Your Daughter
The ultimate guide to raising girls. Have you ever wondered why… ? It's the end of the world if her best friend won't play with her? ? She moans about wearing school uniform, then goes out dressed exactly the same as all the other girls? ? She spends all day with her friends but still needs to talk to them all evening? Written by head teachers and staff from some of the finest girls' schools in the country, Your Daughter is full of practical advice to help you negotiate the challenges of raising a daughter in the twenty-first century: ? why girls are different ? the importance of her friends ? family relationships ? self esteem ? eating disorders ? girls' bullying ? social networking and the internet ? influence of the media ? helping her succeed at school You may be bringing up one, two or even three daughters, but the authors of this book have hundreds of thousands of girls passing through their care each year. Your Daughter helps you to understand what makes her tick, from her first day at school until she flies the nest.

Cry Silent Tears
Joe knew his mother was cruel and violent, but he trusted his beloved father to protect him from her. When a freak accident saw his father burn to death in front of him, Joe was left at the mercy of his mother. Without the love of his friend and brother, he wouldn't have survived. With them, he went on to spend his life fighting child abuse. Joe was just five years old and the horrific scene literally struck him dumb. He didn't speak for four and a half years, which meant he was unable to ask anyone for help as his life turned into a living hell. His schizophrenic mother and two of his older brothers spent the following years beating him, raping him and locking him in the cellar at the family home. Fed on scraps that he was forced to lick from the floor, he was sometimes left naked in the dark for three days without human contact. Unable to read or write, all Joe could do to communicate his suffering was draw pictures. The violence and sexual abuse grew in severity as more people, including his stepfather, were invited to use him in any way they chose. The only thing that saved Joe was the kindness of his elder brother and his only school friend, both of whom showed him that love was possible even in the darkest of situations. At fourteen he finally found the courage to run away, hiding in a hut by a railway line, fed on scraps by some local children who found him. Joe's is the ultimate insider's story, casting light into the darkest of hidden worlds, and a truly inspirational account of how one small boy found the strength to overcome almost impossible odds and become a remarkable man. Now that he has found his voice again, Joe speaks out against child abuse and helps support and protect other children whose lives have been blighted by it.

Why Mars and Venus Collide
From John Gray, author of the phenomenal multi-million copy bestseller Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, comes the definitive book for men and women seeking lasting love in the face of modern pressures. Why Mars and Venus Collide is the most important relationships manual since Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus redefined the boundaries of male and female relationships. Men and women are different – we all know that. But if our genes have stood still then social changes have not. Overworked, stressed-out and time-poor, we can barely keep up with the frenzied pace of our lives – and our relationships are breaking down as a result. In Why Mars and Venus Collide, John Gray, the best-selling relationships author of all time, shows how everyone can strengthen their relationships and make them last. He explains: ? Why couples fight – the physiological reasons why females and males behave differently under stress, ? How to stop fighting, ? How to seek support – and find it, ? How to lower your stress levels in everyday life, ? How to communicate equably and amicably, even when you’re raging inside. Now repackaged to relate to a new generation of readers, Why Mars And Venus Collide proves why John Gray is known as the greatest living authority on how men and women relate.

Imigra??o na Uni?o Europeia: uma leitura crítica a partir do nexo entre securiti
Ghidul tehnoredactorului. De la print la eBook, scris ?n colaborare de Vlad Puescu ?i Victor Jalb?-?oimaru, ??i propune s? fie ?un manual de utilizare“ pentru c?r?ile electronice, o specie editorial? ?nc? insuficient cunoscut? ?i agreat? pe pia?a editorial? din Rom?nia. Tocmai din dorin?a de a sublinia faptul c? eBookurile nu sunt ?bastarzii“ industriei editoriale, a?a cum poate le mai percep ?nc? unii, ci o etap? fireasc?, necesar? ?i, de ce nu, chiar superioar? ?n evolu?ia acesteia, ghidul propune, ?n primele sale capitole, o istorie a c?r?ii ?n diacronie, de la anticele t?bli?e de lut ?i suluri de papirus la forma contemporan? a c?r?ii. Trec?nd de la codexul primelor secole cre?tine ?i manuscrisele medievale la etapa presei tipografice cu caractere de plumb, pentru a ajunge la revolu?ia tiparului marcat? de contribu?ia lui Gutenberg ?i, implicit, la secularizarea ?i democratizarea cunoa?terii, cartea tip?rit? a fost, vreme de cinci secole, ?cea mai durabil? ?i mai eficient? form? prin care a fost depozitat? ?i transmis? cunoa?terea“, timp ?n care ?i nici industria de profil nu a mai cunoscut transform?ri dramatice. De?i varianta digital? a c?r?ii a fost ?i continu? ?nc? s? fie ?boicotat?“ de bibliofili ?i de unele voci din interiorul industriei editoriale, care au profe?it sumbru moartea c?r?ii fizice, apari?ia c?r?ii electronice nu constituie ?ns? dec?t un pas absolut firesc de evolu?ie av?nd ?n vedere schimb?rile majore de la nivelul stilului general de via?? impuse de c?tre dezvoltarea computerelor ?i de apari?ia internetului. Ghidul tehnoredactorului. De la print la eBook sus?ine ideea aceasta at?t prin multitudinea de informa?ii privind dezvoltarea pie?ei digitale (marcat? de apari?ia a tot mai multe eBook Readere, ca dispozitive de gen, introduse pe pia?? de lan?uri de libr?rii precum Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo etc.), c?t ?i prin enumerarea avantajelor pe care le presupune lectura digital?, ?ntre care personalizarea experien?ei de lectur?, posibilitatea index?rii facile ?i a activ?rii cu u?urin?? a func?iilor de dic?ionar, ?mbog??irea con?inutului, crearea unei comunit??i globale de cititori ?i interactivitatea. Pentru ?n?elegerea ?n ansamblu a fenomenului sunt trecute ?n revist? ?i explicate ?i tipurile de c?r?i electronice, ?mbog??ite ?i interactive, de formate digitale ?i de dispozitive de lectur?.Partea a doua a ghidului, cu caracter tehnic ?i specializat, se ocup? de procesul de tehnoredactare ?n ansamblu at?t pentru edi?ia tip?rit? a unei c?r?i, c?t ?i pentru formatul s?u digital, ?ntr-un demers amplu, care pleac? de la discutarea problemelor de software aferent produc?iei, sisteme de operare, layouturi de tastatur?, utilitare, pluginuri, extensii ?i scripturi, p?n? la preg?tirea ?i importarea textului ?n formatul de paginare ?i aspectele legate de punerea ?n pagin? a unei c?r?i (formatul, corpul de liter?, stiluri, grafic?, pozi?ionarea notelor ilustra?iilor ?i tabelelor), dar ajung?nd s? abordeze ?i problemele pe care le presupune trecerea pe print ?n edi?ia digital? (metadate, introducerea copertei, op?iuni specifice de export c?tre ePub, op?iuni de validare).Ghidul tehnoredactorului… are meritul de a propune ?i o list? de referin?e bibliografice esen?iale, nu neap?rat ca o anex? la carte, c?t ?ntre?esute pe tot parcursul textului, ?n curgerea fireasc? a procesului de expunere, interpretare ?i explicitare a informa?iilor.

Pedagogii alternative
O carte despre dezvoltarea copilului de la na?tere p?n? la adolescen??Genera?ii de p?rin?i au avut ?ncredere ?n cea mai v?ndut? carte a dr. Spock, care r?m?ne ?i ast?zi ghidul esen?ial pentru p?rin?i. Ca urmare a colabor?rii cu dr. Robert Needlman, cartea a fost ?mbun?t??it?, iar tematica abordat? a fost extins? pentru a ?nt?mpina modific?rile ?i provoc?rile lansate de noul secol. Toate sfaturile valoaroase testate ?n timp ale dr. Spock sunt prezentate ?n aceast? carte. Lor li se adaug? cele mai noi cuno?tin?e ?i practici medicale legate de ?ngrijirea copilului, al?turi de un glosar cu totul nou de termeni medicali. Foarte bine structurat, volumul permite o consultare rapid? ?i are sec?iuni noi care acoper? perioada adolescen?ei.Cartea ofer? ultimele nout??i referitoare la:- alimenta?ia la s?n: cele mai noi abord?ri ?i tehnici utile mamelor care al?pteaz?;- programe de vaccinare, recomand?ri cu privire la regimurile alimentare ?i administrare de vitamine;- probleme medicale curente ale copilului;- discu?ii cu copilul despre sex, contracep?ie, homosexualitate, fumat, alcool, droguri, SIDA;- ?coala ?i dificult??ile ?nv??atului;- p?rin?i homosexuali sau lesbiene;- adop?ia interna?ional?;- adaptarea la terorism ?i dezastre;- planificarea educa?iei (colegiu, facultate etc.);- autism etc.

?mbl?nzirea scorpiei / Taming of the Shrew (Edi?ie bilingv?)
An amazing book, written by the Reverend E.J. Hardy.?Oscar Wilde praised it extravagantly: "It is a complete handbook to an earthly Paradise, and its author may be regarded as the Murray of matrimony and the Baedeker of bliss."This book provides something really useful and thought-provoking, as well as entertaining, for anyone contemplating or living in the state of matrimony.?"We strongly recommend this book as one of the best of wedding presents. It is a complete handbook to an earthly Paradise, and its author may be regarded as the Murray of Matrimony and the Baedeker of Bliss." – Pall Mall Gazette."The author has successfully accomplished a difficult task in writing a clever and practical book on the important subject of matrimony.... This book, which is at once entertaining and full of wise precepts, deserves to be widely read." – Morning Post."An entertaining volume.... The new guide to matrimonial felicity." – Standard, Leader."A clever, readable, and entertaining book.... This delicious book." – Literary Churchman."This most elucidatory treatise.... As a 'companion to the honeymoon,' this orange blossom, true-love-knot ornamented volume should no doubt be highly esteemed." – Whitehall Review."The book is tastefully got up, and its contents adapt it very well for a present to a young bride." – Queen."One of the cleverest, best written books on the subject we have read at any time. To girls contemplating marriage, the volume should be presented as a wedding gift.... Grave and gay, but never for a moment dull or tiresome. Each page sparkles with anecdote or suggestive illustration." – Ladies' Treasury."A highly ornamental yet handy, well printed, and admirably written volume." – The Lady."A rich store of entertaining anecdote, and full of thoughts beautiful, pious, and wise. Has a tasteful binding." – Bookseller.

Nevelés és iskola: A nevelés pedagógiai antropológiai és ?sszehasonlító megk?zel
A F?ld más tájain is élnek tépázott idegzet? és gondterhelt szül?k – err?l hajlamosak vagyunk megfeledkezni, mik?zben probléma- és pelenkahegyeken verekedjük át magunkat nap mint nap… Szül?k, akik pont ugyanannyit aggódnak és bosszankodnak, és persze ugyanolyan büszkék is szemük fényére, mint mi! Mark Woods lebilincsel?en alapos és sziporkázóan szellemes k?tete, a Szül?k bolygója világ k?rüli utazásra hív, hogy F?ldünk kül?nb?z? nevelési módszereivel, hiedelmeivel és szokásaival ismertessen meg. Mit keres a méhlepény a kambodzsai újszül?tt mellett? Mindenhol válogatósak a gyerekek, vagy csak a mienk k?pi a falra a t?kf?zeléket? Tényleg eminensebbek a skandináv és délkelet-ázsiai gyerekek? Hogyan és miért válik feleslegessé oly korán a pelenka egyes helyeken? Valóban csak dicsérettel lehet ?ntudatos és magabiztos porontyokat nevelni? ?s akkor még nem ejtettünk szót a kamaszokról: létezik szül? a F?ld bolygón, aki képes megbirkózni ezekkel a kis ?sz?rnyetegekkel”? Hipermodern tudományos módszerek és ?si rítusok, divattrendek és hagyományok ? mindenki másképp csinálja! Végs? soron mégis mindannyian ugyanazt szeretnénk: életre való és sikeres feln?tteket nevelni gyermekeinkb?l. A paletta széles és sokszín?: szemezgessünk a világ legjobb gyereknevelési módszereib?l, fogadjuk meg más népek jó tanácsait – és ismerjünk ?nmagunkra! Mark Woods újságíró, három gyermek édesapja. Els? fia születése alkalmából két k?nyvet írt az apáknak, felkészítve ?ket gyerekük születésére és a korai id?szakra. Ezt k?vet?en jelent meg a Szül?k bolygója, egy izgalmas barangolás anyák és apák számára egyaránt!

Analfa visszatér
Dicionarul Luceafrului eminescian este prima lucrare de lexicografie consacrat unei singure opere poetice romneti, i anume unui “arhi-text“ (text poetic integral, concept i realizare n premier absolut), constituit din forma definitiv, versiuni i variante. Dicionarul ncearc prezentarea creaiei poetice din perspectiva lexicului, opiunile individualitii creatoare fa de mijloacele oferite de limb; totodat, cu limitele inerente, este o tentativ de incursiune ntr-un anume univers imaginar, construit prin limbajul poetic. Tulburtoarea problem a Luceafrului eminescian cuprinde i emoia descoperirii, n receptare, a genezei sale. Din punctul de vedere al cunoaterii etapelor creaiei, Luceafrul a avut un destin la fel de deosebit ca i evoluia frmntat a exegezei sale, care de 120 de ani asalteaz, din diverse perspective, taina acestui seductor poem. Cunoaterea i recuperarea n circuitul valoric a variantelor manuscrise ale poemului are, de asemenea, o istorie ce mbie nc.Adevratul laborator al lucrului asupra expresiei l vom putea urmri n avatarurile variantelor din cadrul unei versiuni, asa cum ediia noastr le prezint, pe coloane paralele. n aceast faz a lucrului, pentru fiecare versiune n parte, Eminescu nu a meditat neaprat asupra perfeciunii versului, ci s-a concentrat asupra ideii poetice“, care este sufletul“, cum zice poetul. Revenirile ulterioare, de la o versiune la alta, atest, pe lng continuitatea creaiei, cu meandrele, cu inovaiile unor idei poetice insolite, i un altfel de proces, cel al rafinrii stilistice. Intenia ediiei noastre este reflectarea travaliului eminescian la o versiune, nlesnind urmrirea variantelor cu transformrile, prefacerile spontane i revenirile lor la forme anterioare.“ (Rodica Marian)

In giving to the world the record of what, looked at as an adventure only, is I suppose one of the most wonderful and mysterious experiences ever undergone by mortal men, I feel it incumbent on me to explain what my exact connection with it is. And so I may as well say at once that I am not the narrator but only the editor of this extraordinary history, and then go on to tell how it found its way into my hands. Some years ago I, the editor, was stopping with a friend, "vir doctissimus et amicus neus," at a certain University, which for the purposes of this history we will call Cambridge, and was one day much struck with the appearance of two persons whom I saw going arm-in-arm down the street. One of these gentlemen was I think, without exception, the handsomest young fellow I have ever seen. He was very tall, very broad, and had a look of power and a grace of bearing that seemed as native to him as it is to a wild stag. In addition his face was almost without flaw—a good face as well as a beautiful one, and when he lifted his hat, which he did just then to a passing lady, I saw that his head was covered with little golden curls growing close to the scalp. "Good gracious!" I said to my friend, with whom I was walking, "why, that fellow looks like a statue of Apollo come to life. What a splendid man he is!" "Yes," he answered, "he is the handsomest man in the University, and one of the nicest too. They call him 'the Greek god'; but look at the other one, he's Vincey's (that's the god's name) guardian, and supposed to be full of every kind of information. They call him 'Charon.'" I looked, and found the older man quite as interesting in his way as the glorified specimen of humanity at his side. He appeared to be about forty years of age, and was I think as ugly as his companion was handsome. To begin with, he was shortish, rather bow-legged, very deep chested, and with unusually long arms. He had dark hair and small eyes, and the hair grew right down on his forehead, and his whiskers grew right up to his hair, so that there was uncommonly little of his countenance to be seen. Altogether he reminded me forcibly of a gorilla, and yet there was something very pleasing and genial about the man's eye. I remember saying that I should like to know him.

Parenting Illustrated with Crappy Pictures
Of course you love being a parent. But sometimes, it just sucks. I know. I'm Amber Dusick and I started my blog Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures because I needed a place to vent about the funny (and frustrating) day-to-day things that happened to me as a parent. Turns out, poo is hilarious! At least when you're not the one wiping it up. This book won't make your frustrating moments any less crappy. But these stories about my Crappy Baby, Crappy Boy and my husband, Crappy Papa, will hopefully make you laugh. Because you're not alone. And sometimes the crappiest moments make the best memories. Parenting is wonderful! And also, well, you know. ‘The drawings aren't very good, Mama.' -Crappy Boy, age 5

A Spoonful of Sugar
Timeless wisdom for modern mothers. It all began with a conversation with my grandmother… When Liz Fraser spent a month with her grandmother, she was at her wits' end as a parent, fed up with crop-tops, pester power and the pressure to consume. So she asked her grandmother - what works? What helps make a good childhood? The answers were surprisingly simple - and stunningly effective. From early bedtime to giving your child room to play, the old-fashioned common sense of her grandmother's generation changed Liz's family life for good. Liz reveals the traditional rules that allow you to give your children back their childhood, while adding her own experience as a modern mum, aware we have to work with the world we live in now. The result is a book that reminds us how precious and short childhood is, and delivers practical solutions that every parent can employ. Comforting, friendly and reassuringly traditional, this is all everyone needs for a happier, simpler family life.

The Vampire Diaries: The Hunters: Moonsong
Evil never dies. . . . After escaping the horrors of the Dark Dimension, Elena and her friends can’t wait to attend Dalcrest College, the beautiful ivy-covered campus where Elena parents met. Life with Stefan is better than ever, and with her closest friends Bonnie, Meredith, and Matt by her side, Elena knows it will be their best year yet. Even Damon seems genuinely changed and is getting along with everyone. But for Elena, moving away from Fell Church doesn’t mean she has left her dark past behind. When students start to disappear from campus, every new acquaintance is suddenly a potential enemy. Panic soon spreads and the friends struggle to protect each other. Then Elena uncovers a long-hidden secret, one that shocks her to the core, and realizes tragedy may be unavoidable. Will Elena outrun her fateAnd will it be Stefan or Damon who catches her if she falls?

The Yummy Mummy’s Family Handbook
‘Liz Fraser portrayal of family life is hilarious and so true. I loved Liz Fraser's first book, but this is even better. Every single mum and dad in the world should have a book like this in their homes!’ Amazon review Throw off your Domestic Goddess apron or Superwoman's powersuit – the new family ensemble is far more wearable. But work pressures, stroppy kids, and run-ins with the in-laws can all lead to split seams and frayed nerves, and family life isn't a simple one-size fits all. Liz Fraser, mother of three, invites you into the family home to explore the most common of domestic snags. From TV tantrums to refreshing your sex life, feeding time at the zoo to playground politics, she offers invaluable reassurance and top tips for keeping it all hanging together. A honest, hilarious must-have guide on how to survive family life.

The Four Loves
C.S. Lewis’s famous inspirational work on the nature of love. C.S. Lewis’s famous work on the nature of love divides love into four categories: Affection, Friendship, Eros and Charity. The first three are loves which come naturally to the human race. Charity, however, the Gift-love of God, is divine in its source and expression, and without the sweetening grace of this supernatural love, the natural loves become distorted and even dangerous.

Not Without My Sister: The True Story of Three Girls Violated and Betrayed by Th
The bestselling, devastating account of three sisters torn apart, abused and exploited at the hands of a community that robbed them of their childhood. It reveals three lives, separate but entwined, that have experienced unspeakable horror, unrelenting loyalty and unforgettable courage. From as early as three years old, Juliana, Celeste and Kristina were treated as sexual beings by their 'guardians' in the infamous religious cult known as the Children of God. They were made to watch and mimic orgies, received love letters and sexual advances from men old enough to be their grandfather, and were forced into abusive relationships. They were denied access to formal schooling, had to wander the streets begging for money, and were mercilessly beaten for 'crimes' as unpredictable as reading an encyclopaedia. Finally, unable to live with the guilt of what had happened to her children, their mother escaped with Kristina, cutting herself off from her remaining children in a bid to save at least one child. Desperate to save her sisters, Kristina eventually returned to the place of her torture to free Celeste. Years later, Juliana found the courage to escape, knowing that the child she was carrying would be subjected to the same fate if she did not. Now the three sisters have finally come together to reveal in full and horrific detail their existence within the Children of God cult. Their stories reveal a community spread throughout the world and its legacy of anorexia, depression, drug abuse, suicide and even murder. Lives are ripped apart and painstakingly mended with a shared strength that finally enabled the sisters to free themselves from the shadows of their past.

Convorbiri psihanalitice cu p?rin?ii
Cartea asta e inteligent. i amuzant. Nu, n-am dreptate. E genial i demenial. Dar avei grij: tocmai cnd o s v prpdii de rs, uluii i ngrozii de sinceritatea dezarmant a lui Alex, va schimba brusc tonul ntr-unul tandru i plin de compasiune.“ – Lawrence Cohen, PhD autorul crilor Reete de jocuri, Arta hrjonelii, Reete mpotriva ngrijorrii (ed. Trei).

Copilul, familia ?i lumea exterioar?
Unu din cinci copii ?i adolescen?i sufer? de o tulburare mental?, potrivit unui studiu nord-american din 2013. Cartea de fa?? ofer? profesorilor, psihologilor ?colari ?i managerilor din domeniul educa?ional informa?iile psihologice ?i strategiile didactice necesare pentru a asigura un mediu previzibil, empatic ?i sigur pentru elevii afecta?i de ADHD, tulbur?ri de conduit?, anxit??i, depresii, autism, adic?ii ?i alte afec?iuni psihice. Acest ghid practic ofer? informa?ii ?i sfaturi legate de managementul clasei ?i de stilul de ?nv??are al elevilor cu vulnerabilit??i psihice, dar propune ?i o serie de interven?ii psihologice suportive, comportamentale ?i de ?nv??are socio-emo?ional?, realizabile ?mpreun? cu p?rin?ii ?i psihologii ?colari. ?To?i copiii, to?i elevii trebuie sprijini?i pentru a reu?i. Cei care se confrunt? cu probleme din zona s?n?t??ii mentale beneficiaz? de foarte pu?in? asisten??, iar uneori sunt neglija?i sau ignora?i. Aceast? carte le ofer? profesorilor repere strategice ?i instrumente foarte utile pentru a contribui la bun?starea mental? a celor cu care lucreaz?“. – Prof. univ. dr. Lucian Ciolan, decan al Facult??ii de Psihologie ?i ?tiin?ele Educa?iei, Universitatea din Bucure?ti

?n gr?dina de la moar?
Mi a kül?nbség a szabad játék és a játékosítás k?z?tt? Hogyan függ ?ssze a szabad játék, a szabad tanulás és a hivatásban való létezés, a szabad, alkotó munkavégzés? Milyen min?ségek jellemzik az életünket, amennyiben teret engedünk ezeknek? Miért nem érdemes játékosítani még akkor sem, ha ez r?videbb távon vonzó megoldásnak t?nik?

O mie de nop?i
Cum pot fi mai bine ?n?elese finalit??ile pedagogice ale jocului? ?i cum pot educatorii s?-?i dezvolte aptitudinile necesare pentru a utiliza jocul ?n moduri c?t mai eficiente ?n procesul de instruire? Cartea de fa?? demonstreaz? ?n ce fel angrenarea educatorilor (dar ?i a p?rin?ilor) ?n experien?e ludice creative ?i nedirijate conduce la o reevaluare a semnifica?iei jocului pentru educa?ia timpurie. Prin descrierea unor experien?e de formare didactic? ?n jocul "autoactiv", dar ?i prin stabilirea c?torva principii pedagogice specifice, autorii americani demonstreaz? c? jocul practic ?i nestructurat, bazat adesea pe materiale reciclate, reprezint? nu doar un prilej de recreere, ci mai ales o ocazie de dezvoltare psiho-educa?ional?, de autocunoa?tere ?i de sporire a ?ncrederii ?n sine a copiilor din gr?dini?e ?i ?coli primare. ?Pl?cerea de a ?nv??a, at?t de evident? la copiii mici, chiar ?i atunci c?nd ?nva?? lucruri sofisticate sau dificile, se dilueaz? treptat ?i apoi dispare, iar unul dintre motive este ?ndep?rtarea acestui proces de joc ?i transformarea lui ?ntr-o activitate mai degrab? asem?n?toare cu munca dificil?. Jocul reprezint? o dimensiune fundamental? a naturii umane, iar cartea pe care v-o propunem va fi un sprijin solid pentru cei implica?i ?n educa?ia ?i dezvoltarea copiilor mici (profesori, p?rin?i, formatori etc.), pentru a redescoperi jocul pentru ei ?i pentru cei pe care ?i ?nso?esc ?n diverse experien?e de ?nv??are."– Prof. univ. dr. Lucian Ciolan, decan al Facult??ii de Psihologie ?i ?tiin?ele Educa?iei, Universitatea din Bucure?ti

Puericultur? ?i pediatrie pentru asisten?i medicali
Chiar dac? e?ti mul?umit de modul cum ai fost crescut ?i educat de c?tre p?rin?ii t?i ?i crezi c? nu mai ai nimic de aflat pentru a fi p?rinte, vei g?si ?n aceast? carte solu?ii pentru dificult??ile pe care le vei ?nt?mpina ca p?rinte ?i r?spunsuri la ?ntreb?ri frecvente legate de copilul t?u.Din cuprins: ? Te confrun?i cu comportamente ?i obiceiuri negative ale propriului copil? ? Conflictele cu colegii ?i cu vecinii sunt inevitabile? ? Ai observat anumite reac?ii ?i nu ?tii dac? sunt normale pentru v?rsta lui? ? Vrei s? se descurce singur ?n via?? ?i s? aib? succese? ? Cum discu?i cu el despre sex?R?spunsurile, ?i chiar mai mult dec?t at?t, le vei g?si ?n aceast? carte.

Geriatrie ?i geropatologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Lucrarea constituie un ghid complex ?i util privind alimenta?ia copilului 0-3 ani, at?t ?n familie, c?t ?i ?n colectivit??i, cuprinz?nd: no?iuni de gastronomie, deosebit de utile ?n prevenirea ?i corectarea unor gre?eli de nutri?ie; peste 400 de re?ete de preparare a alimentelor, fiecare preparat av?nd calculat? valoarea sa caloric?; 700 de meniuri zilnice proprii fiec?rei grupe de v?rst?, urm?rind asigurarea unei variet??i c?t mai largi, at?t ?n ceea ce prive?te componentele, c?t ?i modul de preparare. Lucrarea este util? tuturor celor care sunt con?tien?i de faptul c? un copil alimentat corect ?nseamn? mai t?rziu un adult s?n?tos.