

The Invisible Century
The Invisible Century
Richard Panek
A book which offers fresh perspectives on the scientific developments of the past hundred years through the complementary work of two of the century’s greatest thinkers, Einstein and Freud. At the turn of the century there was a widespread assumption in scientific circles that the pursuit of knowledge was nearing its end and that all available evidence had been exhausted. However, by 1916 both Einstein and Freud had exploded the myth by leading exploration into the science of the invisible and the unconscious. These men were more than just contemporaries – their separate pursuits were in fact complementary. Freud’s science of psychoanalysis found its cosmological counterpart in the Astronomy of Invisible Light pioneered by Einstein. Together they questioned the little inconsistencies of Newton’s ordered cosmos to reveal a different reality, a natural order that was anything but ordered, a cosmos that was volatile and vast – an organism alive in time. These men inspired a fundamental shift in the history of human thought. They began a revolution that is still in progress and provided one of the past century’s greatest contributions to the history of science.
James Joyce
This unique edition of Dubliners from Dead Dodo Vintage includes the full original text as well as exclusive features not available in other editions.
You've Gotta Fight Back!:Winning with serious illness, injury, or disability
You've Gotta Fight Back!:Winning with serious illness, injury, or disability
Dirk Chase Eldredge
The heart of this book consists of thirteen, riveting, in-depth stories of people who fought back with courage, humor, and a positive attitude. In doing so, they have provided valuable guidance for you, the readers of this inspiring work. ·The seriously ill, their friends and family will gain priceless advice on coping, dealing with depression, how to partner with the medical profession, the tremendous value of self-help groups and the vital importance of attitude. ·Those with disabilities will learn how others have successfully played the hand they were dealt and managed to live successful, fulfilling lives. The disabled and those with serious illnesses can learn from each other. There are no silver bullets buried in these pages, just the sound, useable experience of others. ·Caregivers, be they family, friends, or health professionals will gain great insight from the in-depth stories of survivors, the bereaved, and those who died with grace and even style. "This book helps sufferers and caregivers alike to make sense of their situation, to avoid the mistakes while copying the successful strategies of these very real people."--Bob Rich, PhD, author of Cancer: A Personal Challenge"Far from a mere theoretical discourse and despite its potentially morbid topic, it brims with life: real cases, real people, real triumphs over a variety of illnesses and the distress they cause. A treasure trove of celebrated stories of survival and passages from the memoirs of those who made it." --Sam Vaknin, PhD, author of Malignant Self Love
The Secrets of Medical Decision Making
The Secrets of Medical Decision Making
Oleg I. Reznik
We are all patients at some time. Is the medical industry giving us the best treatment possible, at the best price? We all know that it isn't. This new book shows what goes on behind the scenes of the current medical care and how it impacts the patient. Dr. Reznik describes actual cases from his clinical practice showing the most common paths that lead to increased patient suffering. This book offers possible solutions for outpatient, inpatient, preventive, and end-of-life care settings. Learn about: ·The Medical Box and how it affects the care you receive ·When to avoid risky and uncomfortable tests ·Hazards of under-treatment, over-treatment, and mistreatment ·How to make an informed medical decision in your best interests ·Cancer and how to approach your treatment ·Planning for quality of life during end-of-life issuesForeword by Colin P. Kopes-Kerr, MD, JD, MPH, Vice-Chairman of the Department of Family Medicine, and Program Director of the Family Medicine Residency Program, at University Hospital and SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY."The Secrets of Medical Decision Making should be read by everyone, because all of us are sometimes in need of medical care. It is an eye-opener, a call to arms and a guide." -Robert Rich, Ph.D., author of Cancer: A Personal Challenge"Dr. Reznik candidly exposes the conflicting interests inherent in contemporary medical practice. This empowering and insightful book is a must read for healthcare professionals and the patients they treat." -Beth Maureen Gray, R.N., B.S."The Secrets of Medical Decision Making awakens the reader rather quickly with startling revelations about the lack of seriousness the health care industry has towards a society of wellness. If this book at least motivates its readers to become more involved in medical decision making when seeking treatment, it will have succeeded as a critically needed public service."- James W. Clifton, Ph.D., LCSW"As a Canadian and a health care provider this book frightens me. This book lays out what our country is headed for if we privatize health care in Canada. A must read for everyone working, or accessing, health care in North America and for anyone who has any doubts that we must take drastic action to preserve Universal Health Care in Canada."- Ian Landry, MA, MSW, RSW
A to Z Beer, Making Beer at Home for Total Beginners
A to Z Beer, Making Beer at Home for Total Beginners
Lisa Bond
So, you have decided to make your own beer? Aren't you clever, you little weasel? Yes, we know you need to have a lot of beer for your friends, family, and you of course, because you love beer, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this book. As you know, milk is for babies and when you grow up you drink beer. As some say beer is a proof God loves us and wants to make us happy. Beer brewing is not very easy, but not too difficult either. Beer brewing is very satisfying with only a few critical issues. As long as you follow the beer brewing steps, we are sure the success is guaranteed. Beer brewing is not limited only to only one type of the beer. As you continue to make your beer, you will feel more confident and be able to experiment with different flavors. You will notice we have made two types of beer brewing for the beginners in this book: One is for those who do not have enough space, or time and is with malt extract. Second is for those who want to make beer from a scratch – with real grains. Whatever you choose it will not influence your beer in a wrong way. They are just longer or shorter version, but the beer gained with any method will be simply amazing. With the first brew, you will see there is nothing too difficult in a beer brewing. Make sure you follow all the suggestions in this guide. If you have any doubts, at the end of each chapter we have described potential issue, and a solution for many. Before you start, make sure you have all the equipment, all the ingredients, and time needed to pull this off. We believe you are equipped with all the information, and that this guide will give answers to all your questions. Happy Beer Brewing!
Oath and Law
Oath and Law
Medicine is of all the Arts the most noble; but, not withstanding, owing to the ignorance of those who practice it, and of those who, inconsiderately, form a judgment of them, it is at present far behind all the other arts. Their mistake appears to me to arise principally from this, that in the cities there is no punishment connected with the practice of medicine (and with it alone) except disgrace, and that does not hurt those who are familiar with it. Such persons are like the figures which are introduced in tragedies, for as they have the shape, and dress, and personal appearance of an actor, but are not actors, so also physicians are many in title but very few in reality.
Pasiune ame?itoare
Pasiune ame?itoare
Meredith Wild
Controlul ?tiin?ific al traducerii: Andrei Dumbrav? De ce mitul ?b?rbatului-v?n?tor" e doar un mit? De ce femeia a fost cea care a jucat rolul esen?ial ?n dezvoltarea speciei noastre? Cum am dob?ndit capacitatea de a compune muzic? complex? sau de a citi? R?spunsul la ?ntreb?rile de baz? ale neurologiei se g?se?te ?n remarcabilele cercet?ri asupra creierului ?i asupra felului ?n care a evoluat acesta, prezentate ?n cartea de fa?? ?n care un neorolog prezint? viziunea sa asupra evolu?iei – modul ?n care a evoluat sistemul nostru nervos ?i cum aceast? evolu?ie a modelat specia, capacit??ile noastre, bolile pe care le avem ?i calea prin care am ajuns ceea ce suntem azi. Diferite aspecte ale acestei teme sunt ilustrate cu vignete clinice despre ni?te pacien?i interesan?i ?i uneori de-a dreptul stranii, selectate din experien?a clinic? a autorului.?
Dobro do?li u pustinju postsocijalizma
Dobro do?li u pustinju postsocijalizma
Igor Štiks, Srećko Horvat
Reducerea efectelor adverse ale chimioterapiei i radioterapiei Creterea beneficiilor tratamentelor ntrirea sistemului imunitar Meninerea energiei i a vitalitii STIMULAI-V CAPACITATEA NATURAL DE A LUPTA MPOTRIVA CANCERULUI Dumneavoastr sau cineva apropiat ai fost diagnosticat cu cancer. Dei oncologul v va prescrie un tratament care poate include chimioterapie i radioterapie, trebuie s nelegei c aceste arme puternice au adesea consecine nedorite, chiar periculoase, pentru care, aa cum arat cele mai recente cercetri, avei nevoie de un puternic fundament nutriional ca s le facei fa. O alimentaie corect, cu proporii echilibrate de hran sntoas, vitamine i minerale i suplimente nutriionale, v va oferi, alturi de chimioterapie i radioterapie, o arm extraordinar de puternic n lupta mpotriva bolii. Autorul, medic american respectat i asistent universitar de neurochirurgie, v arat ct de uor v putei fortifica organismul n aceast perioad critic. Vei afla, printre altele: Care dintre alimentele pe care le consumai zilnic au proprieti redutabile de lupt mpotriva cancerului i cum s le pregtii cel mai bine. Ce suplimente v pot spori – sau scdea – ansele de nsntoire. Cum pot crete anumite grsimi i uleiuri capacitatea natural de aprare a organismului. Despre aciunea extraordinar a flavonoidelor, care sporesc eficacitatea chimioterapiei, adugnd un strat protector celulelor sntoase. Cum s facei fa problemelor specifice cu care se confrunt pacienii suferinzi de cancer – oboseala, cderea prului, scderea n greutate, afeciunile digestive i alte efecte secundare.
Problema evreiasc?
Problema evreiasc?
Christi Aura
Aceast? carte con?ine informa?ii utile privind refacerea s?n?t??ii cu produse naturale ?i prin metode naturale, oferind o vedere de ansamblufundamental? pentru persoanele f?r? preg?tire medical? ?i o colec?ie de tehnici cu sfaturi utile ?n procesul de vindecare. ?n plus, aceast? lucrare ?i provoac? pe profesioni?tii din domeniul medical s? reinvestigheze impar?ial studiile din prezent ?i din trecut ?n acest domeniu, f?r? prejudec??i. Ve?i g?si date despre prevenirea ?i tratamentul: cancerului, anemiilor, artritei, SIDA, diabetului zaharat, cefaleei, bolii Alzheimer,hipertensiunii arteriale, obezit??ii, menopauzei, osteoporozei etc.
Manager contra curentului. Ce fac marii manageri altfel dec?t ceilal?i
Manager contra curentului. Ce fac marii manageri altfel dec?t ceilal?i
Marcus Buckingham, Curt Coffman
Acest suport de curs este destinat elevilor ?colilor postliceale sanitare c?t ?i personalului mediu din sistemul sanitar., respect?nd programa de preg?tire. Este structurat ?n ?ase capitole: (1) Simptomatologia afec?iunilor ortopedico-traumatice; (2). Afec?iuni congenitale; (3) Infec?ii osoase; (4).Osteoporoza; (5) Tumori osoase; (6) Traumatologie.Pentru a detecta corect problemele reale ?i a decide care este cea mai bun? metod? de ?ngrijire, personalul medical cu preg?tire medie trebuie s? ?tie s? abordeze principalele afec?iuni ortopedico-traumatice. Cei care ??i ?nsu?esc principiile ?i normele expuse ?n acest volum vor fi capabili s? identifice ?i s? ?ncadreze corect semnele ?i simptomele, vor cunoa?te principalele investiga?ii recomandate, precum ?i m?surile de prevenire ?i tratamentul necesar pentru recuperarea bolnavilor care sufer? de aceste afec?iuni.
Bütünsel Bak??la Canl?l?k-I: "Madde ve Enerji, Beden ve Ruh ?li?kisi"
Bütünsel Bak??la Canl?l?k-I: "Madde ve Enerji, Beden ve Ruh ?li?kisi"
Yunus İlik
CANLILIK Nedir? Bilin? nedir? Zamanla ba?lant?l? olduklar?n? g?rebilir miyiz? Duygular?n ne oldu?unu s?yleyebilir miyiz? Beden ve Ruh ayr? m? yan?lg? m?d?r? Beden ve ruh, madde ve enerji gibi midir? Einstein'?n ünlü E=M.C2 formülüyle, madde ve enerjinin temelde ayn? ?eyler oldu?unu ve birbirlerine d?nü?ebildiklerini, maddenin yo?unla?m?? uzay-enerji alan? oldu?unu g?stermi?tir. Madde ile enerji aras?ndaki benzerlik ne i?e, beden ile ruh aras?ndaki benzerlikte ?yle midir? Beden madde ise Ruh enerji midir? Bilin?, duyulardan kayna??n? alan daha üst bir duyu mudur? Hücreler dokular?, dokular organlar?, organlar sistemleri olu?turur dü?üncesinde bilincimizi de g?rebilir miyiz? Haf?zam?zdaki bilgilere istedi?imiz her an neden ula?amay?z? Daha da ?nemlisi, tüm bilincimizi zaman?n ?ok k?sa an?na s??d?rabilir miyiz? Neden?
William E. Channing
The first question to be proposed by a rational being is, not what is profitable, but what is Right. Duty must be primary, prominent, most conspicuous, among the objects of human thought and pursuit. If we cast it down from its supremacy, if we inquire first for our interests and then for our duties, we shall certainly err. We can never see the Right clearly and fully, but by making it our first concern. No judgment can be just or wise, but that which is built on the conviction of the paramount worth and importance of Duty. This is the fundamental truth, the supreme law of reason; and the mind, which does not start from this in its inquiries into human affairs, is doomed to great, perhaps fatal error. The Right is the supreme good, and includes all oth-er goods. In seeking and adhering to it, we secure our true and only happiness. All prosperity, not founded on it, is built on sand. If human affairs are controlled, as we believe, by Almighty Rectitude and Impartial Goodness, then to hope for happiness from wrong do-ing is as insane as to seek health and prosperity by rebelling against the laws of nature, by sowing our seed on the ocean, or making poison our common food. There is but one unfailing good; and that is, fidelity to the Everlasting Law written on the heart, and rewritten and republished in God's Word. Slavery ought to be discussed. We ought to think, feel, speak, and write about it. But whatever we do in regard to it should be done with a deep feeling of re-sponsibility, and so done as not to put in jeopardy the peace of the slave-holding States. On this point public opinion has not been and cannot be too strongly pro-nounced. Slavery, indeed, from its very nature, must be a ground of alarm wherever it exists. Slavery and security can by no device be joined together. But we may not, must not, by rashness and passion increase the peril. To instigate the slave to insurrection is a crime for which no rebuke and no punishment can be too severe. This would be to involve slave and master in common ruin. It is not enough to say, that the Constitution is violated by any action endangering the slave-holding portion of our country. A higher law than the Constitution forbids this unholy interference. Were our national union dissolved, we ought to reprobate, as sternly as we now do, the slightest manifestation of a disposition to stir up a servile war. Still more, were the free and the slave-holding States not only separated, but engaged in the fiercest hostilities, the former would deserve the abhorrence of the world, and the indignation of Heaven, were they to resort to insurrection and massacre as means of victory. Better were it for us to bare our own breasts to the knife of the slave, than to arm him with it against his master. ? ABOUT AUTHOR William Ellery Channing (1780 – 1842) was the foremost Unitarian preacher in the United States in the early nineteenth century and along with Andrews Norton, (1786-1853), one of Unitarianism's leading theologians. He was known for his articulate and impassioned sermons and public speeches, and as a prominent thinker in the liberal theology of the day. Channing's religion and thought were among the chief influences on the New England Transcendentalists, though he never countenanced their views, which he saw as extreme. The beliefs he espoused, especially within his "Baltimore Sermon" of May 5, 1819, at the ordination of a future famous theologian and educator in his own right, Jared Sparks, (1789-1866), as the first minister (1819-1823) of the newly organized (1817) "First Independent Church of Baltimore" (later the "First Unitarian Church of Baltimore (Unitarian and Universalist)"). Here he espoused his principles and tenets of the developing philosophy and theology of "Unitarianism" resulted in the organization later in 1825 of the first Unitarian denomination in America (American Unitarian Association) and the later developments and mergers between Unitarians and Universalists resulting finally in the Unitarian Universalist Association of America in 1961. In later years Channing addressed the topic of slavery, although he was never an ardent abolitionist. Channing wrote a book in 1835, entitled, "SLAVERY" James Munroe and Company, publisher. Channing, however, has been described as a "romantic racist" in "Black Abolitionism: A Quest for Human Dignity" by Beverly Eileen Mitchell (133–38). He held a common American belief about the inferiority of African people and slaves and held a belief that once freed, Africans would need overseers. The overseers (largely former slave masters) were necessary because the slaves would lapse into laziness. Furthermore, he did not join the abolitionist movement because he did not agree with their way of conducting themselves, and he felt that voluntary associations limited a person's autonomy. Therefore, he often chose to remain separate from organizations and reform movements. This middle position characterized his attitude about
R. T. Pritchett
Although Smoking is generally associated with Tobacco only, yet there are other plants whose leaves are used for similar purposes & these will be referred to as we come to the different means of using them. Our first Woodcut of Tobacco is from STELLA—ROMA 1669. a work of great value as giving Pipes & the Hookah of Persia as well as Plants but we will start with some of the growths now most generally known of the “NICOTIANA” Family which is very widely spread over the face of the Earth & has of late made great strides in Borneo & Sumatra. We are greatly indebted to old German woodcuts for solid infor-mation anent details of Habits & customs of the 16th. Century which our own people have not handed down to us, take for instance “Hans Sachs.” Book of Trades. Had smoking been in vogue in his day he would have given it—or rather Jost Ammon would have illustrated it so here in 1616 A.D. we find a Sturdy German, blowing a tremendous cloud. It is taken from an old work now in Frankfurt—viz
Healing Secrets of Avicenna: It Is Compiled from Avicenna’s Work
Healing Secrets of Avicenna: It Is Compiled from Avicenna’s Work
Caner Özoğul
Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna) was born in 980 in Buhara, and died in 1037 in Hamadan, Persia (now Iran). He is a physician, physicist, writer, philosopher and scientist. He was known in the West as the founder of modern science in the medieval ages, the leader of physicians and dubbed as the “Doctors’ Doctor”. His fame rests on his book, Al-Qānūn fī al-?ibb (The Canon of Medicine) which was regarded as the principal medical work in the field of medicine for seven centuries and this book remained as a reference source for medical studies in the universities of Europe until the end of seventeenth century. ????????????? If now we examine his work “The Canon of Medicine”, we find that he has an extensive explanation of anatomy and in his work in which he gives a clear definition of some organs which can be visualised with today’s some special imaging devices, today, there are still many unresolved and unstudied methods. Ibn Sina’s curative recipes were used in the European medicine for many centuries even after his death. The famous astronomer Copernicus, also a nephrologist, has healed using the recipes of Ibn Sina who has lived before his birth over 500 year ago. ????????????? When i had first read the second volume of Ibn Sina’s study, “The Canon of Medicine”, telling about which plant is recuperative and the applications of these plants internally and externally, i came up with the idea of bringing this study down to a simpler level of understanding that everybody can comprehend, rather than letting it be understood just by the specialists. But I could bring this out after 1 year of work. Staying faithful to the context of the book, submitting this book on behalf of the community was my biggest wish. In order to bring?simplicity, I worked meticulously to compile an index of plant names together with their latinized forms which are sorted in alphabetical order and also an alphabetical index of diseases. I got opinion and also support from doctors and experts in Phytotherapists. I left the explanations as they are since i didn’t want to make any extra additions to the book. If a detailed survey of the plants is carried out, there is more detailed information in the literature about how they should be used. We can already see that the modern medicine finds out solutions to many diseases but nevertheless, there are still dozens of diseases which can not be healed. For instance, in this work, Ibn Sina explains the reason of why he has named a plant as “Swallow-wort” as follows: Sometimes the newborn nestlings of a swallow suffer from blindness. It was observed that the mother squeezes the extract of this plant onto their babies’eyelids and then their eyes were healed. All the same, if this kind of plants are examined throughly, it is quite possible to observe the same effect on humans as well. In this case, i call upon the expert scientist, to carry out these researches. At the end of this book, i added also some basic methods of practical home care medicine which are used in traditional medicine. I believe that these will be found useful and practical. I hope that this will be useful for humanity... ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? Caner OZOGUL ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ??? (Herbalist)
The Way To Geometry
The Way To Geometry
Peter Ramus
Plato saith “tov peov akei gewmetreiv”, That "God doth alwayes worke by Geometry", that is, as the wiseman doth interprete it, Sap. XI. 21. Omnia in mensura & numero & pondere disponere. Dispose all things by measure, and number, and weight: Or, as the learned Plutarch speaketh; He adorneth and layeth out all the parts of the world according to ra-te, proportion, and similitude. ??Now who, I pray you, understandeth what these termes meane, but he which hath some meane skill in Geometry? Therefore none but such an one, may be able to declare and teach these things unto ot-hers.??How many things are there in holy Scripture which may not well be understood without some meane skill in Geometry? The Fabricke and bignesse of Noah's Arke: The Sciagraphy of the Temple set out by Ezechiel, Who may understand, but he that is skilfull in these Arts? I speake not of many and sundry words both in the New and Old Testaments, whose genuine and proper signification is merely Geometricall: And cannot well be conceived but of a Geometer.??To the Reader:??Friendly Reader, that which is here set forth to thy view, is a Translation out of Ramus. ??Formerly indeed Translated by one Mr. Thomas Hood, but never before set forth with the Demonst-rations and Diagrammes, which being cut before the Authors death, and the Worke it selfe finished, the Coppie I having in mine hands, never had thought for the promulgation of it, but that it should have died with its Author, considering no small prejudice usually attends the printing of dead mens Workes, and wee see the times, the world is now all eare and tongue, the most given with the Athenians, to little else than to heare and tell newes: ??And if Apelles that skilfull Artist alwayes found so-mewhat to be amended in those Pictures which he had most curiously drawne; surely much in this Worke might have beene amended if the Authour had lived to refine it..
A Tangled Tale: "The Mathematical Recreations of Lewis Carroll for Childs"
A Tangled Tale: "The Mathematical Recreations of Lewis Carroll for Childs"
Lewis Carroll
TO MY PUPIL.?Beloved pupil! Tamed by thee,?Addish-, Subtrac-, Multiplica-tion,?Division, Fractions, Rule of Three,?Attest thy deft manipulation!??Then onward! Let the voice of Fame?From Age to Age repeat thy story,?Till thou hast won thyself a name?Exceeding even Euclid's glory!??This Tale originally appeared as a serial in The Monthly Packet, beginning in April, 1880. The writer's intention was to embody in each Knot (like the medicine so dexterously, but ineffectually, con-cealed in the jam of our early childhood) one or more mathematical questions "in Arithmetic, Algebra, or Geometry, as the case might be" for the amusement, and possible edification, of the fair readers of that Magazine.?LEWIS CARROLL???"Goblin, lead them up and down."???The ruddy glow of sunset was already fading into the sombre shadows of night, when two travellers might have been observed swiftly—at a pace of six miles in the hour—descending the rugged side of a mountain; the younger bounding from crag to crag with the agility of a fawn, while his companion, whose aged limbs seemed ill at ease in the heavy chain armour habitually worn by tourists in that district, toiled on painfully at his side.??As is always the case under such circumstances, the younger knight was the first to break the silence.?"A goodly pace, I trow!" he exclaimed. "We sped not thus in the ascent!"??"Goodly, indeed!" the other echoed with a groan. "We clomb it but at three miles in the hour."?"And on the dead level our pace is——?" the younger suggested; for he was weak in statistics, and left all such details to his aged companion.?"Four miles in the hour," the other wearily replied. "Not an ounce more," he added, with that love of metaphor so common in old age, "and not a farthing less!"??"'Twas three hours past high noon when we left our hostelry," the young man said, musingly. "We shall scarce be back by supper-time. Perchance mine host will roundly deny us all food!"?"He will chide our tardy return," was the grave reply, "and such a rebuke will be meet."?"A brave conceit!" cried the other, with a merry laugh. "And should we bid him bring us yet another course, I trow his answer will be tart!"
Pisica din vis. Povestiri pentru copiii de toate v?rstele
Pisica din vis. Povestiri pentru copiii de toate v?rstele
Vasile Poenaru
Av?nd ?n vedere c? o serie de concepte bazate pe teoria for?elor electrostatice (leg?turile chimice, cinetic? molecular?, mi?carea braunian? etc.) prezint? grave contradic?ii privind explicarea acestor fenomene ?i formularea unor r?spunsuri coerente la nivelul particulelor atomice, se impune o abordare nou? ?i o analiz? dintr-o alt? perspectiv? a fenomenelor amintite.Este edificator ?n acest sens s? lu?m cazul fluidelor care se pot disocia ?n molecule ?i chiar ?n atomi (chimie general?, C.D.Neni?escu) prin inc?lzire.Rezult? c? pe m?sur? ce cre?te temperatura (ex.a lichidelor) agita?ia termic? cresc?nd, deci cre?te ?i viteza de mi?care a particulelor atomice, scad for?ele de coeziune ?ntre aceste particule . La fel se ?nt?mpl? lucrurile cu metalele . La ?nc?lzirea peste o anumit? temperatur? metalele se ?nmoaie apoi se topesc deci oadat? cu cre?terea temperaturii (deci a vitezei de mi?care a particulelor) scad ca valoare for?ele de coeziune dintre moleculele substan?elor.A?adar avem o corela?ie direct? ?ntre viteza de mi?care a particulelor atomice ?i for?ele de coeziune dintre acestea. Acest lucru ne duce cu g?ndul la faptul c? aceste for?e ar putea fi de natur? electrodinamic?, fiind vorba numai ?i numai de influen?a vitezei de mi?care a particulelor ?i ?n nici un caz de for?e electrostatice care nu depind de viteza de mi?care a particulelor atomice (ci numai de m?rimea sarcinii ?i de distan?a dintre ele conform legii lui Couloumb).[...]
Cosmoza. Iubirea cosmic?
Cosmoza. Iubirea cosmic?
Petreșteanu Elena
O investiga?ie ?tiin?ific? pentru ?n?elegerea ?i ?mbun?t??irea capacit??ii min?iiViitorul min?ii umane aduce un subiect rezervat c?ndva exclusiv domeniului science-fiction ?ntr-o realitate nou? ?i surprinz?toare. Acest tur de for?? ?tiin?ific dezv?luie cercet?rile uimi?toare care se efectueaz? ?n laboratoa?rele de top din lumea ?ntreag? – toate baz?ndu-se pe ultimele descoperiri din neuro?tiin?? ?i fizic? – incluz?nd expe?rimente recente ?n telepatie, controlul min?ii, telechinezie ?i ?nregistrarea amintirilor ?i a visurilor.Lectura acestei c?r?i este o aventur? uimitoare nu doar pentru fanii SF, ci ?i pentru pasiona?ii de fizic?, medicin?, neuro?tiin??, care vor descoperi aici vastele posibilit??i ale creierului uman.?Kaku are darul de a explica idei incredibil de complexe ?ntr-un limbaj pe care-l poate ?n?elege ?i un cititor neavizat." - San Francisco Chronicle
Simple and Natural Herbal Living - An Earth Lodge Guide to Holistic Herbs for He
Simple and Natural Herbal Living - An Earth Lodge Guide to Holistic Herbs for He
Maya Cointreau
Herbal living is simple. It's natural. In this illustrated guide, you'll come to understand that an herbal life is a reward in itself. You will learn to appreciate the power held in one tiny leaf. You will be inspired to walk hand in hand with nature, accepting her gifts and respecting her in return. And you'll even learn to appreciate the immense potential you hold inside yourself. Detailing the medicinal uses for over 60 herbs and 23 essential oils, Herbal Living contains many useful recipes for health and home. Herbs for the kitchen, facial products, healing salves and tinctures are all covered in detail."Maya Cointreau will take you on a journey towards a new way of living life. She makes it easy to relate to the material and her words will leave you feeling confident and self-empowered." Kathy Lalonde, RPP
The Americans: "American Problems from the Point of View of a Psychologist"
The Americans: "American Problems from the Point of View of a Psychologist"
Prof. Hugo Münsterberg
"The Americans" by Hugo Munsterberg stands alongside Alexis de Tocqueville's American Democracy as one of the great works on the New World written by a scholar deeply familiar with the Old World. When originally published, it gave the German public a sense of American life, and was described as "a book which deals in a detailed way with the political, economic, intellectual, and social aspects of American culture." Munsterberg, a world-renowned psychologist at the turn of the twentieth century, noted that "its purpose is to interpret systematically the democratic ideals of America."??The primary aim of The Americans is to study the people and America's inner tendencies. It offers a "philosophy of Americanism," the ideology of a people writ whole. Munsterberg's sense of the "spirit" of a people, rather than facts about the people, is revealed in his four cardinal chapters: Self-Direction, Self-Realization, Self-Perfection, and Self-Assertion. While he covers the economic premises of the free market and the politics of party affairs, he considers these the least important. Instead it is the lasting forces and tendencies of American life, rather than problems of the day, that occupy the author. ??This focus was shared by German readers, for whom the book was conceived, and for those in the United States who read the book in English.The dynamic of strong basic tendencies of democratic forces and lesser, but significant, aristocratic tendencies underwrites the strains and tensions in American society. It also defines the special nature of a book, written more than one hundred years ago, that retains its lively sense of purpose and deep insight into American life. ??One could well say that this book is required reading in this day and age for Americans and Europeans alike:??"This is a neglected masterpiece.."
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
Nikola Tesla
It was in this interesting border region, and from among these valiant Eastern folk, that Nikola Tesla was born in the year 1857, and the fact that he, today, finds himself in America and one of our foremost electricians, is striking evidence of the extraordinary attractiveness alike of electrical pursuits and of the country where electricity enjoys its widest application. Mr. Tesla's native place was Smiljan, Lika, where his father was an eloquent clergyman of the Greek Church, in which, by the way, his family is still prominently represented. His mother enjoyed great fame throughout the countryside for her skill and originality in needlework, and doubtless transmitted her ingenuity to Nikola; though it naturally took another and more masculine direction. The boy was early put to his books, and upon his father's removal to Gospic he spent four years in the public school, and later, three years in the Real School, as it is called. His escapades were such as most quick witted boys go through, although he varied the programme on one occasion by getting imprisoned in a remote mountain chapel rarely visited for service; and on another occasion by falling headlong into a huge kettle of boiling milk, just drawn from the paternal herds. A third curious episode was that connected with his efforts to fly when, attempting to navigate the air with the aid of an old umbrella, he had, as might be expected, a very bad fall, and was laid up for six weeks.. ABOUT AUTHOR: Nikola Tesla (1856 –1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before emigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. His work in the formative years of electric power development was involved in a corporate alternating current/direct current "War of Currents" as well as various patent battles. Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs, and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. He tried to put these ideas to practical use in an ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission, his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project. In his lab he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He also built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited. Tesla was renowned for his achievements and showmanship, eventually earning him a reputation in popular culture as an archetypal "mad scientist". His patents earned him a considerable amount of money, much of which was used to finance his own projects with varying degrees of success. He lived most of his life in a series of New York hotels, through his retirement. Tesla died on 7 January 1943. His work fell into relative obscurity after his death, but in 1960 the General Conference on Weights and Measures named the SI unit of magnetic flux density the tesla in his honor. There has been a resurgence in popular interest in Tesla since the 1990s.