The World's Greatest Civil Aircraft: An Illustrated History
Commercial air travel began just over a century ago. In that time there have been groundbreaking civilian aircraft, such as flying boats, the first pressurized cabin aircraft, jet and supersonic aircraft, as well as immense changes in the capacity of a typical airliner: in the 1920s aircraft struggled to carry 20 passengers, today some models can carry up to 800 people. The book includes many types, from cargo transports and freighters, through flying boats, passenger airliners, business jets and supersonic carriers. Featured aircraft include: the Ford Trimotor ‘Tin Goose’, one of the great workhorses of early aviation history; the first post-war intercontinental airliners, such as the Douglas DC-4 Skymaster, De Havilland Comet and Boeing 377 Stratocruiser; the Vickers VC10, one of the greats of the 1960s golden age of commercial airliners, when jet-powered air commerce was new and airliners pampered passengers; the massive Super Guppy heavy transport, one of the widest aircraft in aviation history; the supersonic Tupolev Tu-144 ‘Charger’ and Concorde, Cold War competitors in aviation excellence; the Embraer ERJ, part of a new range of narrow-bodied airliners; and the most popular passenger aircraft of the present, including the Boeing 747 and Airbus A320. Each entry includes a brief description of the model’s development and history, a profile view, key features and specifications. Packed with more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World’s Greatest Civil Aircraft is a colourful guide for the aviation enthusiast.
《新华日报·思想周刊》文丛系《新华日报》2017年1月创办“思想周刊”一年来其新论、政声、智库等专栏的思想理论成果合集,反映了《新华日报》与时俱,传播党的声 音、服务人民群众的办报思想。《理论之光》系新论版“新华要论”栏目刊发的重要文章合集。
“事”的*初含义是指职务、公务、侍奉,如《尚书·商书·盘庚》中有“各恭尔事”(你们要履行好各自的职务)。后来随着社会的发展,“事”才衍生出事情、事物、事业等多种含义。随着社会分工和人们的活动形式的多样化、复杂化,需要处理和解决的事务日益繁多,于是就始有了明确的办事观念,并出现了专门的办事机构。所以,“办事”是指主体有目的地运用某种手段来影响、改造或控制事物,以取得一定效果的活动。可见,办事是一门艺术。 本书用5步法将办事的章法描述得淋漓尽致,具体包括办事前的准备工作、能办事的基本条件、会办事的基本方法、办成事的基本技巧、完事后的复命学问等,为机关干部和各级各类管理人员及文秘人员提供了一系列的办事章法,以期对大家有所启发,提高工作效率,提升工作业绩。
本书介绍了历史上的一些经#突步#和当今先的突步#。本书不仅有详细的文字介绍(例如关于突步#的活塞、导气装置等一些内部构造的说明),而且精心挑选了效果图,让大家在欣赏名枪的同时,还能掌握一些#械结构特征的知识,这对喜欢#械的军迷朋友而言无疑是一个学习渠道。 本书适合广大军事爱好者阅读参考。
Crearea ?i ruperea leg?turilor afective
Aceast? culegere ?nm?nuncheaz? articole ap?rute ?n perioada cuprins? ?ntre vara lui 2014 ?i sf?r?itul anului 2016. Facem acest efort, deoarece omul de azi este at?t de gr?bit, ?nc?t poate nu reu?e?te s? urm?reasc? ni?te articole ce apar pe saituri, care se ?nscriu ?n ceea ce se nume?te la ora actual? media de alternativ?, adic? una care merge ?mpotriva curentului general, dominat de eurolatrie, occidentomanie, spirit de vasalitate ?i chingi (neo)liberale. Selec?ia f?cut? a vizat doar acele articole, care dep??esc cadrul unor polemici de moment, circumstan?iale, mai pu?in relevante pentru viziunea autorului asupra unor procese mai generale. Printre acestea se reg?se?te ?i o serie de recenzii sau prezent?ri mai ample ale unor c?r?i ap?rute ?n diverse ??ri, ?n englez? sau francez?, dar ?i ?n rom?n?, pe care le-am g?sit utile pentru ?n?elegerea unor fenomene de ordin geopolitic, economic ?i cultural, care marcheaz? lumea de azi, afect?nd ?n mod direct interesele na?ionale, identitatea colectiv? ?i perspectivele noastre de afirmare ?i d?inuire ?n istorie. Au fost incluse ?n acest volum ?i c?teva texte semnificative, traduse din rus? ?i francez?, apar?in?nd unor g?nditori de ieri ?i de azi, care consun? perfect cu viziunea autorului.
Prin? ?i spadasin. Vol. I
Volumul constituie o fereastr? larg deschis? c?tre documentele extrase din arhivele cenzurii. Dezv?luirile explozive, atestate ?n aceste acte secrete, sunt menite s? lumineze o fa?? a istoriei rom?nilor, p?n? acum mai bine de un deceniu ascuns?.Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
A Little Frog’s Heart: The Stellar Waltz of Life
Volumul analizeaz? con?inutului drepturilor minorit??ilor na?ionale ?i principalele pozi?ii ale comunit??ii interna?ionale ?n abordarea problemelor din acest domeniu. Sunt formulate solu?ii ce pot servi drept baz? pentru dezvoltarea ?i punerea ?n aplicare a programelor pe termen lung privind protec?ia drepturilor minorit??ilor na?ionale. Cartea are un caracter interdisciplinar ?i se adreseaz? studen?ilor facult??ilor de drept, sociologie, psihologie ?i ?tiin?e politice, dar ?i tuturor celor interesa?i s? ?n?eleag? profunzimile unor fenomene at?t de actuale.
Secolul Bacovia
Volumul abordeaz? teoretic ?i istoriografic cele mai importante categorii ale g?nditorului politic Antonio Gramsci. Analiza Ioanei Cristea Dr?gulin permite restituirea unit??ii ?i continuit??ii pe care tinde s? le ascund? natura fragmentar? a unei mari p?r?i din opera gramscian?, reconect?nd ?ntr?un cadru unitar apa?ratul conceptual complex pe care autorul ?l disemineaz? pe parcursul Caietelor sale, ?ntr-un context cultural at?t de ?ndep?rtat de cel originar, c?nd au fost scrise.
Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu ?i literatura european?
Dintre autorii italieni ai secolului XX, Antonio Gramsci este cel mai cunoscut pe plan interna?ional. Utilizarea pe scar? larg? a ideilor, conceptelor ?i categoriilor sale se datoreaz? at?t caracterului antidogmatic ?i eterodox, c?t ?i originalit??ii remarcabile prin care a inovat tradi?ia marxist?. Lucrarea sa principal?, intitulat? Caietele din ?nchisoare, ?n ciuda caracterului fragmentar, s-a remarcat prin bog??ia ?i amploarea subiectelor acoperite, atr?g?nd interesul unui larg spectru de speciali?ti din diverse discipline din ?ntreaga lume.
Bonobo sau cucerirea spa?iului
Lucrarea evalueaz? modalit??ile ?n care partidele rom?ne?ti se raporteaz? la institu?iile ?i procesele politice europene prin documentele programatice ?i manifestele de campanie electoral?. Autorii analizeaz? inten?iile partidelor privind politicile publice ?n cele mai importante domenii tematice de interes na?ional ?i european ?i modalitatea de prezentare a candida?ilor.
Combat Techniques: The Complete Guide to How Soldiers Fight Wars Today
Combat Techniques is a comprehensive reference work on tactical procedures for infantry today. Illustrated with action photographs and detailed artworks, it provides a thorough insight into how the soldiers of today’s armies would fight in any combat scenario they encountered. The book covers all aspects of the battlefield, detailing the various forces and assets at a battlefield commander’s disposal, showing how tactics have changed since the end of World War II, and examining a huge range of tactical procedures, from controlling an air strike or firing an anti-tank weapon to sub-zero operations, hostage-rescue situations, fighting in urban or extreme terrain, amphibious assaults, and evading capture. The difficulties of asymmetric warfare are also addressed, with chapters on counter-terrorist and anti-insurgency operations. Using colour photographs and artworks, Combat Techniques shows the men and equipment of modern armies from around the world, and, with the help of an authoritative text, demonstrates how they operate in today’s every changing, technology dominated battlefields.
Love and Other Stories
My whole being from head to heels is bursting with a strange, incomprehensible feeling. I can't analyse it just now—I haven't the time, I'm too lazy, and there—hang analysis! Why, is a man likely to interpret his sensations when he is flying head foremost from a belfry, or has just learned that he has won two hundred thousand? Is he in a state to do it? This was more or less how I began my love-letter to Sasha, a girl of nineteen with whom I had fallen in love.
Yak?n D?nemde Kürtler: Kimlik, Din, Gelenek
Türkiye’nin savata ve barta en ok konutuu konularn banda “Kürt Sorunu” geliyor. Ancak bununla ters orantl olarak Kürt toplumunun yaps, deerleri, deiimi, iliki alar vb. üzerine yaplm nitelikli alan almas bulmak zordur. almalar daha ok Kürt tarihi, dili ve kültürü üzerine yaplm incelemeler. Bunlarn genelde airet Kürtlerinin yaantsn ele alm batllarn almalarna atfla hazrland grülüyor. Dolaysyla “modern” kavram anlamszlayor. Bunun en tipik rneklerinden biri Bruinessen’in almasn yapt Kürt toplumsal düzlemini “aa, eyh, devlet” ekseninde okumas buna karn günümüzde geerliliini kaybetmekte olan bu ve benzeri okumalarn Türke almalarda sklkla tekrarlanmasdr. Oysa Türkiye’deki Kürtler 90 sonrasnda ok büyük bir sosyo-politik deiim yaamtr. alma, 1990 sonras Güneydou Kürt toplumunda dini ve geleneksel hayatn deiimini makro biimde ele alyor. Devlet, PKK, Hizbullah, zorunlu/istee bal gler, medreseler/seydalar, yerel eyhler ve modernlemenin dini-geleneksel hayata etkileri gezi, gzlem, literatür taramas ve mülakatlarla farkl ynleriyle aratrld .. *** Güneydou son 30 ylda sosyal deiimin nemli unsurlar arasnda grülen, ehirleme, modernleme, gler, terr-iddet hadiseleri ve iletiim aralarndaki gelimeler gibi hemen bütün faktrleri beraber yaad. Dolaysyla toplumsal deerlerde pozitif ya da negatif ynde nemli deiimlerin meydana geldii ngrülebilir. Cumhuriyet tarihi boyunca tartmal konularn odanda bulunan ve ülkenin geri kalanna gre daha yava bir sosyo-ekonomik deiim yaayan blge, yakn dnemde nemli yapsal deiimlere tanklk etti. Bunlarn en gze arpanlarndan birisi blge halknn büyük ounluunun son 20-30 ylda ehirlere g etmesidir. PKK ile mücadele etmek iin karlan OHAL kanunlarnn uygulanmas esnasnda yaanan maduriyetler halk ge zorlad. Halk, g sonrasnda kendini iddet eylemleri, isizlik, konut sknts ve ekonomik bunalm ierisinde buldu. Bu durumun blgede dini ve sosyal yaamda daha ok dejenerasyona sebep olduu gzleniyor. Ayn ekilde PKK ve Hizbullah’n faaliyetlerinin de toplumsal deerler sistemini etkiledii ak. 2000’li yllardan sonra yaanan hzl modernlemeyse dini ve sosyal hayatta deiimin ayr bir tetikleyicisi oldu. Bu ksmen dindarlamaya ksmen de lümpenlemeye yol aan bir süreti. Blgede yaanan sosyal deiim sonucunda, Kürt aratrmalarnda sklkla atf yaplan, “aa, eyh-seyda, devlet” eksenli analizler aklama gücünü kaybediyor. Geleneksel otoriteler tamamen etkisizlemese de modern, dini ve seküler rgütlenmeler, internet, moda ve popüler kültür gündelik yaamda, büyük lüde deerleri ekillendirme gücüne ulat. Sonu olarak gelenek-modernite, dinsel-seküler olann bir arada yaand ve Müslüman, Türk, Kürt, Diyarbakrl, Mardinli, Cizreli gibi kolektif kimlikler yerine daha modern saylabilecek senkretik kimliklerin ne kmaya balad bir toplum ortaya kyor. Bu adan yaanan gelimelerin blgenin toplumsal deerler sisteminde yapt etkilerin aratrlmas gereklilik arz etmiti. Bu alma ubat 2015 tarihinde Uluda niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü tarafndan onaylanan, “DiyarbakrHalknn Geleneksel ve Dini Deerlerdeki Deiime Yaklam zerine Sosyolojik Bir nceleme (1990-2013)” isimli doktora almasnn geniletilmesiyle hazrland. Bu sürete, skc ve dolambal bulunan akademik dilin genel okuyucuya uygun hale getirilmesi hedeflendi. Maalesef konunun arl ve derinlemesine incelenmesi gereklilii almann okunmasn zorlatrd. Diyarbakr dndaki Siirt, Bitlis, Mardin, Batmanve rnakilleri daha nceki grümelere ilaveten bu tarihlerden sonra yaplan gezi, gzlem ve literatür taramalaryla tekrar incelendi.
Codul vindec?rii: 6 minute pentru vindecarea problemelor de s?n?tate
Volumul ofer? o analiz? obiectiv? a tehnicilor de guvernare moderne, care presupun minimalizarea importan?ei individului, precum ?i o tehnicizare accentuat? a sferei politice. Autorii propun o documentat? trecere ?n revist? a mecanismelor de putere exercitat? asupra societ??ii sub forma tehnicilor de gestionare a acesteia.
Medierea este o alternativ? la procesul ?n instan??. La mediere, p?r?ile sper? ?ntr-o solu?ie amiabil?; la proces, dimpotriv?, fiecare parte sper? s-o ?nfr?ng? pe cealalt?. Lucrarea de fa?? prezint? o nou? metod? de rezolvare a conflictelor, mult mai rapid?, mai eficient? ?i aproape deloc traumatizant? pentru p?r?ile aflate ?n conflict: medierea.
Az Osheimi Kerék
THIS BOOK, First published anonymously, March 1880, and soon in various unauthorized editions. It wasn't until the 1925 edition that Adams was listed as author. Henry Adams remarked (ironically as usual), "The wholesale piracy of Democracy was the single real triumph of my life."—it was very popular, as readers tried to guess who the author was and who the characters really were. ON the first of December, Mrs. Lee took the train for Washington, and before five o'clock that evening she was entering her newly hired house on Lafayette Square. She shrugged her shoulders with a mingled expression of contempt and grief at the curious barbarism of the curtains and the wall-papers, and her next two days were occupied with a life-and-death struggle to get the mastery over her surroundings. In this awful contest the interior of the doomed house suffered as though a demon were in it; not a chair, not a mirror, not a carpet, was left untouched, and in the midst of the worst confusion the new mistress sat, calm as the statue of Andrew Jackson in the square under her eyes, and issued her orders with as much decision as that hero had ever shown. Towards the close of the second day, victory crowned her forehead. A new era, a nobler conception of duty and existence, had dawned upon that benighted and heathen residence. The wealth of Syria and Persia was poured out upon the melancholy Wilton carpets; embroidered comets and woven gold from Japan and Teheran depended from and covered over every sad stuff-curtain; a strange medley of sketches, paintings, fans, embroideries, and porcelain was hung, nailed, pinned, or stuck against the wall; finally the domestic altarpiece, the mystical Corot landscape, was hoisted to its place over the parlour fire, and then all was over. The setting sun streamed softly in at the windows, and peace reigned in that redeemed house and in the heart of its mistress. "I think it will do now, Sybil," said she, surveying the scene.