Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis
Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis

Il burlone - L'angoscia
Il burlone - L'angoscia

La Certosa di Parma
La Certosa di Parma

Les mysteres de Paris. Tome 2
Les mysteres de Paris. Tome 2

Al apoyo mutuo
Al apoyo mutuo

El escándalo
El escándalo


The Slaughter Sisters: When the Dead Walk the Earth
Strange world: creatures are more civilized than men. Set in the Helena Brandywine universe, this story follows the adventures of The Slaughter Sisters. Humans have become more monstrous than the legendary creatures the women are hired to seek out. How is a monster hunter meant to survive? The Slaughter Sisters are premier monster hunters in the North East, the only problem the legendary creatures are blending in with the human denizens of the world, while the human charlatans take their place. After a brush with the dreaded New Jersey devil, the sisters must flee their home of Yonkers, to escape the dreaded local matchmaker. Fearing for their independence, they escape to New York City to search for any job available. They uncover a series of disappearances around the notorious Five Points. Who is behind the missing people, monsters, or humans? The Slaughter Sisters will discover who is behind it all!

Una giovinezza del secolo XIX
Una giovinezza del secolo XIX

L'assassinio di via Belpoggio e altri racconti
L'assassinio di via Belpoggio e altri racconti

Das Dschungelbuch
Das Dschungelbuch

Tre uomini in barca (per tacer del cane)
Tre uomini in barca (per tacer del cane)

La coscienza di Zeno
La coscienza di Zeno

Aforismi, novelle e profezie
Aforismi, novelle e profezie


La virtu di Cecchina
La virtu di Cecchina

Il corsaro
Il corsaro

Lettere a Speranza von Schwartz
Lettere a Speranza von Schwartz

Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo tolemaico e copernicano
Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo tolemaico e copernicano

La gente per bene
La gente per bene

Il turno
Il turno