Ispr?vile lui P?cal?
Iubite cititor. Multe prostii vei citit, de cnd eti. Citete, rogute, i aceste i pe undei vedea c nui vin la socoteal, ia pana n mn i d i tu altceva mai bun la iveal, cci eu atta mam priceput i atta am fcut." Autorul
Stejarul din Borze?ti
Franta avu multi fabulisti nici unul insa nu ajunse pe La Fontaine si sa va spun eu pentru ce? Pentru ca fabula nu sufera secatura si umplutura; ea cere pe langa talent o armonie un stil simplu; ea e datoare sa spuna numai ce trebuie nici o silaba mai mult. Si cine avea mai multa armonie decat Donici! In bordei ca si in palat fabulele lui sunt citite si intelese. – Costache Negruzzi
Fabule ?i Satire
In ampla structura a vitalului dincolo si mai adanc decat omul marunt si decat cel elementar Garleanu gaseste o noua forma a vietii sprijinind si incluzand pe toate celelalte mai inaintate si mai complexe forma umila a vitalitatii expresia ei cea mai simpla si cea mai generala. Povestitorul ii imbratiseaza destinul cu pietate panteista si inveselindu-se sau varsand o lacrima pe seama ei plange si rade de sine insusi de toti oamenii laolalta si poate chiar de zei. Este aci o atitudine tipica a naturalismului modern adica a acelei indrumari literare formate in scoala interpretarii stiintifice a vietii care se calauzeste de convingerea ca umanul se rezolva in biologie si ca spiritul nu are alte legi decat acele ale vietii in general. Unitatea vietii permite aflarea talcurilor ei generale in acele din formele ei care fiind mai simple sunt in acelasi timp mai limpezi...“ – Tudor Vianu Arta prozatorilor romani
Evim Dolar Evim: “Evinden Para Kazan”
Evini kiraya veren ev sahipleri!!Art?k ayl?k sabit kira bedeline mahkum de?ilsiniz!Hem eviniz sürekli kontrolünüz alt?nda olacak, Hem de yeterli hizmeti vererek daha fazla para kazanabileceksiniz.Bu s?rada dünyan?n her yerinden bir?ok dostunuz tan?d???n?z insanlar olacak.Bu kitapta evinizi nas?l, nerde, ne ?ekilde, pazarlayarak daha fazla kazan? elde edebilece?inizin ipu?lar? verilmi?tir.Hem e?lenin Hem kazan?n!!! ?NS?Z / G?R??Uzun y?llar i? hayat?nda ini?li ??k??l?, yorucu ve stres dolu zamanlardan sonra. Ebru art?k kendi i?ini yapmal?s?n bu kadar ko?tur ko?tur nereye kadar seslerine 2 y?l sonra kulak verdim. ?e?itli i?ler yapt?m ?ok ?e?itli desem yeri var J s?ralayacak olursam siz bile ?a??racaks?n?z.?ngiltere’de telefon uygulamalar? haz?rlay?p Türkiye’ye pazarlayan bir firman?n home ofise online dan??manl???,Italyan Panorama Vitrin Dizayn firmas?n?n ?stanbul’daki markalar?n Vitrin Tasar?m projelerinin haz?rlanmas?,Ing?ltere’den Erkek Giyim üzerine Türkiye’den ithalat yapan firman?n mü?teri temsilcili?i,?ngiltere Assosia firmas?n?n Türkiye’de Marka denetimiTabii bunlar hep otelcili?in yan?nda ekstra gelir i?in yapt???m i?lerdi. Malum ?stanbul gibi bir yerde tek ba??na ayakta kalabilmek emek ister.As?l mesle?im otelcilik, 15 y?l boyunca Laleli ve Taksim b?lgesinde baz? otellerde muhasebe de daha sonra da y?netici olarak g?rev ald?m. Gelin siz dü?ünün nas?l deli gibi ?al??t???m?.Tatiller falan benim i?in lüks ?tesi bir ?eydi. Tatile ??kacak olsam vicdan azab? ?ekerdim J kald? ki hala tatil konseptine al??amad?m ama al???yorum art?k yava? yava?.Ger?? yapt???m en büyük tatil;yurt d???nda yasayan ablam Türkiye’ye geldiginde, a?lemle gec?rd?g?m 3 gunluk tat?l olmu?tu o da bilgisayar ve telefon ba??nda JNeyse uzun laf?n k?sas? art?k etraf?ma kulak verd?m ve ucundan ba?layal?m bakal?m ded?m. Otelc?l?k d?neminde zaten otel mü?terileri haricinde acentalar olsun, eski misafirlerimiz olsun sürekli konaklama ihtiya?lar? olurdu ve biz de bildi?imiz ?al??t???m?z yerlere y?nlendirirdik.Her ?ey bir tarafa, ?ncelikle sunu s?ylemek isterim ki ?ok merakli ve ara?t?rmac? bir ki?ili?im vard?r malum Basak burcuyum J Taksim’de bir otelde y?neticilik yaparken gitmedi?im online pazarlama e?itimi, okumad???m kitap, ara?t?rmad???m konu kalmad? desem abartm?? olmam. ?imdi meyvelerini topluyorum zaten. BU KITAP KIMLER ICIN HAZIRLANDI.Bu kitap 2 grup i?in haz?rland?1. Hali haz?rda dairesi olup bu sekt?rün i?inde olanlar ve geli?tirmek isteyenler.2. Bu sekt?rü duymu? ve dairesini de?erlendirmek isteyen ama nas?l yapaca??n? bilemeyenler i?in.Hali haz?rda ev sahibi olanlar bir ?ok konuya vak?f olabilirsiz ama bunun yan? sira nas?l daha da ilerleye bilir ve en iyi evsahibi olabilirsiniz. Bu geli?im size arama sonu?lar?nda bulundu?unuz b?lgedeki evler aras?nda daha ust s?ralarda ??kman?za yard?mc? olacakt?r.Ev sahipleri evlerini de?erlendirmek isteyenler ama bir turlu cesaret edemeyenler. Sizler i?in de her bir detay anlat?larak ad?m ad?m bu i?i nas?l yapabilece?inizi nas?l yard?mlar alabilece?iniz.
Dirmil ?mürcüsü: Roman
Y?rede ya?am??, Halk A???? Emin Demirayak ve Kadir Türen gibi Teke kültürünün en yetkin, en üretken saz ve s?z ustalar?n?n dolu dolu ge?en s?ra d??? ya?am ?ykülerini, folklor zenginli?ini ve s?cak insan ?ykülerini masals? bir dil ile anlatan bir an? romand?r Dirmil ?mürcüsü. ?????????????? ? ? Orman?n bakanl?k eliyle kesili?ine silah?yla kar?? gelip hapis yatan, orman?n dingin gücünün i?inizde b?rakt??? inan?lmaz ya?ama iste?iyle sizi en yak?n ormana ko?turtacak bir ?a?r? ?yküsüdür. Emin Demirayak duyarl? sanat?? ki?ili?iyle haks?zl?klara kar?? duran, türküleri ta? plaklara kaz?nan dostlar? kadar dü?manlar? da olan ve sesiyle var olan Emin Demirayak, ?kavgalar?n birinde a?z? kulaklar?na kadar kesilir, kavgalar?n birinde de g?zü ??kar?l?r. Ve 1980 y?l?nda 12 Eylül’ün ilk saatlerinde 17 kur?unla sinsice ?ldürülür. Dirmil, da?larla ?evrili bir ovan?n ba??nda Oyuk da??na yaslanm??, ayaklar?n?n ucunda duran k?ylere yukardan bak?yordu. Bat?dan toplad??? tepeleri, do?uya da? s?ralar? ve platolar ?eklinde da??tm??t?. Bin y?ll?k sedirler, ard??lar tüm g?rkemiyle K?zlarsivrisi’nden ?ehre do?ru iniyordu. K?z?lc?klar, p?ynarlar, al??lar, ?am a?a?lar?, sedirler; ?i?e?ini a?m?? kekikler, papatyalar, da? menek?eleri, sessizlikte patlayan bin bir tomurcuk ar?lara, ku?lara, kelebeklere ve insanlara kollar?n? a?m?? beklemekteydi. Doruklar?n karlar? nisan ya?murlar?yla eridi. Yapraklardan dü?en damlalar, yama?lardan patlayan kara sular, p?narlar, dereler, kocaman Dirmil ?ay?’ndan k?püre k?püre ?a?layarak akt? ve Yaprakl?’da koca bir deniz olu?turdu. Oluktan akan sular, kal?n ?am a?ac? g?vdelerine oyulmu? yalaklar? doldurup da?lar?n vefal? dostu ke?ileri sulad??? gibi doruk ?ocuklar? i?in de bir plaj i?levini yap?yordu. Gulaz zaman?yd?; bütün ke?iler, koyunlar kuzulay?p sürüler ?o?ald?. Kuzular?n, o?laklar?n a??z sütlerine ?ocuklar, ?obanlar ortak oldu. Duman? tüten topraklar sürüldü. Ta?a, ku?a, topra?a deyip ü? kere at?ld? tohum. Ve bire bin verdi. HAL?L ERDEM ? 1961 Dirmil-Burdur do?umlu. Gazi ?niversitesi E?itim Fakültesi S?n?f ??retmenli?ini bitirdi. Türk?e B?lümünde lisans tamamlad?. Kar Ayd?nl??????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Dirmil ?mürcüsü???? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar?2006- 2014 Goca Meryem? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Tokat??????????????? (?ocuk Roman?) Kendi Yay?n? 2013 Teke Y?resi Halk ?nan?lar? (Ara?t?rma - inceleme) Kendi Yay?n? 2008 Karacao?lan Gelene?inde Dirmil Güzellemeleri ve ?yküler (Ara?t?rma inceleme) 2011 Alter Yay. Gece Mavisinde A?k?????????????? (?iir)?????? Kendi Yay?n? 1998 Ve Al???ld? ?lüme???? (?iir )????? Temmuz Yay?nlar? 1990 Kardan Adam?? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n? 1998 I??k Avc?lar??????? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n?) 2013 ??pten ??rendi?im Hayat?? ?ocuk Kitab?????????????? 2015 G?l Hikayeleri?????????? (?ykü)?????????????? ??????????????????????2015 ??iir ve yaz?lar?n? Bah?e, Mavi Umut, Bahar, ?al?, ??retmen Dünyas?, Dirmil, Noktam, Bezuvar, süje, Kar dergilerinde yay?nlad?. Beykonak E?itim ve Kültür Vakf? Yirce ?iir Yar??mas?nda. Ne-Var Yok ?iiriyle Birincilik ald?.(2004) Resim ?al??malar?n? da yürüten Halil ERDEM 3 ki?isel, 25 karma resim sergi etkinli?inde bulundu.
Kog??lniceanu ?n literatura istoric?? a Rom?niei ?i Alecsandri ?n literatura noastr?? poporan?? joac?? p?n?? la un punct rolul lui Columb ?n privin?a geografic??. – Bogdan P. Hasdeu Mihail Kog??lniceanu a fost una din acele naturi alese ce greu ?ncap c?teva al??turea ?n veac; pentru care timpul care l-a tr??it a fost prea scurt ?i spa?iul ?n care i-a fost ?nvoit s?? se mi?te prea ne?nc??p??tor spre a dezvolta uria?a putere a concep?iunilor cuget??rilor ?i n??zuin?ilor lui. – A.D. Xenopol
Goca Meryem
Birileri ?anakkale’de, Kurtulu? Sava??’nda sava??p tutsak olurken, ?ehit olurken baz? az?nl?klar ve a?a tak?m? geride kal?p mal mülk edinme pe?indedirler. Devlet y?netimindeki adamlar?n?n deste?iyle A?alar halk?n elindeki topra?a zorla el koyar. El koyduklar? yetmezmi? gibi halk? adeta k?le gibi ezer, s?mürür; ?nüne ??kan her engeli yok ederler.? Fakat Goca Meryem gibi bir kad?n ??kar ve kendili?inden olu?an hareketin ba??na ge?erek kanl? bir ba?kald?r? ger?ekle?tirir.? Sonras?nda ?smet ?n?nü deste?iyle Ziraat Bankas? kredi verir ve toprak reformu yap?l?r. ?Bu y?nüyle bu ?ykü ülkemizde ya?anm?? benzeri olmayan bir ?yküdür. ?Zulme ra?men romantizmi elden b?rakmayan, a?klar?n? koruyan insan ?ykülerini k?rk kaynak ki?inin anlat?m?na ba?l? olarak ger?ek kahraman ve yer adlar?yla yaz?lm?? bir an? romand?r Goca Meryem. K?y Ak da??n eteklerinde, kü?ük bir ovan?n k?y?s?nda duran tatl? iki tepeci?e yaslanm??t?. Ovalar?nda ahlat armutlar?, güz rengine boyanm?? meyvesiz a?a?lar, kü?ücük da? elmalar?, as?rl?k cevizler toprak daml? evleri sakl?yordu. K?y iki yakas? bir araya gelmemi?, zar zor ge?inen yoksul elli alt? haneden olu?uyordu. Her evin az ?ok ke?isi, koyunu; uysal ?küzleri, inekleri vard?. ???????? 1924 y?l?nda Cumhuriyetle birlikte ??rten k?yü Mu?la’dan al?n?p Burdur iline kat?ld?. Bu nedenle Mu?lal? birka? toprak sahibi topraklar?n? sat?p gitme karar? ald?. ?Bu teklif üzerine birka? kurnaz k?ylü toprak sahiplerine: ????????? “Bekleyin biz aram?zda g?rü?üp karar? size bildirece?iz,”dediler. Bir araya gelen Muhtar Karaca, Habip ve G?k ?akir, oturmu? bu konuyu tart???yorlard?: “Ta?lay?verelim gitsinler. Bu zamanda kim para bulmu? da toprak sat?n alacak. Satamazlar. Satamad??? topra?? ne yapacaklar? Gelip ekebilecekler mi? Sanm?yorum. ?ekip gidecekler, ?yle de?il mi?” dedi G?k ?akir. Habip: “Ta?layal?m vallahi, ta?land??? yere bir daha ad?mlar?n? atamazlar.” “Arkada?lar bu insanlarla y?llarca tarla kom?ulu?u yapm???z, birbirimizin lokmalar?n? yemi?iz, sonra babalar? da baba dostlar?d?r. Ay?p olmaz m? k?yden kuduz k?pek kovar gibi bu insanlar? ta?lamak!” G?k ?akir: “Ay?p diyorsun, ama toprak alacak para m? var?” “Oldu?u kadar veririz, gerisini harman kalk?m?ndan sonra deriz, olmad? taksit taksit ?deriz. Adamlar?n ba?ka bir se?ene?i g?rünmüyor gibi; kabul etmeyip de ne yapacaklar!” “??te ba?ka se?enekleri olmad??? i?in ta?layaca??z ya, ta?layal?m gitsinler!” deyip ?srar?n? sürdürdü G?k ?akir. “Hadi o zaman gazam?z mübarek olsun!”dedi onun silah arkada?? Habip. Zaten G?k ?akir ne derse ona uyard?. ?ünkü seferberlikte yaralan?p dü?tü?ünde kendisini omzuna al?p cephe gerisine ta??y?p kurtaran G?k ?akir’di. Ona bir can borcu vard?. O yüzden, o gün bu gün hep ayn? sibekten i?erlerdi. Karaca ne de olsa muhtard?. Bu i?e kar??mak istemiyordu. G?k ?akir ile Habip, birka? k?ylüyü yanlar?na ald?. Eli ta? tutan ne kadar ?oluk ?ocuk varsa toplad?lar. Mu?lal? toprak sahipleri, Karap?nar’?n ?nünde k?ylülerden gelecek haberi bekliyordu. K?ylüler, gizlendikleri yerden onlar? ta?a tuttular. Her bir yandan ya?mur gibi ta? ya??yordu. Toprak sahipleri neye u?rad?klar?n? anlayamad?lar. “Anam, yand?m! Can?n? seven ka?s?n!” “Hadi atla! “Tak tuk” Mu?lal?lar ka?arken ayaklar? k??lar?na yap???yordu. HAL?L ERDEM ?1961 Dirmil-Burdur do?umlu. Gazi ?niversitesi E?itim Fakültesi S?n?f ??retmenli?ini bitirdi. Türk?e B?lümünde lisans tamamlad?. Kar Ayd?nl??????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Dirmil ?mürcüsü????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar?2006- 2014 Goca Meryem? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Tokat??????????????? (?ocuk Roman?) Kendi Yay?n? 2013 Teke Y?resi Halk ?nan?lar? (Ara?t?rma - inceleme) Kendi Yay?n? 2008 Karacao?lan Gelene?inde Dirmil Güzellemeleri ve ?yküler (Ara?t?rma inceleme) 2011 Alter Yay. Gece Mavisinde A?k?????????????? (?iir)?????? Kendi Yay?n? 1998 Ve Al???ld? ?lüme???? (?iir )????? Temmuz Yay?nlar? 1990 Kardan Adam?? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n? 1998 I??k Avc?lar??????? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n?) 2013 ??pten ??rendi?im Hayat?? ?ocuk Kitab?????????? ????2015 G?l Hikayeleri?????????? (?ykü)???????????????????????????????????? 2015 ? ?iir ve yaz?lar?n? Bah?e, Mavi Umut, Bahar, ?al?, ??retmen Dünyas?, Dirmil, Noktam, Bezuvar, süje, Kar dergilerinde yay?nlad?. Beykonak E?itim ve Kültür Vakf? Yirce ?iir Yar??mas?nda. Ne-Var Yok ?iiriyle Birincilik ald?.(2004) Resim ?al??malar?n? da yürüten Halil ERDEM 3 ki?isel, 25 karma resim sergi etkinli?inde bulundu.
Russo ni se dovedeste… in aceasta opera mai renumita a lui, posesorul unui ?simt muzical?, pe care, in acelasi fel si cu aceleasi caracteristici, proza romaneasca nu-l manifestase mai inainte… Multimea conjunctiei ?si? in Cantarea Romaniei lucreaza ca un ?legatto? muzical, menit sa elimine articulatia logica si oarecum spatiala a propozitiilor si sa sublinieze continuitatea lor metodica. Nimeni mai mult ca Russo n-a folosit in proza noastra acest vechi ?si? biblic, procedeu magic si incantatoriu…“ – Tudor Vianu
Mo?tenirea Stonehenge
O cas? perfect?. O familie perfect?. Un secret mortal…O t?n?r? mam?, blond? ?i dr?gu??, dispare din casa ei din South Boston, l?s?nd ?n urm? un singur martor – fiica de patru ani – ?i un so? chipe? ?i secretos.Din clipa ?n care detectivul D.D. Warren intr? ?n confortabila cas? a familiei Jones, instinctul ?i spune c? ceva nu este ?n regul? la imaginea de ansamblu pe care cuplul s-a str?duit at?t de mult s? o creeze.?n timp ce via?a unei femei disp?rute se afl? ?n pericol ?i o furtun? amenin?? s? izbucneasc? ?n pres?, D.D. trebuie s?-?i dea rapid seama dac? Jason Jones este vinovat sau doar ?ncearc? s? ascund? ceva. Prioritatea ei num?rul unu devine aceea de a sta ?n calea poten?ialului uciga? ?i de a ap?ra noua posibil? victim?, un copil nevinovat, care a v?zut – poate – prea multe.?Cel mai captivant roman al s?u de p?n? acum… [Gardner este] o povestitoare ne?ntrecut?.“ – The Providence Sunday Journal?Fascinant… extrem de antrenant… plin de r?sturn?ri de situa?ie spectaculoase.“ – Publishers Weekly?O carte care ?l pune pe g?nduri pe cititor ?i ?i produce fiori. O realizare de geniu marca Gardner!“ – Romantic Times Book Reviews?Iubitorii genului ar trebui s? fie avertiza?i s? ??i ?nchid? bine u?ile ?nainte de a se apuca de citit.“ – Bookpage?F?r? ?ndoial?, cel mai complex roman al lui Gardner… o adev?rat? ?nc?ntare pentru fanii autoarei.“ – Booklist Grand Prix des Lectrices de ELLE, 2011
Safari ?ns?ngerat
Ce-ai face dac? propria ta sor? ar disp?rea ?ntr-o bun? zi f?r? urm??C?nd afl? c? sora ei mai mic? a disp?rut, Beatrice Hemming se ?ntoarce cu primul avion acas?, la Londra. ?n scurt? vreme, Tess este g?sit? moart?, aparent o sinucidere, iar poli?ia ?nchide dosarul. Convins? c? sora ei nu s-ar fi sinucis niciodat?, Beatrice se mut? ?n apartamentul lui Tess ?i p?trunde tot mai ad?nc ?n via?a ?i ?n secretele acesteia, ?n ?ncercarea de a-l descoperi singur? pe criminal. Pe urmele lui Tess, Beatrice afl? despre rela?ia ei ascuns?, despre participarea ei la un experiment medical, dar se afund? tot mai mult ?ntr-o ?ntunecat? camer? a oglinzilor, plin? de revela?ii tulbur?toare.C?ut?nd cu disperare adev?rul despre moartea surorii ei, va reu?i oare s? se redescopere pe sine?
O zi
Linda Blair, absolvent? de psihologie la Colegiul Wellesley din Massachusetts, a lucrat ?n cadrul unit??ii de comportament animal de la Medical Research Council, Universitatea Cambridge, studiind, ?mpreun? cu profesorul Robert Hinde, rela?iile dintre mam? ?i sugar la primate. A ob?inut ulterior o burs? la Harvard pentru a studia activit??ile de joc ?i dezvoltarea limbajului la copii ?i este psiholog clinician specializat ?n terapia cognitiv?.La sf?r?itul anilor 1980 a ?nceput s? ?in? prelegeri ?n ?coli ?i universit??i, pe tema adapt?rii la stresul examenelor. Particip? la emisiuni radio ?i TV ?i a publicat articole ?n The Guardian ?i ?n revista Psychologies. ?n prezent, semneaz? rubrici ?n The Times ?i ?n revista Junior.Este membr? a comitetului media pe care British Psychological Society ?l recomand? comentatorilor de pres?, radio ?i televiziune, membr? a British Psychological Society (unde este associate fellow) ?i a fost acreditat? de British Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies.
Recuerdo que en cierta ocasión tuve en mis manos un ejemplar de la Gaceta Imperial de Pekín, y al revolver sus finas hojas de papel de arroz, entre las apretadas columnas de misteriosos caracteres, sólo encontré dos anuncios comprensibles por sus grabados: el que llaman vulgarmente tío del bacalao, ó sea el marinero que lleva á sus espaldas un enorme pez, pregonando las excelencias de la Emulsión Scott, y una botella de largo cuello con la etiqueta ?Vichy-?tat?. Pocas empresas en el mundo habrán hecho la propaganda que la Compa?ía Arrendataria de las aguas de Vichy. Circulan por las calles de la peque?a y elegante ciudad francesa los pesados carromatos cargados de cajones, camino de la estación del ferrocarril. Marchan las botellas alineadas en apretadas filas al salir de Vichy, para luego esparcirse como una esperanza de salud. ?Adonde van?... ? ?AUTOR: Vicente Blasco Ibanez nacio el 29 de enero de 1867 en Valencia (Espana). Era hijo de Ramona Ibanez y del comerciante Gaspar Blanco. Estudio Derecho en la Universidad de Valencia. Participo en la politica uniendose al Partido Republicano". En 1894 fundo el periodico El pueblo. En el ano 1896, fue detenido y condenado a varios meses de prision. En 1889 contrajo matrimonio con Maria Blasco del Cacho, hija del magistrado Rafael Blasco y Moreno. Cuando subio al poder Canovas del Castillo, el escritor se exilio brevemente en la ciudad de Paris. Fue un autor vinculado en muchos aspectos al naturalismo frances. Por otra parte, la explicita intencion politicosocial de algunas de las novelas de Blasco Ibanez, aunada al escaso bagaje intelectual del autor, lo mantuvo alejado de los representantes de la Generacion del 98. Murio el 28 de enero de 1928 en Menton (Francia)a los 60 anos. Entre sus titulos destacan: "Arroz y Tartana" (1894), "La Barraca" (1898), "Entre Naranjos (1900), "Canas y Barro" (1902), "La Horda" (1905), "Sangre y Arena" (1908) o "Los Cuatro Jinetes Del Apocalipsis" (1916).
O femeie la doctor
Cu doar c?teva zile ?naintea Cr?ciunului, fostul agent secret Cotton Malone se vede nevoit s?-?i ?ntrerup? traiul ?n anticariatul s?u lini?tit, pentru a s?ri ?n ajutorul bunului s?u prieten, miliardarul Henrik Thorvaldsen. B?tr?nul danez este hot?r?t s?-?i r?zbune fiul ucis ?ntr-un schimb de focuri ?n capitala Mexicului, dar ambi?ia lui nu numai c? ?i pune via?a ?n pericol, ci ajunge s? scoat? la iveal? o adev?rat? conspira?ie interna?ional?. O aventur? ame?itoare, cu numeroase r?sturn?ri de situa?ie, ?l poart? pe Cotton Malone ?ntre Copenhaga, Londra ?i Paris, pun?ndu-i la ?ncercare intui?ia, priceperea, dar ?i loialitatea. Aflat ?ntr-o permanent? lupt? cu timpul, americanul va face tot posibilul s? ?mpiedice o serie de atacuri teroriste ce au ca ?int? mai multe monumente din capitala francez?, ?ncerc?nd totodat? s? nu-?i dezam?geasc? cel mai bun prieten. ?G?sim aici toate tr?s?turile distinctive ale lui Berry: anvergur?, grada?ie, r?sturn?ri de situa?ie, istorie – ?i suspans de la un cap?t la altul. ?mi place la nebunie tipul ?sta.“ – Lee Child ?Steve Berry ?mbin? abil suspansul contemporan ?i misterul istoric ?n cel mai recent roman cu fostul agent secret Malone… acest thriller urzit cu iscusin?? ofera o mul?ime de surprize.“ – Publishers Weekly
?n ?ntuneric
Coresponden?? primit? de Geo Bogza de la Stephan Roll, Sa?a Pan?, Mary-Ange Pan?, Victor Brauner, Ilarie Voronca, Colomba Voronca, grupul ?Alge“ ??n Epistolarul avangardist, care con?ine coresponden?a pe care Geo Bogza a primit-o de la reprezentan?ii grupului Alge, este ?i o poveste con?inut? aici, ?n aceste scrisori, o poveste de via??, de supravie?uire, de construire, de fapt, a unei poetici de grup ?i a unei ac?iuni culturale rom?ne.“ – Carmen Mu?at ?Pe mine cel mai mult m-a emo?ionat Epistolarul. Au fost ni?te lucruri de care nu ?tiam ?i pe care le-am citit cu foarte mult? emo?ie, ceea ce m-a f?cut s? mai r?scolesc ?i s? m? uit cu mai mult? aten?ie. Erau scrisori de la mama, am ?nceput s? m? uit ?i ?n jurnalul ei ?i am descoperit o serie de lucruri extraordinare. O s? continui s? cercetez.“ – Vladimir Pan?
American Indian Fairy Tales: [Illustrated Edition]
AMERICAN INDIAN FAIRY TALES?By W.T. Larned, 1921, ?Twenty-ninth Edition??* Iagoo, the Story-Teller?* Shin-ge-bis fools the North Wind?* The Little Boy and Girl in the Clouds?* The Child of the Evening Star?* The Boy who Snared the Sun?* How the Summer Came?* Grasshopper?* Mish-o-sha, the Magician?* The Fairy Bride??With one exception, all the tales in this book are adapted from the legends collected by Henry R. Schoolcraft, ethnologist and government agent for the Lake Superior country, and published in 1839 with the title, "Algic Researches."
Tara: "A Mahratta Tale"
The "Times."?"For its rapid action, in fact, we have seldom read a better story, or one which is more full of incidents, sanguinary, trenchant, and robust."??The "Daily Telegraph."?"A true and a wonderfully well-sustained piece of Oriental life and striking history."??The "Spectator."?"This is a very remarkable book. It is a determined attempt to bring the interior Hindoo and Mussulman life of a great Mahratta province during the most exciting times home to the hearts and understandings of Englishmen, to interest them in people with whom they have nothing except human nature in common."??"Morning Post."?"'Tara' is a unique work. There is nothing like it in the English literature of fiction. No other writer has ever attempted the portrayal of Indian life, society, and interests, entirely free from any European admixture of character or incident. The author himself now does so for the first time. 'The Confessions of a Thug' related to British jurisdiction in India. 'Tippoo Sultan' dealt with the gallant struggles of that monarch against the encroaching British power, but 'Tara' is all Indian."??"Saturday Review."?"It is seldom that we meet with a work of fiction executed with anything like the conscientious care and minute elaboration of Captain Meadows Taylor's Indian Tale. His characters have mostly the clearness and individuality of portraits, and his scenery exhibits all the marked and decisive features of photographs taken on the spot. The work throughout is evidently that of a master of Oriental life and character in love with his subject, to whom nothing appears trivial or beneath notice that can illustrate the peculiar traits of Asiatic nature, or kindle an enthusiasm for knowing more of the history, manners, and usages of our fellow-subjects in the east."??The "Standard."?"In no one part of the work has Captain Taylor shown more thorough art than in those pages in which he details the features of the Hindoo and Ma-homedan family life. He never overloads; his characters are not lay figures attired in triple folds of gorgeous robes to hide their nakedness. With a few subtle touches he shows us the interior life of each household, and the morning springs of every character, and he leaves us to fill in the obvious details for ourselves."???My Lord,?The scenes and characters which i have endeavoured to depict in these volumes will be necessarily new and strange to you; but if they excite interest in the native annals of a country of which i find but little real knowledge existing, the object of the work will have been attained; while, by the kind courtesy which permits me to dedicate it to you, your excellency confers upon me a very sincere gratification.??I have the honour to be,?Your Lordship's very faithful servant,??MEADOWS TAYLOR.
Corporate paradoxes
"---this fantasy of a night-black, dead planet, with the remains of the human race concentrated in a stupendously vast metal pyramid & besieged by monstrous, hybrid & altogether unknown forces of darkness, is something that no reader can ever forger" (H. P. Lovecraft)."One of the most potent pieces of macabre imagination ever written" -?H.P.Lovecraft. Lovecraft wasn't wrong: this is, perhaps, the greatest single work of fantastic fiction in the English language. The sun has died, as have the stars. Not a solitary light shines in the heavens. The days of light are nothing by a legend?-?they are a story told to soothe children. The last millions of humans still live in their Last Redoubt -?but the end of their days is at hand.
The Best Smoothie Recipe Book Anywhere
Vigyázat! Cselekményleírást tartalmaz. Szerelmek és félreértések klasszikus meséje a XVIII. századvégi Angliából. Az ?t Bennet n?vér élete a férjkeresés jegyében zajlik: anyjuk megszállottan próbálja biztosítani számukra a megnyugtató j?v?t valami pénzes – és lehet?leg rangos – férfiú mellett. Csakhogy a jó esz? és éles nyelv? Elizabeth szélesebb perspektívákban gondolkozik, és ebben apja is támogatja ?t. Amikor Mr. Bingley, a módos agglegény bek?lt?zik az egyik szomszédos birtokra, felbolydul a Bennet-ház élete. A férfi el?kel? londoni barátai és a vidékre vezényelt nyalka, ifjú katonatisztek k?zt bizonyára számos udvarlója akad majd a lányoknak. A legid?sebb lány, a der?s és gy?ny?r? Jane úgy t?nik, meghódítja Mr. Bingley szívét. Ami Lizzie-t illeti, ? megismerkedik a jókép?, és látszólag igencsak d?lyf?s Mr. Darcyval, és máris kezd?dik a nemek ádáz csatája. A helyzetet tovább bonyolítja, hogy Elizabeth nem várt házassági ajánlatot kap a Bennet-vagyont ?r?kl? unokatestvért?l, és amikor Mr. Bingely váratlanul Londonba távozik, magára hagyva a kétségbeesett Jane-t, Lizzie Mr. Darcyt teszi felel?ssé a szakításért. ?m egy Lydiával kapcsolatos családi válsághelyzet hamarosan ráébreszti h?sn?nket arra, hogy mindvégig balul ítélte meg ezt a büszke férfit… Eredeti hangú, máig modern, magával ragadó t?rténet, melyben magunkra ismerhetünk.
The Coming of Age, the fourth volume of the series A Little Frog’s Heart is a hymn to Universal Grandparents, to their wisdom and eternal love for their grandchildren, a work of art which will find its admirers and readers among those who accept it as part of their lives. This picture is a perfect one but as we have already got used to author George V?rtosu, the reader might well be baffled by the information he has never known his grandparents! Though a tragic one, this reality offered him the most cherished Gift: from all the elders of the village he chose the wisest, the most industrious and enchanting ones. He just took the best from each of them using his own imagination and so he created the perfect grandparents. When will you know that you have reached your coming of age? A bet on this topic between two fleas is rapidly transformed into a tragedy for their family, a true ?baptism of coming of age” for the main character of the story. You have the opportunity to learn how they are going to sort out this conflict and what are the truths of this marathon of surprising adventures reading the forth volume of the series A Little Frog’s Heart.
Arizona's Yesterday: [Illustrated]
This story belongs to the year 1837, and was regarded by the generations of that and a succeeding time as the most miraculous of all the recorded deliverances from death at sea. It may be told thus: Mr. Montagu Vanderholt sat at breakfast with his daughter Violet one morning in September. Vanderholt's house was one of a fine terrace close to Hyde Park. He was a rich man, a retired Cape merchant, and his life had been as chequered as Trelawney's, with nothing of romance and nothing of imagination in it. He was the son of honest parents, of Dutch extraction, and had run away to sea when about twelve years old. Nothing under the serious heavens was harsher, more charged with misery, suffering, dirt, and wretchedness, than seafaring in the days when young Vanderholt, with an idiot's cunning, fled to it from his father's comfortable little home. He got a ship, was three years absent, and on his return found both his father and mother dead. He went again to sea, and, fortunately for him, was shipwrecked in the neighbourhood of Simon's Bay. The survivors made their way to Cape Town, and presently young Vanderholt got a job, and afterwards a position. He then became a master, until, after some eight or ten years of heroic perseverance, attended by much good luck, behold Mr. Vanderholt full-blown into a colonial merchant prince. How much he was worth when he made up his mind to settle in England, after the death of his wife, and when he had disposed of his affairs so as to leave himself as free a man as ever he had been when he was a common Jack Swab, really signifies nothing. It is certain he had plenty, and plenty is enough, even for a merchant prince of Dutch extraction. Besides Violet, he had two sons, who will not make an appearance on this little brief stage. They are dismissed, therefore, with this brief reference—that both were in the army, and both, at the time of this tale, in India. Violet was Vanderholt's only daughter, and he loved her exceedingly. She was not beautiful, but she was fair to see, with a pretty figure, and an arch, gay smile. You saw the Dutch blood in her eyes, as you saw it in her father's, whose orbs of vision, indeed, were ridiculously small—scarcely visible in their bed of socket and lash. An English mother had come to Violet's help in this matter. Taking her from top to toe, with her surprising quantity of brown hair, soft complexion, good mouth, teeth, and figure, Violet Vanderholt was undoubtedly a fine girl. THE LAST ENTRY "OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON THE LAST ENTRY": '"The Last Entry" is a rattling good salt-water yarn, told in the author's usual breezy, exhilarating style.'-”Daily Mail. 'In this new novel Mr. Russell has cleverly thrown its events into the year 1837, and there are one or two ingenious passages which add to the Diamond Jubilee interest which that date suggests.... "The Last Entry" is as certain of general popularity as any of Mr. Russell's former tales of the marvels of the sea.'-”Glasgow Herald. 'We do not think it possible for anyone to dip into this novel without desiring to finish it, and it adds another to the long list of successes of our best sea author.'-”Librarian. 'In addition to mutiny and murder, "The Last Entry" contains many of those good things which have made Mr. Russell's pages a joy to so many lovers of the sea during the last twenty years.... "The Last Entry" is a welcome addition to Mr. Clark Russell's library.'-”Speaker. 'The writer is as realistic and picturesque as usual in his vivid descriptions of the stagnant life on board the homeward-bound Indiaman.'-”Times. 'It is full of pleasant vigour.... As is always the case in Mr. Clark Russell's books, the elements are treated with the pen of an artist.'-”Standard. 'We expected plenty of go, of fresh and vigorous description of sea-faring life, coupled with a story which would not be wanting in interest. All this we have here.'”-Tablet.
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: (Illustrated)
". . . aphorism are seldom couched in such terms, that they should be taken as they sound precisely, or according to the widest extent of signification; but do commonly need exposition, and admit exception: otherwise frequently they would not only clash with reason and experience, but interfere, thwart, and supplant one another." ? ? ? ? Issac Barrow "The very essence of an aphorism is that slight exaggeration which makes it more biting whilst less rigidly accurate." ? ? ? ?—Leslie Stephen There are of course, girls and girls; yet at heart they are pretty much alike. In age, naturally, they differ wildly. But this is a thorny subject. Suffice it to say that all men love all girls-the maid of sweet sixteen equally with the maid of untold age. There is something exasperatingly something-or-otherish about girls. And they know it—which makes them more something-or-otherish still:—there is no other word for it. A girl is a complicated thing. It is made up of clothes, smiles, a pompadour, things of which space and prudence forbid the enumeration here. These things by themselves do not constitute a girl which is obvious; nor is any one girl without these things which is not too obvious. Where the things end and the girl begins many men have tried to find out. Many girls would like to be men—except on occasions. At least so they say, but perhaps this is just a part of their something-or-otherishness. Why they should want to be men, men cannot conceive. Men pale before them, grow hot and cold before them, run before them (and after them), swear by them (and at them), and a bit of a chit of a thing in short skirts and lisle-thread stockings will twist able-bodied males round her little finger.It is an open secret that girls are fonder of men than they are of one another—which is very lucky for the men. Girls differ; and the same girl is different at different times. When she is by herself, she is one thing. When she is with other girls she is another thing. When she is with a lot of men, she is a third sort of thing. When she is with a man. . . But this baffled even Agur the son of Jakeh.As a rule, a man prefers a girl by herself. This is natural. And yet is said that you cannot have too much of a good thing. If this were true, a bevy of girls would be the height of happiness. Yet some men would sooner face the bulls of Bashan.Some foolish men—probably poets—have sought for and asserted the existence of the ideal girl. This is sheer nonsense: there is no such thing. And if there were, she could not compare with the real girl, the girl of flesh and blood—which (as some one ought to have said) are excellent things in woman. Other men, equally foolish, have regarded girls as playthings. I wish these men had tried to play with them. They would have found that they were playing with fire and brimstone. Yet the veriest spit-fire can be wondrous sweet.Sweet? Yes. On the whole a girl is the sweetest thing known or knowable. On the 6 whole of this terrestrial sphere Nature has produced nothing more adorable than the high-spirited high-bred girl.—Of this she is quite aware—to our cost (I speak as a man). The consequence is, her price has gone up, and man has to pay high and pay all sorts of things—ices, sweets, champagne, drives, church-goings, and sometimes spot-cash.