

My Weird School Special: Oh, Valentine, We've Lost Our Minds!
My Weird School Special: Oh, Valentine, We've Lost Our Minds!
Gutman, Dan
A.J. and the gang from My Weird School star in this series of after-school, holiday-themed chapter books featuring all-new hilarious stories and thirty-two pages of games, puzzles, and more.It's the week of Valentine's Day, and A.J.'s class is getting a foreign exchange student! His name is Pierre, and he's from France. But what happens when Pierre challenges A.J. to a duel (or at least a thumb war) over AndreaOne thing's for sure: when L-O-V-E comes to Ella Mentry, it spells the weirdest Valentine's Day story in the history of the world!Bestselling author Dan Gutman brings his kid-friendly sense of humor to this all-new series of holiday adventures. With My Weird School checklists and trivia plus tons of Valentine-themed facts and puzzles, this is one weird Valentine special you don't want to miss!
Playlist for the Dead
Playlist for the Dead
Falkoff, Michelle
Part mystery, part love story, and part coming-of-age tale in the vein of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Spectacular Now.There was a party. There was a fight. The next morning, Sam's best friend, Hayden, was dead. And all he left Sam was a playlist of songs and a suicide note: For Sam—listen and you'll understand. To figure out what happened, Sam has to rely on the playlist and his own memory. But the more he listens, the more he realizes that his memory isn't as reliable as he thought. And it might only be by taking out his earbuds and opening his eyes to the people around him that he'll finally be able to piece together his best friend's story. And maybe have a chance to change his own.Playlist for the Dead is an honest and gut-wrenching first novel about loss, rage, what it feels like to outgrow a friendship that's always defined you—and the struggle to redefine yourself. But above all, it's about finding hope when hope seems like the hardest thing to find.
NumPy Essentials
NumPy Essentials
Leo (Liang-Huan) Chin
Boost your scientific and analytic capabilities in no time at all by discovering how to build real-world applications with NumPy About This Book Optimize your Python *s with powerful NumPy modules Explore the vast opportunities to build outstanding scientific/ analytical modules by yourself Packed with rich examples to help you master NumPy arrays and universal functions Who This Book Is For If you are an experienced Python developer who intends to drive your numerical and scientific applications with NumPy, this book is for you. Prior experience or knowledge of working with the Python language is required. What You Will Learn Manipulate the key attributes and universal functions of NumPy Utilize matrix and mathematical computation using linear algebra modules Implement regression and curve fitting for models Perform time frequency / spectral density analysis using the Fourier Transform modules Collate with the distutils and setuptools modules used by other Python libraries Establish Cython with NumPy arrays Write extension modules for NumPy code using the C API Build sophisticated data structures using NumPy array with libraries such as Panda and Scikits In Detail In today’s world of science and technology, it’s all about speed and flexibility. When it comes to scientific computing, NumPy tops the list. NumPy gives you both the speed and high productivity you need. This book will walk you through NumPy using clear, step-by-step examples and just the right amount of theory. We will guide you through wider applications of NumPy in scientific computing and will then focus on the fundamentals of NumPy, including array objects, functions, and matrices, each of them explained with practical examples. You will then learn about different NumPy modules while performing mathematical operations such as calculating the Fourier Transform; solving linear systems of equations, interpolation, extrapolation, regression, and curve fitting; and evaluating integrals and derivatives. We will also introduce you to using Cython with NumPy arrays and writing extension modules for NumPy code using the C API. This book will give you exposure to the vast NumPy library and help you build efficient, high-speed programs using a wide range of mathematical features. Style and approach This quick guide will help you get to grips with the nitty-gritties of NumPy using with practical programming examples. Each topic is explained in both theoretical and practical ways with hands-on examples providing you efficient way of learning and adequate knowledge to support your professional work.
Mastering Python
Mastering Python
Rick van Hattem
Master the art of writing beautiful and powerful Python by using all of the features that Python 3.5 offers About This Book Become familiar with the most important and advanced parts of the Python code style Learn the trickier aspects of Python and put it in a structured context for deeper understanding of the language Offers an expert's-eye overview of how these advanced tasks fit together in Python as a whole along with practical examples Who This Book Is For Almost anyone can learn to write working * and create high quality code but they might lack a structured understanding of what it means to be 'Pythonic'. If you are a Python programmer who wants to code efficiently by getting the syntax and usage of a few intricate Python techniques exactly right, this book is for you. What You Will Learn Create a virtualenv and start a new project Understand how and when to use the functional programming paradigm Get familiar with the different ways the decorators can be written in Understand the power of generators and coroutines without digressing into lambda calculus Create metaclasses and how it makes working with Python far easier Generate HTML documentation out of documents and code using Sphinx Learn how to track and optimize application performance, both memory and cpu Use the multiprocessing library, not just locally but also across multiple machines Get a basic understanding of packaging and creating your own libraries/applications In Detail Python is a dynamic programming language. It is known for its high readability and hence it is often the first language learned by new programmers. Python being multi-paradigm, it can be used to achieve the same thing in different ways and it is compatible across different platforms. Even if you find writing Python code easy, writing code that is efficient, easy to maintain, and reuse is not so straightforward. This book is an authoritative guide that will help you learn new advanced methods in a clear and contextualised way. It starts off by creating a project-specific environment using venv, introducing you to different Pythonic syntax and common pitfalls before moving on to cover the functional features in Python. It covers how to create different decorators, generators, and metaclasses. It also introduces you to functools.wraps and coroutines and how they work. Later on you will learn to use asyncio module for asynchronous clients and servers. You will also get familiar with different testing systems such as py.test, doctest, and unittest, and debugging tools such as Python debugger and faulthandler. You will learn to optimize application performance so that it works efficiently across multiple machines and Python versions. Finally, it will teach you how to access C functions with a simple Python call. By the end of the book, you will be able to write more advanced *s and take on bigger challenges. Style and Approach This book is a comprehensive guide that covers advanced features of the Python language, and communicate them with an authoritative understanding of the underlying rationale for how, when, and why to use them.
王蕾 编著
5大妙计突破德语零基础 1 更贴近中国人的发音规律 零基础也能地道发音 巧借汉字学发音,一句话发音要领,更简单更实用。发音-单词-句子,环环紧扣,符合零起初学者的认知规律。 2 1200个高频词汇 50个常用主题 记单词更深刻 精选生活中离不的1200个高频词,分门别类,更方便查找和记忆。从此和死记硬背说“拜拜”,上知天文、下晓地理,日常交流不再“词”穷。 3 450个常用句型句 3大主题 会一句就能说100句 从日常交际到休闲娱乐,德语专家总结的450个高频典型的句型,会一句就能举一反三触类旁通。二三句对话的微口语,让沟通更简单更高效。 4 50个主题 100个情景 与老外交流无障碍 海量实境模拟口语对话,涵盖生活、工作、学习方方面面,上班、上学、娱乐,看这里就够了。语言文化小贴士,让你乡随俗,学到更多地道表达法。 5 告别枯燥语法表述 图表化讲解更直观 图表化的语法知识,浅显易懂,更多例句详解,将语法融地道德语表达。语法精炼,随时检验学习成果,温故而知新。
Selfish Whining Monkeys: How we Ended Up Greedy, Narcissistic and Unhappy
Selfish Whining Monkeys: How we Ended Up Greedy, Narcissistic and Unhappy
Rod Liddle
With a sharp eye for the magnificently absurd, Rod Liddle sets light to modern-day Britain. ‘One of Britain’s funniest, most daring columnists. If he weren’t so offensive you’d almost call him a national treasure’ Mail on Sunday ‘I, and my generation, seem feckless and irresponsible, endlessly selfish, whining, avaricious, self-deluding, self-obsessed, spoiled and corrupt and ill.’ What is it that has transformed the British who in living memory were admired for their unassuming, stiff-upper-lipped capacity for `muddling through' into the feckless, obese, self-deluding, avaricious and self-obsessed whingers we have become? Savagely funny and relentlessly contrary, yet with a poignant sense of all that we have lost, Rod Liddle mercilessly exposes the absurdity, cant and humbuggery of the way we live now.
長跑運動全攻略──健體、訓練、比賽 (增訂版)
長跑運動全攻略──健體、訓練、比賽 (增訂版)
Mr. C
世界各地之有味笑話如恆河沙數,素來是廣受大眾歡迎的流行讀本。本書作者Mr. C特別編撰「小小笑話」系列,精選妙絕抵死的笑話匯集成篇,以輕巧且價錢相宜的迷你版本出版,為你帶來經濟實惠的閱讀樂趣和享受。除了豐富精選的笑話,書首更有得意有趣的遊戲,供大家互動玩耍一下,順便先來個大腦熱熱身,然後再放開懷抱笑個痛快。 《癲癲WORKING》及《公主病駕到》分別取材為Office笑話及男女關係笑話,詼諧抵死,適合成人閱讀。 《囧囧CLUB》及《女王捉字室》則取材為校園笑話(classroom jokes),幽默搞笑,適合學生閱讀。
本书是专门为西班牙语刚门或基础较弱、急于口说西班牙语的读者量身定制的一本实用西班牙语速成工具书,能帮助他们轻轻松松快速掌握简单西班牙语。 全书分为四大部分,将日常必需单词、日常生活用语、情景应急口语全部覆盖,第四部分附录对西班牙国情、节日、习俗和美食做了介绍。这是一本即翻即用型的便携工具书,是赴西班牙语国家学习、生活、工作、旅游和物的好帮手。
49元5本 意大利语翻开就说
本书是专门为意大利语刚门或基础较弱、急于口说意大利语的读者量身定制的一本实用意大利语速成工具书,能帮助他们轻轻松松快速掌握简单意大利语。 全书分为四大部分,将日常必需单词、日常生活用语、情景应急口语全部覆盖,第四部分附录对意大利国情、节日和习俗做了介绍。这是一本即翻即用型的便携工具书,是赴意大利语国家学习、生活、工作、旅游和物的好帮手。
阿拉伯语专业本科生教材:阿拉伯语报刊导读 上册
阿拉伯语专业本科生教材:阿拉伯语报刊导读 上册
  本教材系新世纪高等学校阿拉伯语专业本科生系列教材,分上下两册,由上海外国语大学阿拉伯语系陈杰老师带领的青年教师团队编写完成。本书为上册,主要供阿语专业本科三年级学生及同等学力的社会读者使用。   本教材主要由分类阅读和专题阅读两部分组成,上册主要为分类阅读部分,下册主要为专题阅读部分。分类阅读按照新闻涉及的社会面选择素材;专题阅读则从不同的角度阐释某一特定的新闻话题。两者相辅相成,互为补充。编者所选用的素材来自阿拉伯世界的各大知名报刊及网站,还从中国各大新闻网站的阿文版取材。每篇报刊阅渎还配备题型多样的习题,多角度、多层次地测试学生阅读理解程度,并教授其充分利用阅读语料来提升语言表达能力。
49元5本 日语专业本科生教材:日语阅读教程 下册
日语专业本科生教材:日语阅读教程 下册
49元5本 外教社外语天天学系列:法语天天学
郑赛芬等译的《巴金文选(多语种版) (精)》是由上海外语教育宣传部与巴金故居组织策划的巴金作品多语种选译,包含英语、俄语、日语、德语、法语、西语、阿拉伯语等语种。译文是翻译比赛的获奖作品。旨在向外国读者介绍中国很好的文学作品,弘扬中国文化。
49元5本 日语专业本科生教材:日语写作教程
本书是日语专业写作课教材,全书以日语写成,共15课。涵盖了各类文体,如自我介绍、书信、说明文、短评、随笔、小论文、调查与报告等。每课结构如下: 1.简介某种文体的定义和特点。 2.提供1~2篇该文体的范文,并对范文进行点评。这是本书的特色。 3.详细介绍该文体的写作方法、写作要点以及常用表达。 4.提供形式多样的练习。 本书架构清晰,内容丰富实用,且经过上海外国语大学日本文化经济学院多年试用打磨,是一部比较成熟完善的写作课教材。 本书附‘微课”视频,请阅读本书封二信息后获取。
中国和俄罗斯是世界闻名的诗歌大国,两国才华卓越的诗人为人类留下了灿若星辰、瑰丽多姿的壮丽诗篇。 诗集《诗歌的纽带》收录了中俄不同时期具有代表性的诗歌佳作,通过本书,读者可以领略古老中国的诗歌之美,如《诗经》、李白、杜甫以及苏轼等人的诗章,也可以欣赏到中国现当代诗人冯至、徐志摩等人的佳作;入选本书的俄罗斯诗人有:两位有过外交官经历的19世纪诗人А.С.普希金和Ф.И.丘特切夫,有当代的外交官诗人С.В.拉夫罗夫、Е.М.普里马科夫、А.А.别斯梅尔内赫、В.Н.卡吉米罗夫等。 诗歌是一个民族的声音,反映着民族的情绪和追求,是永恒的精神之花。《诗歌的纽带》以语言为媒介,以诗歌为纽带,为两国人民搭建增进相互了解、加深传统友谊的桥梁。本书收录的诗歌均为中俄双语对照,希望能对广大读者和诗歌爱好者了解中俄两国不同时代的诗歌风貌起到抛砖引玉作用,对中俄两国的俄语学习者和汉语学习者有所助益。
耿超、于长胜、张鹏编*的《西班牙语专业四八级词汇》以高等学校西班牙语专业教学大纲为依据,收录了8000余条常用西班牙语词汇,是西班牙语能力考试及全国高校西班牙语专业四、八级考试备考用书,也可供平时学习西班牙语使用。 为了方便读者*好地理解和记忆西班牙语基本词汇,编者力求做到三:一是基本词汇覆盖面广泛;二是基本词性、词义和用法完整;三是选取能清晰解析词条的典型例句。