Scotch Whisky: A Complete Guide On How To Make The Smoothest And Best Tasting Sc
Scotch Whisky: A Complete Guide On How To Make The Smoothest And Best Tasting Scotch From Home
The Italian Cook Book
The Italian Cook Book
The Big Book of Ice Cream and Fancy Goodies
Big Kitchen Series is proud to bring you The Big Book of Ice Cream and Other Frozen Goodies. This full edition is all you will ever need for your Ice Cream recipes. Including the most loved recipes as well as some more unusual ideas, you can be sure that you will never be stuck for a n ice cream or frozen goody to make ever again! It is packed with great ideas and variety. Be sure to check out other new titles from the Big Kitchen Series releasing throughout 2014.
Basic Vegan Recipes:For Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks
Cheap Yet Delicious Vegan Recipes in Under 30 Minutes! Basic Vegan Recipes is a plant-based cookbook that will bring you tasty dishes to satisfy any appetite. With over 30 vegan recipes, you will have plenty of vibrant, flavorful meals that will fill you up, keep you healthy and excited for your next meal. Basic Vegan Recipes?includes: ·Cheap ingredients with tantalizing flavors·Quick hacks the best chefs use but won't share·Ways to cut corners on meals without sacrificing the taste·Vegan adaptations of meat-based dishes (HINT: no meat necessary)·Use of raw ingredients that actually improve your health·Scientific data to support the benefits of veganism·So much more! Start Cooking on the Cheap TODAY! Scroll Up & Click the Buy Button RIGHT NOW!
Breakfast Recipes:Delicious Breakfast Cookbook
In this breakfast cookbook, you’ll find only the very best and most delicious breakfast recipes the world over. Get ready to discover some stunning breakfast dishes. These breakfast recipes are mouth wateringly delicious. You will revisit these wonderful recipes time and again. All these recipes are tried, tested and perfectly adapted for home cooking. Eating a nutritious and tasty breakfast every day will surely put a spring in your step! This book was written especially for those who would like to enjoy their mornings with a different breakfast meal every day. It was also written for those who would like to start living a healthy lifestyle and not skip the most important meal of the day anymore. In this book you will learn the importance of eating a healthy breakfast and how to make healthy breakfast choices. You will also get plenty of breakfast ideas to last you for weeks! There are breakfast ideas for those who are following the gluten-free diet, energizing recipes for those who live an active lifestyle, tasty options for vegetarians, unusual yet popular breakfast ideas, and recipes for breakfast smoothies and shakes for people who are on the go. All of these recipes are easy to follow and can be done in any amateur kitchen. You do not have to worry about what to put in your meal plan anymore because everything that you need is here! The best part about all of these recipes is that even kids will love them. All of the ingredients are natural and can easily be found in any grocery store, plus you will not have a problem finding substitutes depending on your diet or taste.
Gesturing to God - Mudras for Physical, Spiritual and Mental Well-Being
Mudras are symbolic hand gestures or positions used throughout the world in spiritual and daily practice. Studies show that they have the same effect on the brain as language: when you use a mudra, you are activating a specific thought or intent, and that thought carries energy, working like a radio signal to communicate with God, to All that IS, for fulfillment and manifestation. This book is a pocket guide to the mudras, illustrating over 35 mudras in a joyful and colorful way. Look at them when the mood strikes you, or use them every day. Above all: enjoy them!
The Healing Properties of Flowers: An Earth Lodge Introductory Guide to Flower E
Interested in learning more about flower essences, what they are and how to use them? This handy pocket guide lists 115 healing flowers, including the most commonly used remedies, and what you can do with them.Looking for a more in-depth guide to vibrational healing remedies? Check out "The Comprehensive Vibrational Healing Guide" . The comprehensive guide includes information on how to make your own crystal, flower and environmental essences; explains Rife machines, bioenergetic remedies, and homeopathy; covers energy healing methods, sound healing, color therapy and so much more.
An Introduction to Yoga
THE NATURE OF YOGA?In this first discourse we shall concern ourselves with the gaining of a general idea of the subject of Yoga, seeking its place in nature, its own character, its object in human evolution.??THE MEANING OF THE UNIVERSE:?Let us, first of all, ask ourselves, looking at the world around us, what it is that the history of the world signifies. When we read history, what does the history tell us? It seems to be a moving panorama of people and events, but it is really only a dance of shadows; the people are shadows, not realities, the kings and statesmen, the ministers and armies; and the events the battles and revolutions, the rises and falls of states ??are the most shad-owlike dance of all. Even if the historian tries to go deeper, if he deals with economic conditions, with social organisations, with the study of the tendencies of the currents of thought, even then he is in the midst of shadows, the illusory shadows cast by unseen realities. This world is full of forms that are illusory, and the values are all wrong, the proportions are out of focus. The things which a man of the world thinks valuable, a spiritual man must cast aside as worthless. ??The diamonds of the world, with their glare and glitter in the rays of the outside sun, are mere fragments of broken glass to the man of knowledge. The crown of the king, the sceptre of the emperor, the triumph of earthly power, are less than nothing to the man who has had one glimpse of the majesty of the Self. ??What is, then, real? What is truly valuable? Our answer will be very different from the answer given by the man of the world.??"The universe exists for the sake of the Self." Not for what the outer world can give, not for control over the objects of desire, not for the sake even of beauty or pleasure, does the Great Architect plan and build His worlds. He has filled them with objects, beautiful and pleasure-giving. The great arch of the sky above, the mountains with snow-clad peaks, the valleys soft with verdure and fragrant with blossoms, the oceans with their vast depths, their surface now calm as a lake, now tossing in fury, they all exist, not for the objects themselves, but for their value to the Self. Not for themselves because they are anything in themselves but that the purpose of the Self may be served, and His manifestations made possible.
The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga
In studying these Lessons please remember 3 points:— 1. Not one useless or superfluous sentence is written. Every word is full of meaning. They are highly condensed. Think deeply over them. 2. They are meant as a practical supplement to the 'Spiritual Consciousness,' 'Soul-Force' and 'Inner Forces.' Studied side by side, these lessons will yield a great deal of benefit. You are expected to think hard and long. 3. Let none expect speedy or miraculous results. All spiritual training calls for infinite patience and?deep reverence unto the Guru. Constant rise and fall accompanies all progress. CONCENTRATION AND THOUGHT-CONTROL. Student! Your life is your own. You have only yourself to thank for what you are, have been and will be. Take your present into your own hand. Consciously shape out of it your future. Direct your forces along lines of study and endeavour that have the strongest attraction for you. Such attraction is the indication of need. It is the hand pointing out your Life-purpose. What your heart desires earnestly and clamours for incessantly is attracted to you out of the invisible supply, i.e., the means, the environments, the right sort of persons, books and thought-forces are drawn to you and then you are expected to work out your desire. This is in perfect accord with the great Law of Attraction. Some call it God: since it answers all sincere prayers. Prayer, remember, is the sincere desire of the heart. I take it that you hunger for Truth and Spiritual Growth—else you and I would not be here. The instructions given you hereunder are meant to give you a strong body and a strong will. They will also tend to your Soul-Unfoldment. Talk not of them. Keep your mouth closed. Be serious, earnest and thoughtful. Then work at them confidently and with perseverance. Do not be daunted by apparent failures. Failure is the stepping-stone to Success. He fails who gives up a thing in final despair. Go on, I say. You will improve from the very first day, and in a short time you will be another man. All the leaders of humanity, past or present, have studied and investigated with tireless zeal along the special lines and, in Spiritual culture, you must do the same. But you must have health, a strong will and a steady brain, and I will enable you to have these positively.?
Eminescu, poem cu poem. Doina, ?mp?rat ?i proletar,Gloss?, Epigonii,O, mam?
Dr. Carolyn Bernstein, neurolog care a suferit de migrene n tineree, mpreun cuElaine McArdle, jurnalist i avocat, i ea confruntndu-se cu aceeai problem, prezint o analiz clar i cuprinztoare a acestei boli neurologice complexe care afecteaz sistemul nervos central. Durerea de cap sever este doar unul dintre simptomele ei, alturi de grea, vrsturi, modificri ale vederii sau sensibilitate exagerat la lumin sau sunete.Autoarele i ajut pe cititori s identifice factorii declanatori ai unui atac (stresul, somnul insuficient, ciclul menstrual etc.), ndrumndu-i apoi s aplice un plan personalizat pentru prevenire, evitare sau vindecare.Sunt prezentate cercetrile legate de noua clas de medicamente denumite triptani, care pot ntrerupe reacia neurochimic a unui atac, oprind evoluia migrenei, precum i informaii despre medicaia preventiv (beta-blocantele i antidepresivele) sau despre unele metode alternative, cum ar fi biofeedback i acupunctur.Cu creativitate, rigoare tiinific i compasiune, autoarele ofer o gam de tactici i tratamente care s-i ajute pe cei care sufer de migrene s-i controleze i s-i calmeze durerile."Programul propus de dr. Bernstein a ajutat sute de pacieni s-i in migrenele sub control, iar cartea ei v poate ajuta i pe voi.“ -Dr. Mehmet C. Oz, coautor al crilor You: Staying Young i You: On a Dietn sfrit! Migrenele ofer cu adevrat speran, ajutor i compasiune tuturor celor care se confrunt cu aceast suferin.“ -Dr. Pauline W. Chen, autoarea crii Final Exam: A Surgeon's Reflections on MortalityCartea de fa este o surs de informare complet i actual, fiind absolut necesar celor care sufer de migrene i persoanelor din jurul lor. Este aprofundat, uor de neles i bine structurat. Un ghid fundamental n materie de migrene.“ -Dr. Nieca Goldberg, M.D., autoarea crii Dr. Nieca Goldberg's Complete Guide to Women's Health
Jewish Manual
A fantastic collection of hundreds of traditional Jewish recipes from the 19th century.
San-Antonio. De la A la Z
Codul vindec?rii este echipamentul vostru pentru via??: folositi-l! ?n 2001, Alexander Loyd a descoperit cum s? activeze func?ia fizic? ?ncorporat? ?n organism, care poate ?nl?tura, ?n propor?ie de p?n? la 95%, sursa tuturor bolilor ?i st?rilor de r?u. ?n acest caz, sistemul neuro-imunitar ??i poate ?ndeplini misiunea de a vindeca orice r?u din organism. Descoperirile dr. Loyd au fost validate prin teste ?i m?rturii ale oamenilor din ?ntreaga lume, care au folosit sistemul Codul vindec?rii pentru a corecta, practic, orice problem? fizic?, emo?ional? sau rela?ional?, dar ?i pentru a avea succes deosebit ?n carier?. Testele doctorului Alexander Loyd au ar?tat c? exist? un ?cod universal al vindec?rii“ care poate ajuta la vindecarea celor mai multe probleme pentru cei mai mul?i oameni. cartea cuprinde ?i: Cele ?apte secrete ale vie?ii, s?n?t??ii ?i prosperit??ii; Tehnica de 10 secunde a Impactului imediat pentru dezamorsarea stresului zilnic; Detectorul de probleme suflete?ti, singurul test care identific? problemele de baz? printr-un raport personalizat ?i succint. ?Am folosit aproape toate tehnologiile moderne, protocoale de tratament, tehnici, sisteme, filozofii ?i modalit??i de vindecare at?t din medicina alopat?, c?t ?i din cea alternativ?, dar, dac? ar fi s? aleg doar una, aceasta ar fi lucrarea dr. Loyd. Nu cunosc niciun alt proces care s? fie at?t de elegant ?n simplitatea lui, at?t de u?or de ?nv??at, de profund eficient ?i, mai ales, etern. Cea mai bun? recomandare pe care o pot face este s? spun c? ?l folosesc eu ?nsumi, ?l folosesc pentru familia ?i pacien?ii mei.“ – Merril Ken Galera, medic, director medical la Galera Center ?Aproape c? trebuie s? treci printr-un proces ca acela din Codul vindec?rii pentru a-?i schimba convingerile gre?ite care te ?mpiedic? s? ai via?a ?i s?n?tatea pe care ?i le dore?ti.“ – Dr. Bruce Lipton, fost cercet?tor ?n domeniul biologiei celulei la Stanford ?i autor al bestsellerului Biology of Belief
San-Antonio. Bérurier ?n serai
Solu?ia Chopra pentru o sc?dere ?n greutate permanent?, stare de bine ?i lini?te sufleteasc? Via?a ?nseamn? ?mplinire! La ce t?nje?ti acum? La m?ncare? Iubire? Stim? de sine? Lini?te sufleteasc?? De ce m?nc?m uneori mai mult dec?t avem nevoie? Deepak Chopra ne r?spunde: fiindc? nu reu?im s? g?sim mul?umirea ?i lini?tea sufleteasc? de care avem nevoie, transform?m m?ncarea ?n substitut al satisfac?iei emo?ionale. C?nd motivele dezechilibrului emo?ional dispar, organismul se autoregleaz? ?i cere c?t ?i trebuie. Deepak Chopra identific? mai ?nt?i cauzele care ne ?mpiedic? s? ne schimb?m atitudinea: obiceiurile proaste, teama de schimbare, descurajarea de a urma ?nc? o diet? sau dimpotriv?, credin?a naiv? c? urm?toarea diet? va func?iona, al?turi de poftele cotidiene, mai ales pentru alimentele s?rate, dulci ?i grase ?i de faptul c? ritmul modern de via?? aproape c? ne impune alegerea alimentelor nes?n?toase.Solu?ia Chopra este o abordare holistic?, bazat? pe leg?tura dintre minte ?i corp. Ca s? ajungem la o stare ideal? de ?mplinire sufleteasc? ?i form? fizic? optim? trebuie s? ne hr?nim zilnic trupul cu alimente s?n?toase, inima cu bucurie, compasiune ?i iubire, mintea cu noi informa?ii, iar spiritul cu calm ?i con?tiin?? de sine.Cartea se ?ncheie cu o sec?iune de re?ete delicioase ?i s?n?toase inspirate din meniurile Centrului Chopra ?i bazate pe principiile alimentare ayurvedice, adaptate la via?a occidental? modern?.Oriunde te afli ?n via??, cartea de fa?? te va ajuta s? alegi direc?ia potrivit?.
Iustopia: Welcome to the machine
A selection of chocolate recipes which were produced for Walter Baker & Co, the oldest producer of chocolate in the United States.?Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes gives detailed instructions for creating 139 Victorian Era chocolate delicacies ranging from the simplest hot breakfast cocoa to the most extravagant desserts and elegant party dishes and delights. A must-own collectible volume for lovers of chocolate, vintage cook books and American Victoriana alike!
San-Antonio. Lupul travestit ?n bunicu??
Secretele c?mpului energetic uman sunt ?n sf?r?it dezv?luite! ?Pentru oricine dore?te s? examineze c?ile de integrare a cuno?tin?elor despre chakre ?n propria via?? ?i s?n?tate, cartea constituie un ghid valoros.“ – Dr. Larry Dossey, autorul c?r?ii Cuvinte t?m?duitoare ?n Puterea chakrelor, Susan Shumsky studiaz? am?nun?it literatura tantric? ?i vedic? antic?, pentru a ne pune la dispozi?ie cele mai autentice informa?ii despre cele ?apte chakre, cele ?apte sub-chakre ?i sistemul de energii subtile. P?n? acum, o mare parte din aceast? comoar? de ?n?elepciune a fost ?inut? ascuns? ?n p?durile ?i pe?terile Indiei ?i Tibetului. Citind aceast? carte de referin?? ?n domeniu, elogiat? de mae?trii spirituali din India precum ?i de mii de cititori recunosc?tori: ??i vei descoperi corpul subtil ?i c?mpul de energie ?i vei afla cum s? vindeci blocajele; vei ?n?elege cum func?ioneaz? kundalini ?i sistemul de chakre; vei ?nv??a cum s?-?i men?ii s?n?tos c?mpul de energie.
San-Antonio. Splin? ?n suc propriu
Cre?te-?i energia ?n mod spectaculos pentru a nu te mai sim?i obosit niciodat?. Oboseala tinde s? devin? o adev?rat? epidemie. Oameni altfel s?n?to?i, cu v?rste ?ntre 30 ?i 50 de ani, se simt epuiza?i f?r? vreun motiv clar ?i totu?i, c?nd merg la doctor, li se spune c? nu e nimic ?n neregul? cu ei. Sim?i nevoia s? bei ceai sau cafea ca ?s? te treze?ti“? Te sim?i epuizat f?r? vreun motiv aparent? E?ti complet stresat vineri sau extenuat la sf?r?itul unei zile de munc?? Dac? ai r?spuns DA la oricare dintre aceste ?ntreb?ri, atunci a sosit momentul s? preiei controlul asupra s?n?t??ii tale cu ajutorul c?r?ii de fa??. Acest ghid practic pentru ?nvingerea oboselii, scris de unul dintre pu?inii medici generali?ti din Marea Britanie av?nd preg?tire at?t ?n medicina conven?ional?, c?t ?i ?n cea holistic?, te va ajuta: s? alegi regimul alimentar ?i tipul de exerci?ii fizice corecte pentru a-?i reface nivelurile de energie; s? descoperi cele mai bune suplimente care s? te ajute s? te sim?i excelent ?i s? ar??i mai t?n?r; s? atingi un echilibru hormonal ?i s?-?i ?mbun?t??e?ti func?ionarea intestinelor pentru o stare general? bun?. Citind aceast? carte, vom ?n?elege mai bine leg?tura dintre nutri?ie, exerci?ii fizice, mediu ?i s?n?tate precum ?i faptul c? trebuie s? ne asum?m responsabilitatea pentru propria noastr? stare de bine. ?Am scris Vindecarea oboselii pentru a eviden?ia un concept foarte important care este uitat adesea: nim?nui nu ar trebui s?-i pese de s?n?tatea ta mai mult dec?t ?ie. TU trebuie s? devii specialistul ?n tine ?i TU e?ti persoana responsabil? de s?n?tatea ta. Da, TU! Medicul generalist ?i al?i profesioni?ti din domeniul medical te pot ?ndruma, dar, ?n esen??, controlul depinde de tine ?i de alegerile pe care le faci. Nu?i a?a c? asta ??i d? putere?“ - Autoarea
Femeile nu-?i dau seama
Un program revolu?ionar, bogat ?n nutrien?i, pentru o sc?dere ?n greutate rapid? ?i sus?inut?. Sl?bi?i peste 10 kilograme ?n doar 6 s?pt?m?ni.Din cuprins:cazuri de succes care v? vor inspira (?nso?ite de fotografii relevante);m?rturii ale celor care au sc?pat de foarte multe kilograme ?i s-au vindecat de boli care le-au pus via?a ?n pericol;cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice actuale;re?ete noi;idei de preparate ?i multe altele.?O adev?rat? inova?ie medical?… Nu am nicio ?ndoial? c? va func?iona ?i ?n cazul t?u.“ – Dr. Mehmet Oz??n sf?r?it, o carte despre diete care trateaz? riguros ?tiin?a alimenta?iei. Majoritatea c?r?ilor despre diete con?in pu?ine informa?ii de baz? ?n ceea ce prive?te fiziologia. M?n?nc? pentru a tr?i analizeaz? motivele pentru care ne ?ngr???m ?i ne sf?tuie?te cum s? sl?bim ?i s? ne p?str?m silueta toat? via?a, r?m?n?nd totodat? s?n?to?i. Toate afirma?iile sunt sus?inute de date ?tiin?ifice reale.“ – Dr. Thomas Davenport, Spitalul General din MassachusettsM?n?nc? pentru a tr?i ofer? un mod de a sl?bi rapid, foarte eficient ?i demonstrat ?tiin?ific. ?n esen??, planul revolu?ionar pentru ?ase s?pt?m?ni al doctorului Fuhrman este simplu: s?n?tate = nutrien?i / calorii.Dac? raportul dintre nutrien?ii ?i caloriile din alimente este ridicat, sl?bi?i. Cu c?t alimentele pe care le consuma?i au o densitate mai mare a nutrien?ilor, cu at?t pofta de gr?simi, dulciuri ?i alimente bogate ?n calorii este mai redus?. M?n?nc? pentru a tr?i v? va ajuta s? tr?i?i mai mult, s? reduce?i dependen?a de medicamente ?i s? v? ?mbun?t??i?i starea de s?n?tate ?ntr-o m?sur? incredibil de mare. V? va schimba modul ?n care v? alimenta?i.?Cu ajutorul c?r?ii de fa?? ve?i sl?bi mai mult dec?t a?i crezut vreodat? c? este posibil ?i ve?i reu?i s? v? p?stra?i noua greutate.“ – Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Inversarea procesului de ?mb?tr?nire. Revitalizarea celulelor. Refacerea vigorii corporale?n cartea deschiz?toare de drumuri Enzima miracol, dr. Shinya ??i prezenta teoria enzimelor surs? ?i modul ?n care acestea influen?eaz? longevitatea. ?n cartea de fa??, autorul introduce ideea unei noi categorii de enzime, capabile s? inverseze deterior?rile produse de ?naintarea ?n v?rst? prin cur??area celulelor senescente sau ?zombi“, pe care ultimele cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice le arat? ca fiind cauza principal? a ?mb?tr?nirii. ?n paginile c?r?ii de fa?? vei afla:cum reu?esc enzimele ?ntineririi s? distrug? celulele zombi;de ce alimentele de culoare vi?inie contribuie la ?mbun?t??irea vederii ?i a memoriei; de asemenea, este prezentat un plan complet cu ajutorul c?ruia po?i s?-?i activezi enzima ?ntineririi ?i s?-?i revitalizezi s?n?tatea.totul despre comutatorul cancerului;de unde ?tiu celulele ce trebuie s? fac?.?tim c? un num?r tot mai mare de oameni sufer? de demen??, de Alzheimer sau de efectele unui atac cerebral. Celulele ?mb?tr?nite pot s? ne fac?, de asemenea, mai sensibili la bolile infec?ioase. Aceste celule pot chiar s? duc? la cancer. Esen?a vitalit??ii ?i s?n?t??ii noastre este dat? de buna func?ionare a celulelor organismului.
?ns?n?to?ire complet?. Cum ne ?mboln?vim? De ce nu ne facem bine? Cum ne putem v
12 principii pentru a supravie?ui ?i a fi eficient la serviciu, acas? ?i la ?coal?Cei mai mul?i dintre noi nu au habar de ceea ce se ?nt?mpl? cu adev?rat ?n capul lor. Totu?i, oamenii de ?tiin?? care studiaz? creierul au descoperit detalii pe care orice lider din domeniul afacerilor, p?rinte ?i ?nv???tor ar trebui s? le ?tie – cum ar fi faptul c? trebuie s? facem mi?care dac? vrem s? avem un creier care s? func?ioneze la parametri maximi.Cum ?nv???m? Ce efecte au somnul ?i stresul asupra creierului? De ce nu se recomand? s? facem mai multe lucruri deodat?? De ce e at?t de u?or s? uit?m ?i de ce e at?t de important s? repet?m cuno?tin?ele noi? Este adev?rat c? b?rba?ii ?i femeile au creiere diferite??n fiecare capitol al c?r?ii, autorul prezint? c?te o regul? a creierului – ce ?tiu sigur oamenii de ?tiin?? despre felul cum func?ioneaz? creierul uman – ?i ofer? apoi idei care ne pot transforma via?a de zi cu zi. Astfel, cititorii vor descoperi c?:* fiecare creier este condi?ionat diferit* activitatea fizic? ?mbun?t??e?te cogni?ia* nu ?ncet?m niciodat? s? ?nv???m ?i s? explor?m* unele amintiri sunt efemere* ?ntre somn ?i capacitatea de a ?nv??a exist? o leg?tur? puternic?* stresul schimb? modul ?n care ?nv???m?n final, vei ?n?elege cum func?ioneaz? creierul uman ?i cum poate fi exploatat la maximum.??Autorul reu?e?te s? prezinte func?ionarea creierului pe ?n?elesul tuturor, explic?nd care este rolul acestuia la locul de munc? sau ?n s?lile de clas?… ?ntr-un stil care d? via?? cuvintelor.“ - USA Today?Regulile creierului este una dintre cele mai informative, antrenante ?i utile c?r?i ale vremurilor noastre.“ - Garr Reynolds, autor al c?r?ii Presentation Zen?
?ngerul ?ntunecat: Ora?ul ?ngerilor - vol. 1
Pentru a avea o s?n?tate optim? trebuie ?n primul r?nd s? ne aliment?m s?n?tos. Alimenta?ia pe baz? de crudit??i ?nseamn? a tr?i altfel, ?ntr-un mod cu totul nou, inedit, ?nseamn? a te bucura pe deplin de via??, de alimente, de roadele gr?dinii, de natur?, de rela?ii frumoase, da, pentru c? faci economie mare de timp, e?ti mai s?n?tos, iar timpul respectiv ?l po?i petrece ?mpreun? cu cei dragi. S?n?tatea ta va avea numai de c??tigat. Ce perspectiv? promi??toare pentru via??!Lucrarea cuprinde 400 de re?ete din crudit??i, de la salate, supe, paste, sosuri p?n? la b?uturi ?i deserturi, toate preparate din legume ?i fructe proaspete ?i nuci ?i semin?e.La sf?r?itul c?r?ii exist? ?i un supliment – o sec?iune de re?ete preparate termic care pot completa un meniu alc?tuit ?n cea mai mare parte din crudit??i.
Cine a fost Pablo Picasso?
This book contains instructions for camping and walking in the wilderness.As an infantryman with the Union Army, John M. Gould marched and camped in an organized group for several years. He wrote down what he knew, and the result is a book that shows you how to camp and how to organize yourself when you go camping.