

  《日语门:零起图解一看就会》在内容上囊括了发音、语法、词汇、口语、文化等各个方面,在结构上采用全彩图和替换词的形式,从基础的日语发音手,其次是语法的突破,下来是15大场景的口语学习,中间还会穿插一些文化趣闻。本书不管从内容还是结构上,都是非常有利于初学者学习日语的,学期起来也会非常轻松、有趣、不枯燥!   ● 发音:本书针对初学者学习日语的特,从基础的日语50音始,搭配口型图、发音规则和字帖练习,其由浅深,循序渐,夯实发音关,保证读者学完此书就能学会真正地道、标准的日语!   ● 语法:选取人们常用的动词、形容词、格助词以及敬语,突破语法关!   ● 口语:精选人们熟悉的15个场景,每一场景都由人们常说的常用句组成,搭配替换词和延伸句,练习口语的同时也增加了单词量!   ● 文化:章节后都会配有文化贴士,帮助读者更深地了解日本,拓展知识面!   ● 读:即时读有利于读者对个别单词、个别句子行反复听、反复练,免去了往常老旧式的一个章节听到尾的状况,学习起来不再枯燥、效率倍增!
150 Really Useful English Phrases:For Intermediate Students Wishing to Advance.
150 Really Useful English Phrases:For Intermediate Students Wishing to Advance.
Jenny Smith
Do you want to become more fluent in English?Do you want to understand everyday language and not just ‘textbook’ English?I taught English for many years and saw that many students get stuck at the high beginner/intermediate stage. They learn the basics and then can't move forward. This problem used to really frustrate me because I had lots of excellent students who were just stuck and eventually they would give up. I thought for a long time about what was wrong and then decided that it wasn't that the student didn't have ability but that what they were studying and how they were studying was not effective.I saw that even though they had good basic English they would read textbooks full of their native language (not English). I used to think 'why are they reading all this German etc about English and not just reading English instead. I decided to see if I could fix this problem. I started assigning students homework like 'watch this English drama with subtitles and then without' or 'read a? short article every night for a month'. I found the results were amazing. My students started becoming much more fluent and confident. This convinced me that the best way to become fluent was to read or watch real English that was interesting to the students. So I started writing short stories using easy to understand English mixed with idioms and phrasal verbs that native English speakers use all the time.In this book I have added explanations in English so you don't mix up English and German in your mind. I have also included easy to understand examples which I recommend you note down in your notebook so you can remember them easily. In my opinion, learning idioms, phrasal verbs and useful phrases is the best way to move your English forward as you will be using the vocabulary that English speakers use every day. If you would like to become more fluent and understand everyday English phrases then get stated today and press the button on the top right.
Master English in 12 Topics: Over 200 intermediate words and phrases explained
Master English in 12 Topics: Over 200 intermediate words and phrases explained
Jenny Smith
How to master English Lots of intermediate English speakers tend to get trapped using the same vocabulary over and over again. They often only speak about subjects they know the words for and avoid anything outside of their ???comfort zone???. The problem with this is that even though they sound ok, they never really get any better. If you really want to improve, you need to be able to speak about a wide range of topics. For this, you will need to learn the special vocabulary connected to these topics. What are the benefits of using this book? You will learn 235 useful words and phrases. You will be able to speak about 12 new topics with confidence. This will greatly improve your English conversational ability. All new words and phrases are introduced in fun and interesting articles and stories. So you will learn naturally. Everything is explained in easy to understand English, so you can get used to ???thinking in English???. There are 100???s of example sentences to help you understand how these words and phrases are used in everyday language. For each topic I have listed useful television shows and YouTube channels to help you practice your new vocabulary.
A Mother's Snowflake
A Mother's Snowflake
Michael Lee Ables Jr.
A Mother's Snowflake
Master Business English:90 Words and Phrases to Take You to the Next Level
Master Business English:90 Words and Phrases to Take You to the Next Level
Jenny Smith
Want to take your business English to the next level? Most textbooks teach the same things; presentations, speaking on the phone etc. This is great at the beginning, but if you are going to succeed, you’ll need more. You need to be able to walk into any business situation and feel seriously confident. That is why I wrote this book; to help you go from good to great. To really master business English. Learn: 90 essential words and phrases that will give you an edge in the business world. Improve by using examples: We have included many examples, so you can get a real feel for how to use these business words and phrases. Master: the language in the following essential business English topics. General business English. Start-ups. Online business. Finance. This book is the perfect stepping stone from ‘textbook’ business English to the ‘real’ language that will help you excel in the business world. If you are ready to truly advance, press the buy button and get started today.
49元5本 日本俳句三百句赏析
 俳句是日本的一种短诗,首句五音,次句七音,末句五音,三句共十七音。   翻这本书,三百句俳句琳琅满目,展现眼前。有的优美如画,有的禅意深微,有的是女子的自我欣赏,有的是男人的孤独自嘲,每一句都是诗人独特的人生体验。每读一句,都是一次美的邂逅。   俳句的汉语译文是作者翻译的,特地采用‘五字、七字、五字”的形式,和原文相得益彰。下来的小短文是作者撰写的赏析,介绍创作背景,有作者独到的解读。后是诗人的简介,其中特别明了诗人之间的师承关系。   如果您喜欢日本文学,如果您爱好诗歌,或者对日本文化感兴趣,或者想了解日本人独特的心理,邀请您走俳句的世界。
Where There's a Will
Where There's a Will
Alex R Carver
Where There's a Will
49元5本 小王子:中英法对照彩绘珍藏版
(法)圣-埃克苏佩里(Exupéry,S.) 著
  《小王子》不朽经典风靡世界70余年,译成265种语言,全球畅销5亿本,销量仅次于《圣经》。 这是一本写给所有的孩子,写给所有不想长大的大人的童话书。深刻的情感,纯美的文笔,有一忧伤,有一欣喜,《小王子》陪伴一代又一代人长大。   小王子居住在一个比一座房子大不了多少的星球上,那里一切都是小小的,因为和爱他的玫瑰花闹了别扭,小王子负气出走环游太空。路上,他遇见了形形色色的大人,或荒谬或可笑或自以为是。小王子来到了地球上,在驯养了狐狸、见识了其他的玫瑰花之后,明白了爱与责任,终在蛇的帮助下返回了自己的星球。   《小王子(中英法三语对照彩绘珍藏版》地道的中文和英文对照阅读学习版,以及原汁原味的法文版,同时搭配精美全手绘童心插画,是一本值得人们品读珍藏、又方便英法语学习者阅读学习的经典读物。
150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
Jenny Smith
The secret to speaking English perfectly This is book one of the very popular series ‘150 Everyday Uses of English Prepositions’.In this final book we take you from intermediate to advanced usage. Do you sometimes worry if your English sounds broken? If you do then you should definitely? concentrate on improving your use of prepositions. Why? Because prepositions are literally the glue that stick English together. If you are not using them properly then your English will sound broken. This book will:Help you get a higher score in TOEFL and other tests.Help you sound more fluent.Improve your listening skills.Teach you real everyday English.Give you confidence that you are using English correctly. So if you are an elementary or intermediate English learner and want to take your language skills to the next level please get a copy today and never speak ‘broken English’ again.
A Mother Scorned
A Mother Scorned
Michele Bardsley
I didn’t intend to kill Teddy. Sure, I had motive (hated him), means (trusted to my care), and opportunity (no one else in the house), but really and truly, it was an accident...
A Writer's Life: How do Successful Writers Really Live
A Writer's Life: How do Successful Writers Really Live
Bo Karma
A Writer's Life: How do Successful Writers Really Live
49元5本 日语语法新思维(修订版)
Little Elisa: "A Time Traveler Story"
Little Elisa: "A Time Traveler Story"
Murat Ukray
LITTLE ELISA:?“A Time Traveler Story”??“..There will always be a missing piece in life. It could be either something that is left undone or someone who you could not be able to come together with. Maybe the last piece has all the meaning of our lives and therefore it is always hidden” said Elisa, before she started her talk.??It might be a specific moment that we have to spend the rest of our lives searching that missing diamond piece. Because, without that last piece, nothing will be complete..”??“..Similar to this, what was the missing piece and the true meaning of Alice’s life before she became Elisa? She had to discover it. But she would have to take a really long trip to discover this..”??TRAVELER PILGRIM:?Before I met Elisa, I had read such thing like below, in the book of the Muslim: “This life of the world is nothing But a Pastime and a Game.” ?(Quran, The Book of Islam)??“How could this be possible? Or is this the true meaning of the life?” were the questions that I asked myself since I read this. ?Is there an imaginary world and a real one? ??But after meeting Elisa and seeing these alternative (imaginary) worlds, I slowly realized that I am in a world of amusement indeed. ??Finally I could see that everything is a fictitious game in this book. I am sure that you will agree with me and rethink about the “truth” as you keep reading this book in which Elisa lived and my interesting trips with Elisa..??And you’ll be remember that In the universe, ?Everything has both an imaginary view and a real one, after this long trip!.??“..Could the life we live and we consider as real be a fancy and funny fiction? What is reality? ?This has been discussed again and again, throughout history. It has inspired artists and philosophers.”??He was just a little boy according to his parents. ?Time has passed quickly. But he decided not to lose his childish spirit in spite of everything. He would find a way to implement his belief about finding the elixir of youth and the eternity of life. ??- “Soon we will take a step into a new period by discovering the truth in this alternative world!” he was saying while searching for the elixir of immortality all the time.??"A black rabbit sneaked into a white hole.."?What was that? ?There was not the world we knew, everything was meaningless but a brand new world and a vision were awaiting for the rabbit.."??The Miraculous “WONDERLAND”: ?Where EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE..
49元5本 日语学习套装(标准日语完全掌握 初级语法篇+标准日语完全掌握 初级词汇篇+零基础开口说日语+7天搞定日语50音+旅游日语现学现用:便携手册(套装共5册))
日语学习套装(标准日语完全掌握 初级语法篇+标准日语完全掌握 初级词汇篇+零基础开口说日语+7天搞定日语50音+旅游日语现学现用:便携手册(套装共5册))
本书是针对初级日语学习者,特别是《新版中日交流标准日本语 初级(第二版)》的学习者编写而成的一本归纳总结性质的语法书。书中包含《标日初级》上下两册出现的231个语法知识点,并按接续、含义、词类划分为三章,有助于读者理清初级语法的脉络。本书语法讲解清晰细致,帮助读者深层次理解、掌握语法知识点。本书是针对初级日语学习者,特别是《新版中日交流标准日本语 初级(第二版)》的学习者编写而成的词汇书。书中以《标日初级》上下册的单词为素材,将内容划分为48课,方便读者同步学习,有针对性地进行一课一练。书中的“重点单词”会给出例句及拓展内容,帮助读者深入学习、有效助记。本书涵盖日语发音、单词、句型、口语、文化等内容,让你通过本书的学习可零基础轻松开口说日语。本书分为初识日语、日语50音、基础表达篇、场景提高篇四章。章——初识日语:介绍日语的起源、特点等,让初学者了解日语相关的基本知识。第二章——日语50音:细致讲解日语的基础发音和音调,并提供例词和字帖供大家巩固练习,让大家的发音和书写更标准。第三章——基础表达篇:包括330句简单、基础的短句表达,让初学者迈出开口说日语的步。第四章——场景提高篇:涵盖出行、住宿、餐饮、购物、日本文化等11个大场景,147个小场景,共1000多句口语表达,且巧妙设置为问答形式,并给出场景单词和常用句型,附有十分有趣的日本文化小知识,让初学者不仅能开口说地道的日语,还能了解日本文化知识,增加文化底蕴。《7天搞定日语50音》是新东方日语研究中心为准备高效学习日语的初学者编写而成的日语入门书。本书分7天学习基础发音,每天学习一个单元,科学规划学习时间。每个假名配有发音讲解、字源介绍、练习字帖、常见例词、实用短句,所有单词及短句特别录制双速音频,帮助读者牢固掌握假名读写。精心收录常用寒暄语和时间表达等实用素材,帮助读者全面打好日语基础。本书从赴日旅游者的实际需求出发,依照行程精选旅途中常用的600 个句子,囊括入境、住宿、就餐、购物、景点观光、娱乐、沟通、应急处理、出境等旅游场景,并贴心提供日本文化、实用常识等信息。这不仅是一本旅游口语书,更是一本赴日旅游指南。
本书独创日语“词源+联想记忆法”,从日语假名的“发音”和“形状”入手,追本溯源,将以往被认为没有意义的假名赋予含义,并充分利用了以心理学理论为基础的左脑的逻辑思维和右脑的想象功能进行联想,解析日语单词的内在规律,为读者提供了一种记忆日语词汇的全新思维和有效方法,帮助读者在短期内攻克词汇记忆大关。   独创日语“词源+联想记忆法” 从日语假名的“发音”和“形状”入手,解析日语单词的内在规律,帮助读者在短期内攻克词汇记忆大关。   充分运用心理学的左脑的逻辑思维和右脑的想象功能进行联想,为读者提供有效的记忆单词的方法。   逐一标注单词的假名及音调,辅以作者原声朗读的MP3光盘一张,引领读者彻底告别“哑巴日语”
49元5本 日语基础单词轻松记
  《日语基础词汇轻松记》引自中国台湾地区的柠檬树出版社,是《日语基础会话轻松学》的姐妹篇。   《日语基础词汇轻松记》的特色是“在阅读中记忆单词”,以求活学活用。作者福长浩二是这样阐述《日语基础词汇轻松记》的核心理念的:不要背单词,而是要学单词,才能够因时因地正确使用它。   《日语基础词汇轻松记》共11课,收录11篇日本小学语文教科书中的文章。这些小短文为日本的小朋友而写,生动有趣,富有童真,读起来朗朗上口。作者将这些原汁原味的文章分为若干小段,为常用的日语基础词汇、基本句型在文中反复出现。您将在潜移默化中掌握它们的用法。课后安排了针对各种类型词汇的练习。   衷心祝愿您在《日语基础词汇轻松记》的学习过程中既能收获知识,又能得到乐趣。
49元5本 外教社日汉小词典
  《外教社日汉小词典》是一部集科学性.知识性与实用性为一体。与时代基本保持同步的便携型日汉工具书。   收词范围广泛   《外教社日汉小词典》共选收日语基础词、常用词、缩略语、连语及新词等计4600D余条。包括国内各类日语考试和日本语能力测试等规定的基础词。   内容丰富.全面   包含自然、人文和社会生活的方方面面。   释义详尽.对应   编写时参阅各类辞典。尽量做到译词与原词词义对应。一词多义的,力求义项详尽.完整。   附设音调   设置音调以帮助读者掌握正确的发音。提高对同音词的识别能力。   广收惯用语、成语和谚语   这类词汇是日语的重要组成部分。《外教社日汉小词典》尽可能多地收列惯用语。以扩展词典的内涵、外延和信息量。构筑学习日语的平台。
《旅游日语口语入门:大家的日本旅游口袋书》从旅行者的实际需要出发,精选了13个去日本旅行常用到的场景,包括交际、出行、住宿、饮食、购物、游乐、邮局、银行、美容美发等,在内容上囊括了发音、词汇、口语、文化等各个方面,是去日本旅游的工具,也是一本非常便捷的日语旅游口袋书!   1、发音:本书针对日语旅行者学习日语的特点,从基础的日语50音开始,搭配口型图、发音规则和字帖练习,由浅入深,循序渐进,夯实发音关!   2、口语:精选人们出国旅行常遇到的13个场景,每一场景都是旅行中常说的句子,配上替换词,教会你举一反三,多用途应用!   3、标音:谐音、罗马音标音助读,可以看汉字发音,也可以看罗马音发音,自由选择,保证你在需要开口时可以想说就说!   4、文化:章节后都会配有文化贴士,帮助你在旅行的同时更深入地了解日本,拓展知识面!   5、录音:文中的所有句子和重要单词都由日籍外教地道朗读,读者可以从中学到更加标准化的东京音,畅游日本不是问题!   6、手指:旅途中遇到不会读的单词和句子,用手一指,对方立刻就能理解所要表达的意思,既方便又快捷!   7、点读:旅行中遇到疑难单词和句子,可以随意点读,反复练习,方便读者即时开口,快速掌握!
Exerting influence: A Political Primer for Millennials, Even Those Too Young to
Exerting influence: A Political Primer for Millennials, Even Those Too Young to
Jay Hamilton
Exerting influence: A Political Primer for Millennials, Even Those Too Young to Vote
49元5本 读日本文化说日语
(日)木下真彩子 (日)津田勤子
1 2 3 4 5 6 7