

Melancolii portugheze
Melancolii portugheze
Adamek Diana
Agasat de o doamn? care gira rubrica monden? a unui ziar newyorkez, cu privire la preferin?ele sale, la ?ntrebarea care este obiectul s?u favorit din natur?, Mark Twain a r?spuns, ?n maniera sa unic?: ?O frumoas? mut?!“Ziarist, traduc?tor, autor de c?r?i, Irina Airinei ?ndepline?te doar una dintre condi?ii. Fiind universitar – doctor ?n filologie -, pred?nd cursuri, ?in?nd seminarii, preg?tind studen?i, nu prea are cum s? fie mut?. ?i, cu at?t mai mult, ca ziarist de pres? scris? ?i de radio. Urm?rind ?ns? transcrierile interviurilor luate de ea unor personalit??i din aproape toate domeniile, ??i dai seama c?, departe de a fi t?citurn?, Irina Airinei are o mare calitate: ?tie nu numai s? ?ntrebe, ci mai ales s? asculte. Este perfect con?tient? c? rolul reporterului, dincolo de a descoperi oameni cu vie?i ?i personalit??i interesante, nu este s? se pun? ?n valoare pe sine cu ?ntreb?ri ?inteligente“ p?n? la narcisism sau incisive p?n? la obr?znicie, dimpotriv?, ci s? se apropie de partenerul de discu?ie cu discre?ie, ?ncerc?nd s? scoat? din mintea ?i sufletul s?u tot ceea ce este mai semnificativ ?i mai interesant. Pentru c? oamenilor care au fost ?sorti?i s? vad?“ nu le prea place s? vorbeasc? despre ei ?n?i?i. Multe dintre interviurile sale aduc aminte de tehnicile arheologice, de migala dezgrop?rii cu delicate?e a frumosului ascuns ?n eul interlocutorului, ref?c?nd din cuvinte ceea ce, poate, altfel nu ar fi fost spus niciodat?. (Dorin Suciu)
Legende urbane. Saga lui Mathias Coback
Legende urbane. Saga lui Mathias Coback
Mărgineanu Șerban
O poezie de o stranietate izbitoare, o lume postapocaliptic cldit pe datele unui imediat nstrinat. O poezie rece, tioas, ritmat (ritmul i aduce aportul formal la respectiva stranietate) care pune n dialog un Eu bntuit de moarte, pe care o citete, o palpeaz n toate detaliile unui univers cvasimitologic pe care-l construiete tocmai pentru a o putea circumscrie. Eul acesta al lui Kemény se afl ntr-o continu stare de asediu pe care o transfer asupra cititorului ideal adoptnd de multe ori structura narativ a mitului, a povestirii legendare (...)Materia are o greutate sufocant n poemele lui Kemény, contrastnd parc cu imaginile aflate n continu micare i transformare. Un vag suprarealism care aduce oarecum, vizual, cu acele videoclipuri ale anilor ’90 trzii, care mizau, pentru a obine stranietatea, pe ocul dat de alternarea dintre accelerarea brusc a micrii i aspectul static al temei mitologice (m gndesc n special la Metallica, clipul de la Until it sleeps)Un volum excelent, un adevrat manual de poezie care sun, datorit lui Andrei Dósa, impecabil.“ – Bogdan Alexandru Stanescu
Din coresponden?a lui Descartes
Din coresponden?a lui Descartes
Ion Papuc
Trebuie spus c ghinga pe nelesul tuturor e i el un volum de construcie. Se vede de la poziionarea la nceput i la final a dou texte pn la capt/ la capt. Nu doar prin abilitatea cu care l structureaz, Coman d impresia unei poete exersate ndelung nainte de a-i propune s debuteze, ci prin modul impecabil n care i concepe fiecare text n parte. Dac vei cuta bjbieli, construcii ntmpltoare, falsete, balast (inerente unui volum de debut), v asigur ca nu le vei gsi aici. Coman reuete s construiasc o lume credibil cu o voce feminin care, dei pare s opteasc, strig. Este o carte care exploateaz jocul de contraste, nuannd: abia dup cel de-al doilea copil al nostru/ am neles ca sunt chestiuni/ perfect distincte – dragostea (am/ putea tri foarte bine/ ca fraii) i plcerea./ pentru amndoi plcerea a venit/ de la corpul strin. n-a mai rmas dect dragostea./ o vom duce cum se cuvine pn la capt. Unei poetici feminine viscerale cu artificii retorice, Coman i opune ceea ce muli ar punea vedea drept o extirpare a afectivitii. Vorbim de dedublare: niciodat n-am ncetat s-mi vorbesc/ altfel dect unei femei/ dar astzi am depit orice nchipuire./ astzi cnd tocmai reuisem/ s-mi adorm trupul/ iar tensiunea dintre mine i el/ aproape c se risipise i de depersonalizare: ntr-un loc n care se aud tot mai tare/ copiii/ cineva m numete nina./ am 40 de ani/ i nu vreau s-mi mai beau cafeaua cu un mort. Vorbim de existen domestica printre oale, robinet, frigider, paa hasan, adjectiv, de hiperchinezie dublat de deficien de concentare, dar i de oboseal cronica (nu m odihnesc niciodat) i acuitate perceptiv, de pnd (ciulesc urechile). O figur care pare c folosete prospecia ca terapie: voi schimba ceva la pr, mi voi/ cumpra ciorapi verzi./ voi zugrvi buctria. mi voi/ face timp s corectez teancurile cu lucrri./ voi mbtrni pentru a cdea, de fapt, imediat n blazare. Pe aceste schimbri brute de direcie, fr a fi disonante, ci perfect muzicale, Coman mizeaz i iese pe deplin ctigtoare.“ – Ioana Dunea
Iluzoria vulpe a fericirii
Iluzoria vulpe a fericirii
Popescu Doina
Din nord, dup? o experien?? de dasc?l la ?coala din Ieud, Ioan Es. Pop a naufragiat prin ’88, ?n Capital? ca muncitor pe un ?antier, mai apoi, dup? ’89, ca redactor la Luceaf?rul, izbutind s?-?i transforme naufragiul ?n descoperire esen?ial?, precum eroul lui Defoe. Cu migal?, cu entuziasm, cu r?bdare, cu Vineri, Robinson a f?cut din naufragiul s?u o terapeutic? a oric?rei alien?ri, inclusiv a celei de sine ?nsu?i. Cu talent, cu intui?ie, cu imagina?ie, cu nou?zeci?tii, Ioan Es. Pop ?i-a convertit naufragiul ?ntr-o splendid? revocare dramatic-liric? a neantului zilnic, cum numai poe?ilor de tot li se poate ?nt?mpla. Ieudul f?r? ie?ire este expresia plin? de prospe?ime poetic? a cestei convertiri. Lauren?iu Ulici
Troilus and Cressida
Troilus and Cressida
William Shakespeare
Troilus and Cressida is set during the later years of the Trojan War, faithfully following the plotline of the Iliad from Achilles' refusal to participate in battle to Hector's death. Troilus, a Trojan prince (son of Priam), woos Cressida, another Trojan. They have sex, professing their undying love, before Cressida is exchanged for a Trojan prisoner of war. As he attempts to visit her in the Greek camp, Troilus glimpses Diomedes flirting with his beloved Cressida, and decides to avenge her perfidy.
Studies in Self Culture and Character: A Man's Value to Society
Studies in Self Culture and Character: A Man's Value to Society
Newell Dwight Hillis
Man’s evident failure to make the most out of his material life suggests a study of the elements in each citizen that make him of value to his age and community. What are the measurements of mankind, and why is it that daily some add new treasures to the storehouse of civilization, while others take from and waste the store already accumulated?
Unfamiliar Tunes: Plays by Anton Chekhov
Unfamiliar Tunes: Plays by Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov's iconic plays including some of the unfamiliar short pieces such as The Wedding, and some of the more established classics such as The Cherry Orchard. Chekhov revolutionised world literature influencing generations of playwrights, screenwriters and actors. George Bernard Shaw described Chekhov's work as a fantasia in the Russian manner on English themes.
The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle
The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle
Beatrix Potter
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lucie, who lived at a farm called Little-town. She was a good little girl—only she was always losing her pocket-handkerchiefs! One day little Lucie came into the farm-yard crying—oh, she did cry so! I’ve lost my pocket-handkin! Three handkins and a pinny! Have you seen them, Tabby Kitten?
The Blue Hotel and Other Stories
The Blue Hotel and Other Stories
Stephen Crane
Three visitors find shelter from a blizzard at Pat Scully's hotel: a nervous New Yorker known as the Swede, a rambunctious Westerner named Bill, and a reserved Easterner called Mr. Blanc. The Swede becomes increasingly drunk, defensive, and reckless. He is later murdered at the bar.
The Professor
The Professor
Charlotte Bronte
The Professor was the first novel by Charlotte Bronte. It was originally written before Jane Eyre and rejected by many publishing houses, but was eventually published posthumously. The novel follows life of a young man, William Crimsworth, and is a first-person narrative from his perspective. It describes his maturation, his loves and his eventual career as a professor at an all-girls school.
The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War
The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War
Stephen Crane
The Red Badge of Courage follows events of the American Civil War, and life of a young private of the Union Army, Henry Fleming, who flees from the field of battle. Overcome with shame, he longs for a wound, a red badge of courage, to counteract his cowardice. When his regiment once again faces the enemy, Henry acts as standard-bearer.
The Magic Skin
The Magic Skin
Honore de Balzac
Set in early 19th-century Paris, it tells the story of a young man who finds a magic piece of shagreen that fulfills his every desire. For each wish granted, however, the skin shrinks and consumes a portion of his physical energy. La Peau de chagrin belongs to the Etudes philosophiques group of Balzac's sequence of novels.
Twenty Years After
Twenty Years After
Alexandre Dumas
In this sequel to The Three Musketeers, we continue following adventured of a young man named d'Artagnan. This story follows events in France during La Fronde, during the childhood reign of Louis XIV, and in England near the end of the English Civil War, leading up to the victory of Oliver Cromwell and the execution of King Charles I.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Jules Verne
A scholar and explorer, Dr. Samuel Ferguson, accompanied by his manservant Joe and his friend professional hunter Richard Kennedy, sets out to travel across the African with the help of a balloon filled with hydrogen. The balloon itself ultimately fails before the end, but makes it far enough across to get the protagonists to friendly lands, and eventually back to England, therefore succeeding in the expedition.
The Witch and Other Stories
The Witch and Other Stories
Anton Chekhov
It was approaching nightfall. The sexton, Savely Gykin, was lying in his huge bed in the hut adjoining the church. He was not asleep, though it was his habit to go to sleep at the same time as the hens. His coarse red hair peeped from under one end of the greasy patchwork quilt, made up of coloured rags, while his big unwashed feet stuck out from the other. He was listening. His hut adjoined the wall that encircled the church and the solitary window in it looked out upon the open country. And out there a regular battle was going on. It was hard to say who was being wiped off the face of the earth, and for the sake of whose destruction nature was being churned up into such a ferment; but, judging from the unceasing malignant roar, someone was getting it very hot.
As a Matter of Course
As a Matter of Course
Annie Payson Call
The aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in everyday life.
The Flying Inn
The Flying Inn
G. K. Chesterton
Set in a future England where the Temperance movement has allowed a bizarre form of Progressive Islam to dominate the political and social life of the country. Because of this, alcohol sales to the poor are effectively prohibited, while the rich can get alcoholic drinks under a medical certificate.
Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories
Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories
Ambrose Bierce
Some of the best of ghost stories from Ambrose Bierce, including: Present at a hanging, A cold greeting, A Wireless Message, An Arrest, A Man with Two Lives, The Isle of Pines, A Vine on a House, The Spook House, The Other Lodgers, and many other ghost stories.
Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
Charles Perrault
An iconic collection of fairy tales from the master of storytelling Charles Perrault including some of his best work: Little Red Riding-Hood, The Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots, Little Thumb, Cinderella, Blue Beard.
The Taming of the Shrew
The Taming of the Shrew
William Shakespeare
The comedy begins with an induction in which we follow a drunken tinker being tricked into believing he is a nobleman. He then watches a play depicting nobleman Petruchio's marriage with an outspoken, intelligent and bad-tempered shrew named Katherine. Petruchio manipulates and tames her until she is obedient to his will. The main subplot features the courting of Katherine’s more conventional sister Bianca by numerous suitors. The content has become the subject of considerable controversy.
Odd Craft and Other Stories
Odd Craft and Other Stories
W. W. Jacobs
An exciting collection of stories from W.W. Jacobs, a London based novelist famous for his humour, horror and travel stories. This volume includes some of his iconic work: The Money-box, The Castaway, Blundell's Improvement, Bill's Lapse, Lawyer Quince, Breaking A Spell, Establishing Relations, The Changing Numbers, The Persecution of Bob Pretty, Dixon's Return, A Spirit of Avarice, The Third String, Odd Charges, Admiral Peters.