

The Visitor, And More
The Visitor, And More
Karen Myers
A Science Fiction Story Bundle from the collection There's a Sword for That. THE VISITOR Felockati is anchored to his permanent location underwater and misses the days of roaming his ocean world freely. But something new drops out of the sky and widens his horizons -- all the way to the stars. YOUR EVERY WISH Stealing the alien ambassador's dagger is a sure thing for Pete -- just what he needs to pay off his debts. Until he starts talking to it. There has to be a way to get something for himself out of the deal. Has to be.
Dowell’s Disappearance
Dowell’s Disappearance
Bernard Bannerman
In this fifth thriller featuring Dave Woolf, the unorthodox, hard-living lawyer-detective faces his toughest challenge yet. The disappearance of his friend Tim Dowell and the unexplained deaths of a number of Members of Parliament appear to be unconnected cases, but are they? Dave’s investigation leads him into a labyrinth of deals with crooks, allies, lovers and the highest echelons of government, but he must also take care of his fraught personal life, ensure the safety of Alton, his young son, and try to move on from the tragedies scarring his past. Loyalties shift, and secrets unfurl as Dave becomes embroiled in a sinister conspiracy, part criminal, part political, but always evil. He must uncover the truth behind Dowell’s disappearance, and find out who, if anyone, he can really trust as old friends and old enemies return for retribution and revenge.
Maggie Lynch
Children with no birth records and a soldier with PTSD together must define the value of human life. Jenna Mosier is on a mission to save her murdered sister’s child. Estranged for ten years after a bitter fight, the trail is as cold as her dead sibling. The only glimmer of hope is the place her sister’s body and a ten-year old boy were abandoned…the backyard of Reed Adler, retired Marine Special Ops. Working together, Jenna and Reed piece together a mystery involving missing children and biogenetics research..and find they have more than justice and revenge in common. But the closer they get to answers, and each other, the more deadly the game becomes. With their hearts and lives on the line, they must decide what they are willing to risk to save one young boy. This is the first book in a new suspense series where a group of former Marines become Shadow Finders. They help find those who have disappeared, have no identity, or are presumed dead.
Revolution 2050
Revolution 2050
Jay Chalk
Samuel Moore is living a dystopian lie… ? After a civil war, the North American Commonwealth now dominates the eastern half of the former United States. Controlled by a totalitarian regime called the Directorate, the NAC demands compliance, awareness, and unity. A Directorate member and teacher, Sam enjoys the benefits while skirting the forbidden. ? Then Sam encounters Katie Spencer. S Katie also reveals a video she captured of NAC death camps. Sam realizes he’s involved in a nightmare that could shake every foundation. ? With the video broadcast date approaching and several students desperate to escape to the Western Alliance, Sam is forced to decide. Remain loyal to the Directorate? Or abandon all he’s ever known to fight for freedom?
Night Hunt
Night Hunt
Karen Myers
HONOR AMONG MEN AND THE HUNTING OF HOUNDS. A short story from The Hounds of Annwn. When George Talbot Traherne goes night hunting for fox in Virginia, he learns about unworthy men from the old-timers drinking moonshine around the fire and makes his own choices. Who could have anticipated that the same impulse that won him his old bluetick coonhound would lead him to his new wife and the hounds of Annwn? Every choice has a cost, he realizes, but never a regret. This short story takes place between the events in To Carry the Horn and The Ways of Winter.
Under the Bough
Under the Bough
Karen Myers
AN IMPULSIVE WEDDING — CAN HE BUILD A LIFE AMONG STRANGERS? A short story from The Hounds of Annwn. Angharad hasn’t lived with anyone for hundreds of years, but now she is ready to tie the knot with George Talbot Traherne, the human who has entered the fae otherworld to serve as huntsman for the Wild Hunt. As soon as she can make up her mind, anyway. George has been swept away by his new job and the people he has met, and by none more so than Angharad. But how can she value the short life of a human? And what will happen to her after he’s gone? This short story takes place between the events in To Carry the Horn and The Ways of Winter.
Erick and Sally
Erick and Sally
Johanna Spyri
The sun was shining so brightly through the foremost windows of the old schoolhouse in Upper Wood, that the children of the first and second classes appeared as if covered with gold. They looked at one another, all with beaming faces, partly because the sun made them appear so, and partly for joy; for when the sunshine came through the last window, then the moment approached that the closing word would be spoken, and the children could rush out into the evening sunshine. The teacher was still busy with the illuminated heads of the second class, and indeed with some zeal, for several sentences had still to be completed, before the school could be closed. The teacher was standing before a boy who looked well-fed and quite comfortable, and who was looking up into the teacher’s face with eyes as round as two little balls...
The Hounds of Annwn (1-2):A Virginian in Elfland
The Hounds of Annwn (1-2):A Virginian in Elfland
Karen Myers
Book Bundle for The Hounds of Annwn: Books 1 & 2. ---- NEW JOB, NEW FAMILY, AND IN TWO WEEKS THE END OF A WORLD HE’S JUST DISCOVERED, IF HE CAN’T RISE TO THE CHALLENGE. To Carry the Horn: Book 1 of The Hounds of Annwn. George Talbot Traherne is just doing his job on a fine autumn morning, keeping the hounds together for the huntsman of the Rowanton Hunt in Virginia along the Blue Ridge Mountain. Doesn’t pay to get distracted by a white stag in unfamiliar territory, though. Next thing you know, you might find yourself… somewhere else. The land is the same but not the people. Their huntsman has just been murdered, and George is tapped for the job. It’s an emergency -- the Wild Hunt is only two weeks away, and if it doesn’t happen on schedule, the antlered god Cernunnos will take the realm from its ruler Gwyn ap Nudd and find someone who can mete out justice with the Hounds of Hell in his place. George throws himself into the task, finding strength in the mission and resources he never knew he had. The more he comes to feel at home, settling into his new responsibilities, the more he wants to stay and make a life for himself. He’s finally met someone worth spending his life with, even if she’s just a bit older, a mere fifteen hundred years or so. Can he keep the Wild Hunt on track despite the attempts to thwart it? Will he be accepted by those he wants to defend who view his timely presence and his human blood with suspicion? Above all, what does Cernunnos want of him and how far will he go? Can he survive the attention of a god? Readers who are familiar with the sources of Arthurian literature such as the Mabinogion will recognize many of the characters, flourishing still in the world we cannot quite reach. ---- TRAPPED BEHIND ENEMY LINES, CAN HE FIND THE STRENGTH TO DEFEND ALL THAT HE VALUES MOST, OR EVEN JUST TO SURVIVE? The Ways of Winter: Book 2 of The Hounds of Annwn. It’s the dead of winter and George Talbot Traherne, the new human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is in trouble. The damage in Gwyn ap Nudd's domain reveals the deadly powers of a dangerous foe who has mastered an unstoppable weapon and threatens the fae dominions in both the new and the old worlds. Secure in his unbreachable stronghold, the enemy holds hostages and has no compunction about using them in deadly experiments with newly discovered way-technology. Only George has a chance to reach him in time to prevent the loss of thousands of lives, even if it costs him everything. Welcome to the portrait of a paladin in-the-making, Can he carry out a rescue without the deaths of all involved? Will his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, help him, or just write him off as a dead loss? He has a family to protect and a world to save, and little time to do it in.
Il crimine di Lord Arthur Savile (Un saggio sul dovere)
Il crimine di Lord Arthur Savile (Un saggio sul dovere)
Oscar Wilde
Il racconto narra di Savile a cui, in seguito ad un ricevimento offerto da Lady Windermere dove ad alcuni ospiti viene letto il futuro, un chiromante predice una minaccia imminente: egli stesso sarà l'artefice di un omicidio. Lord Arthur, prossimo alle nozze, crede fermamente nella predizione del chiromante e per evitare di coinvolgere la futura moglie nelle conseguenze del delitto, decide di posticipare il matrimonio e procedere speditamente alla sua realizzazione. Il protagonista risulta molto pratico nell'affrontare i problemi che si ritrova, non si fa remore di infrangere la morale, il destino contro la volontà che non trova resistenza; è questo forse riconducibile al Fato greco - di quella Grecia che Wilde idealizza come epoca felice e quasi perfetta -, superiore persino agli Dèi, e quindi, anche alla mera morale degli uomini. Tema questo, della moralità tradita, che si evolverà poi negli anni, e da un'inevitabile ed imposta scelta "fatale", arriverà ad essere una consapevole volontà del protagonista, e per questo buona solo a portare la rovina - tutto questo, ovviamente, nel Ritratto di Dorian Gray. Disponibile anche in edizione con testo a fronte specifica per eBook.
L'avventura dell’investigatore morente
L'avventura dell’investigatore morente
Arthur Conan Doyle
Nuova edizione illustrata con i disegni originali di Walter Paget e Frederic Dorr Steele. "L'avventura dell’investigatore morente", in alcune edizioni intitolato "L'avventura del detective morente" o "L'avventura del poliziotto morente" è uno dei 56 racconti di Sherlock Holmes scritto dall'autore britannico Arthur Conan Doyle, inizialmente pubblicato nelle riviste Collier's e The Strand Magazine e in seguito parte di una raccolta di otto racconti pubblicata come libro con il titolo di "Il suo ultimo saluto: alcune reminiscenze di Sherlock Holmes", in alcune edizioni intitolato "L'ultimo saluto di Sherlock Holmes". Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (Edimburgo, 22 maggio 1859 – Crowborough, 7 luglio 1930) è stato uno scrittore scozzese, considerato, insieme ad Edgar Allan Poe, il fondatore di due generi letterari: il giallo e il fantastico. In particolare è il capostipite del sottogenere noto come giallo deduttivo, reso famoso dal personaggio dell'investigatore Sherlock Holmes. La produzione dello scrittore tuttavia spazia dal romanzo d'avventura alla fantascienza, dal soprannaturale ai temi storici. Altre edizioniDisponibile anche in inglese e in edizione bilingue con testo inglese a fronte, specifica per tablet (il testo originale e la traduzione vengono visualizzati su due colonne affiancate).
Maniobra de evasión: Un thriller de suspense y misterio de Katerina Carter
Maniobra de evasión: Un thriller de suspense y misterio de Katerina Carter
Colleen Cross
Un thriller de suspense y misterio de Katerina Carter, detective privada edición Espa?ol Diamantes, peligro y desaparición La investigadora de fraudes Katerina Carter no sabe retirarse a tiempo, y eso la coloca en situaciones peligrosas y precarias. Ahora que está sin trabajo y casi sin dinero, necesita conseguir clientes o se verá obligada a volver arrastrándose al cubículo de la empresa en la que trabajaba antes. Y para Kat, ese es un destino peor que las deudas. Por eso, cuando Susan Sullivan, directora ejecutiva de Liberty Diamond Mines, la contrata para buscar al director financiero, que ha desaparecido junto con una gran suma de dinero, Kat se apresura a aceptar el trabajo. La pobreza abyecta motiva mucho a la hora de aceptar casos difíciles, pero la alegría de Kat no tarda en dar paso al terror cuando dos empleados de la empresa son brutalmente asesinados. Eso hace que se dé cuenta de que la investigación puede ser más peligrosa de lo que anticipaba. Como si el caso no fuera ya bastante complicado, descubre una conexión siniestra entre diamantes de guerra y el crimen organizado. Lo único que tiene que hacer ya es conseguir pruebas… e impedir que la maten antes de que desenmascare a los criminales. Kat cuenta con la ayuda de sus amigos y de su excéntrico tío, pero tendrá que ir con cuidado si no quiere que su primer caso sea también el último. Maniobra de evasión es un suspense legal, económico y criminal al estilo de Michael Connelly, Karin Slaughter y John Grisham. “Una historia internacional de diamantes, peligro y desaparición, Maniobra de evasión me enganchó desde la primera página…” “Maniobra de evasión, la primera novela llena de acción de la serie de suspenses de Katerina Carter, es un thriller psicológico lleno de intriga que no le permitirá dejar de leer”.. “… Tensión e intriga de vértigo”. Elogios a Maniobra de evasión “Un estupendo primer libro en una serie de suspense que supone el debut de la autora Colleen Cross… La contable forense Katerina Carter aprende del modo más duro que cuando algo huele mal, probablemente esté podrido hasta el núcleo. Hablamos de diamantes de guerra, de tráfico de armas y más… con la cantidad exacta de enredos para hacernos seguir pasando las páginas”. “Una historia internacional de diamantes, peligro y desaparición, Maniobra de evasion me agarró desde la primera página y me hizo seguir pasando páginas hasta mucho después de la hora en la que quería dormir”. La investigación de un fraude por parte de Katerina Carter saca a la luz una conspiración de blanqueo masivo de diamantes en Liberty Diamond Mines, justo cuando dos miembros claves de Liberty son asesinados. Kat podría ser la siguiente – a menos que deje ir sin castigo a los criminales. Maniobra de evasión es un suspense legal y lleno de acción en la línea de Michael Connelly y John Grisham. espa?ol,?suspense legal, policiaca negra suspense, misterio y thriller judicial, investigadora privado, acción y aventura, la chica del tren, ?ficción contemporánea,?espa?ol, hispanica, mujeres detectives, novela policiacas, novela negra
Scrapplings Children of the Dragons
Scrapplings Children of the Dragons
Amelia Smith
The dragon flying over Tiadun bay is the only thing that Darna loves in the provinces, and she’s also the only person she knows of who can see it. There’s nothing else she likes about life at Tiadun keep. When she learns that she might be the daughter of the prince, she’s afraid she’ll be trapped there forever so she flees to the city of Anamat. In the city, there will be others who can see the dragons, or so the minstrels say. Along the way, she meets Myril, an older girl with frequent premonitions and an eerie sense of hearing. At the walls, they find Iola, so dragon-struck that she wants to be a priestess, and Thorat, her devoted champion. Despite these newfound friends, life in the city isn’t easy. Darna scavenges for scraps and just about gets by, but when she's offered a sack of gold beads for a small bit of thieving, she takes her chances... and ends up angering the city’s patron dragon.
Rhythms: A speculative short story collection
Rhythms: A speculative short story collection
Maggie Jaimeson
The rhythm of life is everywhere. It is in the shared and natural experience of our heartbeats and the high and low tides of our oceans. The turning of our planet brings the rhythm of its seasons. Orbits of distant moons and planets within a multitude of galaxies intertwine and create waves of rhythms that have impacts we do not consciously acknowledge. In the same way, every decision one makes creates a new blip in the rhythm of that life, and in turn, in the rhythms of many lives. This collection of seven speculative fiction stories explores the rhythms of life both external and internal on our planet and in other places in the universe. From identifying a single individual’s challenges with identity to that of a supernatural being whose sole purpose is to embed its soul into the experiences of all people, each story asks you to question what you see, who you are, and how to think outside of your personal experience. If you are able to adapt to a new rhythm, you will be given a chance to do more than survive. You will find a way to thrive. Included titles: “Alienation” “Identity Crisis” “The Conscript” “Pop!” “The Payment” “The Vow” “The Beckoning”
Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. "Mom? Mom! Can you hear me?" Lilia cried. But there was no answer. The only sound Lilia could hear were pebbles rolling down the mountain.
Das Dschungelbuch
Das Dschungelbuch
Rudyard Kipling
Illustrierte Ausgabe (mit s?mtliche über 89 Illustrationen von Maurice de Becque und andere Illustratoren). Das Dschungelbuch (englischer Originaltitel The Jungle Book) ist eine Sammlung von Erz?hlungen und Gedichten des britischen Autors Rudyard Kipling. Der erste Band erschien 1894, der zweite 1895 unter dem Titel The Second Jungle Book (?Das zweite Dschungelbuch“); seither werden die Erz?hlungen der beiden B?nde zumeist gemeinsam publiziert, oft als The Jungle Books (?Die Dschungelbücher“). Die bekanntesten Erz?hlungen darin handeln von Mowgli (in verschiedenen ?bersetzungen auch Maugli oder Mogli geschrieben), einem Findelkind, das bei Tieren im indischen Dschungel aufw?chst. Die Geschichten über Mowgli stehen dem Genre des Entwicklungsromans nahe, da sie Mowglis Erwachsenwerden und Bewusstwerdung vom verspielten Kind bis hin zum Herrn über die Tierwelt aufzeigen. Mowgli muss lernen, dass die Gesetze der Natur hart sind und ein hohes Ma? von Verantwortung fordern. Im Kampf mit den Kr?ften der Natur, mit den Tieren und mit den Menschen reift das Kind zum selbstbewussten Jugendlichen. Trotz mancherlei kritischer Betrachtungen – man hat in der Darstellung der Charaktere und der Betonung des Gesetzes des Dschungels Kiplings positive Stellung zum Kolonialismus erblickt – ist die Bedeutung des Dschungelbuches für die sp?tere literarische Entwicklung sowie seine Stellung als eines der bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Jugendbücher der Welt kaum zu übersch?tzen. Joseph Rudyard Kipling (* 30. Dezember 1865 in Bombay; ? 18. Januar 1936 in London) war ein britischer Schriftsteller und Dichter. Seine bekanntesten Werke sind Das Dschungelbuch und der Roman Kim. Au?erdem schrieb er Gedichte und eine Vielzahl von Kurzgeschichten. Kipling gilt als wesentlicher Vertreter der Kurzgeschichte und als hervorragender Erz?hler. Seine Kinderbücher geh?ren zu den Klassikern des Genres. 1907 erhielt er, noch keine 42 Jahre alt, als erster englischsprachiger Schriftsteller den Literaturnobelpreis; den Rekord als jüngster Literaturnobelpreistr?ger h?lt er bis heute. Verschiedene andere Ehrungen wie die Erhebung zum Poet Laureate und in den Adelsstand lehnte er ab. ?bersetzt von Curt Abel-Musgrave und andere ?bersetzer. About this edition This Kentauron edition has been professionally formatted for e-readers with a linked table of contents. We hope you’ll share this book with your friends, neighbors and colleagues and can’t wait to hear what you have to say about it. Kentauron is dedicated to helping everyone develop a lifetime love of reading, no matter what form it takes. Also available as English-German, French-German, German-Italian, English-French, English-Italian, and French-Italian bilingual parallel text editions, and single language editions. Sign up for the Kentauron Publishing Newsletter here: http://www.kentauron.com/newsletters
Sylvia's Lovers, Volume 1
Sylvia's Lovers, Volume 1
Elizabeth Gaskell
Sylvia Robson lives happily with her parents on a farm, and is passionately loved by her rather dull Quaker cousin Philip. She, however, meets and falls in love with Charlie Kinraid, a dashing sailor on a whaling vessel, and they become secretly engaged. When Kinraid goes back to his ship, he is forcibly enlisted in the Royal Navy by a press gang, a scene witnessed by Philip. Philip does not tell Sylvia of the incident nor relay to her Charlie's parting message and, believing her lover is dead, Sylvia eventually marries her cousin.
Sylvia's Lovers, Volume 2
Sylvia's Lovers, Volume 2
Elizabeth Gaskell
Sylvia Robson lives happily with her parents on a farm, and is passionately loved by her rather dull Quaker cousin Philip. She, however, meets and falls in love with Charlie Kinraid, a dashing sailor on a whaling vessel, and they become secretly engaged. When Kinraid goes back to his ship, he is forcibly enlisted in the Royal Navy by a press gang, a scene witnessed by Philip. Philip does not tell Sylvia of the incident nor relay to her Charlie's parting message and, believing her lover is dead, Sylvia eventually marries her cousin.
The Splendid and Extraordinary Life of Beautimus Potamus
The Splendid and Extraordinary Life of Beautimus Potamus
Peggy A. Wheeler
"You’re never too old for a great fairy tale." -?5-star reader's review.? A funny and quirky fantasy fairy tale for adults complete?with mystery, murder, romance!? The mystical green planet of Rendaz is home to devout goddess worshiper and university professor, middle-aged Beautimus Potamus—who also happens to be a hippo plagued by hot flashes and poor self-esteem. Beautimus forms an alliance with Samuel S. Goodwings, a younger womanizing, atheist praying mantis. When these two are together, life morphs from the mundane into the fantastic. Our unlikely duo solves mysteries, bring a murderer to justice, and even help end a war while experiencing their own trials, triumphs, and tragedies. Often with humor, their situations and adventures parody Earth culture. During their exploits, the two interact with a host of characters, including a pair of New Age flamingos, an A.D.H.D. afflicted trout, an orangutan detective, and a 310-year-old blue crane High Priestess. All of these creatures are more “human” in surprising ways than the citizens of the blue planet, Earth, we discover was once a Rendazian Colony. Beautimus Potamus’ tongue-in-cheek story is a magical fable-stew made with the ingredients of satire, drama, social commentary, and comedy, with jests, puns and wordplay sprinkled throughout. For good measure, a generous pinch of romantic flavoring is thrown into the pot. Readers' reviews:? "Truly a splendid and extraordinary story. It was refreshing to find something so original. Well written, vivid descriptions, great humor and delightful characters." "So often we limit our reading to books by Dan Brown, John Grisham, Nicholas Sparks or Michael Connelly and we [...] miss the gems by new writers that put their heart, soul and dreams on paper to let our imaginations go where theirs have. This is one of those gems." If you liked this book, you should check out Peggy's dystopian tale,?Chaco?as well!? About the author Peggy A. Wheeler is a writer of fantastical fiction. Her debut novel, THE RAVEN'S DAUGHTER is published by Dragon Moon Press in Canada. Peggy studied English and Creative Writing at the U.C.L.A., where she was the only undergraduate chosen to study with Robert Pinsky, former Poet Laureate of the United States. Peggy has led adult poetry and fiction writing critique groups and workshops in both Colorado and California. ?
Sonnets from the Portuguese
Sonnets from the Portuguese
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth was initially hesitant to publish the poems, believing they were too personal. However, her husband insisted they were the best sequence of English-language sonnets since Shakespeare's time and urged her to publish them. To offer the couple some privacy, she decided to publish them as if they were translations of foreign sonnets.
A Cruel Reckoning
A Cruel Reckoning
PE Sibley
Alexandra Lansing is looking forward to a vacation from her job as an operative with the Commonwealth’s counterterrorist task force.?She has three blissful weeks off, and plans to spend the entire time in France. After all, everyone needs a break from stress and worry. But when she’s snatched from the Left Bank in Paris she isn’t sure if her kidnapping is a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time or a direct plot against the task force. When she discovers Praed has also been abducted, the vacation is officially over, and the possibility of an informer at task force headquarters becomes a very real, very frightening possibility.The pair manages to escape, and flees to Praed’s family home where they are forced to defend his brother’s wife and children from armed terrorists determined to recapture the operatives. With no clue as to who is behind the plot, or even a motive to explain why someone wants to take Praed and Alex prisoner, and the identity of the informant at HQ is a complete mystery. While Henry Davison races to eliminate suspects at headquarters, Praed offers himself as bait to draw out the kidnappers, hoping to discover the mastermind behind the plot. ?Alex is in hot pursuit, but will she be able to reach him before his captors extract the information they want and execute him?
The Sage and the Atheist
The Sage and the Atheist
John was not twenty years old when he assisted, as a volunteer, at the attack on Mont-Joui, which was captured, and where the Prince of Hesse lost his life. Our poor Johnny was wounded, taken prisoner, and carried into the town. The following is an account of his adventures from the attack of Mont-Joui till the taking of Barcelona. It is as told by a Catalonian lady, a little too free and too simple. Such stories do not find a way to the hearts of your wise men. I received it from her when I entered Barcelona in the suite of Lord Peterborough. You must read it without offence, as a true description of the manners of the country.