

Mr. Kris Kringle: A Christmas Tale (Illustrated)
Mr. Kris Kringle: A Christmas Tale (Illustrated)
S. Weir Mitchell
According to Wikipedia: "Silas Weir Mitchell (February 15, 1829–January 4, 1914) was an American physician and writer... In 1863 he wrote a clever short story, combining physiological and psychological problems, entitled "The Case of George Dedlow", in the Atlantic Monthly. Thenceforward, Mitchell, as a writer, divided his attention between professional and literary pursuits. In the former field, he produced monographs on rattlesnake poison, on intellectual hygiene, on injuries to the nerves, on neurasthenia, on nervous diseases of women, on the effects of gunshot wounds upon the nervous system, and on the relations between nurse, physician, and patient; while in the latter, he wrote juvenile stories, several volumes of respectable verse, and prose fiction of varying merit, which, however, gave him a leading place among the American authors of the close of the 19th century. His historical novels, Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker (1897), The Adventures of Fran?ois (1898) and The Red City (1909), take high rank in this branch of fiction. He was also Charlotte Perkins Gilman's doctor and his use of a rest cure on her provided the idea for "The Yellow Wallpaper", a short story in which the narrator is driven insane by her rest cure."
The Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge
The Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge
Laura Lee Hope
According to Wikipedia: "Laura Lee Hope is a pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate for the Bobbsey Twins and several other series of children's novels. Actual writers taking up the pen of Laura Lee Hope include Edward Stratemeyer, Howard and Lilian Garis, Elizabeth Ward, Harriet (Stratemeyer) Adams, and Nancy Axelrad. Laura Lee Hope was first used as a pseudonym in 1904 for the debut of the Bobbsey Twins. Series: The Bobbsey Twins (1904-), The Outdoor Girls (23 vols. 1913-1933), The Moving Picture Girls (7 vols. 1914-1916), Bunny Brown (20 vols. 1916-1931), Six Little Bunkers (14 vols. 1918-1930), Make Believe Stories (12 vols. c. 1920-1923), Blythe Girls (12 vols. 1925-1932)."
The Prince of India
The Prince of India
Lew Wallace
According to Wikipedia: "Lewis "Lew" Wallace (April 10, 1827 – February 15, 1905) was a lawyer, governor, Union general in the American Civil War, American statesman, and author, best remembered for his historical novel Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ… Wallace's most notable service came in July 1864, at the Battle of Monocacy, part of the Valley Campaigns of 1864. Although the force under his command (amalgamated from the Middle Department) and the division of James B. Ricketts from VI Corps was defeated by Confederate General Jubal A. Early, he was able to delay Early's advance toward Washington, D.C., to the point that the city defenses had time to organize and repel Early... Wallace participated in the military commission trial of the Lincoln assassination conspirators as well as the court-martial of Henry Wirz, commandant of the Andersonville prison camp.[4] He resigned from the army on November 30, 1865.[5] Late in the war, he directed secret efforts by the government to help the Mexicans remove the French occupation forces who had seized control of Mexico in 1864. He continued in those efforts more publicly after the war and was offered a major general's commission in the Mexican army after his resignation from the U.S. Army. Multiple promises by the Mexican revolutionaries were never delivered, which forced Wallace into deep financial debt. Wallace held a number of important political posts during the 1870s and 1880s. He served as governor of New Mexico Territory from 1878 to 1881, and as U.S. Minister to the Ottoman Empire from 1881 to 1885. As governor, he offered amnesty to many men involved in the Lincoln County War; in the process he met with Billy the Kid. On March 17, 1879, the pair arranged that the Kid would act as an informant and testify against others involved in the Lincoln County War, and, in return, the Kid would be "scot free with a pardon in [his] pocket for all [his] misdeeds". But the Kid returned to his outlaw ways and Governor Wallace withdrew his offer. While serving as governor, Wallace completed the novel that made him famous: Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1880). It grew to be the best-selling American novel of the 19th century.[6] The book has never been out of print and has been filmed four times."
James Branch Cabell
According to Wikipedia: "James Branch Cabell (1879 - 1958) was an American author of fantasy fiction and belles lettres... Cabell's work was thought of very highly by a number of his peers, including Mark Twain, Sinclair Lewis, H. L. Mencken, Joseph Hergesheimer, and Jack Woodford. When Twain died he was reading Cabell's Chivalry. And although now largely forgotten by the general public, his work was remarkably influential on later authors of fantastic fiction... Cabell's eighth (and best-known) book, Jurgen, A Comedy of Justice (1919), was the subject of a celebrated obscenity case shortly after its publication. The eponymous hero, who considers himself a "monstrous clever fellow", embarks on a journey through ever more fantastic realms, even to hell and heaven. Everywhere he goes, he winds up seducing the local women, even the Devil's wife."
Thoughts on Man
Thoughts on Man
William Godwin
According to Wikipedia: "William Godwin (3 March 1756 – 7 April 1836) was an English journalist, political philosopher and novelist. He is considered one of the first exponents of utilitarianism, and one of the first modern proponents of anarchism. Godwin is most famous for two books that he published within the space of a year: An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, an attack on political institutions, and Things as They Are or The Adventures of Caleb Williams, which attacks aristocratic privilege, but also is virtually the first mystery novel. Based on the success of both, Godwin featured prominently in the radical circles of London in the 1790s. In the ensuing conservative reaction to British radicalism, Godwin was attacked, in part because of his marriage to the pioneering feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft in 1797 and his candid biography of her after her death; their child, Mary Godwin (later Mary Shelley) would go on to author Frankenstein and marry the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Godwin wrote prolifically in the genres of novels, history and demography throughout his lifetime."
Clotelle: A Tale of the Southern States
Clotelle: A Tale of the Southern States
William Wells Brown
According to Wikipedia: "William Wells Brown (November 6, 1816 – November 6, 1884) was a prominent abolitionist lecturer, novelist, playwright, and historian. Born into slavery in the Southern United States, Brown escaped to the North, where he worked for abolitionist causes and was a prolific writer. Brown was a pioneer in several different literary genres, including travel writing, fiction, and drama, and wrote what is considered to be the first novel by an African American. An almost exact contemporary of Frederick Douglass, Wells Brown was overshadowed by Douglass and the two feuded publicly."
The Abbot's Ghost or Maurice Treherne's Temptation, A Christmas Story
The Abbot's Ghost or Maurice Treherne's Temptation, A Christmas Story
Louisa May Alcott
According to Wikipedia: books, like this one, that Louisa May Alcott wrote under the pseudonym A.M . Barnard are "passionate, fiery novels and stories"... These works ... were known in the Victorian Era as "potboilers" or "blood-and-thunder tales." Her character Jo in "Little Women" publishes several such stories but ultimately rejects them after being told that they are "dangerous for little minds." Their protagonists are willful and relentless in their pursuit of their own aims, which often include revenge on those who have humiliated or thwarted them. These works achieved immediate commercial success and remain highly readable today." According to Wikipedia: "Louisa May Alcott (1832 – 1888) was an American novelist. She is best known for the novel Little Women, published in 1868. This novel is loosely based on her childhood experiences with her three sisters."
American Notes
American Notes
Rudyard Kipling
Account of a trip to America. Here's how he begins his description of San Francisco: " 'Serene, indifferent to fate, Thou sittest at the Western Gate; Thou seest the white seas fold their tents, Oh, warder of two continents; Thou drawest all things, small and great, To thee, beside the Western Gate.' This is what Bret Harte has written of the great city of San Francisco, and for the past fortnight I have been wondering what made him do it. There is neither serenity nor indifference to be found in these parts; and evil would it be for the continents whose wardship were intrusted to so reckless a guardian."
The Land that Time Forgot: First Novel of the Caspak Series
The Land that Time Forgot: First Novel of the Caspak Series
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Adventure novel, first published in 1918. According to Wikipedia: "Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875 – 1950) was an American author, best known for his creation of the jungle hero Tarzan and the heroic John Carter, although he produced works in many genres."
Aesop for Children
Aesop for Children
This edition, with 114 color illustrations, was first published in 1919. According to Wikipedia: "Aesop (ca. 620-564 BC), known for the genre of fables ascribed to him, was by tradition born a slave and was a contemporary of Croesus and Solon in the mid-sixth century BC in ancient Greece... The body of work identified as Aesop's Fables was transmitted by a series of later authors writing in both Greek and Latin. Demetrius of Phalerum (ca. 350-ca. 280 BC) made a collection in ten books, probably in prose (Lopson Aisopeion sunagogai) for the use of orators, which has been lost. Next appeared an edition in elegiac verse, cited by the Suda, but the author's name is unknown. Phaedrus, a freedman of Augustus, rendered the fables into Latin. Babrius turned the fables into Greek choliambics in the earlier part of the 3rd century A.D. Another 3rd century author, Titianus, rendered the fables in prose, now lost. Avianus (of uncertain date, perhaps the 4th century) translated 42 of the fables into Latin elegiacs. The 4th century grammarian Dositheus Magister also made a collection of Aesop's Fables, now lost. Aesop's Fables continued to be revised and translated through the ensuing centuries, with the addition of material from other cultures, so that the fables known today in some cases bear little relation to the original fables of Aesop. With a surge in scholarly interest in Aesop and Aesopic fable beginning toward the end of the 20th century, some attempt has been made to determine the nature and content of the very earliest fables which may be most closely linked to the historic Aesop... Milo Winter (August 7, 1888 – August 15, 1956) was a well known book illustrator, who produced works for editions of Aesop's Fables, Arabian Nights, Alice in Wonderland, Gulliver's Travels, Tanglewood Tales (1913) and others. He was born in Princeton, Illinois and trained at Chicago’s School of the Art Institute. He lived in Chicago until the early 1950s, when he moved to New York City. From 1947 to 1949, he was the art editor of Childcraft books and from 1949, was the art editor in the film strip division of Silver Burdett Company."
Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin
Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin
Robert Louis Stevenson
Biography by the author of Treasure Island. According to Wikipedia: "Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin (25 March 1833 - 12 June 1885) was Professor of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, remarkable for his versatility. Known to the world as the inventor of telpherage, he was an electrician and cable engineer, a lecturer, linguist, critic, actor, dramatist and artist."
Penelope's Irish Experiences
Penelope's Irish Experiences
Kate Douglas Wiggin
Novel from the Penelope series. According to Wikipedia: "Kate Douglas Wiggin ( 1856 - 1923) was an American children's author and educator. Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin was born in Philadelphia, and was of Welsh descent. She started the first free kindergarten in San Francisco in 1878 (the Silver Street Free Kindergarten). With her sister in the 1880s she also established a training school for kindergarten teachers. She was also a writer of children's books, the best known being The Birds' Christmas Carol (1887) and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1903)."
Faust: Der Trag?die
Faust: Der Trag?die
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Beide Teile von Goethes Faust, auf Deutsch. Nach Wikipedia: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller und laut George Eliot "Deutschlands gr??ter Literat ... und der letzte wahre Universalgelehrte, der auf der Erde wandelte". [2] Goethes Werke erstrecken sich über die Felder von Poesie, Drama, Literatur, Theologie, Humanismus und Wissenschaft. Goethes Hauptwerk, das als einer der H?hepunkte der Weltliteratur gefeiert wird, ist das zweiteilige Drama Faust. [3] Zu Goethes anderen bekannten literarischen Werken geh?ren seine zahlreichen Gedichte, der Bildungsroman Wilhelm Meisters Lehramt und der Briefroman Die Leiden des jungen Werther. "
Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey
Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey
Washington Irving
According to Wikipedia: "Washington Irving (April 3, 1783 – November 28, 1859) was an American author, essayist, biographer and historian of the early 19th century. He was best known for his short stories "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle", both of which appear in his book The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. His historical works include biographies of George Washington, Oliver Goldsmith and Muhammad, and several histories of 15th-century Spain dealing with subjects such as Christopher Columbus, the Moors, and the Alhambra. Irving also served as the U.S. minister to Spain from 1842 to 1846. He made his literary debut in 1802 with a series of observational letters to the Morning Chronicle, written under the pseudonym Jonathan Oldstyle. After moving to England for the family business in 1815, he achieved international fame with the publication of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. in 1819. He continued to publish regularly—and almost always successfully—throughout his life, and completed a five-volume biography of George Washington just eight months before his death, at age 76, in Tarrytown, New York."
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
Washington Iving
According to Wikipedia: "Washington Irving (April 3, 1783 – November 28, 1859) was an American author, essayist, biographer and historian of the early 19th century. He was best known for his short stories "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle", both of which appear in his book The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. His historical works include biographies of George Washington, Oliver Goldsmith and Muhammad, and several histories of 15th-century Spain dealing with subjects such as Christopher Columbus, the Moors, and the Alhambra. Irving also served as the U.S. minister to Spain from 1842 to 1846. He made his literary debut in 1802 with a series of observational letters to the Morning Chronicle, written under the pseudonym Jonathan Oldstyle. After moving to England for the family business in 1815, he achieved international fame with the publication of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. in 1819. He continued to publish regularly—and almost always successfully—throughout his life, and completed a five-volume biography of George Washington just eight months before his death, at age 76, in Tarrytown, New York."
George Washington
George Washington
Paul Leland
According to Wikipedia: "Washington is seen as a symbol of the United States and republicanism in practice. His devotion to civic virtue made him an exemplary figure among early American politicians. Washington died in 1799, and in his funeral oration, Henry Lee said that of all Americans, he was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." Washington has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents."
Der Kaufmann von Venedig
Der Kaufmann von Venedig
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare-Kom?die in deutscher ?bersetzung. Laut Wikipedia: "The Merchant of Venice" ist eine tragische Kom?die von William Shakespeare, die vermutlich zwischen 1596 und 1598 entstanden ist. Obwohl sie im First Folio als Kom?die klassifiziert wurde und gewisse Aspekte mit Shakespeares anderen romantischen Kom?dien teilt, ist das Stück vielleicht Die meisten werden für ihre dramatischen Szenen in Erinnerung bleiben und sind am besten für Shylock und die berühmte Rede "Hath not a jude eyes" bekannt. Bemerkenswert ist auch Portis Rede über die "Qualit?t der Barmherzigkeit". "
Das Leben und der Tod des K?nigs Lear
Das Leben und der Tod des K?nigs Lear
William Shakespeare
Die Shakespeare-Trag?die, übersetzt von Christoph Martin Wieland. Laut Wikipedia: "King Lear ist eine Trag?die von William Shakespeare. Der Titelheld kommt in den Wahnsinn, nachdem er t?richterweise zwischen zwei seiner drei T?chter aufgrund seiner Schmeichelei seinen Nachlass verworfen hat, was tragische Folgen für alle hat. Das Stück basiert auf der Legende von Leir of Britain, einem mythologischen vorr?mischen keltischen K?nig, der für Bühnen- und Spielfilme weitgehend adaptiert wurde, und die Rolle von Lear wurde von vielen der besten Schauspieler der Welt begehrt und gespielt. "
Der Erste Theil von Koenig Heinrich dem Vierten
Der Erste Theil von Koenig Heinrich dem Vierten
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare-Geschichte spielt Heinrich den Vierten Teil, in deutscher ?bersetzung. Laut Wikipedia: "Henry IV, Part 1 ist ein historisches Stück von William Shakespeare, vermutlich sp?testens 1597 geschrieben. Es ist das zweite Stück in Shakespeares Tetralogie, das sich mit den aufeinanderfolgenden Regentschaften von Richard II, Henry IV (zwei Stücke ), und Heinrich V. Heinrich IV., Teil 1, zeigt eine Spannweite der Geschichte, die mit Hotspurs Schlacht bei Homildon gegen Douglas Ende 1402 beginnt und mit der Niederlage der Rebellen in Shrewsbury in der Mitte des Jahres 1403 endet. Von Anfang an war ein ?u?erst popul?res Spiel sowohl bei der ?ffentlichkeit als auch bei den Kritikern. "
Leben und Tod K?nigs Richard des Zweyten
Leben und Tod K?nigs Richard des Zweyten
William Shakespeare
Die Shakespeare-Geschichte spielt Richard II in deutscher ?bersetzung. Laut Wikipedia: "K?nig Richard der Zweite ist ein Geschichtsstück von William Shakespeare, vermutlich um 1595 geschrieben. Es basiert auf dem Leben von K?nig Richard II. Von England (regiert 1377-1399) und ist der erste Teil einer Tetralogie , von einigen Gelehrten als Henriad bezeichnet, gefolgt von drei Stücken über Richards Nachfolger: Henry IV, Teil 1, Henry IV, Teil 2 und Henry V. Es wurde vielleicht nicht als eigenst?ndige Arbeit geschrieben. "
Wie Es Euch Gefallt  - As You Like It
Wie Es Euch Gefallt - As You Like It
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare-Kom?die, in deutscher ?bersetzung. Laut Wikipedia: "As You Like It" handelt es sich um eine Pastoralkom?die von William Shakespeare, die vermutlich im Jahr 1599 oder Anfang 1600 geschrieben und erstmals im First Folio 1623 ver?ffentlicht wurde. Die erste Aufführung des Stücks ist ungewiss, obwohl eine Aufführung im Wilton House in 1603 wurde als eine M?glichkeit vorgeschlagen, wie Sie es m?gen, folgt seine Heldin Rosalind, wie sie Verfolgung in Hof ihres Onkels flieht, begleitet von ihrer Cousine Celia und Touchstone der Hofnarr, um Sicherheit und schlie?lich Liebe im Wald von Arden zu finden.