Letters of Lord Nelson - Volumes 1 and 2
A collection of the personal letters of one of history's greatest military minds to his mistress Lady Hamilton.

Twenty-Two Years a Slave and Forty Years a Freeman
The fascinating and harrowing autobiography of Austin Steward, a man born into slavery in Virginia who later escaped to Canada and eventually became president of Wilberforce Colony, a Quaker establishment.

Letters of a Javanese Princess
The famous letters written by prominent Javanese and Indonesian national heroine Raden Ajeng Kartini to her friends in Europe, originally published as 'Door Duisternis tot Licht' (Out of Dark Comes Light).

Hospital Sketches
During the American Civil War in 1862-1863 Louisa May Alcott, best known as the author of Little Women, spent six weeks as a volunteer nurse in the Union Hospital at Georgetown in Washington D.C. She later published these sketches based on her experiences at the hospital.

John Barleycorn
A fascinating autobiographical account of the author Jack London's personal experiences with alcohol, both in its enjoyment and its addiction.

Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
A fascinating series of studies on the occult written by the great Scottish author and historian Sir Walter Scott.

Reminiscences of a Pioneer
A collection of fascinating memoirs of Colonel William Thompson, an american pioneer that fought in the Modoc War of 1872-73.

Compleat Angler
This fascinating and loving tribute to the sport of fishing by English writer Izaak Walton has long been regarded as an absolute classic.

Study of Words
A fascinating series of 7 lectures on philology (written language) given by 19th century Anglican archbishop and poet Richard Chenevix Trench, looking at, amongst other topics, the poetry of words, the history of words and the rise of new words.

Up from Slavery
The fascinating autobiography of late-19th/early-20th century African American educator, author, orator, and political leader Booker T. Washington.

Posthuman Blues
Posthuman Blues, Vol. I is first volume of the edited version of the popular weblog maintained by author Mac Tonnies from 2003 until his tragic death in 2009. Tonnies' blog was a pastiche of his original fiction, reflections on his day-to-day life, trenchant observations of current events, and thoughts on an eclectic range of material he culled from the Internet. What resulted was a remarkably broad portrait of a thoughtful man and the complex times in which he lived, rendered with intelligence, imagination, and a wickedly absurdist sense of humor.

German Olympics Topic Pack
The enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the Olympics makes it an ideal topic for teaching German. Not only will pupils learn the German words for sports, we also give you ideas to reinforce vocabulary and sentence structures for a range of topics, from colours and weather to numbers and travel. In addition, using the information on Germany at the Olympics included in the resource will help to cover the Intercultural Strand of the Framework for Modern Languages. The German Olympics Topic Pack contains photocopiable activities and games which include: flashcards; picture flashcards; word searches, crossword puzzles and other word games; listening activities; bingo and other games; sentence building activities; and background information on Germany at the Olympics.

Forever Take My Hand
Iris Therese Smith Reid was born in Grimsby in 1938, and she gives a vivid account of what it was like to be a child growing up during the war. It was a time of great hardship and sometimes terror as Grimsby was ravaged by German bombing raids during the Blitz, but Iris recalls many lighter moments too, the games she played among the bombsites and the memorable characters she knew. The second part of this biography covers Iris's working family life, most of which was spent in and around Grimsby. Now in her late seventies, Iris has spent the last sixteen years looking after her husband, Francis, who has vascular dementia. Part three relates how she and Francis have struggled with his illness together and how they continue to get the most out of life.

French Festivals and Traditions KS3
This invaluable, time-saving resource provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year. For each festival and tradition you will find background information, key vocabulary, detailed lists of possible teaching activities and optional pupil sheets. Ideas range from making cards and reading/writing poems to playing game and cooking traditional recipes.

Dear Miss Landau
Every morning James Christie puts on a blue rugby shirt and jeans. His wardrobe is full of identical outfits. Every day he eats the same meal and drinks from the same mug. These are not ingrained habits, but survival strategies. For James, coping with new experiences feels like smashing his head through a plate glass window. The only relief comes from belting the heavy bag at the boxing club or watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He's an autistic man lost in a neuro-typical world. Differently wired. Alien.Despite a high IQ, it seems he'll spend the next 20 years cleaning toilets. But then his life takes an amazing turn - from a Glasgow tenement to a rendezvous with a Hollywood star on Sunset Boulevard.On that road trip across America, the man who feels he lacks a soul will find it. Eight time zones and 5,000 miles away, he has a date with the actress who played Drusilla, the kooky vampire who changed his life when he saw her in a Buffy episode. Drusilla has no soul either. And maybe that's the attraction. But Drusilla is fictional. The lady he'll see on Sunset is Juliet Landau. She's real, and that's a very different proposition...

Spanish Olympics Topic Pack
The enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the Olympics makes it an ideal topic for teaching Spanish. Not only will pupils learn the Spanish words for sports, we also give you ideas to reinforce vocabulary and sentence structures for a range of topics, from colours and weather to numbers and travel. In addition, using the information on Spain at the Olympics included in the resource will help to cover the Intercultural Strand of the Framework for Modern Languages. The Spanish Olympics Topic Pack contains photocopiable activities and games which include: flashcards; picture flashcards; word searches, crossword puzzles and other word games; listening activities; bingo and other games; sentence building activities; and background information on Spain at the Olympics.

French Olympics Topic Pack
The enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the Olympics makes it an ideal topic for teaching French. Not only will pupils learn the French words for sports, we also give you ideas to reinforce vocabulary and sentence structures for a range of topics, from colours and weather to numbers and travel. In addition, using the information on France at the Olympics included in the resource will help to cover the Intercultural Strand of the Framework for Modern Languages. The French Olympics Topic Pack contains photocopiable activities and games which include: flashcards; picture flashcards; word searches, crossword puzzles and other word games; listening activities; bingo and other games; sentence building activities; and background information on France at the Olympics.

German Pen Pals Made Easy KS3
German Pen Pals Made Easy provides an easy way for pupils to communicate in German with other German speakers. It contains fill-in-the-gap letters, so even pupils just beginning to learn German can have the satisfaction of being able to communicate effectively in German. The format is ideal for non-specialist teachers as it does not require fluency and little or no preparation is required. English translations of the letters are included, as are lists of vocabulary, key grammar points and extension ideas. For the student, German Pen Pals Made Easy is easy to follow, instills confidence and helps to foster positive attitudes towards foreign language learning.

Top Secret - Stewie Scraps Teacher Resource
This teacher resource is designed to accompany and extend the Stewie Scraps series of reading books. The worksheets explore and develop children's understanding of each book in turn. The teacher's notes explain the tasks and give suggestions to help foster reading, writing and comprehension skills.

100+ Fun Ideas for Teaching French across the Curriculum
Bring French to life and make it meaningful by linking it to other subjects using a Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. The practical, easy-to-use ideas in this book will make it easy to integrate language learning across the curriculum. By incorporating French into maths, science, history, geography, ICT, etc, your language learning will complement and enhance learning in other subjects, rather than compete with them for crucial teaching and learning time. Telling you that "e;six fois sept egal 42"e; is much more exciting for your class than just practising time tables! With the help of this book, soon your pupils will be able to tell you "e;Oui, c'est exact"e; if their science predictions were correct or enjoy being able to "e;envoyer un document"e; (send a document) in ICT.

Giochiamo Tutti Insieme
Giochiamo Tutti Insieme contains 20 easy-to-play games that are a fun way to practise speaking and listening to Italian. Children will practise speaking and listening without realizing it! The games are flexible and can easily be adapted to teach other Italian vocabulary. Games help children to become more confident Italian speakers in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.