

Selling Your Father’s Bones: The Epic Fate of the American West
Selling Your Father’s Bones: The Epic Fate of the American West
Brian Schofield
Part historical narrative, part travelogue through the wilds of the West and part environmental polemic, 'Selling Your Father's Bones' is a thrilling journey through the history and wilderness of the stunning area of landscape that is Continental USA. In the summer of 1877, around seven hundred members of the Nez Perce Native American tribe set out on one of the most remarkable journeys in the history of the American West, a 1,700-mile exodus through the mountains, forests, badlands and prairies of modern-day Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. They had been forced from their homes by the great wave of settlement that crashed over the West as the American nation was born. Led by their charismatic chiefs, the Nez Perce used their unerring knowledge of the landscapes they passed through to survive six battles and many more skirmishes with the pursuing United States Army, as they raced, with women, children and village elders in their care, towards the safety of the Canadian border.But all Chief Joseph, the young pastoral leader of the exodus, wanted was to return home - to his beloved Wallowa valley, which his dying father had ordered him never to abandon: 'Never sell the bones of your father and your mother. ' Now, Brian Schofield retraces the steps of that epic exodus, to tell the full dramatic story of the Nez Perce's fight for survival - and to examine the forces that drove them to take flight. The white settlement of the West had been largely motivated by patriotic fervour and religious zeal, a faith that the American continent had been laid out by God to fuel the creation of a mighty empire. But as he travels through the lands that the Nez Perce knew so well, Schofield reveals that the great project of the Western Empire has gone badly awry, as the mythology of the settlers opened the door to ecological vandalism, unthinking corporations and negligent leadership, which have lest scarred landscapes, battered communities and toxic environments.
Superimunitatea. F?r? injec?ii, f?r? medicamente, f?r? concedii medicale
Superimunitatea. F?r? injec?ii, f?r? medicamente, f?r? concedii medicale
Joel Fuhrman
E u?or s? te ba?i cu pumnul ?n piept c? iube?ti Rom?nia. E simplu s?-?i cumperi un fular ?n culorile tricolorului – ro?u, galben ?i albastru – ?i s? ie?i ?n pia?? de 1 Decembrie, la un pahar de vin gratis. E comod s? te cer?i ?n diferite grupuri pe Facebook cu ?nenoroci?ii care nu iubesc trupul patriei mam? ?i-l p?ng?resc“. E la ?ndem?n? s?-?i lipe?ti pe man?et? o etichet? care url? c? ?rom?nii sunt frumo?i“. E confortabil s? te ?mp?unezi cu reu?itele altor rom?ni, al?ii dec?t tine – fie c? vorbim despre filme rom?ne?ti premiate ?n lume, fie c? vorbim despre o echip? de fotbal sau ni?te liceeni olimpici la matematic?. E ideal s? spui, de acas?, din fotoliul t?u, scuip?nd o coaj? de s?m?n?? pe covor: ?E buni, domle, e rom?ni de-ai no?tri!“ Dar, de fiecare dat? c?nd e?ti tentat s? spui asta, pune-?i ?i ?ntrebarea: c?nd am f?cut, cu adev?rat, ceva real ?i personal PENTRU Rom?nia?
Primitive Mythology
Primitive Mythology
Joseph Campbell
Explore the power of myth as humanity first discovered it Collected Works of Joseph Campbell edition — with up-to-date science In this first volume of The Masks of God — Joseph Campbell’s major work of comparative mythology — the preeminent mythologist looks at the wellsprings of myth. From the earliest expressions of religious awe in pre-modern humans to the rites and art of contemporary primal tribes, myth has informed humankind's understanding of the world, seen and unseen. Exploring these archetypal mythic images and practices, Campbell examines the basic concepts that underlie all human myth, even to this day. The Masks of God is a four-volume study of world religion and myth that stands as one of Joseph Campbell’s masterworks. On completing it, he wrote: Its main result for me has been the confirmation of a thought I have long and faithfully entertained: of the unity of the race of man, not only in its biology, but also in its spiritual history, which has everywhere unfolded in the manner of a single symphony, with its themes announced, developed, amplified and turned about, distorted, reasserted, and today, in a grand fortissimo of all sections sounding together, irresistibly advancing to some kind of mighty climax, out of which the next great movement will emerge. This new digital edition is part of the Collected Works of Joseph Campbell series. Joseph Campbell Foundation has worked with scientists and academics to bring the anthropological and paleontological information Campbell explores in line with the best twenty-first century scholarship. (Comparative Mythology: paleontology, Neanderthal and Cro-magnon culture, neolithic and paleolithic art and religion.) "[T]he mask in a primitive festival is revered and experienced as a veritable apparition of the mythical being that it represents — even though everyone knows that a man made the mask and that a man is wearing it. The one wearing it, furthermore, is identified with the god during the time of the ritual of which the mask is a part. He does not merely represent the god; he is the god."— Joseph Campbell, Primitive Mythology
Terapia Cognitiv Comportamental?. Cum s?-?i ?mbun?t??e?ti via?a prin TCC
Terapia Cognitiv Comportamental?. Cum s?-?i ?mbun?t??e?ti via?a prin TCC
Stephen Briers
Psihocardiologia constituie o apari?ie editorial? inedit? ?n literatura medical? ?i psihologic? rom?neasc?, eviden?iind o rela?ie legitim? ?i plin? de aplica?ii practice ?ntre cele dou? specialit??i. Asocierea reu?it? ?ntre dou? personalit??i – profesorii Ioan-Bradu Iamandescu ?i Crina Julieta Sinescu de la UMF ?Carol Davila“, Bucure?ti – a f?cut posibil? realizarea acestei lucr?ri de mare amploare care abordeaz? domeniul psihocardiologiei. Profesorul Ioan-Bradu Iamandescu, personalitate a medicinei academice rom?ne?ti, primul profesor de Psihologie medical? ?i Psihosomatic?, s-a remarcat prin contribu?ii deosebite la statutul psihocardiologiei ca o ramur? distinct? a psihosomaticii, cu un cadru nosologic bine definit ?i cunoscut. El se num?r? printre marile personalit??i care s-au preocupat de ?mbun?t??irea ?nv???m?ntului clinic bazat pe o g?ndire modern? de orientare biopsihosocial? ?n practica medicinei. Prezen?? binecunoscut? ?n cardiologia din ?ara noastr?, prof. dr. Crina Julieta Sinescu a dovedit deplin? ?n?elegere pentru problematica psihocardiologiei, ?ncuraj?nd ?i particip?nd la realizarea unor cercet?ri referitoare la etiopatogenia psihosomatic? a hipertensiunii arteriale ?i a bolii cardiace ischemice, desf??urate ?n clinica pe care o conduce la spitalul ?Bagdasar-Arseni“. A oferit numeroase sugestii rezultate din observa?ia clinic? psihologilor cu care a elaborat ?n comun c?teva capitole ale acestei c?r?i. Lucrarea se adreseaz? ?n primul r?nd psihologilor clinicieni ?i corpului medical – ?n special cardiologilor, interni?tilor ?i medicilor de familie – dar ?i publicului larg, care cuprinde un mare num?r de bolnavi cardiaci, inclusiv aceia ??n devenire“, ce ar putea beneficia de cuno?tin?ele desprinse din paginile c?r?ii spre a preveni sau ?ncetini instalarea unei boli cardiace.
Motivating for STEM Success
Motivating for STEM Success
Dr. Michael Crowley
Motivating for STEM Success
Low Blood Sugar
Low Blood Sugar
Martin Budd,Maggie Budd
A comprehensive and accessible handbook providing vital information for sufferers of low blood sugar, this is an ideal reference guide and essential first step for those who want to understand and treat their symptoms naturally. Includes 60 delicious recipes to prove that sufferers don’t have to miss out! An increasing number of people are being diagnosed with low blood sugar due to today’s high-pressure lifestyles and the predominance of over-processed foods in our diet- and the number of sufferers is set to rise. This is an essential up-to-date reference guide to low blood sugar, detailing everything that sufferers need to know about their condition and how to treat it. A complete guide to how to treat low blood sugar, this book reviews all the latest research on subjects such as insulin resistance, syndrome X and the role of the adrenal and thyroid hormones, as well as providing information about all the complementary and orthodox treatments available. The book explains what low blood sugar is and what causes it, and lists the symptoms of the condition making it easy to spot. The easy-to-follow nutritional plan is accompanied by 60 delicious recipes that prove sufferers can still enjoy their food while keeping low blood sugar under control. A comprehensive resources section reviews appropriate supplements, websites and suppliers. Ideal for anyone who wants to prevent low blood sugar, as well as for anyone already suffering from this condition.
The Invisible Century
The Invisible Century
Richard Panek
A book which offers fresh perspectives on the scientific developments of the past hundred years through the complementary work of two of the century’s greatest thinkers, Einstein and Freud. At the turn of the century there was a widespread assumption in scientific circles that the pursuit of knowledge was nearing its end and that all available evidence had been exhausted. However, by 1916 both Einstein and Freud had exploded the myth by leading exploration into the science of the invisible and the unconscious. These men were more than just contemporaries – their separate pursuits were in fact complementary. Freud’s science of psychoanalysis found its cosmological counterpart in the Astronomy of Invisible Light pioneered by Einstein. Together they questioned the little inconsistencies of Newton’s ordered cosmos to reveal a different reality, a natural order that was anything but ordered, a cosmos that was volatile and vast – an organism alive in time. These men inspired a fundamental shift in the history of human thought. They began a revolution that is still in progress and provided one of the past century’s greatest contributions to the history of science.
Falling Upwards:How We Took to the Air
Falling Upwards:How We Took to the Air
Richard Holmes
Lose yourself in the clouds with bestselling and prize-winning biographer and science writer Richard Holmes in this glorious history of hot-air ballooning. Hot-air balloons have drifted through Richard Holmes’s work for many years. And now, in this heart-lifting book he tells the story of these ineffably romantic floating machines and the reckless invention of the adventurers who flew them. His subject is flight itself and the pioneer generation of rival aviators. Ballooning offered a new vision of the earth. The world pondered for the first time reliable weather prediction, observation of the stars from an aerial point of view and the exploration of remote continents. Those in previous centuries who dreamt of flight believed it would open up the secrets of heaven. In fact, as Richard Holmes shows, it revealed the secrets of the world beneath.
Aventuri din lumea afacerilor. Pove?ti de succes ?i e?ecuri r?sun?toare de pe Wa
Aventuri din lumea afacerilor. Pove?ti de succes ?i e?ecuri r?sun?toare de pe Wa
John Brooks
Bazat? pe studii ?tiin?ifice care au demonstrat c?t de periculos este zah?rul De ce m?nc?m at?t de mult zah?r? Care sunt pericolele sale ascunse? Ce putem face pentru a renun?a la dependen?a de el? Savantul John Yudkin a fost primul care a demonstrat ?tiin?ific c? zah?rul este nociv pentru s?n?tatea noastr?, avertiz?nd despre leg?tura dintre acesta ?i cariile dentare, gut?, afec?iunile autoimune, boala coronarian? ?i cancer. Cartea sa ne arat? c? zah?rul, aflat ?n cantit??i din ce ?n ce mai mari ?n alimenta?ia noastr?, nu este deloc un pericol de neglijat. Un avertisment valabil ?n prezent mai mult dec?t oric?nd. ?O ?ncercare curajoas? de a ne avertiza cu privire la pofta noastr? de dulce.“ – The British Medical Journal
A History of Belarus: A Non-Literary Essay that Explains the Ethnogenesis of the
A History of Belarus: A Non-Literary Essay that Explains the Ethnogenesis of the
Lubov Bazan
Rare materials on Belarus are a potential treasure trove for the English language reader. A blank spot on the map for many, Belarus is an undiscovered mystery in the heart of Europe – undiscovered, because little has been published on the country’s history and current affairs, and the origin of the ethnic group that calls itself ‘Belarusians’. Author Lubov Bazan attempts to uplift the veil of secrecy surrounding Belarus and answer an important question of the ethnogenesis of the Belarusians. Unique in its ongoing struggle for independence, throughout its history Belarus has been deprived of this luxury by being continuously included in various state formations such as Kievan Rus’, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Kingdom of Poland, the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union. A History of Belarus is a thorough chronological narrative that covers major milestones of Belarus’s journey into the 21st century. Lubov Bazan gives her readers plenty of leeway to form their own conclusions about the historical material presented. By incorporating different theoretical viewpoints on fundamental issues such as the ethnic background of the Belarusian people and formation of their national identity, the origins of the language, and the historically complex religious composition of the country, Bazan offers a platform for discussion.
Humanizing Psychiatry:The Biocognitive Model
Humanizing Psychiatry:The Biocognitive Model
Niall McLaren
Does psychiatry have a future? Assailed from many directions, under constant attack for its reliance on "a drug for all problems" and increasingly unable to attract bright new trainees, the specialty is showing every sign of terminal decline. The reason is simple: modern psychiatry has no formal model of mental disorder to guide its daily practice, teaching and research. Unfortunately, the orthodox psychiatrists who control this most conservative profession are utterly antagonistic to criticism. Despite the evidence, they maintain a blind faith that "science will deliver the goods" by a biological examination of the brain. This book argues that their faith is entirely misplaced and is contributing to the destruction of an essential part of civilized life, the fair and equitable treatment of people with mental disorders. The author offers a rational model of mental disorder within the framework of a molecular resolution of the mind-body problem. Fully developed, this model will have revolutionary consequences for psychiatry--and the mentally-afflicted. Acclaim for the writing of Niall Mclaren, M.D. "This book is a tour de force. It demonstrates a tremendous amount of erudition, intelligence and application in the writer. It advances an interesting and plausible mechanism for many forms of human distress. It is an important work that deserves to take its place among the classics in books about psychiatry." --Robert Rich, PhD, AnxietyAndDepression-Help.com "Dr. McLaren brilliantly wields the sword of philosophy to refute the modern theories of psychiatry with an analysis that is sharp and deadly. His own proposed novel theory could be the dawn of a new revolution in the medicine of mental illness." --Andrew R. Kaufman, MD, Chief Resident of Emergency Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center "I found Niall McLaren's book to be an incredibly well-written and thoughtprovoking. It is not, by any means, easy reading. It is also not for someone who doesn't have some form of background in understanding the various psychological theories and mental health conditions. I think that this would make an excellent textbook for a graduate class that allows students to question the theories that we already have." --Paige Lovitt for Reader Views About the Author The author is a psychiatrist of some 35 years standing. He writes philosophy in the bush outside Darwin, northern Australia, with his family as critics. For six years, while working in Western Australia, he was the world's most isolated psychiatrist. For more information please visit www.FuturePsychiatry.com PSY018000 Psychology : Mental Illness MED105000 Medical : Psychiatry - General PHI015000 Philosophy : Mind & Body
Prietenul andaluz
Prietenul andaluz
Söderberg Alexander
De ce unii oameni au o via?? fericit? ?i plin? de succes, ?n timp ce al?ii se confrunt? ?n mod repetat cu e?ecuri ?i triste?e? De ce unii ??i g?sesc perechea potrivit?, iar al?ii nu au parte dec?t de rela?ii care se sf?r?esc cu o ruptur?? Ce ?i face pe unii s? aib? cariere ?nfloritoare, ?n timp ce al?ii sunt prin?i ca ?ntr-o capcan? ?n joburi pe care le detest?? ?i, mai ales, pot ghinioni?tii s? fac? ceva pentru a-?i spori norocul ?i a-?i ?mbun?t??i via?a?Autorul a c?utat r?spunsul la aceste ?ntreb?ri prin intermediul unor cercet?ri care s au derulat pe o perioad? de mai mul?i ani ?i au cuprins interviuri ?i experimente cu sute de persoane extrem de norocoase sau ghinioniste. Rezultatele ob?inute, prezentate ?n aceast? carte, indic? un mod complet nou de a vedea norocul ?i rolul esen?ial pe care ?l joac? acesta ?n vie?ile noastre. Oamenii nu se nasc noroco?i. F?r? s? ??i dea seama, oamenii noroco?i folosesc patru principii de baz? pentru a aduce norocul ?n via?a lor. Dac? ?n?elege?i principiile, atunci ve?i ?n?elege ?i cum ac?ioneaz? norocul.
Ultima scapare
Ultima scapare
Federico Axat
O colec?ie de peste patruzeci dintre eseurile preferate ale lui Tyson, Moartea ?ntr-o gaur? neagr? abordeaz? nenum?rate subiecte, de la firavele eforturi ale industriei filmului de a crea cerul ?nstelat, p?n? la ce-ar ?nsemna s? te afli ?n interiorul unei g?uri negre.?Cel mai cunoscut astrofizician al Americii, Tyson este un profesor ?nn?scut, care ?tie s? explice pe ?n?elesul tuturor teoriile complicate ale astrofizicii ?i ?n acela?i timp s? ne transmit? fascina?ia pe care o are fa?? de univers.?Este absolut obligatoriu s? g?sim oameni de ?tiin?? care s? ne poat? explica nu doar ceea ce descoperim, ci ?i modul ?n care facem acele descoperiri. Neil deGrasse Tyson este unul dintre ei." - Boston Sunday Globe?
Eclipse: The science and history of nature's most spectacular phenomenon
Eclipse: The science and history of nature's most spectacular phenomenon
J. P. McEvoy
J P McEvoy was born in the USA. He has published over 50 papers on his specialist subject, superconductivity. He has been involved in improving public understanding of science for many years. He wrote the TV series Eureka, describing great moments in science from Archimedes to the present. In addition to journalism and radio broadcasting, he has written two guides in the ‘Begginers’ series for Icon Books.
Mind Time: How ten mindful minutes can enhance your work, health and happiness
Mind Time: How ten mindful minutes can enhance your work, health and happiness
Michael Chaskalson,Dr Megan Reitz
Michael Chaskalson Michael is one of the pioneers of mindfulness teaching and research in Europe. He is the author of the agenda-setting The Mindful Workplace and Mindfulness in Eight Weeks. Based on his 40 years of personal practice of mindfulness and related disciplines, Michael now shares his insights and research with audiences worldwide as a keynote speaker, coach, consultant, and teacher. Michael is founder and CEO of Mindfulness Works and a Professor of Practice at Ashridge Business School. Dr Megan Reitz Megan is Associate Professor of Leadership and Dialogue at Ashridge Business School where she speaks, researches, and consults on the intersection of leadership, change, dialogue and mindfulness. She has presented her research to audiences throughout the world and is the author of Dialogue in Organizations.
The Earth: An Intimate History (Text Only)
The Earth: An Intimate History (Text Only)
Richard Fortey
This ebook edition does not include illustrations. ‘The Earth is a true delight: full of awe-inspiring details… it blends travel, history, reportage and science to creat an unforgettable picture of our ancient earth.’ Sunday Times The face of the Earth, criss-crossed by chains of mountains like the scars of old wounds has changed constantly over billions of years, and the testament of the remote past is all around us. In this book, Richard Fortey teaches us how to read its character, laying out the dominions of the world before us. He shows how everything – human culture, natural history, even the shape of cities – roots back to a deeper geological truth. Far from being the driest of sciences, he proves that geology informs all our lives in the most intimate way. Nothing in this book seems to be at rest. The surface of the Earth dilates and collapses; seas and mountains rise and fall; continents move. We climb the Alps, wallow in Icelandic hot springs, dive down to the ocean floor; we explore the barren rocks of Newfoundland, walk through the lush ecosystems of Hawaii, cross the salt flats of Oman and saunter along the San Andreas Fault. And Fortey is the ideal guide, his de*ions of natural beauty as memorable as the best travel-writers, his prose as gripping as the best novelist, his crystal-clear scientific explanations fascinating and often surprising. Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.
Ting Tang Tommy
Ting Tang Tommy
Simon Godwin
Good games are like good jokes. They get remembered and passed on from person to person. But sometimes they get forgotten. ‘Ting Tang Tommy!’ is about remembering the best games we’ve ever known This book sets out to prove that you can play games anywhere – on the beach, having dinner with friends, at a barbeque, with your family at Christmas. It will equip you with loads of simple, memorable games that you can share at any moment of the day – no equipment required. Beautifully produced and designed, ‘Ting Tang Tommy!’ is both a handbook of games and a personal exploration of them, full of potted histories and interesting facts. Each game featured has been tried and tested – and, most importantly, loved.
Mobile Network Optimization: A Guide for 2G and 3G Mobile Network Optimization
Mobile Network Optimization: A Guide for 2G and 3G Mobile Network Optimization
Emmanuel Usuah
Mobile Network Optimization: A Guide for 2G and 3G Mobile Network Optimization
Railway Day Trips: 150 classic train journeys around Britain
Railway Day Trips: 150 classic train journeys around Britain
Julian Holland
Recommended for viewing on colour devices. An essential guide to exploring Britain by train, Railway Day Trips is ideal for anyone planning or looking for inspiration for a rail journey. From bestselling railway author Julian Holland
Plan of Chicago
Plan of Chicago
Smith, Carl
Arguably the most influential document in the history of urban planning, Daniel Burnham's 1909 Plan of Chicago, coauthored by Edward Bennett and produced in collaboration with the Commercial Club of Chicago, proposed many of the city's most distinctive features, including its lakefront parks and roadways, the Magnificent Mile, and Navy Pier. Carl Smith's fascinating history reveals the Plan's central role in shaping the ways people envision the cityscape and urban life itself.?Smith's concise and accessible narrative begins with a survey of Chicago's stunning rise from a tiny frontier settlement to the nation's second-largest city. He then offers an illuminating exploration of the Plan's creation and reveals how it embodies the renowned architect's belief that cities can and must be remade for the better. The Plan defined the City Beautiful movement and was the first comprehensive attempt to reimagine a major American city. Smith points out the ways the Plan continues to influence debates, even a century after its publication, about how to create a vibrant and habitable?urban environment.?Richly illustrated and incisively written, his insightful book will be indispensable to our understanding of Chicago, Daniel Burnham, and the emergence of the modern city.
Protecting Our Drylands
Protecting Our Drylands
Prof. Elijah K. Biamah
Kenya covers a total land area of 582,646 km2. This land area is classified in terms of agricultural potential as: 12.7% of medium to high potential for agricultural production; 11.5% of arable land, subject to periodic droughts; 70.7% of drylands; and 5.6% of non-agricultural land. High population densities are more prevalent in areas of high agricultural potential than those of low potential (drylands). Most of Kenya's population (approx. 80%) lives in rural areas and therefore depends on agriculture and livestock for food and income.This book reviews sustainable technological options for land and water management and that are appropriate to soil and moisture conservation in drylands areas of Kenya. Of significant importance are: Environment and Resource Conservation in Semi-Arid Kenya; Dryland agriculture and conservation technologies in Kenya; Sustainable Soil Management Technologies for Effective Erosion Control in Semi-Arid Kenya; Development of Sustainable Conservation Techniques for Dryland Agriculture in Semi-arid Kenya; Agroforestry for Environmental Conservation in Dryland Environments of Kenya; Carbon Sequestration in Dryland Soils; Integrated Watershed Resource Management in Semi-arid Kenya; Runoff Water Management Systems for Dryland Agriculture in Semi-Arid Kenya; Land and Water Management for Poverty Alleviation: Experiences from Iiuni Watershed, Machakos County, Kenya; and Participatory Role of Communities in Sustainable Development and Management of Resources in semi - arid environments of Kenya?