Collected Stories of William Faulkner(IX) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. The Collected Stories of William Faulkner won the National Book Award in 1951.
The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories (II)幽灵人力车(英文版)
The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales, also known as The Phantom 'Rickshaw & other Eerie Tales, is a collection of short stories first published in 1888,by Joseph Rudyard Kipling (30 December 1865 - 18 January 1936) who was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(I) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. He was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
格言警句,是在人类经过上千年的文明中,由经验与智慧凝聚而成的,是人类永恒的宝贵财富。它往往蕴涵着深厚的生活哲理,是思想的武器,是精神的财富,充满了人格的力量,可以给人以启迪。本书将常用格言警句以英汉对照的方式分类编排,选取了和健康、幸福、亲情友情以及爱情等相关的格言。 在介绍每则格言时,不仅配有中英文讲解,方便读者理解,而且根据所选格言,提供句式结构相同或相似的例句作为参考,帮助读者巩固和加深对英文句式的掌握。同时,更有生活实景对话举例,将所选格言自然地融入日常对话中,带给读者全英文情境的真实体验,使读者在体验格言在生活中应用的同时,增强英文口语交际能力。此外,编者在格言本意的基础上作了进一步阐释,与读者分享体验,共同领悟人生的真谛,同时,将格言、例句、对话中涉及的较难的英文单词列入单词表,供读者随时查询,提高学习效率。
新东方词汇进阶Vocabulary 23000(2023新版)
《新东方词汇阶Vocabulary 23000》以“课”为单元,每课包括3~5个Group,对10个左右的主词行详细讲解,并列示大量同义、反义、形近、同根、同类词等。结合“Vocabulary Basic”“Vocabulary 6000”和“Vocabulary 12000”,每天学习1~2课,能够帮助读者在3个月内词汇量迅速达到23000以上。课后设有综合复习,便于读者自我检测。附赠英音MP3录音,可免费下载,也可扫描二维码在线收听,配合学习,效果更佳。
“萤火虫·世界经典童话双语绘本”以绘本的形式重新诠释经典童话,为爱童话、爱绘本的孩子献上一道视觉大餐。采用中英双语不对称对照的形式,中文生动活泼,英文简练概括,让孩子既能受到优美的母语熏陶,又能够学习实用的英语。格林兄弟编著的《小红帽(外研社点读书)》为其中一册。 很久很久以前,有一个可爱的小女孩,跟爸爸妈妈住在一个小村庄里。小女孩长得很可爱,又很乖巧,大家都喜欢她。尤其是她的外婆,疼她了。今年,小女孩过生日,她的外婆特地从森林里的家赶来,为她庆生,并且送给她一件连著可爱帽子的红色披风。小女孩谢谢外婆後,马上把披风穿在身上,高兴的直转圈圈。第二天,小女孩穿著披风,戴上连身的帽子,快乐的跑到外面玩耍。大家看到小女孩的红帽子,都称赞小女孩的红帽子漂亮,她就成天戴著,舍不得脱下来。村子里的人都叫她“小红帽”……
★★《在彼处——大使演讲录》收选傅莹任中国驻澳大利亚和英国大使期间的英文演讲20篇、在英国主流媒体发表的文章5篇和访谈实录3篇,并附有傅莹大使关于演讲技巧体会的文章。带你领略中国女外交官的人格魅力、说话演讲的艺术和为人处世的智慧。 ★★英国前首相布莱尔亲自作序推荐 ★★英国《金融时报》总编辑称之为之作 ★★《在彼处——大使演讲录》阐释中西方之间的关系: ...中国是一个什么样的国家? ...为什么中国的制度如此不同? ...为什么这个国家会有如此强大的生产力? ...中国怎样融入世界? ...怎样向世界介绍一个真实的中国? ★★面对西方妖魔化中国,《在彼处——大使演讲录》告诉我们,中国人应该持一种什么样的心态,应该用什么样的态度和方式回应。 ★★西方对中国的不了解和偏见仍广泛存在,中国应该怎样努力,增强自己的软实力,向世界发出自己的声音,让世界了解真实的中国。 ★★对西方读者而言,想要更深入地了解现代中国,“在彼处”;对中国读者而言,想要更深入地了解世界眼中真实的中国,了解向西方人讲中国故事的方法,必看“在彼处”。 ?
四级词汇词根+联想记忆法 乱序版(2023新版)
《四级词汇词根 联想记忆法 乱序版》紧跟新大纲改革趋势,严格按照《全国大学英语四、四级考试大纲》收录所有四级核心单词,将其分为35个单元列出,同时悉心补充常见词缀词根表、超纲单词表、熟词僻义表、中学已学单词及词组、不规则动词表和索引。 乱序版破了《四级词汇词根 联想记忆法》按首字母顺序排列单词的方式,避免了考生停留在某一字母头的单词而背不下去的困境,且按照词频排序,分为高频、中频、低频和零频词汇,编排科学合理,重一目了然,提高考生备考效率。 本书以“词根 联想”记忆法为主,辅以真题例句和与真题难度相当的例句,搭配常考词组、近义词辨析、派生词和词源故事,帮助考生找到学单词的有效途径。同时,本书配有诙谐、幽默的漫画插图,将原本枯燥的单词记忆变得轻松、有趣。 随书附赠配套音频和核心词汇视频课程,音频由专业外教老师采用标准英音对单词和例句行了朗读,35节精析四级核心词配套视频课由新东方功勋教师授课,扫描封底和内文中的二维码即可收听收看,方便考生充分利用零散时间行学习。本书还提供配套影视剧场景和背词小程序,均可扫描封底二维码体验学习。全书版式设计精美,图文并茂,双色印刷,悦目易读,带给你不一样的学习体验。
托福词汇词根+联想记忆法 乱序版
《托福词汇词根+联想记忆法 乱序版》收录近4300个托福核心单词,提供大量派生词、同义词、形近词和同源词,收录托福常考搭配,全书总计约8000词汇量。 本书以“词根 联想”记忆法为主,辅以大量与真题难度相当的例句,帮助考生结合语境记单词。同时,本书配有生动幽默的漫画插图,将原本枯燥的单词记忆变得轻松、有趣。 “加油包”手册收录400多个常见词根、词缀,2700余条真题短语,近3000个托福学科词汇等实用学习资料,帮助考生拓展词汇学习的深度和广度。 本书还提供丰富的线上学习资源,包括配套音频、核心词汇课程、定制背词系统、影视剧场景,全方位、立体化地助力托福备考。
海底两万里 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 全英文版 世界经典文学名著系列
W. 毛姆(1874年 –?1965),是19世纪的“70后”。他以剧作家、小说家而闻名于世。而其小说受欢迎程度,可以从出版商支付的版税里窥视得出来。他是20世纪30年代版税获得者。 为什么叫“月亮与六便士”?其实,用毛姆自己的话说,这个书名的意义并没有在书里得到应有的展示,而是出自某评论家在评论上述《人性的枷锁》(参见“经典英语文库”辑书目)时所写的某句话。原话如下:《人性的枷锁》里的主人公菲利普?凯利(Philip Carey)被形容为一个太过执着找寻月亮的家伙,以至于他从来就没发现过脚底下就有一块六便士。毛姆后来这样解释道:“假如你低头在地上不住地要找寻一块六便士硬币,头也不抬起来一下,那么,你就会丢掉月亮。” 作者表述上感觉很神秘,其实,用中国老话说,大概就是塞翁失马的意思罢。
新东方词汇进阶Vocabulary Basic(2023新版)
《新东方词汇阶 Vocabulary Basic》包括了《大学英语教学大纲》规定的英语四级应掌握的核心词汇。以“课”为单元,每课包括4个部分,每部分有10个左右的主词,并由其衍生出大量的同义、反义、形近、同根、同类词等。课前设有预备测验,便于探知词汇基础,诊断学习盲;课后设有自我检测及综合复习,帮助检验学习效果,时时温故知新。附赠MP3录音,可免费下载,也可扫描二维码在线收听,配合学习,效果更佳。
The Wealth of Nations国富论(I)英文版
Adam Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment.The Wealth of Nations Published in 1778, was the firstbook on economics to catch the public's attention. It provides arecipe for national prosperity that has not been bettered since,based on small government and the freedom of citizens to act intheir best interests. It provided the foundation for new economists, politicians, mathematicians, biologists, and thinkers of all fields to build upon.
Selected Short Stories(I) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Written during the 1890s, the stories in this selection brilliantly recreate vivid images of Bengali life and landscapes in their depiction of peasantry and gentry, casteism, corrupt officialdom and dehumanizing poverty.
The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories (III)幽灵人力车(英文版)
The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales, is a collection of short stories first published in 1888,by Joseph Rudyard Kipling (30 December 1865 - 18 January 1936) who was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. It is also known as The Phantom 'Rickshaw & other Eerie Tales.
The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories (IV)幽灵人力车(英文版)
The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales, It is also known as The Phantom 'Rickshaw & other Eerie Tales.It is a collection of short stories first published in 1888,by Joseph Rudyard Kipling (30 December 1865 - 18 January 1936) who was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. the following short stories are included in the book: The phantom 'rickshaw which is the author’s own true ghost story ;The strange ride of Morrowbie Jukes who would be king - The finest story in the world.
Selected Short Stories(III) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Tagore is often seen as a serious writer, dealing with significant issues concerning religion, politics and culture in his work, he also had a lighter side to his personality, which enabled him to laugh at certain inherent human weaknesses, such as excessive piety, sentimentality, affectedness, arrogance and sexual jealousy, in a comic spirit, rather than being derogatory or sarcastic about them.
Selected Short Stories(II) 短篇小说集(英文版)
In 1913, Rabindranath Tagore became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, and he remains one of the most important voices of Bengali culture to this day. Tagore is first and foremost India's supreme Romantic poet, and in these stories he can be seen reaching beyond mere documentary realism towards his own profoundly original vision. These short stories, written mostly in the 1890s, vividly portray Bengali life and culture.
Selected Short Stories(V) 短篇小说集(英文版)
These short stories, written mostly in the 1890s, vividly portray Bengali life and culture. Tagore's treatment of caste culture, bureaucracy and poverty paint a vivid portrait of nineteenth-century India, and all are interwoven with Tagore's perceptive eye for detail, strong sense of humanity and deep affinity for the natural world.
双城记:A Tale of Two Cities(英文版)
The timeless classic of love and sacrifice during the FrenchRevolution!With insight and compassion, Dickens casts his talewith such memorable characters as the evil Madame Defarge and herknitted patterns of death, the gentle Lucie Manette and herunfailing devotion to her downtrodden father, and the courageousSydney Carton, who would give his own love——and life——for a womanthat would never be his.