

Eat. Nourish. Glow – Winter
Eat. Nourish. Glow – Winter
Amelia Freer
The fourth in a series of four seasonal e-shorts from London-based nutritional therapist Amelia Freer. Being healthy is a way of life, but it doesn’t have to be about denying yourself. Amelia Freer loves food and encourages a positive and realistic approach to healthy eating. For this, her fourth exclusive e-short, Amelia presents a selection of delicious seasonal recipes perfect for making you feel warm, nurtured and full of energy even when there’s a chill in the air. Targeting seasonal problems and using seasonal ingredients, Amelia is on a mission – to wean us all off additive-crammed foods and help us rediscover the joys of cooking and eating fresh, healthy ingredients. Winter is the perfect time for brisk, warmly-wrapped-up walks and one-pot meals. It’s also a time for indulgence of the body and the soul, and a bit of rejuvenating hibernation. This e-short offers invaluable, practical advice on winter nutrition, with a focus on maintaining a healthy, enjoyable and sustainable lifestyle. Amelia Freer’s first full-length title offering her complete food philosophy will be published in January 2015.
Eat. Nourish. Glow – Spring
Eat. Nourish. Glow – Spring
Amelia Freer
The first of four seasonal e-shorts from London-based nutritional therapist Amelia Freer. Forget fad diets, now is the time to make a lasting change and develop a healthy, clean and sustainable relationship with food. Being healthy is a way of life, but it doesn’t have to be about denying yourself. Amelia Freer loves food and encourages a positive and realistic approach to healthy eating. In this book, providing an introduction to her food philosophies for the first time, she offers simple changes to your diet and lifestyle to help you look and feel amazing. Targeting seasonal problems and using seasonal ingredients, Amelia is on a mission – to wean us all off eating ready-made, additive-crammed foods and help us rediscover the joys of cooking and eating fresh, healthy ingredients. Whether you need help with weight management, improving energy levels, signs of ageing, stress or mental wellbeing, Amelia believes it can be bettered by the right intake of food. With six exclusive, tasty and delicious recipes, perfect for the beginning of the year and invaluable, practical advice on nutrition, this title is focused on kickstarting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Amelia Freer’s first full-length title offering her complete food philosophy will be published in January 2015.
Vissza a pokolba!
Vissza a pokolba!
Rejtő Jenő
Az anyáknak, a leend? anyáknak, a retteg? csajoknak és az ijedt pasiknak az Anyak?nyvre van szükségük! Egy csaj elmeséli a t?bbi csajnak, hogyan püffednek majd fel a terhesség alatt, hogyan indul a szülés – ?a nap fénypontjaként délután végigcsúszott a combomon a nyákdugó, mint valami gusztustalan meztelen csiga” –, hogyan folytatódik – ?mintha minden ?sszehúzódásnál egy asztalt akarnának átpréselni a fenekemen” –, hogyan ér véget, s azután a rák?vetkez? hónapokban hogyan kap értelmet az életünk a gyerekkel. Az Anyak?nyvben az a legjobb, hogy a szerz?, KALAS GY?RGYI se nem guru, se nem szektás megmondóasszony, hanem érdekl?d?, a gyereke minden rezdülésére érzékeny újságíró-blogger. ?gy ráadásul egy jó tollú anya els? kézb?l származó élményei mellé megkapjuk egy kismamak?z?sség lesz?rt tapasztalatait is. Az Anyak?nyvb?l szerencsére nem az orrszívás technikáját lehet eltanulni, hanem a gyerekre való odafigyelést. Meg hogy mennyire büd?s az orrszarvú. Olvasni jobb, mint szülni – kezdje inkább az el?bbivel! Szily László
Hummingbird Bakery Valentine's Day Cakes and Bakes
Hummingbird Bakery Valentine's Day Cakes and Bakes
Tarek Malouf
This is an extract from the bestselling Cake Days by The Hummingbird Bakery. From Britain’s favourite bakery, a selection of recipes perfect for Valentine’s Day. From an indulgent Chocolate Fondant Cupcake to a delicious Coconut Layer Cake or Angel Food Cake, there is a special Valentine’s treat for anyone.
Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook:Over 50 Quick and Healthy Recipes
Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook:Over 50 Quick and Healthy Recipes
Melanie Weaver
The Instant Pot is a new cooking appliance that is taking the market… and the internet… by storm. This unique little device that is able to handle seven different primary kitchen functions, all wrapped into one. It sounds too good to be true, and definitely overwhelming.
Air Fryer Cookbook: Best Healthy
Air Fryer Cookbook: Best Healthy
Linda Croll
Air Fryer Cookbook: Best Healthy
Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook: Over 50 Quick and Healthy Recipes
Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook: Over 50 Quick and Healthy Recipes
Melanie Weaver
The Instant Pot is a new cooking appliance that is taking the market… and the internet… by storm. This unique little device that is able to handle seven different primary kitchen functions, all wrapped into one. It sounds too good to be true, and definitely overwhelming.
Instant Pot Cookbook.
Instant Pot Cookbook.
Julia Nelson
Instant Pot Cookbook.
Living egg-free: The simple guide to living with egg allergy
Living egg-free: The simple guide to living with egg allergy
Jayne McLelland
Living egg-free: The simple guide to living with egg allergy
Nou?zeci ?i unu
Nou?zeci ?i unu
Laurentiu Ion
Prof. univ. dr. Constantin Milic?, doctor ?n fiziologie vegetal? ?i specialist ?n fitoterapie, ?n volumul s?u Tratamente naturiste ?n serviciul s?n?t??ii, ofer? cititorului remedii pe baz? de plante, accesibile oricui, pentru diferite boli. Aceste tratamente propuse de autor nu apar?in doar medicinii populare, ci au un temeinic suport ?tiin?ific, ca urmare a cercet?rilor minu?ioase de laborator ?i clinic?. Prezentarea afec?iunilor, a tratamentelor fitoterapeutice ?i re?eta autorului sunt ?nso?ite de recomandarea unui regim alimentar ?i de via??, conform fiec?rei boli ?n parte. ?n cuprinsul c?r?ii nu g?sim doar remedii pentru afec?iuni cardiovasculare, ale aparatului digestiv, respirator, locomotor, ale sistemului nervos, boli dermatologice sau tratamente ?mpotriva alcoolismului ?i tabagismului, ci solu?ii profilactice ?i de p?strare a unei vie?i s?n?toase, ce pot reprezenta pentru fiecare ?taina tinere?ii f?r? b?tr?ne?e“.
Fogalmazásfüzet: írásbeli feladatok mintasz?vegek alapján
Fogalmazásfüzet: írásbeli feladatok mintasz?vegek alapján
Dávid Attila
A szerz? fogalmazásfeladatai gyerekeknek vagy írópalántáknak a szerz? saját r?vid m?vei alapján.
Vegetarian Slow Cooker Soup: 50+ Meatless, Plant-based Recipes For Busy People
Vegetarian Slow Cooker Soup: 50+ Meatless, Plant-based Recipes For Busy People
Martha Stoneridge
Vegetarian Slow Cooker Soup: 50+ Meatless, Plant-based Recipes For Busy People
Khinkali - The Delicious Georgian Dish: The recipes
Khinkali - The Delicious Georgian Dish: The recipes
Ketevan Bazadze
Khinkali - The Delicious Georgian Dish: The recipes
The Architecture of the Cocktail
The Architecture of the Cocktail
Amy Zavatto
Is it better for a martini to be shaken, not stirred? Does it matter which order you add the ingredients of a Long Island Iced Tea? How many ice cubes can you add to a margarita without compromising the flavour? The perfect home begins with a blueprint and a dream, and your perfect cocktail should start the same way! The Architecture of the Cocktail will reveal the answers to all your cocktail queries and more. Focusing on the precise measurements to make the perfect drink as well as the recommended garnish and embellishments, you’ll no longer have to guess what a cocktail should taste like. Laying out the exact measurements from the bottom of your glass to the top, you’ll discover the order in which you should layer your liquor, the precise measurements needed, and even recommended brands. Not sure which stemware is appropriate? Consult the mini guide on identifying the correct stemware in the back of the book. Featuring 75 different cocktails and recipes (including specifications, notes, and embellishments), this is the perfect gift for the cocktail lover in your life. Don’t waste another minute on watered-down cocktails – become a cocktail master with this beautifully illustrated guide.
Healthy Life Cook Book
Healthy Life Cook Book
Daniel, Florence
Hundreds of traditional healthy recipes, from casseroles to curries to cakes, as well as useful advice on beverages and snacks.
Mrs Mary Eales's Recipes
Mrs Mary Eales's Recipes
Eales, Mrs Mary
120 fantastic recipes for all sorts of confectionary, from dried fruits to candies to preserves and jellies to biscuits and cakes, taken from the cookbook of Mrs Mary Eales, confectioner to Queen Anne. It even contains the very first instance of a recipe for ice cream to be included in an English cookbook.
Dressed Game and Poultry a la Mode
Dressed Game and Poultry a la Mode
de Salis, Harriet A.
Fantastic classic recipes for cooking game and poultry, from classic favourites like chicken, to more outlandish like quail.
Domestic Cookery
Domestic Cookery
Lea, Elizabeth Ellicott
Hundreds of useful recipes: soups, meats, fish, cakes and many more, all written with economy and self-sufficiency in mind.
Jewish Manual
Jewish Manual
Montefiore, Judith Cohen
A fantastic collection of hundreds of traditional Jewish recipes from the 19th century.
Virginia Housewife
Virginia Housewife
Randolph, Mary
The world's first truly American cookbook, the Virginia housewife contains many Southern classics, such as ochra soup, barbecued shote and gumbo, as well as many other dishes from around the world. Starters, main dishes and desserts (including over 20 different recipes for home-made ice cream flavours!) are all covered.
English Housewifery
English Housewifery
Moxon, Elizabeth
Over 500 traditional English recipes built up over hundreds of years. From soups to main courses to puddings, this covers every aspect of classic English cooking, including a traditional 'Bill of Fare', giving meal suggestions for every month of the year.
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