All Things Considered
Classic collection of essays. According to Wikipedia: "Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 - 1936) was an influential English writer of the early 20th century. His prolific and diverse output included journalism, philosophy, poetry, biography, Christian apologetics, fantasy and detective fiction. Chesterton has been called the "prince of paradox." He wrote in an off-hand, whimsical prose studded with startling formulations. For example: "Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it."[2] He is one of the few Christian thinkers who are equally admired and quoted by both liberal and conservative Christians, and indeed by many non-Christians. Chesterton's own theological and political views were far too nuanced to fit comfortably under the "liberal" or "conservative" banner."
In Defense of Women
Classic collection of satirical essays, including The Feminine Mind, The War Between the Sexes, Marriage, Woman Sufrage, and The New Age. The Introduction begins: "As a professional critic of life and letters, my principal business in the world is that of manufacturing platitudes for tomorrow, which is to say, ideas so novel that they will be instantly rejected as insane and outrageous by all right thinking men, and so apposite and sound that they will eventually conquer that instinctive opposition, and force themselves into the traditional wisdom of the race."
ROM: A komonizmus t?rténete
Volumele de dialoguri (vor fi trei ?n total) socratice adun? convorbiri cu personalit??i ale culturii ?i literaturii na?ionale, realizate ?n libertate, ?ncepind cu 1990. Ele au fost publicate ?n diverse reviste, ?n principal ?Convorbiri literare“ ?i ?Poezia“, dar ?i ?n ?Dacia literar?“, ?Poesis“, ?Hyperion“ ?.a. Dialogurile se succed ?n ordinea apari?ie ?i reflect? fr?m?nt?rile culturale, literare, politice ale momentului, de interes peren ?i constant privind biografia artistic? a personalit??ii intervievate. Dialogurile sunt vii, atractive, instructive ?i mereu actuale prin problematic? abordat?. Participan?ii la acest veritabil banchet platonician din primul volum, Democra?ia oblig? idiotul sa stea al?turi de geniu (310 pagini), sunt: Petre ?u?ea, Ana Blandiana, Alexandru Zub, Ioan Alexandru, Dimitrie Gavrilean, Mihai Ursachi, Cezar Iv?nescu, Svetlana Paleologu-Matta, ?erban Cantacuzino, ?tefan Avadanei, Cristian Simionescu, Luca Pi?u, Lauren?iu Ulici, Corneliu ?tefanache, Ioana Cr?ciunescu, Paul Goma, Monica Lovinescu, Ilie Cleopa, George Astalos, Marin Mincu, Liviu Ioan Stoiciu, Dan M?nuc?, Costache Ol?reanu, Sorin Vieru, Gellu Dorian, Alex ?tef?nescu, Nicolae Manolescu, Ilie Constantin.
Книга нонсенса
Este un autoportret al cunoa?terii personale, un autoportret schi?at ?n timp real, sub ochii cititorului, pe m?sura ce Lara ia cuno?tin?? de st?rile emo?ionale prin care trece, ??i analizeaz? sentimentele, rezultatul posibilelor ac?iuni, analizeaz? deciziile pe care le ia, consecin?ele posibile. Dilema declarat? a Larei este: cum ?mpaci nevoia inimii pentru noutate, pentru tr?iri spontane, cu monotonia mariajului, chiar dac? acesta e fericit? Con?tiin?a sa este prins? ?ntre dragostea pentru so?ul cu care ?tie c? se potrive?te ca structur? ?i pe care ?l iube?te, ?i efervescen?a aventurii cu un alt b?rbat, care ?i furnizeaz? spontanul dup? care t?nje?te. Romanul se concentreaz? pe amant ?n mod deliberat. Lara este perfect con?tient? de r?ul pe care ?l produce celor trei personaje ?mplic?te: so?, amant, ?i ei ?ns??i. Perioada ?n care este creat ?i definitivat autoportretul sunt ultimii ai comunismului, anii ?n care priva?iunile impuse popula?iei sem?nau mai degrab? cu priva?iunile unui r?zboi. Cu toate acestea, eroina se concentreaz? cu ?nc?p???nare pe iubirea ei, pe mi?c?rile sufletului ei, refugiindu-se ?n tr?irile proprii ?i reu?ind astfel s? se salveze de autocomp?timire ?i s? supravie?uiasc? ?ntr-o aparent? normalitate.
Lay Morals and Other Essays
A collection of essays, beginning with ruminations on ethics. The book starts: "The problem of education is twofold: first to know, and then to utter. Every one who lives any semblance of an inner life thinks more nobly and profoundly than he speaks; and the best of teachers can impart only broken images of the truth which they perceive. Speech which goes from one to another between two natures, and, what is worse, between two experiences, is doubly relative. The speaker buries his meaning; it is for the hearer to dig it up again; and all speech, written or spoken, is in a dead language until it finds a willing and prepared hearer. Such, moreover, is the complexity of life, that when we condescend upon details in our advice, we may be sure we condescend on error; and the best of education is to throw out some magnanimous hints. No man was ever so poor that he could express all he has in him by words, looks, or actions; his true knowledge is eternally incommunicable, for it is a knowledge of himself..."
Essays on Paul Bourget
Short collection of short essays, including "What Paul Bourget Thinks of Us" and "A Little Note to M. Paul Bourget". According to Wikipedia: "Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 - April 21, 1910), better known by the pen name Mark Twain, was a humorist, satirist, lecturer and writer from the United States of America. Twain is most noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has since been called the Great American Novel, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He is also known for his quotations. During his lifetime, Twain became a friend to presidents, artists, leading industrialists and European royalty. Twain enjoyed immense public popularity, and his keen wit and incisive satire earned him praise from both critics and peers. American author William Faulkner called Twain 'the father of American literature.'"
The Americanism of George Washington
Short essay, first published in 1906. According to Wikipedia: "Washington is seen as a symbol of the United States and republicanism in practice. His devotion to civic virtue made him an exemplary figure among early American politicians. Washington died in 1799, and in his funeral oration, Henry Lee said that of all Americans, he was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." Washington has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents."
A Gresham a nácik ellen
O carte-eveniment, alc?tuit? din dialoguri cu Ana Blandiana, Nicolae Breban, Augustin Buzura, Ion Iano?i, Gabriela Melinescu, Irina Petra?, Dumitru Radu Popa, Alex ?tef?nescu ?i Ion Vianu. Un manual indirect de istorie, realizat de cunoscuta scriitoare (romanciera, poeta ?i eseista) ?n baza m?rturiilor unor oameni de cultur? de prima m?n?, posibile modele europene, care – ?n falsa tranzi?ie interminabil? – aleg, iar ?i iar, voca?ia, atipica meserie de scriitor, r?m?n?nd – martori impar?iali ?i aten?i – mereu ?n prim plan. O carte extrem de dens?, actual?, un fragment dintr-o posibil? istorie a mentalit??ilor. ?Aceast? carte a ap?rut din nevoia de prietenie; a fost adunat?, treptat-treptat, ?n ritmurile felului meu de a fi, uneori-adeseori, catastrofic de ?ncet. Interlocutorii mi i-am ales, i-am c?utat, am ?ncercat s?-i "tachinez" cu ?ntreb?ri, temele discu?iilor converg?nd, firesc, de fiecare dat?, spre o arie de preocup?ri, care ne unesc mai mult dec?t ne despart. Fie ca dialog?m cu Ion Iano?i, fie cu Nicolae Breban, fie cu Ana Blandiana, fie cu Augustin Buzura, fie cu un alt interlocutor, de fiecare dat?, voiam s? aflu – folosind ca instrument, iar uneori ca arm? (din apanajul retoricii, de buna seam?) ?ntreb?rile; unele dintre acestea, da, naive, st?ngace, ?n schimb vii, mereu vii! – cum a rezistat fiecare dintre ei, cum a reu?it s?-?i construiasc? un destin, cum a izbutit s? fie, sa r?m?n? el ?nsu?i/ea ?ns??i ?i s? nu se pr?bu?easc?, cum a izbutit fiecare s? nu renun?e la lupta pentru sine ?nsu?i, pentru cultura rom?n?? Cu unele dintre personajele acestei c?r?i – dac? acceptam ca fiecare scriitor e un personaj, iar literatura este o singur? carte unic? – vreau s? cred c? m-am ?mprietenit, descoperindu-le, redescoperindu-le de fiecare dat?; ?mi place s? cred c? fiecare, aproape fiecare dintre invita?ii mei – ?ntr-un fel sau altul – m-a marcat, m-a f?cut s? m? reapropii altminteri de literatur?, de lectur?, de carte, s? v?d altminteri c?teva lucruri nelipsite pentru mine de greutate, sau – ?i mai important ! – m-a ajutat (uneori, f?r? s? ?tie!) sa r?m?n aceea?i, adic? s? nu m? schimb. Adesea, c?ut?nd prezen?a scriitorilor, de fapt c?utam o calitate la care ?ntunecat?, ?ntortocheat? de mine ajunge greu, c?teodat?, foarte greu: senin?tatea. Apoi… c?utam oameni de litere vii, scriitori ?n carne ?i oase – cum spuneam ?n adolescen??, ?i, iat?, mai spun ?i la cei circa patruzeci de ani – c?rora nu le este str?in cultul prieteniei, cultul voca?iei, cultul lucrului bine f?cut, al lucrului "rotund", cum afirm? un personaj din unul din romanele mele. Apoi… da, nu ascund, c?utam ceea ce se nume?te "complicitate" ?ntr-o lume cultural? postdecembrist? pestri?-amar?, desp?r?it? ?n grupuri, biserici, pui de catedrale. Marea majoritate a protagoni?tilor acestei c?rti de altminteri sunt mari lupi singuratici; ?i mi-a f?cut pl?cere s?-i ?ndemn s? vorbeasc? despre felul ?n care trateaz? solitudinea, via?a, literatura, contemporaneitatea. (Aura Christi)
Kilenc koffer: Az emberi becstelenség krónikája
Cassian Maria Spiridon e un fervent al fragmentului liric, al concentratului capabil a fixa poezia. Spa?iul ?i timpul verbului se contrag astfel la minimalul semn al substan?ei, ungarettian urm?rite ?n sensul unor fugitive contacte ale universului l?untric cu cel exterior, ?nconjurate de magia t?cerii. Pe deasupra oric?rei dezvolt?ri, resim?ite ca parazitare, fragmentul e suveran ca loc privilegiat al poeziei. Dac? Paul Valery afirm? c? partea cea mai profund? a omului e pielea sa, ?n?elegem alarma nivelului senzorial, ?ncordarea sim?urilor ?n vederea ?ntegr?rii ?n real a fiin?ei. Se ajunge astfel la o poetic? a sim?urilor. Aceasta restaureaz? concretul ?n drepturile lui de atotputernic? imaginea a lumii. Cassian Maria Spiridon tr?ie?te liric prin concret, ?nlocuind sublimarea experien?elor sale suflete?ti printr-o decupare ghidat? de acuitatea contemplativ?. (Gheorghe Grigurcu)Pozi?ia individual? a unui Cassian Maria Spiridon, interiorizat, divizat ?i iscoditor (dup? o copil?rie frustrat?), comport? st?ri de opozi?ie, accente de orgoliu ?i tentative (e?uate) de ini?iere ?ntr-un umanism f?r? tenebre. Ca?iva dintre contemporanii s?i mai v?rstnici ?i sunt aproape. (…) Problematiz?nd, la modul ?nalt, d?nd prioritate cerebralit??ii ?i ?nc?dr?ndu-se axial ?n fluxul psiho-nevrotic al momentului sau, Cassian Maria Spiridon opune decorativismului ?i transparen?elor ?nsemnele unei vie?i interioare fr?m?ntate. Poezia sa, de un lirism ideizat, e jurnalul superior-ceremonios al unui melancolic de extrema luciditate. (Constantin Ciopraga)
Fantastic Shorts: Volume 2
An enchanted bookstore in a town full of magic.A story of childhood and best friends revisited.A town forced to face the music.A modern myth from a land before time.A charming collision of numbers and magic.Unwelcome change in a land of dragons. In this second fantasy short story collection from Kari Kilgore, she visits lands familiar and strange, mythological and fantastic. From Allsentia to Appalachia to Atlanta, from modern mythology to dragons to joys of distant childhood. Join this talented storyteller on a journey through magical bookstores and haunted towns, lands lost in time and friendships forged across new dimensions. Includes Odds and Endings, Dawn Visitor,?The Earworms, The Spider Who Ate the Elephant,?Little Five, and The Last Dragonkeeper. Odds and EndingsVisit an enchanted bookstore in a town full of magic.Chris Ramsey grew up visiting the Odds and Endings Bookstore in Lightning Gap, Virginia.Wandering the shelves. Finding endless adventures in the pages.Wishing he helped create the magic.Years later, Chris gets his chance.What would you do for the opportunity of a lifetime? Dawn VisitorA beloved dog brings a special gift, especially to a young girl’s life.One that lasts and endures no matter how many years pass.Toby welcomes Ellie home as only a first best friend can.A touching story of childhood and best friends revisited. The EarwormsWhat if your whole town had to face the music?Estonoa, Virginia. A lovely little town tucked deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains.Hiking and ATV trails. Kayaking along the scenic Clinch River.A thriving community focused on the future.Erin Evans loves her hometown, except for one thing.The Earworms.Will Erin find the answer before the music drives her and everyone else crazy? The Spider Who Ate the ElephantA Modern Myth.?An eerie natural phenomenon.In the distant past, in a distant land…Grandmother Spider faces a sad problem far too big and difficult for her to solve.The end of her family and all the creatures in her land.Find out how her triumph echoes from then to now, and into forever.A tale of compassion, survival, and love. Little FiveBarry Evans: An oddball in the oddest land of all.A gray-suited accountant navigating colorful hair, crazy clothing, and questionable businesses.After three months in Little Five, nothing surprises Barry anymore.Until the day he meets a true stranger in town.What happens when numbers meet magic? The Last DragonkeeperWyja, Senior Dragonkeeper of the Upper Abramshire Academy, tends to young dragons and keepers alike.Each group challenging, and exhausting, in their own way.Unwelcome change sets in when dragon birthrates drop to dangerous levels.No one knows why.Can Wyja solve the problem before it’s too late?
Why The Sister Moons Swallowed Rage: Book Three: The Sabienn Feel Adventures
In his quest, Sabienn Feel and his brothers venture to the country of Turrland, a land that his homeland of Hayddland has been at constant war with. His mission is to seek the occult stone, the Symbol of Military Success and make sure it never falls into the hands of his Father who wants only to push the planet into the abyss of war. In this journey, he needs to seek a book that was once owned by a mysterious monk. ? But what of Turrland? Is it to be invaded or not invaded? And how will he react when in his attempt to get answers, there is conflict within his group and a much loved brother dies? Why The Sister Moons Swallowed Rage is the third of twelve books in the Sabienn Feel Adventures.??? Interview with the Author Q – That’s three books down. How’s the journey unfolding? A - The characters are evolving. The more adversity they face the more they grow. There’s significant skin taken off Sabienn Feel in this book. His character is gaining wisdom. It was a pleasure to write this third book in the series. Q – Any news on the next book? The fourth in the series? A – I’m working with the tentative title, “The Two Men Who Kill to Be Carbon”. This is actually explained on the final page of “Why The Sister Moons Swallowed Rage” and also explains why the first book “When The Stone Shepherds Awaken” had to be so long. It is to be a study into the hunter and the hunted. Twins, two men, have been assigned to kill Sabienn and his brothers. One man is Sabienn’s best friend. The other has killed the woman he loved. It’s a mission of kill or be killed. Q - What inspired you to write?The Sabienn Feel Adventures? A – I’ve always loved the idea of the epic journey. I’m acquainted with the book?Journey to the West?but was more familiar with the TV series in the 80’s based on the book called?Monkey. The idea of four souls travelling across a wide expanse of geography to complete a quest appealed to me. So I planned a series of twelve books to go from one place in the south of this space colony that they live on twice removed from Earth, to end up in the north, meeting danger at every turn. Q – Why does your main character Sabienn Feel grow wings? A - Good question. I wanted something very drastic to occur to these people physically. Something that would be difficult to hide and offer an immediate prejudice. The idea of growing wings constantly came up for me. There’s a Pearl Jam song I found inspiring that says, “And?sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky.?A?human being?that was?given to fly”. And in my mind’s eye, I could see this figure. Almost like the Led Zeppelin Icarus logo but with bat wings.?But they couldn’t fly otherwise they’d hit the sky and the journey would be over in no time. I made them only able to swim because being submerged in water has elements of dealing with the subconscious. To me it satisfies all elements of those prophecy, fantasy, epic adventure type of stories that involve friendship and brotherhood. Q - So, why should readers give these books a try? A – Well I would say they were humour-filled, page-turning, epic, fantasy adventure novels which involve a quest. But then that’s what you would expect me to say. Why not try and read one of the books and let me know what you think? Some of the books are free so you’ve got nothing to lose.
Until Death
Leo Sabov never imagined a day without his beloved wife Maria. Now he faces the rest of his life alone. After bringing Maria to rest in her native Transylvania, Leo only wants to escape the rumors and superstitions taking over the tiny mountain village. A former Communist Party boss, a string of unexplainable deaths, and an ancient mama dog force him into mysteries he can’t understand or explain. Will Leo survive a test even greater than the heartbreaking?death of his wife, one with life or death consequences?
Sometimes the simplest of choices can have the most devastating of consequences.Sometimes falling in love can be a curse.Sometimes being the hard man is the hardest job. Part of?The Love and War Series, novels set during the 20th century's darkest years. Hungary, 1949. Eva,?George?and Zoltan. Three people trying to live by the rules within a system that demands total obedience. Eva, reeling from the?tragedy of losing her baby, Anastasia, falls in love at a time when love is fraught with danger. George, a rising star of Hungarian football, is told to throw a game. Faced with an impossible dilemma, George has to decide – to risk everything to fulfil his dream or, for the sake of his future, obey the rules. Zoltan works for the secret police?where?having a heart is a sign of weakness. A torn man trying to suppress the good within him, his job takes him further and further from the things he values most. Seven years later, in 1956, their destinies collide as Hungary erupts into revolution. Secrets can no longer be hidden as loyalties are pushed to the limit. Set against the violent backdrop of suppression and revolution,?Anastasia?is a tale of people caught in the turmoil of history, where the choices you make determine your fate. And at the heart of the novel, the unseen presence of Anastasia.? “Characters come alive -- you get into their heads. They are empathetic or cruel and heartless, but always interesting. There is the dark side of human nature as well as its opposite.”“Skilfully developed with a suspenseful plot which keeps the story moving.”“The characters are very human, and the descriptions of these tragic events make for an excellent read.”“Impactful. Heart-wrenching. An important read.”Rupert Colley is the founder, editor and writer of the bestselling ‘History In An Hour’ series of ebooks and audio, published by HarperCollins.?Historical fiction with drama and heart.
Delphi Collected Poetical Works of Kahlil Gibran (Illustrated)
One of the bestselling writers of the twentieth century, Khalil Gibran was a Lebanese American poet, artist and essayist. His literary works are romantic in outlook and are largely inspired by the works of Francis Marrash, Friedrich Nietzsche and William Blake. His writings are renowned for their lyrical outpourings and deeply religious and mystic nature. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents Gibran’s collected poetical works, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Gibran's life and works* Concise introduction to Gibran’s life and poetical works* Excellent formatting of the texts* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the books* Easily locate the texts you want to read* Includes Gibran's play LAZARUS AND HIS BELOVED* Features a selection of Gibran's paintings* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and genres Please note: translations of Gibran's early Arabic works are currently unavailable in the public domain and so cannot appear in this collection. Please visit to see our wide range of poet titles CONTENTS: The Life and Poetry of Kahlil GibranBRIEF INTRODUCTION: KAHLIL GIBRANTHE MADMAN (1918)THE FORERUNNER (1920)THE PROPHET, (1923)SAND AND FOAM (1926)JESUS, THE SON OF MAN (1928)THE EARTH GODS (1931)THE WANDERER (1932)THE GARDEN OF THE PROPHET (1933) The Poems and StoriesLIST OF WORKS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF WORKS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The PlayLAZARUS AND HIS BELOVED The PaintingsLIST OF PAINTINGS Please visit to browse through our range of poetry titles or buy the entire Delphi Poets Series as a Super Set
Waking the Lion:Inside Writing (1984 to 2017)
American futurist poet and playwright Mark Antony Rossi has selected essays, notes and interviews from the past thirty three years of writing covering poetry, short fiction and drama. A short book of instruction and discovery meant to help fellow writers.
Paradise Lost
This Tribeca Press edition includes the full original text as well as an easy to use interactive table of contents.
Wilfred Owen Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 50+ Works
Wilfred Owen Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Wilfred Owen collection, including the most complete set of Owen’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen Mc was an English poet and soldier, and one of the leading poets of the World War One, with his shocking, thought provoking, realistic war poetry The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Wilfred Owen’s work, including All his poems, both complete and incomplete, plus a Bonus biography that included extracts from Owen’s letters to his mother and friends. Works Included: Life Of Wilfred Owen -? Written specially for this collection. Poems Of Wilfred Owen?Including among others: Apologia pro Poemate Meo Parable of the Old Men and the Young Anthem for Doomed Youth Dulce et Decorum est The Sentry Smile, Smile, Smile The End A Terre (being the philosophy of many soldiers) Cramped in that Funnelled Hole (To a Friend) With an Identity Disc Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Wilfred Owen collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before.
Brave new Mom: A True Story
Any mother-to-be has to waddle through a landmine of expectations! The true and humourous account of my valiant efforts at birthgiving… and the mounting guilt after I find out that my body can't produce more children. How did I became infertile? What wrong turn did I take? Could I have avoided the c-section? This short and quirky story will resonate with all the mothers crushed under the pressure of performance, by Michèle Laframboise. With sketches and pictures by the author's hand.
Simply Dirac
Paul Dirac?(1902–1984) was a brilliant mathematician and a 1933 Nobel laureate whose work ranks alongside that of Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton. Although not as well known as his famous contemporaries Werner Heisenberg and Richard Feynman, his influence on the course of physics was immense. His landmark book,?The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, introduced that new science to the world and his “Dirac equation” was the first theory to reconcile special relativity and quantum mechanics. Dirac held the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University, a position also occupied by such luminaries as Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking. Yet, during his 40-year career as a professor, he had only a few doctoral students due to his peculiar personality, which bordered on the bizarre. Taciturn and introverted, with virtually no social skills, he once turned down a knighthood because he didn’t want to be addressed by his first name. Einstein described him as “balancing on the dizzying path between genius and madness.” In?Simply Dirac, author?Helge Kragh?blends the scientific and the personal and invites the reader to get to know both Dirac the quantum genius and Dirac the social misfit. Featuring cameo appearances by some of the greatest scientists of the 20th century and highlighting the dramatic changes that occurred in the field of physics during Dirac’s lifetime, this fascinating biography is an invaluable introduction to a truly singular man.
Fairy Circles: [Tales and Legends of Giants, Dwarfs, Fairies, Water-Sprites and
MORE than a thousand years have rolled away since a castle looked down cheerfully from a height amid the Franconian plains into the well-watered Kinzig Valley, with its pleasant villages and towns.?It belonged to the powerful Swabian duke Frederick of Hohenstaufen, whose young and valiant son loved this the best of all his father's proud castles, and often left his uncle's splendid palace to hunt in its forests, or to look down from its lofty oriel window on the blooming plain below.??His father and uncle indeed missed him sadly. His clear blue eye, and the cheerful expression of his noble countenance, seemed to the two grave and war-weary men so gladdening to look upon, that they were always unwilling to let him leave them.??But the young Frederick used to beg them so earnestly to grant him the freedom of the forest for just this once, that father and uncle smilingly granted him permission, though "this once" was often repeated..
Dini Bir Vecibeyle Pis Bir Ucube
Gerek aklara gerek insanlara yazmtm iirlerimi... Bana pis bir ucubeymiim gibi davranan ucubeye... nsan hi ucubeye iir yazar m demeyin! Benimki gerek bir ak hikayesiydi... yle sandm...Küüktüm.... Aldandm... Hani bize hep anlatlan kurbaa prens hikayesi var ya; Ben hep kurbaann prens olacan düünmütüm, ama nereden bilebilirdim prensimin kurbaa kacan... Kurbaamn da yok olacan... Bu kitabm benim gibi kurbaay prens zanneden gen kzlara, incinmi aldatlm tüm kadnlara, terk edilmi aklara ve ak ararken insann nasl ac ektiini, her eyini kaybetmiliini anlamak isteyen ak hrszlarna gelsin... ve tüm iir dostlarna.... Ben küük bir kzdm, ok incindim... Lütfen siz incinmeyin ve sizi kimsenin incitmesine izin vermeyin... UCUBEYE... Bugün tam on iki sene oldu gidiinin ardndan.. Uzun uzun yolunu gzleyiimle, hala bana bunu nasl yapt deyiimle geen on iki sene... On iki senedir hi grmedim seni... Belki yüzünü bile unuttum; zaten sesini hi hatrlamyorum. Karma ksan tanmam bile. Sadece benden aldn ak, güven, huzur, mutluluk duygularn bulmaya alyorum. Yalnzlm iimde gibi büyürken braktn korkularla adm atmaya ekindim her ak araymda... Ve yllarca yazdm sen bilmesen de sana...