The Heart and the Bottle (Read aloud by Helena Bonham Carter)
Oliver Jeffers graduated from The University of Ulster in 2001 with First Class honours. His outstanding talent has been recognised by several high-profile awards, including the Nestlé Children’s Book Prize Gold Award. ‘Lost and Found’ animation was broadcast on Channel 4. Oliver lives and works in Brookyln, New York.

Paddington and the Christmas Surprise (Read Aloud)
Michael Bond was born in Newbury, Berkshire on 13 January 1926 and educated at Presentation College, Reading. He served in the Royal Air Force and the British Army before working as a cameraman for BBC TV for 19 years. In 2015, Michael was awarded a CBE for his services to children’s literature, to add to the OBE he received in 1997. Michael died in 2017, leaving behind one of the great literary legacies of our time.

Paddington Goes for Gold (Read aloud by Stephen Fry) (Paddington)
Michael Bond was born in Newbury, Berkshire on 13 January 1926 and educated at Presentation College, Reading. He served in the Royal Air Force and the British Army before working as a cameraman for BBC TV for 19 years. In 2015, Michael was awarded a CBE for his services to children’s literature, to add to the OBE he received in 1997. Michael died in 2017, leaving behind one of the great literary legacies of our time.

Movie Storybook (The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies)
Relive the story of The Hobbit: There and Back Again in this fantastic photo-filled book. Join Bilbo Baggins and the company of dwarves on the final stage of their amazing journey to defeat the dragon, Smaug, in this fully illustrated storybook of the third of Peter Jackson’s stunning Hobbit movies. Packed with stills from the film, this is the book that Hobbit fans and movie-goers will not want to miss!

None the Number (Read Aloud) (The Hueys)
Oliver Jeffers graduated from The University of Ulster in 2001 with First Class honours. His outstanding talent has been recognised by several high-profile awards, including the Nestlé Children’s Book Prize Gold Award. ‘Lost and Found’ animation was broadcast on Channel 4. Oliver lives and works in Brookyln, New York.

Stuck (Read aloud by Terence Stamp)
Oliver Jeffers graduated from The University of Ulster in 2001 with First Class honours. His outstanding talent has been recognised by several high-profile awards, including the Nestlé Children’s Book Prize Gold Award. ‘Lost and Found’ animation was broadcast on Channel 4. Oliver lives and works in Brookyln, New York.

The Bear Who Went Boo! (Read aloud by David Walliams)
David Walliams – comedian, actor and author – continues to take the children’s literary world by storm. His tenth novel, BAD DAD, was an immediate number one, following the triumph of THE MIDNIGHT GANG, the biggest-selling children’s book of 2016. WORLD’S WORST CHILDREN 2, which published in early 2017, spent four weeks at industry number one and eight weeks at the top of the children’s chart. They have achieved unprecedented critical acclaim – and RATBURGER, DEMON DENTIST and AWFUL AUNTIE have all won the National Book Awards Children’s Book of the Year. David’s books have now exceeded 100 non-consecutive weeks in the children’s number-one spot, and have been translated into 50 languages, selling more than 22 million copies worldwide. Born in London, Tony Ross went to art school in Liverpool. His cartoons have appeared in famous publications the world over. His first book, HUGO AND THE WICKED WINTER, was published in 1972. Tony has since written over 100 books and illustrated over 2000! His creations Towser and The Little Princess have been turned into TV series. David and Tony have worked on six bestselling picture books together, as well as eight of David’s phenomenally successful children’s novels – BILLIONAIRE BOY, GANGSTA GRANNY, RATBURGER, DEMON DENTIST, AWFUL AUNTIE, GRANDPA'S GREAT ESCAPE, THE MIDNIGHT GANG and BAD DAD. David and Tony also collaborated on the 2017 World Book Day title, BLOB, and the two blockbuster short story collections, THE WORLD'S WORST CHILDREN and THE WORLD'S WORST CHILDREN 2.

Guía espa?ol-rumana para una comunicación eficaz
Aceast? lucrare, rezultat al unei colabor?ri de peste cinci ani ?ntre studen?ii spanioli interesa?i de studiul limbii rom?ne ?i profesoara Dana Oprica, este un instrument care vine s? completeze cu ?i mai multe aspecte de limb? ?i de cultur? cuno?tin?ele celor care studiaz? limba rom?n? sau c?l?toresc ?n Rom?nia. Fiecare tem? e precedat? de c?teva date de interes cultural care prezint? c?teva orient?ri legate de formulele de salut, de realizarea unei vizite, de obiceiurile rom?nilor de s?rb?tori, de normele de circula?ie s.a. Ca noutate am introdus glosare de expresii ?i exclama?ii, interjec?ii ?i onomatopee, al?turi de un vocabular tabu, care nu dep??e?te limitele decen?ei ?i care ajut? la cunoa?terea unor formule familiare. Reiter?m ideea c? aceast? lucrare a fost inspirat? de necesit??ile vorbitorilor de limb? spaniol?, precum studen?ii no?tri, care au c?l?torit ?i c?l?toresc frecvent ?n Rom?nia ?i care ne-au prezentat diverse situa?ii reale pe care le-am explicat prin intermediul acestui ghid. ?ntr-una dintre vizitele f?cute ?ntr-un sat din Bistri?a, un spaniol ne-a povestit c? a fost salutat cu s?rut m?na de un grup de copii care treceau pe uli??. Am inclus aceast? situa?ie sociolingvistic? la capitolul corespunz?tor. Farmecul limbii rom?ne const? ?i ?n varietatea lexical? adecvat? diferitelor contexte sau registre de limbaj. Este trabajo, resultado de una colaboración desde hace más de cinco a?os entre los estudiantes espa?oles interesados en el estudio de la lengua rumana y la profesora Dana Oprica, es un instrumento que viene a completar con más aspectos de lengua y cultura los conocimientos de los que estudian la lengua rumana o viajan a Rumanía. Cada tema está precedida por algunos datos de interés cultural que presentan unas orientaciones relacionadas con las fórmulas de saludo, con la realización de una visita, con las costumbres de los rumanos en fiestas, con las normas de circulación, etc. Como novedad hemos introducido glosarios de expresiones y exclamaciones, interjecciones y onomatopeyas, junto a un vocabulario tabú, que no sobrepasa las límites de la decencia y que ayuda a conocer algunas fórmulas familiares. Recalcamos la idea que este trabajo fue inspirado de las necesidades de los hablantes de lengua espa?ola, como nuestros estudiantes, que han viajado y viajan frecuentemente a Rumanía y que nos han presentado varias situaciones reales que explicamos a través de esta guía. Para poner un ejemplo, durante una de sus visitas en un pueblo recóndito de Bistri?a, un espa?ol nos contó que fue saludado con s?rut m?na (le beso la mano) por un grupo de ni?os, que pasaban por la calle. Incluimos esta situación sociolingüística en el capitulo correspondiente. El encanto de la lengua rumana consta también en la variedad lexical adecuada a los diferentes contextos y registros lingüísticos.

A sasea extinctie
Most szervezed az esküvtket Fejtrést okoz, hogy kit hívjatok meg Mit illik és mit nem Mitl tartasz a legjobban Egyáltalán hogyan készülj Izgulsz Esküv Tour - Az izguló jegyespárok végs menhelye t éve tltm a hétvégéimet boldog párokkal, lelkes násznéppel és odaadó segítkkel. Ugyanúgy izgulnak és ugyanúgy aggódnak, mint most te és a párod. Most kulcsot adok nekik ahhoz, hogy élményekben gazdagon, gondtalanul éljék meg ezt a napot. Ez a knyv sok tippet és trükkt ad, de a legjobb, hogy az eredményt együtt fogjuk elérni, átélni. Együtt tudom, menni fog, mert oltári jók vagytok!

Spanish Festivals and Traditions
This invaluable, time-saving resource provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year. For each festival and tradition you will find background information, key vocabulary, detailed lists of possible teaching activities and optional pupil sheets. Ideas range from making cards and reading/writing poems to playing game and cooking traditional recipes.

Hard a Tab Nab
Tab nabs were the biscuits dished out in the mess rooms of ships in the merchant navy. If a helmsman was asked if the ship's helm was hard a-starboard or hard a-port, he often would reply, "e;Hard a tab nab, sir."e; Master Mariner J. R. de L. Inniss has spent a lifetime sailing the world's oceans, first as a boy seaman on the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious in the mid 1950s and then working his way up through the ranks of the merchant navy. He saw the great days of British shipping, and was able to adapt to the great changes that transformed the merchant marine during his long career. There were long hours of very hard work, hardly any sleep and, at times, atrocious feeding; but the seafaring life also lived up to its reputation for excitement and adventure, with a good deal of fun and laughter along the way.

Forever Take My Hand
Iris Therese Smith Reid was born in Grimsby in 1938, and she gives a vivid account of what it was like to be a child growing up during the war. It was a time of great hardship and sometimes terror as Grimsby was ravaged by German bombing raids during the Blitz, but Iris recalls many lighter moments too, the games she played among the bombsites and the memorable characters she knew. The second part of this biography covers Iris's working family life, most of which was spent in and around Grimsby. Now in her late seventies, Iris has spent the last sixteen years looking after her husband, Francis, who has vascular dementia. Part three relates how she and Francis have struggled with his illness together and how they continue to get the most out of life.

Growing up in Lee-on-the-Solent
John Green's family moved to Lee-on-the-Solent just in time for the outbreak of war in 1939. For a seven-year-old, war sounded like an exciting adventure, but as he sheltered with his mother and sister under the stairs during an air-raid, someone said they thought they heard machine-gun fire. They all held their breath and listened, but the noise turned out to be the rhythmic rat-a-tat of his mother's trembling knee knocking against the panelling. In this delightful memoir, John W Green describes what it was like to grow up in a 'village of two halves', with the western end inhabited by well-to-do families, and the eastern end by the people who served them. It was commonly thought that the shopkeepers reserved the better-quality groceries and nicer cuts of meat for the west-enders and for the officers' hoity-toity wives.He vividly describes how he became a rebellious child, going bird-nesting, running wild in Court Barn, scrumping apples, collecting ammunition, scavenging on the Ranges, and 'borrowing' a boat to row on the Alver. As he grew up, his hang-outs changed and he met his friends 'up the Tower', at the Bluebird Cafe or in the amusement arcade. Despite his reputation for being a rebel, John followed in his father's footsteps by joining the RAF before becoming a 'Marconi man' in the merchant navy, sailing to every corner of the world.

Reminiscences of a Pioneer
A collection of fascinating memoirs of Colonel William Thompson, an american pioneer that fought in the Modoc War of 1872-73.

Learn to Read with Phonics - Book 2
A new revolutionary phonic reading scheme. Learn To Read With Phonics teaches reading rapidly, in as little as six months PROVEN! Children love reading about the humorous adventures of Sam and his friends. They hardly realise that within each fun story are disguised phonic sounds. Learning to read with Guinea Pig has never been so easy or so much fun. This exciting scheme has been written by a Surrey teacher and tutor catering for the needs of the children she teaches. The scheme works well with young children starting out on reading. At the same time, it is ideal for older children who have failed to reach targets in literacy, for those who have experienced particular learning difficulties or where English is a second language. This scheme helps the student catch up fast. Beginner Reader Books 1-6 are a structured course that systematically introduces new sounds, each one building on the ones that went before.

How to Write a Novel in 90 Days
This concise guide tells you how to write a novel by using a systematic approach to writing.This guide is written by an author not a 'guru'.A simple step by step breakdown of how to plan each day.No fillers and no theory, just the hard facts in a concise guide.There are many guides about writing novels on the market but how many of them are written by prolific published authors? The answer is 'not many'. How can anyone write a guide unless they have been through the writing process many times before? The simple answer to this question is they can't because they cannot feed on their own actual experiences to help another writer to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls.Most guides regurgitate information which they have picked up from creative writing books or sites.How can they give you advice when they have never sat down and focused on creating a novel which will sell, many times over?Writing a novel is the same as any other task we undertake as individuals. We have to learn how to do it in order to do it well. When you first learn to drive, you need lessons. No one walks into the kitchen and creates a gourmet dish on their first attempt. If you want a system to apply to writing a book, then you need to take advice from an 'author' who has taken years to develop the process via experience.

15000 Useful Phrases
This incredibly useful book will appeal to writers, public speakers and anyone else who would like to improve their vocabulary. It contains a huge number of phrases which you can use in everyday speech and at special occasions, which will help you express your thoughts, ideas and feelings in a brand new way. A classic reference work, this edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.

101 Amazing Atari 2600 Facts
In this, the first title in Jimmy Russell's Games Console History series, we learn 101 amazing facts about Atari's seminal 2600, the first truly popular home family computer games system. The facts cover many areas, including the history, the hardware, game titles both rare and popular and some incredible information you probably never knew! Everyone from retro gamers who were there at the time to n00bz who think a PlayStation is Old School will find this excellent eBook jam packed full of fascinating trivia!

Protect Your Family Against Terrorism
Today we are all living under a credible terrorist threat, yet many people remain unprepared. Would you and your family know how to react if you were caught up in a terrorist attack? Do you take the necessary steps to protect your family from potential atrocities whenever you leave home?This book delivers the advice you need to ensure you and your family stay safe. Written in an easy-to-understand format by security experts with many years of field experience in both military and civilian scenarios, it describes how best to prepare for the possibility of an attack, how to react should an incident occur close to you, and what to do in the immediate aftermath.With sections that cover a range of scenarios from an attack on the underground or on public transport to an incident at a beach hotel or even on a cruise ship, you will find straight-talking, no-nonsense advice based on real scenarios that ensures you and your loved ones can make decisions and take action that could mean the difference between life and death.In addition to the various specific scenarios, you are also provided with advice on how to enhance your situational awareness in any situation, enabling you to protect your family from the next inevitable attack. Also included is a comprehensive checklist detailing actions to take prior to travelling away from home.Terrorist atrocities are becoming more frequent. Don't let your family find themselves in a dangerous situation without the knowledge of how best to react - Protect Your Family from Terrorism.

Caravan of Love
It's the winter of 2003. Annie and Tom have itchy feet. Living and dying in the same small area of Newcastle, England, and never seeing any other part of the world doesn't appeal to them one bit. But where, on this great big planet, would they be happy? New Zealand or Australia: too far away.Scotland or Yorkshire: not far enough.Spain or France: Too dumb to learn a language!So when Tom is offered a position as a tattoo artist, working in a brand new studio in Cork city, Ireland, the decision is made and their adventure unfolds.Travelling by ferry in their trusty camper van Tom is first to arrive. While he is getting settled into his new job and looking for somewhere to live, Annie is up the walls dealing with everything back in Newcastle. One sunny morning in July Annie waves goodbye to family, friends and the place she's called home since the day she was born, and sets off for her new life in Ireland with Tom and their three sons: seventeen-year-old Jack, sixteen-year-old Jamie and Robin who is seven.Each member of the family shares a different level of excitement and enthusiasm as they settle into the mouse and ant infested bungalow they rent from a local farmer for a year.Eventually their goal is in sight when they spot their dream house: an almost derelict farmhouse in the beautiful countryside of West Cork. With no building experience, some very laid back local tradesmen and a budget about half of what they need to complete the work, they begin the renovation.The building schedule goes nowhere according to plan and family life is strained to say the least.Have Annie and Tom made the biggest mistake of their lives, uprooting their whole family only to end up living in a dilapidated caravan in the middle of building site? Or, will their dream of a self-sufficient existence in their beautiful country farmhouse materialise. Read Annie's journal and experience the laughter, the tears and the many nervous breakdowns that ensue as the family's re-location story unfolds.

Learn to Read with Phonics - Book 4
A new revolutionary phonic reading scheme. Learn To Read With Phonics teaches reading rapidly, in as little as six months PROVEN! Children love reading about the humorous adventures of Sam and his friends. They hardly realise that within each fun story are disguised phonic sounds. Learning to read with Guinea Pig has never been so easy or so much fun. This exciting scheme has been written by a Surrey teacher and tutor catering for the needs of the children she teaches. The scheme works well with young children starting out on reading. At the same time, it is ideal for older children who have failed to reach targets in literacy, for those who have experienced particular learning difficulties or where English is a second language. This scheme helps the student catch up fast. Beginner Reader Books 1-6 are a structured course that systematically introduces new sounds, each one building on the ones that went before.