

Герои на миналото: Новела (Епизод 1x01)
Герои на миналото: Новела (Епизод 1x01)
Anna Erishkigal, Анна Ерешкигал
Ангелски военновъздушни сили, полковник Михаил Маннуки‘или се събужда смъртоносно ранен в разбития си кораб. Жената, която спасява живота му, има невероятната способност да лекува. Но кой е стрелял и e свалил кораба на Михаил? И защо? . Нинсианна винаги е имала специални отношения с богинята. Тя идва от голям род на шамани и лечители. Когато изчезва в пустинята, за да избяга от насилствен брак с арогантния син на вожда, последното нещо, което очаква, е от небето да падне крилат човек! . Междувременно на небето министър-председателят Луцифер, осиновеният син на Вечния император, разкрива план за погазване на желанията на безсмъртния си баща. . Това е животът или смъртта в първата част от епичния научно-фантастичен разказ за мита за падналите ангели – Меч на боговете. . Тази книга НЕ е религиозна измислица! . Български език, български книги -Bulgarian language
The Art of War
The Art of War
Sun Tzu
The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise that was written during the 6th century BC by Sun Tzu. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it has long been praised as the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time. The Art of War is one of the oldest books on military strategy in the world. It is the first and one of the most successful works on strategy and has had a huge influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, and beyond. Sun Tzu was the first to recognize the importance of positioning in strategy and that position is affected both by objective conditions in the physical environment and the subjective opinions of competitive actors in that environment. He taught that strategy was not planning in the sense of working through a to-do list, but rather that it requires quick and appropriate responses to changing conditions.
Eroi de Demult (Edi?ia rom?n?): Epopeei Sabia Zeilor (Episod 1x01)
Eroi de Demult (Edi?ia rom?n?): Epopeei Sabia Zeilor (Episod 1x01)
Anna Erishkigal
Colonelul Mikhail Manniki'ili din For?ele Speciale Angelice se treze?te r?nit mortal ?n nava pr?bu?it?. Cea care ?l salveaz? are o putere misterioas? de a vindeca. Dar cine l-a dobor?t pe Mikhail? ?i de ce? Ninsianna a avut ?ntotdeauna o rela?ie special? cu zei?a. Descende dintr-o linie lung? de ?amani ?i vindec?tori. C?nd fuge ?n de?ert pentru a sc?pa de c?s?toria for?at? cu fiul arogant al Conduc?torului, ultimul lucru la care se a?teapt? este s? cad? din cer un om cu aripi. ?n tot acest timp, ?n rai, Primul-ministru Lucifer, fiul adoptat al ?mp?ratului Etern, coace un plan pentru a trece peste dorin?ele tat?lui s?u nemuritor. Este o lupt? pe via?? ?i pe moarte ?n aceast? prim? parte a repovestirii sci-fi Sabia Zeilor despre mitul ?ngerilor c?zu?i. Limba rom?n? - Romanian language
Fic??o brasileira no século XXI: terceiras leituras
Fic??o brasileira no século XXI: terceiras leituras
Helena Bonito Pereira
n aceast carte vom vorbi despre acele boli, care ne fac s ne ntrebm: Oare triesc corect, oare am contiina curat, oare nu sunt prea gelos, prea invidios sau prea iritat“ Sursele i mecanismele acestor boli sunt asigurate de defecte ale sferei noastre spirituale i nu de factori externi. Aceste boli se numesc boli karmice. Cum s ne lecuim de acestea i s nvm s trim conform legilor i ritmurilor cosmice Cum s fim n armonie cu noi nine, cu lumea nconjurtoare, cum s avem succes i s devenim oameni sntoin aceast carte: predispoziia zodiacal la anumite boli; legtura dintre Lun i sntate; mecanismul apariiei i tratrii bolilor karmice; legtura dintre boli i strile negative; mbuntirea karmei i ndeprtarea cmpurilor energetice strine.
My Weird School Daze #6: Mrs. Jafee Is Daffy!
My Weird School Daze #6: Mrs. Jafee Is Daffy!
Gutman, Dan
The weirdness never stops! The new vice principal of Ella Mentry School has some crazy ideas on how to teach kids. A.J. and the gang have to stand on their heads while they do math! They have to take a spelling test underwater! Everybody has to do yoga! Could it possibly get any weirder?
My Weird School Daze #3: Mr. Granite Is from Another Planet!
My Weird School Daze #3: Mr. Granite Is from Another Planet!
Gutman, Dan
It's the start of a new school year, and A.J.'s third-grade teacher, Mr. Granite, is out of this world! He's a supergenius who talks weird, acts weird, and looks weird. He knows everything . Is he a computer posing as a person, or does he come from another planet?
101 Poems That Could Save Your Life
101 Poems That Could Save Your Life
Goodwin, Daisy
Prozac has side effects, drinking gives you hangovers, therapy's expensive. For quick and effective relief -- or at least some literary comfort -- from everyday and exceptional problems, try a poem. Over the ages, people have turned to poets as ambassadors of the emotions, because they give voice and definition to our troubles, and by so doing, ease them. No matter how bad things get, poets have been there, too, and they can help you get over the rough spots.This is the first poetry anthology designed expressly for the self-help generation. The poems listed include classics by Emily Dickinson, Lord Byron, Ogden Nash, and Lucretius, to name just a few, along with newer works by such current practitioners as Seamus Heaney and Wendy Cope. This book has a cure or consolation for nearly every affliction, ancient or modern. And no side effects-except pleasure.
Mary Shelley
According to Wikipedia: "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by Mary Shelley about a creature produced by an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was nineteen, and the novel was published when she was twenty-one. The first edition was published anonymously in London in 1818. Shelley's name appears on the second edition, published in France in 1823. Shelley had travelled in the region of Geneva, where much of the story takes place, and the topics of galvanism and other similar occult ideas were themes of conversation among her companions, particularly her future husband, Percy Shelley. The storyline emerged from a dream. Mary, Percy, Lord Byron, and John Polidori decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After thinking for weeks about what her possible storyline could be, Shelley dreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made. She then wrote Frankenstein."
Alice In Wonderland Complete Unabridged – World’s Best Collection
Alice In Wonderland Complete Unabridged – World’s Best Collection
Lewis Carroll, Belle Moses
Alice In Wonderland World's Best Collection This is the best ‘Alice In Wonderland’ collection, including all Alice’s famous stories plus extra free bonus materials. Alice In Wonderland Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is a world-renowned classic 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world where she has many adventures and encounters many peculiar creatures. The story plays with logic and popular literary convention, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. Since its creation, it has considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre and fantasy fiction, with its narrative course and structure, characters and imagery influencing both popular culture and literature The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get All 4 Famous Alice In Wonderland Stories, plus additional must reads for any fan, both young and old, including the rare ‘Fairyland’ books, Carroll’s wonderful, whimsical poetry and a bonus full length biography about Lewis Carroll and the Origins Of Alice? Works Included: The 4 Classic Alice In Wonderland stories: Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland Alice Through The Looking-Glass The Hunting Of The Snark Alice’s Adventures Underground?- the Original Story that was developed Into "Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland” Lewis Carroll’s Poetry?Including: Dreamland A Strange Wild Song A Valentine Alice And The White Knight Echoes Hiawatha’s Photographing I’ll Tell Thee Everything I Can Jabberwocky My Fairy Phantasmagoria The Knight’s Song Three Sunsets The Path Of Roses A Song Of Love The Fairyland Novels - Sylvie and Bruno As unforgettable as Alice’s adventures, both Part 1 and Part 2 of the rare ‘Fairyland’ novels. Your Free Special Bonuses The Nursery “Alice”?– a simplified version of the classic tale, written specifically for very young children. Lewis Carroll In Wonderland And At Home?- A look at the intriguing and fascinating life of Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), as well as the origins of Alice Get This Edition Right Now This is the best Alice in Wonderland Collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being intrigued by the words inside like never before!
Ketogenic Vegan:50 Healthy & Delicious Recipes For A Ketogenic Vegan Diet
Ketogenic Vegan:50 Healthy & Delicious Recipes For A Ketogenic Vegan Diet
Mark Routh
Vegan and ketogenic diets make for a surprisingly good pairing. It may not seem like it first, if you look at their contrasting carb and fat intake requirements. But by following the core principles of each, you get a program that’s much healthier and more effective.Specifically, the vegan keto program combines the no-animal-derived-food-products rule of the vegan diet and the low-carb-high-fat foundation of a ketogenic diet. A Ketogenic Vegan diet, is becoming more popular, not only among celebrities, but common people who want to lose weight without putting their bodies in a starvation mode. The fusion between Ketogenic and Vegan is the perfect deal for anyone who is conscious about their health. Based on thorough research, the contents of the book have been designed to help you reach an overall well being through healthy weight loss. While other "quick" weight loss methods end up being harmful, Ketogenic diet helps you keep your meals balanced and healthy. So, what are you waiting for? You'll find: Chapter 1 - Introduction To Ketogenic DietChapter 2 - Main Benefits Of A Ketogenic Diet Chapter 3 - Some Basic Principles Of Vegan Ketogenic Diet Chapter 4 - How To Lose Weight Faster Than Ever Before? Chapter 5 - Nutrient Rich Vegan Foods Chapter 6 - Balance Of Nutrients In A Ketogenic Diet Chapter 7 - Recipes Order your copy and start your journey today!
Last Chance: Short Stories about Friendship with a Twist and Moral Lesson
Last Chance: Short Stories about Friendship with a Twist and Moral Lesson
Rowan Knight
Last Chance: Short Stories about Friendship with a Twist and Moral Lesson
Master Key System
Master Key System
Charles F. Haanel
Master Key System
My Weird School Daze #7: Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad!
My Weird School Daze #7: Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad!
Gutman, Dan
The weirdness never stops! Ella Mentry School's counselor wants everybody to stop arguing and get along with one another. He wants everybody to be polite! He wants everybody to live in peace and harmony! What is his problemNow the boys have to play with dolls! The girls have to play with action figures! And that's only the start of Dr. Brad's weird methods. . . .
Poetry I: The Writers Call
Poetry I: The Writers Call
Orna Ross
"Reaches into the corners of your soul and pulls out all that is beautiful." "Masterfully crafted poetry". "A powerhouse of a poetry collection." Poetry: there are times in life when nothing else will do. And at such times, you need a certain kind of poem, the kind contained in this pamphlet. Clear, simple, accessible, inspirational poetry. This is the first in a series of poetry pamphlets by a bestselling and acclaimed novelist, a short collection of ten poems with diverse forms and subjects. "Poetry should be ingested sparingly," says Orna Ross. "like any mind-altering substance. More than ten at a time is too much, I believe." These are poems you read again and again, touching as they do on all the big themes. An artist fails to see what he is creating in his life; a woman surviving genocide making meaning from maternity; an Irish wedding blessing is reworked... You'll find poems about love -- in its many manifestations. Poems about making art. Poems about life and liberty and the conditions for happiness. Poems about loss, and faith, and redemption. All delivered in direct, achingly lovely language. This is poetry in the tradition of Mary Oliver, William Stafford, Maya Angelou. The purest practice of the theory Orna Ross expounds in her "Go Creative!" books.
Imperfect Love
Imperfect Love
Isabella White
At 24 years old, Holly Scallanger has the perfect life. Everything a girl could want; a beautiful man, a stunning home, as well as being in the midst of preparing for the wedding of her dreams. This all vanishes the night she catches her fiancé, Brandon Morgan, in bed with her worst nightmare, Donna Sinclair, just a week before Holly is set to walk down the aisle. Attempting to recover from his betrayal, Holly swears off the affections of men in order to pick up the pieces of her crumbling life. Unfortunately, meeting Jake 'Hooligan' Peters is not part of her plan. The tall, dark-haired and handsome as hell med student, sweeps Holly away from the pain of her past and reveals to her the bright future that lies ahead. That is, until she falls pregnant just as Jake begins his internship at P&E; his family's hospital. Will this love at first sight lead her to the fairytale she has always craved? Or, will she fall victim to a betrayal of the heart yet again?
[法]达米安·布里多诺(Damien Bridonneau)
罗琳(J. K. Rowling)的“哈利·波特”系列自1997年问世以来,透过小说和电影,这部饶富魔法趣味的作品已经成功引了全球数百万读者,各地的粉丝与罗琳的作品也一起成长,无论是当代的优秀作家或学者,都从中汲取过灵感。 这本书的作者从英国的神话和传奇角度出发,解读了罗琳的“哈利·波特”系列。本书广涉英国历史与斯堪地纳维亚中古文学等领域,带领读者追踪哈利·波特中隐藏的历史谱系,诸如纯血统巫师是否为诺曼人的反映、伏地魔是否为寻求恢复的专制君主、邓布利多是否为前凯尔特人德鲁伊哲学家、霍格沃茨魔法学校的各种象征的涵义等问题。作者认为,神话和传奇在某种程度上启发了人们的想象力和文学创作的欲望,因此在研究和理解人类文明史中占有一席之地。古欧洲的传说、中世纪文学、古典文学和近现代文学都是藉由集体想象力的渗透作用,C.S.刘易斯、J.R.R.托尔金、J.K.罗琳等作为现当代英国幻想文学的代表,其作品中体现的文明精神内核不容忽视。
Team Management (Collins Business Secrets)
Team Management (Collins Business Secrets)
Rus Slater
The team management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Team Management Includes how to: ? Understand how different personalities interact in a team ? Set up clear structures and goals for your team ? Implement change effectively and as painlessly as possible ? Overcome personality clashes and team difficulties ? Manage your team so that it delivers fantastic results
People Management (Collins Business Secrets)
People Management (Collins Business Secrets)
Rus Slater
The people management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of People Management Includes how to: ? Build a business-like relationships with your direct reports ? Set clear targets and monitor them ? Understand different personality types and how to manage them ? Deliver criticism and compliments in the right way ? Mentor your employees to produce fantastic results
Parker Pyne Investigates
Parker Pyne Investigates
Agatha Christie
A collection of short stories featuring the ‘heart specialist’, Parker Pyne. Mrs Packington felt alone, helpless and utterly forlorn. But her life changed when she stumbled upon an advertisement in The Times which read: ‘ARE YOU HAPPY? IF NOT, CONSULT MR PARKER PYNE’. Equally adept at putting together the pieces of a marriage or the fragments of a murder mystery, Mr Parker Pyne was possibly the world’s most unconventional private eye – and certainly its most charming.
The Final Cut (House of Cards Trilogy, Book 3)
The Final Cut (House of Cards Trilogy, Book 3)
Michael Dobbs
Francis Urquhart’s eventful career as Prime Minister comes to a spectacular end in the final volume in the Francis Urquhart trilogy – now reissued in a new cover. He schemed his way to power in ‘House of Cards’ and had a memorable battle of wills with the new king in ‘To Play the King’. Now Francis Urquhart is about to take his place in the record books as the longest-serving Prime Minister this century. Yet it seems the public is tiring of him at last, and the movement to force him from power is growing. But Urquhart is not yet ready to be driven from office. If the public demand new blood, that is precisely what he will give them… Francis Urquhart goes out in a blaze of glory in this final volume in the irresistible story of the most memorable politician of the decade.
Miss Marple – Miss Marple and Mystery: The Complete Short Stories (Miss Marple)
Miss Marple – Miss Marple and Mystery: The Complete Short Stories (Miss Marple)
Agatha Christie
A brand new omnibus of 55 short stories, presented for the first time in chronological order. Described by her friend Dolly Bantry as ‘ the typical old maid of fiction’, Miss Marple has lived almost her entire life in the sleepy hamlet of St Mary Mead. Yet, by observing village life she has gained an unparalleled insight into human nature – and used it to devasting effect. As her friend Sir Henry Clithering, the ex-Commissioner of Scotland Yard has been heard to say: ‘She’s just the finest detective God ever made.’ – and many Agatha Christie fans would agree. Appearing for the first time in The Murder at The Vicarage (1930) her crime-fighting career spanned over forty years when she solved her final case in 1977 in Sleeping Murder. With every tale flawlessly plotted by the Queen of Crime herself, these short stories provide a feast for hardened Agatha Christie addicts as well as those who have grown to love the detective through her many film and television appearances. Here, for the first time, more than 50 of Agatha Christie’s mini masterpieces have been collected together in one volume, perfectly illustrating the true breadth of her talent. As well as every story featuring Miss Marple, the book includes additional stand-alone tales, from macabre tales of the supernatural, through suspense-ridden mysteries, to heart-stopping cases of murder.
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