

A Little Frog’s Heart: The Stellar Waltz of Life
A Little Frog’s Heart: The Stellar Waltz of Life
George Virtosu
Volumul analizeaz? con?inutului drepturilor minorit??ilor na?ionale ?i principalele pozi?ii ale comunit??ii interna?ionale ?n abordarea problemelor din acest domeniu. Sunt formulate solu?ii ce pot servi drept baz? pentru dezvoltarea ?i punerea ?n aplicare a programelor pe termen lung privind protec?ia drepturilor minorit??ilor na?ionale. Cartea are un caracter interdisciplinar ?i se adreseaz? studen?ilor facult??ilor de drept, sociologie, psihologie ?i ?tiin?e politice, dar ?i tuturor celor interesa?i s? ?n?eleag? profunzimile unor fenomene at?t de actuale.
Secolul Bacovia
Secolul Bacovia
Mihai Cimpoi
Volumul abordeaz? teoretic ?i istoriografic cele mai importante categorii ale g?nditorului politic Antonio Gramsci. Analiza Ioanei Cristea Dr?gulin permite restituirea unit??ii ?i continuit??ii pe care tinde s? le ascund? natura fragmentar? a unei mari p?r?i din opera gramscian?, reconect?nd ?ntr?un cadru unitar apa?ratul conceptual complex pe care autorul ?l disemineaz? pe parcursul Caietelor sale, ?ntr-un context cultural at?t de ?ndep?rtat de cel originar, c?nd au fost scrise.
Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu ?i literatura european?
Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu ?i literatura european?
Constantin Trandafir
Dintre autorii italieni ai secolului XX, Antonio Gramsci este cel mai cunoscut pe plan interna?ional. Utilizarea pe scar? larg? a ideilor, conceptelor ?i categoriilor sale se datoreaz? at?t caracterului antidogmatic ?i eterodox, c?t ?i originalit??ii remarcabile prin care a inovat tradi?ia marxist?. Lucrarea sa principal?, intitulat? Caietele din ?nchisoare, ?n ciuda caracterului fragmentar, s-a remarcat prin bog??ia ?i amploarea subiectelor acoperite, atr?g?nd interesul unui larg spectru de speciali?ti din diverse discipline din ?ntreaga lume.
Legendák f?ldje: A démonkirály legendája
Legendák f?ldje: A démonkirály legendája
Mark C. Newman
A bírósági végrehajtási eljárás foganatosítása során gyakran el?fordulnak problémák és félreértések a gyakorlati életben. Jelen monográfia ezek magyarázatára t?rekszik azzal, hogy azon élet- és jogi helyzetekre ?sszpontosít, amelyekben a bírósági végrehajtó és a végrehajtási eljárás foganatosítása által érintett személyek interakciója magában hordozza a konfliktus lehet?ségét. Vizsgálat tárgya továbbá az eljárás társadalomra és gazdaságra gyakorolt hatása, a bírósági végrehajtási eljárás elhelyezkedése a jogon mint társadalmi alrendszeren belül.A végrehajtási ügyek manapság magas száma igényel egy ilyen jelleg? jogi szakmai és szociológiai ?sszefoglaló munkát, amely iránymutatás keretében igyekszik válaszokat adni minden érdekl?d? és érintett fél számára. A k?nyv nem csak a jogásztársadalomnak szól, hanem minden, a témában érintett vagy érdekelt résztvev?nek is.A k?tet a legfrissebb információkat tartalmazza, a 2012-ben jelent?sen módosult irányadó jogszabályi hátteret is k?veti.A k?nyvet Dr. Krejniker Miklós a Magyar Bírósági Végrehajtói Kamara eln?ke lektorálta, az el?szót Dr. Schadl Gy?rgy PhD f?iskolai docens írta.
A felejtés b?ne
A felejtés b?ne
Tarjányi Péter, Dosek Rita
When, in 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville came to study Democracy in America, the trial of nearly a half-century of the working of our system had been made, and it had been proved, by many crucial tests, to be a government of "liberty regulated by law," with such results in the development of strength, in population, wealth, and military and commercial power, as no age had ever witnessed. De Tocqueville had a special inquiry to prosecute, in his visit to America, in which his generous and faithful soul and the powers of his great intellect were engaged in the patriotic effort to secure to the people of France the blessings that Democracy in America had ordained and established throughout nearly the entire Western Hemisphere. He had read the story of the French Revolution, much of which had been recently written in the blood of men and women of great distinction who were his progenitors; and had witnessed the agitations and terrors of the Restoration and of the Second Republic, fruitful in crime and sacrifice, and barren of any good to mankind. He had just witnessed the spread of republican government through all the vast continental possessions of Spain in America, and the loss of her great colonies. He had seen that these revolutions were accomplished almost without the shedding of blood, and he was filled with anxiety to learn the causes that had placed republican government, in France, in such contrast with Democracy in America. De Tocqueville was scarcely thirty years old when he began his studies of Democracy in America. It was a bold effort for one who had no special training in government, or in the study of political economy, but he had the example of Lafayette in establishing the military foundation of these liberties, and of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton, all of whom were young men, in building upon the Independence of the United States that wisest and best plan of general government that was ever devised for a free people.
Prin? ?i spadasin. Vol. I
Prin? ?i spadasin. Vol. I
Popescu Petru Demetru
Volumul constituie o fereastr? larg deschis? c?tre documentele extrase din arhivele cenzurii. Dezv?luirile explozive, atestate ?n aceste acte secrete, sunt menite s? lumineze o fa?? a istoriei rom?nilor, p?n? acum mai bine de un deceniu ascuns?.Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Crearea ?i ruperea leg?turilor afective
Crearea ?i ruperea leg?turilor afective
John Bowlby
Aceast? culegere ?nm?nuncheaz? articole ap?rute ?n perioada cuprins? ?ntre vara lui 2014 ?i sf?r?itul anului 2016. Facem acest efort, deoarece omul de azi este at?t de gr?bit, ?nc?t poate nu reu?e?te s? urm?reasc? ni?te articole ce apar pe saituri, care se ?nscriu ?n ceea ce se nume?te la ora actual? media de alternativ?, adic? una care merge ?mpotriva curentului general, dominat de eurolatrie, occidentomanie, spirit de vasalitate ?i chingi (neo)liberale. Selec?ia f?cut? a vizat doar acele articole, care dep??esc cadrul unor polemici de moment, circumstan?iale, mai pu?in relevante pentru viziunea autorului asupra unor procese mai generale. Printre acestea se reg?se?te ?i o serie de recenzii sau prezent?ri mai ample ale unor c?r?i ap?rute ?n diverse ??ri, ?n englez? sau francez?, dar ?i ?n rom?n?, pe care le-am g?sit utile pentru ?n?elegerea unor fenomene de ordin geopolitic, economic ?i cultural, care marcheaz? lumea de azi, afect?nd ?n mod direct interesele na?ionale, identitatea colectiv? ?i perspectivele noastre de afirmare ?i d?inuire ?n istorie. Au fost incluse ?n acest volum ?i c?teva texte semnificative, traduse din rus? ?i francez?, apar?in?nd unor g?nditori de ieri ?i de azi, care consun? perfect cu viziunea autorului.
Bonobo sau cucerirea spa?iului
Bonobo sau cucerirea spa?iului
Manasia Ștefan
Lucrarea evalueaz? modalit??ile ?n care partidele rom?ne?ti se raporteaz? la institu?iile ?i procesele politice europene prin documentele programatice ?i manifestele de campanie electoral?. Autorii analizeaz? inten?iile partidelor privind politicile publice ?n cele mai importante domenii tematice de interes na?ional ?i european ?i modalitatea de prezentare a candida?ilor.
Codul vindec?rii: 6 minute pentru vindecarea problemelor de s?n?tate
Codul vindec?rii: 6 minute pentru vindecarea problemelor de s?n?tate
Alexander Loyd, Ben Johnson
Volumul ofer? o analiz? obiectiv? a tehnicilor de guvernare moderne, care presupun minimalizarea importan?ei individului, precum ?i o tehnicizare accentuat? a sferei politice. Autorii propun o documentat? trecere ?n revist? a mecanismelor de putere exercitat? asupra societ??ii sub forma tehnicilor de gestionare a acesteia.
Az Osheimi Kerék
Az Osheimi Kerék
Mark Lawrence
THIS BOOK, First published anonymously, March 1880, and soon in various unauthorized editions. It wasn't until the 1925 edition that Adams was listed as author. Henry Adams remarked (ironically as usual), "The wholesale piracy of Democracy was the single real triumph of my life."—it was very popular, as readers tried to guess who the author was and who the characters really were. ON the first of December, Mrs. Lee took the train for Washington, and before five o'clock that evening she was entering her newly hired house on Lafayette Square. She shrugged her shoulders with a mingled expression of contempt and grief at the curious barbarism of the curtains and the wall-papers, and her next two days were occupied with a life-and-death struggle to get the mastery over her surroundings. In this awful contest the interior of the doomed house suffered as though a demon were in it; not a chair, not a mirror, not a carpet, was left untouched, and in the midst of the worst confusion the new mistress sat, calm as the statue of Andrew Jackson in the square under her eyes, and issued her orders with as much decision as that hero had ever shown. Towards the close of the second day, victory crowned her forehead. A new era, a nobler conception of duty and existence, had dawned upon that benighted and heathen residence. The wealth of Syria and Persia was poured out upon the melancholy Wilton carpets; embroidered comets and woven gold from Japan and Teheran depended from and covered over every sad stuff-curtain; a strange medley of sketches, paintings, fans, embroideries, and porcelain was hung, nailed, pinned, or stuck against the wall; finally the domestic altarpiece, the mystical Corot landscape, was hoisted to its place over the parlour fire, and then all was over. The setting sun streamed softly in at the windows, and peace reigned in that redeemed house and in the heart of its mistress. "I think it will do now, Sybil," said she, surveying the scene.
每满100减50 超大城市的社区治理:上海探索与实践
李骏 张友庭,等
每满100减50 公安*成立内幕
每满100减50 提出四个现代化揭密
每满100减50 人民大会堂建设内幕
每满100减50 新征程中的创新驱动发展战略(中国式现代化研究丛书)
每满100减50 *推进乡村振兴(中国式现代化研究丛书)
全面建设社会主义现代化国家,实现中华民族伟大复兴,艰巨繁重的任务依然在农村,广泛深厚的基础依然在农村。本书以“十四五”规划为指导,结合中央及地方各级政府相关政策文件和实践经验,共分四篇,即提高农业质量效益和竞争力、实施乡村建设行动、健全城乡融合发展体制机制与实现巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔,阐述 “十三五”期间我国在农业农村发展方面取得的成就,分析未来面临的挑战,并在此基础上针对“十四五”时期的行动目标提出新时期全面推乡村振兴的相关政策建议。
每满100减50 新征程中的能源结构转型——基于“2035年远景目标”和“双碳战略”(中国式现代化研究丛书)
每满100减50 以“双循环”战略转型为契机加速构建新发展格局(中国式现代化研究丛书)
每满100减50 我将无我 不负人民
我将无我 不负人民
陈继安 刘润为
本书从党的根本宗旨、以人民为中心、为生民立命、做人民的勤务员、人心向背、攻坚扶贫为民奔、金山银山为民谋等方面阐述了共产党人要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,坚持立党为公、执政为民,坚持以人民为中心,做到“我将无我,不负人民”,一心为民谋幸福,全意为国谋复兴。《我将无我  不负人民》一步推动了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的学习宣传贯彻,也是广大党员干部学习领会新思想并用新思想武装头脑指挥实践、推动工作的重要读本。
每满100减50 论新时代国家能力建设
【内容简介】 国家能力建设是马克思主义国家理论和实践的重大问题。加强新时代国家能力建设的主题是“新时代建设什么样的中国国家能力、怎样建设新时代国家能力”。新时代国家能力建设主要涵盖国家元能力建设、国家生存能力建设、国家治理能力建设、国家主体际互动能力建设和国家能量释放能力建设等方面,具有严密的历史逻辑、理论逻辑和实践逻辑,呈现出党性与人民性、继承性与创造性、*性与重点性相统一的基本特征。加强新时代国家能力建设是一个系统工程,需要从立准方位、拓展能“源”、加强国家领导力建设、夯实实践基础、掌握方法论要求等方面扬优势、补短板,不断提高国家能力建设整体能效,更好造福中国人民,为增进世界人民福祉作出中国新贡献。
每满100减50 新征程中的国土空间格局优化(中国式现代化研究丛书)