Tratamente naturiste ?n serviciul s?n?t??ii
O edi?ie aniversar?, dedicat? unuia dintre cei mai mari creatori europeni, realizat? cu participarea unor importante personalit??i ale culturii rom?ne (Nicolae Balota, Eugen Simion, Nicolae Manolescu etc.); edi?ie special? ce con?ine o bogat? iconografie. Textele sunt menite s? omagieze o legend? vie a literaturii rom?ne – ctitor, al?turi de Liviu Rebreanu ?i Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu, al romanului modern.
Karma s?n?t??ii
Lidia Lazu a scris aceste poeme. i pe urm a uitat c le-a scris. Le-a gsit pe marginea unei ferestre, ciugulite de psrile cerului, cu frumuseea pierdut pentru totdeauna – c toate lucrurile sortite s ntrein miracolul existenei. Acesta este mitul n jurul cruia ar putea s se consolideze o ntreag oper poetic. Eu cred c nici unul dintre poeii romni nu a reuit s construiasc o asemenea imagine, care ntr-adevr s ne reprezinte ntr-un asemenea chip i ntr-o asemenea msur. Lidia Lazu scrie din preaplinul firii sale. (...) Ea face parte dintre acei oameni care nu scriu din pricina slbiciunilor lor, ci din pricina prea multelor daruri cu care a fost nzestrat de Dumnezeu.“ – Mircea Ciobanu
Karma norocului
Sub limita de detec?ieVorbi?i ?n ?oapt?Ceva se petreceSub pragul vostru auditiv.A?a cum silabele gurii taleSunt sorbite de timpanele ei, tot astfelAcolo, ?n ad?nc,Picur? ceva –P?m?ntului ?i scap? lacrimiPe care le-nghit r?d?cinile;Acolo, ?n ?naltSe spulbera ceva –V?zduhului ?i scap? lacrimiPe care le-nghit ?ngerii.E un plan?et f?r? istovAl lucrurilor, fertil –Doar c? se petreceSub limita de detec?ie.
The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
A sequel to Daniel Defoe's legendary Robinson Crusoe story of his adventures and survival on a remote tropical island. In this volume we follow Crusoe's return to his island, his voyages to Brazil, Southeast Asia, China, Madagascar, Siberia, and his adventures with the local tribes.
The Awakening
Set in New Orleans, the story follows Edna Pontellier and her struggle to reconcile her increasingly unorthodox views on femininity and motherhood. It is one of the earliest American novels that focuses on women's issues. The novel's blend of realistic narrative, incisive social commentary, and psychological complexity makes The Awakening a precursor of American modernism.
The story of the survival of a dynasty bloodline protected by the Priesthood of Isis, setin the Ptolemaic era of Ancient Egyptian history. The main character Harmachis is charged by the Priesthood to overthrow the supposed impostor Cleopatra, drive out the Romans and restore Egypt to its golden era.
The Grey Woman and other Tales
A collection of gothic tales from one of the finest Victorian writers featuring: The Grey Woman, Curious if True, Six Weeks at Heppenheim, Libbie Marsh's Three Eras, Christmas Storms and Sunshine, Hand and Heart, Bessy's Troubles at Home, Disappearances.
Agnes Grey
The novel follows Anges and her uneasy path to personal happiness and a romance with Mr. Weston. Agnes, her sister, Mary, and their mother all try to keep expenses low and to bring in extra money, but Agnes is frustrated that everyone treats her like a child. To prove herself and to earn money, she starts working as a governess, teaching children of rich families. Agnes Grey is an autobiographical novel with strong parallels between its events and Anne Bronte's own life as a governess.
Moby-Dick: The Whale
Moby-Dick, one of the Great American Novels and a treasure of world literature, follows the adventures of wandering sailor Ishmael, and Captain Ahab who seeks out Moby Dick, a ferocious, enigmatic white sperm whale. In a previous encounter, the whale destroyed Ahab's boat and bit off his leg, which now drives Ahab to take revenge.
Ireland is at a crossroads of history and culture, and so are the characters in Joyce's collection of fifteen stories in this book. The initial stories are narrated by child protagonists, and later deal with the lives and concerns of progressively more mature characters. The stories centre on Joyce's idea of an epiphany: a moment where a character experiences self-understanding or illumination.
Mansfield Park
Fanny Price, a young girl from a large and relatively poor family, is taken to be raised by her rich uncle and aunt, Sir Thomas, and Lady Bertram, of Mansfield Park. Fanny grows up with her four older cousins but is always treated as something of a poor relation. Only Edmund, the second son, shows her real kindness. Over time, Fanny's gratitude for Edmund's thoughtfulness secretly grows into romantic love.
The Prince and the Pauper
The story of two young boys who are identical in appearance: Tom Canty, a pauper who lives with his abusive father in Offal Court off Pudding Lane in London, and Prince Edward, son of King Henry VIII. One day Tom is nearly caught and beaten by the Royal Guards; however, Edward stops them and invites Tom into his palace chamber. There the two boys get to know one another, fascinated by each other's life and their uncanny resemblance. They decide to switch clothes temporarily.
Kidnapped is a historical adventure novel set around 18th-century Scottish events, notably the Appin Murder, which occurred near Ballachulish in the aftermath of the Jacobite Rising. Many of the characters, and one of the principals, Alan Breck Stewart, were real people.
The Lost World
We follow Professor Challenger to a South American plateau in the Amazon basin where dinosaurs and other extinct creatures still survive. A legendary work of science fiction which sparked the Lost World genre.
Four Faultless Felons
Four Faultless Felons includes The Moderate Murderer, The Honest Quack, The Ecstatic Thief, and The Loyal Traitor. Chesterton's protagonist's faultless crimes include: murder, fraud, theft, and treason. They are motivated by good intentions of course, by altruism and virtues.
The Princess and The Pea and Other Tales
The story tells of a prince who wants to marry a princess, but is having difficulty finding a suitable wife. One stormy night a young woman drenched with rain seeks shelter in the prince's castle. She claims to be a princess, so the prince's mother decides to test their unexpected guest by placing a pea in the bed she is offered for the night. The Princess and The Pea is one of the twenty stories featured in this timeless collection of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen.
Crotchet Castle
In one of those beautiful valleys, through which the Thames not yet polluted by the tide, the scouring of cities, or even the minor defilement of the sandy streams of Surrey rolls a clear flood through flowery meadows, under the shade of old beech woods, and the smooth mossy greensward of the chalk hills which pour into it their tributary rivulets, as pure and pellucid as the fountain of Bandusium, or the wells of Scamander, by which the wives and daughters of the Trojans washed their splendid garments in the days of peace, before the coming of the Greeks...
Lost Illusions
Lucien Chardon, the son of a lower middle-class father and an impoverished mother of remote aristocratic descent, is the pivotal figure of the entire work. Living at Angouleme, he is impoverished, impatient, handsome and ambitious. His widowed mother, his sister Eve and his best friend, David Sechard, do nothing to lessen his high opinion of his own talents, for it is an opinion they share.
The Last Chronicle of Barset
The Archdeacon, although allowing that Grace is a lady, doesn't think her of high enough rank or wealth for his widowed son; his position is strengthened by the Reverend Mr Crawley's apparent crime. Almost broken by poverty and trouble, the Reverend Mr Crawley hardly knows himself if he is guilty or not; fortunately, the mystery is resolved just as Major Grantly's determination and Grace Crawley's own merit force the Archdeacon to overcome his prejudice against her as a daughter-in-law.
The Piazza Tales
The Piazza Tales is the only collection of short stories by Herman Melville including: The Piazza, Bartleby, Benito Cereno, The Lightning-Rod Man, The Encantadas, The Bell-Tower.
The Healthy Life Cook Book
The Healthy Life Cook Book features collections of traditional vegetarian food offering a complete guide to healthy eating. Unfermented bread, salads, casseroles, curries, gravies and sauces, egg dishes, pastry, puddings, cakes, jams, drinks, and even guides to unfired, raw food lifestyles and diets. In addition to recipes, the book features hints and tips on healthy food preparation and consumption. Complete weekly menus also included.