

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Rowling, J.K.,Moss, Olly
"'Give me Harry Potter,' said Voldemort's voice, 'and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded.'As he climbs into the sidecar of Hagrid's motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving Privet Drive for the last time, Harry Potter knows that Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters are not far behind. The protective charm that has kept Harry safe until now is broken, but he cannot keep hiding. The Dark Lord is breathing fear into everything Harry loves and to stop him Harry will have to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes. The final battle must begin - Harry must stand and face his enemy ...
Függ?ségben 1
Függ?ségben 1
Renata W. Müller, Renáta W. Müller
Nathaniel Cruz már akkor belebolondult Alexis Woodville-be, amikor a lány a gimnáziumban egy szerencsétlen baleset folytán, fejen találta ?t egy focilabdával. A cserfes és csábos, v?r?s hajú lány szó szerint levette a fiút lábáról. Egyikük sem sejtette, hogy a spontán vonzalom életre szóló bilincset tesz majd a szívükre, de katasztrofális id?zítés és egy buta véletlen hosszú id?re elszakítja ?ket egymástól. ?vekkel kés?bb Nathaniel már a világhír? futballsztár csillogónak látszó életét éli, szívében azonban még mindig megszállottja Alexisnek. Véletlen találkozásukkor felszínre t?rnek a régóta eltitkolt vágyak, ám hiába tombol k?z?ttük a szenvedély, a féltékenység és birtokolni vágyás megint szétválasztja ?ket. Amikor útjaik kés?bb újra keresztezik egymást, hatalmas dilemma el?tt állnak. K?vetve a szívük vágyát, megadják-e magukat az oly régóta elnyomott szenvedélynek, vagy feláldozzák a szerelmet a felel?sségtudat oltárán. Ez Alexis és Nathaniel érzéki, szenvedélyes t?rténete. Remélem, annyira élvezitek majd olvasni, mint amennyire én az írást élveztem!
Hagi-Tudose. Nuvele ?i basme
Hagi-Tudose. Nuvele ?i basme
Barbu Ștefănescu Delavrancea
Des?v?r?it portretist, Delavrancea creeaz? personaje memorabile, desprinse din via?a pestri?? a mahalalelor bucure?tene unde a copil?rit ori din lumea satelor, a c?rei literatur? l-a inspirat. De neuitat pentru un cititor sunt figuri ca: avarul patologic Hagi-Tudose, caricatura profesorului draconic, sau cele bl?nde ?i duioase ale bunicilor, desprinse parc? din lumea basmelor.
George Orwell
In 1984, London is a grim city where Big Brother is always watching you, and Thought Police can practically read your mind. Winston is a man in grave danger for the simple reason that his memory still functions. Drawn into a forbidden love affair, Winston finds the courage to join a secret revolutionary organization called The Brotherhood, dedicated to the destruction of the Party. Together, with his beloved Julia, he hazards life in a deadly match against the powers that be.
Maxim Gorky
A History of the Peninsular War Volume I
A History of the Peninsular War Volume I
Charles Oman
A History of the Peninsular War Volume I
Why You Should Believe in Me
Why You Should Believe in Me
Daniel Marques
Why You Should Believe in Me
L'Homme Qui Rit
L'Homme Qui Rit
Victor Hugo
Roman classique, d'abord publié en 1869, dans le fran?ais original. Selon Wikipédia: "The Man Who Laughs" est un roman de Victor Hugo, publié en avril 1869 sous le titre fran?ais L'Homme qui rit, bien que, parmi les ?uvres les plus obscures d'Hugo, il fut adapté en un film populaire de 1928, réalisé par Paul Leni, avec Conrad Veidt, Mary Philbin et Olga Baclanova, a écrit The Man Who Laughs, ou l'homme qui rit, pendant une période de quinze mois alors qu'il vivait dans les ?les Anglo-Normandes, exilé de sa France natale en raison des controverses. Le titre de travail de Hugo pour ce livre était Sur le commandement du roi, mais un ami suggérait L'homme qui rit ... Victor-Marie Hugo (26 février 1802 - 22 mai 1885) était un poète, dramaturge fran?ais, romancier, essayiste, plasticien, homme d'?tat, militant des droits de l'homme et représentant du mouvement romantique en France, la renommée littéraire de Hugo vient en premier lieu de sa poésie, mais aussi de ses romans et de ses réalisations dramatiques. La poésie, Les Contemplations et La Légende des siècles sont particulièrement estimées et Hugo est parfois considéré comme le plus grand poète fran?ais. Hors de France, ses ?uvres les plus connues sont les romans Les Misérables et Notre-Dame de Paris (connus aussi en anglais sous le titre de Le Bossu de Notre-Dame). Bien que royaliste conservateur engagé lorsqu'il était jeune, Hugo devint plus libéral au fil des décennies; il est devenu un partisan passionné du républicanisme et son travail touche à la plupart des questions politiques et sociales et aux tendances artistiques de son temps. Il est enterré au Panthéon. "
History of the Byzantine Empire
History of the Byzantine Empire
Charles Oman
History of the Byzantine Empire
100% Amor: 7 pasos para encontrar científicamente lo verdadero amor de su vida
100% Amor: 7 pasos para encontrar científicamente lo verdadero amor de su vida
Daniel Marques
100% Amor: 7 pasos para encontrar científicamente lo verdadero amor de su vida
Dualidades Existenciais: Os Dilemas da Vida no Caminho da Felicidade
Dualidades Existenciais: Os Dilemas da Vida no Caminho da Felicidade
Daniel Marques
Dualidades Existenciais: Os Dilemas da Vida no Caminho da Felicidade
The Critique of Pure Reason
The Critique of Pure Reason
Immanuel Kant
The Critique of Pure Reason
Thomas Hobbes
A History of the Peninsular War - Vol. II
A History of the Peninsular War - Vol. II
Charles Oman
A History of the Peninsular War - Vol. II
A History of the Peninsular War - Vol. III
A History of the Peninsular War - Vol. III
Charles Oman
A History of the Peninsular War - Vol. III
Learn Web Development with Python
Learn Web Development with Python
Fabrizio Romano
A comprehensive guide to Python programming for web development using the most popular Python web framework - Django Key Features *Learn the fundamentals of programming with Python and building web apps *Build web applications from scratch with Django *Create real-world RESTful web services with the latest Django framework Book Description If you want to develop complete Python web apps with Django, this Learning Path is for you. It will walk you through Python programming techniques and guide you in implementing them when creating 4 professional Django projects, teaching you how to solve common problems and develop RESTful web services with Django and Python. You will learn how to build a blog application, a social image bookmarking website, an online shop, and an e-learning platform. Learn Web Development with Python will get you started with Python programming techniques, show you how to enhance your applications with AJAX, create RESTful APIs, and set up a production environment for your Django projects. Last but not least, you’ll learn the best practices for creating real-world applications. By the end of this Learning Path, you will have a full understanding of how Django works and how to use it to build web applications from scratch. This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products: *Learn Python Programming by Fabrizio Romano *Django RESTful Web Services by Gastón C. Hillar *Django Design Patterns and Best Practices by Arun Ravindran What you will learn *Explore the fundamentals of Python programming with interactive projects *Grasp essential coding concepts along with the basics of data structures and control flow *Develop RESTful APIs from scratch with Django and the Django REST Framework *Create automated tests for RESTful web services *Debug, test, and profile RESTful web services with Django and the Django REST Framework *Use Django with other technologies such as Redis and Celery Who this book is for If you have little experience in coding or Python and want to learn how to build full-fledged web apps, this Learning Path is for you. No prior experience with RESTful web services, Python, or Django is required, but basic Python programming experience is needed to understand the concepts covered.
The Enchanted Castle
The Enchanted Castle
Edith Nesbit
Classic novel for children. According to Wikipedia: "Edith Nesbit (married name Edith Bland; 15 August 1858 – 4 May 1924) was an English author and poet whose children's works were published under the name of E. Nesbit. She wrote or collaborated on over 60 books of fiction for children, several of which have been adapted for film and television. She was also a political activist and co-founded the Fabian Society, a precursor to the modern Labour Party.... Nesbit published approximately 40 books for children, both novels and collections of stories. Collaborating with others, she published almost as many more. According to her biographer Julia Briggs, Nesbit was "the first modern writer for children": "(Nesbit) helped to reverse the great tradition of children's literature inaugurated by [Lewis] Carroll, [George] MacDonald and Kenneth Grahame, in turning away from their secondary worlds to the tough truths to be won from encounters with things-as-they-are, previously the province of adult novels." Briggs also credits Nesbit with having invented the children's adventure story. Among Nesbit's best-known books are The Story of the Treasure Seekers (1898) and The Wouldbegoods (1899), which both recount stories about the Bastables, a middle class family that has fallen on relatively hard times. Her children's writing also included numerous plays and collections of verse. She created an innovative body of work that combined realistic, contemporary children in real-world settings with magical objects and adventures and sometimes travel to fantastic worlds."
Five Children and It
Five Children and It
Edith Nesbit
Classic novel for children. According to Wikipedia: "Edith Nesbit (married name Edith Bland; 15 August 1858 – 4 May 1924) was an English author and poet whose children's works were published under the name of E. Nesbit. She wrote or collaborated on over 60 books of fiction for children, several of which have been adapted for film and television. She was also a political activist and co-founded the Fabian Society, a precursor to the modern Labour Party.... Nesbit published approximately 40 books for children, both novels and collections of stories. Collaborating with others, she published almost as many more. According to her biographer Julia Briggs, Nesbit was "the first modern writer for children": "(Nesbit) helped to reverse the great tradition of children's literature inaugurated by [Lewis] Carroll, [George] MacDonald and Kenneth Grahame, in turning away from their secondary worlds to the tough truths to be won from encounters with things-as-they-are, previously the province of adult novels." Briggs also credits Nesbit with having invented the children's adventure story. Among Nesbit's best-known books are The Story of the Treasure Seekers (1898) and The Wouldbegoods (1899), which both recount stories about the Bastables, a middle class family that has fallen on relatively hard times. Her children's writing also included numerous plays and collections of verse. She created an innovative body of work that combined realistic, contemporary children in real-world settings with magical objects and adventures and sometimes travel to fantastic worlds."
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
Roman classique, en fran?ais original. Selon Wikipédia: "Alexandre Dumas, père (fran?ais pour" père ", apparenté à" Senior "en anglais), né Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie (24 juillet 1802 - 5 décembre 1870) était un écrivain fran?ais, mieux connu pour ses nombreux romans historiques de grande aventure qui ont fait de lui l'un des auteurs fran?ais les plus lus au monde, dont plusieurs de ses romans, dont Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, Les Trois Mousquetaires et Le Vicomte de Bragelonne, écrit des pièces de thé?tre et des articles de magazines et était un correspondant prolifique. "
The Magic City
The Magic City
Edith Nesbit
Novel for children. According to Wikipedia: "Edith Nesbit (married name Edith Bland; 15 August 1858 – 4 May 1924) was an English author and poet whose children's works were published under the name of E. Nesbit. She wrote or collaborated on over 60 books of fiction for children, several of which have been adapted for film and television. She was also a political activist and co-founded the Fabian Society, a precursor to the modern Labour Party.... Nesbit published approximately 40 books for children, both novels and collections of stories. Collaborating with others, she published almost as many more. According to her biographer Julia Briggs, Nesbit was "the first modern writer for children": "(Nesbit) helped to reverse the great tradition of children's literature inaugurated by [Lewis] Carroll, [George] MacDonald and Kenneth Grahame, in turning away from their secondary worlds to the tough truths to be won from encounters with things-as-they-are, previously the province of adult novels." Briggs also credits Nesbit with having invented the children's adventure story. Among Nesbit's best-known books are The Story of the Treasure Seekers (1898) and The Wouldbegoods (1899), which both recount stories about the Bastables, a middle class family that has fallen on relatively hard times. Her children's writing also included numerous plays and collections of verse. She created an innovative body of work that combined realistic, contemporary children in real-world settings with magical objects and adventures and sometimes travel to fantastic worlds."
Three Fu-Manchu Novels
Three Fu-Manchu Novels
Sax Rohmer
This file includes: The Insidious Dr. Fuu-Manchu (AKA The Mystery of Fu-Manchu), 1913; The Devil Doctor (AKA The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu), 1916; and The Hand of Fu-Manchu (AKA The Si-Fan Mysteries), 1917. According to Wikipedia: "Dr. Fu Manchu is a fictional character introduced in a series of novels by British author Sax Rohmer during the first half of the 20th century. The character was also featured extensively in cinema, television, radio, comic strips and comic books for over 90 years, and has become an archetype of the evil criminal genius while inspiring the Fu Manchu moustache." "Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward (15 February 1883 - 1 June 1959), better known as Sax Rohmer, was a prolific English novelist. He is best remembered for his series of novels featuring the master criminal Dr. Fu Manchu... His first published work was in 1903, the short story The Mysterious Mummy was sold to Pearson's Weekly. He gradually transitioned from writing for Music Hall performers to concentrating on short stories and serials for magazine publication. In 1909 he married Rose Elizabeth Knox. He published his first novel Pause! anonymously in 1910 and the first Fu Manchu novel, The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu, was serialized from October 1912 - June 1913. It was an immediate success with its fast-paced story of Denis Nayland Smith and Dr. Petrie facing the worldwide conspiracy of the 'Yellow Peril'. The Fu Manchu stories, together with his more conventional detective series characters: Paul Harley, Gaston Max, Red Kerry, Morris Klaw, and The Crime Magnet made Rohmer one of the most successful and well-paid authors of the 1920s and 1930s.Rohmer also wrote several novels of supernatural horror, including Brood of the Witch-Queen. Sadly, Rohmer was very poor at managing his wealth and made several disastrous business decisions that hampered him througout his career. His final success came with a series of novels featuring a female variation on Fu Manchu, Sumuru."