

Celebrated Crimes 'Marquise de Brinvilliers', 'Marquise de Ganges' and 'Nisida'
Celebrated Crimes 'Marquise de Brinvilliers', 'Marquise de Ganges' and 'Nisida'
Dumas, Alexandre
Three writings taken from 'Celebrated Crimes', a series of essays on famous criminals and crimes by the author of 'The Count of Monte Cristo' and 'The Three Musketeers', Alexandre Dumas.
Old John Brown
Old John Brown
Hawkins, Walter
A fascinating guide to the life of radical 19th century American abolitionist John Brown.
Study in Terror
Study in Terror
Belanger, Derrick
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is one of those authors whose literary creation is much more famous than the man himself. Those who do know the name Arthur Conan Doyle tend to know him only as the inventor of the world's greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes. A smaller segment of this group goes further and remembers Doyle as the inventor of the great detective who squandered his fame with crackpot beliefs in faeries and the supernatural. Sadly, there is so much more to the man who revolutionized the writing not just of detective fiction but also of the genre of horror, the supernatural, and even influenced history itself.This two volume anthology's point is to put Doyle back on the pedestal he so rightly deserves. Its aim is twofold. First, to introduce readers to Doyle's lesser known (yet no less important) works. These works speak for themselves in showing a master writer at his craft. The stories are timeless, enjoyable, and hopefully will lead to new fans embracing a great author's somewhat forgotten tales. The second aim is to show the relevance of Doyle's works. Through a collection of articles written by current scholars and experts, readers can see just how revolutionary Doyle's writings remain even today.
Open and Shut Case
Open and Shut Case
DeMaio, Harry
Imagine if Sherlock Holmes was a bear? Alternative Universe Mysteries for Adult Animal Lovers that relate the exploits of super-sleuth Octavius Bear and his cohorts. Just for fun, this series swaps anthropomorphic animals for humans in a world very similar to our own 21st century. Earth minus homosapiens.
Cross and the Shamrock
Cross and the Shamrock
Quigley, Hugh
Written by 19th century Catholic author Hugh Quigley, the full title of this work was: 'The Cross and the Shamrock; Or, How To Defend The Faith. An Irish-American Catholic Tale Of Real Life, Descriptive Of The Temptations, Sufferings, Trials, And Triumphs Of The Children Of St. Patrick In The Great Republic Of Washington. A Book For The Entertainment And Special Instructions Of The Catholic Male And Female Servants Of The United States.'
Excellence of the Rosary
Excellence of the Rosary
Frings, M. J.
A fascinating look at the history and significance of the Rosary, the popular Catholic devotion practised around the world for centuries.
Sherlockian Ruminations from a Stormy Petrel
Sherlockian Ruminations from a Stormy Petrel
Rossini, Brenda
Here are a few essays about puzzlers in and about Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories: The Devil's Foot and the author's cautious inserts of the Christian sacraments he learnt as a boy; A liturgical opposite - the Hebrew rabbi in Scandal in Bohemia; The Boscombe Valley murder re-emerging in a contemporary divining of a murder at Pemberley; The definitive solution and identification of Jack the Ripper - search no further; AND The Salvation Army and Suffragettes picked-on and prodded in the Red-Headed League.
Valley of Fear
Valley of Fear
Conan Doyle, Arthur
Another Holmes classic from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, first publised in 1915.
Sherlock Holmes and The Menacing Moors
Sherlock Holmes and The Menacing Moors
Mitchell, Allan
A call from an old comrade has Holmes chasing a reported agent of Satan between the towering tors and bottomless bogs of Dartmoor only to find the limits of his own confidence and his Public's esteem. Only Watson stands his friend but even his patience is stretched. Sherlock's retreat to the bees of Sussex serves only to show him that his skills are unique and are desperately needed elsewhere. On returning to London, Holmes finds malign forces have been bringing ridicule to his doorstep. In this tale, the Great Sleuth is brought to life, uniquely, in expressive verse, a favourite form of the author who loves the language of Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Moors.
Authors of Greece
Authors of Greece
Lumb, Thomas Wallace
A fantastic look at the great Ancient Greek authors. Covers Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Herodotus, Thucydides, Plato and Demosthenes.
Trevor's Island
Trevor's Island
Gumble, Margaret
Trevor's IslandHaving to leave his home and family far behind to go to school on the mainland Trevor is very unhappy and homesick. Then one night something magical happens and he is taken to an enchanted place. Here he finds happiness and amazing new friends.Tracy's WishThis story tells how a jealous girl makes a foolish wish to have her baby brother disappear, but is overheard by a witch who snaches him away. Finding a fairy friend she sets out to rescue him and faces grave danger.Tales of the WoodsThis book contains a warning to take notice of our surroundings and follow the country code. The story tells how a thoughtless action can bring terrible suffering to the creatures of the woods.Pip to the RescueThis book tells of the courage of a wood sprit to save his lake dwelling friends .Pip and his river bank friends are happy in their home, until cruel boys take away the toad to make sport with him. Pip uses his magic flute to save him and teaches these children how to treat others.Henry's PlightA farm gate not secured allows an inquisitive calf out to explore the world beyond the safety of the farm and into the hands of ruthless men who mean to sell him so he can never return home.
Orchestra Murders
Orchestra Murders
Fruchter, Rena
Superstar conductor Sir Gregory Langhorne and his globe-trotting, violin-soloist son Jonathan Langhorne are the best of friends-until a brutal murder shatters their lives and Jonathan becomes the prime suspect. Six years later, Sir Gregory is now the music director of the world famous Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra and has finally reconciled with his son Jonathan, just as members of the orchestra are being killed off one by one. The challenge for brilliant young hotshot Philadelphia Detective Cynthia Masters is to solve not only the orchestra murders, but the question of why murder seems to follow the Langhornes. Has Masters finally met her match-a case that cannot be solved? Set in London and Philadelphia, this dramatic story of murder, infidelity, and the abuse of money and power establishes Cynthia Masters as a world-class detective in this thrilling and unusual mystery.
Sherlock Holmes and the Folk Tale Mysteries - Volume 2
Sherlock Holmes and the Folk Tale Mysteries - Volume 2
Puhl, Gayle Lange
Jewel thefts, missing persons, even murder are all elements in the world of the great detective Sherlock Holmes. What connects the stories in this book is that the cases he and his biographer Dr. John H. Watson investigate are based on adventures beloved of childhood. In a novel twist to the usual Holmes pastiches, Mrs. Puhl has based her plots involving Mr. Sherlock Holmes on folk tales, nursery rhymes and other snippets of children's literature. She has brought them into the Victorian era and kept them true to the expectations for Holmesian stories. But these are not children's tales. There are no talking rabbits, no flying carpets or magic wands. There is not always a happy ending. They are all grounded in the logical world of Holmes and Watson. Two men are determined to prove in a race which of them is faster. A child is missing and presumed dead. Can Sherlock Holmes help heal the mother's broken heart? A baby is found in a basket at the foot of the seventeen steps to 221b Baker Street. Did an ancient legend lead to a modern-day murder?Join Mr. Sherlock Holmes and his biographer Dr. John H. Watson as they explore the unusual cases brought to them from the land of bedtime stories and wise adages. You may never feel quite the same again about children's literature.
Sherlock Holmes and The Other Woman
Sherlock Holmes and The Other Woman
Schear, Geri
Poltergeists, Egyptian myths, and a series of murders make 1898 a year Sherlock Holmes will never forget. From Camden Town to the diamond district, no part of London is safe. It will take all his skills if Holmes is to keep himself, Doctor Watson, and their friends free from harm. He doesn't need any distractions. What a time for Lady Beatrice to be trapped in a volatile Paris.
And Off We Go
And Off We Go
Lapajne Predin, Barbara
And Off We Go is a collection of stories lending wings to our curiosity and taking us through space and time! The first one introduces us to the Vikings, who taught their children how to coexist with the frozen seas and respect the animals. In the second tale we visit the African Bushmen and get to know their very special way of learning how to hunt. The third one takes place in Japan and describes how a samurai preserves the honour of a persecuted princess, while in the fourth we learn about understanding dreams with the Navajo, a native American tribe. The stars in the fifth story bring together two girls - a Masai and an Australian - marked by fate in the same manner. Through these tales we learn how to listen to the wind and how to understand people different from ourselves. The goal of these stories is for the readers to become fascinated by fantasy journeys. The young readers will take their own knowledge of the world and their family with them on these journeys, and learn about different ways of life full of similar mutual relations and identical fears and joys. They will learn that many different peoples or groups of people live or have lived in the world, that every group has certain peculiarities we can look up to and make use of living in the today's world, or simply discover what people can find their own little shares of happiness in. However, the most important message is the realisation that we are all very much alike despite all the differences. We love our nearest and dearest, we laugh at a funny story, and we are upset by injustice, regardless of when, where in the world, and what family we were born into.The collection of stories And Off We Go will help you discover at least some of your secret wishes and chase away prejudice and fears.These five stories will change your outlook at the world. For the better.
Final Problem
Final Problem
Kopl, Petr
The death of detective Sherlock Holmes shakes the world. Even The Queen herself expresses resentment over the loss of the popular Victorian hero. Petr Kopl gives us a graphic kick and picks up his third World heroes of tomorrow through the eyes of genius writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He takes us to a place where evil has a true face, men are gentlemen and women are ladies. We visit his comic world of excitement and adventure. Come and bear witnessto the last heroic battle where Sherlock Holmes paid with his life. Or did he?
No Police Like Holmes - Second Edition
No Police Like Holmes - Second Edition
Andriacco, Dan
Fully revised 2nd edition - The Investigating Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes Colloquium and donation of the third largest private collection of Sherlockiana in the world were supposed to produce a weekend of great publicity for tiny St. Benignus College in Erin, Ohio. But when theft and murder come to campus, college public relations director Jeff Cody finds himself knee-deep in Sherlockian suspects, besieged by an aggressive reporter he loves but no longer dates, and competing with his eccentric brother-in-law, Sebastian McCabe, to solve the crimes first. The mess worsens when Jeff and his ex-girlfriend, Lynda Teal, themselves fall under suspicion of murder - and with good reason, for they have something to hide. This satirical romp takes Sherlock Holmes seriously, but not Holmesians. A witty and engaging spoof sure to delight not only the deerstalker set but mystery fans in general.
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Grinning Cat
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Grinning Cat
Svec III, Joseph W.
Time is running out!When the Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit, and The Mad Hatter turn up at 221-B Baker Street to enlist the help of Sherlock Holmes in locating Alice who is missing from Wonderland, and Lewis Carroll himself who is also nowhere to be found, there begins an adventure more stranger and curious than anything Sherlock has ever encountered. A Unicorn, the Jabberwocky, the time traveling author, H.G. Wells, trips to Wonderland and beyond, and even a journey outside of time itself where awaits the ultimate enigma of logic, all are a part of this incredible tale.
101 Amazing Victoria Beckham Facts
101 Amazing Victoria Beckham Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Victoria Beckham Fan? Do you know everything there is to know about the ex-Spice Girl and one of today's greatest fashion icons? Then this is the book for you! In this easy-to-digest eBook are 101 facts about your favourite celebrity - do you know all of them?Test yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Sections include Victoria's fashion, her singing career and some crazy facts about her life. Show everyone that you are the master of VB Knowledge!
50 Quick Spooky Halloween Facts
50 Quick Spooky Halloween Facts
Andrews, Paul
This book is a quick read full of Spooky Facts on Halloween. Do you know where the name comes from? What happens if a bat flies over your house three times? Find out these facts and more in this book!
Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Melbournian
Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Melbournian
Mitchell, Allan
Burgeoning, brash and bold, a new Metropolis has burst forth from the golden soil of Terra Australis, proclaiming its virtues but harbouring many of the evils of old which have been attracted by fortunes won from the Earth itself.Shadowy figures menacingly emerge from distant wars to deprive the unwitting of that which has been earned by honest toil. One such figure wends its way across continents to stake a much larger claim on a much older Metropolis to help establish a kingdom of fear and domination.Resolutely, relentlessly, our deerstalker-decked detective must once more rhythmically rhyme his way along a perilous path fighting forces of evil, evil which refuses to be quelled but is known to him and his forthright companion as the Menacing Melbournian.