Mo? Teac?
Publica?ii, documente, scrisori ?i fotografii?n anul 1920, ?ntr-o lupt? inegal? cu trupele bol?evice, ?n fruntea Brig?zii a 2-a de Mitraliere a Armatei Na?ionale Ucrainene, locotenent-colonelul Hnat Porohivski s-a retras pe malul drept al Nistrului. Participant la Primul R?zboi Mondial, lider al emigran?ilor ucraineni care s-au salvat din fostul Imperiu Rus ?n Rom?nia, ?n anul 1931 absolv? ?coala Superioar? de ?tiin?e Administrative din Bucure?ti, iar ?n 1940 devine comisar al guvernului ucrainean ?n exil pentru statele balcanice.Din anul 1930 lucreaz? pentru Serviciul Secret de Informa?ii al Armatei Rom?ne, sub numele conspirativ Ciobanu, loialitatea sa fiind determinat? nu doar de orientarea antisovietic?, dar ?i de ospitalitatea oferit?. Lu?nd parte la lupte din primele zile ale r?zboiului rom?no-sovietic, sub numele conspirativ Dobrescu, ?n calitate de ofi?er superior al Agenturii Frontului de Est, a condus Biroul de Studii, Documentare ?i Centralizare.Volumul reprezint? un prim pas de recuperare a memoriei celui c?ruia i se datoreaz?, ?n mare parte, renumele de care s-a bucurat emigra?ia politic? ucrainean? din Rom?nia, rezisten?a acesteia ?n fa?a asaltului de distrugere ?i divizare, men?inerea pozi?iei de ostilitate fa?? de comunism ?i de imperialism.
Uma superfície de gelo ancorada no riso: a atualidade do grotesco em Hilda Hilst
Imaginea Romaniei prin turism, targuri si expozitii universale, in perioada interbelica, este titlul unei noi carti extrem de interesante, adresata atat specialistilor cat si publicului larg. Lucrarea elaborata de dr. Claudiu-Alexandru Vitanos reprezinta bilantul unor eforturi sistematice ale autorului de cercetare a modului in care a fost elaborata politica nationala privind dezvoltarea turismului si, totodata, politica de promovare a Romaniei prin intermediul targurilor si expozitiilor universale de-a lungul deceniilor interbelice.
Porque N?o Posso Amar: Poemas Sobre Sentimentos Negados
Porque N?o Posso Amar: Poemas Sobre Sentimentos Negados
The Art of War
The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise that was written during the 6th century BC by Sun Tzu. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it has long been praised as the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time. The Art of War is one of the oldest books on military strategy in the world. It is the first and one of the most successful works on strategy and has had a huge influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, and beyond. Sun Tzu was the first to recognize the importance of positioning in strategy and that position is affected both by objective conditions in the physical environment and the subjective opinions of competitive actors in that environment. He taught that strategy was not planning in the sense of working through a to-do list, but rather that it requires quick and appropriate responses to changing conditions.
The Burning Wheel
The Burning Wheel
Renaissance in Italy: The Age of the Despots
According to Wikipedia: "John Addington Symonds (5 October 1840 - 19 April 1893) was an English poet and literary critic… Meanwhile he was occupied with his major work, Renaissance in Italy, which appeared in seven volumes at intervals between 1875 and 1886. The Renaissance had been the subject of Symonds' prize essay at Oxford, and this had aroused a desire to produce a more complete picture of the reawakening of art and literature in Europe... He practically made his home at Davos. A charming picture of his life there is drawn in Our Life in the Swiss Highlands (1891). Symonds became a citizen of the town; he took part in its municipal business, made friends with the peasants and shared their interests. There he wrote most of his books: biographies of Shelley (1878), Philip Sidney (1886), Ben Jonson (1886) and Michelangelo (1893), several volumes of poetry and essays, and a translation of the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini (1887). There, too, he completed his study of the Renaissance, the work for which he is mainly remembered."
Glinda of Oz by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Glinda of Oz by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of L. Frank Baum’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Baum includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Glinda of Oz by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Baum’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit to learn more about our wide range of titles
Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina is one of the greatest novels written by Leo Tolstoy, often credited as the pinnacle of realist fiction, and described by Tolstoy himself as his first true novel.
Les Trois Mousquetaires
Vreau s? cred c? drumul lui Eugenio Barba este cel ?n care ?nt?lne?te copacul de care at?rn? pe creanga cea mai de sus un m?r de aur ?i f?r? s? ?i pese de cei din jurul lui, de privirile lor arogante sau sc?nteind a dispre?, se ca??r? ?n copac, ?n plin? lumin? de zi, ?i culege m?rul. M?rul norocos al destinului. Curaj, perseveren??, credin?? de nezdruncinat ?n vocea l?untrului care mereu ?i ?opte?te drumul pe care s?-l urmeze, c?ci este drumul lui.Eugenio Barba, vizionar, reformator, artist, dramaturg-regizor, maestru, scriitor, ?n dramaturgia sa, ?n cuvintele sale imortalizate ?n reflec?ii asupra sensului ?i condi?iei artei teatrului ?i a artistului, ?n cercet?rile de natur? artistic? ?i ?tiin?ific?, ?n laboratorul de teatru, sesiunile ?colii Interna?ionale de Antropologie Teatral? forjeaz? un act artistic unificator prin coprezen?e ale contrariilor, ?ntrup?ri ale simultaneit??ilor, combin?ri temporale ?i spa?iale, dintre trecut ?i viitor, dintre Est ?i Vest, declan??nd ?o revolu?ie copernician? f?r? de care ?tiin?a teatrului de la sf?r?itul secolului XX ar fi incomprehensibil?“. (Diana Cozma)
America First: —100 Stories from Our History—
WHEN children advance beyond the nursery age, no story is so wonderful as a true story. Fiction to them is never as appealing as fact. I have often been faced with the inquiry: whether or not a story is a true one. The look of gratification, when told that "it actually happened," was most satisfying to me as a story-teller.??The nearer a story is to the life and traditions of the child, the more eagerly it is attended. True stories about our own people, about our neighbors and friends, and about our own country at large, are more interesting than true stories of remote places and people. We naturally are interested in our own affairs, and the nearer they are to us the greater the interest we feel.??That history is just a long, thrilling story of the trials and triumphs of pioneers and patriots is well known to those who have had to do with the teaching of history to youthful minds. That the dry recital of political and governmental history does not interest children is also well known. History should be made vital, vibrant, and personal if we expect children to be stirred by its study.?To gratify the love of children for the dramatic and picturesque, to satisfy them with stories that are true, and to make them familiar with the great characters in the history of their own country, is the purpose of this volume.??It is hoped that through appeal to youthful love of adventure, this collection of stories, covering the entire range of American history, will stimulate the ambition and strengthen the patriotism of those young citizens whose education has been the constant concern of the author for many years.
Delphi Complete Works of Mark Twain (Illustrated)
This is the COMPLETE WORKS of America's favourite storyteller Mark Twain. The eBook contains every novel, short story - even the very rare ones ? essay, travel book, non-fiction text, letter and much, much more! . (Current Version: 3) Features: * ALL 12 novels, with concise introductions and contents tables * images of how the books first appeared, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * includes Twain's rare unfinished novel 'The Mysterious Stranger', often missed out of collections * ALL of the short stories, with quality formatting * the short stories have their own chronological and alphabetical contents tables - find that special story easily! * Twain's 20 short story contributions to "The Library of Humor", with their own contents table * even INCLUDES Twain's complete letters, essays and satires - with their own special contents tables * ALL of the travel writing, with contents tables * includes Twain's "Chapters from My Autobiography" * SPECIAL BONUS texts, including three contemporary Twain biographies - explore the great man's amazing life in Paine's and Howells' famous biographies! * UPDATED with a special literary criticism section, with various works exploring Twain's contribution to literature * UPDATED with Archibald Henderson's critical study MARK TWAIN * UPDATED with the complete speeches * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres The eBook also includes a front no-nonsense table of contents to allow easy navigation around Twain's immense oeuvre. Welcome to hours upon hours upon hours of reading one of literature's most famous storytellers! CONTENTS The Novels THE GILDED AGE: A TALE OF TODAY THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN and many more! The Short Stories (too many to list!) CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES MARK TWAIN'S LIBRARY OF HUMOR The Essays and Satires LIST OF TWAIN'S ESSAYS AND SATIRES The Travel Writing THE INNOCENTS ABROAD ROUGHING IT A TRAMP ABROAD FOLLOWING THE EQUATOR SOME RAMBLING NOTES OF AN IDLE EXCURSION The Non-Fiction OLD TIMES ON THE MISSISSIPPI and many more! The Letters THE COMPLETE LETTERS OF MARK TWAIN The Speeches THE COMPLETE SPEECHES The Criticism MARK TWAIN BY ARCHIBALD HENDERSON MARK TWAIN BY BRANDER MATTHEWS THE AMERICANS BY DAVID CHRISTIE MURRAY MARK TWAIN BY FREDERICK WADDY NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLES The Biographies CHAPTERS FROM MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY BY M.TWAIN MY MARK TWAIN BY WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS MARK TWAIN A BIOGRAPHY BY A.B. PAINE THE BOYS' LIFE OF MARK TWAIN BY A. B. PAINE
Delphi Complete Works of Plautus (Illustrated)
The Roman playwright Plautus wrote comedies that are the earliest Latin literary texts to have survived in their entirety. Loosely adapted from lost Greek plays, the works of Plautus helped establish a truly Roman drama in the Latin language for the first time. Delphi’s Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Latin texts. This comprehensive eBook presents Plautus’ complete extant works, with relevant illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Plautus’ life and works* Features the complete extant works of Plautus, in both English translation and the original Latin* All 20 extant plays* Concise introductions to the plays* Features translations by Henry Thomas Riley * Excellent formatting of the texts* Easily locate the acts you want to read with individual contents tables* Includes Plautus’ rare plays, first time in digital print* Features a bonus biography – discover Plautus’ ancient world* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to explore our range of Ancient Classics titles or buy the entire series as a Super Set CONTENTS: The TranslationsAMPHITRYONASINARIAAULULARIABACCHIDESCAPTIVICASINACISTELLARIACURCULIOEPIDICUSMENAECHMIMERCATORMILES GLORIOSUSMOSTELLARIAPERSAPOENULUSPSEUDOLUSRUDENSSTICHUSTRINUMMUSTRUCULENTUS The Latin TextsLIST OF LATIN TEXTS The BiographyINTRODUCTION TO PLAUTUS by Paul Nixon Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles
Meeting Life: Writings and Talks on Finding Your Path Without Retreating from So
In this fascinating collection culled from teachings never before brought together in book form, Krishnamurti offers wise reflections and fresh perceptions on love, politics, society, death, self-censorship, relationships, solitude, meditation, spiritual growth, and much more. Thought provocative meditations and in-depth answers, Krishnamurti answers such timeless questions as: What is meditation? What are love and loneliness? What should our relationship to authority really be? Meeting Life also features a number of Krishnamurti’s talks, delivered in Switzerland, India, England, and California. Here is the profound wisdom of a beloved teacher who moved millions with his words. This thought-provoking and inspirational volume will provide strength and encouragement to anyone searching for insight.
Duan?n ?nemi: “S?navlar ??in Dua Kitab?“
Te mit tennél kockára azért, hogy teljesüljenek a vágyaid?A testi épségedet?A lelkedet?Rona ?r?mlányként dolgozik, de minden vágya, hogy írón? válhasson bel?le. Ahhoz, hogy be tudja fejezni élete els? regényét, bele kell merülnie a BDSM számára eddig ismeretlen világába. Ahogy egyre mélyebbre hatol a k?telek, bilincsek és ostorcsapások k?z?tt, úgy ébred rá, hogy ez az egész nem csupán a szexr?l szól, annál sokkal t?bbr?l.Régóta dédelgetett gyerekkori sérelmek szabadulnak fel a pálcacsapások nyomán, és kalandjai során egészen új emberré válik.Vajon a szex k?zben elszenvedett fájdalom gyógyír lehet mindenre?Mit szól majd a k?rnyezete, a szerelme? Képesek lesznek elfogadni új énjét? Milyen áldozatok árán válhat valóra élete nagy álma?Rona Fire valós élményeken alapuló, szenvedéllyel és romantikával teli igaz t?rténete olyan világba repíti el az olvasót, ahova csak kevesen merészkednek.
We sailed from Peru, (where we had continued for the space of one whole year) for China and Japan, by the South Sea; taking with us victuals for twelve months; and had good winds from the east, though soft and weak, for five months space, and more. But the wind came about, and settled in the west for many days, so as we could make little or no way, and were sometime in purpose to turn back. But then again there arose strong and great winds from the south, with a point east, which carried us up (for all that we could do) towards the north; by which time our victuals failed us, though we had made good spare of them. So that finding ourselves, in the midst of the greatest wilderness of waters in the world, without victuals, we gave ourselves for lost men and prepared for death. Yet we did lift up our hearts and voices to God above, who showeth his wonders in the deep, beseeching him of his mercy, that as in the beginning he discovered the face of the deep, and brought forth dry land, so he would now discover land to us, that we might not perish. And it came to pass that the next day about evening we saw within a kenning before us, towards the north, as it were thick clouds, which did put us in some hope of land; knowing how that part of the South Sea was utterly unknown; and might have islands, or continents, that hitherto were not come to light. Wherefore we bent our course thither, where we saw the appearance of land, all that night; and in the dawning of the next day, we might plainly discern that it was a land; flat to our sight, and full of boscage; which made it show the more dark. And after an hour and a half's sailing, we entered into a good haven, being the port of a fair city; not great indeed, but well built, and that gave a pleasant view from the sea: and we thinking every minute long, till we were on land, came close to the shore, and offered to land. But straightways we saw divers of the people, with bastons in their hands (as it were) forbidding us to land; yet without any cries of fierceness, but only as warning us off, by signs that they made. Whereupon being not a little discomforted, we were advising with ourselves, what we should do. During which time, there made forth to us a small boat, with about eight persons in it; whereof one of them had in his hand a tipstaff of a yellow cane, tipped at both ends with blue, who came aboard our ship, without any show of distrust at all. And when he saw one of our number, present himself somewhat before the rest, he drew forth a little scroll of parchment (somewhat yellower than our parchment, and shining like the leaves of writing tables, but otherwise soft and flexible,) and delivered it to our foremost man. In which scroll were written in ancient Hebrew, and in ancient Greek, and in good Latin of the school, and in Spanish, these words: Land ye not, none of you; and provide to be gone from this coast, within sixteen days, except you have further time given you. Meanwhile, if you want fresh water or victuals, or help for your sick, or that your ship needeth repairs, write down your wants, and you shall have that, which belongeth to mercy. This scroll was signed with a stamp of cherubim: wings, not spread, but hanging downwards; and by them a cross. This being delivered, the officer returned, and left only a servant with us to receive our answer. F. BACON About Author: Francis Bacon, 1561 – 1626), was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, essayist, and author. He served both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England. After his death, he remained extremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution.Bacon has been called the father of empiricism. His works established and popularised inductive methodologies for scientific inquiry, often called the Baconian method, or simply the scientific method. His demand for a planned procedure of investigating all things natural marked a new turn in the rhetorical and theoretical framework for science, much of which still surrounds conceptions of proper methodology today.Bacon was knighted in 1603, and created Baron Verulam in 1618 and Viscount St. Alban in 1621; as he died without heirs, both peerages became extinct upon his death. He famously died of pneumonia, contracted while studying the effects of freezing on the preservation of meat. The succession of James I brought Bacon into greater favour. He was knighted in 1603. In another shrewd move, Bacon wrote his Apologies in defence of his proceedings in the case of Essex, as Essex had favoured James to succeed to the throne. The following year, during the course of the uneventful first parliament session, Bacon married Alice Barnham. In June 1607 he was at last rewarded with the office of solicitor general. The following year, he began working as the Clerkship of the Star Chamber. Despite a generous income, old debts still co
Sex and the City - The Ultimate Quiz Book
This excellent quiz book contains 150 questions (and answers!) to test the knowledge of any Sex and the City fan. From questions a casual viewer should know all the way through to trivia that would test Carrie herself, this is a fantastic way to enjoy the high-class, high-fashion world of the much-loved foursome even more.
101 Amazing Facts about The Movies - Volume 1
Did you know that the dog who played Toto in The Wizard of Oz earned more money for the film than any of the munchkins did? Or that Jack Nicholson was considered for the role of Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs? If you enjoy going to the movies, you will love this book which contains over one hundred amazing facts about your favourite flicks. Organised into sections such as cameos, money, props and more, this is the perfect addition for any film fan's bookshelf.
Harry Potter - The Ultimate Book of Facts
Are you a huge fan of Harry Potter? You have probably read every book and seen every film many times over. But how much do you really know? This excellent book has more than two hundred facts that will surprise and amaze you in equal measure. Sections include:- Harry Potter and Daniel Radcliffe- Quidditch- Hermione Granger and Emma Watson- The Ministry of Magic- The Triwizard Tournament- Hogwarts- And many moreIf you love Harry Potter and want to expand your knowledge of the series, this is the perfect way to do it - you can even use these fantastic facts to make the ultimate quiz for your friends!
As saudades que te oculto
As saudades que te oculto
Desde el país sin aplausos
Desde el país sin aplausos
The Complete Works of John Greenleaf Whittier
The Complete Works of John Greenleaf Whittier