Rewards and Dilemmas
Hugh Ballater is a successful writer who enjoys international literary success, in contrast to his troubled personal life. After divorcing his wife, he leaves England and buys a house on the Kenyan coast where he continues to write. Finally at peace, he produces some of his best novels from his beachside retreat. With the unexpected arrival of a young Indian woman looking for work, his life takes a new turn. However, their encounter is short-lived as he dies unexpectedly. After his death, the reading of his will sparks a chain of events that has far reaching consequences for those closest to him. This love story crackles with intrigue and suspense around the dilemmas and rewards facing his housekeeper - the narrator of the story - and his ex-wife and children.

101 Amazing Inspirational Quotes
There are days when we all need a little pick-me-up. This book contains 101 fantastic motivational pieces of advice from key figures of the last two thousand years. With sources including prominent historical thinkers, lines from movies and TV shows and some of the greatest inspirational lyrics of all time, this book will help you get through the day and achive your goals with a smile on your face. Whether you are finding life a struggle and need to hear some positive words, or you are looking to inspire and motivate others, this is a perfect and varied collection of quotes.

Heather Never Blooms in Israel
This fantastic new eBook from well-known author Paul Kelly will make an excellent addition to any fiction-lover's digital shelf. Featuring strong characters and plots which draws you into Kelly's worlds, reviewers have been recommending his titles for years. This latest addition to his catalogue of successes is sure to be another winner.

Essays for Black Belt
Students have to prepare and present an essay on what being a Black Belt means to them as part of their grade. Here are twenty such essays.

Nowhere to Hide
This fantastic new eBook from well-known author Paul Kelly will make an excellent addition to any fiction-lover's digital shelf. Featuring strong characters and plots which draws you into Kelly's worlds, reviewers have been recommending his titles for years. This latest addition to his catalogue of successes is sure to be another winner.

French Restoration
When David and Doris Johnson restored a French mini-chateau, they learnt new skills, solved the mysteries of septic drainage, and excavated not only the ancient foundations, but the chequered history of the house itself. And through all this, and through new friends, they also rediscovered themselves. French property expert, Clive Kristen, records their adventures.

Deeds that Won the Empire
A fascinating look at some of the most famous and important battles in the history of the British Empire.

Dogs and All About Them
A fascinating look at all the major breeds of dog, from Bull-Terrier to Poodle, from Airedale to Whippet, from Collie to Pekinese, as well as a history of the dog, some advice on keeping and breading dogs, and a look at some common canine ailments and illnesses.

Domestic Cookery
Hundreds of useful recipes: soups, meats, fish, cakes and many more, all written with economy and self-sufficiency in mind.

Drake, Nelson and Napoleon
A collection of three character studies of some of the most influential military minds in history: Sir Francis Drake, Horatio Nelson and Napoleon Bonaparte.

Eight Cousins
This charming classic novel from 1875 by Louisa May Alcott (the author of Little Women) follows the story of the recently orphaned Rose Campbell as she struggles to cope with her new life as part of a large family, which consists of seven boy cousins and numerous aunts and uncles.

England under the Tudors
A comprehensive look at the history of England during the rule of the Tudor monarchs (1485-1603).

English Fairy Tales
Forty-three traditional English fairytales collected by famed folklorist Joseph Jacobs. Contains childhood favourites such as Jack and the Beanstalk, the Three Little Pigs and Tom Thumb, as well as some forgotten classics like The Well of the World's End, The Magpie's Nest and Kate Crackernuts.

Fascination of London
The Fascination of London' was a series of guide books written by Sir Walter Besant and G. E. Mitton about various different areas of London. This book is about the Strand District, the historical district that used to surround 'The Strand', the road that now runs from Trafalgar Square to Fleet Street but historically was far longer.

African Waterhole
A charming tale of the animals living around an African waterhole. The intrigues, anxieties and relationships between such diverse characters as Walter, the warthog, Larry the evil leopard, Percival, the African Grey parrot and Michael the meercat will both amuse young readers and widen their appreciation of the natural world.

Mary Barton
The first published novel of famed classic author Elizabeth Gaskell, author of the ever-popular Cranford.

Mary Magdalen
A fascinating fictionalisation of the life of the biblical figure Mary Magdalene, written by American writer Edgar Saltus.

Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
This book contains 11 adventures of the world's greatest detective.Conan Doyle first published his fictional character of Holmes in 1887 followed by a series of short stories in the Strand Magazine in 1891. The public could not get enough of Holmes and his popularity still continues.

Middlemarch is a 'realism' novel set in the fictional town of Middlemarch in the English Midlands. Written by George Eliot (the pen name of Mary Anne Evans) in the late 1860s/early 1870s, the novel tackles many of the political issues of the day, such as the Great Reform Bill and the death of King George IV.

From Chaucer to Tennyson
A fantastic look at the history of English literature from Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century to Alfred, Lord Tennyson in the 19th, taking in 30 authors on the way, including William Shakespeare, John Milton and Alexander Pope.

101 Amazing Facts About Everything - Volume 1
Did you know that President Theodore Roosevelt had a guinea pig called Fighting Bob Evans along with many other hilariously named pets? Were you aware that a certain Brazilian Emperor didn't oppose a military coup because he no longer enjoyed his job? Brought to you by renowned trivia historians Jack Goldstein and Jimmy Russell, this eBook is full of facts that will make you laugh, gasp in amazement and possibly blow your mind. Find out what percentage of the world's wood is used just by IKEA, the unusual job Sylvester Stallone once had, who wrote the world's first knock-knock joke and much, much more.