

Electric Pressure Cooker Recipes: Favorite Recipes To Relish With Family And Fri
Electric Pressure Cooker Recipes: Favorite Recipes To Relish With Family And Fri
Melissa Ryant
Electric Pressure Cooker Recipes: Favorite Recipes To Relish With Family And Friends
Eco-Atkins Diet Beginner's Guide and Cookbook
Eco-Atkins Diet Beginner's Guide and Cookbook
R.M. Lewis
Eco-Atkins Diet Beginner's Guide and Cookbook
Power Pressure Cooker XL: The Top 50 Best Dinner Recipes From All Over The World
Power Pressure Cooker XL: The Top 50 Best Dinner Recipes From All Over The World
R.M. Lewis
Power Pressure Cooker XL: The Top 50 Best Dinner Recipes From All Over The World
Indian Cook Book
Indian Cook Book
Mary Kennedy Core
Indian Cook Book
Lectin-Free Cookbook: Quick And Tasty Lectin-Free Recipes To Lower Inflammation
Lectin-Free Cookbook: Quick And Tasty Lectin-Free Recipes To Lower Inflammation
Penny Reynolds
Lectin-Free Cookbook: Quick And Tasty Lectin-Free Recipes To Lower Inflammation And Prevent Diseases
Essential Oil for Beginners: The Ultimate Essential Oils Guide for Beginners
Essential Oil for Beginners: The Ultimate Essential Oils Guide for Beginners
Olivia Banks
Essential Oil for Beginners is your ultimate one-stop shop to diving in to the world of aromatherapy and essential oils. Olivia Banks takes you through the most important aspects of essential oils that all beginners need to know. **Here's a preview of what you will learn** The history of essential oilsThe benefits of essential oilsHousehold uses of essential oilsSafety tips for beginnersHow to pick out your first set of essential oilsEssential oils for energyEssential oils for anxietyEssential oils for sleepEssential oils for headachesand so much more!? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to join the millions of people who are already using these oils for natural health and loving every minute of it!
Reiki For A Healthier Lifestyle
Reiki For A Healthier Lifestyle
Russ Chard
Lynne Mackenzie is a qualified Usui and Tibetan Reiki Master and an Angelic Reiki Master. 'Reiki For A Healthier Lifestyle' is a new book that not only explains to the reader what Reiki is and how it is of benefit to people from all walks of life BUT how it can help alleviate all sorts of health issues. Lynne challenges the reader to forget all preconceptions of Reiki and alternative therapies and explains in details how Reiki works on the human body. Reiki is one of the most exciting healing energies of modern time even though it has been practised for a long while. Human energy is called 'Ki' and any blockages of this universal life force withing the body and mind can adversly affect a persons wellbeing.A good comparison is a light-bulb that flickers or breaks if the supply of electricity is interfered with, so it is the same with the energy within the body. Lynne explains how Reiki can help simple complaints like headaches, general pain and discomfort through to managing anger, emotions, stress and anxiety. A body with negative energy responds well to Reiki treatment and this therapy can help with conditions such as depression, MS and is a most beneficial addition to medical treatment for conditions such as cancer.Curing and healing are two completely different things and for a body to be cured of many conditions the healing process must be restored and Reiki aims to help this process. Lynne answers Reiki safety questions, can anyone recieve Reiki treatment , explains the bodies Chakras that control our life force and shares case studies from her clients to explain the benefits of Reiki for good health.She answers the critics who claim Reiki is just a placebo and explains the bodies response to everyday ilnesses and complaints from I.B.S through to migraines, allergies and many more common complaints. 'Reiki For A Healthier Lifestyle' is a complimentary, spiritual book that explains how this accepted form of therapy works in conjunction with any exsisting medical advice a patient may be following from a medical practitoner. Reiki therapy can help with so many conditions and complaints that a person can suffer with and this book - her first on the subject - aims to explain why Reiki is a safe, practical and effective treatment for better and continued good health.
25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower Blood Pressure
25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower Blood Pressure
Russ Chard
High blood pressure is often referred to as 'the silent killer'. High blood pressure or hypertension affects millions of people all around the world. It can be as a result of lifestyle, genetic or happen for no apparent reason at all. The medical profession has to deal with high blood pressure issues on a daily basis doing their best to stope people from having a heart attack or stroke. Drugs are often prescribed to combat hypertension and keep it under control. Some of these drugs have unpleasant side effects and can make a person feel unwell. Author Russ Brandon suffered with pre-hypertension with a BP reading over 145/90. He was given a couple of months to try and bring his blood pressure down and chose to do everything he could to ensure that blood pressure drugs would not become part of his daily routine. Exercise and a sensible diet were the start but then he decided to research food types that had lowering blood pressure level benefits for people who suffered from hypertension. His levels are now normal even though he suffers from a bit of 'white coat syndrome' - a nervous and anxious reaction to seeing a medical professional. '25 Superfoods That Naturally Lower High Blood Pressure' is the result of his research. Each food type has blood pressure lowering constituents and the research to back it up. A sensible diet, not smoking, low alcohol consumption all help with lowering blood pressure to health and normal levels ,but, so does having the right sort of diet. Discover the superfoods that could stop you having to take blood pressure drugs or prevent you from ever being prescribed them in this short book packed with useful evidence and facts. If in doubt about any of the 'superfoods' and what effect they may have on your body you should always consult a medical professional.
45 Yummy Pressure Cooker Recipes: Chicken, Meat, Soups, Veggies and Sea-Food
45 Yummy Pressure Cooker Recipes: Chicken, Meat, Soups, Veggies and Sea-Food
Jennifer Harley
45 Yummy Pressure Cooker Recipes: Chicken, Meat, Soups, Veggies and Sea-Food
An Avocado Cookbook: Top 70 Easy & Tasty Avocado Recipes
An Avocado Cookbook: Top 70 Easy & Tasty Avocado Recipes
Charles Garner
An Avocado Cookbook: Top 70 Easy & Tasty Avocado Recipes
A Korean Cooking Cookbook: Best 90 Home Cooking Korean Recipes
A Korean Cooking Cookbook: Best 90 Home Cooking Korean Recipes
Jaehyun Hwan
A Korean Cooking Cookbook: Best 90 Home Cooking Korean Recipes
Crock Pot Recipes Cookbook
Crock Pot Recipes Cookbook
Ashley Peterson
Crock Pot Recipes Cookbook
Renal Diet Cookbook.
Renal Diet Cookbook.
Aaron Jones
Renal Diet Cookbook.
The Essential Ketogenic Diet For Beginners
The Essential Ketogenic Diet For Beginners
Lisa Daniel
The Essential Ketogenic Diet For Beginners
Scrumptious Vegan Instant Pot Recipes
Scrumptious Vegan Instant Pot Recipes
Michael J Bailey
Scrumptious Vegan Instant Pot Recipes
Becoming Vegan: The Beginner’s Guide to Vegan Cooking
Becoming Vegan: The Beginner’s Guide to Vegan Cooking
Brittany Boykin
Are you thinking of making the switch and going all out Vegan? Are you unsure of what it means to be Vegan? Having trouble figuring out what you can and can't eat when you're a Vegan?This book is the perfect introduction to being Vegan and is guaranteed to answer any beginner's questions about Vegan cooking and is a must have for anyone thinking of going Vegan.? Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Fundamentals of Cooking Vegan Food the Correct WayAn Outline of Typical Ingredients Used in Vegan CookingHow To Stock Your Vegan PantryBasic Cooking Methods to Create an Assortment of Satisfying Vegan MealsHow to Create a Complete Vegan Meal That Contains the Proper Balance of Vitamins, Minerals, and NutrientsHow to Handle Special Nutritional Needs like Diabetes or High Cholesteroland 10 Recipes to Get You Started! Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to start living a healthier life the Vegan way!
Pat Gray
Un reputat oftalmolog explic? pe ?n?elesul tuturor cum putem preveni ?i inversa evolu?ia bolilor de ochi. Peste 180 de milioane de americani au probleme cu vederea. Majoritatea cred c? nu pot face nimic singuri pentru a vedea mai bine. Dar iat? c? acum exist? speran??. ?n ultimul deceniu, foarte multe studii clinice au ar?tat c? introducerea ?n alimenta?ie a unor nutrimente specifice ajut? la p?strarea unei vederi bune p?n? la o v?rst? ?naintat?, la ameliorarea afec?iunilor oculare ?i chiar la inversarea evolu?iei unor boli. Solu?ia este simpl?: trebuie s? consum?m numai alimente ob?inute din produse naturale ?i care con?in nutrimente despre care s-a demonstrat clinic c? ?intesc componentele ochiului afectate de boli ?i/sau de v?rst?. De asemenea, cartea explic? modul cum func?ioneaz? ochiul ?i ce alimente ajut? la buna lui func?ionare, oferind, in plus, instruc?iuni personalizate, u?or de ?n?eles, privind alimentele ?i nutrimentele utile. ?Pentru majoritatea oamenilor, ?n?elegerea modului de func?ionare a ochiului este mai pu?in important? dec?t identificarea cauzelor care duc la deteriorarea vederii. ?n prima parte a c?r?ii, sunt prezentate aceste cauze ?i mijloacele prin care pot fi prevenite afec?iunile oculare. ?n partea a doua, voi descrie, dintr-o perspectiv? foarte larg?, cele ?ase boli principale care afecteaz? ochii (degenerescen?a macular?, retinita pigmentar?, diabetul, glaucomul, cataractele ?i sindromul de ochi uscat). Vom vorbi despre tratament, preven?ie, minimizarea factorilor de risc ?i – mai important – vom ar?ta c?, dac? ?n?elegem cum apar aceste boli, vom putea s? ne ?mbun?t??im sau s? ne protej?m vederea.“ - Neal Adams
Povestea unui poloboc
Povestea unui poloboc
Swift Jonathan
Programul ?n 5 pa?i pentru controlarea glicemiei pe cale natural? ?i prevenirea complica?iilor diabetului. Doar 5 pa?i te despart de tratarea diabetului pe cale natural?! Diabetul tip 2 se poate trata prin mijloace naturale sigure, f?r? s? se recurg? strict la medicamente. Autoarea propune o abordare holistic?, a ?ntregului organism, ?n care suplimentele, mineralele ?i schimb?rile de alimenta?ie au ca rezultat sc?derea ?n greutate, refacerea celulelor deteriorate, ?mbun?t??irea func?iei insulinice ?i diminuarea efectelor secundare provocate de medicamentele prescrise. Aceast? carte excep?ional?, deschiz?toare de drumuri, a fost selectat? de Academia American? de Medicin? Anti-?mb?tr?nire ca lectur? obligatorie pentru medicii care doresc s? ob?in? certificarea ?n specializarea ?Sindrom metabolic ?i diabet“. Programul ?n 5 pa?i utilizeaz? numai alternative naturale, toate sus?inute de studii ?tiin?ifice: PASUL 1: Bea b?uturi verzi pline de substan?e nutritive, ca spirulina, clorela ?i orzul verde, pentru a ad?uga ?n alimenta?ia ta vitamine, minerale, substan?e micronutritive ?i antioxidan?i esen?iali.PASUL 2: Adaug? suplimente cu vitamina D, care te ajut? s? controlezi glicemia ?i s? reduci riscul de a face anumite tipuri de cancer.PASUL 3: Cre?te consumul de fibre pentru a sc?dea nivelul tensiunii arteriale ?i al colesterolului ?r?u“ LDL.PASUL 4: Ia suplimente antiinflamatoare care mic?oreaz? nivelul de glucoz?, pentru a-?i stimula metabolismul ?i a te ajuta s? arzi gr?simile ?i zah?rul.PASUL 5: Include ?n alimenta?ie minerale (crom, magneziu, fier ?i vanadiu) pentru a-?i stimula metabolismul natural. F?c?nd aceste 5 schimb?ri simple ?n programul zilnic, ??i vei proteja inima, rinichii, ochii ?i membrele de acele deterior?ri pe care diabetul le produce adesea ?i vei elimina unele dintre complica?iile cu care poate te confrun?i deja.
The Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook
The Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook
Blanche Sanders
The Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook
Crock Pot Recipes Cookbook: 100 Easy & Delicious Slow Cooker Recipes (Slow Cooke
Crock Pot Recipes Cookbook: 100 Easy & Delicious Slow Cooker Recipes (Slow Cooke
Derrick Hull
Crock Pot Recipes Cookbook: 100 Easy & Delicious Slow Cooker Recipes (Slow Cooker Cookbook)
Instant Pot Cookbook
Instant Pot Cookbook
Gabrielle Paige Mason
Instant Pot Cookbook
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