Hospital Sketches
During the American Civil War in 1862-1863 Louisa May Alcott, best known as the author of Little Women, spent six weeks as a volunteer nurse in the Union Hospital at Georgetown in Washington D.C. She later published these sketches based on her experiences at the hospital.
Unforgettable French
Unforgettable French uses memory tricks to teach and reinforce major points of rench grammar from the basics up to high school level, to learners of all ages. It may be used: by anyone who wishes to gain confidence in speaking French, as a evision aid, to consolidate the learner's grasp of grammatical points, to complement whatever French scheme you are using, and by French teachers at all levels, from elementary school through to adult. These tried-and-tested memory tricks help to explain "e;tricky"e; bits and make learning easier. The memory tricks in are presented in a highly visual, page-by-page format. The sheets can be enlarged to make mini-posters or used as "e;aide-memoires"e;.
Rainbows Have Echoes
Rainbows Have Echoes is Julie Miller's autobiographical account of her successful career as an English teacher in England and New Zealand. While her career flourished her personal life has often been stormy, from an unhappy first marriage in the 1960s to, more recently, her heartbreak as she struggled to come to terms with her second husband's descent into dementia. Julie sees her life as a succession of rainbows and wasp stings, the good interweaving with the bad, great joy and times of hardship and sadness. As a teacher, Julie has been acclaimed for her work with traumatised children, easing them into educational pursuits and inspiring them with her own zest for life. The steep learning curves of her own life show that whatever life throws at you, however taxing it might prove to be, one can rise above the challenges and find a renewed delight in the world and its inhabitants.
How to Dazzle at Grammar
Blackline masters for use with junior high school students with special needs. The sheets give students the tools to be able to talk about and understand language development. The activities will help students to deconstruct language, and through this, to improve their own use of language. Students will practise: building sentences; identifying the subject and predicate of sentences; picking out verbs; getting the tense right; writing adjectives, adverbs, nouns, prepositions and pronouns; using idioms; asking questions; using speech marks; putting words in the right order; using commas in lists.
French Olympics Topic Pack
The enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the Olympics makes it an ideal topic for teaching French. Not only will pupils learn the French words for sports, we also give you ideas to reinforce vocabulary and sentence structures for a range of topics, from colours and weather to numbers and travel. In addition, using the information on France at the Olympics included in the resource will help to cover the Intercultural Strand of the Framework for Modern Languages. The French Olympics Topic Pack contains photocopiable activities and games which include: flashcards; picture flashcards; word searches, crossword puzzles and other word games; listening activities; bingo and other games; sentence building activities; and background information on France at the Olympics.
Black and White Sands
Elma Napier's love affair with Dominica, then a British colony, began in 1932 when she turned her back on London's high society to build a home in a remote coastal village on that most mysterious and seductive of all Caribbean islands. Black and White Sands is the memoir of her life there - of bohemian house-parties, war and death, smugglers and servants and, above all, of stories inspired by her political life as the only woman in a colonial parliament, her love for the island's turbulent landscapes and her curiosity about the lives and culture of its people.
French Festivals and Traditions KS3
This invaluable, time-saving resource provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year. For each festival and tradition you will find background information, key vocabulary, detailed lists of possible teaching activities and optional pupil sheets. Ideas range from making cards and reading/writing poems to playing game and cooking traditional recipes.
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
A fascinating series of studies on the occult written by the great Scottish author and historian Sir Walter Scott.
Dear Miss Landau
Every morning James Christie puts on a blue rugby shirt and jeans. His wardrobe is full of identical outfits. Every day he eats the same meal and drinks from the same mug. These are not ingrained habits, but survival strategies. For James, coping with new experiences feels like smashing his head through a plate glass window. The only relief comes from belting the heavy bag at the boxing club or watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He's an autistic man lost in a neuro-typical world. Differently wired. Alien.Despite a high IQ, it seems he'll spend the next 20 years cleaning toilets. But then his life takes an amazing turn - from a Glasgow tenement to a rendezvous with a Hollywood star on Sunset Boulevard.On that road trip across America, the man who feels he lacks a soul will find it. Eight time zones and 5,000 miles away, he has a date with the actress who played Drusilla, the kooky vampire who changed his life when he saw her in a Buffy episode. Drusilla has no soul either. And maybe that's the attraction. But Drusilla is fictional. The lady he'll see on Sunset is Juliet Landau. She's real, and that's a very different proposition...
Letters of Lord Nelson - Volumes 1 and 2
A collection of the personal letters of one of history's greatest military minds to his mistress Lady Hamilton.
Soldier 4346057
This book is in the form of a diary of military service kept from 3 September 1939 to release in spring 1946. It is a true and accurate account. There is not one word of fiction. Douglas Hudson wrote about how he felt at the time, and what he saw in not quite six and a half years. There are inevitable gaps when there was either nothing of importance to note or difficulty in doing so, particularly when abroad. A diary like this one was strictly against regulations, so it had to be kept secretly. Douglas Hudson was plucked out of a happy, comfortable home life for an indeterminate period in 1939 to face what seemed to him quite an uncouth army life at times. It was a massive shock in many ways, so he thought it all ought to be recorded for posterity. These diary notes would not have been classed as high-grade intelligence if they had ever fallen into the wrong hands, but in parts they could well have been of some use to the enemy. The chaps with whom the author served throughout the war were mainly from the Goole and Hull areas. They all had a bitter hatred of the enemy - many had had their homes and family life destroyed - yet discipline, morale and comradeship remained of the highest order. They were the salt of the earth without doubt.
Buried Secrets
It's likely that you think of the funeral industry as a sombre one, populated by serious, grey-faced individuals whose days are filled with nothing but sadness and grief... but you couldn't be further from the truth, as Harry Pope reveals in this hilarious memoir of his time as a funeral director.Over the course of his career, Harry was involved in more than a few unusual incidents. In his early days, colleagues and eventually mourners broke into laughter as he somehow ended up sliding into a grave with the coffin coming to rest on top of him. Another day saw Harry get the fright of his life when he heard a knocking coming from the rear of the hearse, where no living person should have been. And as for the coffin that he just about prevented from being emptied onto the tarmac at Heathrow Airport... well, you'll just have to buy the book!As well as these hilarious anecdotes, Harry introduces us to the hidden and often tragic world of the funeral arranger, with a look at his involvement in disasters such as the Piper Alpha oil rig, the Lockerbie bombing and the sinking of the Herald of Free Enterprise.With stories that will make you cry with tears of both sadness and laughter, this fascinating read is perfect for a wide and varied audience.
The 'Creative Writing Tutor' scheme provides a lively series of themed booklets that will stimulate your child's imagination and inspire him or her to write in a more interesting way and to achieve better results. The booklets provide 'a tutor' for the child, fun features and stories to read, follow up activities to complete, harder vocabulary to prepare children for more advanced writing and many helpful tips and techniques to improve writing style.Written by an experienced teacher, they are recommended for use at school or at home by children aged 9-13 years, of all abilities. They are excellent for stretching fast workers and able writers or preparing for writing tasks in 11+ examinations.
Reading Explorers Year 2
A Guided Skills-Based Journey is a series of books aimed at developing key reading and study skills. This brilliant new series provides teachers with a wide variety of genres, both fiction and non-fiction, which will allow children to access, interpret and understand what they are reading. It increases the child's knowledge and understanding of why certain words are chosen by an author. It gives the reader the chance to speculate on the tone and purpose of the texts, as well as consider both the texts' themes and audience.
Reading Explorers Year 5
Reading Explorers Year 5
101 Amazing Facts about Volcanoes
Did you know that animals can often sense when a volcano is going to erupt? Or that the force of an eruption is measured on the VEI, or Volcanic Explosivity Index? What is the difference between a shield volcano and a stratovolcano? And what were the largest eruptions in human history? All of these facts and more can be found in this fantastic guide to volcanoes, separated into sections for easy reading. This book is perfect for those studying volcanoes at school, or even if you are just interested in finding out more about this fascinating topic.
101 Amazing Sega Master System Facts
In this entry to Jimmy Russell's Games Console History series, we learn 101 amazing facts about Sega's Master System - the first Sega home console to hit non-japanese shores. The facts cover many areas, including the history, the hardware, game titles both rare and popular and some incredible information you probably never knew! Everyone from retro gamers who were there at the time to n00bz who think a PlayStation is Old School will find this excellent eBook jam packed full of fascinating trivia!
Great Reading Disaster
By the late 1980s half the nation's children were receiving eleven years of progressivist schooling that failed to give them even the elementary basis of education that was completed by the age of seven in earlier days. This great reading disaster was caused by the 'look-say' method of teaching, which presented whole words not individual letters. This book explains the causes and provides the solution to this problem.In 2006, the Secretary of State for Education and Skills has ordered schools to use the phonic method but there seems little evidence that its implications are properly understood or that any serious re-training programme for teachers is being put in place. The authors believe their explanations and recommendations in this book are thus needed just as much as ever.
101 Amazing Facts About Space
In this amazing eBook you can find more than one hundred facts about space. Separated into sections such as our solar system, the moon, the sun, space travel and many more, you will find some fascinating information inside! Whether you are working on an astronomy project or you just want to know more about our incredible universe, this is an excellent addition to your bookshelf. Find the information you need, fast!
Early Literacy Handbook
The heart of this book is a new approach to the teaching of language and literacy. Its focus is exemplary classroom practice built on rigorous theory and evidence.The approach combines new theory and dynamic practice in its advocacy for contextualised teaching. This book shows how the teaching of smaller units of language, such as sentences, words, letters and phonemes, follows naturally from the context of whole texts.The book offers: practical examples, photographs from settings, case studies and action points to help any practitioner working with young children to develop one of the most crucial life skills, advice on how to build on children's motivation using whole texts, clear guidance on phonics teching in an appropriate context and a unique blend of new theory and dynamic practice.
Planning for the Early Years
Planning for the Early Years: Storytelling and storymaking is a lovely book packed with adaptable ideas that can be extended for older children, or more focused for the under threes. It focuses on the prime areas of learning, especially the development of early language, defined in the 2011 Tickell review of the EYFS as the foundations for all learning. It includes photos, examples, tips, and pre- and post activity advice.