes seem to take more space and time for an explanation than appears necessary, I hope the student will overlook it, as I seek to be thoroughly understood. My hope with reference to this work is that it may prove of actual value to the earnest student in helping him reach the excellence which is the common aim of all true artists. ? ?J. A. Barhydt. About Author: To many who know nothing about the art of crayon portraiture, the mastery of it not only seems very difficult, but almost unattainable. In fact, any work of art of whatever description, which in its execution is beyond the knowledge or comprehension of the spectator, is to him a thing of almost supernatural character. Of course, this is more decided when the subject portrayed carries our thoughts beyond the realms of visible things. But the making of crayon portraits is not within the reach alone of the trained artist who follows it as a profession. I claim that any one who can learn to write can learn to draw, and that any one who can learn to draw can learn to make crayon portraits. Making them over a photograph, that is, an enlargement, is a comparatively simple matter, as it does not require as much knowledge of drawing as do free-hand crayons. But you must not suppose that, because the photographic enlargement gives you the drawing in line and an indistinct impression of the form in light and shade, you are not required to draw at all in making a crayon portrait over such an enlargement. Some knowledge of drawing is necessary, though not a perfect knowledge. Many people err in supposing that only the exceptionally skilled can produce the human features in life-like form upon the crayon paper. While recognizing great differences in natural aptitude for drawing in different persons, just as those who use the pen differ widely in their skill, some being able to write with almost mechanical perfection of form, I still hold that any one who is able to draw at all can succeed in producing creditable crayons.. J. A. Barhydt.
Ur?, prietenie, dragoste, c?s?torie
Ur?, prietenie, dragoste, c?s?torie
Munro Alice
De la ?nfiin?area sa, acum o sut? de ani, MI6 a fost ?nconjurat de mister ?i a avut un aer aproape mitic. Pentru opinia public?, no?iunea de ?spion“ a fost modelat? de universurile fic?ionale ale unor scriitori precum Ian Fleming, p?rintele lui James Bond, ?i John le Carré, creatorul cerebralului Smiley. Gordon Corera le ofer? cititorilor s?i ?ansa unic?, f?r? precedent, de a p?trunde ?n aceast? lume secret? ?i de a observa realitatea care a stat la baza fic?iunii. Cartea prezint? pove?ti individuale – mai degrab? dec?t pe cele ale institu?iilor sau descrierea evolu?iei situa?iei politice de-a lungul timpului –, scopul fiind acela de a explora rela?iile unice ?i personale din spatele spionajului – ceea ce Graham Greene numea ?factorul uman“, cu alte cuvinte, ?n cazul de fa??, motiva?iile ?i loialit??ile unui spion sau ale unui tr?d?tor ?i faptele care decurg de aici.De la ?nceputurile R?zboiului Rece p?n? ?n ziua de azi, MI6 a suferit o transformare extraordinar?, devenind dintr-o organiza?ie de diletan?i, cu iz de club select, una modern?, profesionist?, dar nu mai pu?in controversat?. Iar Gordon Corera ?i dezv?luie deopotriv? e?ecurile ?i succesele de-a lungul timpului, ?n contextele politice aferente. Marile drame ale R?zboiului Rece, ridicarea ?i c?derea Zidului Berlinului, Criza Rachetelor Cubaneze, atacurile de la 11 septembrie 2001, r?zboiul din Irak – toate aceste evenimente care au marcat istoria reprezint? fundalul pentru pove?tile adev?rate cu spioni.Corera prezint? cazurile interesante ale celor care au spionat, au min?it, au ?n?elat ?i, ?n unele cazuri, chiar ?i-au pierdut via?a ?n slujba ??rii pe care au servit-o. ?i oric?t de palpitante ar fi c?r?ile sau filmele cu spioni, ve?i vedea c?, cel pu?in aici, via?a bate filmul.
Nem akarlak meg?lni
Nem akarlak meg?lni
Dan Wells
Sorsdráma. Szrny, barbár mese. Véres és szexuális talányok. Elnyomott emlékek és gyermekkori borzalmak flkeverése. Hirtelen, képtelen, elre tudott és mégis elháríthatatlan katasztrófa. Babona, vallás és matematika külns fonadékú szvete. A sors irracionális gykereinek ízeit érezzük. Micsoda ellentét forma és tartalom kzt! Ilyen vad, si, nyers, babonás mélyeket éppen csak az emberi tudat és kultúra leglucidasabb mvészete tár fl: annál megrendítbb! A Szophoklész mvészete” – írja Babits Mihály Az európai irodalom trténeté-ben.
Rejtő Jenő
Vajon van esélye Hanna és Olivér szerelmének?Túlélheti a fiatal lány a végzetesnek hitt balesetet? ?s ha túl is éli, visszaállhat-e az élete a normális kerékvágásba?Mire képes a szerelem, mit bír el a szív? Elfogadni, megbocsátani, elengedni, újrakezdeni. A másik oldalról els? részében megismert szerepl?ké mellett új kapcsolatok alakulását is nyomon k?vethetjük. Együtt sírhatunk és nevethetünk a hétk?znapi h?s?kkel, akikkel végtelen természetességük miatt igazán k?nny? azonosulni. A korábbi k?tethez hasonlóan ezúttal is számtalan komoly téma vet?dik fel, a bonyodalmakkal dúsított, meglep?, néhol megd?bbent? fordulatokban gazdag t?rténet mégis k?nnyed, szórakoztató kikapcsolódást ígér. Papp Csilla legújabb k?nyvében, mely ott kezd?dik, ahol az els? regény véget ér, újra és újra rácsodálkozhatunk a szerelem erejére, mik?zben minden kétséget kizáróan el fogjuk hinni, hogy biztosan nincsenek véletlenek.
Hétf? csont nélkül
Hétf? csont nélkül
Kathy Reichs
The dual purpose of the revision of this work has been simplification and amplification.?The language has been recast in parts and there have been added sub-titles within each chapter, cross-references and an index. Ideas such as "Religion as law," the Logos of Philo and the development of Messianism have been made as simple as these subjects admit of.??In seeking illustrations to vivify the narrative it is unfortunate that so little is available. Ah! if we had pictures of Hillel, of Akiba the Martyr, of Judah the Saint, of the Jamnia Academy, of the splendor of the Babylonian Exilarch. But this very absence of pictures is in itself a bit of Jewish history.??This new edition contains quotations from the literature of the periods covered, from the Apocrypha, Philo, Josephus and the Mishna. Three chapters have been added, two on "Stories and Sayings of the Sages of the Talmud" and one on "Rabbi Judah and his times."?Other chapters have been placed in more logical sequence. Both the Chronological Tables and the Notes are fuller. A new feature has been introduced in a "theme for discussion" at the close of each chapter that may be found helpful to study circles and Chautauqua societies. This has also been introduced in the recently issued "Modern Jewish History."??The author expresses his grateful indebtedness to Dr. David de Sola Pool for a most careful reading of the manuscript and for many corrections and suggestions; also to Mr. Philip Cowen for the aid rendered in collecting the illustrations. The author has availed himself of writings that have appeared on this epoch since the edition of 1904. He hopes he has succeeded in producing a more readable book.??When the impatient youth demands, like the heathen from Hillel, a definition of Judaism, bid him "go and learn" the history of the Jew. Let him follow the fascinating story from hoar antiquity, when the obscure Hebrews, "leaving kindred and father's house," took a bold and new departure for the land that God would show—the land that would show God.??Point to the colossal figure of Moses on Sinai, "greatest of the prophets," who gave the first uplifting impulse with his Ten Words of Faith and Duty. Trace with him the soul struggle of this "fewest of all peoples" to reach the truth of divinity—beginning with a crude conception that became steadily more exalted and more clarified with each successive age, until, at last, the idea is realized of an all-pervading Spirit, with "righteousness and justice as the pillars of His throne," the "refuge of all generations."??Make clear to him how the revelation of the divine will came to be expressed in Law. And, how the preservation and development of this Law, in the interpreting hands of prophets, scribes, rabbis, poets and philosophers, became henceforth the controlling motif of the history of the Jew, his modus vivendi, whether under Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabians or Franks. Help him to see that through it the Jew held in his keeping the religious fate of Orient and Occident, that took from him their respective impressions of Islamism and Christianity.??Let him see the "God-intoxicated" teaching his message by living it; the Suffering Servant whose martyrdom brought healing to his smiters.??Then, perhaps, he may understand that no one definition can completely express the Faith of the Jew and his place in the divine economy. But with this glimpse of his history the grandeur of his inheritance will sink into his consciousness, becoming part of himself, and he will be thrilled with the tremendous responsibility devolving upon him as a member of the priest-people, the witnesses of God, whose mission was and is to "bring light to the Gentiles—that salvation may reach to the ends of the earth."??By e-Kitap Projesi, Illustrated by Murat Ukray..
Elliott, Matthew J
An invaluable companion to both the UK and US hit series, analysing each episode (including the un-filmed pilot for Elementary), identifying trivia, offering criticism and considering Canonical fidelity.
Benedict Cumberbatch, Transition Completed
Benedict Cumberbatch, Transition Completed
Porter, Lynnette
Star Trek: Into Darkness, The Fifth Estate, 12 Years a Slave, August: Osage County, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug-these would be milestones in most actors' entire career. For Benedict Cumberbatch, roles in these films are merely a year's additions to his already-vast resume. 2013 proved to be the final step in Cumberbatch's transition from respected working actor to bona fide worldwide celebrity and recipient of BAFTA Los Angeles' Britannia Award for British Artist of the Year. Like its predecessor, Benedict Cumberbatch, In Transition (MX Publishing, 2013), Benedict Cumberbatch, Transition Completed: Films, Fame, Fans explores the nature of Cumberbatch's fame and fandom while analysing his most recent roles. This in-depth performance biography does more than critique the actor's radio, stage, film, and television performances-especially his star turn in the long-awaited yet controversial third series of Sherlock. It also analyses how and why the actor's work is so memorable in each role, a perspective unique to this performance biography. Cumberbatch's role in popular culture, as much as his acting in multiple media, is well worth such scrutiny to illustrate that Benedict Cumberbatch represents both the best of acting and of the power of celebrity.
What a Life!
What a Life!
Whelan, Jim
Many people may not have heard of actor Jim Whelan but he has appeared in some of the most iconic programmes on British television over the past four decades, from Crown Court and Last of the Summer Wine to The Royle Family and Heartbeat. What a Life is the story of one man's passion for acting and his determination to follow his dream at all costs. From humble beginnings and an unpromising start, leaving school with no qualifications and few job prospects, Jim went on to enjoy a long TV career, receiving accolades from respected directors and working alongside such famous actors as Ray Winstone, Martin Clunes, David Tennant, Christian Bale and Rod Steiger. This autobiography explains how a shy and insecure Salford boy went from being a dockland worker to become a recurring character in Coronation Street and documents the successes and disappointments of a jobbing actor. In this honest account of his life Jim spills the beans on some of the big name stars he has worked with and provides the reader with a fascinating insight to the television industry and some of the larger than life characters who inhabit the world of 'soap'. This book is a riveting read that is certain to hold your attention from the first page to the last.