

Get Your Act Together
Get Your Act Together
Young, Pam
The SLOB Sisters are back after the phenomenal success of Sidetracked Home Executives (750,000 paperback copies sold), with a new program for organizing your home and personal life.
Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things
Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things
Panati, Charles
For lovers of facts, students of popular culture, history buffs, and science enthusiasts, the fascinating stories behind 500 everyday items, expressions, and customs--from Kleenex to steak sauce, Barbie Dolls to honeymoons.
Math Magic
Math Magic
Flansburg, Scott
Don't live in fear of math any longer. Math Magic makes math what you may never have imagined it to be: easy and fun!Scott Flansburg -- the Human Calculator who believes that there are no mathematical illiterates, just people who have not learned how to make math work for them -- demonstrates how everyone can put their phobia to rest and deal with essential every-day mathematical calculations with confidence. This is the book for millions of otherwise successful adults who are afraid to balance their checkbooks and don't know how to figure interest on savings or credit, and for the millions of students who dread their math classes and live in fear of the SAT math section.In Math Magic, Scott Flansburg shows the reader how to:Master the basics, including the real way addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division work Simplify calculations through estimation Quick-check answers Convert metric measures to more familiar ones Figure tips, taxes, and percentages -- never get short-changed again! Master algebra using the nine easy steps to algebra Math Magic is for all of us who need and want to improve our understanding of math. With the help of Flansburg, the Guinness World Record holder as the Fastest Human Calculator, you can do math just like magic.
BMW E30 - 3 Series Restoration Guide
BMW E30 - 3 Series Restoration Guide
Andrew Everett
A practical restoration manual written by journalist and E30 enthusiast Andrew Everett. Covers E30 models: 316, 316i, 318i, 320i, 323i, 325i, 325e, 324d and 324td, 318iS, M3 & Alpina in saloon, convertible & touring forms. Professional advice also is given on buying a good used model E30 for restoration.
Lotus Elan - A Restoration Guide
Lotus Elan - A Restoration Guide
Gordon Lund
The story of restoring an Elan +2 and Elan Sprint to concours edition. Advice on how to purchase a suitable car for restoration plus detailed practical information on preparing bodywork, trim, chassis, suspension, wheels, hydraulics, engine, electrics & wiring etc. 24 Chapters, plus appendices, give information on chassis changing, body restoration, including Elan +2 sills, rebuilding the Lotus/Ford Twin Cam engine, electrics including fitting a new loom, insight to tuning and running in, Elan developments, a remarkable Elan +2 Estate, rebirth of an accident damaged Sprint.
Lotus Elan - A Restoration Guide
Lotus Elan - A Restoration Guide
Gordon Lund
The story of restoring an Elan +2 and Elan Sprint to concours edition. Advice on how to purchase a suitable car for restoration plus detailed practical information on preparing bodywork, trim, chassis, suspension, wheels, hydraulics, engine, electrics & wiring etc. 24 Chapters, plus appendices, give information on chassis changing, body restoration, including Elan +2 sills, rebuilding the Lotus/Ford Twin Cam engine, electrics including fitting a new loom, insight to tuning and running in, Elan developments, a remarkable Elan +2 Estate, rebirth of an accident damaged Sprint.
Mercedes E Class Petrol Workshop Manual W210 & W211 Series
Mercedes E Class Petrol Workshop Manual W210 & W211 Series
Gordon Lund
This Owners Edition Workshop Manual covers the Mercedes-Benz E Class Diesel W210 & W211 Series from 2000 to 2006, fitted with the 1.8, 2.0, 2.6, 2.8, 3.2, 3.5, 4.3 & 5.0 Litre, 111, 112, 113, 271 & 272, with four, six & eight cylinder petrol engine. It has been specially written for the practical owner who wants to maintain a vehicle in first-class condition and carry out the bulk of his or her own servicing and repairs. Comprehensive step-by-step instructions are provided for service and overhaul operations to guide the reader through what might otherwise be unfamiliar and complicated tasks. Numerous drawings are included to amplify the text. With 190 pages, well illustrated.
Research: B2+ (Collins Academic Skills)
Research: B2+ (Collins Academic Skills)
Anneli Williams
Improve your reading and referencing skills *The Collins Academic Skills Series - winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.* Collins Academic Skills Series: Research will give you the skills you need for successful academic reading and referencing. Learn how to choose the right sources access information think critically when reading texts make concise notes Collins Academic Skills Series: Research will help you to make the most of your time at university. Clear information and practical exercises Information on academic expectations – understand the requirements of studying at university Helpful tips and summaries Answer key and glossary Research is part of a new six-book series to help international students achieve academic success at college or university. It is designed to support students who are studying, or preparing to study, at an English-speaking institution. Suitable for students whose level of English is Upper Intermediate / CEF level B2 / IELTS 5.5 and higher. Other titles in the Collins Academic Skills Series Group Work Lectures Numbers Presenting Writing
Buyer's Guide to American Wines
Buyer's Guide to American Wines
Blue, Anthony Dias
In this completely updated and revised edition, Anthony Dias Blue, the renowned wine expert and author of the definitive wine reference American Wine: A Comprehensive Guide, offers consumers his authoritative ratings of more than 5,000 domestic vintages, listed in an accessible, alphabetical format by wineries and their products.
How Do They Do That?
How Do They Do That?
Sutton, Caroline
HOW DO THEY DO THATHow do they make mirrorsHow do sword swallowers swallow swordsHow does a Polaroid picture develop in broad daylightHow do camels go without waterHow do they splice genesHow do they create spectacular fireworksHow indeed?Ever found yourself wide-eyed at the wonders of scienceAwestruck by the artsMystified by the miracles of nature or the marvels of technology?Relief is at hand. Within these pages answers abound. How Do They Do Thatclarifies what used to mystify. It explains the inexplicable and makes known the unknown.Here is a book for both the mildly curious and the grand inquisitor. Take a few hours or take a few minutes to browse through this repository of riddles revealed. You'll discover that it's not hocus-pocus that put the whole pear in the bottle of pear brandy or sorcery that suspends a suspension bridge. But if not by magic, how do they do that?The answer awaits within. A questioner's cure, an anodyne of answers, How Do They Do Thatis a puzzler's paradise.Caroline Sutton, a graduate of Wesleyan University, fives in New York City, where she writes and edits for the Hilltown Press.
Getting To 'I Do'
Getting To 'I Do'
Allen, Pat
Dr. Patricia Allen's jam-packed seminars in Los Angeles have resulted in over two thousand marriages. Now you too can take advantage of this proven step-by-step program.Here's what you'll learn: How to attract the right man When you should make the first move...and when you should not Why equality in a relationship may not be what you're looking for Why sex before commitment is a bad deal How to have sensational sex What makes a man run away from a relationship How to know when you're giving too much How to get what you want without asking What makes a man want to commit How to be engaged to the right man within a year!
Writing Places
Writing Places
Zinsser, William
William Zinsser's journey to all the places where he has done his writing and his teaching begins in 1946, with his first job at the New York Herald Tribune, a community of legendary journalists and oddballs, in its postwar years of glory. Next came 11 years of freelance writing for magazines, mainly covering the turbulent 1960s for Life, a period that found the writer and his typewriter perched in many unusual locations.After that he spent a decade at Yale University, where his office as master of Branford College was beneath a 44-bell carillon. At Yale he originated his famous "nonfiction workshop," which would launch the careers of many exceptional writers and editors. That course led to his classic book, On Writing Well, which he wrote during the summer of 1974 in a crude shed in Connecticut. In this new memoir Zinsser recalls the processes that went into creating that original edition and revising it over the next 30 years to keep pace with changes in the language and culture of America. His journey brings him back to New York City and to writing articles and books in quirky rented offices, one of which had a fire pole.Written with humor and with gratitude for a lifetime of change and self-discovery, relishing a rich cast of characters that ranges from Yale's president Kingman Brewster to the actor Peter Sellers and the gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, Writing Places never loses its anchor in the craft of writing how writing is taught, learned and finally brought to a high level of enjoyment.
Do Elephants Jump?
Do Elephants Jump?
Feldman, David
Ponder, if you will ... Where do you find fascinating explanationsfor a multitude of mysteriesWhy do pianos have 88 keys?How does the hole get in the needle of a syringeWhy is peanut butter sticky?Pop culture guru David Feldman demystifies these questions and much more in Do Elephants JumpOne of the Imponderables series -- the unchallenged source of answers to civilization's everyday mysteries -- and charmingly illustrated by Kassie Schwan, this book provides you with small mysteries that puzzle and amaze us.
Writing with a Word Processor
Writing with a Word Processor
Zinsser, William
In this helpful and entertaining book the author of the classic On Writing Well explains that he has always had a love of paper and a fear of mechanical objects. He describes how he confronted his hang-ups, got a word processor, taught himself to use it and gradually overcame his sense of inferiority to the machine. He explains how the word processor by enabling him to revise his work instantly on a screen has changed his lifelong methods of writing, rewriting and editing.But William Zinsser's book isn't only for writers. It's for all the people who have to do any kind of writing memos, letters, reports, directives as part of their working day. It explains how the word processor will save time and money in an office or a corporation and predicts that it will soon be our primary writing tool. On one level Writing with a Word Processor is a manual for beginners that describes clearly and simply how to use the new technology. But it is also one writer's story. William Zinsser takes the reader along on a highly personal journey, writing with warmth and humor about his anxieties and fears, his setbacks and triumphs. His book is both an informal guide and an encouraging companion.
More How Do They Do That?
More How Do They Do That?
Sutton, Caroline
Have you ever wondered:- How do they know how much an aircraft carrier weighs?- How do they get music onto a CD?- How does an electric eel generate electricity?- How do they know how long a second is?- How do penguins stay warm in Antarctica?- How do they teach guide dogs to cross at a green light?The answers to these and many other everyday wonders are explained.Here, in simple and easy-to-understand terms, are solutions to the riddles of everyday life. How exactly does a thief break into your car and drive off with it in less than a minuteAnd how do they get Hostess Twinkies to stay fresh for so longMore How Do They Do Thatalso reveals aspects of modern science and the natural world that are often taken for granted. How do they measure the heat of distant starsHow do they measure the ozone layerAnd how do they know there's going to be another ice age in two thousand yearsThe answers await within. . .
How to Stay Out of the Doghouse
How to Stay Out of the Doghouse
Rubin, Josh
As men, we can't help ending up in the doghouse for simply following our natural instincts.But follow the 50 tips in this book, and you'll spend less time out in the cold and more time getting scratches behind the ears and belly rubs.
Essential Manners for Couples
Essential Manners for Couples
Post, Peter
From the man who closed the lid forever on the "toilet seat debate" in the New York Times bestseller Essential Manners for Men comes the follow-up book that paves the way for couples everywhere to fix relationship problems before they start.Peter Post offers the secrets to a long and happy marriage or partnership without psychoanalysis or pre*ion medication. The good news: often just a few simple words or actions can mend a rift. Essential Manners for Couples reveals how easy it can be to keep the spark in your relationship.With self-deprecating humor, clarity, and wit, Peter recounts couples' most mischievous manners foibles (his own included). Essential Manners for Couples is based on Emily Post Institute surveys, Peter's years of fielding thousands of etiquette questions, popular demand from couples attending his national lectures and workshops, and his experience as a husband and father.Peter looks at couples' private lives and public lives, revealing the common "flashpoints" the places, situations, and times when inconsiderate behavior is most likely to invade your blissful coupledom. He offers "etiquette imperatives" simple truths and concise nuggets of advice not to be ignored, including: Permissive flirting: How to define parameters and enjoy verbal combat with the opposite sex. The "Chore I.Q." test are you really divvying up the workload fairlyWhen you hate her friends: socializing with the enemy. Enter children: Good parents still spend time together as a couple. Bedroom etiquette getting beyond the headache excuse. Interactions with in-laws smooth merge or crash and burnWhere to go for the holidays: surviving family visits and how to say "no." Balancing life with your other significant other your work ... and much more. Essential Manners for Couples is a must-have resource for the couple who wants to celebrate their union and strengthen it. As Peter Post says, "By using the principles of etiquette, couples can avoid many of the potholes on the road of their shared life, and the ones they do hit are smaller and more manageable." With this book in hand, you'll enhance your relationship, head off hostilities, and have fun doing it.
Robert's Rules in Plain English 2e
Robert's Rules in Plain English 2e
Zimmerman, Doris P.
A revised edition of the bestselling Robert's Rules in Plain English, which still stands as the most concise, most-user friendly guide to parliamentary procedure on the market today.If you've ever had to run a meeting according to parliamentary procedures, you know just how difficult it is to keep track of all the rules, much less follow them. Figuring out what to say and how to say it seems an impossible task. Robert's Rules in Plain English, 2nd edition, is the solution to that problem. Not only does it provide you with the essential, basic rules in simple, straightforward English, it also includes summaries, outlines, charts, and sample dialogues so you can see exactly how these rules work in practice.With an extended glossary and new chapters on electronic meetings and internet usage, Robert's Rules in Plain English, 2nd edition, is an authoritative, modern guide to running a meeting successfully and keeping it on track.
Children’s Parties (Collins Gem)
Children’s Parties (Collins Gem)
Sean Callery
If your life is hectic but you still want to organise a party that will make your child’s day, then Gem Children’s Parties is the small but indispensable book that will come to your rescue. Planning a children’s party can be stressful, expensive and a feat of organisation. Gem Children’s Parties provides struggling parents with reliable, imaginative advice and ideas that will guarantee a hit party without the fuss. Covering everything from food to entertainment, this is a one-stop resource for every budget and every parent who happens not to be superhuman. Topics include: ? Venues ? Themes ? Decoration ? Games ? Food ? Goody bags ? Web and other helpful resources
Collins Introducing English to Young Children: Spoken Language
Collins Introducing English to Young Children: Spoken Language
Opal Dunn
A practical teacher guide book for teaching spoken English to young children Easy to read and full of practical information, Introducing English to Young Children: Spoken Language explains how very young and young children begin to acquire English, suggesting how teachers and parents can ‘tune into’ young children’s developmental needs and support them. ? Introduces lesson plans and a wide selection of useful oral activities for 3- to 8-year-olds. ? Includes tips for classroom management ? Contains projects, games and simple picture books that can be used from the first lessons ? Includes essential information on the expectations and needs of children in the classroom and oral language acquisition Suitable for teachers of all ages, backgrounds and levels of experience
Amazing Explorers: B1 (Collins Amazing People ELT Readers)
Amazing Explorers: B1 (Collins Amazing People ELT Readers)
Anne Collins,Fiona MacKenzie
The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Contents: Marco Polo who taught the world about China Ibn Battuta who travelled to 44 countries Christopher Columbus who discovered new worlds James Cook, first to sail around the world in both directions David Livingstone who explored Africa Yuri Gagarin, the first man to go into space BRITISH ENGLISH Word count: 14,679 Headword count: 1,163 Each book includes a free CD with a full recording of each story. PLUS: visit www.collinselt.com/readers for videos, teacher resources and self-study materials. This book is Level 3 in the Collins ELT Readers series. Level 3 is equivalent to CEF level B1. About the Amazing People series: A unique opportunity for learners of English to read about the exceptional lives and incredible abilities of some of the most insightful people the world has seen. Each book contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words. The stories explain the most significant parts of each character’s life, giving an insight into how they came to be such an important historic figure. After each story, a timeline presents the most major events in their life in a clear and succinct fashion. The timeline is ideal for checking comprehension or as a basis for project work or further research. Created in association with The Amazing People Club. About Collins ELT Readers: Collins ELT Readers are divided into four levels: Level 1 – elementary (A2) Level 2 – pre-intermediate (A2–B1) Level 3 – intermediate (B1) Level 4 – upper intermediate (B2) Each level is carefully graded to ensure that the learner both enjoys and benefits from their reading experience.