Object-Oriented JavaScript
The book requires no prior knowledge of JavaScript and works from the ground up to give you a thorough grounding in this powerful language. If you do already know some JavaScript, you will find plenty of eye-openers as you discover just what the language can do. This book takes a do-it-yourself approach when it comes to writing code, because the best way to really learn a programming language is by writing code. You are encouraged to type code into Firebug's console, see how it works and then tweak it and play around with it. There are practice questions at the end of each chapter to help review what you have learned.

Tapestry 5: Building Web Applications
This book is for those who want to build sophisticated Java web applications quickly and easily. It assumes that the reader is reasonably comfortable with the Java programming language, but no knowledge of web technologies is needed. For experienced Servlet, JSP, or Struts developers, the book will show an alternative way that will allow them to raise their productivity to an incomparable level. With this book you will see that a contemporary component-based framework can be easy to learn and a pleasure to work with.

ChronoForms 1.3 for Joomla! site Cookbook
This book is the missing manual for creating forms on your Joomla! site. Using simple examples that you can easily follow we will show you how you can create forms of almost any kind. Most of the chapters focus on one topic starting with simple recipes for new users and then adding new features that add more to the form but may also require more knowledge and experience to implement.Other chapters look in more detail at adding special features, or creating forms to perform particular tasks. Again the recipes range from those that a new user can easily implement to those that will help more advanced developers.Each recipe is kept as simple as possible and set out so that it can be easily implemented with the code supplied; and the recipes are also a set of building blocks that you can use to create much more complex forms using several recipes to build your form.As far as space allows we have explained how the code works, what features of Joomla or of ChronoForms we are using and we’ve offered suggestions in the ‘There’s more . . .’ sections for ways in which the basic recipe can be extended or adapted.The code examples are complete and can be adapted by new users with the minimum of customization or they can be as a starting point for developers with more coding experience to build on and adapt to create fully customized form applications. This is a practical hands-on book for people who want to add forms to their Joomla! site. Whether you just want to add a simple newsletter sign-up form or a complex multi-page interactive form you’ll find helpful suggestions and recipes that will get your forms working. Many recipes will work ‘out-of-the-box’ using ChronoForms built-in capabilities; other more advanced recipes require some knowledge of Joomla!, HTML, CSS ,PHP, MySQL or JavaScript. There is working code with each recipe that you can adapt to meet your specific needs.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook
As a cookbook, this book enables you to solve real-world Dynamics GP problems with immediately useable recipes that unleash the powerful functionality of Dynamics GP. The book provides tips, techniques, and solutions designed to show users how to improve their use of Dynamics GP, not simply perform basic tasks. If you are a Dynamics GP user or Dynamics GP partner primarily focused on delivering time-proven application optimizations, then this book is for you. This book assumes that you have a basic understanding of business management systems, with basic knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics GP. All the recipes are real-world tested and designed to be used immediately.

Implementing Cisco UCS Solutions
A tutorial-based approach which will help you understand the practical methodologies and deploying of Cisco UCS components.If you are a professional such as a system, network, or storage administrator who is responsible for Cisco UCS deployments, this is the perfect book for you. You should have some basic knowledge of the server’s architecture, network, and storage technologies. Familiarity with virtualization technologies is also recommended (though not necessary) as the majority of real-world UCS deployments run virtualized loads. Knowledge of Nexus OS is not necessary as the majority of the management tasks are handled in a graphical user interface with very few exceptions using the CLI.

ElasticSearch Cookbook
Written in an engaging, easy-to-follow style, the recipes will help you to extend the capabilities of ElasticSearch to manage your data effectively.If you are a developer who implements ElasticSearch in your web applications, manage data, or have decided to start using ElasticSearch, this book is ideal for you. This book assumes that you’ve got working knowledge of JSON and Java

Unity Android Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide
Unity Android Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide consists of different game application examples. No prior experience with programming, Android, or Unity is required. You will learn everything from scratch and will have an organized flow of information specifically designed for complete beginners to Unity.Great for developers new to Unity, Android, or both, this book will walk you through everything you need to know about game development for the Android mobile platform. No experience with programming, Android, or Unity is required. Most of the assets used in each chapter project are provided with the book, but it is assumed that you have some access to basic image and model creation software. You will also need access to an Android powered device.

Flash Multiplayer Virtual Worlds
This is a step-by-step, hands-on guide that is filled with examples and screenshots of building a multiplayer virtual world. The virtual world is built gradually; each chapter in the book sequentially develops the virtual world. The author explains the fundamentals with examples from existing virtual worlds such as Club Penguin, Mole, Dofus, and World of Warcraft. If you are a Flash or an ActionScript developer who wants to build powerful and immersive multiplayer games, this book is for you. This book assumes that you have some experience with ActionScript 3.0.

ColdFusion 9 Developer Tutorial
This book is a fast-paced tutorial to developing ColdFusion applications, with an emphasis on real-world skills. Packed with examples and careful explanations, the book leads you through all the topics relevant to today's ColdFusion developer. This book is for web developers working with ColdFusion 9. If your goal is to get a good grounding in the basics of the language as quickly as possible and put a site together quickly, this book is ideal for you. This book will also help you if you want to learn more about professional programming of ColdFusion. No prior knowledge of ColdFusion is expected, but basic knowledge of general web and software development skills is assumed.

Moodle 1.9 for Teaching Special Education Children (5-10): Beginner's Guide
Written with a step-by-step but friendly and engaging approach, this Packt Beginner's Guide is designed to be placed alongside the computer as your guide and mentor. Step-by-step tutorials are boosted by explanations of the reasoning behind what you are doing. You will quickly pick up the necessary skills, tips, and tricks for creating practical exercises using Moodle 1.9 with practical examples and see how the child with special education needs progresses. If you are an SEN teacher or SEN therapist with minimal knowledge of Moodle who is willing to exploit Web 2.0 possibilities using Moodle 1.9 as the background platform, this book is for you.

Moodle 1.9: The English Teacher's Cookbook
This book follows a cookbook style, which will help you achieve outstanding results using ready-to-use recipes for reading comprehension, writing, and composition holding hands with Moodle 1.9 in the Web 2.0 Era. Each recipe is unique; some deal with similar teaching techniques, but they show how to develop the same technique using different software, situations, or topics. Images, videos, poems, songs, artists, classic stories, cartoons, superheroes, painting, the environment, and comics are inserted into the Moodle course, in order to be used as either prewriting or writing activities. If you are an English teacher who wants to discover practical, funny, and engaging activities to insert in your course, this is a perfectly designed book for you. It will help you to use different techniques in the teaching of reading comprehension, writing, and composition using a great variety of resources from the free and open source software available in the Web and interesting websites as well as social networks. You need basic experience with Moodle 1.9 or 1.9.5, as well as installation and configuration procedures.

Tcl 8.5 Network Programming
The book is written so that both experienced and novice Tclers can find useful information inside. It starts with quick introduction to Tcl and its networking support for those who are less familiar with them. Authors focus on showing practical, yet simple examples for each module and command described so that reader understands how to use them when solving the real life problems. The examples given are useful programs that try to solve real-world needs. All sample programs are clear and concise yet nothing essential is left out and the programming style focuses on readability rather than on stylistic rigor or efficiency. This book is for Tcl developers with basic network programming concepts, who want to add networking capabilities to their applications. Working knowledge of Tcl and basic experience of network protocols will be useful. The reader should be familiar with basic concepts used in modern networking – keywords like TCP, HTTP or XML should not be a mystery. The book does not require advanced knowledge of Tcl – the first chapters will swiftly introduce the reader into it, allowing refreshing the information or gaining a quick overview of the Tcl language abilities.

PrestaShop 1.3 Beginner's Guide
The book is structured so that following the chapters in order leads to building a fully functioning and live trading PrestaShop. Guidance is also given should you wish to learn or practice your skills in an offline, non-trading environment. Every chapter contains clearly structured and illustrated step-by-step explanation to achieve the goals discussed. Nothing is left for readers to work out themselves, but it would be very simple for them to use the information to go beyond the specific tutorials, should they wish to do so. There is optional additional reading, including more than a dozen specifically written downloadable e-books made available on the book's support website just for readers of PrestaShop 1.3 Beginners Guide. This book is for anybody who wants a fully functioning e-commerce store using PrestaShop. You do not have to have any previous knowledge of PrestaShop or any aspect of e-commerce or business in general. If you do, then you will probably find this guide really valuable as well. The book covers all you need to know about starting your own e-commerce business.

IT Inventory and Resource Management with OCS Inventory NG 1.02
This book closely follows the style of a practical, hands-on "how to" guide on working with OCS Inventory NG. The step-by-step approach, coupled with the use of visual aids, clear instructions, and real-world examples, makes it a fast-paced book. Upon the completion of this book, you will have the necessary skill set, know-how, and confidence to implement OCS Inventory NG to meet the demanding asset management needs of any organization. Then you can carry on using the book as reference material. This book targets an audience of system administrators and IT professionals who are required to implement, configure, customize, and work with IT Inventory and Asset Management solutions. The book does not presume any prior knowledge of inventory management, just a solid grasp of the server/client model and familiarity with the chosen operating system along with the necessary web server and database server terminologies. Anyone with an interest in inventorying IT assets and solving real-world resource management dilemmas will enjoy this book.

CodeIgniter 2 Cookbook
Presented in a recipe-based format, you are led step-by-step through each aspect of CodeIgniter, allowing you to dip in and out as you choose.CodeIgniter 2 Cookbook is for intermediate to advanced PHP developers who want to begin using the powerful CodeIgniter framework to create web applications. Familiarity with CodeIgniter isn’t essential, but it will be useful if you have been introduced to the framework before.

QlikView 11 para Desarrolladores
Los ejercicios de este libro tienen un enfoque de tutorial paso a paso y en los que al mismo tiempo se van presentando mejores prácticas de desarrollo. El libro está estructurado de forma que puede ser leído de inicio a fin o leer solamente partes del mismo.Este libro va dirigido a desarrolladores y usuarios que quieren aprender a crear aplicaciones de Inteligencia de Negocios con QlikView. Desarrolladores que ya hayan usado QlikView por un tiempo podrán encontrar recomendaciones útiles y mejores prácticas para hacer uso más efectivo de QlikView. Este libro solamente cubre QlikView Desktop. Implementaciones en QlikView Server y Publisher est?an fuera del alcance de este libro. Este libro no va enfocado a administradores de servidores QlikView.

WordPress 3.5 Complete: Third Edition
WordPress 3.5 Complete: Third Edition is a comprehensive and step-by-step tutorial packed with screenshots and examples to make it easy and quick to pick it up.This WordPress book is a guide to WordPress for online publishers and web developers. If you are new to blogging and want to create your own blog or website from scratch, then "WordPress 3.5 Complete: Third Edition" is for you. No prior knowledge of HTML/CSS or PHP is required.

Microsoft Silverlight 4 Data and Services Cookbook
Written in a cookbook style, this book offers learning and techniques through recipes. It contains step-by-step instructions for developers who want to build rich data-driven business applications using Silverlight. The book is designed in such a way that you can refer to things chapter by chapter, or read them in no particular order. If you are a .NET developer who wants to build professional data-driven applications with Sliverlight, then this book is for you. Basic experience of programming Silverlight and familiarity with accessing data using ADO.NET in normal .NET applications is required.

Wordpress and Flash 10x Cookbook
This book consists of a series of easy-to-follow recipes. Each recipe stands on its own, so you can open the book to any recipe and complete it without going through the previous recipes. You can work through the book from start to end or just choose the recipes most applicable to your needs and situation. The book presents recipes of varying difficulty levels so that there is something for everyone from a beginner to an advanced WordPress user. Detailed screenshots, code examples, and links to additional resources supplement the concise instructions. If you are a Wordpress user interested in creating multimedia-rich websites and blogs using Flash then this book is perfect for you. This book caters for site administrators and web developers, who have experience using Flash aand Wordpress.

VirtualBox 3.1: Beginner's Guide
This beginner's guide consists of comprehensive explanation, appropriate screenshots, tips, tricks, and best practices. It offers step-by-step instructions on building your own virtual environment from scratch, supported by the reasoning behind what you do. If you are a System Administrator who has to set up a virtual machine and want to use an open source tool to do it this book will prove invaluable. No prior knowledge of VirtualBox is required, but you should have experience with general system administration.

Pentaho 3.2 Data Integration: Beginner's Guide
As part of Packt's Beginner's Guide, this book focuses on teaching by example. The book walks you through every aspect of PDI, giving step-by-step instructions in a friendly style, allowing you to learn in front of your computer, playing with the tool. The extensive use of drawings and screenshots make the process of learning PDI easy. Throughout the book numerous tips and helpful hints are provided that you will not find anywhere else. The book provides short, practical examples and also builds from scratch a small datamart intended to reinforce the learned concepts and to teach you the basics of data warehousing. This book is for software developers, database administrators, IT students, and everyone involved or interested in developing ETL solutions, or, more generally, doing any kind of data manipulation. If you have never used PDI before, this will be a perfect book to start with. You will find this book is a good starting point if you are a database administrator, data warehouse designer, architect, or any person who is responsible for data warehouse projects and need to load data into them. You don't need to have any prior data warehouse or database experience to read this book. Fundamental database and data warehouse technical terms and concepts are explained in easy-to-understand language.