A History of Belarus: A Non-Literary Essay that Explains the Ethnogenesis of the
Rare materials on Belarus are a potential treasure trove for the English language reader. A blank spot on the map for many, Belarus is an undiscovered mystery in the heart of Europe – undiscovered, because little has been published on the country’s history and current affairs, and the origin of the ethnic group that calls itself ‘Belarusians’. Author Lubov Bazan attempts to uplift the veil of secrecy surrounding Belarus and answer an important question of the ethnogenesis of the Belarusians. Unique in its ongoing struggle for independence, throughout its history Belarus has been deprived of this luxury by being continuously included in various state formations such as Kievan Rus’, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Kingdom of Poland, the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union. A History of Belarus is a thorough chronological narrative that covers major milestones of Belarus’s journey into the 21st century. Lubov Bazan gives her readers plenty of leeway to form their own conclusions about the historical material presented. By incorporating different theoretical viewpoints on fundamental issues such as the ethnic background of the Belarusian people and formation of their national identity, the origins of the language, and the historically complex religious composition of the country, Bazan offers a platform for discussion.
The Riddle of the Sands
Davies is suspicious about what would motivate the Germans to try to kill him when he saw something unusual around Frisian islands in the Baltic sea. Having failed to interest anyone in the government in the incident, he feels it is his patriotic duty to investigate further and invites one of his friends, Carruthers to join in a yachting holiday in the Baltic Sea.
Becoming Dead Right:A Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes
All of us are entitled to the rewards of a peaceful, pain-free death. This book honors that with true stories about hospice patients and inspiring insights from the author. Becoming Dead Right guides us through the general and "how to" information maze that prepares us for dealing with death. Improving and expanding hospice services will require systemic changes in healthcare institutionss outreach to diverse populations, and funding. With the inclusion of hospice programs in nursing homes, dying with dignity becomes even more important. Millions of aging baby boomers heighten the urgency for better hospice care and conditions in nursing homes. Praise for Becoming Dead Right "A school principal and hospice volunteer, Frances Shani Parker relates her experiences with dying people in nursing homes. The second part of her book is about what we as individuals and as a society must do to improve things for those who are dying. I particularly enjoyed the guided tour, conducted from a wheelchair, of Baby Boomer Haven." -- Dr. Roger Woodruff, Director of Palliative Care, International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care, Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia "The writing is eloquent and powerful, and the stories are instructive and lasting. After finishing this book, I wanted to do more for other individuals who are dying, for as Ms. Parker so clearly imparts, the dying teach us so much about living well." -- Dr. Peter A. Lichtenberg, Director, Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan "This book is filled with poetry, stories, wisdom and common sense that can help boomers, students, caregivers and policy makers understand their own aging and realize that our society can - and should - make important changes that can ensure safe, dignified, individualized care at the end of our lives." --Alice Hedt, Executive Director, National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform Learn more at www.BecomingDeadRight.com From Loving Healing Press (www.LovingHealing.com) MED042000 Medical : Terminal Care FAM017000 Family & Relationships : Eldercare SOC036000 Social Science : Death & Dying
You've Gotta Fight Back!:Winning with serious illness, injury, or disability
The heart of this book consists of thirteen, riveting, in-depth stories of people who fought back with courage, humor, and a positive attitude. In doing so, they have provided valuable guidance for you, the readers of this inspiring work. ·The seriously ill, their friends and family will gain priceless advice on coping, dealing with depression, how to partner with the medical profession, the tremendous value of self-help groups and the vital importance of attitude. ·Those with disabilities will learn how others have successfully played the hand they were dealt and managed to live successful, fulfilling lives. The disabled and those with serious illnesses can learn from each other. There are no silver bullets buried in these pages, just the sound, useable experience of others. ·Caregivers, be they family, friends, or health professionals will gain great insight from the in-depth stories of survivors, the bereaved, and those who died with grace and even style. "This book helps sufferers and caregivers alike to make sense of their situation, to avoid the mistakes while copying the successful strategies of these very real people."--Bob Rich, PhD, author of Cancer: A Personal Challenge"Far from a mere theoretical discourse and despite its potentially morbid topic, it brims with life: real cases, real people, real triumphs over a variety of illnesses and the distress they cause. A treasure trove of celebrated stories of survival and passages from the memoirs of those who made it." --Sam Vaknin, PhD, author of Malignant Self Love
The Secrets of Medical Decision Making
We are all patients at some time. Is the medical industry giving us the best treatment possible, at the best price? We all know that it isn't. This new book shows what goes on behind the scenes of the current medical care and how it impacts the patient. Dr. Reznik describes actual cases from his clinical practice showing the most common paths that lead to increased patient suffering. This book offers possible solutions for outpatient, inpatient, preventive, and end-of-life care settings. Learn about: ·The Medical Box and how it affects the care you receive ·When to avoid risky and uncomfortable tests ·Hazards of under-treatment, over-treatment, and mistreatment ·How to make an informed medical decision in your best interests ·Cancer and how to approach your treatment ·Planning for quality of life during end-of-life issuesForeword by Colin P. Kopes-Kerr, MD, JD, MPH, Vice-Chairman of the Department of Family Medicine, and Program Director of the Family Medicine Residency Program, at University Hospital and SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY."The Secrets of Medical Decision Making should be read by everyone, because all of us are sometimes in need of medical care. It is an eye-opener, a call to arms and a guide." -Robert Rich, Ph.D., author of Cancer: A Personal Challenge"Dr. Reznik candidly exposes the conflicting interests inherent in contemporary medical practice. This empowering and insightful book is a must read for healthcare professionals and the patients they treat." -Beth Maureen Gray, R.N., B.S."The Secrets of Medical Decision Making awakens the reader rather quickly with startling revelations about the lack of seriousness the health care industry has towards a society of wellness. If this book at least motivates its readers to become more involved in medical decision making when seeking treatment, it will have succeeded as a critically needed public service."- James W. Clifton, Ph.D., LCSW"As a Canadian and a health care provider this book frightens me. This book lays out what our country is headed for if we privatize health care in Canada. A must read for everyone working, or accessing, health care in North America and for anyone who has any doubts that we must take drastic action to preserve Universal Health Care in Canada."- Ian Landry, MA, MSW, RSW
A to Z Beer, Making Beer at Home for Total Beginners
So, you have decided to make your own beer? Aren't you clever, you little weasel? Yes, we know you need to have a lot of beer for your friends, family, and you of course, because you love beer, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this book. As you know, milk is for babies and when you grow up you drink beer. As some say beer is a proof God loves us and wants to make us happy. Beer brewing is not very easy, but not too difficult either. Beer brewing is very satisfying with only a few critical issues. As long as you follow the beer brewing steps, we are sure the success is guaranteed. Beer brewing is not limited only to only one type of the beer. As you continue to make your beer, you will feel more confident and be able to experiment with different flavors. You will notice we have made two types of beer brewing for the beginners in this book: One is for those who do not have enough space, or time and is with malt extract. Second is for those who want to make beer from a scratch – with real grains. Whatever you choose it will not influence your beer in a wrong way. They are just longer or shorter version, but the beer gained with any method will be simply amazing. With the first brew, you will see there is nothing too difficult in a beer brewing. Make sure you follow all the suggestions in this guide. If you have any doubts, at the end of each chapter we have described potential issue, and a solution for many. Before you start, make sure you have all the equipment, all the ingredients, and time needed to pull this off. We believe you are equipped with all the information, and that this guide will give answers to all your questions. Happy Beer Brewing!
Oath and Law
Medicine is of all the Arts the most noble; but, not withstanding, owing to the ignorance of those who practice it, and of those who, inconsiderately, form a judgment of them, it is at present far behind all the other arts. Their mistake appears to me to arise principally from this, that in the cities there is no punishment connected with the practice of medicine (and with it alone) except disgrace, and that does not hurt those who are familiar with it. Such persons are like the figures which are introduced in tragedies, for as they have the shape, and dress, and personal appearance of an actor, but are not actors, so also physicians are many in title but very few in reality.
Manager contra curentului. Ce fac marii manageri altfel dec?t ceilal?i
Acest suport de curs este destinat elevilor ?colilor postliceale sanitare c?t ?i personalului mediu din sistemul sanitar., respect?nd programa de preg?tire. Este structurat ?n ?ase capitole: (1) Simptomatologia afec?iunilor ortopedico-traumatice; (2). Afec?iuni congenitale; (3) Infec?ii osoase; (4).Osteoporoza; (5) Tumori osoase; (6) Traumatologie.Pentru a detecta corect problemele reale ?i a decide care este cea mai bun? metod? de ?ngrijire, personalul medical cu preg?tire medie trebuie s? ?tie s? abordeze principalele afec?iuni ortopedico-traumatice. Cei care ??i ?nsu?esc principiile ?i normele expuse ?n acest volum vor fi capabili s? identifice ?i s? ?ncadreze corect semnele ?i simptomele, vor cunoa?te principalele investiga?ii recomandate, precum ?i m?surile de prevenire ?i tratamentul necesar pentru recuperarea bolnavilor care sufer? de aceste afec?iuni.
Problema evreiasc?
Aceast? carte con?ine informa?ii utile privind refacerea s?n?t??ii cu produse naturale ?i prin metode naturale, oferind o vedere de ansamblufundamental? pentru persoanele f?r? preg?tire medical? ?i o colec?ie de tehnici cu sfaturi utile ?n procesul de vindecare. ?n plus, aceast? lucrare ?i provoac? pe profesioni?tii din domeniul medical s? reinvestigheze impar?ial studiile din prezent ?i din trecut ?n acest domeniu, f?r? prejudec??i. Ve?i g?si date despre prevenirea ?i tratamentul: cancerului, anemiilor, artritei, SIDA, diabetului zaharat, cefaleei, bolii Alzheimer,hipertensiunii arteriale, obezit??ii, menopauzei, osteoporozei etc.
The Time Machine
zet olarak tüm tp almalar & Bilim felsefesi & Hayat hikayesi & Metodolojisi ve Tahlilleri ilaveli bni Sin, daha ocukluunda, evresini hayrete düüren bir zek ve hafza rnei gstermitir. Küük yata ann bütün, ilimlerini renmiti. Gündüz ve gece okumakla vakit geirir, mum nda saatlerce, ou zaman sabahlara kadar alrd. Pek az uyurdu. Buhara Emiri Nuh bni Mansur’u ar bir hastalktan kurtard ve bu yüzden de Samanoullar saraynn kütüphanesinde alma iznini ald. Bu sayede pek ok eseri elinin altnda bulduu iin vaktini kitap okumak ve yazmakla geirdi. Hükümdar ldüü zaman o, henüz yirmi yandayd ve Buhr'dan ayrlarak Harzem'e gitti: EI-Brni gibi büyük bir hret ve deerin, onun alkanlna, bilgisine deer vermesi, kendisini yanna kabul etmesi, beraber almas, hakknda kskanla yol at. Bu yüzden takibata bile urad. Harzem'de barnamayarak yeniden yollara dütü. ehirden ehre dolaarak nihayet Hemedan'a kadar geldi ve orada kalmaya karar verdi. bni Sn, ou fizik, astronomi ve felsefeyle ilgili olarak 150 civarnda eser yazmt. Farsa olan birka dnda bunlarn hepsi Arapa'dr. ünkü o devirde ilim eserlerini Arap diliyle yazmak detti. Arapa'ya bu bakmdan deer verilirdi. Bilhassa tp ilmine dair aratrmalar son derece orijinal ve dorudur. Bu yüzden dou ve bat hekimliine kelimenin tam anlamyla, 600 yl, hükmetmitir. Eserleri Bat dillerine Latince yoluyla evrilerek Avicenna diye hrete ulaan bni Sin, yanl olarak bir süre Avrupa'da ranl hekim ve filozof olarak tannmtr. Bunun da sebebi, eserlerini Türke yazmam olmasndandr… Bununla beraber, batllar da kendisini Hkim-i Tb, yani hekimlerin piri ve hükümdar olarak kabul etmilerdir. 16 yandayken pratik hekimlie balayan bni Sin, resm saray doktorluu da yapmtr. NDEKLER: BN- SNA’NIN HAYATI ve ALIMALARI ESERLER bn-i Sina’nn Felsefi Anlay Varlk ve Mantk BN- SNA VE VARLIK FELSEFES VARLIK FELSEFES VE BN SNA* Varla likin Grüleri: BN- SNA’DA 3 MESELE A- VARLIK BLNC’NN NCEL B- NAYET VE ERRN LAH KAZADA BULUNUU (KTLK PROBLEM) C-FLLERN ALLAHTAN SUDURU BN- SNA’NIN BLM FELSEFES SLAMDA SMYA VE BN- SNA’NIN SMYAYA KATKILARI.. Tarihi zgemii nkar ve Muhalefet Batya Etkisi BN- SNA’NIN TIP FELSEFES BN- SNANIN TIP TARHNDEK YER…. Tp Sahasndaki Baz Bulular TIBBIN KANUNU ESER HAKKINDA.. BN- SNA’NIN FA FELSEFES BN- SNA’NIN VARLIK VE EVREN FELSEFES BN- SNA VE SUDUR NAZARYES… BN- SNA VE SPNOZADA DN VE FELSEFE LKLER B. BN SN FELSEFESNDE LEMN KIDEM/EZELL SORUNU C. GENEL DEERLENDRME SLAM METAFZ VE BN- SNA slam Metafiziine Ksa Bir Bak: bn Sn’ya Gre Nefsin Bedenden Ayrl Sonras Durumu BN- SNA’NIN “El-rtü ve’t-Tenbhtü fi’l-Mantk ve’l-Hikme” Kitab Hakknda BN- SNA VE ETM BN- SNA’NIN PSKOLOJK YAKLAIMLARI bn Sina’nn Aile Siyasetine Dair Risalesindeki Temel Grüleri KEND AZINDAN BN- SNA Genlik ve Olgunluk Devresi (M. 997 -1005) Seyahatler Devresi (M.1005-1014) (bn-i Sn’nn Hayatnda) Büveyhler Devresi bn-i Sn’nn Hayatnda Kkyler Devresi (M. 1024 -1037) BN- SNA’DA NAMAZ VE FA BALANTISI BN- SN’NIN NAMAZ RSALES Namazn Mahiyeti: Namaz: Namaz, nefs-i natkann, gk cisimlerine benzemesi ve ebed sevap istemek iin Mutlak olan Hakk’a tapnmas demektir. Namazn hakikati: Namazn Zahir ve Batna Ayrlmas Beyanndadr: Bu blüm nceki iki ksm namazdan her birinin kime ve hangi snfa vacib olduunu bildirir: BN- SNA’NIN RUH LE LGL KASDES ZETLE BN- SNANIN BLME KATKILARI BN- SNANIN UNUTULMAYAN SZLER
Kingpin - avagy hogyan vette át az uralmat egy hacker a milliárddolláros cyberal
Основные принципы лечебного питания и советы по подбору продуктов Рецепты вкусных блюд, эффективных в борьбе с болезнями Очень часто мы полагаемся на таблетки и лекарства, хотя действенные и полезные средства от недугов всегда под рукой! Рецепты блюд, приведенные в книге, позволят вам отказаться от большинства медикаментов. Блюда содержат множество целебных веществ и помогут не только поддержать здоровье, но и излечить подагру и диабет, болезни сердца и сосудов, суставов и позвоночника, печени, почек, щитовидной и поджелудочной железы. Вы сможете составить индивидуальное меню здорового питания. Здесь представлены рецепты супов, блюд из мяса, рыбы, грибов, овощей, круп, молочных продуктов и т. д. Используются только доступные ингредиенты. Готовьте с нашей книгой – и избавляйтесь от болезней! Osnovnye principy lechebnogo pitanija i sovety po podboru produktov Recepty vkusnyh bljud, jeffektivnyh v bor'be s boleznjami Ochen' chasto my polagaemsja na tabletki i lekarstva, hotja dejstvennye i poleznye sredstva ot nedugov vsegda pod rukoj! Recepty bljud, privedennye v knige, pozvoljat vam otkazat'sja ot bol'shinstva medikamentov. Bljuda soderzhat mnozhestvo celebnyh veshhestv i pomogut ne tol'ko podderzhat' zdorov'e, no i izlechit' podagru i diabet, bolezni serdca i sosudov, sustavov i pozvonochnika, pecheni, pochek, shhitovidnoj i podzheludochnoj zhelezy. Vy smozhete sostavit' individual'noe menju zdorovogo pitanija. Zdes' predstavleny recepty supov, bljud iz mjasa, ryby, gribov, ovoshhej, krup, molochnyh produktov i t. d. Ispol'zujutsja tol'ko dostupnye ingredienty. Gotov'te s nashej knigoj – i izbavljajtes' ot boleznej!
Bosszú: A harag ébredése
Az egészségügyi szakemberek fontos feladata a kliensekkel folytatott beszélgetés. A diagnózis felállításán túl a terápia megbeszélése, valamint a megel?zésr?l szóló tájékoztatás is hozzájárul a hatékony gyógyításhoz. A korszer?, bizonyíték-alapú gyógyításban az egészségügyi szakember-kliens diskurzusok tanulmányozása megkerülhetetlen részét képezik az egészségtudományi kutatásoknak, hiszen a róluk készített részletes, módszeres és mélységi elemzések kiegészítik a statisztikai tényeken alapuló megk?zelítéseket. A k?nyv egészségügyi szakemberek és hallgatók-orvosok, ápolók, szülészn?k, gyógytornászok, dietetikusok- számára nyújt áttekint? képet a kvalitatív elemzések fajtáiról, módszereir?l és technikáiról, hogy segítséget nyújtson a kutatások megválasztásában, kidolgozásában és publikálásában. A szerz? mind a kézi, mind a számítógépes adatfeldolgozási módszereket példákon keresztül mutatja be, valamint a kül?nb?z? diskurzus-elemzési módszereket magyar k?zleményekb?l vett szemelvények segítségével illusztrálja. A glosszárium jelent?s segítséget nyújt a filozófiai és nyelvészeti kifejezések megértésében. A k?nyv használható kutatásmódszertani segédk?nyvként, de ?nállóan, egy kurzus részeként is alkalmazható.
Az ?t tornacsuka a Pannon Csillagdában
Книга расскажет о причинах возникновения таких серьезных хронических недугов как радикулит и ревматизм, их формах и соответствующих народных методах и рецептах лечения, проверенных многими поколениями. И сейчас не утратили свою эффективность, став незаменимыми помощниками официальной медикаментозной медицины, оздоровительные банные процедуры, минеральные воды, отвары и настои лекарственных трав для внутреннего и наружного применения, разнообразные массажи и комплексы лечебных упражнений, рецепты лечения эфирными маслами, продуктами пчеловодства, солями и металлами. Их подробное описание для регулярного применения, а также рецепты блюд сбалансированной ежедневной диеты для лечебного питания помогут вернуть здоровье и силу вашему позвоночнику и суставам.Kniga rasskazhet o prichinah vozniknovenija takih ser'eznyh hronicheskih nedugov kak radikulit i revmatizm, ih formah i sootvetstvujushhih narodnyh metodah i receptah lechenija, proverennyh mnogimi pokolenijami. I sejchas ne utratili svoju jeffektivnost', stav nezamenimymi pomoshhnikami oficial'noj medikamentoznoj mediciny, ozdorovitel'nye bannye procedury, mineral'nye vody, otvary i nastoi lekarstvennyh trav dlja vnutrennego i naruzhnogo primenenija, raznoobraznye massazhi i kompleksy lechebnyh uprazhnenij, recepty lechenija jefirnymi maslami, produktami pchelovodstva, soljami i metallami. Ih podrobnoe opisanie dlja reguljarnogo primenenija, a takzhe recepty bljud sbalansirovannoj ezhednevnoj diety dlja lechebnogo pitanija pomogut vernut' zdorov'e i silu vashemu pozvonochniku i sustavam.
Goriot apó
These Essays, or rather Lectures, contain the first-fruits of the earliest systematic attempt to apply the theory of Evolution to the products of human handiwork. In their original form they have long been difficult to obtain; and they are reprinted now to supply the needs of candidates for the Oxford Diploma in Anthropology, and of the numerous visitors to the Pitt-Rivers Museum in Oxford. But they will certainly appeal to a far wider public also, as a brief and authentic statement of their author’s discoveries. The four Essays are reprinted substantially as they were first delivered and published. But verbal errors and actual misquotations have been corrected; and allusions to specimens or diagrams exhibited during the original discourses, but not published, have been replaced so far as possible by references to similar objects figured in the Plates. The Plates are photographic reproductions of the original illustrations, with the exception of Plates V, XIII, XVII, XVIII. Of these, Plate XIII has simply been re-drawn, from a faded original; Plates XVII and XVIII have been translated, without loss of detail, from colours to monochrome shading; Plate V has been reconstituted from illustrations quoted in the text, with the permission of their publisher, Mr. Murray. Plate XXI is reproduced, by permission of Sir John Evans, from the paper which it illustrated originally. The footnotes demand a word of explanation. The author, as the original publications show, was not precise in indicating his sources: he frequently gave, as a quotation, the general sense rather than the exact words of his authority; and occasionally his memory played him false. In the reprint, the precise references have been identified, and are given in full, and obvious errors in the text have been either amended or corrected in a footnote. The editor desires to acknowledge much valuable help in the search for references from Miss C. M. Prior, of Headington.
Railway Day Trips: 150 classic train journeys around Britain
Recommended for viewing on colour devices. An essential guide to exploring Britain by train, Railway Day Trips is ideal for anyone planning or looking for inspiration for a rail journey. From bestselling railway author Julian Holland
Short walks in the Yorkshire Dales
The Yorkshire Dales with its picturesque dales, ancient farmhouses and villages offer some superb country walking.This can be explored with these 20 walks, all of which are 5 miles or under in length and can easily be completed in less than 3 hours. This guide, produced in co-operation with the Ramblers and featuring Ordnance Survey mapping, is the perfect way to really appreciate the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. INCLUDES: ? 20 easy to follow walks which can be completed in 3 hours and under. ? Each walk has a detailed 1:25 000 Ordnance Survey map with the route clearly marked plus a detailed de*ion of the route. ? The walks have been chosen with issues like parking and refreshments in mind to make life easy for families. ? Packed with colour photographs of scenes you will see along the walk. The perfect guide for afternoon walks near to Sedburgh, Hawes, Settle, Ingleton, Skipton and Harrogate.
The story of a man’s obsession with whales, which takes him on a personal, historical and biographical journey – from his childhood to his fascination with Moby-Dick and his excursions whale-watching. All his life, Philip Hoare has been obsessed by whales, from the gigantic skeletons in London’s Natural History Museum to adult encounters with the wild animals themselves. Whales have a mythical quality – they seem to elide with dark fantasies of sea-serpents and antediluvian monsters that swim in our collective unconscious. In ‘Leviathan’, Philip Hoare seeks to locate and identify this obsession. What impelled Melville to write ‘Moby-Dick’? After his book in 1851, no one saw whales in quite the same way again. This book is an investigation into what we know little about – dark, shadowy creatures who swim below the depths, only to surface in a spray of spume. More than the story of the whale, it is also the story of our own obsessions.
The Glass Universe
‘A biographical orrery – intricate, complex and fascinating’ The Observer ‘A peerless intellectual biography. The Glass Universe shines and twinkles as brightly as the stars themselves’ The Economist #1 New York Times bestselling author Dava Sobel returns with a captivating, little-known true story of women in science Before they even had the right to vote, a group of remarkable women were employed by Harvard College Observatory as ‘Human Computers’ to interpret the observations made via telescope by their male counterparts each night. The author of Longitude, Galileo’s Daughter and The Planets shines light on the hidden history of these extraordinary women who changed the burgeoning field of astronomy and our understanding of the stars and our place in the universe.
Range Rover The Creators of an Icon
Origins and history of the Range Rover marque, design and development of early models plus market research in Europe, Africa and the USA. A personal memoir by, author, Graham Bannock, of his time with the Rover Company in the late 1950s and the 1960s, which was the time the Range Rover was under development. Contents: Introduction; The Pearl in the Oyster: Origins of the Range Rover; Earlier History; How it was: Solihull in the 1960s; Across Africa: I The Sudan; Across Africa: II Ethiopia: Travels in North America, Europe and Africa; Renaissance - Appendix I: Rover's Finances by Graham Bannock and Alan Doran; Appendix II: Rover Gas Turbines by Graham Bannock and James Taylor; Appendix III - Internal memoranda; Bibliography.
The Code Book: The Secret History of Codes and Code-breaking
The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography From the best-selling author of Fermat’s Last Theorem, The Code Book is a history of man’s urge to uncover the secrets of codes, from Egyptian puzzles to modern day computer encryptions. As in Fermat’s Last Theorem, Simon Singh brings life to an anstonishing story of puzzles, codes, languages and riddles that reveals man’s continual pursuit to disguise and uncover, and to work out the secret languages of others. Codes have influenced events throughout history, both in the stories of those who make them and those who break them. The betrayal of Mary Queen of Scots and the cracking of the enigma code that helped the Allies in World War II are major episodes in a continuing history of cryptography. In addition to stories of intrigue and warfare, Simon Singh also investigates other codes, the unravelling of genes and the rediscovery of ancient languages and most tantalisingly, the Beale ciphers, an unbroken code that could hold the key to a $20 million treasure.
Seeing Further: The Story of Science and the Royal Society
Edited and introduced by Bill Bryson, with contributions from Richard Dawkins, Margaret Atwood, Richard Holmes, Martin Rees, Richard Fortey, Steve Jones, James Gleick and Neal Stephenson amongst others, this beautiful, lavishly illustrated book tells the story of science and the Royal Society, from 1660 to the present. On a damp weeknight in November, 350 years ago, a dozen or so men gathered at Gresham College in London. A twenty-eight year old – and not widely famous – Christopher Wren was giving a lecture on astronomy. As his audience listened to him speak, they decided that it would be a good idea to create a Society to promote the accumulation of useful knowledge. With that, the Royal Society was born. Since its birth, the Royal Society has pioneered scientific exploration and discovery. Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle, Joseph Banks, Humphry Davy, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, John Locke, Alexander Fleming – all were fellows. Bill Bryson’s favourite fellow was Reverend Thomas Bayes, a brilliant mathematician who devised Bayes’ theorem. Its complexity meant that it had little practical use in Bayes’ own lifetime, but today his theorem is used for weather forecasting, astrophysics and stock market analysis. A milestone in mathematical history, it only exists because the Royal Society decided to preserve it – just in case. The Royal Society continues to do today what it set out to do all those years ago. Its members have split the atom, discovered the double helix, the electron, the computer and the World Wide Web. Truly international in its outlook, it has created modern science. ‘Seeing Further’ celebrates its momentous history and achievements, bringing together the very best of science writing. Filled with illustrations of treasures from the Society’s archives, this is a unique, ground-breaking and beautiful volume, and a suitable reflection of the immense achievements of science.