

每满100减50 日本语能力测试N4考前总复习
“日本语能力测试考前总复习”系我社自中国台湾地区的瑞兰国际有限公司引的一套针对日本语能力测试的辅导书,其5个分册。本丛书由台湾人气名师林士钧老师编写,供准备参加日本语能力测试的学习者使用。本丛书紧扣各级别考试的特,提示各类题型的难要,有效帮助读者全面提升日语应用能力。   《日本语能力测试N4考前总复习》是N4分册,分语言知识(文字、词汇)、语言知识(语法)、读解、听解等4个单元,对本级别所需要掌握的内容行整理和归纳,并提供相应的练习行实力检测。书后还附有考前扫描、N5文字词汇复习、根据“听、说、读、写”四大指标制作的考核表等实用内容,可帮生有效复习,提升考试成绩。
每满100减50 日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第8册
日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第8册
“新世纪高等学校日语专业本科生系列教材”是普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材,也是新世纪中国第1套日语专业本科生系列教材。系列教材的编写和出版一定会促进我国日语专业本科生教学质量的稳步提高,为培养更多的高级日语人才发挥应有的作用。 ★ 前瞻性与创新性并重:符合21世纪日语人才培养需要,引领中国日语教学潮流; ★ 代表性与权威性兼顾:全国20余所高校参与编写,日语界近百位专家精心奉献; ★ 系统性与整体性结合:涵盖高校日语专业全部课程,形成相互呼应的整体。 本书为系列教材之一,是日语专业本科高年级精读课教材。贯彻了《高等院校日语专业高年级阶段教学大纲》的要求,符合高水平日语人才培养的需要。既注重语言知识的传授、语言技能的训练,又兼顾日本社会、文化的介绍和理解,有助于提高学习者的思维创造和分析鉴赏能力。 课文选篇均为名家名篇,内容涉及日本社会、经济、文化、文学、风俗习惯及科普知识。语言表达规范,遣词造句丰富优美、可读性强。课文难易度安排合理,符合循序渐进的教学要求。 练习编排针对课文内容设计,在加深课文理解的同时,更注重提高日语综合表达能力。 每册设有专题栏目,如“近义词学习”、“表达学习”等,既与课文内容配合,又自成一体,可帮助学习者增强语感,培养应用意识。“文学·语言小知识”、“阅读”等栏目,不仅提供了丰富的阅读材料,更能拓宽学习者的知识面。 本教材配有MP3录音光盘一张,时长3小时。
每满100减50 日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第二册 学习参考
日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第二册 学习参考
日语综合教程》自出版以来,被广泛用于各大院校日语专业的教学当中,也深受广大业余读者的喜爱。为了更好地配合教材的使用,我们编写了这本学习参考用书。 本书与《日语综合教程》第二册配套,每课由参考译文、练习答案和补充练习三部分组成,书后还附有补充练习答案。补充练习紧扣教材所学,题型丰富多样,并引新日语试题型,以帮助学生灵活、熟练地掌握所学知识,提高语言综合运用能力。
每满100减50 新编日语词汇手册(1)
本书为《新编日语(重排本)*册》的配套词汇手册,对每课单词行解说并提供例句。解说部分介绍单词的写法、读音、意义及用法,例句提示单词在实际语境中的运用。每课后提供分类词表,方便读者背诵单词。 为方便读者自学,本书提供 "随行课堂"移动应用、单词及例句的录音、单词小册子等配套产品。
每满100减50 日语拟声词、拟态词辨析
拟声词是模拟自然界声响而造的词汇,是世界上所有语言都具备的成分。拟声词虽然是模仿自然的声音,却有很大的主观性。自然界的声音无限,通过我们耳朵和大脑的诠释,主观音感的辨别,再由自然语言的音位系统模拟,这样的模拟往往会失真。因此,它和口技的声音模仿有所不同。 拟态词是日语里用象征说法来表现某一种动作或状态的词。本书汇总了日语中常用的拟声词与拟态词,主要通过归类、辨析的方式呈现给读者。拟声词、拟态词不仅常用于生活中,也经常出现在日语各类考试中,是日语学习者需要掌握的知识。
每满100减50 新理念大学法语系列:大学法语四级考试听力应试指南
每满100减50 日语口语教程 高级
日语口语教程 高级
    无论是商务活动还是日常会话,在和日本人交流时,你是否有过有话要说却说不出来的苦恼?这可能是因为你的日语水平不足以准确传达自己的意思,也可能是你对于该话题根本就没有明确的见解。因此,要想提高日语口语能力,除了学习日语知识,还应该根据不同的场景,利用大量的题材,从自己的立场出发,用日语的头脑行思考,而用日语构筑并表述自己的意见。     本书就是这样一套提供大量题材和例句的教程,注重情境及交流,而不是语法和句型。其中高级分册共25课,囊括了日常生活中常见A925个话题,每课的课文和例句从不同角度和立场切,针对性强,可以帮助读者有效地形成自己的观,掌握日语的思维方式,从而借助自己的日语能力取得交流的成功。每课附有大量练习,相信在教师的引导下,可以有效锻炼学习者的口语。参考表达配有录音,习题则配有会话练习参考录音(不附录音原文,录音原文参见学习参考用书),可供使用者在本课前行预热和模仿,更好地完成本课的学习目标。     本书适用于日语专业本科生教学及社会培训I的口语课程,尤其是由外教承担的口语课程。
每满100减50 外教社走近经典法语阅读系列:魔沼
杜青钢 胡慧俐 乐凌燕
每满100减50 韩国历史
每满100减50 韩国语专业本科生教材:韩国文学作品选读
Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo
Gerry Souter
Her serene face encircled in a wreath of flaming hair, the broken, pinned, stitched, cleft, and withered husk that once contained Frida Kahlo surrendered to the crematory’s flames. The blaze heating the iron slab that had become her final bed replaced dead flesh with the purity of powdered ash and put a period – full stop – to the Judas body that had contained her spirit. Her incandescent image in death was no less real than her portraits in life. As the ashes smoldered and cooled, a darkness descended over her name, her paintings and her brief flirtation with fame. She became a footnote, a “promising talent” forever languishing in the shadow of her husband, the famed Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, or as a New York Times art critic stated with a yawn over one of her works: “…painted by one of Rivera’s ex-wives.”
每满100减50 你肯定会用到的超实用日语话题
《你肯定会用到的超实用日语话题》有以下几个特色:   一、情境会话一丰富的对话内容:贴近实际生活,在生动活泼的情境下,说明每个句子应该在什么样的情况下使用,用什么样的方式表达。通过会话练习,帮助读者理解和日本人聊天时应该用什么样的语气、反应和表达方式。   二、实用短句一增强应变能力:除了情境会话之外,书中也会针对每一个话题,补充相关的实用短句,让读者在各种情境下都能够从容应对。   三、相关单词一列出与话题相关的实用单词:让您在“实用短句”中通过做单词的替换练习,触类旁通,增加会话的广度和深度。   四、小常识一补充日本文化的相关知识:体验日本社会文化,了解日本人在想什么。
Alien in My Pocket #5: Ohm vs. Amp
Alien in My Pocket #5: Ohm vs. Amp
Ball, Nate
Zack and Amp get a serious surprise in the fifth installment of this intergalactic chapter book series by Nate Ball, the host of PBS's Design Squad and Design Squad Nation. Zack and his alien friend, Amp, discover that leverage can be an Earth-saving thing when they build a rocket-launching atlatl!Zack McGee's life has been filled with trouble since Amp, a four-inch-tall alien scout, crash-landed into Zack's bedroom. But now it's Amp's turn to be in the hot seat. When his commander, Ohm, arrives to take Amp back home, the aliens feud. Amp has to get his cranky counterpart off Earth before they all end up in a world of trouble!Like every book in the Alien in My Pocket series, Ohm vs. Amp mixes Common Core–aligned science, and safe, hands-on experiments with a hilarious story that young readers will love.Publishers Weekly said of Alien in My Pocket: Blast Off!: "With its screwball comedy and lively dialogue, the novel gives readers the opportunity to laugh as they learn."Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts
She Comes First
She Comes First
Kerner, Ian
As women everywhere will attest, when it comes to understanding female sexuality, most guys know more about what's under the hood of a car than under the hood of a clitoris. And while it seems that men have struggled valiantly since the dawn of time to find ways to reliably elicit the female orgasm, rare is the guy who has the modesty to ask: "What do I do?" Ironically, the answer has always been right there on the tip of his tongue. Welcome to the world of She Comes First, where the mystery of female satisfaction is solved and the tongue is proven mightier than the sword. According to Ian Kerner, clinical sexologist and evangelist of the female orgasm, oral sex has long been deemed an optional aspect of foreplay, but, in fact, it's coreplay -- simply the best way for leading a woman through the entire process of sexual response. Fun, informative, and easy to read, She Comes First is a virtual encyclopedia of female pleasure, detailing dozens of tried-and-true techniques for consistently satisfying a woman and illustrated step-by-step instructions to ensure success. These simple methods represent a new era in sexual intimacy, one in which the exchange of pleasure occurs on a level playing field and fulfillment is mutual. She Comes First exuberantly offers a fresh new sexual philosophy that inspires every man to make a mantra of Rhett Butler's infamous line to Scarlett O'Hara, "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how."
My Weird School Daze #4: Coach Hyatt Is a Riot!
My Weird School Daze #4: Coach Hyatt Is a Riot!
Gutman, Dan
The weirdness never stops! It's Pee Wee Football season, and A.J.'s new coach is crazy. She wants the boys to do push-ups in the mud. She wants them to pick up a car. And worst of all, she wants to put girls on the team! You'll never believe in a million hundred years what happens in the big game.
Alien in My Pocket #6: Forces of Nature
Alien in My Pocket #6: Forces of Nature
Ball, Nate
Zack and Amp get a serious surprise in Forces of Nature, the sixth installment of this fun intergalactic chapter book series by Nate Ball, the host of PBS’s Design Squad and Design Squad Nation.Ever since Amp crash-landed his spaceship through Zack McGee’s window, Zack’s life has gone in some unexpected directions. But when everything goes wrong on the McGee family camping trip, Zack’s going to need Amp’s alien scouting skills to navigate the great outdoors and find their way back to civilization!Like every book in the Alien in My Pocket series, Forces of Nature mixes Common Core–aligned science with safe, hands-on experiments that young readers will love. This installment includes a build-your-own compass experiment.Publishers Weekly said of Alien in My Pocket: Blast Off!: “With its screwball comedy and lively dialogue, the novel gives readers the opportunity to laugh as they learn.”
Building Minecraft Server Modifications - Second Edition
Building Minecraft Server Modifications - Second Edition
Cody M. Sommer
Create and customize your very own Minecraft server using Java and the Spigot API About This Book Set up a Minecraft server that you control Use object-oriented programming to modify Minecraft regardless of your level of experience This interactive guide will help you create a unique experience for you and your friends Who This Book Is For This book is great for anyone who is interested in customizing their Minecraft server. Whether you are new to programming, Java, Bukkit, or even Minecraft itself, this book has you covered. All you need is a valid Minecraft account. If you are interested in programming as a career or hobby, this book will get you started. If you are simply interested in playing Minecraft with your friends, then this book will help you make that experience even more enjoyable. What You Will Learn Install and run a Spigot server for free on your home PC Adjust the server settings to customize Minecraft to your liking Install an IDE and configure a project to write code Install and test plugins on a Spigot server Test your plugins through debugging the code Program in game commands and permissions Get to know advanced programming concepts such as event-driven programming, configuration files, saving/loading data, and scheduled tasks Implement configuration files to make your plugins customizable Save and load your plugin's data to persist across server restarts In Detail Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows you to play it in any way you want. Coupled with a multiplayer server powered by Spigot, you can customize the game even more! Using the Bukkit API, anyone interested in learning how to program can control their Minecraft world by developing server plugins. This book is a great introduction to software development through the wonderful world of Minecraft. We start by instructing you through how to set up your home PC for Minecraft server development. This includes an IDE complete with the required libraries as well as a Spigot server to test on. You will be guided through writing code for several different plugins. Each chapter teaches you new skills to create plugins of increasing complexity, and each plugin adds a new concept of the Bukkit API By the end of the book, you will have all the knowledge you need about the API to successfully create any type of plugin. You can then practice and build your Java skills through developing more mods for their server. Style and approach This hands-on guide is filled with interactive examples to help you modify Minecraft. Programming terms and concepts are explained along the way so even those who have never written code before can keep up.
Panda3D 1.6 Game Engine Beginner's Guide
Panda3D 1.6 Game Engine Beginner's Guide
David Brian Mathews
This book is a step-by-step, tutorial-driven guide to game or application development using Panda3D that follows the process used in professional development. You will learn through first-hand experience how a Panda3D developer goes from literally nothing to a finished product. Along the way there are illustrations to explain difficult topics and to display the results of progress, as well as a complete archive of thoroughly explained code for every tutorial. Every single code file the reader saves is mirrored in the example code, finished and explained. In addition, every art and audio asset required by the tutorials is provided, so the user need not provide any assets of their own. If you are an independent developer interested in creating your own video games or other 3D applications using Panda3D for personal or commercial distribution at minimal expense, this book is definitely for you. A basic understanding of general programming, such as familiarity with the concept of a variable, is necessary. Some familiarity with object-oriented programming and the Python language is expected, but not essential. This book does not cover the creation of three dimensional models or similar art assets, nor does it cover the creation of two dimensional art assets or audio assets.
MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat
MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat
G?khan Ozar
Standard Mini. This book is written for MySQL Users, Developers, and admins who want to discover just how easy Navicat makes even normally arduous tasks.
Howl's Moving Castle 哈尔的移动城堡
Howl's Moving Castle 哈尔的移动城堡
Jones, Diana Wynne
Sophie has the great misfortune of being the eldest of three daughters, destined to fail miserably should she ever leave home to seek her fate. But when she unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Sophie finds herself under a horrid spell that transforms her into an old lady. Her only chance at breaking it lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Howl's castle. To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, she discovers that there's far more to Howl and herself than first meets the eye.