

Almost Friends
Almost Friends
Gulley, Philip
It's summer in Harmony, but not everything is as sunny as the weather. The good citizens of Harmony are back and stirring up trouble as usual, sometimes with disastrous results. Pastor Sam Gardner must take a leave of absence from his post at Harmony Friends Meeting to take care of his ailing father.But when spunky pastor Krista Riley comes to fill his position, the quirky Quakers seem to fall in love with her, and it begins to look like Sam's sabbatical may be permanent. Krista's resilience is put to the test when Dale Hinshaw and Fern Hampton begin to question whether a woman can faithfully lead their flock, and it looks like the resulting tiff might just be the undoing of Harmony Friends Meeting. Will Sam come to the rescueFinding the answer to this question makes the trip back to Harmony worth turning every page.
Blind Faith
Blind Faith
Ghose, Sagarika
The distraught daughter of an artist who committed suicide, Mia first meets Karna in London.Mesmerized by the charismatic young guru, she resolves to follow him to India, even if she must marry Vik, a suave corporate businessman, to do so.Once in India, Mia is drawn to Vik's mother, Indi, an accomplished, inordinately attractive woman who rages unceasingly against her blindness, her beauty, and her clinging son. Troubled by Indi's anguish, and by her own strange journey into duplicitous love, Mia realizes she must travel even further to the Kumb Mela religious pilgrimage for a different perspective on her clouded and confused life.Brilliant, bold, heartfelt, and transcendent, Blind Faith is a provocative reexamination of the human condition, of reason that binds, hate that liberates, and love that strangles.
Blood of Angels
Blood of Angels
Arvin, Reed
Reed Arvin's previous novel, The Last Goodbye, was "the best thing a thriller can be: suspenseful, intelligent, and well written" (Harlan Coben), and had the critics raving: People magazine stated, "You'll be hooked," and the New York Times declared it "sultry, devious, adrenaline-boosting suspense." Now comes a vivid and haunting tale of one man's search for the truth -- no matter what the consequences.Thomas Dennehy, senior prosecutor in Davidson County, Tennessee, doesn't recognize Nashville anymore: a decade of relentless immigration means cops are learning Spanish, and the DA' s office is looking for Vietnamese translators. Thomas's latest case is prosecuting Moses Bol, a Sudanese refugee who faces the death penalty for killing a white woman in the Nations, a notorious, racially charged part of town. Bol's conviction seems certain, until a university professor claims Thomas sent the wrong man to the death chamber in a previous case. The DA' s office is rocked to its core, but within days another blow falls: a beautiful and brilliant anti-death penalty activist mysteriously surfaces as Bol's alibi, claiming she was with him at the time of the crime. Bol's case becomes a lightning rod as protesters on all sides converge on Nashville and tensions threaten to explode.Meanwhile, Bol's alibi has her own secrets -- and is terrified of someone working behind the scenes to get what he wants -- even if it means murder.Will Dennehy be able to piece things together before everything he believes about the law, and about justice, is torn apart?Vivid with the emotional complexity that has become the hallmark of Reed Arvin's work, Blood of Angels is filled with nonstop action, impeccable detail, and unforgettable characters, making this a novel that is impossible to resist.
The Blue Zone
The Blue Zone
Gross, Andrew
From the number one New York Times bestselling coauthor of Judge Jury and Lifeguard comes this electrifying solo debut, The Blue Zone. Kate Raab's life seems almost perfect: her boyfriend, her job, her family . . . until her father runs into trouble with the law. His only recourse is to testify against his former accomplices in exchange for his family's placement in the Witness Protection Program. But one of them gets cold feet. In a flash, everything Kate can count on is gone. Now, a year later, her worst fears have happened: Her father has disappeared into what the WITSEC agency calls "the blue zone" and someone close to him is found brutally murdered. With her family under surveillance, the FBI untrustworthy, and her father's menacing "friends" circling with increasing intensity, Kate sets off to find her father and uncover the secrets someone will kill to keep buried.
Bodies in Motion
Bodies in Motion
Mohanraj, Mary Anne
Like the sweet heat of a palate-pleasing curry or the brilliant radiance of bougainvillea, the short stories in Mary Anne Mohanraj's Bodies in Motion will delight the senses and sensibilities. Her tales follow two generations of two families living on the cusp of disparate worlds, America and Sri Lanka -- their lives and ties shaped, strengthened, devastated, and altered by the emigrant-immigrant ebb and flow. Through stunning, effervescent prose, intimate moments are beautifully distilled, revealing the tug-of-war between generations and gender in stories sensual and honest, chronicling love, ambition, and the spiritual and sexual quests of mothers and daughters, fathers and sons.
Uspensky, Mikhail
如果迷人的“日出之国”不幸在火山喷发之中沉入大洋之底,它仍然将活在歌川广重(Utagawa Hiroshige)那神奇的画笔之下。通过欣赏他的风景画,想象的光之翼将我们带领到阵雨和黎明的国度——仿佛是在彩虹跌落在人间,散成了千万个棱镜的仙境之中——水流缓缓流向地平线,水仙花散布其间。 这本书宛如一条通向永恒的艺术的小道,凸显了自然之美,无人出其右,令人难忘怀。
Wigal, Donald
Sargent was born in Florence, in 1856, the son of cultivated parents. When Sargent entered the school of Carolus-Duran he attained much more than the average pupils. His father was a retired Massachusetts gentleman, having practised medicine in Philadelphia. Sargent’s home life was penetrated with refinement, and outside it were the beautiful influences of Florence, combining the charms of sky and hills with the wonders of art in the galleries and the opportunities of an intellectual and artistic society. Accordingly, when Sargent arrived in Paris, he was not only a skilful draughtsman and painter as a result of his study of the Italian masters, but he also had a refined and cultivated taste, which perhaps had an even greater influence upon his career. Later in Spain, it was chiefly upon the lessons learned from Velázquez that he found his own brilliant method. Sargent belongs to America, but is claimed by others as a citizen of the world, or a cosmopolitan. Sargent, with the exception
Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau
Lahor, Jean
作为对工业革命的回应,新艺术运动以装饰和建筑风格发端。新艺术运动初的目标是通过回归自然主题,创造新的自然美学。该运动中的设计常常伴有植物图案和高度风格化、反大起大落曲线的细致刻画,是谓之新艺术风格。 为了达到该目标,诸如古斯塔夫克林姆(Gustav Klimt)、科罗曼穆塞尔(Koloman Moser)、安东尼高迪(Antoni Gaudi)、扬托罗普(Jan Toorop)、威廉莫里斯(William Morris)等艺术家更加偏爱技术创新和形式新颖。新艺术运动试图将艺术融合进生活的所有侧面,从物质的家具到家中的装饰物品再到建筑物;建立在艺术与日常生活相融合的艺术哲学之上。1900年在巴黎世界博览会大获成功之后,这一趋势继续流行且营销了不少艺术家以及装饰艺术运动。新艺术运动的继承者在次世界大战之后依然层出不穷。所以说新艺术运动时装饰艺术“文艺复兴”的核心,一点都不为过。
Erskine Clement, Clara
Chinese Porcelain
Chinese Porcelain
Sartel, O. du
瓷器早出现在七世纪,瓷器艺术在中国迅速成为了皇室贵族的象征,承载着极其重要的意义。这本书中的瓷器作品涵盖了从简单的茶碗到华美的花瓶,发饰、雕像摆件和鼻烟壶等等,不一而足,设计错综复杂,颜色五彩缤纷。这本精美的材质曾经吸引了并将继续吸引着全世界的艺术爱好者,使得这本Mega Square的《中国瓷器》成为了礼物的*。
Brodskaya, Natalia
“我画我所见,而非他人所想见。”难道还有什么能比 爱德华马奈(Edouard Manet)的这句话更能诠释印象主义运动了。马奈的这句话似乎与莫奈(Monet)或雷阿诺(Renoir)的情感表达完全不同。莫奈在去世前不久曾写道:“印象主义之名源我而起,但却冠以了一群并非印象主义者的群体,对此我深表遗憾。” 在这本书中,Nathalia Brodskaia考察了这场十九世纪末期的印象主义运动的矛盾之处,分析了印象主义群体在艺术家个人的主张之下形成了的连贯整体的悖论。学术艺术和现代抽象绘画之间的道路漫长而艰辛。作者逐一分析这场艺术运动的基本元素,通过每位艺术家的作品考察了个人的需求是如何催生出现代绘画。
Shanes, Eric
Brodskaya, Nathalia
August Macke
August Macke
Macke, August;Cohen, Walter
Van Dyck
Van Dyck
Gritsai, Natalia
安东尼·凡·代克(Anthony Van Dyck,1599-1641)在年近十六岁之时就有了自己的个工作室,从那时起他便在艺术界堪称传奇人物。荷兰著名画家鲁宾斯(Rubens)是代克的启蒙导师,他评价代克为自己有才华的学生。代克之后成为了英格兰和西班牙著名的宫廷画家,也算是不辱才华之名。历史学家、学者和艺术爱好者也欣赏他的作品的复杂精妙和永恒之美。在这本引人入胜的小册子是凡·代克那几十年的艺术生涯的缩影,娜塔莉亚(Natalia Gritsai)将凡·代克一生杰出的作品奉献给了读者。
Cousturier, Lucie
乔治·修拉(1859-1891)因点描绘帆布画的复杂精细而闻名于世,他将艺术和科学精妙地结合,创造了世人瞩目的成果。修拉那错综复杂的绘画需要好几年才能完成,给观赏者带来的是一场科学的复杂性和视觉的震撼性的华美盛宴。他的《大碗岛的星期天下午》(Un Dimanche Après-Midi à l’le de la Grande Jatte)是二十世纪艺术中为珍贵和杰出的作品之一。Klaus H.Carl 给读者们带来的是修拉点描绘画杰作背后那些详尽的科学技巧,惊鸿一瞥,但足饱眼福。
The Nabis
The Nabis
Kostenevitch, Albert
Russian Avant-Garde
Russian Avant-Garde
Kovtun, Evgueny
The Russian Avant-garde was born at the turn of the 20th century in pre-revolutionary Russia. The intellectual and cultural turmoil had then reached a peak and provided fertile soil for the formation of the movement. For many artists influenced by European art, the movement represented a way of liberating themselves from the social and aesthetic constraints of the past. It was these Avant-garde artists who, through their immense creativity, gave birth to abstract art, thereby elevating Russian culture to a modern level. Such painters as Kandinsky, Malevich, Goncharova, Larionov, and Tatlin, to name but a few, had a definitive impact on 20th-century art.
Art Deco
Art Deco
Charles, Victoria;Carl, Klaus
Art Deco style was established on the ashes of a disappeared world, the one from before the First World War, and on the foundation stone of a world yet to become, opened to the most undisclosed promises. Forgetting herself in the whirl of Jazz Age and the euphoria of the “Années Folles”, the Gar?onne with her linear shape reflects the architectural style of Art Deco: to the rounded curves succeed the simple and plain androgynous straight line… Architecture, painting, furniture and sculpture, dissected by the author, proclaim the druthers for sharp lines and broken angles. Although ephemeral, this movement keeps on influencing contemporary design.
Early Italian Painting
Early Italian Painting
Crowe, Joseph Archer;Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista;Jameson, Anna
Dupouy, Alexandre