

Adventures in the Slavic Kitchen:A book of Essays with Recipes
Adventures in the Slavic Kitchen:A book of Essays with Recipes
Igor Klekh
The polyglot Igor Klekh is an extraordinarily erudite and accomplished Russian writer, journalist, and translator, whose formative years were spent in Western Ukraine, mostly in Ivano-Frankivsk and in the multi-cultural city of Lviv where he had access to the literature of East-Central Europe. He currently resides in Moscow. His complex prose style has been compared to that of Jorge Luis Borges and Bruno Schulz, whose novellas he was among the first to translate from Polish into Russian. He has authored seven books of prose, essays, translations, and literary criticism and has been a frequent contributor to the best Russian literary journals including Novyi mir, Znamya, and Druzhba narodov. His works have earned numerous prizes including the Alfred C. Toepfer Pushkin Prize (1993), the Yury Kazakov Prize (2000) for Best Short Story, and the October Magazine Prize (2000) for his book on the artist Sergei Sherstiuk. His works have been nominated for the Russian version of the Booker Prize twice (1995 and 2012). Adventures in the Slavic Kitchen: A Book of Essays with Recipes is a cultural study of the role food plays in the formation and expression of a nation’s character. It focuses primarily on the Russian and Ukrainian kitchens but discusses them in the context of international food practices. His prose works have been published in English translation under the title A Land the Size of Binoculars (2004) by Northwestern University Press.
A to Z Canning and Preserving for Total Beginners The Essential Canning Recipes
A to Z Canning and Preserving for Total Beginners The Essential Canning Recipes
Lisa Bond
Food that last forever Includes links to 50 Healthy Mexican Recipe Videos Preserving food to last through the cold months or packaging or bottling it to travel long distances has long been a concern. Napoleon stated, "An army travels on its stomach." He was referring to the problems involved with transporting sufficient food to keep his men fed. The Napoleonic soldiers were often hungry, thanks to the difficulty of transporting fresh food. Just to show that he was serious about solving this problem, he offered a reward of 12,000 francs to anyone who could come up with a solution. The award was given to Nicholas Appert in 1810. After trying a variety of methods – including attempting to remove air from his glass jars – he devised a method that worked. The food was placed in a glass bottle, then corked and sealed with wax. The glass bottles were then wrapped in canvas, and boiled in water. The result was bottled foodstuffs that could be transported, even though the jars were breakable. Appert published a book titled, The Art of Preserving Animal and Vegetable Substances. Two years later, Brian Donkin found a way to substitute tin for the fragile glass, and the canning industry was born. It made its way to American, where Gail Borden used the technique to preserve milk so it could be transported to the inner cities. There were problems along the way with this journey toward portable food preservation. The first was the sealant used on the cans. The early ones were soldered closed using lead solder. Of course, if you are on a battlefield where you could be shot down at any minute, lead poisoning probably isn't high on your list of worries. Second, it took forty years before anyone invented a can opener. Napoleon's men were forced to use their swords to open the cans, a process that probably didn't do the sword any good, and no doubt was less than satisfactory for getting those cans opened without spilling the contents. Readers might be wondering at this point why modern home canning is usually done in glass jars, following methods that are similar to the ones Appert developed. The answer is somewhat complex. Canning in metal requires more specialized equipment than canning in jars. Once the cans are filled, the lids must be sealed on. The cans will then need to be heated to destroy bacteria. (The first ones were made fifty years before Louis Pasteur did his ground-breaking work, so neither Appert or Donkin knew why it was that some cans would be just fine, while others would spoil. In early canning efforts, if the can was sealed and did not bulge, it was presumed to be safe to eat. No one knew about botulism, that hidden killer that can lurk in an improperly bottled jar of green beans. The equipment for canning in tins is more expensive than that needed to can in glass bottles. It is also easier to see if the food is still good when it is preserved in transparent glass. Incidentally, "can" is short for "canister." As we all know, canisters can be made from all sorts of materials, so if you've ever wondered why foodstuffs preserved in glass jars was said to the "canned," rather than "bottled", that is the explanation. Since this is a book about the very basics of home canning, it only addresses putting up your food in glass. Preserving food in metal cylinders requires a specialized sealer is a technique for experienced food preservers.
The Vegan Bundle:Easy Steps to a Healthy Diet for Beginners
The Vegan Bundle:Easy Steps to a Healthy Diet for Beginners
Lewis Haas
Feel?the Difference of a Plant-Based Vegan Diet! Whether you want to improve health, lose weight, show compassion for animals, or help the environment, The Vegan Bundle?shows you the way. This 3-part series of vegan books will guide?you every step of the way, giving you the tools, resources, and recipes you need to make the vegan transition - healthfully, joyfully, and deliciously. In The Vegan Bundle: Easy Steps to a Healthy Diet for Beginners,?you will find practical advice for: ·Evidence of why going vegan is the best?option·How to stay fully nourished and healthy·Common nutrition myths and explains the best sources of nutrients·How to choose healthy options while staying animal-friendly·How to adapt gradually to a vegan lifestyle·Practical strategies for eating out, traveling, and attending social occasions·How to become a savvy shopper, eat healthfully affordably, restock your kitchen, read labels, and prepare nutrient-rich meals without feeling overwhelmed·Over 50 delicious yet practical recipes sure to suit the most discriminating taste·A 5-Day & 7-Day Sample Meal Plan·And so much more Scroll to the top of the page and click the buy button to start your healthy vegan lifestyle TODAY!
The 10 Best Vegan Dishes:Quick, Easy & Cheap Recipes
The 10 Best Vegan Dishes:Quick, Easy & Cheap Recipes
Lewis Haas
Grab the Ten Best Vegan Recipes That Are Cheap, Quick and Easy to Make Have you struggled with finding GOOD vegan recipes that are easy to Do you need to find recipes that are tasty AND cheap? With 10 vegan recipes and a number of options and alternatives to some of the dishes, you will have plenty of vibrant, flavorful meals that will fill you up, keep you healthy and looking forward to your next meal. The 10 Best Vegan Dishes has just what you need to satisfy your appetite, to spare your money and to save you time: ·3 Awesome Varieties of Breakfast·4 Different Delicious Lunches·3 Distinct Dinner Dishes·Many tips and notes to get the most out of every dish·Options and alternatives for some recipes Scroll to the top of the page and click the buy button to experience these tasty dishes today!
The Oyster: "Where, How and When to Find, Breed, Cook and Eat It"
The Oyster: "Where, How and When to Find, Breed, Cook and Eat It"
Eustace Clare Grenville Murray
THE OYSTER; WHERE, HOW, AND WHEN?TO FIND, BREED, COOK, AND EAT IT!??OF the Millions who live to eat and eat to live in this wide world of ours, how few are there who do not, at proper times and seasons, enjoy a good oyster. It may not be an ungrateful task, therefore, if I endeavour to inform them what species of animal the little succulent shell-fish is, that affords to man so much gastronomical enjoyment—how born and bred and nurtured; when, and where; and, lastly, how best it may be eaten, whether in its living and natural state, or having undergone the ordeal of cooking by the skill of a superior artist.??Now let us proceed to open the oyster.???The Oyster! The mere writing of the word creates sensations of succulence—gastronomical pleasures, nutritive food, easy digestion, palatable indulgence—then go sleep in peace!??Lobster salads, beef and veal, truffles and chestnuts, all good in their way, are, nevertheless, attended with evil consequences to the human frame.??But oysters—ye pleasant companions of the midnight hours, or the mid-day feast; is there a man, woman or child in all Europe—ay, or in Asia, Africa, or America—who does not owe you a debt of gratitude which they repay to the full by the enjoyment of your society tete-a-tete? ??You are eaten raw and alive, cooked and scolloped, in sauce and without sauce. ?True, true, oh oyster! ??Thou art the best beloved of the loved!
Din Liverpool ?n Carpa?i. Cum mi-am g?sit fericirea ?n inima Transilvaniei
Din Liverpool ?n Carpa?i. Cum mi-am g?sit fericirea ?n inima Transilvaniei
Arabella McIntyre-Brown
Kilogramele ?n plus: avantaje ?i dezavantaje Descoperi?i ?tiin?a din spatele paradoxului obezit??ii ?i modul ?n care pute?i ob?ine s?n?tatea maxim?, mai degrab? dec?t greutatea minim?! Nu trece nicio zi f?r? s? ne g?ndim la ?gr?sime”. Suntem asalta?i de mesaje care ne avertizeaz? c? tr?im ?ntr-o societate ?n care mai mult de dou? treimi dintre indivizi sunt supraponderali sau obezi. C?r?ile, revistele ?i articolele online ne ?nva?? cum s? sc?p?m de kilogramele ?n plus ca s? ne bucur?m de o s?n?tate mai bun?. Produsele alimentare sunt promovate prin sublinierea con?inutului caloric redus. Nu e de mirare c? cei mai mul?i dintre noi credeau c? longevitatea depinde de men?inerea unui indice de mas? corporal? normal. P?n? la apari?ia acestei lucr?ri revolu?ionare... Cu ajutorul bestsellerului ?Paradoxul obezit??ii” ve?i descoperi c? pute?i fi ?n acela?i timp gras, ?ntr-o form? bun? ?i foarte s?n?tos. Aceast? teorie este sus?inut? de rezultatele uimitoare ale cercet?rilor efectuate ?n ultimii 10 ani: persoanele supraponderale ?i chiar moderat obeze cu anumite boli cronice – boli de inim? sau cancer – tr?iesc adeseori mai mult ?i au o via?? mai bun? dec?t persoanele cu greutate normal? care se confrunt? cu acelea?i afec?iuni. Cardiologul Carl Lavie ne explic? de ce avem nevoie de gr?sime, cum contribuie la procesele vie?ii ?i care este modalitatea prin care ne ofer? combustibil suplimentar ?n lupta cu boala. Ne sunt dezv?luite ?i motivele pentru care unele persoane care par slabe ?i cu un fizic de invidiat pot suferi totu?i de afec?iuni metabolice, cum ar fi diabetul zaharat de tip 2 – a?a-numitul ?paradox al suple?ei”. Am ajuns at?t de preocupa?i de obezitate, folosind-o ca argument pentru a ?ncadra problemele de s?n?tate, ?nc?t trecem cu vederea alte cauze posibile ale bolii. Informa?iile inovatoare din aceast? carte le vor schimba viziunea despre gr?sime ?i ce ?nseamn? s? fii s?n?tos at?t celor care ?ncearc? s? nu se ?mboln?veasc?, c?t ?i bolnavilor care tr?iesc cu o afec?iune de durat?. Ea se adreseaz? ?n egal? m?sur? celor tineri ?i supli, ci ?i persoanelor mai ?n v?rst? care se lupt? cu acele ?nc?p???nate kilograme ?n plus. Este o carte pentru oamenii care se consider? ?n form?, dar ?i pentru cei care prefer? un stil de via?? mai sedentar.
But Why Vegan? Seeing Veganism from Beyond the Surface
But Why Vegan? Seeing Veganism from Beyond the Surface
JR MacGregor
But Why Vegan?' is not a cookbook and it has no recipes. What it is is a deep dive into Veganism and how it not only?transforms your mind, body, and spirit, but did you know?it also positively impacts all of humanity, too? If you are thinking about making the transition to Veganism this book will push you over the edge. Becoming vegan makes you a trendsetter and that is a heavy burden to carry. Trendsetters are the ones that brave the tornado of dissent and yet change the world in their path. If this is you, then let's get moving.?Being vegan is a decision that you make for the long term. It's not a fad diet, and it's not a fleeting fancy because becoming vegan says that you are serious about being healthy and you are determined to go far in this world and that is why you are preparing your body for the long haul.Becoming vegan takes guts. You have to push against dissenters around you and a craving mindset within you. Being vegan is as much about the recipes as weight lifting is about the brand of barbells you use. No, being vegan is not about changing recipes, it's about changing minds. It's about blazing trails and heading out west because you know there is a better life awaiting you once the hardship of change subsides.?That's what this book is about. It tells you what the real deal is when it comes to considering veganism and goes two steps further in cleaning up your food source. It dives into Vegan Plus, where it's not just about the meat and dairy that you stop, it's also about the cessation of processed foods. In essence, it's about taking back your life. If you're ready to transform your mind, body, and spirit (while helping all of humanity) then scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to begin understanding what Veganism is all about!
Ketogenic Vegetarian Diet Cookbook
Ketogenic Vegetarian Diet Cookbook
Beverly Rood
Ketogenic Vegetarian Diet Cookbook
Ketogenic Vegetarian Cookbook: Ketogenic Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss And Hea
Ketogenic Vegetarian Cookbook: Ketogenic Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss And Hea
Christina W Lewis
Ketogenic Vegetarian Cookbook: Ketogenic Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss And Healthy Lifestyle
Amazingly Hearty Slow Cooker Soups
Amazingly Hearty Slow Cooker Soups
Sophia Stevens
Amazingly Hearty Slow Cooker Soups
56 Low Fat Salads, Dips And Dressings: For Faster Weight Loss
56 Low Fat Salads, Dips And Dressings: For Faster Weight Loss
Paula Corey
56 Low Fat Salads, Dips And Dressings: For Faster Weight Loss
60 Delicious Dash Diet Recipes
60 Delicious Dash Diet Recipes
Chloe Fisher
60 Delicious Dash Diet Recipes
Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook
Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook
Rosa Barnes
Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook
Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook Vol. 4 Dessert And Side Dish Recipes
Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook Vol. 4 Dessert And Side Dish Recipes
Teresa Sloat
Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook Vol. 4 Dessert And Side Dish Recipes
Mexican Slow Cooker Cookbook: 100 Easy & Delicious Mexican Crock Pot Recipes
Mexican Slow Cooker Cookbook: 100 Easy & Delicious Mexican Crock Pot Recipes
Dexter Jackson
Mexican Slow Cooker Cookbook: 100 Easy & Delicious Mexican Crock Pot Recipes
Flexible Dieting and IIFYM Cookbook: 31 High Protein Recipes to Help You Lose Fa
Flexible Dieting and IIFYM Cookbook: 31 High Protein Recipes to Help You Lose Fa
Dexter Jackson
Flexible Dieting and IIFYM Cookbook: 31 High Protein Recipes to Help You Lose Fat and Build Muscle
Ketogenic Diet Cookbook: Weight Loss With Everyday Food Based Ketosis
Ketogenic Diet Cookbook: Weight Loss With Everyday Food Based Ketosis
Jason B. Tiller
Ketogenic Diet Cookbook: Weight Loss With Everyday Food Based Ketosis
We Choose Never To Go Vegan: Top 93 Healthy & Delicious Low Carb  Plant-Based Me
We Choose Never To Go Vegan: Top 93 Healthy & Delicious Low Carb Plant-Based Me
Raymond James
We Choose Never To Go Vegan: Top 93 Healthy & Delicious Low Carb Plant-Based Meals for Keto Vegans.
The All-American Slow Cooker Cookbook
The All-American Slow Cooker Cookbook
Dexter Jackson
The All-American Slow Cooker Cookbook
Khinkali - The Delicious Georgian Dish: The recipes
Khinkali - The Delicious Georgian Dish: The recipes
Ketevan Bazadze
Khinkali - The Delicious Georgian Dish: The recipes
Instant Pot Recipes Cookbook: Insanely Amazing and Finger-Licking Meals at the T
Instant Pot Recipes Cookbook: Insanely Amazing and Finger-Licking Meals at the T
Olivia Brown
Instant Pot Recipes Cookbook: Insanely Amazing and Finger-Licking Meals at the Touch of a Button
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