Elon Musk: Moving the World One Technology at a Time
Put aside what you read on the web about Elon Musk. There is a significant amount more to him than just his genius and his accomplishments. This book lays out the life that he had before arriving in the United States and looks at the boy inside who set a path for himself, and literally went through the fires of hell before getting the opportunities that he wished for.He did not fall into wealth and he did not work his way up the corporate ladder, Elon made every bit of his life that you see today. Some of the stories that you find in this book will shock and awe you and change the way you look at your own challenges. From arriving in a new country with just a few bucks and not knowing anyone, to working in farms and cleaning up after barn animals, to working in the fires of a toxic furnace. Read about the man that is about to make this planet a safer place to live. Elon Musk is an inspiration for a generation because he represents many of the values that define today's Millennials and Generation X. From PayPal to Tesla, the driving force that built these icons of the imagination was the desire to make the world a better place for everyone – it was never about the money. This book gives you a deeper look and analysis of a man that defies the traditional mold of industrialist, entrepreneur, and achiever.? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to learn more about this technology mogul!
Elon Musk: Moviendo el Mundo con Una Tecnología a la Vez
Deja de lado lo que estás leyendo en la web sobre Elon Musk. Hay una cantidad de información más significativa que no se limita a hablar solo sobre su genio y sus logros. Este libro expone la vida que tuvo antes de llegar a los Estados Unidos y mira al ni?o que se encuentra en su interior, quien se abrió camino por sí solo, y literalmente pasó por los fuegos del infierno antes de obtener las oportunidades que deseaba.No cayó en la riqueza y no trabajó dentro de la escalera corporativa, sino que Elon conformó cada parte de su vida que puedes ver hoy. Algunas de las historias que encontrarás en este libro te sorprenderán, asombrarán y cambiarán la forma en que consideras tus propios desafíos. De llegar a un nuevo país con pocos dólares y no conocer a nadie, trabajar en granjas y limpiar los animales, hasta trabajar en el fuego de un horno tóxico. Lee sobre el hombre que está a punto de hacer que este planeta sea un lugar más seguro para vivir.Elon Musk es una inspiración para una generación porque representa muchos de los valores que definen a los Millennials de hoy y a los de la Generación X. Desde PayPal hasta Tesla, la fuerza impulsora que construyó estos íconos de la imaginación fue el deseo de hacer del mundo un lugar mejor para todos: y nunca se trató sobre el dinero. Este libro te da una mirada y un análisis más profundo de un hombre que desafía el molde tradicional de lo que es ser industrial, emprendedor y triunfador.
Not A Number: Patrick McGoohan - a life.
When Patrick McGoohan first starred in “Danger Man” in 1960 and as ‘Number 6’ in cult show “The Prisoner”, industry insiders hailed the arrival of an enigmatic genius and Hollywood beckoned. But who was this man who worked as a chicken farmer and bank clerk before becoming a hugely successful actor simply by chance? In this up-to-date biography Rupert Booth reveals the true character of a man whose off-screen behaviour matched his fiery on-screen persona. Why was he so puritanical, refusing even to kiss a woman for any part he played? Why was he so controlling over his work in “The Prisoner” and other productions? A timely exploration of the man whose declaration ‘I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, de-briefed or numbered!’ continues to resonate with audiences decades after it was first uttered with such conviction.
A Collection of Nightmares
Hold your screams and enter a world of seasonal creatures, dreams of bones, and confessions modeled from open eyes and endless insomnia. Christina Sng’s?A Collection of Nightmares?is a poetic feast of sleeplessness and shadows, an exquisite exhibition of fear and things better left unsaid. Here are ramblings at the end of the world and a path that leads to a thousand paper cuts at the hands of a skin carver. There are crawlspace whispers, and fresh sheets gently washed with sacrifice and poison, and if you’re careful in this ghost month, these poems will call upon the succubus to tend to your flesh wounds and scars.?? ?These nightmares are sweeping fantasies that electrocute the senses as much as they dull the ache of loneliness by showing you what’s hiding under your bed, in the back of your closet, and inside your head. Sng’s poems dissect and flower, her autopsies are delicate blooms dressed with blood and syntax. Her words are charcoal and cotton, safe yet dressed in an executioner’s garb.?? ?Dream carefully.?? ?You’ve already made your bed.?? ?The nightmares you have now will not be kind.?? ?And you have no one to blame but yourself.
Scrappy Rough Draft: Use science to strategically motivate yourself & finish wri
The canonical Gospels stand very differently, as respects origin, character and reception, with the Gospels, Acts and Apocalpyses known as ‘Apocryphal.’ These apocryphal writings began to be produced (so far as known) in the second century, mostly in Ebionitic and Gnostic circles, and, with few exceptions, were repudiated and condemned by the Church. Only later, and in modified and expurgated forms, did their stories pass into the general Catholic tradition. The second century seems to have been a perfect hot-bed for the production of this class of writings. The heretical Gospel of the Egyptians is already quoted in 2 Clement (circa a.d. 140). Iren?us speaks of the sect of the Marcosians as adducing ‘an unspeakable number of apocryphal and spurious writings, which they themselves had forged, to bewilder the minds of the foolish,’ and instances the story, found in the Gospel of Thomas, of Jesus confounding the schoolmaster who sought to teach Him His letters (Adv. Haer. i. 20). Later tradition attributed the composition of many of the apocryphal writings (Pseudo-Matthew, Acts of Apostles) to a mythical Leucius, a disciple of the Apostles (cp. art. ‘Leucius,’ Dict. of Christ. Biog.). Eusebius gives a list of spurious and disputed books: ‘That we may have it in our power to know both these books (the canonical) and those that are adduced by the heretics under the name of the Apostles, such, viz., as compose the Gospels of Peter, of Thomas, and of Matthew, and certain others beside these, or such as contain the Acts of Andrew and John, and of the other Apostles, of which no one of those writers in the ecclesiastical succession has condescended to make any mention in his works; and, indeed, the character of the style itself is very different from that of the Apostles, and the sentiments, and the purport of those things that are advanced in them, deviating as far as possible from sound orthodoxy, evidently proves they are the fictions of heretical men; whence they are not only to be ranked among the spurious writings, but are to be rejected as altogether absurd and impious’ (H. E. iii. 25). Only a small part of this extensive literature remains to us, and in no case in its original form, but solely in later, and often much-altered recensions. CrossReach Publications
Strategic Series Author: Plan, write and publish a series to maximize readership
In this guide translated from the original French version. You advertise on Facebook, but you don't see any results? You'd like to start, but you're lost? Would you like to improve the performance of your ads and pay less ? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then this book is for you! This 35-page guide will teach you everything you need to know. You will learn in particular: - Create a Professional Facebook account?- To create advertising campaigns from A to Z- To create and structure an advertising account as professionals do- Install the "Facebook pixel" to track everything that happens on your site- The TIPA? method used by advertising professionals to reduce the price of their ads by half, and multiply their effectiveness And the best part?? This guide is dedicated to people who leave ZERO! The only thing you need is your computer. We explain everything step by step.? This guide is accessible to everyone, even if you have never advertised on Facebook! This guide was written by professional advertisers who have spent millions of euros on Facebook advertising.
Build Better Characters: The psychology of backstory & how to use it in your wri
Eine unsanfte ?berraschung für die Milf Hat sie überhaupt eine Ahnung was für einen Sohn sie hat? ?ber die Autorin Anna Wolf ist eine Hausfrau aus einer Kleinstadt in Süd-Deutschland. Im Alltag lebt sie ein ganz normales Leben. Mit ihrem jüngeren Liebhaber John teilt sie aber ihre gro?e Leidenschaft: Sex in allen Varianten. Seit über fünfzehn Jahren besuchen die beiden Swingerclubs im In- und Ausland und probieren immer wieder neue Clubs aus. Und natürlich fehlt nicht das j?hrliche Gro?ereignis aller Swinger: Der Urlaub im Südfranz?sischen FKK-Paradies Cap d?Agde. Vor einiger Zeit begann Anna ihre Erlebnisse aufzuschreiben. Daraus entsteht nach und nach die Anna Wolf-Reihe, in der sie ausführlich von ihrem Swingerleben erz?hlt.
Gaismas vēsture
Gaismas vēsture?ir biogrāfisks romāns par slaveno ?ehu fotogrāfu Franti?eku Drtikolu. Grāmatas autors Jans ?emecs (Jan Němec, 1981) dzimis Brno, ?ehijā. Strādā par redaktoru ikmēne?a literatūras ?urnālā Host. Masarika universitātē (Brno) mācījies reli?ijas un sociālās zinātnes, savukārt Jana?eka Mūzikas un tēlotājmākslas akadēmijā apguvis dramatur?iju. ?emeca pirmā grāmata “Pirmā dzīve” (První ?ivot) iznāca 2007.gadā. Tai sekoja “Spēlē ?etras rokas” (Hra pro ?ty?i ruce, 2009).? 2013. gadā iznākusī “Gaismas vēsture” (Dějiny světla) ir biogrāfisks romāns par slaveno ?ehu fotogrāfu Franti?eku Drtikolu.? Par ?o romānu autors sa?ēmis vairākas balvas: ?ehijas grāmata 2014, Magnesia Litera 2014 (prozas kategorija) un Josefa ?kvorecka balvu, un Eiropas Savienības Literatūras balvu. Grāmata tulkota 13 valodās. Grāmatu latvie?u valodā tulkojis Jānis Krasti??, bet tās redaktore ir Aija Lāce. Fotogrāfs Ainārs Mazjānis par ?o Jana ?emeca romānu saka ?ādi:?Tas, ko grāmatas varonis darīja fotomākslas jomā 20.gs. sākumā ir kas neaptverams un jebkur? eso?ais vai topo?ais fotogrāfs var daudz no vi?a mācīties. Gaismas, ēnu un formu spēle padara vi?a darbus ?oti at??irīgus no tīras fotogrāfijas un pietuvina tos mākslai - savā zi?ā tā ir kā glezno?ana ar gaismu. Lai arī cik ironiski tas būtu, pa ?iem gadiem strādājo?a fotogrāfa dzīves modelis nav nemaz tik ?oti mainījies. Tāpēc topo?ajiem fotogrāfiem būtu ?oti vērtīgi ielūkoties cita fotogrāfa dzīvē, lai sparastu, kas tas ir un vai tas ir domāts tev. ?oti interesants romāns ikvienam, kuru interesē foto un māksla. Projektu līdzfinansē Eiropas Savienības programma “Rado?ā Eiropa”. Grāmatas izdo?anu līdzfinansējusi Latvijas Republikas Kultūras ministrija un ?ehijas Kultūras ministrija.
Everyone In LA Is an REDACTED: Book One
LA is a beast. A city that swallows most with its glamour and glitz. Not Sarah Fuller though. Stubborn and relentless, Sarah refuses to be changed by her surroundings. Often, she takes a cynical approach, judging the world around her, though never taking anything too seriously. Thrown back into the dating arena in her late thirties, Sarah encounters brand new challenges. Readers will laugh out loud at the adventures and mishaps this sassy protagonist gets herself into. She explores LA life, seeing it through her unique lens. Hair extensions, goat yoga, socialites and all the strangeness that comes out of LA weave together in this crazy, episodic adventure. Can you handle the absurdities?? Fans of Chelsea Handler and Sex in the City will love Everyone in LA is an Asshole, a series that doesn’t hold back and says what we’re all secretly thinking.
The Apocalyptic Mannequin
Doomsday is here and the earth is suffering with each breath she takes. Whether it’s from the nuclear meltdown, the wrath of the Four Horsemen, a war with technology, or a consequence of our relationship with the planet, humanity is left buried and hiding, our bones exposed, our hearts beating somewhere in our freshly slit throats. This is a collection that strips away civilization and throws readers into the lives of its survivors. The poems inside are undelivered letters, tear-soaked whispers, and unanswered prayers. They are every worry you’ve had when your electricity went out, and every pit that grew in your stomach watching the news at night. They are tragedy and trauma, but they are also grief and fear, fear of who—or what—lives inside us once everything is taken away. These pages hold the teeth of monsters against the faded photographs of family and friends, and here, Wytovich is both plague doctor and midwife, both judge and jury, forever searching through severed limbs and exposed wires as she straddles the line evaluating what’s moral versus what’s necessary to survive. What’s clear though, is that the world is burning and we don’t remember who we are. So tell me: who will you become when it’s over? "Reading this collection is like dancing through Doomsday, intoxicated by the destructive, decadent truth of desire in our very mortality." --Saba Syed Razvi, author of?Heliophobia?and?In the Crocodile Gardens "Vivid, each word a weight on your tongue, these poems taste of metal and ash with a hint of spice, smoke. She reminds us the lucky ones die first, and those who remain must face the horrors of a world painted in blisters and fear." --Todd Keisling, author of?Ugly Little Things?and?Devil's Creek "Set in a post-apocalyptic world that at times seems all too near, Wytovich's poems conjure up frighteningly beautiful and uncomfortably prescient imagery." --Claire C. Holland, author of?I Am Not Your Final Girl "A surreal journey through an apocalyptic wasteland, a world that is terrifyingly reminiscent of our own even as the blare of evacuation alarms drowns out the sizzle of acid rain, smiling mannequins bear witness to a hundred thousand deaths, and "the forest floor grows femurs in the light of a skeletal moon."--Christa Carmen, author of?Something Borrowed, Something Blood-Soaked "Like a doomsday clock fast-forwarding to its final self-destruction, Wytovich's poetry will give you whiplash as you flip through page after page. The writing here is ugly yet beautiful. It reads like a disease greedily eating up vital organs. The apocalypse has arrived and it couldn't be more intoxicating!"--Max Booth III, author of?Carnivorous Lunar Activities
Everyone In LA Is An REDACTED: Book 2
LA is a beast. A city that swallows most with its glamour and glitz. However, as a science fiction writer, Sarah Fuller has a hard time trying to fit in with the socialites, granola moms and trendy hipsters. That’s why she chooses to passively sit by and make fun of them. No one is safe from her ridicule. Thrown back into the dating arena in her late thirties, Sarah encounters brand new challenges. Readers will laugh out loud at the adventures and mishaps this sassy protagonist gets herself into. She explores LA life, seeing it through her unique lens. Adventures in WeHo, drag queen bingo, pot dispensaries and all the strangeness that comes out of LA weave together in this crazy, episodic adventure. Can you handle the absurdities?? Fans of Chelsea Handler and Sex in the City will love Everyone in LA is an Asshole, a series that doesn’t hold back and says what we’re all secretly thinking.? ?
Choking Back the Devil
Choking Back the Devil by Donna Lynch is an invocation, an ancient invitation that summons the darkness within and channels those lonely spirits looking for a host. It's a collection that lives in the realm of ghosts and family curses, witchcraft and urban legends, and if you're brave enough to peek behind the veil, the hauntings that permeate these pages will break seals and open doorways, cut throats and shatter mirrors. You see, these poems are small drownings, all those subtle suffocations that live in that place between our ribs that swells with panic, incubates fear. Lynch shows her readers that sometimes our shadow selves--our secrets--are our sharpest weapons, the knives that rip through flesh, suture pacts with demons, cut deals with entities looking for more than a homecoming, something better, more intimate than family. It's about the masks we wear and the reflections we choose not to look at, and what's most terrifying about the spells is these incantations show that we are the possessed, that we are our greatest monster, and if we look out of the corner of our eyes, sometimes--if we've damned ourselves enough--we can catch a glimpse of our own burnings, what monstrosities and mockeries we're to become. So cross yourselves and say your prayers. Because in this world, you are the witch and the hunter, the girl and the wolf. "Lynch mixes in childhood fables with waking nightmares, the result is electrifying; sometimes in a few razor sharp words; sometimes in longer numbered verses counting down the cycle of a damaged life. The silent cries of souls tormented to healthiness by pills and poultices, force fed by imperfect humans, echo in the silhouette of these poems. I smiled at the shadows unexpectedly delivered by her words, as will you."--Linda D. Addison, award-winning author of How to Recognize a Demon Has Become Your Friend and HWA Lifetime Achievement Award winner "This collection is not for the chronically disturbed, as fear is doled out in terse, potent portions. I got the shivers reading these unsettling poems."--Marge Simon, Bram Stoker Award winner, SFPA Grand Master Poet "Choking Back the Devil is unlike any other poetry collection you've ever read. Donna Lynch crafts beautifully terrifying worlds, packed with dense imagery and horrifying yet lush details. This collection will get your blood racing even as it breaks your heart." --Gwendolyn Kiste, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of The Rust Maidens "Some dark poets use their verse as a means to exorcise their demons. Lynch instead embraces her torment, nurtures it, and transforms it into equal parts hideous and heavenly. With a mix of wicked wit, carnal fury, and commentary that has sharpened its fangs to drain you until you're left with nothing but despair, Choking Back the Devil is essential sustenance for harrowed souls."--Chad Stroup, author of Secrets of the Weird and Sexy Leper
Triptych: Three Plays for Young People: Inspired by the Art of Paula Rego
The Portuguese visual artist Paula Rego has inspired this trilogy of plays. Her paintings Crivelli’s Garden, The Prey and Breaking China became the catalyst for writing by theatre maker Fiona Graham. Commissioned by Theatre Centre and Komedia, these three new plays were developed for specific audiences through a series of artist/audience residencies and collaborations. These works have toured Britain and been re-staged in Portugal and Singapore. Crivellis’s Garden was created for a 16+ audience and explores rites of passage as two young women decide whether they should stay or leave their fishing village to go to university in Portugal. Between Friends is for 7 -11 year olds and examines the politics of friendship between three young people when they are shipwrecked and abandoned in a lighthouse. Breaking China is for 4-8 year olds and shows the importance of creative play and storytelling when making sense of change and adversity. About the authorDR FIONA GRAHAMFiona teaches dramaturgy at Goldsmiths University. Previously she spent over a decade in New Zealand writing and teaching at Auckland University. Her plays include: Passage (The Herald Theatre, Auckland 2010), Breaking China (Theatre Centre, 2002 and Singapore’s International Festival, 2004) and Legacy (for Massive Theatre Company, 1998). Most recently she worked as dramaturge with Otago University and Talking House Theatre Company on Be/Longing and Hush, with Red Leap Theatre Company on Paper Sky and Sea, with playwright Mei-Lin Hansen on The Mooncake And The Kumara, with Winning Productions on I Wanna Be -- Ponsonby and Carol Brown on 1000 Lovers and the Pah Collective. Her book Catalyst For Change: The Interventions of the Dramaturge was published in New Zealand in 2017. Reviews: ‘Graham’s poetically eloquent script flows like molten silver and should give students, teachers and other theatregoers much to think about’ (on Crivelli’s Garden) – The Stage ‘A prime example of how an excellent script innovatively directed and beautifully performed can be applied to a wide age range. This joyful production provides much food for thought.’ (on Breaking China) – The Stage
On Quiet Nights
There's a place inside us that is cloaked in darkness, rubbed raw with silence. It's a shadow wrapped in a shadow and it screams, but it screams in harsh whispers. This collection explores the blackness within, the gritty underground that hides inside memories and cowers just outside fear. The poems, paired with illustrations from Matthias Matthies work in sync to create a collage of blunt sexuality, masochistic, and sometimes sadistic recollections of love, reflection, and self-exploration.??Lindemann paints pictures with his poems, a slave to the vulnerability and sexuality that drives mankind. His words themselves are body modifications that settle on readers, piercing then slowly penetrating and pumping his audience full with a mix of pleasure and pain. A combination of longing, emotional depth, and bestial intuition, these pieces evoke an innate nature to seek pleasure, to ask for forgiveness, to instill blame. ??On Quiet Nights pulls back the curtains at night and asks readers to think about who they are. Lindemann holds a mirror to soul, capturing desire and need, with the courage to answer some of life's biggest questions: Who am I? What am I? Why am I?
Virginia Woolf in Richmond
"I ought to be grateful to Richmond & Hogarth, and indeed, whether it's my invincible optimism or not, I am grateful." - Virginia Woolf Although more commonly associated with Bloomsbury, Virginia and her husband Leonard Woolf lived in Richmond-upon-Thames for ten years from the time of the First World War (1914-1924). Refuting the common misconception that she disliked the town, this book explores her daily habits as well as her intimate thoughts while living at the pretty house she came to love - Hogarth House. Drawing on information from her many letters and diaries, the author reveals how Richmond's relaxed way of life came to influence the writer, from her experimentation as a novelist to her work with her husband and the Hogarth Press, from her relationships with her servants to her many famous visitors. Reviews “Lively, diverse and readable, this book captures beautifully Virginia Woolf’s time in leafy Richmond,?her mixed emotions over this exile from central London, and its influence on her life and work.?This illuminating book is a valuable addition to literary history, and a must-read for every Virginia Woolf enthusiast…” ?- Emma Woolf, writer, journalist, presenter and Virginia Woolf’s great niece About the Author Peter Fullagar is a former English Language teacher, having lived and worked in diverse locations such as Tokyo and Moscow. He became fascinated by the works of Virginia Woolf while writing his dissertation for his Masters in English Literature and Language. During his teaching career he was head of department at a private college in West London. He has written articles and book reviews for the magazine?English Teaching Professional?and?The Huffington Post. His first short story will be published in an anthology entitled?Tempest?in March 2019. Peter was recently interviewed for the?forthcoming film about the project to fund, create and install a new full-sized bronze statue of Virginia Woolf in Richmond-upon-Thames.
Vidám, r?vid valós t?rténetek a szerz? és családja életéb?l.
1936: Berlin and other plays
A collection of three plays by former Olympic Coach and best-selling author Tom McNab delving into the murky world of Olympic politics (1936: Berlin), the troubled mind of George Orwell (Orwell on Jura), and an imaginary meeting between the acclaimed director Orson Welles and infamous fellow filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl, who directed Hitler’s propaganda film The Triumph of the Will, and filmed the 1936 Olympic Games (Whisper in the Heart). Reviews On 1936: Berlin “A powerful, thought-provoking, richly rewarding piece of theatre.” ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?–What’sOnStage “There’s no doubt McNab has a fascinating story to tell... This battle of idealsand ambition is where the play takes flight, as McNab provocatively parallelsAmerica’s treatment of its black athletes, Jesse Owens included, with racismunder the Third Reich.” ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?– The Guardian About the Author Tom McNab is a leading figure in the sporting world, having won five titles in the Scottish triple jump and coached Greg Rutherford to a gold medal as a long jumper and the English rugby team to win silver in 1992. He was Technical Director on the film Chariots of Fire and has written several radio plays and novels including best seller Flanagan’s Run, with film rights sold to Disney. In 1982 he won the Scottish Novelist of the Year award. He has been a commentator for ITV and Channel 4, a freelance journalist for the Observer, Sunday Telegraph, Times and Independent.
Japanese Folktales The Great Festival of The New Year
Little Good Boy had just finished eating the last of five rice cakes called "dango," that had been strung on a skewer of bamboo and dipped in soy sauce, when he said to his little sister, called Chrysanthemum: "O-Kiku, it is soon the great festival of the New Year." "What shall we do then?" asked little O-Kiku, not clearly remembering the festival of the previous year. Thus questioned, Yoshi-san had his desired opening to hold forth on the coming delights, and he replied: "Men will come the evening before the great feast-day and help Plum-blossom, our maid, to clean all the house with brush and broom. Others will set up the decoration in front of our honored gateway. They will dig two small holes and plant a gnarled, black-barked father-pine branch on the left, and the slighter reddish mother-pine branch on the right. They will then put with these the tall knotted stem of a bamboo, with its smooth, hard green leaves that chatter when the wind blows. Next they will take a grass rope, about as long as a tall man, fringed with grass, and decorated with zigzag strips of white paper.
Ya, pero todavía no:Poemario
Cada uno de los versos están escritos desde la perspectiva de un creyente que confiesa la nueva creación, mientras que se enfrenta a las consecuencias de la caída. La familia, la política, la justicia, el amor, las relaciones humanas, han sido todas manchadas por el error humano, y aunque el Se?or ya ha comenzado su obra de restauración a través del Evangelio, hay mucho camino por recorrer.
Paradise Regained
Paradise Regained is a poem by English poet John Milton, first published in 1671 by John Macock. The volume in which it appeared also contained the poet's closet drama Samson Agonistes. Paradise Regained is connected by name to his earlier and more famous epic poem Paradise Lost, with which it shares similar theological themes; indeed, its title, its use of blank verse, and its progression through Christian history recall the earlier work. However, this effort deals primarily with the temptation of Christ as recounted in the Gospel of Luke. ? An interesting anecdote recounted by a Quaker named Thomas Ellwood provides some insight into Paradise Regained??'?s development. After studying Latin with Milton and reading the poet's epic Paradise Lost, Ellwood remarked, "Thou hast said much here of Paradise lost, but what hast thou to say of Paradise found?" Hearing this, Milton at first "sat some time in a muse" before changing the subject; however, later on he showed to Ellwood a new manuscript entitled Paradise Regained. Some maintain that although he seemed to express gratitude to Ellwood in a letter, Milton in truth "passed on a friendly if impish fabrication" that made Ellwood feel like the inspiration for the poem. Milton composed Paradise Regained at his cottage in Chalfont St Giles in Buckinghamshire. The poem is four books long, in contrast with Paradise Lost??'?s twelve. As such, Barbara K. Lewalski has labelled the work a "brief epic." ? Whereas Paradise Lost is ornate in style and decorative in its verse, Paradise Regained is carried out in a fairly plain style. Specifically, Milton reduces his use of simile and deploys a simpler syntax in Paradise Regained than he does in Paradise Lost, and this is consistent with Jesus's sublime plainness in his life and teachings (in the epic, he prefers Hebrew psalms to Greek poetry). Modern editors believe the stylistics of Paradise Regained evince Milton's poetic maturity. No longer is the poet out to dazzle his readers with bombastic verse and lengthy epic similes. This is not to say that the poem bears no affinities with Milton's earlier work, but scholars continue to agree with Northrop Frye's suggestion that Paradise Regained is "practically sui generis" in its poetic execution. ? One major concept emphasized throughout Paradise Regained is the idea of reversals. As implied by its title, Milton sets out to reverse the "loss" of Paradise. Thus, antonyms are often found next to each other, reinforcing the idea that everything that was lost in the first epic will be regained by the end of this "brief epic." Additionally, the work focuses on the idea of "hunger", both in a literal and in a spiritual sense. After wandering in the wilderness for forty days, Jesus is starving for food. Satan, too blind to see any non-literal meanings of the term, offers Christ food and various other temptations, but Jesus continually denies him. Although Milton's Jesus is remarkably human, an exclusive focus on this dimension of his character obscures the divine stakes of Jesus’s confrontation with Satan; Jesus emerges victorious, and Satan falls, amazed.
K. V. Dominic's Write My Son, Write--Text and Interpretation
"Write My Son, Write" is K. V. Dominic's longest poem, in 21 sections taken from his collection of poems entitled Write Son, Write. Dominic unabashedly tackles every-day issues of India such as the social injustice of poverty, man's crass exploitation of natural resources that ought to belong to everyone, terrorism, and the eternal beauty of the natural world. This poem is the manifesto of Dominic's views and philosophies. About this work, K.V. Dominic writes, "People today are crazy after materialism, and divinity in them is being lost to such an extent that they give no importance to principles, values, family and social relations, cohabitance with human beings and other beings. Instead they are trying their maximum to exploit their fellow beings, other beings and the planet itself. If it goes like this, the total destruction is not far away. It is the duty of the religious leaders, political leaders and the intelli-gentsia to inject the lost values to the masses and thus preserve this planet and the inhabitants from the imminent devastation. Instead, majority of these leaders become mafias and inject communal and corruptive venom to the minds of the masses. Corruption has become the hallmark of these leaders and influenced by them the masses also deviate from the right track to the evil track. And who will save this society? Writers, particularly poets who are like prophets." Dr. Ramesh Chandra Mukhopadhyaya's commentary provides the most complete critical analysis of the poem, section-by-section and line-by-line. Born in 1947 Ramesh Chandra Mukhopadhyaya M A (Triple) MPhil, PhD is a retired college teacher now residing at Howrah, West Bengal, India,. A Bilingual writer (English and Bengali), he has been writing on different subjects for the last thirty years. He seeks to retrieve the wealth of poetry when it is a revelation. Dr. Mukhopadhyaya regards K. V. Dominic as a poet of a seer. From the World Voices Series Modern History Press