

破破新唯识论 摧惑显宗记【酣畅淋漓的辩驳文章,读懂《新唯识论》】
本书收录了熊十力的两部著作。 《破破新唯识论》是一部反批评的著作。《新唯识论》(文言文本)1932年出版后,南京支那内学院刘定权(衡如)于同年12月在内院年刊《内学》第六辑发表《破新唯识论》予以驳难,欧阳竟无(渐)特为作序。熊先生随后于1933年2月出版本书反驳刘著;是书由北平斌兴印书局代印,北京大学出版部等处代售。此次出版即以该版本为底本,并参考中华书局1985年本校。 《摧惑显宗记》是熊先生又一部反批评著作,针对印顺法师1948年发表的《评熊十力的<新唯识论>》一文。原稿以黄艮庸(庆)名义发表于1949年《学原》杂志二卷第十一、十二期合刊上,又收《十力语要初续》。1950年,熊先生改写此稿,并于前增写约万言,概述《新唯识论》要旨,又于后附录两长文,由大众书店印行单行本,题曰《摧惑显宗记》,署为“黄庆述”。此次出版以大众书店印本为底本,并参考湖北教育出版社《熊十力全集》本校。为体现辩论的来龙去脉,将刘定权、印顺原文并附于后。


唯识学概论 因明大疏删注【大师写的入门书,唯识学】
本书收录的两部著作,其前身均为熊十力在北京大学任教时的自撰讲义。 《唯识学概论》系熊先生讲授唯识学的*部讲义,1923年由北大印制。本书忠实于此前在南京支那内学院所学,以玄奘、窥基之学为旨归,简明扼要地概述唯识学的思想体系,适合现代人的阅读习惯,为唯识学的门书,亦可作为研究《新唯识论》的参考。 《因明大疏删注》亦为熊先生在北京大学讲授因明学的讲义。其渊源有自:古印度著名论师陈那改造旧因明学,号称新因明之祖,所著《因明正理门论》(简称《门论》)乃因明学奠基之作,其弟子天主(音译商羯罗主)为便后学,删述简括该书而成《因明正理论》(简称《论》);玄奘东还,相继译出二论,其弟子窥基又为《论》作疏,成为后世研治因明的权威读本,故尊称为《大疏》。熊先生此书,乃是为适应现代学者的需要,删注窥基《因明正理论疏》而成,删削疏文,疏通大义,增设新注,阐发奥蕴,允为治因明之津梁,研唯识之预科。

Ce este adev?rul? De unde ?tiu cine sunt? De ce ar trebui s? fim buni? Exist? multe c?r?i despre filosofie. Cu toate acestea, Cine sunt eu? difer? fa?? de celelalte lucr?ri de introducere ?n filosofie. Nimeni nu a reu?it p?n? acum s? pun? cititorul fa??-n fa?? cu marile ?ntreb?ri ale omenirii ?ntr-o manier? at?t de documentat?, de competent? ?i, ?n acela?i timp, cu umor ?i cu elegan??. Prezenta lucrare reprezint? o c?l?torie unic? prin noianul de cuno?tin?e pe care le avem despre om. Precht ne prezint? tot ceea ce este mai nou ?n neuro?tiin??, ?n psihologie ?i ?n filosofie. Fie c? pleac? ?n cercetarea sensului vie?ii pornind de la analiza unui episod din Star Trek sau de la melodia Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds a celor de la Beatles, cartea ne pune ?n fa?a unui traseu captivant, ?n care vom descoperi cele mai surprinz?toare lucruri despre noi ?n?ine.

Istoria se repet?. Momente, Schi?e, Amintiri
Antropologie ?i antroposofie ? Max Dessoir despre antroposofie ? Franz BrentanoAlc?tuind cuprinsul acestei lucr?ri, Rudolf Steiner reveleaz? ?c?teva din firele ?tiin?ifice care trebuie trasate pornind de la antropozofie la filozofie, la psihologie ?i la fiziologie“. Cunoa?terea omului va trebui atunci s? fie extins? ?in?nd cont de enigmaticele aspecte ale vie?ii sale interioare, privite din perspective multiple. ?n aceast? carte, Rudolf Steiner prezint? ?n scris aspectele semnificative ale configur?rii ?ntreite a fiin?ei omene?ti: corpul fizic, organismul sufletesc ?i configura?ia spiritual?.

Critica ra?iunii pure, tradus? de Nicolae Bagdasar ?i Elena Moisuc ?n 1969, a ajuns la cea de-a treia edi?ie. Cu acest prilej, profesorul dr. Ilie P?rvu, de la Facultatea de Filosofie a Universit??ii din Bucure?ti a ?ngrijit noua opera?ie de editare, fiind astfel corectate unele erori de tipar ?i unele inconsecven?e terminologice. Totodat?, exist? un motiv ?n plus pentru ca studen?ii care posed? edi?ia a II-a a traducerii, ap?rut? ?n 1995, s? apeleze ?i la cea de-a treia edi?ie: ?n aceasta din urm? au fost indicate diferen?ele dintre edi?ia I german? (din 1781) ?i edi?ia a II-a (din 1787).

Isabel ?i apele diavolului
Tr?s?turi fundamentale ale unei concep?ii moderne despre lume?Cum se comport? filosofia c? art? fa?? de libertatea omului, ce este aceast? libertate, ?i dac? am ajuns s? ne ?mp?rt??im din ea, sau putem ajunge la acest lucru: iat? problema fundamental? a scrierii mele. Toate celelalte expuneri ?tiin?ifice au fost f?cute numai pentru ca, ?n cele din urm?, s? arunc?m ?i mai mult? lumin? asupra unei probleme care, dup? p?rerea mea, prezint? cea mai mare importan?? pentru om. ?n aceste pagini vrem s? d?m o filosofie a libert??ii.“ – Rudolf Steiner

Iubi?i-v? pe tunuri
F?r? a propune o terminologie aristotelic? bine precizat? pe teritoriul limbii rom?ne, transpunerea de fa?? reprezint? un moment important ?n raportarea rom?neasc? la opera Stagiritului.Traducere de ?tefan Bezdechi efectuat? dup? textul grec publicat de W. Christ ?n colec?ia ?Teubner“, Lipsca, 1906. Pentru realizarea ei au fost utilizate urm?toarele surse:Die Metaphysik des Aristoteles, traducere ?n limba german? de J. R. V. Kirchmann, ap?rut? ?n dou? volume ?i prev?zut? cu note ample ?n colec?ia ?Philosophische Bibliothek“, numerele 38 ?i 39, la Berlin, ?n 1871;Aristoteles, Metaphysik, traducere ?n limba german? de Adolf Lasson, ?n care cele patrusprezece c?r?i ale Metafizicii sunt a?ezate ?ntr-o r?nduial? mai logic? dec?t a?a cum au fost transmise ?n originalul grec, traducere ap?rut? ?n 1924, la Jena;Aristote, Métaphysique, traducere ?n limba francez? de J. Tricot, cu o prefa?? de A. Diés, ap?rut? ?n colec?ia ?Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques“, J. Vrin, la Paris, ?n 1933.La marginea textului a fost trecut? pagina?ia edi?iei Bekker, dup? care se fac ?n mod obi?nuit cita?iile din opera lui Aristotel.Confruntarea traducerii a fost f?cut? de prof. Aram M. Frenkian.

Oglinda spart?
Imagineaz?-?i c? e?ti într-o ma?in? a timpului care te poart? înainte ?i înapoi prin propria via??. Te duce în trecut, la anii copil?riei, când înv??ai s? mergi pe biciclet?, apoi te face s? revezi primul t?u s?rut, cel dintâi serviciu sau anii mai târzii, când te confrun?i, eventual, cu divor?ul. Înso?it de Platon, afl? ce spun marii gânditori ai lumii despre toate aceste pietre de hotar de pe drumul vie?ii noastre. Aristotel î?i va vorbi despre importan?a începerii ?colii, Freud despre îndr?gostire, Heidegger despre implica?iile psihologice ale mutatului, iar Nietzsche despre criza vârstei de mijloc. La drum cu Platon te ajut? s? în?elegi ?i s? vezi cu al?i ochi evenimentele majore, momentele-cheie ?i fazele de tranzi?ie din via?a ta, f?când filosofia s? par? accesibil? ?i plin? de umor!

C?inele din Baskerville
O analiz? aplicat? a operei unuia dintre cei mai controversa?i g?nditori germani, supranumit monahul de la Sils-Maria; o lectur? ?n filigran a modului nietzschean de abordare a c?torva concepte dificile, interpretate la modul catastrofic: supraomul, ve?nica ?ntoarcere a aceluia?i, anti-Christul. Lucrarea se situeaz? ?n buna ?i prestigioas? tradi?ie a marilor creatori care comenteaz? textele fundamentale ale omenirii dintr-un unghi specific.

Educa?ia sentimental?
Volumul red? circuitului public, pentru prima oar? ?n limba rom?n?, trei din operele g?nditorului atenian. Este vorba de Scrisori (?n num?r de treisprezece, deosebit de importante pentru cunoa?terea g?ndirii platoniciene, dar ?i pentru ?n?elegerea epocii ?i a personalit??ilor cu care a venit ?n contact filosoful), Dialoguri suspecte (Minos, Rivalii, Theages, Hipparhos, Clitofon) ?i Dialoguri apocrife (Axiohos, Despre drept, Despre virtute, Demodocus, Sisyfos, Eryxias).Traducerea apara?ine lui ?tefan Bezdechi, care a realizat ?i aparatul critic al Scrisorilor (introducere ?i note).

The Philosophy of Auguste Comte
M. Lévy-Bruhl then explains that, whilst recognising the entire coherence of Comte’s collective labours, he proposes to confine his present study to the earlier and principal work, the Philosophy, which in M. Lévy-Bruhl’s opinion is the dominant and more fruitful composition.??This he regards as the representative work of the nineteenth century, as shown by the intellectual history of the period. He points to its influence on thought in England, in Europe, and in America. It will surprise many persons to learn that in M. Lévy-Bruhl’s opinion two eminent French writers, who assuredly neither were, nor were supposed to be, Positivists, “have done more for the diffusion of the ideas and method of Comte than Littré and all the other Positivists together.” ??These two are Taine and Renan, much as they differed from Comte’s actual scheme and doctrines. Renan indeed spoke of Comte as destined to prove one of the typical names of the century. The present writer remembers Renan saying to him with a most genial welcome, “I too am a believer in the religion of humanity.” ??Professor Lévy-Bruhl followed up his History of Modern Philosophy in France by a substantial work on the philosophy of Auguste Comte. It forms a volume of the Bibliothèque de Philosophie Contemporaine, which has already devoted four other works to the Positive Philosophy. It is as well to premise that this treatise dealt solely with the philosophy, not with the polity, or any part of the religious scheme of Comte. Professor Lévy-Bruhl writes as a student, but not as an adherent of Auguste Comte. His entire work is rather an exposition, not a refutation, or a criticism, or an advocacy of Comte’s philosophical system. But it may be said at once that no one abroad or at home, certainly neither Mill, nor Lewes, nor Spencer, nor Caird, has so truly grasped and assimilated Comte’s ideas as M. Lévy-Bruhl has done.??In his Introduction M. Lévy-Bruhl very clearly states the scope of his work, and his own general attitude. He traces the origin of Comte’s philosophy in the mental effervescence of the first generation of the present century towards a reorganisation of society, after the upheaval left by the Revolution and its consequences. He correctly states the relation of St. Simon to Comte as being that of an initial stimulus. ??The cardinal difference between Comte and all the socialists and founders of social and religious Utopias consisted in this, that Comte saw the necessity of a new system of philosophy as the indispensable preliminary to any reorganisation of society.


如果选择权在你,那么你为什么要做这件事呢?需要自己决定如何去做的时候,何必迟疑?如果你能看清自己的路,高高兴兴地走下去,不要转向;如果你看不明前方的路,可以先停下来,听听斯多葛派哲学家的思考。《每日斯多葛》选辑斯多葛哲学的经典段落,配合浅显易懂的文字,让心灵恢复安静、沉着、稳定。每天一篇短文,每月一个主题,可按日期每天阅读一篇,也可以自主选择喜爱的主题阅读。 你会发现:天地之间有许多事情,是你的哲学里所没有梦想到的呢。



儒家伦理思想正是借助汉语的语言I具財得以表达。根据汉语对儒家伦理思想的作用与贡献,儒家道德语言的主要内容分为以下五个方面: (一) 一部分汉语词汇被儒家用来表达其基本道德概念:如表达道德形而上概念的天、理、气;表达儒家美德和道德规范概念的仁、义;表达道德人格概念的圣人、君子。(二) 一部分汉语被儒家用来表达其道德命题及其论证,如对人性善恶的命题及论证)。(三) -部分汉语被儒家用来解释其基本观念,如汉代经学、宋明理学、清代考据学。儒家道德观念的发展在很大程度上正是通过对早期儒家道德语言的不断诠释而实现的。(四) -部分汉语则被儒家用作道德修辞,如儒家文献中常见的表达道德观念的比喻、排比等修辞形式。(五) -部分汉语语言被儒家用作道德叙事,如通过家风家训、历史故事等表达道德观念,还通过行动的语言”礼”、 视听的语言“乐”、“物化”的语言‘ 器物”等表达其道德观念。总之,儒家对汉语的自觉或不自觉地充分运用, 对儒家道德观念的构建和传播意义重大。也正是由于汉语的独特性,儒家道德观念在概念、命题、论证、叙事等方面也具有显著的特,就总体而言,儒家道德语言是一种以以为本的语言文化。

本书内容主要分为三大部分:*部分导论和虞翻的背景、易学脉络介绍,揭示了易学家的时代和时代的易学家之间的关系在学术发展中 的作用。第二部分阐述虞翻易学的道德形而上学:太极和乾坤的德性化运动通过易学图式把经验世界勾绾起来,在易道特有的天人意识之 中确证道德意义。该部分试图开显具有中华伦理文化意味的原伦理境域。第三部分论述虞翻易学伦理思想的主要体例及其伦理思想的表达 方法,如卦爻关系、卦气卦变、月体纳甲、消息旁通、易象象征等等。


本书以马克思主义哲学基本原理与国外马克思主义哲学为主要论域,立足于对相关经典文本的解读来把握和评论相关思想者的思想;以理论问题研究与人物思想研究、一般研究 与个别研究相结合的方式,力求在反思和评论有关代表性思想者的学术观基础上,厘清马克思主义社会哲学的理论问题、深化对马克思主义社会哲学的一般研究;从社会发展论、社会自然关系论、社会主体论、社会规范论和社会研究方法论等方面,对马克思主义社会哲学行了较为系统、具有-定创新性的思考 和研究。


道家思想的偏离与回归 : 从魏晋玄学到隋唐重玄学
本书阐述了老庄替学是前秦道家哲学的代表,也是道家哲学的第一期发展 ,魏晋玄学是以解读老庄为基础的,所以有学者认为是道家哲学的第二期发展。魏晋玄学的目的是利用“自然”来挽救”名教”,玄学家们通过解构道家的“道”而提出了各自的思想本体,因而在本质上是与先秦道家思想偏离的。重玄学者通过“双遣”的方法,对魏晋玄学的“有无之变”予以了超越,实现了向先秦老庄思想的回归,维护了道家的尊严,促使了道家哲学-次质的飞跃, 完成了历史赋予他们的使命。


大学生生命观教育是一个涉及家庭、学校、社会及个体等多元责任主体参与的过程。责任伦理为研究大学生生命观教育问题提供了新的视角,其内含的责任意蕴、伦理特以及鲜明的实践特征等均体现出大学生生命观教育的内在伦理诉求,在大学生生命观教育中彰显出中重要应用价值。 本书聚焦当前大学生生命观及其教育的现状,在责任伦理的视域下,从内容维度、目标向度、主体角度等重新梳理教育的逻辑理路,从理念层面、主体层面、实践层面行实践探索。