openFrameworks Essentials
If you are a programmer, visual artist, or designer with experience in creative coding, and want to use openFrameworks to create fun, stunning, and interactive applications, this is the book for you. Basic knowledge of programming languages, such as C++, Java, Python, or JavaScript, will be enough to proceed with the book.

Getting Started with Knockout.js for .NET Developers
This book is intended for .NET developers who want to use the MVVM design pattern to create powerful client-side JavaScript linked to server-side C# logic. Basic experience with ASP.NET, Razor, and creating web applications is needed.

Android Application Development with Maven
Android Application Development with Maven is intended for Android developers or devops engineers who want to use Maven to effectively develop quality Android applications. It would be helpful, but not necessary, if you have some previous experience with Maven.

Interactive Applications Using Matplotlib
This book is intended for Python programmers who want to do more than just see their data. Experience with GUI toolkits is not required, so this book can be an excellent complement to other GUI programming resources.

R High Performance Programming
This book is for programmers and developers who want to improve the performance of their R programs by making them run faster with large data sets or who are trying to solve a pesky performance problem.

Dart Essentials
This book is targeted at expert programmers in JavaScript who want to learn Dart quickly. Some previous experience with OOP programming in other languages and a good knowledge of JavaScript are assumed.

Odoo Development Essentials
This book is intended for developers who need to quickly become productive with Odoo. You are expected to have experience developing business applications, as well as an understanding of MVC application design and knowledge of the Python programming language.

Moodle Administration Essentials
If you are an experienced system administrator and know how to manage servers and set up web environments but now want to explore Moodle, this book is perfect for you. You'll get to grips with the basics and learn to manage Moodle quickly, focusing on essential tasks. Having prior knowledge of virtual learning environments would be beneficial, but is not mandatory to make the most of this book.

Joomla! Search Engine Optimization
The book will take a hands-on approach to the process involved in configuring a site for SEO. As SEO is an ongoing process – it doesn’t stop once the site is built – the book will provide reusable tips and techniques in order to understand what they have to do after the site is live,This book targets site builders, webmasters and site owners. Advanced technical skills are not required, though the user should be familiar with administering a Joomla! website, including how to install Extensions.

Pro Tools HD 11
An easy-to-follow guide for using Pro Tools HD 11 effectively.This book is ideal for anyone who already uses ProTools and wants to learn more, or is new to Pro Tools HD and wants to use it effectively in their own audio workstations.

L?VE2d for Lua Game Programming
This book follows a tutorial approach with examples and step-by-step instructions to help explain the key concepts of the L?VE framework as well as everything you need to know about game development using the Lua programming language.L?VE2d for Lua Game Programming is for anyone who is interested in learning about desktop game development.

Managing Virtual Infrastructure with Veeam? ONE?
This book is aimed at virtualization professionals who want to improve their skills in infrastructure monitoring and management. You need a good understanding of server virtualization and management of virtual environments.

Learning BeagleBone
This book is for new BeagleBone owners who are looking to quickly get their microboard up and running. It would be helpful to have an understanding of embedded concepts or Linux but neither is essential.

Web App Testing Using Knockout.JS
If you are a JavaScript developer, beginner, or an expert who wants to improve quality standards in terms of solutions design and functional verification, this book is for you. Basic understanding of web development, HTML, and JavaScript is required.

Building a Beaglebone Black Super Cluster
If you are a programmer, scientist, or someone interested in modern computer technology that goes beyond the typical PC, then this book will show you the outstanding possibilities of cluster computing with modern embedded systems based on ARM architecture. Whether you need a high-speed or low-cost scalable cluster for simulations or want to try something new, this book is the right guide for you.

BackTrack – Testing Wireless Network Security
Written in an easy-to-follow step-by-step format, you will be able to get started in next to no time with minimal effort and zero fuss.BackTrack: Testing Wireless Network Security is for anyone who has an interest in security and who wants to know more about wireless networks.All you need is some experience with networks and computers and you will be ready to go.

Opa Application Development
It is a tutorial guide to learning how to use Opa with JavaScript, Nodejs, and MongoDB to develop web applications easily and effectively.If you are a web developer who wants to get started with the Opa framework and build web applications with itThen this book is for you. Web development experience is assumed and would be helpful.

Building UIs with Wijmo
Written with an example-based approach, Building UIs with Wijmo leads you step by step through the implementation and customization of each library component and its associated resources. Reference tables of each configuration option, method, and event for each component are provided, alongside detailed explanations of how each widget is used.Building UIs with Wijmo is targeted at readers who are familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery, and have a basic understanding of web development. Although knowledge of jQuery UI is not mandatory, it would be a bonus as it is quite similar to Wijmo. Only the last chapter of the book on extending Wijmo requires advanced CSS and JavaScript knowledge.

Redmine Plugin Extension and Development
This book provides a thorough look at the tools available within Redmine to facilitate the development of plugins and extensions. Full of tips and tricks, a recurring case study is also used to help guide you through the various content area extensions and plugin helpers and to provide context and realworld examples of the concepts being covered. This book is intended for those who want to build custom functionality into the Redmine project management platform. If you're already comfortable with Ruby, Rails, and Redmine, but you aren't quite sure what to do next, this book will walk you through the basics of getting a plugin written and integrated into various key areas of Redmine.

YARN Essentials
If you have a working knowledge of Hadoop 1.x but want to start afresh with YARN, this book is ideal for you. You will be able to install and administer a YARN cluster and also discover the configuration settings to fine-tune your cluster both in terms of performance and scalability. This book will help you develop, deploy, and run multiple applications/frameworks on the same shared YARN cluster.

Joomla! Accessibility
Fast-paced and to-the-point, this book takes you through the important topics of Microsoft Dynamics NAV with clear explanations and practical example code. The book's selection of topics is driven by what the working developer needs to know in order to become productive as quickly as possible. The business applications software designer/developer who: Wants to become productive in NAV C/SIDE C/AL development as quickly as possible Understands business applications and the associated software Has significant programming experience Has access to NAV including at least the Designer granules, preferably a full development license and a standard Cronus demo database Is willing to do the exercises to get hands-on experience The Reseller manager or executive who wants a concise, in depth view of NAVs development environment and tool set The technically knowledgeable manager or executive of a firm using NAV that is about to embark on a significant NAV enhancement project The technically knowledgeable manager or executive of a firm considering purchase of NAV as a highly customizable business applications platform The reader of this book: Does not need to be expert in object-oriented programming Does not need to have previous experience with NAV