

Stuart Little
Stuart Little
White, E. B.
Now available for the first time as an ebook! Illustrations in this ebook appear in vibrant full color on a full-color device and in rich black-and-white on all other devices.This beloved book by E. B. White, author of Charlotte's Web and The Trumpet of the Swan, is a classic of children's literature that features a very small mouse on a very big adventure. Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York City with his family. But when Stuart's best friend goes missing, he's determined to leave home and take an epic journey to find his friend.E. B. White's classic book is a tender novel of friendship, family, and adventure that will continue to be enjoyed by generations to come. It contains beautiful illustrations by Garth Williams, the acclaimed illustrator of E. B. White's Charlotte's Web and Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House series, among many other books. Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts
My First Old Testament Bible Stories
My First Old Testament Bible Stories
Kim Mitzo Thompson
God is the creator. That means He made everything that you see in the whole world. God made you too.
NumPy Essentials
NumPy Essentials
Leo (Liang-Huan) Chin
Boost your scientific and analytic capabilities in no time at all by discovering how to build real-world applications with NumPy About This Book Optimize your Python *s with powerful NumPy modules Explore the vast opportunities to build outstanding scientific/ analytical modules by yourself Packed with rich examples to help you master NumPy arrays and universal functions Who This Book Is For If you are an experienced Python developer who intends to drive your numerical and scientific applications with NumPy, this book is for you. Prior experience or knowledge of working with the Python language is required. What You Will Learn Manipulate the key attributes and universal functions of NumPy Utilize matrix and mathematical computation using linear algebra modules Implement regression and curve fitting for models Perform time frequency / spectral density analysis using the Fourier Transform modules Collate with the distutils and setuptools modules used by other Python libraries Establish Cython with NumPy arrays Write extension modules for NumPy code using the C API Build sophisticated data structures using NumPy array with libraries such as Panda and Scikits In Detail In today’s world of science and technology, it’s all about speed and flexibility. When it comes to scientific computing, NumPy tops the list. NumPy gives you both the speed and high productivity you need. This book will walk you through NumPy using clear, step-by-step examples and just the right amount of theory. We will guide you through wider applications of NumPy in scientific computing and will then focus on the fundamentals of NumPy, including array objects, functions, and matrices, each of them explained with practical examples. You will then learn about different NumPy modules while performing mathematical operations such as calculating the Fourier Transform; solving linear systems of equations, interpolation, extrapolation, regression, and curve fitting; and evaluating integrals and derivatives. We will also introduce you to using Cython with NumPy arrays and writing extension modules for NumPy code using the C API. This book will give you exposure to the vast NumPy library and help you build efficient, high-speed programs using a wide range of mathematical features. Style and approach This quick guide will help you get to grips with the nitty-gritties of NumPy using with practical programming examples. Each topic is explained in both theoretical and practical ways with hands-on examples providing you efficient way of learning and adequate knowledge to support your professional work.
For Parents and Teenagers
For Parents and Teenagers
Glasser, William, M.D.
The author of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy offers a powerful approach for helping troubled teens. In his decades as a therapist, Dr William Glasser has often counselled parents and teenagers. His advice has healed shattered families and changed lives. Now in his first book on the lessons he has learned, he asks parents to reject the 'common sense' that tells them to 'lay down the law', ground teens, or try to coerce them into changing behaviour. These strategies have never worked, asserts Dr Glasser, and never will. Instead he offers a different approach based upon Choice Theory. Glasser spells out the seven deadly habits parents practiSe and then shows them how to accomplish their goals by changing their own behaviour. Above all, he helps parents keep their relationship with their child strong. Dr Glasser provides a groundbreaking method that any parent can use with confidence and love.
Little Pink Raincoat
Little Pink Raincoat
Anders, Gigi
A little Coco Chanel, a lot Carrie Bradshaw, with a dash of Maureen Dowd a hip, hilarious collection of mini-profiles in shopping and romantic courage. From one very fabulous and elusive little pink raincoat (to woo the commitment phobe) to a pair of very persuasive peach panties (gift from a dazzling doc), author Gigi Anders relates her experiences as they deal with her dual obsessions of clothing and men. Here are ten vignettes chronicling ten choice sartorial items and the corresponding boyfriends that would undoubtedly love her stylishly ever after...even if they didn't.Featuring items and boyfriends from Anders's real life, real (extremely jammed) closet, and real bed, Little Pink Raincoat is a very tasty, very funny, universal, uplifting, pop cultural meditation on the things we crave and the lengths we'll go to get them.
The Invisible Guardian (The Baztan Trilogy, Book 1)
The Invisible Guardian (The Baztan Trilogy, Book 1)
Dolores Redondo
A killer at large in a remote Basque Country valley , a detective to rival Clarice Starling, myth versus reality, masterful storytelling – the Spanish bestseller that has taken Europe by storm. The naked body of a teenage girl is found on the banks of the River Baztán. Less than 24 hours after this discovery, a link is made to the murder of another girl the month before. Is this the work of a ritualistic killer or of the Invisible Guardian, the Basajaun, a creature of Basque mythology? 30-year-old Inspector Amaia Salazar heads an investigation which will take her back to Elizondo, the village in the heart of Basque country where she was born, and to which she had hoped never to return. A place of mists, rain and forests. A place of unresolved conflicts, of a dark secret that scarred her childhood and which will come back to torment her. Torn between the rational, procedural part of her job and local myths and superstitions, Amaia Salazar has to fight off the demons of her past in order to confront the reality of a serial killer at loose in a region steeped in the history of the Spanish Inquisition.
Will and Spirit
Will and Spirit
May, Gerald G.
"A rich book covering many areas of human experience. . . . For the person looking for an intelligent and clear presentation of the relationship between psychological and spiritual growth, this is the book to read.'--America
A Series of Unfortunate Events #1: The Bad Beginning 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险系列1
A Series of Unfortunate Events #1: The Bad Beginning 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险系列1
Snicket, Lemony
Dear Reader, I'm sorry to say that the book you are holding in your hands is extremely unpleasant. It tells an unhappy tale about three very unlucky children. Even though they are charming and clever, the Baudelaire siblings lead lives filled with misery and woe. From the very first page of this book when the children are at the beach and receive terrible news, continuing on through the entire story, disaster lurks at their heels. One might say they are magnets for misfortune. In this short book alone, the three youngsters encounter a greedy and repulsive villain, itchy clothing, a disastrous fire, a plot to steal their fortune, and cold porridge for breakfast. It is my sad duty to write down these unpleasant tales, but there is nothing stopping you from putting this book down at once and reading something happy, if you prefer that sort of thing. With all due respect, Lemony Snicket
My Weird School #8: Ms. LaGrange Is Strange!
My Weird School #8: Ms. LaGrange Is Strange!
Gutman, Dan
Something weird is going on! Ms. LaGrange talks funny, and she's from some other country called France! She thinks the vomitorium is a fancy restaurant! Plus she's writing secret messages in the mashed potatoes. Ms. LaGrange is the weirdest lunch lady in the history of the world!
My Weird School Daze #1: Mrs. Dole Is Out of Control!
My Weird School Daze #1: Mrs. Dole Is Out of Control!
Gutman, Dan
A.J. and the gang are graduating! But the out-of-control PTA president is turning the whole thing into a huge ceremony complete with fireworks, a petting zoo, and a flyover by the Blue Angels! Is moving up to third grade such a big dealAnd what could possibly go wrong?
Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j
Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j
Sumit Gupta
If you are a Python developer and want to expand your understanding of Python-based web applications over Neo4j graph data models, this is the book for you.
Mastering pandas for Finance
Mastering pandas for Finance
Michael Heydt
If you are interested in quantitative finance, financial modeling, and trading, or simply want to learn how Python and pandas can be applied to finance, then this book is ideal for you. Some knowledge of Python and pandas is assumed. Interest in financial concepts is helpful, but no prior knowledge is expected.
Hogshead, Sally
What triggers fascination, and how do companies, people, and ideas put those triggers to useWhy are you captivated by some people but not by othersWhy do you recall some brands yet forget the restIn a distracted, overcrowded world, how do certain leaders, friends, and family members convince you to change your behaviorFascination: the most powerful way to influence decision making. It's more persuasive than marketing, advertising, or any other form of communication. And it all starts with seven universal triggers: lust, mystique, alarm, prestige, power, vice, and trust. Fascination plays a role in every type of decision making, from the brands you choose to the songs you remember, from the person you marry to the employees you hire. And by activating the right triggers, you can make anything become fascinating.To explore and explain fascination's irresistible influence, Sally Hogshead looks beyond marketing, delving into behavioral and social studies, historical precedents, neurobiology and evolutionary anthropology, as well as conducting in-depth interviews and a national study of a thousand consumers, to emerge with deeply rooted patterns for why, and how, we become captivated.Hogshead reveals why the Salem witch trials began with the same fixations as those in Sex and the City. How Olympic athletes are subject to obsessions similar to those of fetishists. How a 1636 frenzy over Dutch tulip bulbs perfectly mirrors the 2006 real estate bubble. And why a billion-dollar "Just Say No" program actually increased drug use among teens, by activating the same "forbidden fruit" syndrome as a Victoria's Secret catalog.Whether you realize it or not, you're already using the seven triggers. The question is, are you using the right triggers, in the right way, to get your desired resultThis book will show you.
49元5本 应急旅游韩语口语:韩国旅游看这本就够了
《应急旅游韩语口语:韩国旅游看这本就够了》陪你畅游韩国7大法宝: 1.内容超全面,出国旅行实用场景全覆盖 登机入境、乘车自驾、酒店住宿、餐饮美食、逛街购物、游览美景、突发应急,涵盖出国旅游会遇到的各种情况 2.开本超实用,零负担畅游韩国口袋书 旅游指南通用小开本设计,方便随身携带,真正实现走到哪儿用到哪儿 3.汉字谐音标注,马上开口说韩语 出国旅行沟通很重要,不懂韩语没关系,汉字谐音来帮忙,认识汉字就能说韩语 4.真正全彩图解,超多实景图片一指就通 重点词汇,配有精美实景彩图,看图就能找到想要说的那个词,动动手指就明白 5.海量旅游口语关键句,一句顶一万句 一句话解决大问题,你想说的那句话&你可能听到的那句话,精准定位,方便查找 6.真实场景模拟对话,和韩国人聊上两句也OK 旅游口语进阶方案,按主题设计真实对话场景, 7.超值附赠旅行攻略,韩国旅行你必须要知道的那些事 图解签证、入境、报关,手把手教你看得懂、填得准;韩国基本印象,让你次迈出国门也胸有成竹
日语词汇新思维:词源+联想记忆法 (新东方在线同名课程指定教材)
日语词汇新思维:词源+联想记忆法 (新东方在线同名课程指定教材)
《日语词汇新思维:词源 联想记忆法》一书从日语假名的“发音”和“形状”入手,追本溯源,将假名赋予含义,帮助读者从假名来源角度掌握单词。充分利用以心理学理论为基础的左脑的逻辑思维和右脑的想象功能进行联想,提供了一种记忆日语词汇的全新思维和有效方法。总结汉语词与汉语发音的对应规律,按照鼻音、长音、重音、促音、汉语的R音将汉语词进行分类整理,便于读者对照学习,加深记忆。逐一标注单词的假名及音调,辅以作者原声朗读的中日双语MP3录音,帮助读者彻底告别“哑巴日语”。
長跑運動全攻略──健體、訓練、比賽 (增訂版)
長跑運動全攻略──健體、訓練、比賽 (增訂版)
Mr. C
世界各地之有味笑話如恆河沙數,素來是廣受大眾歡迎的流行讀本。本書作者Mr. C特別編撰「小小笑話」系列,精選妙絕抵死的笑話匯集成篇,以輕巧且價錢相宜的迷你版本出版,為你帶來經濟實惠的閱讀樂趣和享受。除了豐富精選的笑話,書首更有得意有趣的遊戲,供大家互動玩耍一下,順便先來個大腦熱熱身,然後再放開懷抱笑個痛快。 《癲癲WORKING》及《公主病駕到》分別取材為Office笑話及男女關係笑話,詼諧抵死,適合成人閱讀。 《囧囧CLUB》及《女王捉字室》則取材為校園笑話(classroom jokes),幽默搞笑,適合學生閱讀。
王蕾 编著
5大妙计突破德语零基础 1 更贴近中国人的发音规律 零基础也能地道发音 巧借汉字学发音,一句话发音要领,更简单更实用。发音-单词-句子,环环紧扣,符合零起初学者的认知规律。 2 1200个高频词汇 50个常用主题 记单词更深刻 精选生活中离不的1200个高频词,分门别类,更方便查找和记忆。从此和死记硬背说“拜拜”,上知天文、下晓地理,日常交流不再“词”穷。 3 450个常用句型句 3大主题 会一句就能说100句 从日常交际到休闲娱乐,德语专家总结的450个高频典型的句型,会一句就能举一反三触类旁通。二三句对话的微口语,让沟通更简单更高效。 4 50个主题 100个情景 与老外交流无障碍 海量实境模拟口语对话,涵盖生活、工作、学习方方面面,上班、上学、娱乐,看这里就够了。语言文化小贴士,让你乡随俗,学到更多地道表达法。 5 告别枯燥语法表述 图表化讲解更直观 图表化的语法知识,浅显易懂,更多例句详解,将语法融地道德语表达。语法精炼,随时检验学习成果,温故而知新。