

A Farmer’s Life for Me: How to live sustainably, Jimmy’s way
A Farmer’s Life for Me: How to live sustainably, Jimmy’s way
Jimmy Doherty
In this practical guide TV farmer Jimmy Doherty imparts his experience and ideas to show you how to achieve the self-sufficient lifestyle and add to your life whether growing for your own pleasure – or profit! Farmer, entrepreneur and TV presenter Jimmy Doherty is living proof that you can successfully grow and rear your own food. Whatever your circumstances and whether you have a window box or a couple of acres, this book is full of ideas and suggestions to help you get started. Using Jimmy's knowledge and experience, this book will take you through all the realties to consider on the road to self-sufficiency, but above all it shows just how achievable it can be to grow and even sell your own produce. Focusing on the two main areas, what you can grow and what you can rear, this book will answer all of your questions, offer you the most useful and practical advice and show you how you can apply these ideas to suit your situation. So, if you want to make your own juices, bread or honey to sell at a local farmers market, save yourself the big grocery bills with your own vegetable garden, sell your own pork sausages or lamb burgers to local restaurants or rear your own turkey for your Christmas dinner this book will give you the practical knowledge and the confidence to actually do it. Jimmy covers everything from the skills to equipment to environmentalism to marketing and even shows that you don't necessarily need any land to live the self-sufficient lifestyle. Practical, realistic but full of good advice and encouragement, and case studies and essays to inspire you, A Farmer's Life for Me is the ultimate guide to the business of self-sufficiency.
Dobro do?li u pustinju postsocijalizma
Dobro do?li u pustinju postsocijalizma
Igor Štiks, Srećko Horvat
Reducerea efectelor adverse ale chimioterapiei i radioterapiei Creterea beneficiilor tratamentelor ntrirea sistemului imunitar Meninerea energiei i a vitalitii STIMULAI-V CAPACITATEA NATURAL DE A LUPTA MPOTRIVA CANCERULUI Dumneavoastr sau cineva apropiat ai fost diagnosticat cu cancer. Dei oncologul v va prescrie un tratament care poate include chimioterapie i radioterapie, trebuie s nelegei c aceste arme puternice au adesea consecine nedorite, chiar periculoase, pentru care, aa cum arat cele mai recente cercetri, avei nevoie de un puternic fundament nutriional ca s le facei fa. O alimentaie corect, cu proporii echilibrate de hran sntoas, vitamine i minerale i suplimente nutriionale, v va oferi, alturi de chimioterapie i radioterapie, o arm extraordinar de puternic n lupta mpotriva bolii. Autorul, medic american respectat i asistent universitar de neurochirurgie, v arat ct de uor v putei fortifica organismul n aceast perioad critic. Vei afla, printre altele: Care dintre alimentele pe care le consumai zilnic au proprieti redutabile de lupt mpotriva cancerului i cum s le pregtii cel mai bine. Ce suplimente v pot spori – sau scdea – ansele de nsntoire. Cum pot crete anumite grsimi i uleiuri capacitatea natural de aprare a organismului. Despre aciunea extraordinar a flavonoidelor, care sporesc eficacitatea chimioterapiei, adugnd un strat protector celulelor sntoase. Cum s facei fa problemelor specifice cu care se confrunt pacienii suferinzi de cancer – oboseala, cderea prului, scderea n greutate, afeciunile digestive i alte efecte secundare.
Legal Aspects of Medicines 2nd Edition
Legal Aspects of Medicines 2nd Edition
Dimond, Bridgit
Concise overview of the laws relating to the supply, administration and prescribing of medicines. User-friendly format for easy reference on the job, or a handy revision aid. Highly practical with case studies throughout to demonstrate application of theory into practice and revised and updated to reflect current law. This book is intended for all health professionals who are likely to be involved in the dispensing, administration, prescribing or supply of medication, whether in hospitals or in the community. It may also be of assistance to others, such as health service managers, patient groups and their representatives, lecturers and clinical supervisors. Each chapter uses a situation to illustrate the relevant laws so that the law can be explained in a practical jargon-free way. The book is intended to introduce readers to the basic principles which apply and the sources of law, so that they can, by following up the further reading and websites provided, add to their knowledge. This book will provide a baseline on which readers can develop their knowledge and understanding of the law relating to medicines.
Legal Aspects of Patient Confidentiality 2nd edition
Legal Aspects of Patient Confidentiality 2nd edition
Dimond, Bridgit
This revised and updated edition explores the law relating to patient confidentiality and reflects the recent legislation in the field. The text is written in a jargon free, non-legalistic way to allow the reader to understand the principles and how they apply to practice. The book is aimed at all health professionals who care for the patient, and for patient service managers, patient groups, relatives and anybody who is interested in understanding the law relating to patient confidentiality. The book includes case studies throughout.
Legal Aspects of Consent 2nd edition
Legal Aspects of Consent 2nd edition
Dimond, Bridgit
This second edition has been revised and updated to reflect current changes in legislation on consent in the medical and healthcare setting. This book explores the law relating to consent, covering both the general principles where the patient is a mentally competent adult, and also the specialist areas of mental incapacity, children and parents. The text is written for all health professionals who care for the patient, and for patient service managers, patient groups, relatives, lecturers and others who are interested in understanding the law relating to consent.
Legal Aspects of Pain Management 2nd Edition
Legal Aspects of Pain Management 2nd Edition
Dimond, Bridgit
This revised and updated edition explores the law relating to pain management in recent years.It considers the legal issues which have arisn in recent high-profile cases and discusses the implications of legisation extending prescribing powers. The text is written in a user-friendly, readable form for the non-lawyer. It aims to provide a succinct, useful basis from which practtioner and others can extend their knowledge of the law for the protection of their patients, their colleagues and themselves. Scope and contents Human rights law Criminal law and procedure Negligence Professional registration Consent in relation to adults, children and mentally disabled adults.
Clinical Teaching Made Easy
Clinical Teaching Made Easy
McKimm, Judy
Increasingly, nurses and other health professionals are required to teach doctors, trainees and medical students. This book also helps to contextualise learning and provide practical tips for teaching in the clinical context for all health professionals. The book will be useful for clinical teachers at whichever stage of career as it covers all areas of health professions' education in an easy to follow style. It provides a theoretical basis to how clinical teaching and learning might be carried out and draws on the experience of well-regarded clinical teachers to highlight practice points. All aspects of clinical teaching and learning, appraisal, supervision and career development are included. This book is written in an easy to follow format with short chapters, sections, diagrams and practice points. The theory is always related to teaching practice in the clinical context.
The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity
The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity
Roy Porter
Roy Porter is Professor of the Social History of Medicine at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. He is the editor of the Fontana History of Science series, and the author of over sixty-five books, including the acclaimed bestseller ‘London: A Social History’. His book on the history of madness in England, ‘Mind Forg’d Manacles’, won the Leo Gershoy Prize.
Fundamental Aspects of Long Term Conditions
Fundamental Aspects of Long Term Conditions
McVeigh, Helen
Underpinned by relevant epidemiology, demography and policy, this book explores the management of long-term conditions. It discusses communication and multidisciplinary working, including discussion of the student nurse's role. Each chapter includes learning points and uses a questioning/reflective approach, which draws on the reader's own experiences.
Staff Nurse Survival Guide
Staff Nurse Survival Guide
Fowler, John
This handy second edition uses the same easy to read question and answer format as the first, containing over 80 questions and answers from 19 different specialists. It is divided into five chapters and covers topics such as:- Dealing with complaints, Mental health, Clinical supervision, Dealing with aggression and bereavement, Central venous pressure monitoring, Mentoring a student
Critiquing Nursing Research 2nd Edition
Critiquing Nursing Research 2nd Edition
Cutcliffe, John
This second edition of Quay Books' bestselling title retains all of the successful features of the first, plus additional material including a chapter on European psychiatric research. Foreword by Kevin Gournay.
Galloway and the Borders (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 101)
Galloway and the Borders (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 101)
Derek Ratcliffe
Another volume in the widely-read New Naturalist series, this book is an in-depth study of the natural developments and history of Galloway and surrounding areas. Often overlooked due to the reputation of natural habitat in other parts of the country, the author here conveys the diversity and magnificence of nature in the south of Scotland. Galloway and the borders is an extremely varied region, from saltmarshes and shingle beaches to rocky islands and seabird stations. The wide range of hills, displaying a wealth of rich colours, give the area its dominant character. The varied selection of flora and fauna only add to the diversity.
Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing 2nd Edition
Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing 2nd Edition
Becker, Robert
This new and expanded edition is aimed directly at the learning needs of student nurses and is unique in that context. Whilst there are many high quality books available for academic study in palliative care this is currently the only one that balances a strong educational focus for developing nursing practice with an understanding of the particular needs of student nurses. The text maintains a sensitive and supportive approach to the key themes of palliative care nursing, but contains important new material of a wide range of initiatives that are impacting on end of life care across the UK. It will provide the reader with a concise, easy to read and learning oriented text that will give advice and direction to the many challenges faced in this most important area of patient care. Each chapter examines a key component of care and new features include: Learning outcomes at the start of each chapter to guide the reader Clinical anecdotes to illustrate the reality and complexity of practice Extensive use of recognisable symbols to guide the reader and improve the usability of the text Competency assessment to help gauge knowledge and progress Reflective points to aid professional development Reflective activities to enable the student to reinforce learning from practice Links to appropriate clauses of the current 2008 NMC Code of Professional Conduct Quality internet resources relevant to chapter content Self assessment multiple choice tests at the end of each chapter to consolidate learning An extensive palliative care quiz covering the main topic areas of the book to test knowledge. This can be used as evidence with professional portfolios.
Biology's First Law
Biology's First Law
So certain is this that we may boldly state that it is absurd for human beings even to attempt it, or to hope that perhaps some day another Newton might arise who would explain to us, in terms of natural laws unordered by intention, how even a mere blade of grass is produced.Kant, Critique of Judgment (1790)
Essential Practice for Healthcare Assistants
Essential Practice for Healthcare Assistants
Grainger, Angela
This book is specifically aimed at healthcare assistants, and is a comprehensive text covering all aspects of care of the patient.It is written by healthcare assistants and cover the a wide range of topics:* Safety issues* Basic patient and residential care* Special care* Mental health* Learning disabilities* Paediatrics* Women and maternity* Men's care* Caring for carers* Home health care* Lifting and moving patients* Death and dying.
Structure of Thinking
Structure of Thinking
Wood, Laura E
Analytic philosophers and cognitive scientists have long argued that the mind is a computer-like syntactical engine, and that all human mental capacities can be described as digital computational processes. This book presents an alternative, naturalistic view of human thinking, arguing that computers are merely sophisticated machines. Computers are only simulating thought when they crunch symbols, not thinking. Human cognition - semantics, de re reference, indexicals, meaning and causation - are all rooted in human experience and life. Without life and experience, these elements of discourse and knowledge refer to nothing. And without these elements of discourse and knowledge, syntax is vacant structure, not thinking.
Truth Machine
Truth Machine
Lynch, Michael
DNA profiling-commonly known as DNA fingerprinting-is often heralded as unassailable criminal evidence, a veritable "e;truth machine"e; that can overturn convictions based on eyewitness testimony, confessions, and other forms of forensic evidence. But DNA evidence is far from infallible. Truth Machine traces the controversial history of DNA fingerprinting by looking at court cases in the United States and United Kingdom beginning in the mid-1980s, when the practice was invented, and continuing until the present. Ultimately, Truth Machine presents compelling evidence of the obstacles and opportunities at the intersection of science, technology, sociology, and law.
The Physics and Technology of Diagnostic Ultrasound: A Practitioner's Guide
The Physics and Technology of Diagnostic Ultrasound: A Practitioner's Guide
Robert Gill
The Physics and Technology of Diagnostic Ultrasound: A Practitioner's Guide
Subject of Murder
Subject of Murder
Downing, Lisa
The subject of murder has always held a particular fascination for us. But, since at least the nineteenth century, we have seen the murderer as different from the ordinary citizen-a special individual, like an artist or a genius, who exists apart from the moral majority, a sovereign self who obeys only the destructive urge, sometimes even commanding cult followings. In contemporary culture, we continue to believe that there is something different and exceptional about killers, but is the murderer such a distinctive typeAre they degenerate beasts or supermen as they have been depicted on the page and the screenOr are murderers something else entirely?In The Subject of Murder, Lisa Downing explores the ways in which the figure of the murderer has been made to signify a specific kind of social subject in Western modernity. Drawing on the work of Foucault in her studies of the lives and crimes of killers in Europe and the United States, Downing interrogates the meanings of media and texts produced about and by murderers. Upending the usual treatment of murderers as isolated figures or exceptional individuals, Downing argues that they are ordinary people, reflections of our society at the intersections of gender, agency, desire, and violence.
BMW 5 & 6 Series E12 - E24 - E28 -E34 Restoration Tips and Techniques
BMW 5 & 6 Series E12 - E24 - E28 -E34 Restoration Tips and Techniques
Andrew Everett
A wealth of restoration tips and techniques covering E12, E24, E28, E34, 5 and 6 Series BMWs built between 1972 and 1995. Covers all models from 518 to M6. Advice is given on acquiring a good 5 & 6 Series model, plus tips on restoring, engines, bodywork, trim, electrics, suspension & much more.
Mercedes Benz & Dodge  Sprinter CDI 2000-2006 Owners Workshop Manual
Mercedes Benz & Dodge Sprinter CDI 2000-2006 Owners Workshop Manual
Easy to follow step by step instructions & advice which enables the owner to carry out many jobs himself for the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van & Camper Diesel. Models covered: 208 CDI, 308 CDI, 211 CDI, 311 CDI, 411 CDI, 213 CDI, 313 CDI, 413 CDI, 216 CDI, 316 CDI, 416 CDI with the 2.2 & 2.7 litre CDI Diesel (types 611 DELA & 612 DELA) From 2000 to 2006 with the commom rail injection system. A total of 232 fully illustrated pages.