My Weird School Daze #5: Officer Spence Makes No Sense!
The weirdness never stops! The security guard at Ella Mentry School has gone off the deep end! Somebody is stealing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches from the vomitorium, and Officer Spence is on the case. He's arresting everybody in sight! Somebody is going to go to jail! Who is itYou'll have to read the book to find out.
My Weird School Daze #7: Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad!
The weirdness never stops! Ella Mentry School's counselor wants everybody to stop arguing and get along with one another. He wants everybody to be polite! He wants everybody to live in peace and harmony! What is his problemNow the boys have to play with dolls! The girls have to play with action figures! And that's only the start of Dr. Brad's weird methods. . . .
How It Works
Manual of how things work, with 233 illustrations, first published around 1905. "Dealing in Simple Language With Steam, Electricity, Light, Heat, Sound Hydraulics, Optics etc." According to Wikipedia: "Archibald Williams (1871-1934) was an English technical journalist and fellow of hte Royal Geographical Society."
The Republic
The Republic
In Search of Lost Time: Or “? la Recherche du temps perdu”
In Search of Lost Time: Or “? la Recherche du temps perdu”
Herois do Antigo (Edi??o Portuguesa): Episódio 1x01 da saga Espada dos Deuses
Sem memória de seu passado, o Coronel Mikhail Mannuki’ili, das For?as Especiais Angelicais, desperta gravemente ferido em sua nave acidentada. A mulher da Idade da Pedra que salva sua vida, Ninsianna, tem uma extraordinária habilidade de cura. Mas quem matou Mikhail? E por que? . Ninsianna sempre teve um relacionamento especial com a deusa. Ela vem de uma longa linhagem de xam?s e curandeiros. Quando ela foge para o deserto, para escapar do casamento for?ado com o dominador filho do Chefe, a última coisa que ela esperava era que um homem alado caísse do céu! . Enquanto isso, no firmamento, quatro espécies de supersoldados geneticamente modificados lutam contra sua potencial extin??o. O primeiro-ministro Lúcifer, filho adotivo do imperador, arquiteta um plano para superar os desejos de seu pai imortal. . ? a vida ou a morte nesta primeira edi??o do épico sci-fantasy, recontando o mito de anjos caídos: Espada dos Deuses. . Este livro n?o é uma fic??o de religi?o. . . Ordem de leitura - série Sword of the Gods: —Espada dos Deuses (conter 'Heróis do Antigo' novela) —N?o há Lugar para Anjos Caídos —Fruta Proibida (em breve)
Imperfect Love
At 24 years old, Holly Scallanger has the perfect life. Everything a girl could want; a beautiful man, a stunning home, as well as being in the midst of preparing for the wedding of her dreams. This all vanishes the night she catches her fiancé, Brandon Morgan, in bed with her worst nightmare, Donna Sinclair, just a week before Holly is set to walk down the aisle. Attempting to recover from his betrayal, Holly swears off the affections of men in order to pick up the pieces of her crumbling life. Unfortunately, meeting Jake 'Hooligan' Peters is not part of her plan. The tall, dark-haired and handsome as hell med student, sweeps Holly away from the pain of her past and reveals to her the bright future that lies ahead. That is, until she falls pregnant just as Jake begins his internship at P&E; his family's hospital. Will this love at first sight lead her to the fairytale she has always craved? Or, will she fall victim to a betrayal of the heart yet again?
Poems of William Blake: "A Selection of Blake's Poems"
The Dark House was written in the year 1922 by Ida Alexa Ross Wylie. This book is one of the most popular novels of Ida Alexa Ross Wylie, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
The Winning of the West: all four volumes
Volume 1 - from the Alleghanies to the Mississippi 1769-1776; Volume 2 - from the Alleghanies to the Mississippi 1777-1783; Volume 3 -- The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths 1784-1790; Volume 4 - Louisiana and the Northwest 1791-1807. According to Wikipedia: "Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919), also known as T.R., and to the public (but never to friends and intimates) as Teddy, was the 26th President of the United States. A leader of the Republican Party and of the Progressive Party, he was a Governor of New York and a professional historian, naturalist, explorer, hunter, author, and soldier. He is most famous for his personality: his energy, his vast range of interests and achievements, his model of masculinity, and his "cowboy" image. Originating from a story from one of Roosevelt's hunting expeditions, teddy bears are named after him."
新编日语 第4册(重排本)
本书是《新编日语》第四册的修订本。多年来的教学实践证明,《新编日语》的编写内容、编写原则及体例是符合日语教学的规律与要求的,在培养学生基础阶段扎实的日语知识和灵活的运用能力方面起到了良好的作用,取得了可喜的成果。本次修订在保留原书编写特的基础上,对部分内容作了适量的修改与补充。 本书是高等院校日语专业基础阶段教材第四册,供二年级上学期使用。本书的编写原则是从听说手,听说与读写并重。参照教学大纲的要求,编日语语音、文字、词汇、语法、句型、功能用语等方面的内容。题材以学校、家庭、社会为主,同时兼顾日本文化、风俗习惯等。全书共十八课,每课由本文、会话、应用文、单词、词语与表达、功能用语六个部分构成。每课配有练习,既可作为课堂教学的补充,又可作为课外作业。书后附有单词索引。
Poetry I: The Writers Call
"Reaches into the corners of your soul and pulls out all that is beautiful." "Masterfully crafted poetry". "A powerhouse of a poetry collection." Poetry: there are times in life when nothing else will do. And at such times, you need a certain kind of poem, the kind contained in this pamphlet. Clear, simple, accessible, inspirational poetry. This is the first in a series of poetry pamphlets by a bestselling and acclaimed novelist, a short collection of ten poems with diverse forms and subjects. "Poetry should be ingested sparingly," says Orna Ross. "like any mind-altering substance. More than ten at a time is too much, I believe." These are poems you read again and again, touching as they do on all the big themes. An artist fails to see what he is creating in his life; a woman surviving genocide making meaning from maternity; an Irish wedding blessing is reworked... You'll find poems about love -- in its many manifestations. Poems about making art. Poems about life and liberty and the conditions for happiness. Poems about loss, and faith, and redemption. All delivered in direct, achingly lovely language. This is poetry in the tradition of Mary Oliver, William Stafford, Maya Angelou. The purest practice of the theory Orna Ross expounds in her "Go Creative!" books.
本书特色: ①内容循序渐、符合学习规律:设置发音、书写、单词、实用句子、情景会话、场景小知识等内容,循序渐、科学学习! ②初学者口即说、迅速上手:本书全部韩文均配备了罗马音和汉字谐音两种发音工具,帮助任何零基础初学者迅速口! ③列举基础单词、无限扩充单词量:全书 96个场景共收录了近2000个单词,让您的单词量飞速倍增! ④设置场景会话、日常交流没问题:14大主题、96个常用生活情景,840多个实用句子、近200组会话,足以轻松应对任何场景会话! ⑤地道韩语发音、MP3随听随学:收录全书内容,发音、单词、句子、会话,资深外教地道发音,走到哪儿学到哪儿! ⑥附赠PDF格式韩文字帖,练就一手漂亮韩文:40页PDF格式的韩文字帖,请从本书光盘中下载,用A4纸张印,可以多次印、反复练习。
Building Web Applications with Python and Neo4j
If you are a Python developer and want to expand your understanding of Python-based web applications over Neo4j graph data models, this is the book for you.
魔幻偵探所 #19-滴血山路
My First Old Testament Bible Stories
God is the creator. That means He made everything that you see in the whole world. God made you too.
Creating your MySQL Database: Practical Design Tips and Techniques
This book takes a practical approach, implementing all theoretical concepts with examples. It is a fast-paced tutorial that focuses on critical decisions that you need to make every time you build MySQL databases. It is rich with tips and advice from an experienced practitioner. Anyone working with applications that use a MySQL database backend will benefit greatly from the advice and techniques in this book. Although a working knowledge of both SQL and MySQL is assumed, the book is suitable for both beginners and intermediate users alike. Whether you read it through and absorb the advice or work through it on a live project, the efficiency and maintainability of your databases will certainly improve as a result.
My Weird School Daze #1: Mrs. Dole Is Out of Control!
A.J. and the gang are graduating! But the out-of-control PTA president is turning the whole thing into a huge ceremony complete with fireworks, a petting zoo, and a flyover by the Blue Angels! Is moving up to third grade such a big dealAnd what could possibly go wrong?
A Series of Unfortunate Events #1: The Bad Beginning 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险系列1
Dear Reader, I'm sorry to say that the book you are holding in your hands is extremely unpleasant. It tells an unhappy tale about three very unlucky children. Even though they are charming and clever, the Baudelaire siblings lead lives filled with misery and woe. From the very first page of this book when the children are at the beach and receive terrible news, continuing on through the entire story, disaster lurks at their heels. One might say they are magnets for misfortune. In this short book alone, the three youngsters encounter a greedy and repulsive villain, itchy clothing, a disastrous fire, a plot to steal their fortune, and cold porridge for breakfast. It is my sad duty to write down these unpleasant tales, but there is nothing stopping you from putting this book down at once and reading something happy, if you prefer that sort of thing. With all due respect, Lemony Snicket