

Fic??o brasileira no século XXI: terceiras leituras
Fic??o brasileira no século XXI: terceiras leituras
Helena Bonito Pereira
n aceast carte vom vorbi despre acele boli, care ne fac s ne ntrebm: Oare triesc corect, oare am contiina curat, oare nu sunt prea gelos, prea invidios sau prea iritat“ Sursele i mecanismele acestor boli sunt asigurate de defecte ale sferei noastre spirituale i nu de factori externi. Aceste boli se numesc boli karmice. Cum s ne lecuim de acestea i s nvm s trim conform legilor i ritmurilor cosmice Cum s fim n armonie cu noi nine, cu lumea nconjurtoare, cum s avem succes i s devenim oameni sntoin aceast carte: predispoziia zodiacal la anumite boli; legtura dintre Lun i sntate; mecanismul apariiei i tratrii bolilor karmice; legtura dintre boli i strile negative; mbuntirea karmei i ndeprtarea cmpurilor energetice strine.
      关于人类自己,我们有着太多的好奇。为什么人会有欲望?是什么动机促使我们挑战这样或是那样的困难?动机总是一个一个,好像无休无止,自我实现真的可以被满足吗?甚至,我们还会想知道,我们可以成为什么,我们想要成为什么?      这些对自我行为与心理的探索,对内在人性的疑问和剖析,在这本《动机与人格》里已经行了充分的表述。当代伟大的心理学家、人本心理学的奠基人马斯洛在书中提出了许多精彩的观,详细探讨了自我实现这个概念,创造性地提出了人本心理学科学观的理论、需要层次论、元动机理论、心理治疗理论、高峰体验理论等重要观,以解答我们对人性的疑问,帮助我们从心理动机的角度,了解个人自我实现的需求。      实现内在动机的关键,在于认清内心自我实现的需求,抵御外部力量的裹挟。简单来说,就是只要你想,你就可以活出你自己想要成为的样子。
Heather Cai Tailian
"At any rate, she only wanted to be good and seen as good as “Good!” sounds. She yearned to be a good daughter, a good sister, a good wife, a good mother, a good daughter-in-law, a good member of the family and a good member in this society. But there was no good friend in her dictionary, because she didn’t have one. Accordingly, she was not in any social circle. She occupied very little space, and her world was a poor function in an ancient machine. "
Castle Gay
Castle Gay
John Buchan
Dougal and Jaikie set off travelling the world, but first they must visit Mr Craw and his Castle Gay fully of mysterious characters.
Delphi Complete Works of Sir Thomas Malory (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Sir Thomas Malory (Illustrated)
Sir Thomas Malory
First published in 1485, Sir Thomas Malory’s ‘Le Morte Darthur’ remains the most definitive work of Arthurian literature in English. This comprehensive eBook presents both the original Winchester and Caxton texts, with numerous illustrations, rare texts appearing in digital print for the first time and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Malory’s life and works * Concise introduction to LE MORTE DARTHUR * The Winchester Manuscript, with the original Middle English spellings – first time in digital print * Caxton’s text with modernised spellings and a glossary * Excellent formatting of the texts * Special contents tables for LE MORTE DARTHUR * Easily locate the sections you want to read * Features a bonus biography - discover Malory’s literary life Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: Le Morte Darthur LE MORTE DARTHUR – WINCHESTER MANUSCRIPT LE MORTE DARTHUR – CAXTON MODERNISED VERSION The Biography MALORY AND LE MORTE DARTHUR by A. W. Pollard Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Love Is ...: "10 Rules of the Love"
Love Is ...: "10 Rules of the Love"
Oksana Esina
Everyone in life is gonna hurt you,?You just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.?- Erica Baican??She Walks In Beauty like the night (Lord Byron)??Everybody is looking for someone they belong to. Everybody is looking for the sense of their lives. But whatever you do, nothing makes sense without love in your heart.?So, the question is "What can love do?"?Love helps to live and to survive in the hardest moments of our lives.?Love inspires you.??Love awakes good feelings in your soul. The feeling of flying in the sky...The feeling of growing wings... The feeling of real living, not existing...?Love brings harmony in your heart.?Love is belief.??Love is warmth. Warmth, which can protect you from all your fears.?Love is caring. Caring for every living being around you.?Love is giving. Giving everything you have, your joy and your sorrow, your heart and your soul, your love and your mind, offering a helping hand in hard moments to the person you love...?Love is pain. Pain that hurts you & inspires you at the same time...?Love is peace. Peace in your heart, in your mind, in your life.?Love is charity...?Love is romance. Romantic ideas, romantic acting...??And Love is the best feeling in the world. Love makes the world go round. It is the greatest mystery of all times. If you ask someone What is love?, He or she will hardly find enough words to express its meaning. Love can be different. There is love for parents, love for children, love for animals, love for friends; first love, love for husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. ??When you love someone or something, your heart and soul become warmer and kinder. People, who carry love in their hearts, are always happy and in good mood. Love helps to live and survive in the hardest moments of our lives. Almost all feelings in the world have some advantages or disadvantages.??However, love has only advantages.?It brings harmony and peace. About Author: Was born in city of Kharkov in Ukraine. She graduated from the National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav Wise, speciality "Jurisprudence" with the red diploma. Wrote 5 scientific papers at the chair of financial law, National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise. Occupation legal science had a great influence on my literary career and enriched me with your knowledge, who were guides in life. Successfully made a career – head of the legal Department at the tax office. Happily married (with “Murat UKRAY” who CEO of “CHEAPEST BOOKs”). ?Literary works: The book is about female destination: “Next stop, Married. Let's go, girls, go!” (Следующая Остановка) Publication in Russian language in July 2016
My First Old Testament Bible Stories
My First Old Testament Bible Stories
Kim Mitzo Thompson
God is the creator. That means He made everything that you see in the whole world. God made you too.
[美]天宝·葛兰汀(Temple Grandin) 玛格丽特·M·斯卡里诺 著 徐雅珺 孟畅 译
Jolly Old St.Nicholas
Jolly Old St.Nicholas
Kim Mitzo Thompson
The magic of Christmas comes alive with this classic letter to Santa. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
A Beginner's Psychology: Psychology: What it Is and What it Does?
A Beginner's Psychology: Psychology: What it Is and What it Does?
Edward Bradford Titchener
It is an acknowledged fact that we perceive errors in the work of others more readily than in our own.?—Leonardo da Vinci??In this Beginner's Psychology I have tried to write, as nearly as might be, the kind of book that I should have found useful when I was beginning my own study of psychology. That was nearly thirty years ago; and I read Bain, and the Mills, and Spencer, and Rabier, and as much of Wundt as a struggling acquaintance with German would allow. Curiously enough, it was a paragraph in James Mill, most unpsychological of psychologists, that set me on the introspective track,—though many years had to pass before I properly understood what had put him off it. ??A book like this would have saved me a great deal of labour and vexation of spirit. Nowadays, of course, there are many introductions to psychology, and the beginner has a whole library of text-books to choose from. Still, they are of varying merit; and, what is perhaps more important, their temperamental appeal is diverse.?I do not find it easy to relate this new book to the older Primer,—which will not be further revised. There is change all through; every paragraph has been rewritten. ??The greatest change is, however, a shift of attitude; I now lay less stress than I did upon knowledge and more upon point of view. The beginner in any science is oppressed and sometimes disheartened by the amount he has to learn; so many men have written, and so many are writing; the books say such different things, and the magazine articles are so upsetting!
The Fiery Hierarchy: Revealing the Secret Government of the World
The Fiery Hierarchy: Revealing the Secret Government of the World
Zinovia Dushkova
All the peoples of the world have preserved myths and legends about a secret government which rules everything invisibly, making the most important decisions for humanity according to the just Laws of the Cosmos. This world government is Shambhala the Resplendent, headed by the Great Lord, who was once known all over the world as Prester John, a mysterious king of the East. Although this hidden government has little in common with earthly regimes, it still offered its help to leaders of different countries often. The acceptance of this higher assistance would bring these countries unprecedented flourishing, while its rejection would result in their inevitable decline. So what does the Hierarchy of Light, this biblical Jacob’s Ladder connecting the Earth and Heaven, represent? According to what laws does it rule in the Universe and on our planet? And how can you become a colleague of the Hierarchy? In Book 5 of The Teaching of the Heart series, the Lord of Love and Compassion, the Supreme Head of the Hierarchy on our planet, will tell you about the Teachers who guide life on the Earth and oppose the forces of darkness. He will help you comprehend one of the most fundamental and immutable laws of all creation: the Law of Hierarchy. In addition, in the book’s pages you will learn about an innermost link between the Teachers and their disciples and also how you yourself can come closer to the Hierarchy of Light and become its loyal colleague. The clear realization of the Hierarchy of Light will enable you to accelerate your spiritual ascent and attain the Higher Leadership, which will guide and protect you in all the righteous undertakings that you do for the good of all humanity. Will your heart accept the Supreme Guidance?
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day
Arnold Bennett
Philosophers have explained space. They have not explained time. It is the inexplicable raw material of everything. With it, all is possible; without it, nothing. The supply of time is truly a daily miracle, an affair genuinely astonishing when one examines it.
Bu Kalp Buna Dayan?r m??: Sonsuz Ya?am
Bu Kalp Buna Dayan?r m??: Sonsuz Ya?am
Dr. İlhan Korkmaz
Bu kitap ile ?nsanlar?n kafalar?ndaki ya?amsal konulardaki soru i?aretleri ile Genel ?lke ve Dünya sorunlar?na evrensel bir bak?? a??s?yla yakla??mda bulunarak na?izane ??züm ?nerilerinde bulunmaya ?al??t?m. Umar?m okuduklar?n?z ya?am?n?za katk? sa?lar. Unutulmamal?d?r ki hayat bizimle ya da bize ra?men akmaya devam edecektir. ?nsan, kendisini, toplumu ve dünyas?n? güzelle?tirecek ?ekilde ya?ayabilendir. ??? Ya?am?m i?inde ald???m e?itim ve olu?turdu?um tecrübelerimde bana yard?mc? olan tüm insanlara, hayat?mda bana katt?klar? de?er i?in tüm dostlar?ma ve bana g?sterdikleri sevgi, sayg? ve anlay?? i?in e?ime ve ?ocuklar?ma te?ekkür ederim. Bana kitab?m? bas?l? hale getirerek, ?bu ?ns?züme de katk? ?yapan Emek yay?nevi ve yetkilisi ?zkan Günal’a da ayr?ca te?ekkür ediyorum. Bu kitab? okuyan siz de?erli okuyuculara te?ekkür ediyorum. Bir kitab? de?erli ve güzel k?lan okuyucusudur. ? ?yi ki vars?n?z.. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?lhan KORKMAZ ??Yazar hakk?nda? ???Yazar. ?stanbul 1962 do?umlu olup ?stanbul ?ehremini Anadolu Lisesi 1979 y?l? mezunu ?ve 1987 y?l?nda ??stanbul ?niversitesi ?stanbul T?p Fakültesini bitirdi. ?Mecburi hizmetini Van ili ?zalp il?esinde 1990 y?l?nda tamamlad?, ard?ndan askerli?ini Diyarbak?r Ergani’de Jandarma Komando Te?men olarak 1992 y?l?nda bitirdi. S?ras?yla Yalova, Fatih, G. O. Pa?a, Beyo?lu / ?stanbul il?elerinde g?rev yaparak, 2007 y?l?nda Bursa iline yerle?erek Y?ld?r?m ve Nilüfer il?elerinde g?rev ald?. ???En son, Nilüfer il?esi Ataevler Aile Sa?l??? Merkezi Aile Hekimli?inden emekli oldu ve halen i? yerlerinde k?smi zamanl? olarak ?? Yeri Hekimli?i yapmaktad?r. ?Dilek Korkmaz ile evli olup, Serhan ve Nazl?han isimli iki ?ocuk babas?.
Despre locuri ?i locuire
Despre locuri ?i locuire
Petraș Irina
Jeffrey Kluger a crescut ?ntr-o familie al?turi de al?i trei fra?i b?ie?i. De asemenea, mai are doi fra?i vitregi gemeni, dintr-o a doua c?snicie a tat?lui s?u – o fat? ?i un b?iat.Plec?nd de la experien?a personal?, autorul exploreaz?, cu ?n?elegere ?i umor, lumea complex? a fra?ilor din mai multe puncte de vedere: ?tiin?ific, psihologic, sociologic ?i memorialistic. El este de p?rere c? nimeni nu ne afecteaz? la fel de profund ca fra?ii ?i surorile noastre – nici p?rin?ii, nici copiii, nici prietenii no?tri. Din momentul ?n care ne na?tem, fra?ii sunt colaboratorii no?tri ?i cei cu care conspir?m, modelele noastre ?i cei de la care avem cele mai multe lucruri de ?nv??at. Ei ne ?nva?? cum s? ne rezolv?m conflictele, cum s? ne facem prieteni ?i cum s? st?m departe de necazuri. Fra?ii no?tri sunt singurele persoane pe care le cunoa?tem care se calific? ?ntr-adev?r ca parteneri de via??.Printre subiectele pe care autorul le examineaz? ?n aceast? carte se num?r?: conflictele ?ntre fra?i ?i rezolvarea lor; ordinea na?terii ?i influen?a acesteia asupra evolu?iei ulterioare a fra?ilor; consecin?ele pe care faptul de a fi favoritul unuia dintre p?rin?i le are asupra celorlal?i fra?i; urm?rile pe care divor?ul p?rin?ilor le are asupra copiilor, care fie trebuie s? locuiasc? cu un singur p?rinte, fie sunt nevoi?i s? tr?iasc? ?n cadrul unei familii noi, l?rgite; conceptul de alloparenting (ajutorul dat de fra?ii mai mari la cre?terea fra?ilor mai mici); drogurile, consumul de alcool ?i sarcina la adolescen??; studiile care au ca subiect gemenii ?i copiii unici (d?nd ca exemplu politica na?ional? a copilului unic din China); codificarea genetic? a tr?s?turilor comportamentale; tulbur?rile emo?ionale ?i efectele lor asupra rela?iilor fraterne; evolu?ia ?n timp a leg?turilor fraterne ?i multe altele.
Cu tine ?n departare
Cu tine ?n departare
Carla Guelfenbein
Serie v?ndut? ?n peste 60 de milioane de exemplare. Con?ine ?apte capitole cu sfaturi practice, dovedite, de la profesioni?ti de top.Po?i ?nv??a ?ntr-o s?pt?m?n? tot ce ?nva?? exper?ii ?ntr-o via?? Duminic?: Exploreaz? factorii de influen??, at?t pozitivi, c?t ?i negativi Luni: ?n?elege stereotipurile, puterea congruen?ei ?i importan?a prezent?rii Mar?i: Dezvolt?-?i o voce cu autoritate cu ?puterea lui trei” ?i tehnicile propozi?iilor asertive Miercuri: Descoper? cele trei elemente de comunicare ?i cum s? le folose?ti pentru a stabili un raport rapid ?i eficient Joi: ?nva?? s? recuno?ti filtrele interne ?i s? le utilizezi ?n modelele de persuasiune Vineri: Folose?te modele de programare neuro-lingvistic? pentru a influen?a la un nivel incon?tient S?mb?t?: ?nva?? cum s? folose?ti tehnici dovedite de persuasiune, precum TAB ?i AIDA, legile reciprocit??ii, ale pu?inului ?i al?i declan?atori emo?ionali
Cursuri universitare de arheologie preistoric?
Cursuri universitare de arheologie preistoric?
Vladimir Dumitrescu
Faptele sunt mai gr?itoare dec?t cuvintele: o ?ncuviin?are din cap, un suspin elocvent, o privire studiat?, un z?mbet cu sub?n?eles, bra?ele ?ncruci?ate, chiar ?i modul ?n care v? atinge?i nasul sunt c?teva dintre sutele de indicii pe care trupul vostru le ofer? permanent ?i de care poate c? nici nu sunte?i con?tien?i.
Commentaries On Living: Second Series
Commentaries On Living: Second Series
Jiddu Krishnamurti
In this series of commentaries J. Krishnamurti, one of the great thinkers of our time, touches upon many human problems—ourhopes, our fears, our illusions, our beliefs, our prejudices—and in the simplest language seems to pierce to their roots.“The sheer simplicity is breathtaking. The reader is given, in one paragraph, often in one sentence, enough to keep him exploring, questioning, thinking for days.” –Anne Morrow Lindbergh.“The insight, spiritual and poetic, of these commentaries is as simply expressed as it is searching in its demand.” –Times Literary Supplement (London).“Krishnamurti is no other than he seems, a free man, one of the first quality, growing older as diamonds do but the gem-like flame not dating, and alive in these Commentaries. It is a treasure.” –Francis Hacket, The New Republic. J. Krishnamurti was born in South India and educated in England.Hailed by many from early youth as a spiritual teacher, he rejected adulation and leadership in order to encourage spiritual freedom and understanding. He devoted his life to speaking and counseling, traveling in the U.S.A., Europe, India and other parts of the world, addressing thousands of people, always pointing the way to individual discovery of truth.These Commentaries on Living are published in three volumes:First, Second, and Third Series.
Locuri. Oameni. Pove?ti
Locuri. Oameni. Pove?ti
Liliana Nicolae
Un aspect atractiv al prezentei ediii st n capacitatea sa de a fi o lectur plcut i practic, rmnnd n acelai timp un document tiinific util deopotriv cercettorilor i publicului general. Pentru specialiti, cartea de fa poate reprezenta o schimbare agreabil de ritm (de la materialele de studiu obinuite), care, totui, nu face rabat seriozitii tiinifice. De asemenea, att pentru cercettori ct i pentru publicul larg, cartea aceasta poate fi considerat o modalitate de a demonstra c, printr-o prezentare adecvat, ceea ce pare a fi doar un text tiinific fad se poate dovedi a fi, n realitate, un text plin de via, folositor i relevant pentru toata lumea.“ – Robert B. Cialdini
Ionel Necula
Surse oficiale precizeaz?: Metroul-2 este un obiectiv guvernamental, care prezint? interes din punctul de vedere al leg?turilor subterane ?i, ?n caz de necesitate, poate fi folosit at?t ca sistem sigur de comunica?ii, c?t ?i ca mijloc de transport. Dac?, p?n? ?n prezent, n-au existat motive s? fie ascunse aceste informa?ii, atunci, de ce nu se spune dac? Metroul-2 este depozit secret pentru rezervele de aur ale Rusiei sau tunel care duce la cele mai mari z?c?minte de bog??ii minerale sau drumul folosit de Stalin ca s? mearg? la ?nt?lnirile cu Buharin? Ce s-a petrecut ?i ce se petrece acolo? Mai ?nt?i, de ce au fost ?mpu?ca?i constructorii Metroului-2? De ce au disp?rut at??ia oameni ?i de unde a ap?rut plutoniul pentru armament sub p?m?nt? Cine folose?te ?n prezent bunc?rul de sub Kremlin? De ce se ascund cu grij? informa?iile despre acesta, despre bunc?rul secret a lui Stalin ?i despre ?nmorm?nt?rile ?n mas? din subteranele metroului? Sau despre legendara bibliotec? a lui Ivan cel Groaznic, precum ?i despre cauzele pr?bu?irii parcului acvatic din Moscova? Despre toate acestea ?i despre multe altele v? va povesti un ziarist care a cutreierat ?mpreun? cu diggerii tunelurile subterane ?i s-a ini?iat ?n tainele sumbre ale metrourilor din Piter ?i Moscova.
Szabó Magda
n Enciclopedia transformrii“ Vladimir Lermontov i-a propus s ne nvee s lucrm cu imaginile. Descoperim astfel c noi suntem creatorii att ai realitii n care trim, ct i ai viitorului nostru. Autorul a pus laolalt cele mai importante momente ale metodologiei sale cu scopul de a prezenta cititorului un tablou complet. Ne ascultm sufletul sau ne lsm dominai de raiune Ce sunt imaginile i cum lucrm cu ele Unde trebuie s cutm fericirea, sntatea, bogia i iubirea De unde vine boala i cum s ne vindecm Cum ne putem crea realitatea n care ne dorim s trim Aici vei gsi rspuns la toate aceste ntrebri. Vei nva s aplicai aceste cunotine n viaa de zi cu zi. Vei afla c magia nu este dect o calitate a sufletului nostru, c avem puteri nelimitate, trebuie doar s credem n noi, n sufletul nostru i s ne crem o lume nou n care ne dorim s trim.
Paradigma puterii ?n secolul al XIX-lea
Paradigma puterii ?n secolul al XIX-lea
Buleu Constantina Raveca
Educa?ia poate fi relaxant? ?i distractiv? at?t pentru copil c?t ?i pentru p?rinte, odat? ce de?inem bagajul minim necesar de cuno?tin?e despre etapele dezvolt?rii copilului ?i un set de metode simple ?i eficiente pentru a ie?i din ?ncurc?turi precum crizele de furie ?ntr-un magazin aglomerat sau manifest?rile de gelozie ?ntre fra?i.Interactiv?, clar? ?i instructiv?, aceast? carte ne arat? cum putem stimula imagina?ia, creativitatea, vorbirea sau abilit??ile practice ale copiilor ?ntr-un mod juc?u?, cum ?i de ce s? select?m din noianul de juc?rii de pe pia?? ?i, pe scurt, la ce s? ne a?tept?m ?i cum s? interac?ion?m cu copilul ?n func?ie de v?rsta ?i de pragul s?u de dezvoltare.
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