

Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Dexter Jackson
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Hormone Reset Diet
Hormone Reset Diet
Dexter Jackson
Hormone Reset Diet
Mexican Slow Cooker Cookbook: Mouthwatering Dishes That Brings the Real Mexican
Mexican Slow Cooker Cookbook: Mouthwatering Dishes That Brings the Real Mexican
Barbara Bush
Mexican Slow Cooker Cookbook: Mouthwatering Dishes That Brings the Real Mexican Flavor to Your Table
Paleo for Beginners: The Essentials on How to Begin Your Paleo Diet Lifestyle
Paleo for Beginners: The Essentials on How to Begin Your Paleo Diet Lifestyle
Dexter Jackson
Paleo for Beginners: The Essentials on How to Begin Your Paleo Diet Lifestyle
Fatty Liver Diet: Guide and healthy recipes to help lose weight and reverse fatt
Fatty Liver Diet: Guide and healthy recipes to help lose weight and reverse fatt
Nadine Silva
Fatty Liver Diet: Guide and healthy recipes to help lose weight and reverse fatty liver
Alkaline Diet Complete Guide and Cookbook for the Clueless
Alkaline Diet Complete Guide and Cookbook for the Clueless
Dexter Jackson
Alkaline Diet Complete Guide and Cookbook for the Clueless
Scrumptious Vegan Instant Pot Recipes
Scrumptious Vegan Instant Pot Recipes
Michael J Bailey
Scrumptious Vegan Instant Pot Recipes
Lectin-Free Cookbook: Quick And Tasty Lectin-Free Recipes To Lower Inflammation
Lectin-Free Cookbook: Quick And Tasty Lectin-Free Recipes To Lower Inflammation
Penny Reynolds
Lectin-Free Cookbook: Quick And Tasty Lectin-Free Recipes To Lower Inflammation And Prevent Diseases
Easy Donuts Cookbook: Delicious, Filled, Glazed And Sugared Donuts Recipes And D
Easy Donuts Cookbook: Delicious, Filled, Glazed And Sugared Donuts Recipes And D
Michelle James
Easy Donuts Cookbook: Delicious, Filled, Glazed And Sugared Donuts Recipes And Donuts Drinks
Electric Pressure Cooker Recipes: Favorite Recipes To Relish With Family And Fri
Electric Pressure Cooker Recipes: Favorite Recipes To Relish With Family And Fri
Melissa Ryant
Electric Pressure Cooker Recipes: Favorite Recipes To Relish With Family And Friends
Cooking For Two: 81 Delicious And Healthy Recipes Perfectly Portioned To Serve T
Cooking For Two: 81 Delicious And Healthy Recipes Perfectly Portioned To Serve T
Marina Beecher
Cooking For Two: 81 Delicious And Healthy Recipes Perfectly Portioned To Serve Two Persons
Royal Cook Book
Royal Cook Book
Mary Kennedy Core
Royal Cook Book
45 Yummy Pressure Cooker Recipes: Chicken, Meat, Soups, Veggies and Sea-Food
45 Yummy Pressure Cooker Recipes: Chicken, Meat, Soups, Veggies and Sea-Food
Jennifer Harley
45 Yummy Pressure Cooker Recipes: Chicken, Meat, Soups, Veggies and Sea-Food
El libro del ayuno - La guía completa para conocer el milagro del ayuno
El libro del ayuno - La guía completa para conocer el milagro del ayuno
Kyle Faber
El ayuno no se trata de tener hambre, y ciertamente no se trata de morir de hambre. El ayuno se trata de cambiar su vida para que pueda hacer más con menos tiempo. El ayuno consiste en sobrecargar los sistemas de regeneración de tu cuerpo y lucir más joven. Se trata de alterar su mente y trazar un curso hacia adelante que resulte en la capacidad de convertirlo en una nueva disciplina y claridad.Puede considerar ayunar con el propósito de perder peso, pero obtendrá mucho más. Si tiene sobrepeso, entonces su cuerpo le está diciendo algo. Le está diciendo que su cuerpo está en peligro. Está sobrecargado de trabajo y no está quemando tantas calorias como debería. Debe prestar atención a esa advertencia. Debe revertir el da?o que se está infligiendo en el cuerpo debido a las malas decisiones nutricionales.Este libro le muestra los beneficios que puede esperar y traza una guia del día a día, de qué hacer y qué esperar cuando hace un ayuno completo y simplemente sale adelante con agua. Lo que es más importante que los días de ayuno, y cuántos días lo puede hacer, es la preparación previa para el ayuno y la devolución del ayuno a los alimentos.Este libro lo guía meticulosamente de un paso al siguiente en la preparación de días antes de ayunar para que obtenga el mayor beneficio de él, y le muestra cómo romper el ayuno para que no estrese su sistema digestivo después de días de ayuno.?
Essential Oil for Beginners: The Ultimate Essential Oils Guide for Beginners
Essential Oil for Beginners: The Ultimate Essential Oils Guide for Beginners
Olivia Banks
Essential Oil for Beginners is your ultimate one-stop shop to diving in to the world of aromatherapy and essential oils. Olivia Banks takes you through the most important aspects of essential oils that all beginners need to know. **Here's a preview of what you will learn** The history of essential oilsThe benefits of essential oilsHousehold uses of essential oilsSafety tips for beginnersHow to pick out your first set of essential oilsEssential oils for energyEssential oils for anxietyEssential oils for sleepEssential oils for headachesand so much more!? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to join the millions of people who are already using these oils for natural health and loving every minute of it!
Pat Gray
Un reputat oftalmolog explic? pe ?n?elesul tuturor cum putem preveni ?i inversa evolu?ia bolilor de ochi. Peste 180 de milioane de americani au probleme cu vederea. Majoritatea cred c? nu pot face nimic singuri pentru a vedea mai bine. Dar iat? c? acum exist? speran??. ?n ultimul deceniu, foarte multe studii clinice au ar?tat c? introducerea ?n alimenta?ie a unor nutrimente specifice ajut? la p?strarea unei vederi bune p?n? la o v?rst? ?naintat?, la ameliorarea afec?iunilor oculare ?i chiar la inversarea evolu?iei unor boli. Solu?ia este simpl?: trebuie s? consum?m numai alimente ob?inute din produse naturale ?i care con?in nutrimente despre care s-a demonstrat clinic c? ?intesc componentele ochiului afectate de boli ?i/sau de v?rst?. De asemenea, cartea explic? modul cum func?ioneaz? ochiul ?i ce alimente ajut? la buna lui func?ionare, oferind, in plus, instruc?iuni personalizate, u?or de ?n?eles, privind alimentele ?i nutrimentele utile. ?Pentru majoritatea oamenilor, ?n?elegerea modului de func?ionare a ochiului este mai pu?in important? dec?t identificarea cauzelor care duc la deteriorarea vederii. ?n prima parte a c?r?ii, sunt prezentate aceste cauze ?i mijloacele prin care pot fi prevenite afec?iunile oculare. ?n partea a doua, voi descrie, dintr-o perspectiv? foarte larg?, cele ?ase boli principale care afecteaz? ochii (degenerescen?a macular?, retinita pigmentar?, diabetul, glaucomul, cataractele ?i sindromul de ochi uscat). Vom vorbi despre tratament, preven?ie, minimizarea factorilor de risc ?i – mai important – vom ar?ta c?, dac? ?n?elegem cum apar aceste boli, vom putea s? ne ?mbun?t??im sau s? ne protej?m vederea.“ - Neal Adams
Povestea unui poloboc
Povestea unui poloboc
Swift Jonathan
Programul ?n 5 pa?i pentru controlarea glicemiei pe cale natural? ?i prevenirea complica?iilor diabetului. Doar 5 pa?i te despart de tratarea diabetului pe cale natural?! Diabetul tip 2 se poate trata prin mijloace naturale sigure, f?r? s? se recurg? strict la medicamente. Autoarea propune o abordare holistic?, a ?ntregului organism, ?n care suplimentele, mineralele ?i schimb?rile de alimenta?ie au ca rezultat sc?derea ?n greutate, refacerea celulelor deteriorate, ?mbun?t??irea func?iei insulinice ?i diminuarea efectelor secundare provocate de medicamentele prescrise. Aceast? carte excep?ional?, deschiz?toare de drumuri, a fost selectat? de Academia American? de Medicin? Anti-?mb?tr?nire ca lectur? obligatorie pentru medicii care doresc s? ob?in? certificarea ?n specializarea ?Sindrom metabolic ?i diabet“. Programul ?n 5 pa?i utilizeaz? numai alternative naturale, toate sus?inute de studii ?tiin?ifice: PASUL 1: Bea b?uturi verzi pline de substan?e nutritive, ca spirulina, clorela ?i orzul verde, pentru a ad?uga ?n alimenta?ia ta vitamine, minerale, substan?e micronutritive ?i antioxidan?i esen?iali.PASUL 2: Adaug? suplimente cu vitamina D, care te ajut? s? controlezi glicemia ?i s? reduci riscul de a face anumite tipuri de cancer.PASUL 3: Cre?te consumul de fibre pentru a sc?dea nivelul tensiunii arteriale ?i al colesterolului ?r?u“ LDL.PASUL 4: Ia suplimente antiinflamatoare care mic?oreaz? nivelul de glucoz?, pentru a-?i stimula metabolismul ?i a te ajuta s? arzi gr?simile ?i zah?rul.PASUL 5: Include ?n alimenta?ie minerale (crom, magneziu, fier ?i vanadiu) pentru a-?i stimula metabolismul natural. F?c?nd aceste 5 schimb?ri simple ?n programul zilnic, ??i vei proteja inima, rinichii, ochii ?i membrele de acele deterior?ri pe care diabetul le produce adesea ?i vei elimina unele dintre complica?iile cu care poate te confrun?i deja.
Becoming Vegan: The Beginner’s Guide to Vegan Cooking
Becoming Vegan: The Beginner’s Guide to Vegan Cooking
Brittany Boykin
Are you thinking of making the switch and going all out Vegan? Are you unsure of what it means to be Vegan? Having trouble figuring out what you can and can't eat when you're a Vegan?This book is the perfect introduction to being Vegan and is guaranteed to answer any beginner's questions about Vegan cooking and is a must have for anyone thinking of going Vegan.? Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Fundamentals of Cooking Vegan Food the Correct WayAn Outline of Typical Ingredients Used in Vegan CookingHow To Stock Your Vegan PantryBasic Cooking Methods to Create an Assortment of Satisfying Vegan MealsHow to Create a Complete Vegan Meal That Contains the Proper Balance of Vitamins, Minerals, and NutrientsHow to Handle Special Nutritional Needs like Diabetes or High Cholesteroland 10 Recipes to Get You Started! Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to start living a healthier life the Vegan way!
Vegan on a Budget:Making Veganism an Affordable Lifestyle
Vegan on a Budget:Making Veganism an Affordable Lifestyle
Lewis Haas
Making Vegan Healthy, Simple and Cheap - Save Money, Eat Smart, Live Well Vegan on a Budget is a simple guide to saving money while on a vegan diet. Vegan on a Budget gives you: ·Tips to Stretching Your Dollar·Full List of Health Benefits·Where to Find Premium Food Deals·How to Get a Well-Rounded Vegan Diet·The Fifty-Two Dollar Challenge - One-Week of Groceries!?·Sample Grocery List·7-Day Sample Meal Plan (with a complete price spend down sheet)·Numerous Vegan Recipes?·So much more Scroll to the top of the page and click the buy button to start saving money on a healthy vegan diet TODAY!
The Basics of a Healthy Vegan Lifestyle:How to Live Meat-Free and Dairy-Free
The Basics of a Healthy Vegan Lifestyle:How to Live Meat-Free and Dairy-Free
Lewis Haas
A Simple Guide for the Vegan Beginner Learn how veganism can transform your life TODAY! Whether you're a vegan newbie, on-the-fence vegetarian, or simply curious about veganism, this book clarifies the brilliant simplicity and incredible benefits of a plant-based diet. "The Basics of a Healthy Vegan Lifestyle" shares the advantages of removing meat and dairy while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The Basics of Healthy Vegan Lifestyle discusses issues such as: ·What makes veganism the best, most cost-effective lifestyle·The scientific proof of why veganism is the better option·How to stay adequately nourished and healthy with veganism·Vegan nutrition myths debunked·Best sources of nutrients such as protein, vitamin D, iron and vitamin B12·Secrets of the vegan athletes for eating out and traveling·Various delicious, nutrient-rich, plant-based recipes·And so much more! What Are You Waiting For? Give Veganism a Shot! Scroll Up and Click the Buy Button to Learn More TODAY!
La dieta mediterránea: una guía completa
La dieta mediterránea: una guía completa
Matthew A. Bryant
Los alimentos nutritivos y bajos en grasa que aparecen en la dieta mediterránea son ricos en antioxidantes y omega-3, saludables para el corazón y que combaten enfermedades. Las enfermedades que se han relacionado científicamente con la dieta de una persona (Cáncer, Diabetes, Obesidad, Enfermedad Cardíaca, etc.) están en su punto más alto. Millones de personas han encontrado una manera de reducir naturalmente los riesgos de estas enfermedades cambiándose a la Dieta Mediterránea. ?Quieres comer bien y estar lo más saludable de lo que alguna vez has estado?? Este libro contiene la historia y la ciencia detrás de la dieta mediterránea. ?Por qué funciona? ?Como funciona? ?Está todo aquí! También hay 50 recetas rápidas y simples de alto valor proteico y bajas en carbohidratos para ayudarlo a perder peso mientras come alimentos frescos y de gran sabor. Este es realmente un libro de cocina de la dieta mediterránea que no querrás dejar.Todo lo que tienes que hacer es seguir las recetas en este libro de la dieta mediterránea y estarás en camino para aumentar tu salud en general, aumentar tus niveles de energía, quemar grasa, reducir el estrés y ?demasiados beneficios para enumerarlos! **Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderás** ·?Qué es la dieta mediterránea?? ·La ciencia detrás de cómo funciona la dieta mediterránea ·Los MUCHOS beneficios de la dieta mediterránea ·Cómo perder peso con la dieta mediterránea ·Un plan semanal de dieta ·50 recetas rápidas y simples ?Descarga tu copia hoy y comienza a vivir una vida más saludable!
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