

Quick Vegetarian Pleasures
Quick Vegetarian Pleasures
Lemlin, Jeanne
More than 175 quick, wholesome, nutritious, and delicious recipes to be enjoyed by vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike.
The Volumetrics Eating Plan
The Volumetrics Eating Plan
Rolls, Barbara, PhD
From Dr. Barbara Rolls, one of America's leading authorities on weight management, comes a much-anticipated lifestyle guide and cookbook that empowers and encourages her readers to quit "dieting" for good, to feel full on fewer calories, and to lose weight and keep it off while eating satisfying portions of delicious, nutritious foods.The Volumetrics Eating Plan doesn't eliminate food groups or overload you with rules. It's a commonsense approach to eating based on Dr. Rolls's hugely popular Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan and her respected research on satiety that shows you how to choose foods that control hunger while losing weight. Along with menu planners, charts, and sidebars on healthy food choices, the 125 recipes put her revolutionary research into real and tangible instructions for every meal. The full-color photographs make these delicious recipes irresistible.With this important new guide to healthy eating and living, everyone can enjoy tasty and satisfying meals that will help them maintain their weight or lose those extra pounds while learning the pleasures of cooking the Volumetrics way.Volumetrics, Dr. Rolls's rigorously tested and proven system for weight management, incorporates sound research findings from around the world into a nutritious plan and shows you how to personalize it to suit your preferences and goals. It's all about choices, and The Volumetrics Eating Plan helps you choose the right foods for every meal and every lifestyle, without giving up flavor or diversity in your diet. No more "forbidden foods" or monotonous meals -- The Volumetrics Eating Plan will revolutionize the way you think about managing your weight and will guide you to a lifetime of healthy food choices.
Great British Cooking
Great British Cooking
Garmey, Jane
This book is a revelation to Americans who have never tasted real Cornish Pasties, Scotch Woodcock (a splendid version of scrambled eggs) or Brown Bread Ice Cream. From the sumptuous breakfasts that made England famous to the steamed puddings, trifles, meringues and syllabubs that are still renowned, no aspect of British cooking is overlooked. Soups, fish, meat and game, vegetables, sauces, high teas, scones, crumpets, hot cross buns, savories, preserves and sweets of all kinds are here in clear, precise recipes with ingredients and utensils translated into American terms.
B?t?lia pentru Basarabia
B?t?lia pentru Basarabia
Gh. Buzatu
Ne putem modifica destinul genetic? Mitchell Gaynor, renumit medic cu decenii de experien?? ?n domeniu, spune c? da. ADN-ul nostru este afectat profund de tot ceea ce m?nc?m ?i bem, de m?sura ?n care avem sau nu o via?? sportiv?, de obiceiurile ?i tiparele care ne guverneaz? existen?a. Nu putem schimba genele cu care ne-am n?scut, dar putem ?mpiedica ?i inversa evolu?ia bolilor cronice, cu ajutorul alegerilor pe care le facem privind alimenta?ia, suplimentele ingerate ?i stilul de via??, activ?nd astfel genele bune ?i dezactiv?ndu-le pe cele rele. Abordarea revolu?ionar? a autorului pune accentul pe combaterea obezit??ii, a bolii coronariene, a diabetului, a cancerului ?i a ?mb?tr?nirii, ar?t?ndu-ne cum ne putem p?stra organismul s?n?tos ?i func?ional prin aplicarea unui plan de nutri?ie u?or de urmat. Planul este astfel conceput ?nc?t s? v? ajute s?: ? lupta?i cu cancerul, boala coronarian? ?i diabetul. Planul de terapie genic? educ? at?t pacien?ii, c?t ?i t?m?duitorii, pentru a atinge acest scop cuprinz?tor. Dr. Mitchell Gaynor se concentreaz? asupra modului ?n care putem folosi alimentele pentru a favoriza ?ns?n?to?irea. Aceast? carte nu se refer? doar la consumarea alimentelor s?n?toase pentru noi, ci la desc?tu?area puterii ascunse a hranei de a ne schimba predispozi?ia genetic? pentru anumite boli, sco??nd informa?ii dintr-o ramur? a geneticii numit? ecogenetic?. Aceasta reprezint? un domeniu aflat ?n plin? expansiune, care aplica filosofia medicinii personalizate, prin utilizarea anumitor substan?e, pentru a ?inti profilul genetic al unui pacient de a contracta boli precum cancerul, diabetul ?i boala coronarian?. Concentr?ndu-se asupra nutrien?ilor bioactivi, cum ar fi apigenina din grepfrut, EGCG (polifenolul epigalocatehingalate) din ceaiul verde ?i curcumina din curry, medicii vor putea prescrie alimente care ac?ioneaz? la nivelul ADN-ului, pentru a promova s?n?tatea. Interesant este faptul c? odat? ce aplica?i practic sfaturile ?n privin?a consum?rii alimentelor ce vizeaz? expresia dvs. genic?, ve?i ?ncepe s? pierde?i treptat pofta nebun? pentru alimentele nocive – cum ar fi carbohidra?ii extrem de rafina?i. ? v? p?stra?i o greutate s?n?toas?; ? combate?i sc?derea imunit??ii; ? ameliora?i efectele ?mb?tr?nirii; ? elimina?i toxinele din organism; ? ave?i mai mult? energie. Planul de terapie genic? educ? at?t pacien?ii, c?t ?i t?m?duitorii, pentru a atinge acest scop cuprinz?tor. Dr. Mitchell Gaynor se concentreaz? asupra modului ?n care putem folosi alimentele pentru a favoriza ?ns?n?to?irea. Aceast? carte nu se refer? doar la consumarea alimentelor s?n?toase pentru noi, ci la desc?tu?area puterii ascunse a hranei de a ne schimba predispozi?ia genetic? pentru anumite boli, sco??nd informa?ii dintr-o ramur? a geneticii numit? ecogenetic?. Aceasta reprezint? un domeniu aflat ?n plin? expansiune, care aplica filosofia medicinii personalizate, prin utilizarea anumitor substan?e, pentru a ?inti profilul genetic al unui pacient de a contracta boli precum cancerul, diabetul ?i boala coronarian?. Concentr?ndu-se asupra nutrien?ilor bioactivi, cum ar fi apigenina din grepfrut, EGCG (polifenolul epigalocatehingalate) din ceaiul verde ?i curcumina din curry, medicii vor putea prescrie alimente care ac?ioneaz? la nivelul ADN-ului, pentru a promova s?n?tatea. Interesant este faptul c? odat? ce aplica?i practic sfaturile ?n privin?a consum?rii alimentelor ce vizeaz? expresia dvs. genic?, ve?i ?ncepe s? pierde?i treptat pofta nebun? pentru alimentele nocive – cum ar fi carbohidra?ii extrem de rafina?i.Planul de terapie genic? educ? at?t pacien?ii, c?t ?i t?m?duitorii, pentru a atinge acest scop cuprinz?tor. Dr. Mitchell Gaynor se concentreaz? asupra modului ?n care putem folosi alimentele pentru a favoriza ?ns?n?to?irea. Aceast? carte nu se refer? doar la consumarea alimentelor s?n?toase pentru noi, ci la desc?tu?area puterii ascunse a hranei de a ne schimba predispozi?ia genetic? pentru anumite boli, sco??nd informa?ii dintr-o ramur? a geneticii numit? ecogenetic?. Aceasta reprezint? un domeniu aflat ?n plin? expansiune, care aplica filosofia medicinii personalizate, prin utilizarea anumitor substan?e, pentru a ?inti profilul genetic al unui pacient de a contracta boli precum cancerul, diabetul ?i boala coronarian?. Concentr?ndu-se asupra nutrien?ilor bioactivi, cum ar fi apigenina din grepfrut, EGCG (polifenolul epigalocatehingalate) din ceaiul verde ?i curcumina din curry, medicii vor putea prescrie alimente care ac?ioneaz? la nivelul ADN-ului, pentru a promova s?n?tatea. Interesant este faptul c? odat? ce aplica?i practic sfaturile ?n privin?a consum?rii alimentelor ce vizeaz? expresia dvs. genic?, ve?i ?ncepe s? pierde?i treptat pofta nebun? pentru alimentele nocive – cum ar fi carbohidra?ii extrem de rafina?i.
Vegetarian Classics
Vegetarian Classics
Lemlin, Jeanne
Jeanne Lemlin sets the standard for accessible and appealing vegetarian cooking. Vegetarian Classics is Jeanne's most useful and comprehensive book to date: an essential collection of 300 no-fail recipes for soups, salads, sandwiches, pastas, pizzas, calzones, casseroles, stir-fries, stove-top dishes, sides, snacks, desserts, and breakfasts. Each recipe is deeply satisfying and surprisingly simple, reflecting Jeanne's trademark dedication to uncomplicated techniques and unparalleled flavor.
Main-Course Vegetarian Pleasures
Main-Course Vegetarian Pleasures
Lemlin, Jeanne
Sophisticated and stylish vegetarian main course pose the greatest challenge for the busy cook seeking meatless meals. With that in mind, Jeanne Lemlin, the award-winning author of Quick Vegetarian Pleasures, has created 125 recipes for savory vegetarian entrees to suit all occasions. Delicious, healthful, and easy to prepare, the recipes in Main-Course Vegetarian Pleasures--Roasted Vegetables with Polenta, Risotto Primavera, Pumpkin and Corn Chowder, among many others--take vegetarian cooking into that magical realm where style and substance produce genuine pleasure.
The Wheat-Free Cook
The Wheat-Free Cook
Mallorca, Jacqueline
The Wheat-Free Cook is the definitive cookbook on living and eating well without wheat. Veteran food writer Jacqueline Mallorca outlines the differences between wheat allergies and celiac disease, provides lists of resources and a guide to gluten-free grains, and offers tip on how and where to shop for gluten-free ingredients. On top of that, Jacqueline offers recipes for quick, modern gluten-free meals that are sure to appeal to the health-conscious cook, whether gluten-sensitive or not—after all, it's just as easy to thicken a comforting stew with rice four or cornstarch as it is with all-purpose flour, and sautéed chicken breasts taste much better when coated with a mixture of ground hazelnuts and Parmesan than stale breadcrumbs. All the formerly off limits favorites are here, from breakfast treats such as pancakes and muffins, to comforting pasta dishes like macaroni and cheese, and decadent desserts including cookies, cakes, tarts, and pies. With The Wheat-Free Cook, Jacqueline Mallorca proves that there is a world beyond wheat.
The Best Ice Cream Maker Cookbook Ever
The Best Ice Cream Maker Cookbook Ever
Boswell, John
Choice is what it's all about: Choosing your favorite flavor, favorite topping or swirl-in, favorite frozen dessert. For no matter what kind of ice cream maker you own -- an inexpensive canister or a top-of-the-line electric freezer -- there's an extra special treat here for you.Exciting flavors include an assortment of vanillas of varying degrees of richness, several great chocolates, Butter Pecan, Sensational Strawberry, Peaches 'n' Cream, Utterly Peanut Butter and Double Ginger to mention only a sampling. For an extra flourish, there's a collection of ice creams with add-ons -- swirls and twirls, sauces and toppings. There is even an entire chapter of great reduced-fat light ice creams and nonfat frozen yogurts with names like Creamy Banana, Cappuccino, Date Rum and Maple Crunch.Many completely fat-free frozen delights are covered in the chapter called "Sorbets, Granitas and Other Ices." Enticing and refreshing, they come in flavors such as Kiwi-Lime, Mango Margarita, Spiced Rasberry and Strawberry Daquiri. And for showstopping, truly fabulous desserts, made completely in advance, turn to the last chapter, which contains ice cream cakes, pies and other frozen desserts.
Wild Garlic, Gooseberries and Me: A chef’s stories and recipes from the land
Wild Garlic, Gooseberries and Me: A chef’s stories and recipes from the land
Denis Cotter
Following the successes of Café Paradiso and the award-winning Paradiso Seasons, Denis Cotter is back with an evocative, witty collection of tales and a superb range of exciting and delicious vegetarian recipes. Wild Garlic, Gooseberries and Me cajoles, informs and questions our relationship to the land and the vegetables we eat. We go on a personal journey with Denis as he shares his passion for his favourite foods. Denis drags us into muddy fields and introduces us to the growers of the best produce imaginable. Through heart-felt and charming text, he informs and amuses. The excitement of a robust blackberry jam becomes a passionate argument for us to go out into the countryside, the dazzling sight of high-trailing borlotti beans ignites a discussion on the future of artisan growing. Whether creating a restaurant masterpiece or foraging in hedgerows and woods, Denis searches for a new connection between food, people and land … oh, and he also teaches you how to search for mushrooms, wild greens and sloes, how to cook asparagus and take on an artichoke with attitude. Divided into four themed chapters, 'It's a Green Thing', 'Wild Pickings', 'A Passionate Pursuit' and 'Growing in the Dark', each including information and anecdotes about the vegetables that feature as well as many delicious recipes. There are simple salads and soups as well as more challenging main meals and mouth-watering desserts. Recipes include: Fresh Pasta with Abyssinian Cabbage, Pine Nuts & Sheep's Dressing; Courgette Flower, Pea and Chive Risotto; Samphire Tempura with Coriander Yoghurt; Grilled Portobello Mushrooms with Potato Pancakes and Tarragon Cream; Cabbage Timbale of Celeriac and Chestnuts with Porcini and Oyster Mushroom Sauce Stunning images of the landscape, the food and the finished recipes complete this delightful read and unique recipe book.
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too
Sally Bee
You can indulge without guilt! Enjoy delicious desserts, perfect pastries, cookies and cakes, breads and bakes as part of a healthy lifestyle. Who says you can’t have it all? The third title from Sally Bee. Busy mum, home cook and heart-attack survivor Sally Bee knows better than anyone how to incorporate healthy eating into a busy lifestyle with her gorgeous, flavoursome and balanced recipes. In her new book, Have Your Cake and Eat it Too, Sally turns her attention to the sweet things in life to show that you don’t have to give up your favourite treats to maintain a healthy lifestyle or slimmer waistline. In fact, Sally claims that depriving yourself of these little pleasures makes it harder to stick to a nutritious and balanced diet long term. Sally shows how to make your favourite treats a little less naughty with healthier versions of much loved puddings, bakes, cakes and desserts. You can rest assured that they won’t be as sinful as they taste; a sensible attitude and a bit of creative cooking is all that’s needed to spoil yourself the healthier way. Sally also shares her helpful tips, advice and experience to show you how to enjoy little luxuries sensibly. She also reveals some of her culinary secrets and how to make compensations for 'naughty' ingredients by adding more of the good stuff. At the age of 36 Sally Bee suffered three major heart attacks in a single week. Sally defied all odds and, 5 years on, is glowing with health. She is the ultimate endorsement for living a sustainable healthy life, and is living proof that her recipes work. Recipes Include… Hot Choccy Soufflé Raspberry Muffins Low-fat Zesty Lemon Buttercream Pineapple, Raspberry and Amaretti Parfaits Chocolate Vanilla Mousse Peach and Strawberry Sorbet Soda Bread Spicy Apple Muffins Almond and Hazelnut Gateau Gooey Chocolate Orange Cookies Caramelised Apples Almond Macaroons Oatmeal Fruit Bread Chocolate Pistachio Biscuits Passionate Pear Crumble
Rachel’s Food for Living
Rachel’s Food for Living
Rachel Allen
Bestselling author and TV chef Rachel Allen is back with a celebration of favourite foods for making memories. Ever feel rapture over a pudding? Fall in love over a romantic meal? Can you remember the smell of baking in your grandmother's kitchen? Food has the power to conjure up many emotions – it can make us feel happy or energetic, nostalgic or loved. Cooking and enjoying great food with others is part of how we relish life and in her new paperback book, Rachel Allen provides the mouth-watering recipes to help you do just that. Rachel explores the foods that stir these wonderful feelings. She provides inspiring and easy-to-achieve suggestions for all kinds of occasions whether you want to make an indulgent celebratory meal for someone special, create memories with your kids, or need a little healthy boost…or a sneaky treat! This is the food that will make you smile. Rachel's Food for Living includes over 100 recipes such as Greek Lamb, Onion and Butter Bean Stew; Korean Beef with Avocado Rice; Spanish Chorizo and Chickpea Soup; Little Mocha Kisses. Contents include: 1 Food for the soul 2 Childhood favourites 3 Making memories 4 Something to celebrate 5 The Lazy Sunday 6 An elegant afternoon 7 Pleasure without the guilt 8 Food for romance 9 For the love of chocolate 10 Classic dishes
Home Chef
Home Chef
Neven Maguire
Award-winning chef and restaurateur Neven Maguire shows everyday cooks how to achieve kitchen success with his indispensible new culinary guide and cookbook. Determined to raise the standards of home cooking, Neven Maguire transfers his expertise from the restaurant to the kitchen, offering expert advice to the novice and experienced cook alike. In his straightforward and friendly way, Neven coaches the reader through essential kitchen skills, reinforcing the fundamentals such as basic equipment and cooking terminology, before moving on to demystify more advanced techniques like mastering knife skills and preparing meat and fish. Accompanying Neven's in-depth knowledge are 130 impeccable recipes derived from his own highly-regarded and award-winning menu, all adapted for the home cook. With recipes ranging from easy to advanced, there are ideas here for every course, including extras such as breads, canapés, condiments and cocktails. Step-by-step instructions and Neven's insightful hints and tips show you how to use your newly-acquired skills and techniques to achieve faultless results. With its clean, user-friendly design, stunning food photography and Neven's endless encouragement, this book will give every cook a little bit of know-how and plenty of new-found confidence in their own ability. RECIPES INCLUDE: ? Red Onion, Olive & Rosemary Focaccia ? Carrot, Ginger & Honey Soup ? Chicken Liver P?té with Fig Jam ? Gratin of Hake, Prawns & Basil on a bed of Spinach ? Toulouse Sausages with Creamy Apple & Potato Mash, and Red Onion Gravy ? Wild Mushroom Strudel ? Amaretti Baked Peaches with Mascarpone Cream ? White Chocolate Tiramisu ? Apple & Mint Vodka ? Classic Madeira Sauce
Food from the Sun
Food from the Sun
Neven Maguire
Neven Maguire presents a radiant collection of recipes inspired by the food from our favourite travel destinations. From the al fresco trattorias of Italy to the street food of Vietnam, Food from the Sun will make your kitchen a place to enjoy that true holiday spirit all year round. Have you ever yearned to recreate a memorable Mediterranean meal or wondered how to make mouth-watering Thai dishes? Neven presents more than 100 delicious recipes from around the world and shows how easy it can be to cook your much-loved cuisines at home. His recipes are innovative yet straightforward, leaving plenty of time for a siesta once the plates are empty. Whether you want an assortment of flavoursome tapas for a group of friends; to have the whole family round for a Moroccan feast, or just enjoy a simple dish with someone special, Food from the Sun is bursting with inspiration.
The Secret Ingredient: Delicious,easy recipes which might just save your life
The Secret Ingredient: Delicious,easy recipes which might just save your life
Sally Bee
Healthy recipes are Sally Bee's secret to staying healthy after three heart attacks aged just 36. This enhanced ebook includes personal videos from Sally to help you take control of your health, as well as recipes to feed the whole family and tempt you to cook for health. Sally Bee's story of survival and recovery from three heart attacks in a week at the age of 36 is nothing short of a miracle. Sally attributes much of her remarkable survival to her delicious and achievable healthy eating plan, which she and her whole family enjoy. Now, in this beautifully illustrated cookbook, she shares her secret with you, and it might just save your life. Sally believes in living a full life, and that includes eating delicious food with all the family. She shares not only clean, vibrant recipes, but also her versions of comforting classics we all love. Even desserts! We all know the principles of eating a healthy diet, but actually translating that knowledge into an easy and affordable meal can be a challenge in a busy world. The Secret Ingredient meets that challenge head-on with gorgeous, tasty recipes that will feed the whole family, and tempt even the most novice cook. Sally tells her inspirational story throughout, and gives encouragement and support for changing your eating habits, and those of your children, without feeling deprived and in a way that works for life. She’s living proof.
Tana Ramsay’s Real Family Food
Tana Ramsay’s Real Family Food
Tana Ramsay
Tana Ramsay shows how easy it is to cook up real family food to satisfy the entire family. Working with simple recipes and basic ingredients, she shares her favourite family recipes for every occasion, from school night suppers and weekend breakfasts to birthday surprises and Halloween bites. As a busy mother-of-four and the glamorous wife of celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, Tana knows the challenges of pleasing everybody around the kitchen table – especially if you want your family to eat real, healthy food. With the help of her trademark easy-to-follow and mouth-watering recipes, Tana shows how to transform mealtimes with minimum fuss, and make real food something you all eat everyday – without spending hours in the kitchen. Lavishly illustrated with over 100 recipes for every family occasion throughout the year, including: ? School-rush breakfasts, lunchtime bites and quick-fix dinners ? Lazy lunches, birthday surprises and family parties ? Summer picnics, Easter feasts and Christmas treats
The Recipe for Life: Healthy eating for real people
The Recipe for Life: Healthy eating for real people
Sally Bee
Bestselling author and home cook Sally Bee’s collection of deliciously simple recipes that show how easy it is to follow a healthy diet for life. Many of us know the principles of healthy eating but actually incorporating them into daily life is much harder. Whether it's eating more fruit and vegetables, reducing fat without losing flavour or feeding a family after work without the aid of a take-away menu, Sally Bee explains how to make good food second nature. Sally isn't a dietician, but a busy mum who knows how tough it can be to change eating habits. Her down-to-earth advice and realistic approach is borne from her own experience of life-threatening heart disease, which she recovered from thanks to her own delicious and easy-to-follow eating plan. Sally understands how real people eat and how recipes must be quick and made with affordable, readily available food. Her plan won't leave you feeling deprived or hungry, but allows you to enjoy many of your favourite foods in a balanced way. Recipes for Life offers refreshingly simple advice and tasty dishes that will change your eating habits and help you enjoy a healthy mind and body - not just for a few weeks, but for life. Recipes include: Chicken Korma Healthy Chinese Chicken Wraps Smoked haddock and leek pie Healthy Fish Chips and Mushy Peas Roast Monkfish with Olives and Capers All-in-one Lentil and Sausage Casserole Spanish Pork and Bean Stew Caramelised Veggies with Sausages and Baked Sweet Potato Winter Salad Asparagus and Artichoke Salad with Wild Rice and Basil Dressing Pumpkin and mushroom lasagne Broccoli and Leek Bake Apricot and Pistachio Tart
Jill Nice
This beautifully illustrated, practical and easy-to-use guide provides a wealth of ideas for making delicious preserves and drinks from over fifty fruits and vegetables. There is no comparison between shop-bought preserves and those you can make at home. With the most basic equipment, a little time and some fresh home-grown or bought produce you can make a jam, pickle or drink that's totally unique, incredibly delicious and inexpensive. Whether you want to savour the taste of your summer tomatoes all year round, treat your friends and family to the most thoughtful presents or are looking for a way to control what's in yours and your children's food, this book will show you how. In this definitive guide, author Jill Nice covers all aspects of preserving. She takes readers step-by-step through the preserving process, including choosing the right jars and containers, utensils and equipment; cooking with sugars and setting ingredients; and safe, easy sterilising. This book will also contains both traditional and modern preserving techniques, store cupboard cheats and lots of handy tips and advice. From the most well known and loved fruit and vegetables like strawberries, chillies and blackcurrants to more unusual ones like okra and pomegranate you will find recipes for jams, ketchups, pickles, cordials, conserves, jellies. curds and much more! Inspired recipes, reliable advice and fail-safe instructions - all in Jill's engaging, down-to-earth and inimitable style. This is the only book on preserves you need on your shelf. Examples of just some of the things Jill will show you how to make with gooseberries… Basic Gooseberry Jam Gooseberry and Apricot conserve Gooseberry and Elderflower Jelly Spiced Gooseberry pickle Gooseberry Muscatel Syrup
The Secret Ingredient: Family Cookbook
The Secret Ingredient: Family Cookbook
Sally Bee
Bestselling author, home cook, heart-attack survivor and busy mum of three Sally Bee turns her attention to family cooking. Sally Bee’s fourth book. At the time of writing this book, Sally is hurtling towards an anniversary that she has mixed feelings about. At the age of 36 Sally had three heart attacks in a week. This summer it will be nine years since Sally died. And nine years since she came back to life. Sally is a living miracle and it is her diet that keeps her fighting and strong. She knows better than anyone how to incorporate healthy eating into your daily life. In her bestselling debut The Secret Ingredient she shared clean and healthy versions of the classic dishes we all love. Now she shows you how to create affordable and simple healthy recipes all the family will adore. Sally believes the best way to keep your family healthy is to serve everyone the same food – food that tastes good, looks good and does you good. Whether it’s a super quick midweek Bolognese packed full of goodness or tasty Thai prawn skewers, an easy guilt-free chicken pie, delicious oatmeal cookies or a healthy take on your favourite takeaway classics. Sally knows better than anyone, when you’re feeding the family day in, day out, you want simplicity, speed and lots of great taste and health benefits. In this beautiful new family cookbook, she offers over 100 new recipes that deliver a healthy lifestyle and a happy home life. Alongside the recipes, there are tips on how to get your children involved, and lots of straightforward advice of how to change your eating habits. Sally’s plans are realistic and easy-to-follow, offering everything you need for a balanced approach to your family’s health.
Miss Masala
Miss Masala
Mallika Basu
Cookery goddess and girl about town Mallika Basu reveals her secrets for cooking gorgeous Indian food in this highly covetable book, inspired by her blog. Her no-nonsense kitchen advice demystifies all those glorious, exotic ingredients and spices, and shows just how easy and rewarding it is to cook Indian cuisine at home. Miss Masala has done the hard work in the kitchen so that you don't have to. So much more than just a cookbook, this beautiful, handbag-sized journal fuses irresistible Indian recipes with Mallika’s quirky and hilarious tales - it will make ethnic cooking an effortless part of your goddess lifestyle. Alongside easy instructions for making aromatic Kerala Chicken or the best Seekh Kebabs, Mallika shares witty anecdotes about her high-flying city life, and gives handy hints on how to cook a jalfrezi and still head to the bar an hour later without reeking of eau de curry. Bollywood finally meets Sex and the City, and anyone who wants to whip up a meal for friends will be basking in the glory. This is real Indian cooking for busy city living! Chapter Breakdown: Know your Bhuna from your Balti; Perfect in No Time; Never Let you Down; Light and Bright; Showing Off; Food for Feeling Better; Sweet Indulgences. Why not try these recipes?… ? Kosha Mangsho (Lamb sautéed in yoghurt and roasted cumin) ? Murgh Makhani (Velvety butter chicken) ? Baingan Bharta (Smoky roasted aubergine mash) ? Channa Masala (Hot, spicy curried chickpeas) ? Tandoori Macchli (Succulent monkfish in tandoori spices) ? Peshawari Naan (Luxurious naan stuffed with nuts and raisins) ? Mango Fool (Pureed mangoes folded into double cream) ? Bhapa doi (Saffron and cardamom cheesecake) ? Vodka Chilli Cocktails (For those who dare!)
Short-Cut Vegetarian
Short-Cut Vegetarian
Sass, Lorna J.
Now that millions of Americans are exploring the vegan lifestyle, award-winning cookbook author Lorna Sass has updated her classic cookbook to reveal that achieving great flavor and eating healthy meals don't require spending hours in the kitchen. Sass creates culinary magic from a pantry stocked with carefully selected prepared and instant foods, such as homemade curry powder, roasted red peppers, spicy salsas and mustard sauces, and roasted garlic oil. A splash of orange juice, a touch of cinnamon, and a few sliced leeks quickly transform handy frozen spinach and a can of highest-quality lentils into an exotic Orange-Scented Lentil Ragout that will satisfy the most sophisticated palates.
Sophie Grigson
A definitive guide to cooking with vegetables, with essential information on buying, preparing and cooking the vast range now available, from one of the most trusted and knowledgeable cookery writers working today. With more access to quality vegetables than ever before through organic boxes, farmers’ markets and a greater range in supermarkets, more and more of us are moving vegetables centre-stage in our cooking. Sophie Grigson shows that whether we eat fish and meat, or are a vegetarian, vegetables are no longer just an accompaniment. Organised according to vegetable type, Vegetables is packed with information and personal anecdotes from Sophie – from her tips on how to buy Jerusalem artichokes to her passion for hard–to–find chervil root – together with advice on how to buy, prepare and cook each type of vegetable. A range of recipes showcase each particular vegetable, from Wild Garlic and New Potato Risotto to Japanese Cucumber Salad to Crisp Slow-Roast Duck with Turnips. Recipes encompass the familiar as well as the more innovative, with both vegetarian, meat and fish dishes fully represented, ranging from soups and starters to full-blown main courses. This definitive book is a great read as well as a recipe source book that is deserving of a place on every cook’s shelf. Includes: ? ROOTS – from Jerusalem artichokes to yams, including potatoes and carrots ? SHOOTS AND STEMS – from asparagus to fennel ? FRUIT – from aubergine to tomatoes ? SQUASHES – from cucumber to winter squashes ? PEAS AND PODS – from bean sprouts to peas ? ONION FAMILY – from leeks to onions ? FLOWERS AND BRASSICAS – from globe artichokes to cauliflower ? GREEN AND LEAFY – from pak choi to spring greens ? SALAD LEAVES – from watercress to purslane