

Programming Windows Workflow Foundation
Programming Windows Workflow Foundation
K. Scott Allen
Fast-paced and to-the-point, this book takes you through the important topics of Windows WF development with clear explanations and practical example code. The book's selection of topics is driven by what the working developer needs to know. It is neither a comprehensive reference to the whole WF architecture, nor a strategy guide to the complete application development lifecycle. It's just what you as a C# developer need to know to use WF in your applications. This book is for .NET developers who want to enhance their applications with flexible workflow capabilities using Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation. The author assumes that you have read other texts on the overall architecture of WF and on WF application design strategies, and instead focuses on real-work implementation issues for C# developers.
Learning Mambo: A Step-by-Step Tutorial to Building Your Website
Learning Mambo: A Step-by-Step Tutorial to Building Your Website
Douglas Paterson
Written in a clear, easy-to-read style, the book provides a tutorial for setting up a Mambo website. Each topic is tackled in a practical way with many examples and tasks to develop your skills. A realistic example website is developed incrementally through the book, showing each step in detail. This book is suitable for web developers, designers, webmasters, content editors, and marketing professionals who want develop a fully featured web presence in a simple and straightforward process. No prior knowledge of Mambo is expected, and it does not require any detailed knowledge of programming or web development. Any IT-confident individual will be able to use the book to produce an impressive website.
Community Server Quickly
Community Server Quickly
Anand Narayanaswamy
With this book in hand, you will be able to set up and manage a Community Server solution. You will learn how to create blogs, forums, photo galleries, and file galleries, and use tools such as the built-in RSS reader and RSS roller in a step-by-step manner. This book will provide your with a clear and concise overview of Community Server and will impart the knowledge necessary to enable you to run and manage a Community Server solution. This book is aimed at the Community Server administrator with a base level of technical competence and confidence, but no prior sysadmin or developer experience or knowledge. No knowledge of ASP.NET programming is required for using this book. What is essential is your own passion for your target community and your desire to provide the best platform possible to that audience.
The PEAR Installer Manifesto
The PEAR Installer Manifesto
Gregory Beaver
This book is a comprehensive and well structured tutorial on using PEAR Installer, but it is also much more than that. As the creator of the latest versions of the PEAR Installer (1.4.0+) , the author is passionate about the benefits of a well managed development and deployment process. The book shows how the PEAR Installer works in detail, and then takes you through a comprehensive tour of how you can apply it all stages of the development lifecycle, with practical examples and advice throughout. It will build your technical skills and understanding, and also widen your perspective on managing an effective development process. The book is not just for PHP developers who want to understand how the PEAR Installer works, and what it can do for them, but more generally for PHP developers seeking a better way to deploy their applications and manage updates. It does assume that you have a good working knowledge of PHP development, and are dealing with projects of a sufficient scale and complexity to warrant an investment in a structure process.
Building Websites with VB.NET and DotNetNuke 4
Building Websites with VB.NET and DotNetNuke 4
Daniel N. Egan
You can use this book to help you set up and administer a DotNetNuke portal, even if you have a limited knowledge of ASP.NET. You will learn how to setup and administer an example site, stepping through all the tasks to ease your learning. If you are a developer, this book will help you extend the DotNetNuke portal by first helping you understand how the core framework works and then show you how to create custom modules and skins. A rudimentary knowledge of VB.NET programming is assumed, but the emphasis is not on becoming a better VB.NET programmer but on taming DotNetNuke. This book has been written for both the beginner wanting to set up a website and also ASP.NET developers with a grasp of VB.NET who want a deeper understanding of how to work with DotNetNuke. To work with the DotNetNuke code, you will need access to Visual Web Developer Express or Visual Studio .NET 2005. No prior knowledge of DotNetNuke is assumed.
Unity 4.x Game Development by Example
Unity 4.x Game Development by Example
Ryan Henson Creighton
This is a practical and light-hearted guide to get to grips with creating your first games, with easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorials using the award winning Unity engine.If you’ve ever wanted to enter the world of independent game development but have no prior knowledge of programming or game development, then this is the book for you. Game developers transitioning from other tools like GameMaker and Flash will find this a useful tool to get them up to speed on the Unity engine, as will anyone who has never handled the Unity engine before.
Google Maps API Cookbook
Google Maps API Cookbook
Alper Dincer
Google Maps API Cookbook follows a fast-paced, high-level, structured cookbook approach, with minimal theory and an abundance of practical, real-world examples explained in a thorough yet concise manner to help you learn quickly and efficiently.Google Maps API Cookbook is for developers who wish to learn how to do anything from adding a simple embedded map to a website to developing complex GIS applications with the Google Maps JavaScript API. It is targeted at JavaScript developers who know how to get by but who are also seeking the immediacy of recipe-based advice.
RabbitMQ Cookbook
RabbitMQ Cookbook
Sigismondo Boschi
A practical book filled with advanced recipes as well as plenty of code and real-life examples which will make your learning curve quick and easy.If you are a software developer who wants to develop distributed applications based on messaging, then this book is for you. It’s assumed that you have some experience with multithreading applications and distributed applications. You are also expected to know the basic concepts of Web and cloud applications in order to follow the recipes effectively.
Android Security Cookbook
Android Security Cookbook
Keith Makan
Android Security Cookbook' breaks down and enumerates the processes used to exploit and remediate Android app security vulnerabilities in the form of detailed recipes and walkthroughs."Android Security Cookbook" is aimed at anyone who is curious about Android app security and wants to be able to take the necessary practical measures to protect themselves; this means that Android application developers, security researchers and analysts, penetration testers, and generally any CIO, CTO, or IT managers facing the impeding onslaught of mobile devices in the business environment will benefit from reading this book.
IBM SmartCloud Essentials
IBM SmartCloud Essentials
Edwin Schouten
A practical, user-friendly guide that provides an introduction to cloud computing using IBM SmartCloud, along with a thorough understanding of resource management in a cloud environment.This book is great for anyone who wants to get a grasp of what cloud computing is and what IBM SmartCloud has to offer. If you are an IT specialist, IT architect, system administrator, or a developer who wants to thoroughly understand the cloud computing resource model, this book is ideal for you. No prior knowledge of cloud computing is expected.
Instant Java Password and Authentication Security
Instant Java Password and Authentication Security
Fernando Mayoral
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. This book takes a hands-on approach to Java-based password hashing and authentication, detailing advanced topics in a recipe format.This book is ideal for developers new to user authentication and password security, and who are looking to get a good grounding in how to implement it in a reliable way. It’s assumed that the reader will have some experience in Java already, as well as being familiar with the basic idea behind user authentication.
Mastering HTML5 Forms
Mastering HTML5 Forms
Gaurav Gupta
This tutorial will show you how to create stylish forms, not only visually appealing, but interactive and customized, in order to gather valuable user inputs and information.Enhance your skills in building responsive and dynamic web forms using HTML5, CSS3, and related technologies. All you need is a basic understanding of HTML and PHP.
Spring Security 3.x Cookbook
Spring Security 3.x Cookbook
Anjana Mankale
This book follows a cookbook style exploring various security solutions provided by Spring Security for various vulnerabilities and threat scenarios that web applications may be exposed to at the authentication and session level layers.This book is for all Spring-based application developers as well as Java web developers who wish to implement robust security mechanisms into web application development using Spring Security.Readers are assumed to have a working knowledge of Java web application development, a basic understanding of the Spring framework, and some knowledge of the fundamentals of the Spring Security framework architecture. Working knowledge of other web frameworks such as Grails and so on would be an added advantage to exploit the whole breadth of recipes provided in this book, but this is not mandatory.
Introduction to R for Quantitative Finance
Introduction to R for Quantitative Finance
Gergely Daróczi
This book is a tutorial guide for new users that aims to help you understand the basics of and become accomplished with the use of R for quantitative finance.If you are looking to use R to solve problems in quantitative finance, then this book is for you. A basic knowledge of financial theory is assumed, but familiarity with R is not required. With a focus on using R to solve a wide range of issues, this book provides useful content for both the R beginner and more experience users.
Securing Hadoop
Securing Hadoop
Sudheesh Narayanan
This book is a step-by-step tutorial filled with practical examples which will focus mainly on the key security tools and implementation techniques of Hadoop security.This book is great for Hadoop practitioners (solution architects, Hadoop administrators, developers, and Hadoop project managers) who are looking to get a good grounding in what Kerberos is all about and who wish to learn how to implement end-to-end Hadoop security within an enterprise setup. It’s assumed that you will have some basic understanding of Hadoop as well as be familiar with some basic security concepts.
CryENGINE Game Programming with C++, C#, and Lua
CryENGINE Game Programming with C++, C#, and Lua
Filip Lundgren
This book provides you with step-by-step exercises covering the various systems of CryENGINE and comprehensively explains their workings in a way that can be easily understood by readers of any skill level to help you develop your very own CryENGINE games.This book is intended for developers looking to harness the power of CryENGINE, providing a good grounding in how to use the engine to its full potential. The book assumes basic knowledge of the engine and its editor in non-programming areas.
Mobile Game Design
Mobile Game Design
Dr. Claudio Scolastici
A step-by-step guide.This book is for all game developers, designers, and hobbyists who want to create assets for mobile games
Instant Sencha Touch
Instant Sencha Touch
Hiren J. Dave
Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks. This book is a practical, step by step tutorial that will get you to use Sencha Touch core components quickly and efficiently.Instant Sencha Touch is for hobbyists who want to explore the capabilities of Sencha Touch. No prior knowledge of Sencha Touch is assumed. This book is simultaneously helpful for developers as well who want to quickly learn about Sencha Touch Framework. The book is structured in such a way that amateurs as well as experts will be able to use it as a reference.
BPEL and Java Cookbook
BPEL and Java Cookbook
Jurij Laznik
The book is written in a Cookbook format with practical recipes aimed at helping you extend BPEL capabilities with Java.This book is aimed at Java developers who use BPEL programming to develop web services in SOA development. It is assumed that the readers are experienced with Java programming and SOA, but knowledge of BPEL is not necessarily required.
concrete5 Cookbook
concrete5 Cookbook
David Strack
The Cookbook-style recipes allow you to go both directly to your topic of interest or follow topics throughout a chapter to gain in-depth knowledge. This practical Cookbook will cater to the needs of both intermediate and advanced concrete5 developers.This book is geared towards intermediate to advanced PHP developers who would like to learn more about the concrete5 content management system. Developers already familiar with concrete5 will learn new time-saving tricks and will find the book to be a great reference tool.
Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9
Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9
Bayo Erinle
Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9 is a standard tutorial that will help you polish your fundamentals, guide you through various advanced topics, and along the process help you learn new tools and skills.This book is for developers, quality assurance engineers, testers, and test managers new to Apache JMeter, or those who are looking to get a good grounding in how to effectively use and become proficient with it. No prior testing experience is required.